Chief Executive Officer’s Report In the midst of a year when we stared down a global pandemic, as an organisation we chose to take time to stop, pause and think about our ‘why?’ We all have a purpose, cause or belief that drives us, and it was pleasing to see that collectively we acknowledge the PHO’s common purpose is to see the improved health and wellbeing of our communities. It’s what brings us together and keeps us going. Haere mai, welcome to our 2019-2020 Annual Report. We speak not only about health, but also wellbeing because they go hand-in-hand – there is no health without the things that keep us well, such as safe environments, employment, education, housing and social connectedness. Our health is not just our physical health either – it is also our mental health, our spiritual health and our whānau/family health. This is why we embrace the Whare C H I E F E X E C U T I V E O FFI C E R L I N D S E Y W E B B E R
Tapa Whā model of health and have incorporated its principles into our new Health Strategy Te Toi Huarewa. We have taken a strong equity approach in this strategy, particularly for Māori, and will seek to understand what matters to whānau and bring them on board to design services that work for them. Investment in clinical, cultural and health intelligence leadership has strengthened our ability to support
W E S T E R N B AY O F P L E N T Y P R I M A R Y H E A LT H O R G A N I S AT I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 19 -2 0 2 0
our network to understand and address inequities, to encourage co-design of services, to be brave and innovative, to challenge outdated ideas and to celebrate new ways of thinking. Our community’s health and wellbeing has certainly been challenged this year by COVID-19. It has been tough, and a real test of our agility, responsiveness, and resilience. General Practice met the challenge of changing its service delivery model and embracing telehealth head on. Thank you to our amazing GP teams for coming together, for stepping up and for making us proud. Our Iwi partners, Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngāti Ranginui, also had to change their service delivery model and embrace new technologies, showing great flexibility and innovation to keep their communities safe. Our special thanks to them for improving the health and wellbeing experience for Māori, by Māori. The partnership approach to the mahi to establish the Port of Tauranga surveillance testing programme in particular, led by Ngāti Ranginui and supported by our Clinical, IT and Finance teams, the Bay of Plenty DHB, Pathlab and Port of Tauranga, is a good example of unity across multiple stakeholders and something of which we can all be truly proud.