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Serving Belmont, Mount Holly, Stanley, Cramerton, and McAdenville | Volume 79 • Issue 2 • Wednesday, January 8, 2014

‘Recreational jewel’


Gaston Bridge gets new marker By Alan Hodge

Hundreds and hundreds of vehicles pass over the Keener Blvd. bridge in Belmont every day, yet few drivers have probably paid much attention to the small bronze plaque on the railing naming it for the late Harley B. Gaston Sr. Now, as part of a NCDOT program to use larger signs for naming bridges, Gaston’s name is more prominently displayed with a large, green and white one sure to grab attention. But who was Harley Black Gaston, Sr., and what did he do to deserve hav-

ing the bridge named in his honor in the first place? According to material provided by Gaston’s daughter, Margaret Gaston Bates, he was born one of nine children on a farm in Lowell on Nov. 20, 1891 to Samuel Jackson Gaston and his wife, Cora Black Gaston. He attended school in Lowell, then graduated from Belmont High. After high school, Gaston graduated from Trinity College, now known as Duke University, in 1914 and pursued a career as an educator for three years. Gaston was attending law school at UNC-Chapel Hill in 1917 when the

U.S. entered WWI. Feeling the need to serve his country, he enlisted in the U.S. Army in August of that year and by November had been Harley B. Gaston Sr. commissioned a Second Lieutenant in Co. K, 39th Infantry, See BRIDGE, 7

Photo by Jack Zyble

Crowders Mountain named NC 2013 Park of the Year By Alan Hodge

Folks who live in Gaston and Cleveland county as well as cities like Belmont, Mount Holly, and Kings Mountain have long known that Crowders Mountain State Park is an easy to get to recreational jewel that offers everything from hiking to canoeing in one place. Now, that convenience and natural beauty has been recognized with Crowders Mountain being named 2013 Park of the Year by the NC Division of Parks and Recreation. “It was a team effort,� Crowders Mountain park superintendent Larry Hyde said of the honor. “Everyone

worked hard on this.� According to Parks and Recreation, Crowders Mountain was chosen for the honor because of the natural resource management, volunteerism and expanded recreation opportunities that are in evidence there. “Crowders Mountain has developed into one of our busiest state parks with more than 300,000 visitors each year, yet the staff has found time to develop new ideas in recreation, protection of natural resources and involvement with the community,� said Lewis Ledford, state parks director. Initiatives that staff at Crowders Mountain See PARK, 7

Gellhorn remembered War correspondent, novelist, editor ALAN HODGE

These days, folks are flocking to Gaston County and its towns seeking refuge from the traffic and endless seas of subdivisions across the Catawba River. Not only that, but they are also looking for a place to start and prosper a business. In fact, Gaston, especially the eastern part, is often looked at as an ideal location to live, play, and work. But such was not the case during the Great Depression. In fact not long after he was elected, U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had his New Deal begin focusing on places in the nation where poverty was hitting the local populace

right between the eyes – and one of those places was Gaston County. In late 1933 at the height of the Great Depression, Federal Emergency Relief Administration director Harry Hopkins sent sixteen reporters to investigate social and economic conditions around the country. “I don’t want statistics from you,� he said. “I don’t want the social-worker angle. I just want your own reactions, as an ordinary citizen.� The reporter that Hopkins dispatched to Gaston County was named Martha Gellhorn. A 26-year-old, chain-smoking, tough as nails blonde with a no punches pulled writing style, Gellhorn would go on to become a world-famous war correspondent, novelist, editor, and the third wife of Ernest Hemingway- a fact she sometimes chaffed under. “I don’t want to be a See GELLHORN, 8

Photo by Alan Hodge

The horse drawn artillery caisson carrying the casket of Civil War reenactor Michael Rhyne made its way through Belmont last Thursday to Greenwood Cemetery where a full military and Masonic Rites service was held in his honor. By Alan Hodge

More than a few folks driving on S. Main Street near Greenwood Cemetery in Belmont last Thursday around 3pm did a double take at the sight of Civil War soldiers escorting a horse-drawn caisson carrying a flagdraped casket. About a half hour later, the shocking roar of a Civil War cannon being fired in the cemetery also tipped people off that something unusual was taking place. What was going on in a driving and bone chilling rain was the funeral service for Michael Gene Rhyne, Sr., 70, of Mount Holly who passed away Dec. 30 at Carolina Specialty Hospital in Pineville. The reason for the caisson and can-

non was the fact that Rhyne was a long-time Civil War re-enactor and member of the 5th U.S. Artillery Battery D and 1st NC Reilly’s Battery Horse Drawn Artillery where he held the rank of sergeant. Rhyne was also a Viet Nam vet. Naturally, his funeral reflected his love of Civil War history down to the fact that an honor guard of his friends dressed in Confederate and Union uniforms took part in the unique send off. Others who were part of the tribute included the Gaston County Honor Guard and members of the NC Army National Guard. Even more tribute was paid to Rhyne during the graveside service by a contingent of Freemasons. Rhyne was a member of Masonic Lodge Catawba #248 in Newton, NC and past master of Belmont Masonic Lodge 627 in

Who made headlines in 2013? ALAN HODGE

Part 3 of 3 September 4 saw articles examining an expanded police foot patrol program in downtown Mount Holly, tracing the history of the 1843 St. Joseph’s Catholic Church near Mount Holly and how it was instrumental in founding Belmont Abbey, and South Point High’s 49-0 football victory over East Lincoln. September 11 told of the friendship between 11-year-old Chris Rhom and his pal 2 ½-year-old Murphy Clark who had a rare heart disease and was getting ready to undergo his third surgery with a of the boys hugging each other in a true display of brotherly love. Also a story on the Mercy Heritage Center where Sisters of Mercy archival

material from across the nation was being cataloged and preserved. September 18 featured a story on the dedication of an historical marker at the site of the former African-American Reid High School in Belmont that had been demolished in 1966, with former Reid students as well as officials gathered for the event. Also an article about John Church who had purchased the 1901 Chronicle Mill in Belmont and was weighing his options regarding its use. September 25 featured articles praising folks who had volunteered to help their neighbors during the July floods in Cramerton, a tour of the Sisters of Mercy campus in Belmont and its history, and a sports article by John Wilson on the Red Raiders and their 52-35 win over A.C. Reynolds. October 2 featured articles covering the groundbreaking in Mount Holly for

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of Stanley

1979. The cannon that was fired was a 10-pound Parrott rifle of the type actually used in the Civil War. During his many years as a re-enactor, Rhyne had traveled thousands of miles taking part in battles and living history events. Years ago, he and former Stanley councilman Jan Williams, also a re-enactor gave a history program at Stanley Middle School that included firing the field piece on the baseball diamonds- much to the delight of the kids. The re-enactor in charge of the gun crew at the funeral, Stuart Brandt of Burlington, summed up Rhyne’s personality. “He was always calm and I never saw him mad,� Brandt said. “For a sergeant, that’s saying a lot.�

CaroMont’s new urgent care center on NC27, the Gaston County Schools cafeteria lunch program and how the vittles are prepared for distribution across the county, and Red Raiders continuing their march to another winning season by defeating a tough East Gaston High team 56-7. See REVIEW, 8

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