Worcestershire Source 2

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ISSUE No: 2 March 2004

Worcestershire Source The Newsl,etter of Worcestershire Freemasons

NEW PGM: NEW GS: NEW EMPHASIS ON RA 1/t ongratulations to Richard Goddard f and Richard Price on their \r/ appointments as Provincial Grand

Master and Grand Superintendent in and over the Masonic


Provi nce of Worcestershire.

Extracts from their addresses following

their lnvestitures on 29 January 2004 at Malvern are included in this issue.

It was made clear by the Past PGM that

with the reduction in the number of

Provincial Honours, new criteria

would be used in the assessment of Past Masters and that one of these might be membership of a Royal Arch


In his address, Richard Price sets out emphasis on Royal Arch Masonry generally, which has been handed downfrom Grand Lodge.

the new

THE ROAD TO MALVERN 31 December 2003 1

January 2004

Barrie Cooper stands down as Provincial Grand Master and Grand Superintendent. Richard Goddard becomes the Deputy Provincial Grand Master in charge PGL office in Bromsgrove becomes the focus of planning and John McGann, Alan Pope, Henry France-Sergeant, Jenny and all

available volunteers swing into action to organise the event. Due to it being term time, the usual meetlng place at the University of Birmingham is not available so the Three Counties Showground at Malvern is chosen. The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, W Bro. David Bell, and his deputies dust off files from ten years ago, poured over the Rituals and correspond with Grand Lodge in London to ensure that everything is correct. Ticket applications are sent out, impoftant guests invited and replies collated, and the table plan and hall layout are organised. 27


28 January 2004

All ready, nothing left to chance. Snowl ! Blizzards hit the country and the M id lands grinds to a halt. A rehearsal is planned in Malvern at 6.00pm. In spite of the arctic conditions, everyone arrives safely! The Deputy PGM designate is dispatched to the railway station at 7.00pm to meetthe VIP guests from the London train. A frozen Deputy PGM designate returns alone at 9.00pm. The train has been delayed by snow and a dinner planned for B.30pm is



eventually taken over an hour later when almost all have arrived.

The day dawns with clear blue sky, snow capped hills and great expectations. A final rehearsal is held at 9.00am for the team and main pafticipants. Nearly 700 masons make their way from as far afield as Derbyshire, Buckinghamshire, Staffordshire, Shropshire, South Wales, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Bristol, Gloucestershire, Warwickshire and Herefordshire for the installations. At 11.30am E Comp Richard B W Price is installed as Grand Superintendent in and over Worcestershire Royal Arch Masons by M E Comp David Kenneth Williamson and his officers from Supreme Grand Chapter, at a Chapter Meeting in front of 500 Companions, including ten Grand Superintendents and representatives from fifteen Provinces. A welcome interlude for drinks, chat and meeting friends is followed by lunch for over 500. At 3.00 pm Richard Goddard is installed as Provincial Grand Master at a Craft Meeting by the Assistant Grand Master R W Bro. David Kenneth Williamson, with over 650 Brethren suppofting the occasion. The Provincial Grand Master installs W Bro. Robeft Vaughan as his Deputy and advises that there is no truth in the rumour that you have to have a name beginning with "R'to achieve high officel So Worshipful Brothers Peter Band, Stuart Edwards and Colin Young are installed as Assistant Provincial Grand Masters. The processions leave the hall to the rousing strains of Elgar's music played on the organ by W Bro. Adrian Leopard. At 4.30pm the official events of the day end and, with fair weather, all set off for home after experiencing a great day in Worcestershire's Masonic calendar, leaving everyone proud to be members of such a fantastic order.


* ts*

Richard pops the question "W, Bro. Robert Christopher Vaughan, previously a Provincial Grand Steward and then Provincial lunior Grand Warden in 1986, being rewarded by the Grand Rank of Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in

L992. You were

appointed an fusistant

Provincial Grand Master almost exactly two years ago and immediately showed yourself to be more than equal to the task expected ofyou in this Province. Your friendly presence, quiet

efficiency and attention to detail have become marked in whatever you have done, and I am delighted to make you my Deputy Provincial Grand Master, feeling fully assured of your loyalty and support. I must neveftheless ask if you are willing and able to undertake that high office?"

"W. Bro. Peter Charles Band, you


Feedback on Issue No


Thank you to all those Brethren who have given their comments on the first issue. To summarise the feedbac( everyone seems very pleased with both the concept of a Provincial Newsletter and, I am relieved to

with its execution. Neither the Rulers nor I have received any negative comments. We all find this encouraging and I, for one, am grateful for your suppoft. say,

There was no prize for spotting editorial eccentricities! Several Brethren noticed that the first two paragraphs of the article on the New Masonic Samaritan Fund were repeated. Mia Culpa!

Update on The Bells The Commissionlng of the peal of 13 new bells at St Mary and All Saints Church, Kidderminster


appointed Provincial Junior Grand Warden in 1993 and rewarded with Grand Rank as Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in 1999. Only last June at our Provincial Grand Lodge meeting you were appointed Assistant Provincial Grand Master in succession to W, Bro. Tony Hawkard who was emigrating to Yorkshire. Since that time you have shown



by the Rt. Revd. Dr Peter Selby Bishop of Worcester took place on Sunday 29 February 2004 in the BellTower with the dedication and operation of the new bells being relayed to the congregation by video link.

The souvenir brochure clearly acknowledged that No 4 'Deborah' was "donated by the

to be well equal to the task and

Freemasons of the Borough of Kidderminster and the Province of Worcestershire supported by a major contribution from the Freemasons

although I have no hesitation in re-appointing you as an Assistant Provincial Grand Master I must ask if you are willing and able to continue in the office?"

Grand Charity"

"W. Bro. Stuart Ian Edwards, you were nominated and elected Provincial Grand Treasurer in 1998, and were rewarded for your labours by appointment to Grand Rank as Past

The ceremony was attended by W Bro Cecil G Cariss of the Lodge of Hope and Charity and I am grateful to him for his follow up report and photograph.

Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in 2001, an honour you had richly earned for having handled the later stages ofAppeal 2000 so successfully and in general for bringing the financial affairs of the Province in all its aspects into fine order. Your abilities in many of the Orders of which you are a member are well recognised, and am delighted to have secured your services as one of my new


Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, However, I must flrst ask if you are willing and able to undertake that office?"

"W. Bro. Colin Verdun Young, you


appointed Provincial Senior Grand Warden in

1995 and given the Grand Rank Assistant Grand Director

2002. A




Ceremonies in

former headmaster, your

administrative skills as secretary of several different Masonic bodies and your educative skills in your lodge of instruction and elsewhere have already been duly noted, and am


delighted that you have accepted the position of Assistant Provincial Grand Master. I must nevertheless also ask if you are willing and able to undertake the office?"

I am pleased to extend my apologies to W No8491. In the gave his name as Edwin Gwinnell in the list of Brethren to receive Bro EG Hill ofTeme Lodge

last edition


their 50 Year Certificates. Thank you to all those many kind Brethren who spotted the mistake and took the trouble to let me know. Why do

I feel like a tabloid

guilty by the

editor found





* *-


visitors for travelling in some cases a great number of miles to be wlth us today, no less

than fifteen other Provinces represented; your support is


much appreciated. There is no time this afternoon to greet you individually as is our usual custom; I can only ask you please to return in June when

I will do so with great pleasure at our


Provincial Grand Lodge.

Brethren, these great ceremonial events do not just happen; a vast amount of planning and hard work goes into their organisation. Today is no exception; indeed, it has been made doubly difficult by the fact, firstly, that this is not our normal venue and, secondly, for the very few week that have been available

for putting it all

- a

period, together incidentally, which of course also included the Christmas and New Year holiday. Brethren who have readily given their time and effort in varying capacities are numerous and I thank them all. But in pafticular may I single out the

"R. W Assistant Grand Master, Distinguished Brethren, Brethren



embark on a succession of'thankyousi may I set at restthe minds of the ambitious by assuring them that, despite what they may conceive to be the case Before

after today's proceedings, it will not


requisite in order to hold the highest office in this Province to change your forenames by

deedpoleto Richard. R, W. Assistant Grand Master, the gratitude of the entire Province is due first and foremost to

yourself for the kindly and most dignified manner in which you have installed E.Comp. Richard Price and myself into our respective

today. And I naturally include in such thanks all the members of the first rate team that you have brought with you from London offices

and who never cease to set so fine an example of the highest standards of ceremonial, which we in this Province attempt to emulate. And may I offer my personal thanks to you for the touching gesture of recalling to your team a former Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies

who, probably now more years ago than he cares to remember, sat at a desk just up the road at Malvern College whilst chalk





the Provincial Grand Secretary

and the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies.

I also wish publicly to thank the Provincial Grand Organist without whose skills, and organ, today's proceedings would have been immeasurably duller. Brethren, I trust it has not escaped your notice that he has, at my request, played a good deal of Elgar - for three reasons: because from my earliest days I have loved his music; because, after all, the inspiration for many of his greatest works came to him on or around these hills; and, thirdly, in tribute to my mother, now in her one hundredth year and very proud of this day, and

who knew Sir Edward in the 1920s. We shall shortly be leaving this hall to the rousing strains of 'Land of Hope & Glory' and I trust that in true and various Worcestershire Lodges tradition you will help to raise the roof - the R.W Provincial Grand Master for Herefordshire,

who is the solicitor to the Three Counties Show, has confirmed that the building is

Above all, brethren of Worcestershire, my thanks to you for attending these proceedings in such large numbers and for sending me so many letters and messages of goodwill and suppoft. For my paft I pledge that I will serve you and lead this fine Province of ours to the best of my ability. As we journey further into the twenty first century we must be prepared listen the voices the younger




of to adapt to the

changing circumstances of our modern society, but never to lose sight of the abiding Landmark of our Order nor be afraid of demonstrating to others in every walk of life the principles we have ourselves been taught. I also pledge my support for our new Grand Superintenden! be assured that, although the leadership of Craft and Royal Arch is now wisely divided, we shall work closely together for our mutual benefit. Brethren, I wish to end with a challenge. On 1st December last R.W Bro. Barrie Cooper, Bro Stuart Edwards and I paid a visit to the Very

Reverend the Dean

always been



Worcester who has

good friend

to us.


predecessor wished to express in tangible form his appreciation for his ten years in office by presenting a cheque for f10,000 to help kickstart the f5m appeal that the Dean is shortly to launch on behalf of Worcester Cathedral. He asked me to continue that support and I readily agreed. The annual family ser,vice in the Cathedral on the first Sunday in July has long been the highlight of our Provincial calendar. When we meet beforehand for lunch this year, hopefully with the Dean as our guest, I would like to be able to present him with another cheque and double that sum. Brethren, if each lodge in the Province would consider giving one alms collection to that cause between now

and then we should easily reach the target. Please give generously to a worthy cause long

properly insured.

supported by our forebears.

Although not present, I wish to put on record my thanks to my predecessor for bequeathing to me a sound and happy Province. Brethren,

R.W. Assistant Grand Master and Brethren, I thank you all and I wish you a particularly safe journey home."

wielded the

over- possibly sometimes at- his head.

Secondly, may I thank our many distinguished


two who have borne the brunt of

we owe a great debt to the leadership of R.W Bro Barrie Cooper, and we shall be marking his retirement in suitable manner later in the year. I personally am gratefulto him for his guidance and support over the past two decades.




I am very proud to be Grand Superintendent in and over the Province of Worcestershire. It is a fine Province with a fine Royal Arch tradition.

I am also mindful that I am the first Grand Superintendent in this Province, for thifi years not to have the dual role of Provincial Grand Master.

f l<

motivation behind the proposals. I strongly believe that all candidates, when interviewed before initiation, should be made aware from the outset; that Antient Freemasonry consists

of three

degrees, namely



Apprentice, the Fellow Craft and the Master Mason including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch and that they are not

they have become, are and remain subscribing members

Complete Freemasons unless Not since 1973, when the then most excellent Grand Superintendent, the late F.E Griffiths

took on the additional office


Grand Master.

During this period of 30 years, there has been considerable growth in the number of Lodges and Chapters in the Province.

Companions, A lewis aged 26, it is some 43 years since I was initiated by my Father, a fine ritualist, for whom


had the greatest affection and respect. In 1961 he was then the Worshipful Master of the lYasefield Lodge and he later Exalted me into the Royal Arch. Two very emotional and moving experiences, almost overwhelming!

I venture to say Companions that my feelings

at this moment on this occasion, are



The solemnity of the ceremony and the calm dignity with which it has been today conducted by the Presiding officer M.E. Comp David K. Williamson and his team from Supreme Grand Chapter is not only impressive to the onlooker but particularly moving for those to whom it is directed.

of a Royal Arch Chapter.

Provincial For far too long have some members and sadly,

some long serving and even Past Masters of Craft, got away unchallenged with advising young masons against the need to join the Royal Arch.


would here, like to pay tribute to my predecessors during this thirty years and to

The Pro Grand Master last year described the

complement them

on their sagacity, in choosing as their Deputy Grand Superintendents, such able and loyal

'indissolubly linked'


I share these views and Companions you may be assured that we shall work together to

Two of them covered over 20 years service. They are both here today. I mean, of course, E. Comp Dr. H lohn White and E. Comp T Victor Condlyffe, the latter of whom, I have today been pleased to reappoint for his eleventh, and hetells me, his lastyearin office. Iwould also mention E. Comp Michael Verduyn, Provincial Second Principal until his dreadful accident in China lastyear.

fufther promote these precepts.

Membership numbers have held remarkably steady over the last 5 years and always at over 35% of our Craft Membership.

times. Candidates for initiation are less plentiful, with the consequent effect on candidates for

These are difficult

Craft and Royal Arch Masonry as


I am glad to say that both Richard Goddard and

Freemasonry both Craft and Royal Arch was born in difficult times, has survived periods of tremendous turmoil, war and persecution but because it is true it will always survive as a haven from the pressures around us.

We are privileged, as Royal Arch Masons, to belong to something that stands for all that is best in this world, our relationship with our fellow beings and our God.

Masonry and particularly the Royal Arch, is ,I to be enjoyed, by all that pafticipate, and Companions it should be seen to be believe


Exaltation. We shall ever be grateful to you, for this and for the friendly warmth with which you have gone aboutyourduties. It isa dayl shall notforget.


am delighted at the prospect of working closely alongside our new Provincial Grand lYaster designate Richard Goddard, for whom I have great regard and respect, developed over many years that he and I have been members ofthis and other orders.

We are all aware that proposed changes are afoot, both in the Royal Arch ritual and in

qualification necessary for the Principals I have only recently been party to these. My nature is to be cautious about change. I need to be reassuredthatitisforthe


I hope that our objective will be to impart to others our enthusiasm for the Royal Arch, so that they may share the greater reward and satisfaction it offers, of communicating the mysteries of Royal Arch in the happy company of our Companions as we carry on with vigour the High and Glorious Traditions of our order.

best and will achieve the desired result.


Companions, I thank you for your support and

do however understand, and applaud, the






On Wednesday 17th December 2003, R W Bro Barrie Michael Cooper performed his last official duty as our Provincial Grand Master. He was presiding officer at the installation meeting of Worcester Lodge No. 280. W Bro William Stallard had the honour to propose his toast for the last time aS PGM.


rise to propose a Valedictory Toast to the Provincial Grand Master, marking as we do this evening the Right Worshipful Barrie Michael Cooper's impending retirement after a decade as Provincial Grand Master

of the Province of Worcestershire.

My preparations for this Toast have provided some insight into Barrie's success in his Masonic career. He made a precocious start with his Initiation in 1951 at the age of 21 years when I was still in shofts at my Prep School. He was appointed a Provincial Warden of the Year in 1968, not long after I got into long trousers. When some of us were preoccupied in Round Table with such cultural events as Worcester Sauce Night, he was exhorting the Wardens and addressing the Brethren as to their respective duties on a chequered floor. He was appointed a Grand Lodge Officer in L976 and by 1980, 23 years ago, he was an Assistant Provincial Grand Master. I hazard a guess that he will have represented Province in one capacity or another at Lodge Installations such as this on more than a thousand occasions, in the course of which he must have experienced every possible variation to the Ritual and every degree ofcompetency. He will know better than any of us that every Ceremony

is different by reason of the change in cast, and I have never known him display anything other than sincere interest, wholehearted support and encouragement, not to mention his disarming charm, on his vislts to Lodges throughout his Province. I well remember the impression his first visit to 280 as Presiding Officer made on me when I was a newly fledged Master Mason. It may have been the occasion I appeared resplendent in my black velvet jacket with fetching Swedish lace shirt and was subsequently carpeted for being improperly dressed. Barrie had recently been elevated to an Assistant Provincial Grand Master but, so overawed was I by his pefformance upstairs, his dignity and bearing and his confidence at the Festive Board, that I mistook him for the Provincial Grand Master of Cornwall. He has never looked back. For thirty five years he has been an ambassador and principal standard bearer for this Province, notjust as a Masonic role model and a senior ruler in the Craft and in Chapter, but in the communlty and the wider world. One would have expected no less of an Old Boy of KES Birmingham and a former Lieutenant in the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. He managed to combine the management of his family business and Masonic commitments with his service to the Magistracy, sitting as Chairman of the Bench for several years. His achievements and the offices held in Masonry are too extensive to recite and many will be well known. Suffice to say he has been Worshipful Master of seven Lodges and MEZ of two Chapters and a high-flyer in other Orders on whose activities I can merely speculate.

He has devoted a large part of his time, energy, intellect and bath-time contemplation to the furtherance and development of the interests of this Masonic Province of Worcestershire for the greater part of his life, culminating in his ten years as our Provincial Grand Master in the course of which he has led by example and also with an inclusiveness born of consideration and consultation. He presided over what must have been one of the most successful Festivals marking the conclusion ofAppeal 2000, and now leaves the Province in good heart, strengthened by the devotion he has lavished on it. We have much for which to be thankful to him and now he is about to withdraw from the Provincial limelight and to hand over the reins to his Deputy, who will have learnt much from his leadership. He departs from the burdens of Office for a well-earned retirement, taking with him the gratitude, respect and admiration of allwho have been privileged to experience his Masonic service. May I express, Barrie, on behalf of all of us, our good wishes for health and happiness in your retirement, and the hope that we shall be permitted to welcome you amongst us on future occasions."

Newshounds In the first edition, Barrie

Cooper offered a prize for the best suggestion for the name of this publication. He received a number of entries, a number of whlch demonstrated the quite warped thought processes and logic of masons in the Province as well as a great knowledge of the history and ideosyncratic customs of the county. Having submitted what Barrie judged to be the best entry Mrs Steve Vaughan, the wife of our new DepPGM, was presented with a bottle of bubbly in a small but suitably sober ceremony. Typical, we masons all exercise our minds and the wife of a mason walk off with the prize having beaten usall! MARCH 2OO4

I love my masonry and visit as much as I can, I cannot be everywhere. Consequently, I am looking for Brethren to come forward who can act as my eyes and ears to keep me informed of what is happening and what is impoftant to Brethren at the different masonic halls. All information can be on an attributable or non attributable basis.

As everyone will appreciate, whilst

By way of example, you may be aware that both the Provincial Grand Master and the

Deputy Provincial Grand Master


accepted invitations to become Patrons of the All Saints Community Development Company Limited.

This project is a paftnership of All Saints Church with the All Saints Medical Centre and the All Saints Youth Project which aims

We all want this to be a relevant Source of information to everyone. So please contact me to let me know that I can keep in touch with you.

to create a new 'Centre for Healthy Living and Spiritual Welfare' in the heart of Kings Heath. Editor


Out of Little Acorns ,..

* ll-


To mark the occasion of fifty years in Freemasonry last December W Bro Ray Hollins decided to write a few short talk about the Craft to provide his Mother Lodge The Stechford Lodge No. 3185 with an alternative to a programme of demonstrating the Craft degrees without a proper candidate.

The venture has grown rather since its inception, with Ray writing 50 shoft talks on the Craft which he has published in five volumes!. MQ Magazine intend to publish a review in April and have asked Ray to contribute an article on masonic education and training for the summer issue. There will be more information in the next issue of the Source. A DAILYADVANCEMENT IN MASONIC KNOWLEDGE FIFry SHORTTALKS ON THE CMFT


5 Volumes Paperback. f4.50 perVolume (incl P & P) from R.J.Hollins, The Briars, 69, St. Bernards Road, Olton, Solihull, West Midlands B92 7DF. United Kingdom


email Raymondhollins@aol.com Website forfull information : masonicshoftalks.com

LIBRARY AND MUSEUM APPEAL REPORT Several months have passed since I gave you an update on the Library and Museum Appeal



April 2004

Provincial Grand Chapter - Birmingham University

Sunday 25 April 2004

Initiates Lunch Worcester Masonic Hall

Wednesday 28 Aprll2004

Grand Lodge

Thursday 29 April 2004

Grand Chapter Investiture London



Provincial General Committee Meeting Kings Heath

Many Lodges have responded positively to the Appeal newsletter and have pledged f500 per

Thursday 10 lune 2004

WMCO Annual Meeting Kings Heath

Saturday 19 June 2004

Provincial Grand Lodge - Birmingham University

Sunday 4 July 2004

Cathedral Service Worcester Cathedral

Thursday 15 July 2004

Grand Officer's Mess Worcester Masonic Hall

and so


am confident that you will have all


heard something about

third of the way

We are now about a through our Appeal, and

although we haven't quite reached a third of our f250,000 TARGEI we are steadily gaining

is really and I thank

year for three years which

encouraging. A number of Chapters have also

made significant contributions, you all for your support to date.

Merchandise sales are going well, particularly the braces which have now reached Australia via our link with thefreemason.com website. The green ties and handkerchiefs are proving very popular but in order to be seen as "the complete, well dressed Worcester Mason" you




a green striped shirt and of

3 June


Ladies Gift Fund for Masonic Charities The Ladies' Gift Fund has had

course a pair of braces!

A full selection of items will be available at Provincial Grand Chapter in April and Provincial Grand Lodge in June so please remember your cheque books (or cash); unfoftunately we are unable to accept credit cards. Do you still have your lottery application form in your briefcase or at home- waiting to be completed? We have only 220 participants so far so many of you are missing out on the fun of the monthly draw. It would make a substantial contribution to the Appeal if we could increase

Lottery membership to 500. Don't forget it is open to family and friends as well as Brethren.

Finally, the refurbishment of the old coach house at Bromsgrove is now complete. We are happy to accept Lodge and Chapter archives,

which can now be properly stored, thanks to If you wish to use this facility, please contact John Hart or one of his team at

this Appeal.

Investiture London

Captain Brown Retires W Bro Colin P T Brown decided, for personal


successful year, culminating in the Christmas Fayre held at Stirling Road, Edgbaston. This was opened by the Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire, R W Bro Tom Lloyd, and was suppofted by the Provincial Grand Masters of Warwickshire and Worcestershire. A splendid array of stalls, competitions, games

and donations ensured a magnificent profit of over [6,500.00, all in spite of clashing with the semi-finals of the Rugby World Cup!

The Committee is delighted that the year's efforts have now raised nearly 810,000.00 to be distributed between the three Provinces and the New Samaritan Fund.

reasons, not to continue as an Assistant Provincial Grand Master. We all thank him for his unstinting work on behalf of the Province over the past years and we are all pleased to see him returning to good health. Colin held acting offices as Provincial Grand Steward, Provincial lunior Grand Warden and Senior Grand Deacon in the Craft and Third Provincial Grand Principal in Royal Arch along with high office in many other degrees and orders.

His mark has been left on the life of this Province and will endure for years to come. The fact that you are reading this issue is, in paft, due to his vision and efforts.

The next fund raising event is to be a Spring Lunch at Moseley Masonic Hall, Kings Heath on

Sunday 25 April


Further details are

available from Freda Mac on


We send Colin and Pat congratulations on their wedding on 6 April and wish them both every happiness for their future life together.

the museum in Worcester.

Thank you again continued support. Howard Wilson AppealChairman





Published by The Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire. Provincial Office, 94 Birmingham Road, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, 861 ODF Adicles may not be reproduced without written authority. Editor: Keith Blizzard would be pleased to receive articles, news and photographs for publication Blizzards, Crest House, 7 Highfield Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, 815 3ED Tel 0121 456 4849 Email: kblizzard@blizzards.co.uk

Don't forget to log on to our new website,.,,... 'Worcestershirepgl.org.uk'


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