Fan Friday Case Study: Speaker Jenn Kaye gets more speaking talks & sales from Twitter Marketing

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Communication Expert Jenn Kaye Gets HIRED and reHIRED Using Twitter & Facebook by Donna Newman

by Friday, December 23, 2011 at 9:27apm

Recall the movie "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" when Moody pointedly says to Harry: "Play to your strengths!" Before he could stop himself, Harry sheepishly replies, "I haven't got any." EXCUSE ME, growls Moody … saying, "You've got strengths if I say you've got them." I'm giggling here because Moody's fine-­‐point confidence reminds me of this week's Fan Friday: Jenn Kaye, whose company under her leadership leaves no stone unturned … it's Head-­‐On Communications International. As a highly sought after relationship and communications expert, Jenn travels the globe teaching small business leaders to corporate executives just how to "play to their strengths" by being Confident, Committed, and Compassionate. Yet, like every business owner, she's not immune to the turbulent economy. And, like every business owner, she not only "services" clients … she has to "land" them. Here's how Jenn Kaye puts her confidence, commitment, and compassion to work on the social media platforms, namely Twitter, to her best business advantage. CHALLENGE: Landing that next client While Jenn launched into a communications career at the confident age of 5 doing on-­‐air radio commercials for Volkswagen and since seems well-­‐booked, she, just like other business owners, has the constant challenge of landing new clients and keeping up with new and practical business tactics. SOLUTION: Twitter is the Communication Tool

When Jenn first started tweeting, she felt … well, kind of AWKWARD. "I wasn't sure what to say or how to really interact with people." At first, not any 140-­‐ character strand seems anything but pithy and trite. Truth be told, those very words by Moody -­‐ "Play to your strengths" grounded her. And, with some basic tactics from (like the Getting Started Series and our LIVE events), she turned those characters into the best of searchable, meaningful keywords … so well that she landed an invitation to speak at a workshop simply by following 'tweeple' and following up with specific 'tweeple'. OUTCOME: More Booked Speaking Then like a snowball down a steep slope, that workshop led to another and to another, building up her connections & clients. She's not awkward on Twitter anymore … she even teaches clients the fundamentals of a successful Twitter

launch. Best advice: -­‐ don't ever pass up what others are saying about you or your business … confidently jump into the conversation and add value. Here, you can add keywords about your business, name of your business, your own name, zip code, etc. and see LIVE tweets relative to your words. Then, jump into the conversations by adding valuable insights, tips, links to your blog, advice, recommendations, etc. ... bottom-­‐line: add value! Your 'value' will demonstrate your expertise and could lead to a bottom-­‐line value for you. Keeping up with the every-­‐changing Twitter platform can be a full-­‐time business, yet with the help of We Build Your Social Media, Jenn says: "They have empowered & educated her on how to navigate her business with the help of practical tips, integrity and passion as an authentic leader in the Social Media industry." Across the globe, customers are clamoring for new and easy ways to interact with the organizations they deal with, and no company should think itself immune to this new business dynamic. As more people use smartphones, they will expect an extension of their customer experience to be supported by this kind of device while demanding that social communication aspects of the Web (like Twitter) be intertwined with this experience. While Jenn communicates on the big 4 (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube) for her business marketing and customer support, her favorite is Twitter. "You have to be willing to start the conversation, even if you feel like the awkward kid at the school dance." She adds: by "asking questions, setting boundaries, being true to yourself and taking the time to get to know people," she has kept the calendar full traveling more days than she's home. When Jenn isn't writing her book, volunteering for The Girls Rule Foundation, coaching others, you can catch her on the dance floor performing the Argentine Tango or Salsa Dancing … that's right, Jenn knows how to talk her way AND dance her way to a successful and happy life. As Jenn has found and so will you, the online experiences you offer your prospects and clients will be the benchmark by which you’re paid and upgrade services will be evaluated and hired. "Think now. What are you best at?” Enjoy your Fan Friday, everyone ... Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!! ~ Donna Newman Agency 16420 North 92nd Street, Suite 224-228, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 o.480.314.4101 f.480.314.4140 e/

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