Basics of a Facebook Action Plan

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FACEBOOK Marketing Workbook How Small Business Owners Use Social Media to Grow Their Businesses

February 2013 BY Donna

Newman of Summa Social

Š 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social.

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Overview Hello fellow Small Business Owner … The Internet is the new Yellow Pages. Your customers and prospects, look 1st to the Internet for business information – nearing zero for traditional Yellow & White Page searches. And increasingly, they are looking using their mobile devices versus PCs. As well, the majority of time spent on the Internet is on social media sites. For starters, Social Media communication allows customers to build a stronger emotional connection with your BRAND from being a casual follower to a loyal customer. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Pinterest have the right intersection of features, natural consumer behavior and simplicity to generate scale & small business adoption.

BOTTOMLINE, these sites can identify leads for your sales funnel. Then, within this funnel, we’ve identified 4 stations to move your prospect from interested to paying customer. They are:

Within this sales cycle, your potential customers behave with a different state of readiness to buy from you. For example, some people who walk into Old Navy are “just looking”; a smaller percentage want to try on a pair of jeans; and a nano percentage walk into the store ready-topurchase. You wouldn’t treat the prospect “just looking” the same way as the prospect ready-topurchase. Therefore, your social media tactics need to be nuanced as well. To help your business sustain growth rather than just tread water, we present the Social Media Marketing Workbook series. Our Facebook Marketing Workbook includes •

Subsections (DESIGN, INVITE, ENGAGE, AND CONVERT) to help you digest the information easily and apply it for results.

We also provide a “Checklist” with estimated times for those of you who like more of a cookbook approach.

As well, we reference a number of additional resources within our on-line Learning Center that will allow you to dive deeper into areas that pique your interest.

These very action steps have already helped tens of thousands of small business owners. By consistently using Facebook, you can drive more traffic, exposure & leads – within just 20 minutes and up to an hour a day. After all, the difference between a professional and an amateur is rarely talent; it’s often hustle and business savvy. © 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

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Table of Contents

DESIGN - to give your target st

audience a striking 1 impression of your BRAND so visitors take fast action on your offer(s) & your business grows Page 4

ENGAGE – to save you time, help boost your audience’s engagement so your business stays top-of-mind, & deliver permanent SEO Page 11

INVITE – to help you generate more targeted prospects to ‘like’ your page via engaging promotions that they’ll want to brag to their friends about Page 7

CONVERT – to help you build BRAND exposure, traffic, customer service, relationships & sales – all of which keeps your BRAND word-of-mouth Page 16

© 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

FACEBOOK Marketing Workbook // 4 of 23

Facebook dominates when it comes to the most users (over 1 billion monthly active users as of 2/2013) and monthly usage (over 6 average hours per user/month and up to 4 hours/day)*. In this digital age, you’ve heard it’s critical to participate on Facebook - all to have clients develop a relationship with your team that goes beyond their regular appointments or purchases. But, while everyone knows about Facebook and some small & medium size businesses have taken the first step by creating a business page, many are still challenged by how to maximize Facebook’s potential to build brand loyalty and drive revenues higher —until now. Your website isn’t a daily destination for your customers and prospects, whereas hundreds of millions of people login to Facebook daily. Therefore, you gotta fish where the fish are and we’re going to show you how to bait! While there’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach, we’ve identified 4 stations (Design > Invite > Engage > Convert) to move your prospect from interested to paying customer & assembled actions steps within each section that will help your business, whether you’re just getting started or trying to take your efforts to the next level.

Facebook Overview ⇒ FACT – Fans love freebies! Incentivize new fans to ‘like’ your page with a strong call-toaction such as a FREE eBook, FREE MLS property search, % discount on service, or contest on your custom designed Facebook welcome page. ⇒ With a business page that’s allowed limitless fans, offer practical advice & tips 3-5x/week via your wall posts. Write conversational wall posts (80-100 characters) and pair up with large-scale images since photos are the #1 engagement element on Facebook. ⇒ Facebook business wall posts deliver permanent Internet ink so when prospects search for keywords within your posts, you could stamp the top of the Search Results Page. And, Industry Stats show 58% of Fans are more likely to buy from the brands they ‘like’. ⇒ Facebook Marketing can be appealing because it costs less, is better targeting, and isn’t an on-going expense compared to traditional marketing. So integrate Facebook with your traditional marketing strategies for more pragmatic and sustainable outcomes.

The best starting point to get targeted eyeballs on your content is a well-branded cover banner and welcome page (aka as a website in Facebook). Your Business Fan Page’s top cover banner gets © 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

FACEBOOK Marketing Workbook // 5 of 23 prospects’ first attention and helps sway a ‘like’. So, prominently display a recognizable or engaging image – could be a simple photograph or a customized graphic –> you can easily design one or multiple cover banners within our on-line Agency templates. We have express designs and intermediate layouts. Here’s a tip: upload an image of 851px wide by 315px high for a quick tadahh! Facebook is a stickler on what to show so check out the official Cover Photo Guidelines when you’re customizing our templates: Browse through our professionally designed “industry specific” templates for both cover banners & welcome pages from our on-line gallery. Simply select the template of your choice (express or intermediate layouts), and either you can customize your text, tag line & colors and add your photos & videos (or we’d be glad to). Since there’s no back-end programming to our template system, you can easily edit anytime, save within seconds and it’ll be LIVE on Facebook – all without having to leave our dashboard. With custom, we’ll handle your updates. Here’s a tip: You might change up your cover banner and/or welcome page according to different promotions, featured events, new product launches, new property listings, etc.


Industry Stats show the average Fan conversion is high: 1 out of 4, when Fans visit your customized welcome page design and can quickly see THEIR BENEFIT to liking your page and even using your product/service.

Here’s your takeaway: Facebook business pages look-alike, using the same generic layout provided by Facebook. A welldesigned cover banner & welcome page make your BRAND stand out from competitors & reinforce your BRAND with a direct callto-action (i.e., ‘like’ or opt-in exchanged for coupon or e-Book). Our Summa Social Dashboard supports you having one customized welcome page design from each of the 5 categories listed under Design. Meaning, you can have 5 different welcome pages hosted on your Facebook business page, each catering to a different theme/topic and each with their own unique URL. CHECKLIST – Simple Action Verbs & Images: Write the text on your cover banner & welcome page with action verbs & design with engaging large-scale images to help readers quickly visualize how they can use your offer/product/service & how it impacts their lives. Talk about the ‘benefits’ of your featured products and services – NOT only the features. There are specific rules for your Banner Cover Image that don’t apply to your landing page; the cover image may not contain: price or purchase information (e.g., “40% off” or “Download it at our website”), contact information (e.g., web address, email, mailing address or other information intended for the Page’s “About Bio Tab Section”), references to user interface elements (e.g., “like” or “share,” or any other Facebook site features) and calls-to-action (such as “Get it now” or “Tell a friend”). Does that leave you wondering: What CAN I add? Look inside our on-line Agency for sample designs of popular banner covers and welcome pages as well as on next page. (Est. time: 15 min. – 2 hrs.) Resources: See our on-line Agency for a guided approach to Design. © 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

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CHECKLIST – Add Keywords to your About Bio Tab on Facebook: Add keywords, text, and high priority links on your business page’s About Bio Tab Section. Be as complete as possible when filling out your “info” tab, which has fields containing important descriptive metadata about your Page. These fields provide the opportunity to include keywords, text, and links that will increase the content score of your Facebook Page for popular search. For example: Address, City, State, and Zip code are important fields for local searches; Company Overview, Mission, and Products are important fields for product searches. The specific fields present will vary according to the category you choose for your Page when it was created (e.g., business, brand, public figure). (Est. time: 15-30 min.) Resources: See “Learning Center”> Design Library of our on-line Agency for a guided approach to About Tab, Admin Panel, Page Title, and more. © 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

FACEBOOK Marketing Workbook // 7 of 23 CHECKLIST – Add Social Share & Follow Buttons to your website & blog: So you have your website and blog and all this great content, but can people easily SHARE it? Be sure to place easy-to-see social media sharing buttons to let Fans, Followers, and Prospects easily spread your content across their networks with one click. The more your fans share your content with their networks, the more potential new leads will see it! Social share plug-ins include: Like, Share, Comment, Recommend, or Mutual Friends. Ask your Webmaster to install. Or, you can easily do-it-yourself. Here’s how: simply sign-in to Facebook > access your Facebook Business Page > access Admin Panel > click Resources > click Use Social Plugins > follow the directions. Expected Outcome: 1st - increases your search engine rankings. 2nd - gains momentum on traditional link-back algorithms. 3rd tracks your in-bound & out-bound traffic results. (Est. time: 15-30 min.)

Additional Resources: See “Learning Center”> Design Library of our on-line Agency for: eBook: Learn Core Fb Lingo

In this digital age, you’ve heard a contest is a great strategy to entice people to become a Facebook Fan. That’s because contests are easily shared and are an ideal platform to increase brand exposure, links and leads. So, our company gives you a jumpstart with our FREE monthly contest add-on of an iPad to help you generate more targeted fans & leads … plus, we manage the sweepstakes and supply the prize. Also, to target your fans with your own product giveaways, quickly customize the design of the sweepstakes app within our on-line Agency for your own contest (feature available March 2013). The app installs right on your Facebook business page within seconds. Then, just send out the “We’ve Gone Social” email invite (feature available March 2013) and watch your page grow! (Est. time: 15-30 min.) Resources: See “Learning Center”> Invite Library – of our on-line Agency for a video-guided approach to adding your contest app & sending out your email invitation to ‘like’ your page (feature available March 2013).


Here’s a tip: Give away prizes that are relevant to your brand and keep telling your story long after the contest is over (e.g., a Sonicare toothbrush if you’re a dentist, FREE book chapters if you’re an Author, half-price meal if you’re a restaurant, FREE MLS property search if you’re a Real Estate Agent.) Here’s your takeaway: Winners are your © 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

FACEBOOK Marketing Workbook // 8 of 23 brand evangelists. As well, prizes generate immediate excitement among Fans and, best value yet: can over time help build and convert your fan base into new clients.

The easiest invite & sale should be your past clients … right? If you’ve provided a quality product or service, then they should be eager to rehire you or refer you to friends and colleagues. So, introduce your email database to your new business fan page with our “We’ve Gone Social” email invite (feature available March 2013) – even once a month. CHECKLIST – Import your CSV file: Facebook allows you to upload CSV files full of your customer names & emails into Facebook to alert your contacts to ‘like’ your business. Facebook sends all your contacts either an email invitation or a Facebook suggestion to join your fan page. It's professional. It's instant. It builds your fan page with your existing friends and very happy clients. On the privacy note, your list will only be invited to join your business Page; they won’t be solicited to do any further action on behalf of Facebook. (Est. time: 5-15 min.)

Resources: Log in to your Facebook account > access your Business Fan Page > access Edit Page within Admin Panel > Resources > Invite Email Contacts > follow directions for a guided approach to importing CSV. CHECKLIST – Get Customer Emails: If you don’t have email addresses for your past clients, consider doing a Google search of their name or use a social network like Facebook or LinkedIn to get their email address. (Est. time: worth it!) CHECKLIST – Quick PR campaigns: When you generate your own contests and then ‘strategically’ select your winners, ask them to participate in one or more of the following PR ideas: a video testimony to thank your BRAND, a photo with one of your employees, or a video showing Winner using the prize. Here’s a tip: Facebook polices contests and will shut you down if you break any rules. (Est. time: 5-10 min.) Resources: See CHECKLIST – Quick Promotions: Integrate and cross-promote your contest across all your marketing media (i.e., counter signs, billing receipts, emails, ads, postcards, flyers, yard signs) and sites (i.e., website, Twitter, blog, email signatures, Facebook, videos, Pinterest, LinkedIn) and ask others to SHARE. Your current customers will likely ‘like’ your page because they already know your value. And, your target market will be incentivized to ‘like’ your page because of the promotion. -> (Est. time: quick to-do first time and implement as an on-going practice) CHECKLIST – Quick Target Market Assessment: Do you know your target market? When you can specifically define your audience, you can better understand their needs and how your product or service gives them specific benefits. So, write your positioning © 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

FACEBOOK Marketing Workbook // 9 of 23 statement to clearly define your product/service and audience. Best way to start the process is to determine what keywords or phrases (short-tail and long-tail) define the pain points your audience has and solutions your Brand offers. Then, enter those keywords and phrases into a search engine such as Google and see what results stamp the first page. Think – do those top search listings solve the problem? Are they relevant? Do they intrigue you to click on them? Follow this script to help you write your Positioning Statement: FOR (your target market) who wants/needs (reason to buy your product/service), the (your name, business, product or service) is a (specialty) that provides (your key benefit). Unlike other competitors in this space, my key differentiator is (how you uniquely address the clients’ needs). -> (Est. time: 1 hour) Resources: See “Learning Center”>Invite Library - of our on-line Agency for a video-guided approach to Finding Your Targets. CHECKLIST – Quickly Establish Your Keywords: Create a keyword ‘hotlist’ of 20 words or phrases to rank for. These keywords must be meaningful to your target audience which is responsible for the ultimate purchase, not just what you ‘think’ or ‘hope’ to be know for. Check those words against the Google Keyword Tool ( Search those words to determine your online competition. Finalize your list and be sure to insert some of those keywords in your Wall Posts, Facebook About bio on both your personal profile and your business page, business page title, photo captions, video descriptions, and blogs. Save in a word doc file for easy copy-paste-post action. (Est. time: 15-30 min.) CHECKLIST – Quickly Find Leads on Facebook with keywords: Facebook aggregates people with common interests. For example, if you find one graduate from your high school, that person is likely connected to hundreds of other graduates of your high school. Similarly, your college, workplace, interests, neighborhood, and industry keywords are connected through Facebook. This makes spreading your message quickly and virally very easy if you’ve done a good job connecting yourself through every channel you can think of (work, alumni, friends, family). Apply this technique for real-time search of your 20 or so keywords or keyword phrases – as you’ve already identified. Here’s how to execute: Say you’re a graduate of Camelback High. Specifically enter keywords such as “Camelback High School” into the Facebook Search box. Click the eyeglass to the right and you’ll pull up everyone who has either ‘liked’ that fan page, written those keywords in their ABOUT bio on their personal page, or even posted a status with those keywords. This technique allows you to follow up with a target market using any keywords. Nurture this lead by sending a private Facebook message (since you don’t have to be friends to send a message) and/or add value to the posted Facebook conversation. © 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

FACEBOOK Marketing Workbook // 10 of 23 Here’s your takeaway: Techniques like cold-calling, mass mail and email campaigns are notoriously poorly targeted. Here, you’ve got exact targeting with your keywords & you’re building a relationship. Also, you’ve got real-time use of those keywords that others have used in Facebook posts. In this way, you’re likely to draw qualified customers to your Facebook business page & website. (Est. time: 5 min/day) Resources: See “Learning Center”> Invite Library - of our online Agency for a videoguided approach to using keywords & finding target market on other biz pages, groups, events, people, posts by friends, and more. CHECKLIST – Get your personalized or ‘Vanity’ URL for your Page: Once you have 25 fans, any admin can get a personalized link for your Page by logging into Facebook > entering in the outside browser > follow the process. Put your Facebook Page’s personalized link in all of your marketing materials (e.g., business cards, receipts, e-mails, signs) and promote it to customers who come to your store/website. CHECKLIST – Quickly Get Listed on Directories & Get In-bound Links for your website, if you have one: The ‘day of the yellow pages’ is nearly a foregone thought with search engines like Google, YouTube, and Yelp serving as quick-start directories to help us find the answers to our searches. Local directory sites - from CitySearch to Yelp - are built on the yellow pages concept and are often FREE for your business listing. Small businesses tend to operate with low margins and need the most affordable ‘local’ marketing solution. To that end, if you are trying to rank in search engines for your region or city, local directories are your best starting point. They will provide you with relevant search traffic, add you to the list of industry competitors, and offer you backlinks to build your SEO authority. Look for organization directories like Google Places, Yelp, BBB, church, city search, alumni – to name a few. Here’s how to execute: check to see if you can control the ‘anchor text’, which is the actual term(s) or image text that are hyperlinked to your website. If you can control the alternate text, then target the words you want to rank for on search engines – refer back to your keyword list, both short-tail and long-tail.

Additional Resources: See “Learning Center”> Invite Library - of our on-line Agency for: © 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

FACEBOOK Marketing Workbook // 11 of 23 eBook: Promote your page VIDEOS: Add Sweepstakes, Target Market & Keyword Lead Generation

You’ll quickly notice successful brands on Facebook don’t preach or sell to their fan base, rather they engage by entertaining and educating them. Facebook works best when your Fans consider your BRAND a real on-line friend and they can easily relate to you. Yet, one of the biggest challenges BRANDs and their teams face is “What should I post?” Hey, we’ve already got that handled for you with a click-of-a-button. Simply, TURN ON YOUR AUTOPOST LIBRARY for your industry or choose the General Industry within our on-line Agency. We have thousands of professionally written industryspecific posts that get your customers engaged. Our Post’N’Leap is your online hub that helps automate your business’ social activity. As well, don’t miss our eBook “16 Proven Fb Wall Post Ideas” for specific ideas and how-to action to customize your own content for better reach and engagement. Make sure you’ve got a dedicated team that keeps an eye on your Facebook Page for quick time and relevant follow-up. Not only could you lose Fans, Current Customers, and Prospective Customers if you ignore them, you could also make an enemy who might generate bad press for your BRAND. (Est. time: 5 min) Resources: See “Learning Center”> Engage Library - of our on-line Agency for a video-guided approach to automating Post’N’Leap and customizing your own engaging Wall Posts.


Establish a lasting connection with your fans using our Post’N’Leap feature that stamps a new status update to your fan page wall every business day, automatically. This saves you time & boosts your audience’s engagement. And, best value yet -> your consistency helps Fans keep you top-of-mind and word-of-mouth to choose your BRAND.

Add Your Original Posts to our Post’N’Leap scheduler to customize your personality. Further streamline your communications by posting to multiple Facebook pages or platforms like Twitter with just one click. Now you have multiple channels and you’ve only posted once – huge time-savings! © 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

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When your Facebook posts are keyword rich and relevant, search engines will likely index your posts as well your fans can easily engage in your posts with their “likes”, “comments”, and shares. When fans engage with your posts, their activity stamps their Wall and enters their friends’ newsfeeds. Their friends discover your page and your following grows. Best Social Proof that Facebook works --> Consumers trust peer recommendations (over traditional advertising).

BEST PRACTICES to create engagement within your posts with the end goals of monitoring those fans for insights about your products, tending to customer service, and monetizing prospects … see below: o TIMING - Post 3-6 days/week and generally 6-9am or 7-9pm; yet only you know what’s right for your business, and you can use your Page Insights to figure out what’s working. Try posting at different times of day and see when you get the most engagement. o WORDS - Write 80-100 words or less as majority of web users scan rather than read o CONTENT - Focus on engagement by asking questions, posting tips or trivia, or adding link to your blog o CALL-2-ACTION - Add at the end of posts, such as: What do you think? Or, Do you agree? Or, Can we get a SHARE? o PHOTO SHARING - High quality, large-scale photos generate the most engagement; photo sharing is THE #1 creative posted on Facebook 10:1 because pictures appeal to emotions. FYI: the volume of pictures on Facebook equals 10,000+ times larger than the Library of Congress.** CHECKLIST – Optimize with Pins, Highlights & Milestones: The new Timeline layout for Business Pages is image-heavy to help humanize your BRAND and highlight your popular products or posts. A company can place Milestones on its Wall to create a unique company story and mark important dates of achievement. Also, highlight key stories for doublewide exposure & pin strategic stories to the top of your page for up to 7 consecutive days. A “pinned” post always appears in the top left corner of a Fan Page Timeline and is identified with a flag. After 7 days, it’ll return to the date it was posted on the Page’s Timeline. Whatever content you decide to make a “milestone”, “pin”, or “star,” make sure it’s capable of enhancing your Facebook presence. Your network of Facebook fans should find it interesting, relevant, and be eager to © 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

FACEBOOK Marketing Workbook // 13 of 23 engage with you because of it. These strategies help to humanize your BRAND and shape the initial user experience. Simply hover your mouse over the top-right of each Wall Post to execute these options. (Est. time: 3-5 min/week) CHECKLIST – 7 Daily Steps to Get You More Leads: Many Business Owners let Facebook Marketing become a “good intention.” They mean to do it, but they never seem to get around to it or they’re not consistent. With our 7 Daily Habits, You Can Master the Essentials so You Can Better Invite, Engage, and Convert on Facebook. Start with 20 minutes/day. Check-off each item as you accomplish it. Resources: See “Learning Center”> Engage Library > 7 Daily Steps to Get Leads > - of our on-line Agency for an eBook-guided approach to streamlining your daily Facebook activities for best outcomes. CHECKLIST – Want to customize your Wall Posts beyond the Industry Library we provide? No problem – simply customize our pre-written posts by adding your own flare and keywords, or create your own, then schedule them to go out at the time you chose with our Post’N’Leap calendar scheduler. Resources: See “Learning Center”> Engage Library > Post’N’Leap video and “16 Proven Fb Wall Post Ideas” eBook > - of our on-line Agency for a video-guided approach to automating, customizing and uploading content to Post’N’Leap and customizing your own engaging Wall Posts. Here are five proven topics to write for your original Facebook Wall posts: TOPIC #1 – Feature patients, customers, fans: Articles, blogs, or simple posts about your fans incentivize them to share your page with their families and friends when they have a post with their name in it. As well, a good story or testimonial will help prospective customers become passionate about your product, place them in a narrative that they can easily identify with, and help them better understand the need for your product. Here’s your takeaway: Increases your fan count, further brands your reputation, and nano targets your audience via your Facebook drip campaign in their newsfeeds. As well, people better value a service over cost when they hear good stories from other people they can relate to. (Est. time: 530 min.)

© 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

FACEBOOK Marketing Workbook // 14 of 23 TOPIC #2 – Load Videos: Facebook's 900 million+ members are certifiably crazy about video watching. Provide humor and you’ll watch your clients and fans start talking about YOU and Your BRAND. Here’s your takeaway: From a short client testimonial (15-45 seconds), engaging parody, or simple how-to educational series, your videos can boost fans’ awareness of WHY your BRAND’s product and/or service is NOT optional as well as demonstrate your staff’s pleasant customer manner. Word of Caution: If you’re just recording content about your product and why it’s so awesome, more than likely, Fans will not want to share or engage with it. Video testimonials alone are a great way to get the word out about your BRAND, showcase its uniqueness and provide prospects a glimpse into your products/services before they hire you. So, here’s a script to use to help your customers overcome their objections of not knowing what to say for a testimonial:


“Hi, I’m NAME, of COMPANY. I’ve had the opportunity to work with NAME of COMPANY for ! ________ (insert time). His/Her/Their expertise, professionalism, and ability to help me ______ has (insert specific benefit). If you’re looking for _____, I highly recommend NAME today!” (Est. time: 1-5 min.) Simple how-to Video series meets the pain point of everyday consumers looking for info they can use right away. WHY? Everyone wants a shortcut via practical, easyto-digest steps complete with do-this-then-do-that examples. (Est. time: 15-45 min.) Tag Videos with specific fans’ names, pages & keywords. This action encourages your Facebook community to view & SHARE your video (once you’ve posted the video to your Facebook wall). WORD OF CAUTION: inappropriately tagging people or business pages can be seen as SPAM. If your videos are original content, then also upload them to your YouTube channel with relevant keywords in your title & description that allow your content to be easily found. Here’s your takeaway: Google gives high weight to YouTube videos in search results. (Est. time: 5-10 min.) TOPIC #3 – Ask a Question or Industry Trivia or Poll: Everyone loves a fun fillin-the-blank action or to give his/her opinion, especially when you couple participation with a prize. Make sure the quality and target of your trivia astutely reflects your services & target market or just is good humor. Acknowledge © 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

FACEBOOK Marketing Workbook // 15 of 23 everyone’s input by commenting within the post & sharing the answer by the day’s end within the original post. Here’s your takeaway: Ask Fans to like, comment, or SHARE the post. Their engagement stamps their conversation in their friends’ newsfeeds encouraging them to check out your page. (Est. time: 5-20 min.) TOPIC #4 – Talk about your instore/office events & community involvement: Publicize pictures of in-office events (from funny situations to birthday celebrations), your dedication and community involvement by posting a photo about your staff, and share your accomplishments and awards letting Fans know that you have credible and recognized experience in your field. Here’s your takeaway: When your team is willing to showcase its hobbies or interests, customers feel more connected and likely to recommend your BRAND. As well, people better value your service over cost when they hear good stories about your staff they can relate to (est. time: 5-20 min.) TOPIC #5 – Exclusive offers, contests, promotions, coupons: Highlight your wares with the 80-20 rule for content/connection vs. sales messages. Announce (via SMS, email, and in-office/store promotions) that customers who “like” your Facebook Business Fan Page or “check-in” at your location are entitled to same-day discounts, promotions, or contests. This can be an on-going way to attract new ‘likes’ to your Page and new customers as well as reward current clients. Exclusive incentives can overcome the initial cost objection and help generate word-of-mouth advertising. So, have a computer or iPad at your check-in or check-out counter specifically for customers to log into Facebook and ‘like’ your Page or ‘check-in’ to your store. Here’s your takeaway: The promotion not only incentivizes customers to join but encourages them to tell all their Facebook friends, too. (Est. time: 5-20 min.)

© 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

FACEBOOK Marketing Workbook // 16 of 23

Additional Resources: See “Learning Center”> Engage Library - of our on-line Agency for: eBooks: 7 Daily Steps to Get Leads & 16 Proven Fb Wall Post Ideas

Remember that Facebook not only connects you with prospective customers, it also connects your prospective customers together. This is the true power of social media. The best source of a new lead is a recently satisfied customer. Facebook visitors who have enjoyed what you have to offer can be encouraged to share their experiences with their friends. You want them to be your brand evangelists. By offering them the immediate ability to share their conversion (purchase) with their friends via Facebook, you can increase your ‘likes’ with interested buyers. In this way, Facebook is acting like a referral service for your business. Do you have that deer-inheadlights look for Social Media ROI? It's tricky but S.M.A.R.T. Social Media goals set you up to "measure" your outcomes. Conversion is the goal of every marketing endeavor. As your company becomes savvy about your use of social media, it's increasingly critical to measure what your social audience is doing as a result of the time they spend on your Facebook site. Did they buy something, sign up for something, or consume something as a result of a Facebook update? If so--and this is the harder question to answer--why? Let’s back up a little: Social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest) isn't the obvious deal closer - it's more times the channel that creates potential for a future conversion. For example, say 8 of your Facebook friends start sharing links to a company’s Business Fan Page or product, stats prove that you’re likely to be far more engaged, impressed and enticed than if that same company put banner ads on some of the websites you browse. Both approaches create brand awareness, but SOCIAL, or in this case Facebook, are more personal, trustworthier, and more likely to capture your initial click and ultimate point of sale. © 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

FACEBOOK Marketing Workbook // 17 of 23


Here’s a tip: eBooks or Videos that contain secrets and shortcuts to genuinely help your target audience get ahead of its competition gets high conversion. Further incentivize your converting customers by offering them a special discount if they SHARE the offer with their friends. A high percentage of Facebook users are motivated to “like” a company, brand, or association to receive discounts, promotions, and insights. And, over 51% of fans say they rarely or never visit a company’s page after “liking” them. So, place your offers on your Welcome Page, Wall Posts, and Facebook ads.

Use these APPS to manage your transactions, if you have any o Payvment- ( to create a storefront on your Fan Page. If you have a product, you can easily sell it directly from your Fan Page. You can even set it so that your Fans get special discounts available only to them. o MarketPlace – ( This application is used by small business owners such as Realtors, Car Dealers and Apartment Mangers to list homes, cars and apartments. It also is used to list other things for sale and has job listings. o Causes – ( If you’re a non-profit, you can raise money for your cause within Facebook.

Learn simple action tips for genuine conversion from social media professionals in our training videos and eBooks within the Learning Center of our on-line Agency. As well, join our LIVE training webinars. See “Learning Center” > Support - of our on-line Agency for current dates, times & access links & #s.

Easy-to-measure Conversion Actions that Facebook offers small business owners: FIRST: Drives traffic … SECOND: Builds BRAND familiarity … THIRD: Creates positive associations with your BRAND … FOURTH: Delivers social proof via people liking your page, sharing its content and discussing your BRAND … FIFTH: Attracts Fans and evangelists who can help spread the word. And remember that the Internet rewards reach. The more Facebook Fans you have -> the more your content spreads -> the more impact you have on results in search engines -> the more referred leads and customers you gain. © 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

FACEBOOK Marketing Workbook // 18 of 23 CHECKLIST – 5 S.M.A.R.T. Social Media Marketing Goals & Actions: That Cut Through, Engage and Amplify Your Brand on Facebook & Beyond. These business goals and tactics make your life & employees' lives easier. Plus, these actionable items are something you can easily implement today for Social Media Success.

CHECKLIST – Review Your Facebook Insights: To gauge your social media traction, you can visit your “Insights” dashboard to see all of the traffic analytics associated with your Business Fan Page. Insights is FREE and available to Page administrators. Facebook Insights provides a wide variety of detailed reporting for your fan page and fan base. Here, you can get a gauge of your increase in “likes,” page views, and micro details such as demographics of fans and what Wall Post content is generating the most engagement. It's easy to measure what posts are most popular, but your Company needs to go beyond the numbers to determine why they were popular. Was it a question that prompted a barrage of comments? Was it a link to a how-­‐to video on YouTube that resulted in a high number of SHAREs? Was it a how-­‐to whitepaper that accompanied the announcement of a new product launch? Once you understand the ‘why’, you’ll have a template to help you broaden your prospecting net and deepen customer relationships. (Est. time: 1-2x/month) Resources: See “Learning Center”> Convert Library - of our on-line Agency for a video-guided approach to Facebook Insights. © 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

FACEBOOK Marketing Workbook // 19 of 23 CHECKLIST – Quick Follow-up with New Fans: To all new Fans, send a "Thank You" or "Nice Meeting You" private Facebook email within 24 hours (via your personal profile), which shows you're serious about customer service and want their business. Getting Fans is important, but if you don’t present lead conversion opportunities, you will never justify your Facebook marketing efforts. Create your own follow-up script (see below samples). Then, merely customize the greeting each time. Your follow-up may be THE deciding factor to choose YOUR PRODUCT or SERVICE. General New Fan Script has 5 parts: 1. Name of person … 2. First paragraph tells the person why you are reaching out … 3. Second paragraph lets the person know what you do, while at the same time taking interest in them … 4. Third paragraph shows person you are not trying to get them as a customer, as much as looking to meet new people with like-minded connections on Facebook & build a relationship … 5. Closing Greeting & Your Name. (Est. time: 1-2 min./day) Sample Script #A … REALTOR®: Hi Name, Thank you for liking my business page. Here you will always be able to search the MLS for current listings just as though you were a Realtor ®. So, you don’t have to rely on real estate websites and people you do not know to give you current and accurate information on homes for sale. If there is anything more I can do to help you with your real estate needs, please contact me anytime #. Your Neighborhood Realtor®, Your NAME Sample Script #B … REALTOR®: Hi there, Thanks for visiting my business fan page: LINK. Now, that you're a Fan, you have easy access to LIVE real estate searches for homes and properties throughout Arizona. I specialize in residential and am experienced in commercial real estate to assist local businesses with building purchases and leases. If you want customer service that you'll want to brag to your friends about, I'm here to help you with all your real estate needs. Put The Right Choice Agent to work for you! Call me, Your NAME … your CONTACT INFO Sample Script #C … REALTOR®: Thanks First-Name ... for liking my business page. Feel free to return any time you need immediate access to search the MLS for an Arizona home ... always open for you. Here's the link: [add the link to your business page or custom welcome page] Enjoy, Your Name Sample Script … MUSICIAN OR ARTIST: Hi Name, Thanks for LIKING my (name of Fan Page)! Here's a FREE song for you to enjoy. You can find all my music at (add domain) or the CD at (add domain). Thanks Again! Your NAME [attach the mp3, mp4, or PDF in Facebook message] Sample Script … RESTAURANT OR RETAILER: Hi Name, Thanks for LIKING my (name of Fan Page)! I noticed you live in our area. Attached is a Coupon for (describe offer). We really appreciate our Facebook Fans. We look forward to meeting you in person soon. Thanks, The Team at COMPANY [attach PDF in Facebook message] © 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

FACEBOOK Marketing Workbook // 20 of 23 Sample Script … DENTIST: Hi Name, Thanks for LIKING our (name of Fan Page)! We noticed you live in our area. Attached is a Coupon for a FREE Whitening when you become a new patient … use it anytime because it never expires! And, when you SHARE the offer with a friend, we’ll enter you into our monthly drawing for a FREE Sonicare toothbrush. Your Smile Team at NAME DENTAL OFFICE [attach PDF in Facebook message] CHECKLIST – Quickly-written Appreciation Messages to Wall Posts: Simply respond to likes and comments within 24 hours on your Wall and in your Newsfeed to build relationships and grow your business. Here’s your takeaway: When you value your

customers enough to thank and respond to them, you boost their perceived value of your team and your product/service. In turn, they’re likely to find both the desire and time to repeat purchases and spread the word about your BRAND. (Est. time: 1-2 min./day) CHECKLIST – Launch Sponsored Stories, Reach Generator, and Premium Ads: Facebook advertising allows you to drill down and target your customer demographics with incredible accuracy. With Facebook’s new advertising updates adopted early 2012, advertisers now have the opportunity for their content to appear in more prominent, eye-­‐catching locations including: the far right-­‐side of a Facebook user’s home page, on a homepage News Feed via mobile and desktop, and on Facebook’s logout screen. (Est. time: 30-60 min.) Reach 75% of your fan base using the new Sponsored Stories and Promoted Posts. With Facebook’s new Timeline upgrades for business pages as of 3/30/12, your posts may only reach 16% of your fans each week. Yikes! But, Facebook has a new ad tool called Reach Generator, which guarantees that you reach 75% of your fans each month and an estimated 50% of fans each week. Fans will see your ad message as a ‘sponsored story’ on the right-­‐hand side of their home page or in their news feed on both desktop and mobile. Start by selecting one of your engaging wall posts as your ‘sponsored story’ whereby all the ‘likes’, comments, and SHAREs for that post will be featured within this ad, giving Social Proof your Brand is People’s THE BRAND of Choice. A Sponsored Story and Promoted Post act like a testimonial, not an ad. Also, © 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

FACEBOOK Marketing Workbook // 21 of 23 oftentimes Facebook picks a mutual friend of the target audience who has already liked the page and shows his/her name alongside the ad to give each prospect, to whom the ad is showing, the confidence to ‘like’ the ad and even look at the page. So friends of fans might ‘like’ your Page when they see their friend already has. Here’s a general tip for selecting ad demographics: Try some of the less frequently used criteria like: workplace, relationship, education, zip code and interests. Think about seasons, special events, promotions & coupons, FREE access, limited-­‐time offers, FREE whitepaper, etc. when launching your Engagement Ads. Staying on top of current seasons and what’s relevant to consumers keeps your ads fresh and gains the possibility of getting new traction, clicks & clients. Review Ads Manager regularly at Run advertising reports to determine which Ads are working in terms of type, creative, copy, and targeting. Using the Responder Demographics report, identify which demographic profiles are responding best to your Ads. CHECKLIST – Quickly Add Google Alerts: Go to and setup Google Alerts, whereby you’re e-mailed every time your selected keywords or phrases appear online. We recommend inputting keywords for your industry, company name, owner’s name/s, and your competitors. Then you can follow-up with leads, customer service, or initiate a new engagement campaign. (Est. time: 5-10 min.)

© 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

FACEBOOK Marketing Workbook // 22 of 23 CHECKLIST – Track Website Traffic and New Clients: Hopefully you are already using a FREE tool like Google Analytics to determine where your website traffic is coming from … whether its Facebook, Twitter, a blog, ads, etc. If you’re not using it, talk to your Webmaster about adding Google Analytics (a simple strip of code) to your website and your Facebook Fan Page so you can easily track your traffic. Knowing where your traffic and new clients are coming from helps you evaluate which of your marketing strategies are most effective.

Additional Resources: See “Learning Center”> Convert Library - of our on-line Agency for: your Reach via Ads

VIDEOS: Launch Facebook Ad Campaign & Increase

Footnotes: *Nielsen’s Social Media Report Q3 2011 … ** … ***ComScore General Caution: Consult HIPPA or your Company Policies)

About our Author, Donna Newman

© 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

FACEBOOK Marketing Workbook // 23 of 23 !

Wrap-Up Today, buying decisions are driven by social influence more than any other factor. Businesses that understand and harness this factor will prosper while the others will fall increasingly behind. After reading Facebook’s Quick Start Social Media Marketing Workbook, you have a clear direction on how to easily use Facebook to generate exposure, traffic & leads and apply it for results. If you’re wanting to dive deeper into DESIGN > INVITE > ENGAGE > CONVERT (any or all areas that pique your interest), then check out our on-line Learning Center where we have detailed eBooks and Videos to help your business sustain growth rather than just tread water. In our experience as a Social Media Agency managing client campaigns as well as polling our clients using our do-it-yourself online Agency, successful social media campaigns average 6 hours or more each week. Social Media now plays an increasingly important role in SEO. Major search engines like Google are using social media profiles like Facebook (how we connect with others) to personalize our search results. So building up your Facebook following affects the number of people who choose to review and buy your BRAND via relevant search terms. When you use Social Media to genuinely and authentically express who you are, you will by proxy attract people who are just like you, people who are most likely interested in your brand. These types of visitors increase website conversion. To solely rely on Facebook to increase customer conversion would be foolish. Your entire Social Media and SEO strategies need to be integrated and implemented together. However, Industry Stats show 58% of Fans are more likely to buy from the brands they ‘like’. BOTTOMLINE: social media marketing with us just got simpler & more automated. It doesn’t matter what business you’re in, our Quick Start Social Media Marketing Workbook series for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Pinterest defines simple social media marketing solutions you need to achieve social media results. !

© 2012 Summa Social. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this guide may be copied without the express written consent of Summa Social. ***

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