New Student Newsletter - July

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We hope that you and your family had a safe and happy July 4th and that you have been enjoying your summer Please be certain to read this newsletter in its entirety, as there is important information pertaining to your arrival and things you 'll need to do prior to your arrival in August. Please continue to monitor your WU email throughout the summer.

Our staff is getting prepared and excited for your arrival in August. Please note that New Student Orientation is August 24-27, 2023, and classes will begin on Monday, August 28


in Athletics (SWA) 724-852-3461


Seeds for Success and GROW@WU Canvas Course

Seeds for Success

We encourage students and parents to sign up for the Seeds for Success program Please register early to reserve your spot for one of the remaining programs on Friday July 21 or Monday, July 31. Registration begins at noon and the program runs until 4:30 pm.

Parents and students attending our June Seeds for Success program had this to say about their experiences:

"The most beneficial part was getting to know about available resources to help my student succeed" -Parent "The opportunity to take care of a few items prior to the start of the program was helpful" -Parent

"Getting to meet people and learn my way around campus was great." -Student

GROW@WU (Mandatory Virtual Program)

What is GROW@WU?

GROW@WU is a virtual summer program that assists students with their upcoming Waynesburg University experience. This course will help students prepare for the transition to college life and provide information about resources available to support our students academically and socially This is a virtual program located on your Canvas page Log into your myConnect homepage, click the Canvas icon and select the course GROW@WU to get started!

When should this course be completed?

To better equip students for the transition to college and life at Waynesburg University, we ask that you complete this course before arriving on campus Topics include: How to Succeed, Preparing for Your College Growth and Growing Outside of the Classroom. Please complete this course on or before August 28.

Important Reminder to All Students

Medical Forms are DUE! If you have not already done so, please complete the following as soon as possible:

Medical Forms (Print, take to your doctor, and mail with a copy of your insurance card to Student Development by July 31.)

Athletes - Athletic Training Medical Form- This form, in addition to the required Medical Forms listed above, is required for all new student-athletes. (Follow the electronic portal directions.)

Resident Students - Your new student housing form will be available in THD (The Housing Director) under the Apps and Contracts Tab

Commuting Students - Your student and food service contracts (if you signed up for a meal plan) will be available in the THD (The Housing Director) under the Apps and Contracts Tab.

Arrival Dates and Times

Please carefully review the arrival dates and times for all new students. In addition, there is a new section on the website "New Student Resources" Please take the time to look at this important information pertaining to arrival, move-in day and the Welcome Days schedule

Fall student athletes or those involved in campus programs will be arriving on campus earlier than other new students. Those scheduled to arrive early will receive information from the coach or program director. All new students, even those who arrive on campus early, are required to attend Welcome Days August 24- 27 and participate in all Welcome Days activities throughout the weekend

Public Safety News

Waynesburg University is blessed to reside in a beautiful and safe community. Our office works hand-in-hand with both the Waynesburg Borough Police Department and the Pennsylvania State Police. We use Everbridge, an emergency alert system, that informs students of an emergency via your student email and your cell phone number This could include, but not limited to, inclement weather, and campus and community emergencies

The Department of Public Safety oversees parking on campus. Freshman resident students are only permitted to have a vehicle on campus if there are extenuating circumstances and with prior approval. If you are a freshman resident student with a particular need for having a car on campus, please complete the Freshman Parking Permit Request form Then Public Safety will consider the request If you have additional parking questions, please call 724-852-3303

The Public Safety office is directed by Mike Humiston and is located on the first floor of the Stover Campus Center. The office is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. They can be reached at 724-852-3303. lf there is no one in the Public Safety office, please use the phone located outside their office It will ring to their cell phone for assistance


To find required textbooks and course materials, students are encouraged to click on the “Follett Discover” icon on the myConnect homepage.

Because your schedule is still tentative, if you purchase textbooks before coming to campus, it is possible that your required textbooks may change For this reason:

Know the return policies

Do not write in the textbooks

Keep your receipts

Counseling Center Welcomes You

The Waynesburg University Counseling Center is pleased to welcome you to campus. It is our mission to provide a free, safe and confidential space for any student who is struggling with personal or academic concerns or for students having trouble choosing a career path. Our full-time counselors are experienced, licensed professionals

Counseling services are available in-person or online to WU students. Jane Owen, Director of the Counseling Center, works through the summer and is here for you if you have any questions or concerns. Email her at and she will send you a link to Theralink, the online telehealth platform. Once you accept the invitation, an appointment can be scheduled and access to the link is emailed to you This allows the counselor and student to meet online face-to-face Theralink is HIPAA compliant and confidential

Students who visit our Center for personal or mental health counseling typically come to us regarding adjustment issues, anxiety, depression, relationship concerns, eating disorders, grieving, and alcohol and drug issues. Those who visit us for academic counseling are typically students who are exploring various majors, those who need study skill development, and those with test anxiety issues

In the area of career counseling, students will often seek our knowledge to help with career exploration and to assist them with changing their major. Counseling services at Waynesburg University are free to all enrolled students and are strictly confidential. For questions or to schedule an appointment, call 724-852-3225 or email counselingcenter@waynesburgedu


For Resident Students ONLY

All resident students are assigned a mailbox on campus. Your mailbox number was provided (or will be provided) to you with your housing assignment. To avoid the line during check-in on August 24, you can register NOW for your key, by using this QR code

When sharing your address with family and friends, please use the following address as a sample:

Your Name

Waynesburg University

Box #

51 W. College St. Waynesburg PA



ForstudentswhosubmittedtheirNewStudentformsonorbeforeApril21: YouarelikelyalreadyfamiliarwithyourtentativeFallschedule:

E-mailswithdetailsonhowtoaccessyourcoursescheduleweresenttoyourWUstudent e-mailaccountbyBrianCarroneitherApril14orMay18.

Studentsintheseearlydistributiongroupsareusuallynotifiedviae-mailshouldtheir schedulesneedtobechanged.


Youwillreceivethenotificatione-mailreferencedabove(fromBrianCarr)sometimeinlate July.

Restassured,studentswillstillbeplacedintorequiredcoursesfortheirinitiallyselected major.

YourschedulewilllikelybecreatedsometimebeforetheendofJuly,butwillbesubjectto change withoutnotification untilyoureceivetheformale-mail.


Pleaserememberthatschedulesarestilltentative. Forthecurrentversionofyour schedule,pleaserefertotheonlinescheduleinSelfService.

Alargenumberofschedulesarechanging.Duetothemultitudeofanticipatedchanges,a blankete-mailmaybesenttoallstudentstore-checkschedulesinlateJuly/earlyAugust. Newthisyear!OneofthemainreasonsforlateschedulechangesisthenewformatofFiat Lux.Onceastandardcourse,FiatLuxsectionsarebasedonspecifictopicsofinterest.Ifyou havenotalreadydoneso,pleasecompletethelinkedFiatLuxPreferenceForm.

Pleaseensurethatyouhavesubmittedofficialcopiesofcollege/universitytranscriptsand APscorestotheOfficeofRecords&Registration.

Ifyouearned“CollegeinHighSchool”credits,thetranscriptfromthecollegeor universityawardingthecreditisneeded–ahighschooltranscriptwillnotsuffice. Ifyoudecidetochangeyourmajor,pleasecompletetheNewStudentMajorChangeForm.


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