7 Daily Steps to Get Leads on Facebook

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Daily System: 7 Daily Habits for Facebook Marketing Success Many Business Owners let Facebook Marketing become a “good intention.” They mean to do it, but they never seem to get around to it or they’re not consistent. With our 7 Daily Habits, You Can Master the Essentials so You Can Better Invite, Engage, and Convert on Facebook. Start with 20 minutes/day. Check-off each item as you accomplish it. See our detailed Step-by-Step, ‘How-to’ Guide on pages 2-7

INVITE – to help you generate more targeted prospects 1. 2.

Use Keywords to find “Targeted Friends” Accept New Friend Requests & Respond with a Comment on their Wall

ENGAGE – so your business stays top-of-mind & word-of-mouth plus delivers permanent SEO 3.

Post Birthday Wishes on Friends’ Walls


Make 1 Wall Post on Personal Profile and 1 on Your Business Page


Scan Your Personal & Business Page Newsfeeds, then Comment, Like, Share

CONVERT – to help you build BRAND exposure, traffic, customer service, relationships & sales 6.

Check Notifications - Welcome New Fans w/ a Facebook email message


Check Notifications - Respond to Fans’ Comments, Likes, Shares

© 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social.

DAILY SYSTEM: 7 Daily Habits for Facebook Marketing Success // 2 of 7

Step-by-Step, ‘How-to’ Guide to creating your 7 Daily Habits INVITE – to help you generate more targeted prospects 1.

Use Keywords to find “Targeted Friends”- Techniques like cold-calling, mass mail and email campaigns are notoriously poorly targeted. By doing a keyword search within Facebook, you’ve got exact targeting with real-time use of your keywords & you can build a relationship with prospects. In this way, you’re likely to draw qualified customers to your Facebook business page & website. As well, Facebook aggregates people with common interests. For example, if you find one graduate from your high school, that person is likely connected to hundreds of other graduates of your high school. Similarly, your college, workplace, interests, and neighborhood are connected through Facebook. Resources: See “Learning Center”> Invite Library - of our on-line Agency for a video-guided approach to using keywords & finding target market on other biz pages, groups, events, people, posts by friends, and more. A. START YOUR SEARCH - Enter the keywords into the Facebook Search box. Click the eyeglass to the right and you’ll pull up everyone who has either ‘liked’ a fan page with the keyword, written those keywords in their ABOUT bio on their personal page, or even posted a status with those keywords. Also, Click the Search Filters menu in the far left column to narrow down your search results. B. FIND FRIENDS feature - Enter Wall of your Personal Profile > click Friends > click Find Friends > follow directions on “Find friends from different parts of your life”. Use the checkboxes to discover people you know from your hometown, school, employer and more.

C. FOLLOW UP WITH LEAD Nurture this lead by sending a private Facebook message (since you don’t have to be friends to send a message) and/or add value to the posted Facebook conversation. D. SEARCH FOR FRIENDS feature – Search for friends or colleagues you’ve just met by typing their names or email addresses in the search bar at the top of any Facebook screen. If you don't see the person you're looking for, you can filter your search results: © 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social.

DAILY SYSTEM: 7 Daily Habits for Facebook Marketing Success // 3 of 7 a. Click the See more results... link at the bottom of the dropdown b. Click People from the Search Filters menu in the far left column c. Use the filter dropdown menu to filter your search results by location, education, or workplace, or add another filter option (ex: search for your hometown)


Accept New Friend Requests & Respond with a Comment on their Wall – Once you’ve reviewed your pending friend requests, determining which ones to “accept” or “delete”, then think about what you’d say to them. Maybe look at their profile and quickly see what you have in common. Then, go to their wall; thank your new friends for connecting and talk about your striking commonality. This practice will set you apart from your competition.

ENGAGE – so your business stays top-of-mind & word-of-mouth plus delivers permanent SEO 3.

Post Birthday Wishes on Friends’ Walls – Nothing easier to stay top-of-mind, word-of-mouth with your friends, than to wish your Friends a Happy Birthday. To view upcoming birthdays, select “Events” from the left side of your home page: a. From calendar view, your friends' profile pictures mark the day of the month their birthday occurs b. From list view, birthdays appear in chronological order as you scroll through your events c. Or, go to your Home Page, and see top-right for the birthday cake; click on the icon and you can post a birthday wish to all your friends celebrating for that day © 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social.

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Make 1 Wall Post on Personal Profile and 1 on Your Business Page (Use Post’N’Leap™ Automated Scheduler; Use content from our pre-written Industry Libraries or write your own) What information related to your niche do your fans, prospects and clients want to know? To set yourself apart from your competition and keep your fans engaged in your content, provide useful and sometimes entertaining content to your growing audience on a consistent basis both on the Walls of your Personal Profile and Business Page. A. AUTOMATION – Turn on your Autopost for your industry or choose the General Industry within the Post’N’Leap Scheduler of our on-line Agency. We have thousands of professionally written industry-specific posts that get your customers engaged. Our Post’N’Leap is your online hub that automates your posts 7 days/week. Resources: See “Learning Center”> Engage Library - of our on-line Agency for a video-guided approach to automating Post’N’Leap. B. GENERAL POSTING IDEAS - Get the most viral reach from your content with -­‐ a. Purpose -­‐ educate, engage, and entertain your fans b. Sync your Facebook Account to your Twitter and LinkedIn profiles so your daily Fan page posts automatically stamp as Tweets and LinkedIn posts. Link your Twitter account here: https://www.facebook.com/twitter. Connect your LinkedIn here: http://help.linkedin.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2754 C. ORIGINAL WALL POSTS THEMES for Fan Page - Create a Posting Plan or Editorial Calendar complete with themes for days, times, and frequency. Resources: See “Learning Center”> Overview Library - FACEBOOK’S Quick Start Social Media Marketing Workbook”; Quick Tips: a. 1st Idea: Expertise – a tip, story, video, photo, industry article, new client, a personal response to something in the news hole regarding your industry b. 2nd Idea: New Status – where you are going, meeting for the day, event at your property as text or coupled with a photo gets more engagement c. 3rd Idea: Personal – photo with client from lunch, add family photo/video D. VIDEO - Capture & post “newsworthy” happenings while you’re on-the-go - Upload videos to YouTube and add the link to your Business Wall Post or upload to your Facebook Page under the “video tab”. Add a keyword description and @tag friends and pages for viral exposure. © 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social.

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The comments friends & fans leave are archived & social proof you’ve got a committed community. Content ideas: a. b. c. d. e.


Contest Winners Customer Testimonials Menu Items, Services that set-you-apart Property or home tours, product demos, top most-asked questions Property or Office Events, Charitable Activities, Holiday Celebrations

Review Your Personal & Business Page Newsfeeds, then Comment, Like, Share These engagements are the real conversations that build relationships. Knowing what they are thinking is invaluable for building trust and ultimately sales! Be yourself: Talk to others in the same style you would talk to a friend over lunch or dinner. Oh, before you click ‘post’, read through your post and make sure it really sounds like you and not a ‘pitch’. Be brief. If your post is too long, it will be overlooked easily. To get more people reading your post, get to the point quickly. General ideas: Pay a compliment; ask an open-ended question; sometimes link back to your business with “sneak peeks” about new products, video, recipes, a story, FREE MLS property search, or even coupons. By engaging with others’ content, you let your fans and peers know that you truly do care about them. A. 1st - PERSONAL PROFILE NEWSFEED - Enter into your Personal Profile’s Newsfeed by clicking HOME, located in the top-right corner, blue banner of Facebook. Now, see what your friends and the Business Fan Pages that you’ve “liked” are talking about. Your participation in their posts will build your personal brand and keeps others talking with and about YOU. (See 2 A-C for how-to details) EXAMPLE, say you’re a musician: Ø Your friend posts: “Any recommendations for the weekend?” Ø You might comment: “Heck yah: my band called BandVIBE is rocking the house this Saturday night. Downtown Scottsdale at The Crème. I’ve got 5 tickets left – want two?” B. 2nd - BUSINESS PAGE NEWSFEED - Enter the Newsfeed of your Business Fan page. See top-right corner, blue banner of Facebook > click downward arrow in blue banner > Choose “Use Facebook as Page” > Select Fan Page > Select Home > start engaging. Now, every ‘like’, comment, or share you make will post as Your Brand logo. In the Newsfeed of your Page, you’ll only see the Wall Posts from the very Pages that your Page has “liked.” (See 2C for how-to details) EXAMPLE, say you’re a musician: Ø A page posts: “What’s everyone doing for the weekend?” Ø Your Page might comment: Why wait for the Weekend? Click here for a FREE download of BandVIBE, who’ll debut their new single this weekend at La Crème!”

© 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social.

DAILY SYSTEM: 7 Daily Habits for Facebook Marketing Success // 6 of 7

C. SHARE content: Identify great third-party content from your newsfeeds and share it with your Facebook community. This SHARE gesture enriches your fans and helps you build relationships and possibly partnerships with peers. D. USE FIRST NAMES OR @TAG PEOPLE OR FAN PAGES within Wall Posts or Comments. When your friends and fans know you are paying attention to them, they are likely to speak up and tell you what’s on their mind. @Tag is also known as a hyper-link, whereby the person or fan page on Facebook is hyperlinked within your Status Update. So, go to the Wall of your Personal Profile and enter a Status Update. When you “@ tag” a person or page within your post that very post automatically shows up on their Wall once you publish it. a. To @Tag from your Personal Profile, you must be friends or a fan of the particular fan page. Within your Status Update, you will type in the “@” symbol and the first couple letters of the person or page you want to tag. (Remember there’s no space separation between @Name.) Then, click the appropriate profile or fan page in the drop-down menu and that very person’s name or page will then be uploaded in your post. b. To @Tag from your Fan Page, you must have liked other Fan Pages while “Using Facebook as Page”. Meaning, you can only @ tag the very pages you’ve “liked”. Also, you can @tag Fans within your Fan Page Posts they’ve added their comments. (Remember there’s no space separation between @Name.) THINK BIG: you could partner with the Pages of other brands or local organizations to create co-promotions and encourage viral sharing with contest incentives. This is a great way to help virally spread your BRAND.

CONVERT – to help you build BRAND exposure, traffic, customer service, relationships & sales 6.

Check Notifications - Welcome New Fans w/ a Facebook email message - To every new Fan, send a "Thank You" or "Nice Meeting You" private Facebook email within 24 hours (via your personal profile), which shows you're serious about customer service and want their business. Getting Fans is important, but if you don’t present lead conversion opportunities, you will never justify your Facebook marketing efforts. Additionally, offer them something like a coupon to use your service or a FREE eBook could prompt a future sale. See example by Zips Energy. Resources: See “Learning Center”> Overview Library FACEBOOK’S Quick Start Social Media Marketing Workbook” - our on-line Agency for scripts also refer to “Learning Center” > Convert Library > for quick video-guided tutorials.

© 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social.

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Check Notifications Respond to Fans’ Comments, Likes, Shares - When logging into Facebook, you will notice red numbered alerts if there’s activity for friend requests/new fans, inbox messages, and notifications. See the 3 icons located in the upper left-hand corner. A. When you’re on your Personal Profile, icons left-to-right are people [i.e. friend requests], a comment bubble [i.e. inbox messages from friends], and a globe [i.e. overall notifications].

B. When you’re “Using Facebook as Page”, icons left-to-right are people [i.e. new fans], a comment bubble [i.e. inbox messages from fans], and a globe [i.e. overall notifications].

C. To follow-up to Fans’ comments and likes, refer to the GLOBE. a. Clicking on their name and view their profile. You might Subscribe or friend them to continue the relationship. b. Back to your wall post where they added their commentary, click on “comment” where you’ll @tag their name and add an appreciation message to continue the conversation. Resources: See “Learning Center”> Convert Library – of our on-line Agency for video-guided approach to follow-up complete with scripts. D. MONITOR POSTS - Delete any negative or overly promotional posts by others that could drive your traffic to their fan page. Also, regarding a bad comment, if you can remedy a negative post by listening to their concerns & solving their problem, then you’ve shown your stellar customer service – everyone has witnessed it!

Leapfrog your competition

By consistently using 7 Daily Habits for Facebook Marketing Success, you can drive more traffic, exposure & leads as well as show genuine interest in your Community & build lasting relationships – within 20 minutes & up to an hour a day. After all, the difference between a professional and an amateur is rarely talent; it’s often hustle and business savvy.

© 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social.

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