What’s New At WU?
Happy Summer!
The Administrative Staff Development Committee (ASDC) hopes that this newsletter provides you with crosscampus updates. The committee is in the process of planning 3rd Thursday Staff Development opportunities for next academic year If you have any ideas, thoughts, or feedback, please email The ASDC’s Chair, Kelley Hardie, at khardie@waynesburg.edu
Campus Ministry
WU Chapel Message Audio is now streaming on multiple platforms. During the Fall semester, message and testimony audio will uploaded on Tuesday afternoon following WU Chapel so that you can relisten, share, or catch up if you miss a week. You can subscribe now and listen to two of our “Testimony Tuesday” recordings by clicking below.
Here are the links: Apple Podcasts: WU Chapel Messages // Apple Podcasts Spotify: Waynesburg University ChapelMessages | Podcast on Spotify Amazon Music: Waynesburg University Chapel
Upcoming Campus Events
Division Updates
Criminal Justice and Forensic Investigation
The Construction on the Center for Criminal Justice and Forensic Investigation is underway! The Center will be utilized for the day-to-day operations in the Criminal Justice and Forensic Investigation majors, but also serve as a regional training site where students will be able to train alongside experts in the industry. Future trainings will include students and experts in the fields of Criminal Justice, Forensic Science, Forensic Investigation, Forensic Accounting, Cybersecurity, and Pre-law. We look forward to providing opportunities for WU students to network and learn from those individuals in the fields that they aspire to join in the coming years. The construction is projected to be complete in late September or early October 2024.
Financial Aid
Tuition Remission benefits?
If you are planning on taking classes in the summer, fall or spring semesters and want to apply for tuition remission benefits, go to: https://waynesburguniversityforms-dbcom/viewphp?id=101888
If you have billing, payment or any other student account questions, please contact the Business Office at 724-852-3403 or businessoffice@waynesburgedu
If they are financial aid questions (additional funding, loan options, etc), please contact the Financial Aid Office at 724-852-3208 or finaid@waynesburgedu
Kate James (women’s soccer) and Ethan Lown (men’s tennis) were honored at the PAC Scholar-Athlete Banquet on May 16!
Baseball ties program record for wins and finishes 3rd in PAC. Rudy Marisa Memorial Endowment for Men’s Basketball held kickoff dinner on May 4.
Would you like to submit a future prayer request or celebration that will be listed in the upcoming newsletter? Then, complete this form
Prayer Requests Save
the Date!
From the Alumni Office
Homecoming 2024 is set for October 18-19. We expect a large alumni turnout and are planning some special activities to celebrate our milestone 175th anniversary. Please let us know if you are able to join and help us host our guests on campus. You can email alumni@waynesburg.edu, call 724-852-3256
ITS Updates
Weareexcitedtosharethatwewill launchanewmyConnectportalthis summer.Watchyouremailthis monthforinformationon previewingthenewsite It’stimeagainforourannual cybersecuritytraining.Please completethecanvastrainingby June21stat4:00PM Reminder!Isyourdepartment planningtomoveofficesor equipment?PleaseplaceanITS request.Ahelpdeskteammember willbeintouchtoprepareand schedulethemove