Where written consent is recorded under points c and d above, these forms do not need to be uploaded to CIR; instead the provider is responsible for ensuring forms are stored as part of that person’s clinical record. Where a consumer is not competent to make an informed choice and give informed consent for the vaccine, someone who has the legal right can make decisions on the consumers behalf. This is a legal guardian or someone who currently holds Enduring Power of Attorney for personal care and welfare. For more information on obtaining informed consent, please see Chapter 2 of the Immunisation Handbook.
Uploading Group 1 written consent forms
Written consent forms signed by Group 1 consumers must be uploaded into CIR. This may be managed on-site or by a centralised administration team. Given the information on the written form contains personal information, forms must be held and transported securely at all times (e.g. in a locked cabinet or drawer or in a tracked courier bag or other secure container if transported between locations). To upload the forms, the administrator must scan each form to their computer, locate the consumer’s CIR record, and then upload the form to the consumer’s CIR record. The administrator must then delete the local copy of the form on their computer and securely destroy the written form. If needed, the written form may be kept for a few days or weeks to check for inaccuracies in transcribing before they are destroyed. Note: Instructions for uploading files to CIR are included in the CIR eLearning module.
Variations to consent forms
As noted above, where written consent is obtained for Group 1 consumers the official MoH COVID-19 vaccine consent form must be used. This is available via the MoH Dropbox. Note: As of 6 May 2021, there is only one MoH consent form. The Group 1a version of the consent form has been withdrawn. If you choose to use a variation of the MoH consent form for other Groups, you must include the standard information on the MoH form, that is the ‘Please let your vaccinator know’ bullet points as well as the informed consent declarations. You must submit your consent form to MoH for review and approval before making it available for use.
8.4.2 Recording vaccination information in CIR You must ensure a complete and accurate record of the vaccination event is entered into CIR at the time of the vaccination. If this is not possible (e.g. if CIR is unavailable or if you are vaccinating at a location without sufficient internet connectivity), then you must implement an administrative process to ensure information is entered into CIR on the same day as the vaccination event. You must ensure this essential clinical information is not lost and is transcribed correctly.
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