By Alan Hodge
Thanks to young entrepreneur Duncan Blount, things are fixin’ to get hot and spicy in the Cleveland County region.
That’s because Blount will be throwing open the doors to his new Cleveland Mall store, Shelby Spice, on October 1 where his homemade hot sauce as well as other condiments and gourmet goodies, many made by local folks, will be for sale.
Blount lives in Shelby with his wife and three kid ward looking, extremely energetic, chap who decided that Cleveland County was in need of a culinary and cultural kick, so he came up with the idea for a unique, signature pepper sauce made from an Italian hot pepper hybrid called puma peppers. Blount’s poetic motto for his sauce is “hits like a train, sings like a song”.
Blount credits his family background with planting the pepper seed of hot sauce love in his soul.
“Growing up, I was mortified every time I entered a Mexican restaurant,” he says. “Why? My dad would ask the waiter in his
loudest, most dramatic voice for the hottest salsa; ‘muy caliente por favor’ he’d exclaim. I inherited my love for hot sauce
Over 90 Years!
From Page 1
“I gave a presentation at the school on agricultural entrepreneurship,” Blount says. “The students were interested in hot sauce, so they raised 175 plants for me.”
Blount pays the students for the peppers, and they use the funds for other projects.
To turn the peppers into sauce, Blount, who is a member of the Foothills Farmers' Market, rents the facilities at the VFW community kitchen.
“You have to be a farmers' market member to use the kitchen,” he said.
The Fang sauce is the hottest of Blount’s creations, but he also makes a line of milder types that range from wild to mild.
“There’s a hot sauce lover in every family,” he said,
But the Shelby Spice store will be more than a condiments and crafts location. Blount sees it as a gathering place showcasing local culinary and craft creations.
“A variety of farmers' market vendors will sell their goods,” he said. “There will be everything from jam to barbecue rubs, to custom cutting boards and handcrafted gifts. The store will let me bring people together who share a passion for local products. It’s not just a store, it’s an experience.”
For more information on Blount’s exciting venture and to order his sauces, visit https://www.shelbyspice.com/ and be prepared to have your taste buds tingle.
(Family Features)
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Servings: 4
2 pounds boneless skinless pork chops
4 tablespoons Italian seasoning
2 tablespoons canola oil
1 red onion
1 bag (9.3 ounces) Fresh
Express Twisted Caesar Creamy Truffle Caesar Chopped Salad Kit
4 long sandwich rolls
Preheat pan on stove over medium-high heat. Season pork chops with Italian seasoning.
When pan is hot, add oil and pork chops. Cook pork chops, turning halfway through, until they reach minimum internal temperature of 145 F, 6-8 minutes
per side (depending on thickness).
Once pork chops are cooked through, remove from pan and let rest a few minutes.
Peel and slice onion. After resting, slice pork into strips; set aside.
In same pan, saute onion until translucent, about 5 minutes. Set aside.
In large bowl, combine lettuce, dressing, croutons and cheese from salad kit.
In separate pan, toast buns until golden brown; set aside.
To build sandwiches, place sliced pork on bottom halves of toasted buns. Top with prepared salad mixture and sauteed onions. Finish with top halves of buns.
Cherokee Laredo and 1989 Merkur Scorpio Lawn Tractor: John Deere E130 Lawn tractor with 57 hours.
Fire Arms: Ruger Old Army Style black powder pistol, Arminius 8 shot 22 revolver, 2 Smith & Wesson 357 Magnums, Ithaca 20 gauge double barrel, Remington Sportsman 20 gauge, Remington Sportsman 12 gauge, Remington 1100 12 gauge, black powder 20 gauge double barrel, black powder long gun, Ithaca 12 gauge pump, Mossberg 410 pump, Arisaka type 99 Last Ditch 77 Japanese, Gewehr 43, Japanese Carcano 6.5, Smith & Wesson model 3000 12 gauge pump, Arisaka type 99, Real Twist 12 gauge double barrel percussion, 12 gauge single shot percussion, Winchester 1917 bolt action 30-06, Hanover Arms 12 gauge double barrel, 1835 Springfield Arms, HJ Sterling double barrel, Branted single barrel percussion, Remington 1100 12 gauge automatic, Russel Arms double barrel 12 gauge, Diana model 45 177 pellet gun.
Other Items of Interest: 2 Wurlitzer juke boxes, 2 grandfather clocks, Victrola with records, several flat screen TV’s, bow front display cabinet, butcher block table, several bedroom suites- all king, sectional sofa & ottoman, 2 safes, Belknap 1840 dinner bell- Louisville, KY and much more! Misc: Tools, jack stands, misc. oils, car cleaning supplies, shop heaters, air compressor, vintage Enterprise juicer, coffee grinder, gun storage cabinets, Sthil backpack blower, shop vacs, knives, and much more!
See auctionzip.com (ID# 6194) for complete listing, photos & terms. Real estate shown by appointment and sells by owner confirmation.
Thank you to the Following List of Supporters of This Year’s Shelby
Honda Of Shelby
Ag South Farm Credit
Associates of the Carolinas
Waco Cattle Co.
Gragg Financial
AAA Self Storage
Andy and Patti McMurry
Bill Shuford Heating & Air
Boulevard Animal Hospital
Cleveland County Fair
Commercial Bank
Cummings Furniture
Deaton & Biggers, PLLC
Edward Jones
Fedyshyn Group
Holland and Hamrick
Architects, PA
Horn, Pack, Brown, Dow PA
J. Morgan Company
Jack Weller
Lattimore & Peeler Surveying
Mary B. Turner/Turner Trucking, LLC
McNichol Insurance & Investments
Ora Supermarket Personnel Services
Shelby Eye Center
Shelby Shopper & Info.
Spake Concrete Products, Inc.
Tracy Whisnant-Remax
Via Health Partners
Webb Chemical & Paper Co. Inc.
Yarbro Construction, LLC
Holly’s Flowers
Cleveland Lumber Co
Craig, Barry and Poston
John V. Schweppe, Jr. PA Scottree
American Restoration
Arnold’s Jewelry
Ashpalt Paving of Shelby
Beam, Edwards & Brooks Cont.
Berry Business Machines, Inc
Bridges Bar-B-Que Lodge
Business Consulting Group
Butch and Cathy Bowen
Carl Grigg Electric & Supply
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home
Clay Barnette Funeral Services
Cleveland Contractors, Inc.
Cleveland Urologic Surgery
Computer Connections, Inc.
Cornerstone Dental Assoc.
Cottonwood Veterinary Hospital
David White Investment Co.
Dr. Joseph R. Hendrick, Jr. DDS
Dr. Mike Alexander
Dr. Pat Hayes
Dr. Ron Maskarinec
Eddie Tillman
Flowers & Martin PA
Foothills Podiatry, PA
Fred Blackley, Landscape Architect
Future Energy of Shelby
Gregory D. Blalock, CPA
H & H Pest Control
Heath and Associates
Hoyle Plumbing Company
Jo’s Florist
Kelly Hastings
Ken-Wood Landscaping
Lackey & Lackey, Attorneys
Laughlin Furniture Outlet
Leasing Services Inc.
Mac McCuen
McIntyre Elder Law
Norris Merchandise
Paradise Landscaping
Peak Shelby
Pharr Technologies, LLC
Poteat’s Front End & Brake Shop
Royster Oil
Scism & Son-Paint & Body Shop
Shelby Hearing and Balance
Shope Shoes
Smart Construction
Shelby Alarm Company
Spake Landscaping
Stan Anthony
Stanley Crowder
Stitzel Construction
Taste-T Drive-In
Teddy, Meekins & Talbert
The Awning Shop
The UPS Store
Turpish, W. J. & Company, Inc.
Victorian Rose
Walker Carpet Care
Walter Norville’s Carpets
Printers, Inc.
Winn Finanical Services
Hoke Enterprises, Inc.
Alston Bridges BBQ Bankhead Surveying
James S. Wilson, D.D.S., P.A.
Jerry Blake
Twin Lakes Veterinary
The following organizations benefit from the Pancake Supper: Farm-City Breakfast, Children’s Homes Cleveland County, YMCA, Young Life, Priority One, Terrific Kids of North Shelby, American Legion Baseball, Kiwanis International Foundation, Kiwanis District Foundation, Cleveland County Educational Foundation Senior Scholarship, Boys & Girls Clubs, Junior Leadership Cleveland County and other community charities.
Saturday, September 28
What: Author Visit: James Benton
When: 11:00 am until 1:00 pm, September 28.
Where: Spangler Branch Library, 112 Piedmont Drive, Lawndale, NC.
More Info: Cotton Mills once employed millions and supported countless communities. Local historian and author of Fraying Fabric will explain what happened to American textile and apparel manufacturing.
Saturday, October 5
What: Hike with C.A.R.E. Rescue Dogs
When: 10:00 am until Noon, October 5.
Where: Kings Mountain Gateway Trail, 807 S. Battleground, Kings Mountain, NC.
More Info: Clifford’s Army Rescue is ready to start back our monthly hikes with the CARE doggies! The doggies are so excited to know they will be hitting the trails again and having so much fun with all us humans. Come out and enjoy a nice hike/walk or run with a CARE rescue dog and make some new friends in the process. This is great fun and socialization for the doggies and humans too! We have many dogs in rescue, young, older, small, medium, large, so there is one for everyone’s interest and needs. Just let us know when you sign up, in the comment section, what size and energy level of dog you would like to walk, so we can match you with a dog. SIGN-UP LINK is www.signupgenius.com/go/70A054BACA728AAFE3-50867248-hike#/ Or on Facebook, find Clifford’s Army Rescue Extravaganza, and under the Events tab, click on the Oct 5 event, and it will take you to the Genius signup link. C.A.R.E (Clifford’s Army Rescue Extravaganza) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, all volunteer, dog rescue organization.
Saturday, October 5
What: 5k Fundraiser
When: 8:00 am, October 5.
Where: Old Belwood School, 1114 Belwood Lawndale Rd., Lawndale, NC.
More Info: 11th Annual Belwood Run for Hunger 5k benefitting The Lord Provides Soup Kitchen. We have a limited quantity of t-shirts remaining, so register soon to guarantee yours! (You can also register the day of the 5k for $25). Thank you for your continued support as we give away nearly 1,000 pounds of groceries every month. Register online at: https://runsignup.com/Race/NC/Lawndale/ BelwoodRunForHunger
Saturday, October 12
What: Annual Pumpkin Festival
When: 10:00 am until 2 pm, October 12.
Where: Cline’s Nursery, 901 Fallston Rd., Shelby NC.
More Info: Celebrate Fall and raise funds for Animal Rescue for dogs and cats in our area. Bring your children or grandchildren, there will be Pumpkin & Face Painting. We will have two professional face painters on hand, and will charge a nominal $5.00 per child. For Pumpkin painting, supplies will be included at a charge of $5.00 per pumpkin. In addition to bringing your kids - BRING your FURBABIES ! Clifford’s Army Rescue Extravaganza (C.A.R.E.) will be here and will have a photographer to take FAMILY & PET PHOTOS of your family and/or your fur-babies in front of a beautiful Fall display. Donations for photos: $10 for 1 photo; $15 for 2 photos; $20 for 3 photos. Photo proceeds will go towards Clifford’s Army Rescue Extravaganza, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, 100% volunteer organization, which provides support for the homeless animals in our area, including animals at county run facilities. There will be Food Trucks: CHIPS & DIPS and THE CATTLE CUP CO. Join John Cline on a walking tour around the nursery, as he shares the story of how he started the nursery on land that has been in the Cline’s family for over 100 years. Two Japanese Maple walks one at 11 am and the second at 1 pm. Additional activities for customers to enjoy : - Corn Hole -Pumpkin Tic-Tac-Toe - Pumpkin Ring Toss - Tin Can Toss - Halloween Candy. Admission is free. Purchasing pumpkins, mums, gourds, and pansies is highly encouraged. Credit cards are accepted. This event will take place, weather permitting. Dog treats and water bowls will be set up and ready for a fun-filled day at the nursery. Please be sure to keep your dog leashed and bring “poo bags” to clean up after your pet.
Monday, November 11
What: Veterans Day Parade and Program
When: 10:00 am, November 11.
Where: Uptown Shelby, NC.
More Info: Cleveland County Veterans Advisory Council and Veterans Service Office are presenting a Veterans Day Parade and Program. The Veterans Advisory Council is taking applications for the 2024 Veterans Day Parade. There is no charge to register. Pre-registration is advised no later than November 4, 2024. Registration forms are available at the Veterans Service Office, 311 E. Marion St., Shelby, NC, by email: tvmustang68@bellsouth.net or call 704-435-1516 and leave your message, name and number. Individuals, high school bands, clubs, fire departments and any first responders are welcome to participate.
Drop-In Event: Rabbits and piglets are visiting the library from Camacho’s Mini Farm Acres. Saturday, October 5, 11:00 am.-1:00 pm. Spangler Branch Library, 112 Piedmont Drive, Lawndale, NC.
Writer’s INK: Local writers group meeting will be held On Friday, October 4 at the Cleveland County Library from1-3pm in the front conference room. Writers of all levels are welcome to attend and participate in sharing their prose or poetry and join in discussions such ast writing techniques, problems, query letters, etc.
Community Workshop Fraud Prevention: Neal Senior Center Fraud Prevention Workshop, Monday, 10/07/24, 10:00 am at the Neal Center, 100 T.R. Harris Dr., Shelby, NC. This workshop is being done in Partnership with the North Carolina Department of Insurance, Cleveland County Library System, and Leonna Neal Senior Center. The Department of Insurance will share information on some of the last scams and fraud they are seeing directed at Senior Citizens and discuss how to prevent being a victim of fraud.
Nar-Anon Support Group: Meets 6:30 pm weekly on Tuesdays at the First Baptist Church, 120 N. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC. Nar-Anon is a support group for those affected by someone else’s drug addiction. We meet in the classroom off Dale St. between Sumter & Campbell St. Park on the side of the church or in the alley. Signs are posted. Call Bill, 704-6922092 or church office, 704-482-3467.
Al-Anon Support Groups: Al-Anon Family Support Groups support those who are affected by someone else’s drinking and drug use. No Name AFG meets on Mondays at Noon at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 510 W Sumter St., Shelby. Contact Kay at 704-473-4891. Shelby AFG meets on Thursdays at 8:00 pm at Shelby Presbyterian Church, 226 E. Graham St., Shelby. Contact Jann at 704-692-7688.
Community Chess Meet Up: The Cleveland County Library System hosts a monthly community chess meet up on the 4th Monday of each month at 5:15 to 6:45 P.M.. The next meet up will be October 28th at 5:15 pm. in the Brownie Plaster Meeting Room of the Eugenia H Young Memorial Library (Main Library) at 104 Howie Dr., Shelby, NC. All ages and ability chess players and families are welcome. If you have never played chess but want to learn this is a great opportunity to come out and give it a try!
By Loretta Cozart
Liberty Mountain discount coupons are available during regular hours at The Imperial Mercantile and 133 West downtown, as well as at the Joy Theater Box Office between noon and 2 p.m.
KM Forward is sponsoring $10 discount coupons this season for distribution to area residents, limit 2 per person.
Liberty Mountain depicts the dramatic events leading up to October 7, 1780, Battle of Kings Mountain. It brings to life the story of these Carolina Backcountry patriots, who, with their victory, helped secure our nation's liberty. The indoor drama features full theater action, music, epic battles, and special effects. Performances are scheduled every weekend from September 13 to
October 6. Specifics can be found at www.libertvmountaindrama.com.
Kings Mountain Little Theatre, Inc. is a volunteer-based, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt community theater.
Dr. Patrick Vollmer at CORE, Inc. is conducting a research study to evaluate an investigational eye drop to potentially treat NK.
Approx. 7 office visits over 6 weeks. Compensation for your time and travel provided. Please call CORE, Inc. at (501) 322-0505 to see if you qualify to participate.
Site Location: 222 N. Lafayette St., Ste. #23 Shelby, NC 28150
The employment section of the Classifieds can help you reach new heights.Whether you’re looking to recruit qualified personnel, land the right job, or train for a new career, your opportunity is waiting in the Classifieds.
Flu and new 2024-2025
COVID vaccines available at Cleveland County Health Department beginning September 23rd.
SHELBY, NC – September 17, 2024 – The Cleveland County Health Department joins the NC Division of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in urging everyone to protect themselves by getting vaccinated against the flu and COVID-19. Everyone aged 6 months and older is encouraged to be immunized.
Flu and the new 2024-25 COVID-19 vaccine will be available at the Cleveland County Health Department beginning Monday, September 23, 2024. The vaccines are available Monday - Friday from 8:00 –11:30 am and 1:00-4:30 pm, no appointment necessary.
The flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine are safe and effective and the best way to protect yourself and your family from respiratory illness. Both the flu vaccine and COVID-19 vaccine help protect you from severe disease, hospitalization and death.
also effective.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Germs spread this way.
• Stay home if you are sick. You should stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone and other symptoms are improving, except to get medical care.
Both vaccines have been updated for the new flu and COVID-19 virus strains that will continue to spread this fall and winter.
The flu vaccine is free of charge for children 18 and younger who have Medicaid, do not have insurance, or are underinsured (meaning insurance does not cover the flu vaccine). The vaccine will also be free for uninsured (non-Medicaid) pregnant women 19 and older who are serviced by the health department and women and men 19 and older who have a family planning waiver (Family Planning Medicaid Program) and are receiving services at the health department. If you have insurance, Medicare or Medicaid, we will bill these third-party payers. We also have available a limited number of high dose flu vaccines for those 65 and older. Insurance, Medicare or Medicaid can be billed for these vaccines. Individuals who do not meet any of the above criteria for a free flu vaccine and who do not have insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare may call the health department at 980484-5100 for additional information.
It is especially important to get your 2024–2025 COVID-19 vaccine if you are ages 65 and older, are at high risk for severe COVID-19, or have never received a COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccine protection decreases over time, so it is important to stay up to date with your COVID-19 vaccine.
In addition to vaccination, continue practicing healthy habits to protect yourself and others from viruses:
• Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
• Throw the tissue in the trash promptly after use.
• Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are
Insurance, Medicare and Medicaid will be billed for the new 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine. If you are 19 or older and do not have insurance or your insurance does not cover the vaccine, this vaccine will be provided free of charge.
To learn more about the flu, please visit www.flu.nc.gov.
To learn more about the new 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine, please visit www.cdc.gov/covid/ vaccines/stay-up-to-date.html
Submitted by DeShay Oliver
By Jewel Revis, Exhibits Chair
Two new exhibits open this week at Southern Arts Society in Kings Mountain. “Artists’ Books: A Handmade Journey II” features a Book Artists Group known as the “Bookies” showing work in the Reavis Gallery. This exhibition is comprised of eleven regional artistsMary Bartrop, Karen Bean, Anne Cowie, Dana Endsley, Laura Gardner, Janet Kaufman, Pam Perkins, Jean Silver, Lore Spivey, Donna Vaillancourt, Peggy Williams, who work in paper, mylar, clay, leather, wood and other media to create unique books in a variety of forms.
Members of the Book Artists’ Group are a diverse group of women from varying backgrounds, all united by a love of making books by hand. Some of the books are from handmade papers, adding content through artful paste papers and mixed media collage, for a visual Kaleidoscope. Some papers are embellished with inks, dyes, and twigs, then sewn together by hand for a “quieter read.” One set of “books” by book artist Lore Spivey of Gastonia, are laser cut circles, stacked onto a dowel rod into large spheres with stitching, lettering and photographs. The pages of these spheres can be separated by pegs to hold your place in the “book”.
Charlotte book artist Karen Bean has made a series of flag books representing the number of women killed by their domestic partner. This somber statistic is laid out on a table, each book equaling one month, as a startling visual story that needs to be told. Other
books contain delightful original stories, family history, personal growth, and whimsical sayings.
Dana Endsley of Mt. Holly created a series of four books using cyanotype, old photos, and diaries – “artifacts”, to tell the story of her grandmother growing up in Michigan over 100 years ago. Her “Artifact Book” is covered with hand embroidery and dyed with walnut ink to hold and preserve this precious time capsule of family history. Most of the books are bound by hand, some in a Coptic stitch pattern that looks quite complicated and others that seem simple to replicate. There are square books, round books, linear books that spread out and tiny books that seem impossible to make.
You will find these books, and the many stories told by the artists within the books in this exhibit. And while you may expect each book to have content, some are left intentionally blank, for the viewer to fill in the pages with their own story.
While visiting the Artists’ Book exhibit, you can take a moment to create your
own small book to take home with you. There will be books and book kits available for sale as well.
Also, at Southern Arts Society (SASi), is “Contemporary Printmaking” an exhibition of works by Liliya Zalevskaya, Gallery Coordinator and art instructor from Gaston College, and her printmaking students. Miss Zalevskaya has selected thirty pieces in all to showcase from her students, including examples of her own work for the exhibit in the Founders Gallery at SASi.
The public is invited to a reception for both exhibits on Saturday September 28, from 5-7 pm. Many of the artists will be in attendance to meet visitors and discuss their work. This is a free event. Dress is casual.
“Artists’ Books” and “Contemporary Printmaking” will be on view Sept 26 -Nov 1.
Southern Arts Society (SASi) Gift Shop & Gallery is located at 301 N. Pied-
the historic Southern Railway Depot, at the intersection of Piedmont and Battleground. SASi offers a gift shop, ongoing exhibits, programs, and classes in a variety of media for artists of all levels. NEW Fall Hours: Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, 10 am to 3 pm and by Appointment. Admission is Free. For more information, please visit www. SouthernArtsSociety.org, or their Facebook page. Contact 704.739.5585 or email SouthernArtsSociety@ gmail.com.
By Gary Miller
I’ve often noticed how deer live mostly in quiet environments. This morning, I watched one city dwelling doe begin to get a bit nervous when the noise of traffic began to surround her. She quickly moved to a quieter place. Not only do they prefer soundless surroundings, but most of the time deer do very little vocal communication. It is easy to see how well this characteristic serves the deer. When it’s quiet, any small or unfamiliar sound will cause them to be on alert. There is much to be said for a life full of quiet moments. Then there’s the upcoming time of year – the pre-rut and rut. A time when communication is at its highest and every form of it is used, including sounds. Grunting, bleating, wheezing, and even the echo of fighting, send certain messages to all deer within earshot. It is not coincidence that during the most important time of the year for a deer, and during a time when relationships are paramount, communication is important. And much can be said about this as well.
If you think about it, while relationships may begin from a number of ways, they are only enhancing to our lives if they involve communication. For instance, you may have a sister which means your relationship was not instigated by you or her but by birth, but if you never talk to that sister or communicate in any way, your relationship with her will never be meaningful and in fact will dissolve back to the very basics of a simple bloodline. Every healthy and beneficial relationship will be made up of heartfelt, open, and transparent communication. And without it, we are only fooling ourselves into thinking everything is alright.
In our spiritual lives, communication is the test of whether our connection with God is staying on the fringe of a basic relationship or if our daily life is being constantly enhanced by this kinship. During the most important periods of our life this communication will be the difference between living abundantly and existing meagerly. Don’t be too prideful to communicate with God. Tell him what’s on your heart. He wants to hear and give you clear directions. Remember, sometimes being quiet may keep you safe but it may also keep you from the people and places God has in store just for you.
Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. I Peter 3:8
Did you know that late August through September is baby copperhead season in North Carolina? Young copperheads look exactly like adults, except they have a yellowtipped tail which they will wiggle to lure prey within striking distance.
Copperheads are the only venomous snake that can be found in all 100 counties, so watch your step! The copperhead is familiar, at least by name, to most North Carolinians. Deriving its common name from its coppery brown head, the copperhead also is known by such local names as “pilot,” “chunkhead,” “poplar leaf” and “highland moccasin.”
The copperhead is a rather heavy-bodied snake with an average adult length between 2 and 3 feet. It has a light brown, coppery or tan (sometimes grayish or pinkish tan) background color, with strongly contrasting chestnut brown crossbands shaped like an hourglass or dumbbell—narrow in the center of the back and wide along the sides. Individual patterns vary—sometimes the bands may break up along the center, and some specimens have small dark spots between the bands— but nearly all individuals have at least some complete, hourglass-shaped crossbands. The head is somewhat triangular, quite distinct from the neck, and tan or copper in color, with a thin, dark line running from the eye to the rear of the jaw. The pupils are vertical and elliptical, and there is a heat sensory pit between the eye and nostril. The top of the head does not have a pattern. The belly is usually whitish or yellowish white, sometimes mottled or stippled with brown or gray, with a series of dark brown or black spots or smudges along the sides. The dorsal scales are keeled, and the scales beneath the tail are usually undivided, except at the tip. The body is relatively stout and slightly triangular in cross section. Hinged, recurved, hollow fangs are present in the front of the upper jaw. heads look exactly like adults, except they have a yellow-tipped tail which they will wiggle to lure prey within striking distance. Copperheads are the only venomous snake that can be found in all 100 counties, so watch your step!
(Part 3 of “Embracing Transition” Series)
Copperheads mate in the spring and fall. A female retains her eggs inside her body and gives birth to from 2 to 18 living young, usually in August, September or early October. Females have only one litter per year, and in many populations they may breed only every other year.
Copperheads may be active by day or night, but they are largely nocturnal in hot weather. In winter, copperheads hibernate in stump holes, rock fissures or other sheltered areas below the frost line. Such sites may be shared with other snakes of the same or different species. Copperheads often emerge later in the spring than do some other snakes. Copperheads account for probably over 90 percent of venomous snakebites in North Carolina. A bite is painful and should be treated as serious, but it is not considered life threatening. Many bites occur when a hand or foot is carelessly placed on or very close to one of these wonderfully camouflaged snakes, but a large percentage occur while persons are attempting to capture, kill or handle copperheads. The great majority of bites can be prevented by exercising common sense: copperheads should be left alone.
Many of us struggle to handle change, particularly when it’s unexpected and unfavorable. However, the Bible reassures us that we can endure and flourish no matter what we face. If we’re knocked down, we can rise once more. When lifealtering circumstances take us by surprise, we can grow wiser, stronger, and better— not through our strength, but through our connection to an Almighty God who loves us and is always ready to support us. Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV) says, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
submitted by NC Wildlife.org
Consider the story of Joseph in Genesis. Sold into slavery by his brothers, imprisoned unjustly, and then suddenly rising to power in Egypt, Joseph faced a series of problems that would shake anyone’s resolve. Yet, through it all, Joseph remained steadfast in faith. His ability to forgive his brothers
and see God’s hand in his circumstances highlights resilience born from a deep trust in God. He famously declared in Genesis 50:2 (NIV), “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good.” This attitude transforms transitions from a traumatic experience into a narrative of purpose and hope.
Another story that exemplifies adaptability is that of Ruth. After losing her husband, she faced a difficult transition—not only in her personal life but also in her identity and purpose. Instead of retreating into despair, Ruth clung to her motherin-law Naomi and declared, “Your people shall be my people, and your God my God” (Ruth 1:16 NIV). This commitment to the relationship led to her eventual redemption and a new purpose in life. Ruth’s story is a testament to the power of staying connected to others during times of change, allowing God to work through those relationships to bring renewal and hope.
Moreover, spending time in prayer and reflection can fortify your spirit during times of change. Colossians 4:2 (AMP) encourages us to “be persistent and devoted to prayer, being alert and focused in your prayer life with
an attitude of thanksgiving.” This invites us to lay our worries at His feet while cultivating an attitude of gratitude.
Focusing on what we have to be thankful for shifts our perspective, allowing us to recognize God’s goodness even in challenging times.
“Father God, I give you praise. You are Faithful and True. You are the Almighty - El Shaddai. Thank you for your goodness and mercy toward me. I pray that you will strengthen me and give me the capacity to handle these trials. Please help me to remember that I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. I love you. In Jesus’ name - Amen.”
I encourage you to open your heart to God’s love and grace. Seek forgiveness for past wrongs, and invite Jesus into your heart as your Savior and Lord. Find a supportive community in a local church where you can grow and serve others. You can cultivate a meaningful relationship with God by dedicating daily time to reading the Bible and praying.
lets connect! Call or email for appointment.
Monday Night Bingo
To work in the kitchen and on the Bingo floor Annual Car Show on October 26
To assist with clean-up after the event Any assistance is very appreciated! For further information, please contact Dolores Ashworth, Volunteer Coordinator, at 704/481-7386
October 7th, 2024 at 4 PM
North Carolina's general election will be held on Tuesday, November 5. Stay informed about the election dates, times, locations, requirements, and voting options to ensure your vote counts.
Voter Registration
The deadline to register to vote in North Carolina for the 2024 general election is 5:00 PM Friday, October 11, 2024.
The deadline to register for voting differs for military members and overseas citizens. The deadline is 5:00 PM ET, the day before Election Day. To apply online, complete the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) web form at https://votebymail.ncsbe. gov/app/fpca/fpca-form.
To apply on paper, Fill out and return the completed and signed FPCA via mail, email, or Fax to your county board of elections or send it to the State Board of Elections, which will forward it to your county board of elections for you. Send the application to the State Board of Elections by mail to North Carolina State Board of Elections, P.O. Box 27255, Raleigh, NC 27611-7255, by email to absentee@ ncsbe.gov, and by Fax to (919) 715-0351.
If you miss the voter registration deadline, you may still be able to register and vote or make changes (except for party affiliation) to your voter registration and vote during the early voting period. Same-day registration is not available for most voters on Election Day.
Not sure if you are already registered? Check your status online at https://vt.ncsbe.gov/ RegLkup/.
You may look up your voter record online at https://www.ncsbe.gov/ voting/your-voter-record.
Absentee Ballot Voting
The absentee ballot request deadline is 5:00 PM. Tuesday, October 29, for the general election on November 5. Any North Carolina registered voter may request, receive, and vote a mail-in absentee ballot where absentee voting is permitted.
Registered voters in North Carolina must request an absentee ballot with an official N.C. Absentee Ballot Request Form. There are two ways to access and submit the form: online or on paper.
You may acquire an online request form through the N.C. Absentee Ballot Portal at https://votebymail.ncsbe.gov/app/home. There are several options
within the portal. Not all options are available to every voter.
• Option 1: Request an Absentee Ballot. All registered North Carolina Voters may use this option to request an absentee by mail ballot. Your request is sent to your county board of elections office, and when ballots are available for the election, they will mail your ballot to the address you provided. The deadline to request an absentee ballot is 5:00 PM the Tuesday before Election Day. Visually impaired voters who would like to request an accessible ballot will also use Option 1 to submit their request.
• Option 2: Access Military/Overseas Voter Services. If you are active military, the spouse or dependent of an active military service member, or a U.S. citizen outside the United States, you may use this option to request your absentee ballot. The deadline for a military/ overseas voter to request an absentee ballot is 5:00 PM the day before Election Day.
• Option 3: Accessible Ballot. If you are a visually impaired voter who has requested an accessible ballot and has been informed that your ballot is available, select this option to access your ballot. If you would like to learn more about how this option works before you access your ballot, go to https://votebymail.ncsbe. gov/sites/37/demo/app/ home to practice with a demo ballot. The deadline to complete and return your absentee by mail ballot in the portal is 7:30 PM on Election Day.
For general information or to request that an absentee by mail request form be mailed to you, please call (919)-814-0700 or contact your county board of elections directly. Their contact information can be found here: https:// vt.ncsbe.gov/BOEInfo/.
Blind or visually impaired voters may contact the ADA Coordinator, Allison Blackman, at ADACoordinator@ncsbe.gov,
(919) 814-0705, 6400 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6400.
• Option 4: - Sample
Ballot. Any voter may use this option to view the contests and candidates specific to their eligible ballot at https://votebymail.ncsbe.gov/app/home, where you may mark and download a sample ballot. This serves as only a sample and is not your official ballot.
You may instead acquire a printed Absentee ballot request form. A downloadable copy of the 2024 N.C. Absentee Ballot Request Form in English (PDF) or 2024 N.C. Absentee Ballot Request Form in Spanish (PDF) is linked from the https:// www.ncsbe.gov/voting/ vote-mail web page. After completing the form, submit it to the county board of elections in person or by mail via the US Postal Service, DHL, FedEx, or UPS.
Once you have requested your absentee ballot, you can track its status from printed to accepted by signing up online for status notifications through BallotTrax at https://northcarolina. ballottrax.net/voter/, which will be available 30 days before the election.
For members of the military and overseas voters, the requested absentee ballot will arrive where you specified on the FPCA. The ballot return deadline via online/email or Fax is 7:30 PM ET on Election Day. The ballot return deadline via mail is 12:01 AM on Election Day (your local time). It must be put in the mail by this deadline and then reach your county board of elections by 5:00 PM ET on the last business day before the county canvass, which occurs ten days after each election, except for September and October oddyear municipal elections when it’s seven days after the election. A Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB) is available for military and overseas voters if you do not receive it after following the proper ballot request steps.
You can find out whether your vote counted in the “Your Absentee Ballot” section of the Voter Search database at https:// vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/. Under North Carolina law, all early mail or in-person votes are considered absentee votes. Your ballot status will also appear in the “Voter History” section when your county completes the post-election process of assigning voter history to your record. This process may take up to a few weeks after Election Day.
The in-person early voting period for the 2024 general election begins Thursday, October 17, and ends at 3:00 PM Saturday, November 2.
There are four early voting sites in Cleveland County.
• Boiling Springs Town Hall – 114 East College Avenue, Shelby, NC 28152
• Cleveland County Water, Lawndale Office – 439 Casar-Lawndale Road, Lawndale, NC 28090
• H. Lawrence Patrick Senior Center – 909 East King Street, Kings Mountain, NC 28086
• The Legrand Center –1800 East Marion Street, Shelby, NC 28152
Hours for each early voting location include Mondays through Fridays, 8:00 AM to 7:30 PM; Saturdays, 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM; and Sundays, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
When you check in to vote at an early voting site, you may update your name or address within the same county if necessary. Individuals not registered to vote in the county may register and immediately vote at that site during early voting. This process is called “same-day registration.”
To register using sameday registration, an individual must be a U.S. Citizen, live in the county where you are registering and have resided there for at least 30 days before election day, be at least 18 years old by the date of the general election, and not be serving a felony sentence, including any period of probation, post-release supervision, or parole. You will need the following items and information to complete your sameday registration, including your full legal name, date of birth, your N.C. driver’s license number or last four digits of your social security number, residential address as well as your
mailing address if you do not receive mail at your residence, and your signature and date attesting to your qualifications.
Find more information at Register in Person During Early Voting at https:// www.ncsbe.gov/registeri ng/how-register/registerperson-during-early-voting. Although same-day registration is available for voters during early voting, same-day registration is not available for most voters on Election Day.
On election day, registered voters in North Carolina may vote at their assigned polling place. Polls open at 6:30 AM at each voting location and close at 7:30 PM. Individuals in line by 7:30 PM will be allowed to cast their votes.
Election day voting locations include:
• Boiling Springs Town Hall – 114 East College Avenue, Shelby, NC 28152
• Cleveland County Water, Lawndale Office – 439 Casar-Lawndale Road, Lawndale, NC 28090
• H. Lawrence Patrick Senior Center – 909 East King Street, Kings Mountain, NC 28086
• The Legrand Center –1800 East Marion Street, Shelby, NC 28152
To view sample ballots ahead of time, registered voters must enter their information into the Voter Search web page at https://vt.ncsbe.gov/ RegLkup/ and navigate to “Your Sample Ballot.”
Offices for election in 2024 include U.S. President/Vice President, U.S. House of Representatives, N.C. Governor, N.C. Lieutenant Governor, N.C. Secretary of State, State Auditor, State Treasurer, N.C. Superintendent of Public Instruction, N.C. Attorney General, Agriculture Commissioner, Labor Commissioner, Insurance Commissioner, State Senator, State Representative, N.C. Supreme Court Justice, N.C. Court of Appeals Judge, Superior Court Judge, District Court Judge, District Attorney, County Commissioner, Clerk of Superior Court, and Register of Deeds. Many counties have elections for boards of commissioners and boards of education. Some municipalities also have elections for mayor and seats on the municipal governing board. Certain county elections may also include voter referendums on key measures.
Any voter who qualifies for assistance may ask for help at their polling place. To find more information, visit Help for Voters with Disabilities, https://www. ncsbe.gov/voting/helpvoters-disabilities. Curbside voting is available for eligible individuals. For more information, see Curbside Voting at https:// www.ncsbe.gov/voting/ help-voters-disabilities/ accessible-voting-sites/ curbside-voting.
Photo ID Requirement
This year, a photo I.D. will be required to vote. Voters now must present a valid photo identification when voting in person. If you do not have a valid photo I.D. card, you may obtain one from your county board of elections before the election through the end of the early voting period.
If you do not have a valid photo I.D. card on Election Day, you may still vote and have your vote counted by signing an affidavit of reasonable impediment (or “Photo ID Exception Form”) as to why you have not presented a valid photo I.D. If you have a religious objection to being photographed or are a victim of a recently declared natural disaster, an exception form can also be used.
As an alternative, if you don’t have your I.D. when you vote, you can still vote and then bring your valid photo I.D. to your county board of elections by 5:00 PM. on the ninth day after Election Day (or the sixth day after Election Day for September or October local elections).
If you vote by mail, you must include a photocopy of a valid photo I.D. when returning your ballot. You may also complete the Absentee Photo ID Exception Form that is provided with your absentee ballot materials.
A list of all types of I.D. that can be used for voting is available on the State Board of Elections Voter ID webpage at https://www. ncsbe.gov/voting/voter-id. For information on how to get a free I.D., see Get a Free Voter Photo ID by visiting https://www.ncsbe. gov/voting/voter-id/getfree-voter-photo-id.
The Cleveland County Board of Elections is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The office is located at 215 Patton Drive, Shelby, NC 28150. For more information, call (704) 484-4958.
Shelby Shopper & Info offers the printing of obituaries in our paper as a community service and free of charge for Cleveland County residents and the immediate area. The obituary may include a picture if the image is of print quality. We request that the obituary is limited to 150 words and we will edit the obituaries due to space. The obituary will include preceded family members, surviving family members, funeral service information, memorials, and the name of the funeral home serving the family. The obituaries will not include names of grandchildren, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, or pets. We only accept obituaries from licensed funeral homes. The deadline is Friday at 1:00 pm prior to the next Thursday's publication.
Please have your funeral home send us your loved ones’ obituaries to obits@shelbyinfo.com
Mr. Christopher Allen Tallent, 63, passed away on Tuesday, September 10, 2024
A native of Cleveland County, he was born on August 20, 1961, son of Sarah Elizabeth Davis Hafer and the late Loy Allen Tallent.
Mr. Tallent is survived by his wife, Susan Davis Tallent of the home, one son Garrett Peter Tallent and wife Emma, five step-sons, Matthew Fargher and wife Amanda, Aaron Fargher, Zachary Fargher, Noah Fargher, and Joseph Fargher, one brother, Timothy Loy Tallent and wife Teresa, and four grandchildren.
A Memorial service was held September 15, 2024, at Cleveland Funeral Service in Shelby officiated by Rev. Richard Stroupe.
To sign the guest book, please go to www.clevelandfuneralservices.com.
Cleveland Funeral Services & Crematory, Inc. is serving the family.
Sigmon, 93, of Cherryville, passed away on Thursday, September 12, 2024.
She was born on August 2, 1931, in Gaston County to the late Theodore and Vera Hord Sain.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Jack Hoyte Sigmon; and brothers; Howard Saine and Ben Saine (Carolyn).
Survivors include her sons, Doug Sigmon and wife, Patricia of Lincolnton, and Teddy Sigmon and wife,
Brenda Kay Williams, 77, of Kings Mountain, NC, passed away on September 13, 2024.
She was born in Cleveland Co., NC to the late Albert Thomas Owens and Onas Claire Short Owens.
Kathy of Vale; step-children, James Poplin (Kimberly), and Melissa Poplin; brother, T.L. Saine (Miney); sister-in-law, Judy Sain; brother-in-law, Richard Sigmon (Margaret); six grandchildren; five stepgrandchildren; and four great grandchildren.
A memorial service was held September 16, 2024, at First Presbyterian Church with Rev. Dr. Bill Lowe officiating. Burial was private.
Memorials may be made to First Presbyterian Church, 107 W. Academy St. Cherryville, NC 28021 or to Levine & Dickson Hospice House – Huntersville, 11900 Vanstory Dr., Huntersville, NC 28078.
Condolences may be made to www.carpenterporter.com Carpenter-Porter Funeral and Cremation Services is serving the family.
Emma Gertrude Roberts Patrick, passed away on Friday, September 13, 2024.
A native of Cleveland County, she was the daughter of the late Cyrus Edley and Molly Leigh Roberts. She was preceded in death by her parents and siblings: Homer Roberts, Claton Roberts, Frank Roberts, Mamie Smith, Elizabeth Blanton, Mildred Blanton, Jack Roberts and Ruth Childrez.
She is survived by a brother, Richard Roberts, and her children: Joy White and Bobby, Barbara Champion and Phil, and Stephen Patrick and Sandra; five grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren.
A graveside gathering for family was held September 16, 2024, in the cemetery of the former Hoey United Methodist Church in Shelby. In lieu of flowers, we ask that you find a charity or someone who needs your help and give as you remember Emma Gertrude.
Clay-Barnette Funeral Home and Aquamation Center is serving the family. www. claybarnette.com
Memorials may be made to Carolina Caring at 3975 Robinson Rd., Newton, NC 28658 or online at www. carolinacaring.org/give or to Bethany Baptist Church at 723 Cleveland Ave., Grover, NC 28073.
Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.
Deborah Wray Ramseur; son, Langston Wray Ramseur; sisters, Barbara Ramseur Johnson of Orlando, FL, Dorothy Ramseur Logan of Shelby, NC, Janet Ramseur Stroud of Mooresboro, NC, and Sylvia Ramseur Yampierre of Boiling Springs, NC.
She was also preceded in death by her son, Donnie Hoyle; sister, Shirley Black and her late husband Wayne Black; and brother, Steve Owens.
She is survived by her daughter: Julie Jackson and husband Joel, Kings Mtn., Jeanette Hoyle, Denver, NC, Wanda Bowman and husband, Tony, of Ararat, NC; nine grandchildren; and twelve great grandchildren.
Memorial service was held September 18, 2024, at Ollie Harris Memorial Chapel.
Memorials may be made to Shriners Children's Hospital, 950 West Faris Road, Greenville, SC 29605.
Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.
Virgia Collins Belt, 90, of Grover, passed away on September 14, 2024.
Born March 4, 1934 in Lee County, Virginia, she was the daughter of the late Ollie Bud and Nancy Bell Collins and was also preceded in death by Walter Gilliam, her husband; Joseph Belt, her husband; sisters Roxie Bledsoe and Louise Kimble; brothers Oscar Collins, Grover Collins, Alonzo Collins, and baby brother Robert Collins; and a great-granddaughter. She is survived by her children: Edith Faye Brown of Blacksburg, SC, Janette Cook and husband, Walter Jimmy Cook, of Casar, NC, Dorothy Kaye Ramsey of Casar, NC and Debbie Joyce Early and husband, Brent, of Bessemer City, NC; sisters: Mary Collins of Kings Mountain and Billie Ann Bentley of Denver, NC; thirteen grandchildren, twentysix great-grandchildren, and nine great-great-grandchildren.
Funeral service was held September 17, 2024 at Bethany Baptist Church of Grover, with Reverends Richard Smith and Scott Hardin officiating. Interment was at Grover Cemetery.
Christopher Roy Helms, 46, of Kings Mountain, passed away on September 14, 2024.
Born January 23, 1978 in Cleveland County, North Carolina, he was son of the late Melvin Gary and Judy Bryson Helms.
He is survived by his sisters: Julie Helms Beeson of Kings Mountain and Karen Hollingsworth and husband Tim, of Waynesville, NC; his fiance, Adrienne Shipp and children Christian Morgan (Jamie), Sarah Shipp, and Kolton Morgan Memorials may be made to VIA Health Partners Founded as Hospice of Cleveland County at 951 Wendover Heights Dr., Shelby, NC 28150, or to the pet rescue charity of the donor's choosing.
Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.
Ms. Sandra Jo Hayes, 70, of Kings Mountain, passed away on Tuesday, September 10, 2024.
She was born December 15. 1953, in Cleveland County, NC to the late Shady and Nell Hayes.
A memorial service was held September 21, 2024, at Light Oak Baptist Church, Shelby, NC.
Vonnie Waters, 71, of Rutherfordton, passed away on Friday, September 13, 2024.
Vonnie was born Friday, January 23, 1953 in Rutherford County to the late Austin Hicks Greenlee and Florence Aldridge Greenlee.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, John Waters; daughter, Rachel Swink; sisters, Shirley Conner, Juanita Lane and Susan Ann Harris; brother, Robert Greenlee; and two grandchildren.
She is survived by her life companion, Frank Harris; daughters, Shirley Keeter of Ellenboro, Tammy Waters (Anthony) of Ellenboro, Judy Harris of Rutherfordton and Sharon Nelson of Ellenboro; three grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
The funeral service was held September 17, 2024, at the Harrelson Funeral Chapel with Reverend Leroy Bridges officiating.
Harrelson Funeral and Cremation Services is serving the family. An online guest registry is available at www. harrelsonfuneralhome.com
Funeral services were held September 14, 2024 at Lawndale First Baptist in Lawndale. Burial took place at Ramseur Baptist Church.
Cecil R Keeter, 63, of Kings Mountain, NC, passed away on September 14, 2024.
He was born in Cleveland County, NC. Cecil was preceded in death by his father, Kenneth Keeter, mother, Callie Louise Postell Ewart, and his stepfather, Bob Ewart.
Mr. Keeter served our country in the U.S. Army. He is survived by his siblings: Billy Keeter (Lucy), Dean Keeter (Barbara), and Joyce Guye. A Memorial Service will be held by the family at a later time.
He was born on December 27, 1953 in Cleveland County, the son of the late Andrew and Ida Mae Wilson Ramseur.
In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by his brothers, Charles Andrew Ramseur, Sr. and Christopher Anthony Ramseur and his sister, Martha Ramseur McLeod.
He is survived by his wife,,
Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.
Douglas Landon Bingham I, 81, of Blacksburg, passed away on Tuesday, September 17, 2024. Born in Dallas, NC, he was the son of Charles and Pauline Leatherwood Bingham.
He is survived by his significant other, Myrtle Kazinski; his three children: Landon Bingham II, Ricky Bingham, and Susette Burnside; his four step-daughters: Tammy Cross, Kathy Garmon, Angie Clemmer, and Pam Bradley; and numerous grandchildren. No services for Mr. Bingham are scheduled.
Danny Harris, 75, of Ellenboro, passed away on Sunday, September 15, 2024.
Danny was born Friday, August 5, 1949 in Rutherford County to the late Jesse Vernon Harris and Virgina Helen Kuykendall Harris.
Mr. Harris served our country in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Mickey Hutchins Harris; and siblings, Lewis Harris, Madge Haughn, Betty Arrowood, Bobby Harris and Juanita Wall.
He is survived by his son, Jesse Aaron Harris of Ellenboro; daughter, Tyler Harris of Ellenboro; brother, Larry Harris; sisters, Gloria Hudson, Dawn Bradley and Jackie Camp; and three grandchildren.
A funeral service with Military Honors was held September 18, 2024, in the Harrelson Funeral Chapel with Reverend Robbie Hensley officiating. Interment took place September 19, 2024, at the Western Carolina State Veterans Cemetery in Black Mountain, NC.
Harrelson Funeral and Cremation Services is serving the family.
An online guest registry is available at www.harrelsonfuneralhome.com
Terry was born February 28, 1944, in Oklahoma City, OK, to the late Kenneth Blaine Fern and Hilda Lucille Fern. He was also preceded in death by his brothers: Kenneth R. Fern and C. Eugene Fern.
He is survived by his wife, Linda Robertson Fern; children, Jennifer and her husband Tim of Lancaster, KY, and Jeremy and his wife Ginger of Shelby; four grandchildren; and one greatgrandchild.
A celebration of life was held September 22, 2024, at Elizabeth Baptist Church with Rit Varriale officiating. Private burial followed in the church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to the youth ministry of Elizabeth Baptist Church, 301 North Post Rd, Shelby, NC 28152.
Online condolences may be made at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com
Cecil M Burton Funeral Home and Crematory is serving the family.
Charles Edgar Nalley, 91, of Shelby, passed away on Thursday, September 12, 2024.
Charles was born in Easley, SC, on February 13, 1933 to Ola Mae Smith Nalley and Luther David Nalley.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his four brothers and four sisters.
He is survived by his wife, Bobbie Lesley Nalley; two daughters, Angela Heath (Scott) of Shelby, NC and Andrea Wilcher (Rob) of Asheville, NC; three granddaughters, and four greatgrandchildren.
Mr. Nalley served our country in the U.S. Army during the Korean War.
Arrangements are pending at this time and will be announced when finalized.
Online condolences may be made at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com
Cecil M Burton Funeral Home and Crematory is serving the family.
Hilda Gray Williams, 86, of Shelby, passed away on Wednesday, September 11, 2024.
She was born in rural Franklin County near Bunn, NC, on May 8, 1938. Hilda was the daughter of Johnnie Lee Carlyle and Kate Wilder Carlyle.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by brothers Fred Vinson Carlyle and Perry Lee Carlyle; and her husband, James Speed Williams.
She is survived by her three children, James Carlyle Williams (Kathleen), Elizabeth Gray Williams Taylor (Bo), and Daniel Speed Williams (Anne); sixteen grandchildren and twenty-one great grandchildren.
The funeral service was held September 20, 2024, at the Chapel of Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory with Rev. Asher Panton officiating. Burial followed at Cleveland Memorial Park. Online condolences may be made at www.cecilm-
Cecil M. Burton funeral Home and Crematory is serving the family.
Linda Lee McCraw, 79, of Shelby, passed away on Sunday, September 15, 2024.
Born in Cleveland County, on October 17, 1944, she was a daughter of the late Howard Cletus Lee and Lillian Frances McSwain Lee.
In addition to her parents she is preceded in death by her son, Christopher "Chris" McCraw and two sisters, Frances Lee and Pheobe Price.
She is survived by her husband, Herman Wright McCraw; daughter, Robin McCraw Ebersold of Nashville, TN; two grandsons; a brother, Ed Lee and wife Sherry of Casar.
A celebration of life service was held September 19, 2024, at Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Paul Scott officiating. Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, www.stjude.org.
A guest register is available at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation Center, Inc., Fallston, NC is serving the family.
Virginia Mellon Pearson, 85, of Shelby, passed away on Sunday, September 15, 2024.
Born in Cleveland County, on June 9, 1939, she was a daughter of the late James Franklin Mellon and Macie Jane Philbeck Mellon.
In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her grandson; brother, Herman Mellon; and two sisters, Iva Moore and Inez Philbeck.
She is survived by her husband, Alex Andrew Pearson; two sons, Dwayne Pearson and wife Lavonda and Terry Pearson and wife Julie all of Shelby; daughter, Dianne Johnson of Shelby; four grandchildren; and one great-granddaughter.
The funeral service was held September 19, 2024, at Ledford Grove Baptist Church. The burial followed in the Friendly Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Ledford's Grove Baptist Church, PO Box 336, Lawndale, NC 28090.
A guest register is available at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation Center, Inc., Fallston, NC is serving the family.
teen grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren.
A memorial service was held September 20, 2024, at the Harrelson Funeral Chapel with Reverend William Evans officiating.
Harrelson Funeral and Cremation Services is serving the family. An online guest registry is available at www. harrelsonfuneralhome.com
Mr. James Allen Brittain, 80, of Lawndale, passed away on Thursday, September 12, 2024.
Allen was born on November 9, 1943, in Gaston County, NC, a son of the late Carmie F. Brittain, Sr. and Maude Costner Brittain.
In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by his wife, Carolyn Eaker Brittain; a son, Mark Brittain; a grandson; and two brothers, Kenneth Brittain and John Wayne Brittain.
Survivors include a son, Reggie Brittain of Lawndale; a stepson, Jeffrey Homesley of Bessemer City; a sister, Ruth Rudisill; two brothers, Earl Brittain and C.F. Brittain, Jr. both of Cherryville; five grandchildren and numerous great-grandchildren.
A celebration of life service was held September 21, 2024 at Plainsview Baptist Church with the Revs. Wayne Key and Jerry Lail officiating. Burial follow in the church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to Plainsview Baptist Church, 266 Plainsview Church Road, Lawndale, NC 28090.
A guest register is available at www.stameycherryvillefuneralhome.com
Stamey-Cherryville Funeral Home & Cremation Service is serving the family.
Linda Evans, 74, of Forest City, passed away on Tuesday, September 17, 2024.
Linda was born Sunday, March 5, 1950, in Wyoming County, WV, to the late Paul Evans and Goldie Church Evans.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by brothers, Jesse and Darnell Evans; sons-in-law, Glen Williams, Richard Allen; and a grandson.
She is survived by her daughters, Teresa Davis (Eddie) of Forest City, Danna Williams of Pineville, West Virginia, Bethany Goode (James King) of Mooresboro, Chanci Goode (Aaron Evans) of Forest City and son, Daniel Farley (Melissa) of Carrollton, GA; siblings, William Evans of Rutherfordton, Darlene Wooten of Forest City, Eugene Evans (Dortha) of Pearland, Texas, Wanda Garvin of Rutherfordton, Pauline Evans of Asheville, Sherry Owens (Keith) of Shelby and Michael Evans of Rutherfordton; six-
Lela Lucille Canipe, 91, of Lawndale, NC, passed on Wednesday, September 18, Lucille was born on March 11, 1933, to the late Cletus and Wilma Cook of Dirty
In addition to her parents, Lucille was preceded in death by her daughter, Rita Canipe Davis; three sisters and brothers-in-law, Ruth Chapman and husband, Parksie, Maxine Taylor and husband, Carol, and Faye Ledford and husband, Major Lee (M.L.); a brother, Ray Cook; and a brother-in-law,
Vaughan; and parents, Junious Maynard “J.M.” Vaughan, Jr. and Oveda Panther Vaughan.
Donald is survived by brothers, Jerry Vaughan and wife, Terry, of Kings Mountain, Terry Vaughan and wife, Gail, of Davie, Florida; a grandson; and five great grandchildren.
A graveside service was held September 20, 2024, at Sunset Cemetery with Pastor Tom Hartis officiating.
Online condolences may be made at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home and Crematory is serving the family.
Ruth Dalton Crotts, 87, of Newnan, GA passed away on Sunday, September 15, 2024.
A native of Shelby, NC, Ruth was the wife of the late Donald Crotts and the daughter of the late Chesley Dalton and Addie Harrelson.
She is survived by her daughters, Priscilla (Neil) Kendrick and Mary (Dan) Cato; three grandchildren; nine great grandchildren; and brother, Edwin Dalton.
In addition to her husband and parents, Ruth was preceded in death by her infant son.
Memorial services were held September 28, 2024, at St. Paul’s Methodist Church, Shelby, NC; burial followed in the church cemetery.
Condolences may be made to www.carpenterporter.com Carpenter-Porter Funeral and Cremation Services is serving the family.
She is survived by her husband, Bobby Ray Canipe; two grandchildren; three great grandchildren; son, Michael Canipe, of Crouse, NC; and sisters-in-law, Linda Cook and Margaret Swink; Funeral services were held September 21, 2024, at Zion Hill Baptist Church with Pastor Allan Barlow officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery.
A guest register is available at www.stameytysingerufneralhome.com
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation Center is serving the family.
Dorothy "Dot" Brooks, 91, of Kings Mountain, passed away on September 19, 2024.
Born September 14, 1933 in Cleveland County, North Carolina, she was the daughter of the late Winfred Alexander and Sarah Ann Craig Bradley and was also preceded in death by her husband, Clarence "Ray" Brooks; brother, Dwight Bradley, and a granddaughter.
She is survived by her daughters: Rebecca Parrish of Rock Hill, SC, and Judy Holcomb of Shelby, NC; sister, Delores Proctor and husband, Ralph, of Gastonia, NC; and three grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Graveside Services were held September 21, 2024 at Gaston Memorial Park, with Reverend Eddie Gray officiating.
Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.
Continued To Page 18
Thursday, September 19, 2024.
She was born March 23, 1935, in Gaston County, to the late Charlie Sidney and Edith Holland Carpenter.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her children, Oneda Sellers Harbin, Kenny Ray Sellers, and Carol Sellers Balance; and brothers, Harold Carpenter and Jerry Carpenter.
Janet is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Jerry and Jahna Sellers of Orlando, FL; son-in-law, Ken Harbin and wife, Gail of Belmont; sister, Doris Sellers and husband, Harold of Gastonia; three grandchildren; and five great grandchildren.
Funeral services were held September 22, 2024, at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church with Minister Brad Alexander officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery.
Memories may be made to St. Mark's Lutheran Church – 1203 St. Marks Church Rd, Cherryville, NC 28021.
Condolences may be made to www.carpenterporter.com
Carpenter-Porter Funeral and Cremation Services is serving the family.
Helen Beason Burgess, 83, of Henrietta, passed away on Friday, September 20, 2024.
Helen was born Wednesday, February 26, 1941 in Rutherford County to the late John Beason and Evelyn Smith Beason.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Max Burgess; sisters, Doris Swofford and Linda Norman and a granddaughter.
She is survived by her daughter, Lisa Melton (Gary) of Bostic and son, Gregg Burgess (Dixie) of Union Mills; brother, Mike Beason of Shelby; sisters, Cathy Stanley (Troy) of Forest City and Pam Coverdale (Larry) of Port Charlotte, FL; four granddaughters and ten great-grandchildren.
The graveside service was held September 23, 2024, at Rutherford County Memorial Cemetery with Reverend Robert Carnell and Reverend Shane Kirby officiating.
Memorials may be made to Amy and Her Warriors Foundation; 140 Woody Creek Road, Bostic, NC 28018.
Harrelson Funeral and Cremation Services is serving the family.
An online guest registry is available at www.harrelsonfuneralhome.com
Advertising Consultants: Greg Ledford greg@cfmedia.info @cfmedia.info
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Kennedy Sanders kennedy@cfmedia.info
Editorial & Announcements: News@Shelbyinfo.com Events@Shelbyinfo.com Obits@Shelbyinfo.com
Office/Classified Ad Manager: Gail Evans classifieds@cfmedia.info
Saturday, October 5
What: Ladies Event, At the Well Experience 2024
When 11:00 am, October 5.
Where: Polkville Baptist Church, 4214 Polkville Rd., Polkville, NC.
More Info: Free. Please join us for a day of inspiration through songs, drama, speakers, comedy, and so much more! This is a free event! Reserve your seat now at www. AtTheWellExperience.com or call the church at 704-5387464 during office hours Monday - Thursday from 9 - 2.
What: Gospel Concert
When 6:00 pm, October 5.
Where: Corinth Baptist Church, 767 Pinehurst Rd., Ellenboro, NC.
More Info: The Chuck Wagon Gang and Foothills Choir will present a Gospel Concert. Admission is free. An offering will be received.
What: 5k Fundraiser
When: 8:00 am, October 5.
Where: Old Belwood School, 1114 Belwood Lawndale Rd., Lawndale, NC
More Info: 11th Annual Belwood Run for Hunger 5k benefiting The Lord Provides Soup Kitchen. We have a limited quantity of t-shirts remaining, so register soon to guarantee yours! (You can also register the day of the 5k for $25). Thank you for your continued support as we give away nearly 1,000 pounds of groceries every month. Register online at: https:// runsignup.com/Race/NC/Lawndale/BelwoodRunForHunger.
What: Annual Country Bazaar
When 7:00 am, until 1:00 pm, October 5.
Where: Oak Grove United Methodist Church, 1507 Oak Grove Church Rd., Ellenboro, NC.
More Info: Features: Biscuit Breakfast, Soup Lunch, Crafts, Bake Sale, Canned Goods, Seasonal items, Gift Items, Treasures from the Past, $1 Donation Quilt Ticket. Proceeds benefit Children’s Fund, Church Outreach Committee, and Kentucky Mission.
Sunday, October 6
What: Pastor Appreciation Service
When 11:00 am, October 6.
Where: Ledford Grove Baptist Church, 327 E. Double Shoals Rd., Lawndale, NC.
More Info: Pastor Appreciation Service with special singing from King James Boys. For more info contact: 794-538-6803.
Sunday, October 13
What: Second Night of Singing
When 6:00 pm, October 13.
Where: Hudson Memorial Baptist Church, 762 Warlick Rd., Lawndale, NC.
More Info: Guest for the singing is, Parable of Christ. All are welcome to attend.
GriefShare: GriefShare is to support those who have had a love one to die. The first meeting is September 19th to begin the 13- week recovery support group. The group will meet at Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, 422 Carolina Ave., Shelby, NC, on Thursdays at 6:30 pm. Call Mechell at 704-466-0537.
Nar-Anon Support Group: Meets 6:30 pm weekly on Tuesdays at the First Baptist Church, 120 N. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC. Nar-Anon is a support group for those affected by someone else’s drug addiction. We meet in the classroom of Dale St., between Sumter and Campbell St. Park on the side of the church or in the alley. Signs are posted. Call Bill, 704-692-2092 or the church office, 704-482-3467.
Al-Anon Family Groups Support: Al-Anon Family Support Groups: Al-Anon Family Support Groups support those who are affected by someone else’s drinking and drug use. No Name AFG meets on Mondays at 12noon at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 510 W Sumter St., Shelby. Contact Kay at 704-473-4891. Shelby AFG meets on Thursdays at 8:00 pm at Shelby Presbyterian Church, 226 E. Graham St., Shelby. Contact Jann at 704-692-7688.
Yes, we plan on going. It’s a good event to go with friends.
Hike With C.A.R.E. Rescue Dogs at Kings Mountain Gateway Trail on Saturday, October 5, 807 S. Battleground, Kings Mountain. 10 am to 12 pm - and for whatever length of time you would like to hike. Fall is upon us and Clifford’s Army Rescue is ready to start back our monthly hikes with the CARE doggies!
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The doggies are so excited to know they will be hitting the trails again and having so much fun with all us humans. Come out and enjoy a nice hike/ walk or run with a CARE rescue dog and make some new friends in the process. This is great fun and socialization for the doggies and humans too! They have many dogs in rescue, young, older, small, medium, large, so there is one for everyone’s
provider that proudly stands behind their work. Fast, free estimate. Financing available. Call 1-888-8789091
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Yes, I am planning on going. I like to see the animals.
interest and needs. Just let us know when you sign up, in the comment section, what size and energy level of dog you would like to walk, so we can match you with a dog. SIGN-UP LINK is https://www.signupgenius. com/.../70A054BACA728AAFE3.
C.A.R.E (Clifford’s Army Rescue Extravaganza) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, all volunteer, dog rescue organization.
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CLUES ACROSS 1. Unequaled 5. __- (slang) 8. Synthetic resin 11. Chadic language Bura-
13. In uential come Election Day 14. Bucket 15. European river 16. Earn a perfect score 17. Horizontal passage 18. Barely suf cient 20. Dekaliter
21. Goo Goo Dolls hit
Australian city 25. Female servants 30. Plumbing xtures 31. Tooth caregiver
32. Book of Esther antagonist
33. Say aloud 38. Thyrotrophic hormone 41. Absolute 43. Untimely 45. Area or neighborhood 47. Juicy fruit
49. Expresses distaste, disapproval
50. S. American rodents
55. Swedish rock group
56. In uential American president
57. Volume
59. Begged
60. Resinlike substance secreted by certain lac insects
61. Spiritual leader of a Jewish congregation
62. Good friend
63. Body part
64. Tableland
10. Substitutes (abbr.)
12. Moved swiftly on foot
14. Compensated
19. Volcano in the Philippines
23. Speak ill of
24. One who publishes
25. Expression of baf ement
26. Macaws
27. Matchstick game
28. We all have our own
29. Divinatory
34. Explosive
35. Follows sigma
36. Sea eagle 37. Type of bread 39. Bit used with a set of reins 40. Time away from work 41. Parts per thousand (abbr.)
42. Lots on your plate (abbr.)
44. Actor Brosnan 45. It’s part of packaging 46. Towards the oral region
A French abbot
1. Barrels per day (abbr.)
Body parts
Invests in little enterprises
Rock legend Turner
Dug into
Northern European nation
San Diego ballplayer
By Loretta Cozart
James Clifton is a sixyear-old boy with boundless energy, just like any other boy his age. However, James faces greater challenges as he has been diagnosed with autism and has special needs.
James’ parents are J.T. and Sidney Clifton, new to Kings Mountain. They own TruNorth Construction and Restoration. They also have a six-month-old daughter, Jolene. In a flyer, they shared, “As some of you may know, our son, James, is smart, fun, and so loving and is also non-verbal autistic. With that comes great trials and tribulations as he has several deficits. One of our largest difficulties with James is his “eloping” (bolting, running off, wandering). We have diligently worked with 4 Paws for Ability to get James a Search & Rescue/Service Dog.” However, the family needs your help to raise 50% of the service
fee, meaning they must raise $28,000.
So, a spaghetti dinner fundraiser with a raffle, bake sale, and silent auction is planned for Saturday, Sept. 28, from noon to 6 p.m. at Bess Chapel Methodist Church, 6073 Flay Road, Cherryville. The minimum donation is $10. Oso Taco’s is catering the event and serving Mexican spaghetti.
The raffle and silent auction prizes include salon gift cards, hair care baskets,
a Pleasant City gift card, a handcrafted table, a onehour massage, a K Donuts gift card, and more.
To reserve a spot, include a name and phone number with a donation.
For more information on their story or the fundraiser, find James Clifton on the 4 Paws for Ability website or call 586-453-8730. You can also scan the QR code to donate on your phone.
Mother Sydney said people can also donate directly to 4 Paws for Ability online, but they must include James Clifton in the memo. That way, the money goes directly to the family.
“I’m reaching out because I believe in the power of community and the generosity of friends. Your support means the world to us, and any contribution you can make towards our fundraising goal would bring us one step closer to receiving the service dog that will greatly enhance our daily lives.”
FALL CLASSES. Charity Bible College offers classes supplemented with out of class assignments toward a degree in Theology or Christian Education. Fall Classes will be offered every Monday, September 30th through December 16th 6:30pm to 9:00pm. The Classes offered will be Hermeneutics, OT Survey, Discipleship, and I Timothy. CBC is affiliated with Macedonia Baptist College of Midland, NC. For more information call or email us! Also look us up on Facebook and on our Webpage at: CharityBibleCollege.org (704) 4194574 cbcfallston@gmail.com
CAR & TRUCK DETAILING by Ronnie Henderson. Call for Pricing. Reasonable Rates! (704) 691-5030
Tues.-Sat. 11am-4pm. Farm House Decor, Antiques, Collectibles, Vintage Toys, Hot Wheels, Jewelry, MORE. 985 US 74 Business Hwy., Ellenboro. Find us on Facebook. 828-382-0075.
BEST KEPT SECRET AROUND! COLLECTOR’S DREAM! We Buy, Sell & Trade. Gold, Silver, Rare & Unique Items, Knives, Antiques, Coins, Gold Eagles, Collectibles and Much More. We Offer Appraisals on Coins•Knives•Jewelry.
You’ve Gotta Come Check Us Out! Jake’s Knives & Coins located at 1008 S. Lafayette St., Shelby. Call 704-600-6996 or (980) 295-5568
GOLDEN DOMERS TOY AND HOBBY. Visit our NEW LOCATION .....Model Cars, Die-cast Cars & Trucks, Tractors, Hot Wheels, Construction Toys, Sports Memorabilia, Autographed Items, Hard to Find Items! See Mike & Brandon Willis. We’re located at 104 Oliver Ave. (behind El Acapulco Mexican Restaurant in Boiling Springs), Shelby 704-297-0102 or 704-297-0103
PARKER FAMILY REUNION. At Corinth Baptist Church Fellowship Hall located at 7929 NC Hwy. 10 Vale, NC. 1:00 on 9/29/24. Bring your favorite dish and enjoy a meal and fellowship!
NOW HIRING LANDSCAPERS FOR FULL TIME YEAR ROUND EMPLOYMENT. Must have valid driver’s license and transportation. Over time available. (704) 473-0341
PART-TIME MINISTER OF MUSIC. Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Forest City, NC is seeking a part-time Music Director. Send resume to mountvernonforestcity@ gmail.com or mail to 2676 Hudlow Road, Forest City, NC 28043 (828) 286-9294 mountvernonforestcity@ gmail.com
CONCRETE REMOVAL, JUNK REMOVAL, demolition, retaining walls, pavers and grading. 828-453-8113.
POTTER RISK MANAGEMENT. “Specializing in Church Insurance” (704) 7503515; ejd@potterrisknc.com www.potterrisknc.com
HYDRAULIC CYLINDER REPAIR. Skid Steer, Wreckers, Rollbacks, Splitters, Tractors, etc. 30 years experience. Shelby, NC. (Joe) (704) 692-1097
CLEVELAND COUNTY GARAGE DOORS. Summer Tuneup Special, $69.95. We will check all your equipment lube, make sure it’s working correctly. We repair broken doors. Also offering new installations. 704472-9367.
ERIC MOBILE MECHANIC. I will come to you to repair any car, full service on lawnmowers or tractor. Honest & Reliable! (704) 300-2332
FALL CLEAN-UP. Need fall clean-up? Professional leaf removal and lawn care services to keep your yard spotless this season. Free estimates. Call Greenline Lawncare, LLC980-552-5808.
PAINTING, ROOFING, TILE FLOORS, wood decks, fences & carpentry work. Free estimates. Ask for Harold or Jim 828-429-7511.
SALTZ HANDY SERVICES & Crafty Cleaning. House, office, estate & garage cleaning, yard work, leaf clean up & mowing, debris & unwanted items hauled away. Free estimates. Christina 828-556-0580.
LAWNCARE AND HANDYMAN SERVICES. In Gaston County area. Call Boyd, 980241-7332
MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE. Sat., Sept. 28th, 9am-1pm. Also Hotdog plates $3. Family Worship Center, Church of God, 1818 Shelby Road, Kings Mountain, NC 28086
COMMUNITY YARD SALE. Saturday Sept 28th, 7am-12pm. Crystal Springs & TR Harris Rd. Rain Date 10/5/2024
DOWNSIZING, INDOOR YARD SALE. Sat., Sept. 28th, 7:30am until. Come to front door. Flexible Prices! Furniture, NASCAR, clothes, lots of miscellaneous items, 133 Gordon Ave., Shelby, NC 28152
YARD SALE. SAT., SEPTEMBER 28, 2024. From 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM. 384 Mt. Zion Church Rd., Casar, NC 28020 (704) 860-8594 ppriceisrt@gmail. com
ESTATE GARAGE SALE. Sat. Sep. 28th, 8AM-2PM. Wood Lathe, Woodworking Tools, Radial Arm Saw, other saws, Drill Presses, Sanders, Grinders, Tool Boxes, Lawn Mower, Various Yard Tools, Aviation & Military Memorabilia, Household Items & more. Inside Garage, Rain or Shine. 9/28/2024 8am2pm. 819 Sunnyside, Shady Rest Road, Kings Mountain, NC 28086
CLEANOUT SALE FROM TWO ESTATES! 1707 David Drive, Shelby, NC 28150. Fri., Oct. 4th, 2024 from 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM; Sat., Oct. 5th, 2024 from 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Contents of TWO Estates have been combined for a MASSIVE sale on 10/4 and 10/5. Thousands of items including vintage collectibles, decor for ALL holidays, lots of Halloween themed clothing and costumes of all sizes, scores of bins full of new with tag clothing from Gymboree (new old stock), LulaRoe (literally hundreds of new leggings TC, OS, TW and XS), Blowfish, Judy Blue, Ashley Roads, Rae Dunn and more. Many toys and dolls still in either vintage original or new original boxes, tons of crafting supplies, bins FULL of Hallmark Keepsake ornaments, new and used Loungefly, Disney collectibles, accessories. Scores of vintage ceramic molds and even a kiln! Call Rhonda for any questions at 704-3002962. See you on the 4th and 5th!!
LARGE FAMILY YARD SALE. Sat., Oct 5th, 2024 from 07:00 AM - 02:00 PM Household items, tools, bedding, glassware, small appliances, collectible items, crystal, Christmas decorations, furniture, too much to list. 1608 Troy Road, Shelby, NC 28150
ANNUAL BARN SALE. Saturday, Sept. 28, 9AM-2PM. Multi-family. Household items, Women’s & Men’s Clothing, Collectibles, Furniture, Tools, Holiday. Proceeds help support local charities. 1706 Grassy Knob Road, 1.5 miles off Highway 9 on left. Rutherfordton, NC 28139
USED CAMPER TOPS FOR SALE: Various sizes and styles. Keep it dry and safe! 828-351-8846.
DISCOUNT APPLIANCES. Refrigerators, washers, dryers and stoves. 1205 Earl Road, Shelby, NC. (704) 477-4766
TRAILERS, LAWNMOWER TRAILERS, FLATBED TRAILERS, Enclosed Trailers, Horse and Cattle Trailers, Saddlery. Check our prices and quality before you buy. Bridges Riding Equipment. Boiling Springs, NC. 704434-6389, (704) 473-0867
PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS with Scratch Pads! Press Room Printing. 704-482-2243. (704) 538-5788
HORSE QUALITY HAY FOR SALE. Call (704) 487-6855
STEEL BUILDINGS. “Large On Site Display”. Concrete Pads, Grading, Plumbing, Electrical. “One Stop Shop For All !” J. Johnson Sales, inc. Forest City, 2690 Hwy. 221 South. (828) 245-5895
CARPORTS, GARAGES, BOAT, RV COVER HAY BARNS, Etc. “Check Out Our Price Before You Buy... There Is Difference!” J. Johnson Sales, inc. 2690 Hwy. 221 South, Forest City. (828) 245-5895
WOOD OR METAL. New, Used, Repo. New Buildings from $3756.00. Inventory changes weekly! J. Johnson Sales, inc. 2690 Hwy. 221 South, Forest City, NC. (828) 245-5895
TRAILERS NEW5X10 WITH GATE $1395. Areas Largest Trailer Inventory, Equipment, Dumps, Landscape, Enclosed, Gooseneck “New & Used”. Best Cash Deals Around, Credit Cards, Financing, Rent to Own, No Credit Check Available. J. Johnson Sales, inc. Forest City. (828) 245-5895
CRATES FOR PLANTER BOXES, or Many Other Uses. Various Sizes. Some with Lids. $25 to $35 each. Call (704) 300-1818
METAL ROOFING FOR SALE INSTOCK! Deliveries Twice A Week. One Piece or the Whole Roof. J. Johnson Sales, inc. 2690 Hwy. 221 South, Forest City. (828) 245-5895
NEW-USED TRAILERS PARTS & ACCESSORIES FOR ALL TYPES OF TRAILERS. 1500 Square Feet of Parts, Axles, Tires, Lights, Gates, Ramps, etc. J. Johnson Sales, inc. Forest City, (828) 245-5895
TINY HOUSE / OFFICE UNIT. 12’ X 28’. Small Kitchen, 1/2 Bath, TV on Wall, Heat & Air. $35,900. Deliver & Blocked. “Financing Available”. J. Johnson Sales, inc. Forest City. (828) 245-5895
CUB CADET 42’’ CUT MOWER 5 years old, looks and runs good, needs battery. $1200. negotiable. 828-4293701.
SHELLED DEER CORN AND deer corn on cob. 50lb bag. $9/bag. James 864-542-5700. In Forest City area, near Chase HS.
SHOP FULL OF WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT. Joiner, table saw, shaper, drill press, belt sander, band saw. 828-447-1610.
YAMAHA 5’1’’ GRAND PIANO Church, School or Home. Walnut, white leather top stool, bought new in 1972. 828-6575568.
TABLE Includes balls, sticks & rack, walnut finish, leather pockets, 2 slates. 828-6575568.
SKS 762X39 CALIBER RIFLE by Norinco, new condition, $575. 38 caliber Smith & Wesson model 60, stainless steel, new condition $590. 2 truck tires 245-70-17, $50/pair. 30 pieces of PVC pipes, 4 inch diameter, 20 ft. long, schedule 40, $30. each. 828-289-1817.
MORGAN’S FIREWOOD Seasoned mix hardwood. Cut, split, delivered $85. 1/2 ton truckload. Cut 16’’ to 18’’ long. 828-395-0758. Cash only.
FOUR CEMETERY ADJOINING PLOTS. For Sale, Rose Hill Cemetery in Fallston, NC. Near Mosuleum and Convenient to sidewalk and road. Call 4:00pm-8:00pm. (704) 4725682
2 CEMETERY SPACES. Cleveland Memorial Park. $1400 plus transfer fee. (704) 747-2856
TIRES & RIMS, CALL FOR All Sizes. Also Big Pig Picking Smoker $950. (980) 291-2605
FIREWOOD Seasoned 90% Oak. Alll hardwood, 70 1/2 ton/1 1/4 cord, small bundle packs-$3 ea. Deliver charge-$15. 312 Helton Rd, Cherryville. 704-435-3970.
FOUND DOG!!!! Black Shepherd found in Cane Creek area. Call Greg 561-309-4883.
WANTED: OLD AND NEW AMMO. Reloading supplies. Call 828-245-6756 or cell # 828-289-1488.
WANT TO BUY CARS& TRUCKS. Trailers, Tractors, Farm Equipment. Must have ID and proof of ownership. Callahan’s Towing. (704) 692-1006
CASH FOR YOUR CAR. Running or not, title or no title. Call Charles Dellinger at Red Road Towing. 704-692-6767, (704) 487-0228
I PAY CASH FOR DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. Up to $10 per 100ct. Must be Unused, Unexpired. I’m local and pay fast. (828) 577-4197
TORO ZERO TURN MOWER 452cc, 15HP Briggs engine, 178 hours, 32’’ cut, in excellent like new condition. $1,000. 828-838-7353.
COW & GOAT HAY. 4X5 bales. 704-215-0214.
CHICKEN COOPS 6) 6’x6’ $600 each. 12) 4’x8’ $1,000 each. 40’x80’ Dib pen $600. 828-223-8808.
COW AND GOAT HAY. Square bales $6 each. (704) 418-1744
FOUND DOG!!!! Black Shepherd found in Cane Creek area. Call Greg 561-309-4883.
DOG KENNELS. 5X10X6, 10x10x4, 10x10x6, 10x20x6. Single Kennel, Double Kennel or Triple Kennel. Dog Houses. Rain Tops Available. “Pickup or Delivery Available.” J. Johnson Sales, Forest City, (828) 2455895
AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES. 2 Black-Tri males. 7 weeks old. $250 each. Call 828-308-3710. Parents on premises. (828) 308-3710
135 GALLON FISH AQUARIUM Includes 30 African Cichlid Frontosa, Complete setup includes everything for startup. Valued at $3500.00 asking only $900.00. call (704) 481-1874
NINE GOATS FOR SALE. mixed breed. Boer and Savannah, does and kids. $900 for all. 828-248-8060.
CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES FOR SALE. 3 Teacup Toy Chihuahua Puppies. 2 female, 1 male, 4 weeks old, $350 each. 704313-3352.
FREE KITTENS. Free to a good home. Males-3 mths.old, neutered, all shots, defleaed, dewormed, litterbox trained. Great barn cats. 704-4778390.
TOY POODLE PUPPIES. 1st shot & wormed. $450. (704) 466-5883
TOY POODLES. $700 each. Males and females. CKC. Will be less than 10 lbs. Call 828289-8844.
GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPY. Big bone very intelligent German Shepherd puppy. He is also affectionate. Born 6/3/24 and comes from AKC parents, which are DM clear, and xray good on hips and elbows. Can be AKC registered, comes U/T/D shots. $1000. 828-292-3001 (828) 292-3001 rsutak26@hotmail. com
AKC MINI SCHNAUZER MALE PUPPY. 16 weeks old, playful. Vet checked, 3 rounds of shots & groomed. $800. (704) 418-7855
4 GOATS FOR SALE. 2 billies & 2 nannies. $400. (864) 4926173
DHS. Low mileage good condition, excellent interior, fair paint. $1600. I just bought a new car. (980) 291-2605
4-dr., 207,777 miles, new battery, new inspection, runs great.
$3,995 OBO. 704-473-4162
2002 NISSAN MAXIMA, 4 DOOR, AUTO., 166,000 original miles, a/c works, new tires and battery. Good interior. $3,000 obo. 704-718-1035
7.3 Diesel Power Stroke, Removable Pipe Rack. Flat Bed. 146,000 miles, PW, PDL, 5 Speed Manual, $17000.00. Call (704) 300-1818
2010 HONDA CR-V EXL EDITION. 4 wheel drive. Leather. Sunroof. Heated seats. Cold A/C. Rear Camera. Navigation. 174,000 miles, (27mpg), $9999 / ONLY $1400 Down (wac). Call for details. (704) 300-5225
2005 CHEVROLET MALIBU $1700 NEGOTIABLE. (Needs electric power steering pump). Also need caregiver to take me to doctor. 980-880-7324
2006 FORD ECONOLINE CARGO VAN. E-250 Utility Van. Has ladder rack and tool & supply racks with Buckhead gate behind driver seat. 222,000 miles. Cold A/C. Automatic. New Battery & Wiper Blades. $5500.00 OBO. Call (704) 300-1818
1997 CADILLAC DEVILLE NORTH STAR SERIES. STS V-8 Sun roof, leather, pearl white, 130,000 miles. $4000 OBO. 704-477-8622.
1998 MACK CS200P. Box Truck. Very good condition. 169,000 miles. One Owner. 22 ft. fully dry box with 3000 lb. lift gate. Serviced every 8000 miles. Good heat and air. Fully lined sound reduction cab. Turbo charged, Fuel injected Diesel. Good fuel mileage. $12,500 or OBO. 704-472-1997 leave message. Messages checked daily.
1997 FORD F-250 HD Super Cab. 5.8V8, excellent condition. $11,000. 1996 Ford Windstar van. Great for mail carrier. $1200. 828-447-3627
2010 TOYOTA TACOMA for sale in the Zion community. 75,000 miles, $13,000, 919815-4201.
One owner, V-6, Automatic, Sunroof, Leather interior, 247,000 miles, Good condition! $3400. Call (704) 692-0802
2013 HARLEY DAVIDSON ULTRA CLASSIC. 1850CC, new battery, very clean, great condition, asking $9,000. 2009 Yamaha VStar 1300CC, new tires & battery, asking $5,500. 828-289-8943
349-2 CAR FARM ROAD. Lincolnton, NC. Singlewide. 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Rent $975, Deposit $975. App Fee $25 per Adult. 704-214-4180
SUNNYVIEW, NC FOR SALE BY OWNER. Convenient location, 3.62 wooded residential acres on quiet country road. $64,500. Owner financing available with 20% down. 828429-3287.
1040 CASAR BELWOOD ROAD. Casar, NC. Singlewide. 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom. Rent $975, Deposit $975, App Fee $25 per adult. 704214-4180.
123 KIM DRIVE, GROVER, NC. Singlewide. 2 bathroom, 1 bathroom. Rent $775, Deposit 4775. Ap Fee $25 per adult. 704-214-4180.
LIONS SENIOR VILLAGE. Has 1 bedroom HUD subsidized apartments for low income seniors. Taking applications now. Age 62 or older. Equal Housing Opportunity. 211 North Morgan Street, Shelby, NC (704) 4827723 (704) 482-7723 Lions@ RPMMANAGED.COM
107-2 OAK DRIVE, LAWNDALE, NC. DUPLEX, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom. Rent $925, Deposit $925, App Fee, $25 per adult. 704-214-4180.
135-22 WIGGINS LANES, KINGS MTN, NC. New Singlewide. 3 bedroom 2 bathrooms. Rent $1375, Deposit $1375, App Fee $25 per adult. 704214-4180.
1424 FREDERICK ST, SHELBY NC. 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Rent $1295, Deposit $1295, App Fee $25 per adult. 704-214-4180.
1624-19 S. POST ROAD. Shelby, NC. Singlewide, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom. Rent $875, Deposit $875, App Fee $25 per adult. 704-214-4180.
110 KENTBURY DRIVE, GROVER, NC. Singlewide. 2 bedroom 1 bathroom. Rent $775, Deposit $775. App Fee $25 per Adult. 704-214-4180.
LOCATED IN SHELBY NC. Is currently accepting applications for our 2 and 3 bedroom Townhomes. Rent is based on income (and even some expenses are deducted). Call or visit today! 1526 Eaves Road, Shelby, NC or call for more information. Equal Housing Opportunity. (704) 487-1114
MOVE IN SPECIAL. 2 & 3 Bedroom, deposit required. Weekly rates. Includes power and water. NO PETS. NO TEXTING. (704) 473-4299
2&3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. Nice and clean, water furnished. Oak Grove Community, Kings Mtn. Call or text, (704) 739-0259
HICKORY CREEK APARTMENTS FOR SENIORS. (62 and older), disabled (50 and older). Shelby. Now taking applications for waiting list. 418 East Warren Street, Shelby. (704) 487-6354
2 & 3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. Small private park between Spindale and Forest City. Starting at $700 per month. 828-382-0475.
OAKLAND 2 BEDROOM $750. Efficiency $650. Appliances, electric, water & sewer furnished. Only well qualified need apply. 828-289-1794
FIRST FLOOR WITH PRIVATE ENTRANCE. Extra large bedroom, large bathroom, walk-in closet, kitchen with bar/counter, close to downtown. $1200/per month. Water, electricity, gas included. 828-748-9168.