PLM Unchained Magazine Fall 2019

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MAGAZINE PURE LIFE MINISTRIES is fully committed to bringing the hope, healing and restoration found only in Christ to those who have been touched by the leprosy of sexual sin. Our staff members are graduates of one of our counseling programs themselves and have responded to the call of God to freely give to others the same compassion and mercy which the Father freely bestowed upon them. They are men and women who know how to speak the truth of God in love. In fulfilling our call, Pure Life Ministries is founded upon the authority of the Word of God as the supreme and allsufficient Truth for overcoming sin. We unashamedly preach a message of repentance unto salvation. Everything we do— whether in our counseling programs, our speaking ministry or the distribution of our books and resources—is based on the Word of God, with the goal of leading others to victory over sexual sin through a deeper life in God.




Unchained! FALL2019



The Problem with God's PATIENCE BY STEVE GALLAGHER Founder and President of Pure Life Ministries

But because of His good and merciful character, God is exceedingly patient with every sinner to allow him time to repent.

“Was it not because I held My peace and closed My eyes that you ceased toreverence Me?” (ISAIAH 57:11B AAT) Looking back on my teenage years makes me cringe. Although I was raised in church, I got involved in crime, drugs and promiscuity at a young age. Gradually, sex took center stage in my heart which led me to give over to all kinds of sexual sin during my twenties. By the time I became a Los Angeles deputy sheriff, I was hardened by sin and trapped in my own spiritual prison. Now, I can clearly see the Lord’s hand on my life in spite of my willful rebellion. Not only did He bear my stubbornness, but He patiently wooed me unto Himself until He finally won my heart. The patience of God is a marvelous thing. Matthew Henry described it well: “It can endure evil and provocation without being filled with resentment or revenge. It will put up with many slights from the person it loves, and wait long to see the kindly effects of such patience on him.” I will love the Lord throughout eternity for all that He put up with to save me. However, one can easily mistake God’s patience for His grace. For example, a person in habitual sin may not experience judgment right away. So, recklessly and unconcerned, he travels down a path of destruction—convinced that there will be no consequences. Such foolish thinking has been the downfall of many a sinner! But because of His good and merciful character, God is exceedingly patient with every sinner to allow him time to repent.

The apostle Peter said, “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come...” (2 PETER 3:9-10A). Therefore, it is extremely dangerous for anyone involved in habitual sin to assume that because his day of reckoning has not yet come, there won’t be one. The longsuffering nature of God becomes a problem—or stumbling block—for the hard-hearted person who chooses to abuse it to his own destruction. As Solomon once said, “A man who hardens his neck after much reproof will suddenly be broken beyond remedy.” (PROVERBS 29:1) In one sense, the Lord is like the nice guy who patiently endures the provocations of the neighborhood bully until one day he snaps and flattens the guy! Of course, the Lord doesn’t have a temper like humans have, but sooner or later, the time comes when His patience with sin and rebellion runs out, and the sinner is left to face the consequences of his actions. What a wonderful God who will “endure evil and provocation without being filled with resentment or revenge (and) put up with many slights from the person (He) loves, and wait long to see the kindly effects of such patience on him.” It is certainly true that the Lord “is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish…” But equally true is His reason for such patience: He is looking “for all to come to repentance,” so they won’t have to face the aftermath of their sin.




AU T O P I L O T and the

PLEASURE HORMO N E BY STEVE GALL AGHER It is both the most awesome of human gifts and one of the most dangerous of human capacities. I am referring to the power to act habitually. Consider how painful life would be if you had to think through simple tasks such as tying your shoelaces or buttoning your shirt. And what would it be like if you had to ponder every computer keystroke or every turn of the steering wheel? A recent study found that 43% of daily

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behaviors are performed out of habit. We are so accustomed to functioning in auto pilot that we don’t even notice how much of our daily behavior is done automatically. The fact that we can perform so many daily tasks without having to think them through saves us an enormous amount of time and energy. The time and effort that is saved through the force of habit allows us to spend our energies mulling over difficult problems, conceiving works of art

or envisioning future plans. I suppose the power of habit plays a part in the daily life of every type of animal, but none profit as much from this unique capacity as do humans. Yet, also true is the fact that no other species of animal faces the destructive consequences of habitual behavior gone bad. I suppose every tomcat is a sex addict from birth, but I’ve never known one to become an alcoholic! NO REPRESENTATIONS MADE OF INDIVIDUALS DEPICTED.

THE PERIL OF HABIT There are three elements that play a part in forming a habit: triggers, repetitive behavior and the hope of reward. Let’s take a look at these in reverse order to better understand how a person develops a sinful habit such as porn addiction. Once a young person experiences the exhilaration of viewing illicit images, a powerful lust to repeat that pleasure takes root in his heart. It goes without saying that this formidable appetite is strengthened by the burgeoning hormones of youth—which partially explains why so many become addicted to various forms of self-pleasure at such a young age. Unfortunately, the young man doesn’t realize that his constant return to pleasure is deeply affecting him morally and spiritually. Over time, this repetitive behavior becomes a habit, and, if continued unchecked, eventually becomes an addiction.1 The trigger for a porn addict can be a memory of a past experience or even something that he associates with the sexual act. For instance, one guy I know used to get on the family computer after his parents went to bed. Even after he was trying to break his porn habit, all it took was his mom saying “goodnight” to him to spark a powerful temptation to return to his routine of cruising pornographic websites. THE PLEASURE HORMONE In my 35 years of dealing with sexual addicts, my primary focus has been on the spiritual aspects of addiction so I’m no expert on its physiological components. But I think I grasp what is involved enough to at least provide an overview of how it all works. The human brain contains a vast system of nerves. Every action a person commits sends an electric pulse through that complex of nerves. When he starts repeating that behavior, those nerves become connected to each other through a brain chemical known as a neuro-transmitter. In essence, the brain develops pathways that these chemical signals travel on. Imagine a field full of weeds and brush lying between two villages. Over time, people walking back and forth between these villages develop a trail that becomes

wider, smoother and easier to walk on. And that is an apt analogy of how the Lord created the human being’s ability to form a habit. We tend to think of habits in a negative way. But habits are extremely important to us because they are what allow our bodies to function effectively. By repeating behavior we become increasingly more proficient at it until it becomes second nature to us. Again, this ability to operate on “auto-pilot” is made possible because of the pathways those neuro-transmitters travel on. One of the most important neurotransmitters the brain produces is a chemical called dopamine. It has been called the “feel-good hormone” because it is associated with the motivation to repeat pleasurable experiences. This is how God established within us the desire to eat and to procreate. When a person enjoys some small pleasure in life—such as eating a piece of chocolate or watching a favorite baseball player hit a home run—a small amount of dopamine is released in his brain. Like other neuro-transmitters, dopamine moves through those nerve highways, creating a shortcut highway through the brain system as a person repeats a pleasurable experience. However, dopamine is different from other neuro-transmitters because the amount that is released into the brain’s nerve center is dependent on the level of pleasure that was just experienced. Extreme examples of this would be the first time a person snorts cocaine or ejaculates; that level of intense pleasure causes a powerful surge of dopamine to flood the brain. This is why it can take a young person weeks to get in the habit of brushing his teeth but only days to establish a powerful habit of masturbation. The physiological sensation that occurs with this rush of dopamine is so powerful that sights, sounds and even smells present during the experience can produce a lifelong association with the sexual experience. The sense of smell is especially susceptible to this phenomenon. There have been occasions years after I started walking in victory when I have caught a whiff of a particular smell that was associated with my sexual routines and instantly felt that old CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 >>




craving come back over me. But let’s get back to this dopamine rush I was talking about. We were created to experience sexual pleasure in the confines of marriage and in godly proportions; but we were never meant to compulsively repeat the behavior over and over again. The problem for a sex addict is that the brain receptors become overwhelmed. So the brain compensates for this by producing less dopamine as these chemical surges continue. Over time, every new sexual experience brings about a decrease in the euphoric sensation that dopamine produces. It’s the scientific reality of what lies behind the principle of the diminishing returns of sin—what began as exhilarating experiences eventually lose their luster. This drop in the level of dopamine also leads to a physical, emotional and spiritual crash. This, in turn, can bring about feelings of depression. So what does the typical addict do? In the hopes of escaping this sense of misery, he returns to the same old behavior that has produced such intense pleasure in earlier occasions. This cycle of the high of pleasure and the subsequent emotional crash deepens the brain pathways even more. Over time, the person goes from repeating these behaviors because they are pleasurable to doing it because he feels as though he needs it. When the craving for it intensifies, while the anticipated sense of pleasure lessens, the habit has crossed the line into an addiction. WHAT THE BIBLE HAS TO SAY Addictive behavior in the New Testament is described by the Greek word “prasso.” Strong’s Greek Dictionary says it means “to practise, that is, perform repeatedly or habitually…” (emphasis mine) And Scripture makes some startling comments about such behavior—whether

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it is describing the practice of sin or godly behavior. For instance, in John 5, as Jesus discussed the Great Assize when every human being will be held accountable for their actions, He said that the dead would “come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed (prasso) the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment.” (JOHN 5:29) The Living Bible describes this second group as “those who have continued in evil.” Clearly, the people Jesus referred to were those who habitually practiced sinful behavior. The apostle Paul would later add, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, (prasso) whether good or bad.” (2 CORINTHIANS 5:10) There it is again. Paul covered the subject in greater detail in his letter to the Galatians when he listed out 19 different vices ending with this ominous warning: “those who practice (prasso) such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” (GALATIANS 5:21) And what was right at the top of his list? “Immorality, impurity and sensuality.”

does offer one important element to finding freedom: it is to use the same capacity to develop a habit for good rather than for evil. My testimony is that when I came to the Lord in 1982, laden with sinful habits, the Lord led me out by helping me to establish godly habits. This new way of living created new neural pathways in my brain. The more I continued to practice those spiritual disciplines, the deeper those pathways were established. Not only did these new neural pathways replace the old sinful ones, but they also cemented into my daily life the very things that would allow the Lord to infuse my inner being with the life of God and the power of God. Over time, thinking and acting biblically became second nature to me. This is probably what the apostle Paul had in mind when he wrote, “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice (prasso) these things; and the God of peace shall be with you.”

HOPE FOR THE ADDICT There are many people whose lives are out of control in the American Church. Some are clearly self-deceived: they neither seek nor want to change their sinful lifestyles. But there are many others who are sick of their sin (and its consequences) and long to be restored into right fellowship with the Lord. But they don’t know how to break out of their habitual behavior. Well, there are many aspects to leading an addict into victorious living—too many to attempt to address in a magazine article. But the physiological aspect of an addiction

Yes, that sums up my testimony and also explains why the Pure Life Ministries’ Residential Program has such a track record of men finding freedom: they are separated from the sources of past temptations and they are taught how to establish a new life in God. I didn’t need the scientific knowledge of neural pathways to understand how the Lord accomplishes this; but it was a nice confirmation of what the Bible has promised all along.


An addiction is a habit that is destructive in nature and has taken on a life of its own.




what is theValue to your Congregation of a Transformed Life and a Restored Family? Our 9-month Residential Program is for men who are desperate for freedom and real answers to their sexual addictions. Why is this program is so effective? • • • • • •

The presence of God that brings a man into deep repentance Complete separation from old sources of temptation Regular biblical counseling by men who have overcome sexual sin themselves Structured environment where a sexual addict can learn a life of discipline Local employment covers low-cost weekly fees Two-phase program with emphasis on readjusting to life afterward

We also provide phone counseling options: Overcomers At-Home (OCAH) ~ for men, women, or mature teens At-Home Program for WIVES ~ for hurting wives NO REPRESENTATIONS MADE OF INDIVIDUALS DEPICTED.

Pastors, your men need help. Give it to them today. For the first time ever, we have produced a DVD curriculum based on At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry. This 14-week series features 28 exclusive teachings and 14 powerful testimonies of men whose lives have been redeemed from destruction and transformed by the gospel.

“This book dares us to believe that sexual addictions of any kind can be overcome through deep repentance, spiritual warfare and accountability.” DR. ERWIN W. LUTZER, Moody Church “Steve reveals with his characteristic clarity: all sin is first and foremost spiritual. And because the diagnosis is accurate the prescription Steve presents is life-changing.” MIKE CLEVELAND, President of Gospel Growth Ministries

IN THE BOX: • 14 Sessions on 5 DVDs • Each session is presented in two segments with an accompanying testimony. • A Leader’s Edition of At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry geared specifically to the group leader







“The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul...” (PSALM 19:7)

Unchained! FALL2019


In a period of man’s history when the oftenconflicting teachings of psychology are held in almost reverential awe, it takes a real step of faith to believe David’s statement that a sin-ravaged soul can be restored through the Word of God. When I read this verse, my mind immediately went to the words of Paul: “Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently...” (GALATIANS 6:1 NIV) Another translation says, “ who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path.” (NLT) The word “restore” in the Greek is the same term used for a doctor who sets (or restores) a broken bone. What an apt picture of the man who has been involved in pornography and/ or fornication! His soul has been crushed to pieces by the destructive nature of sin. Proper perspectives of sexuality have been warped and distorted. Evil has penetrated his heart with spiritual darkness. Spiritually speaking, he has fallen off a three-story building: he’s still alive, but he’s all busted up inside. What will you do to help him? Paul said, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” (2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17) His claim—like that of David a thousand years earlier—was that the Word of God was sufficient—adequate—to provide the answers to life’s many problems.

THE FOUR-FOLD USE OF SCRIPTURE Unquestionably, there is an important place for teaching. Believers must be educated in all that the Bible has to say about life. The pulpit is the perfect vehicle for this greatly needed gift. It gives the pastor the opportunity to bring out important truths needed for living the victorious Christian life—and he can do it all at once to his entire congregation. However, in my opinion, too many pastors short-change their people by limiting their usage of the Bible to Sunday services. This is tragic, because it means that their ministry is only operating at one-fourth its power! It’s like a four-cylinder engine firing on a single cylinder. You might make it down the road, but it sure won’t be very effective. Paul also told this earnest young minister named Timothy that he should use the Word of God to reprove people. This is an exceedingly important tool in the hands of the minister who is helping someone who is in habitual sin. The picture here is of a man attempting to walk the narrow path of Christianity. Occasionally strong temptations show up along the way. Solomon paints a vivid picture of the young man who runs into a beautiful prostitute in the street. “With her many persuasions she entices him; with her flattering lips she seduces him. Suddenly he follows her, as an ox goes to the slaughter...” (PROVERBS 7:21-22) This is also a picture of a man being tempted into pornography. He has drifted off “the highway of holiness” and has gone astray. When the man CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 >>


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There must be a man or woman of God who will teach, reprove, correct and train in righteousness.


of God (who is responsible for this man’s spiritual well-being) sees this happening, he steps between him and the source of his temptation and in passionate, godly love says, “No! You can’t do that!” He is stopping this man from going over a cliff. This is biblical reproof. “...if another Christian is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path...” Biblical correction is slightly different. This occurs when the believer is in some type of unrepentant sin and the minister confronts him about it. This man desperately needs someone to step into his life and point out what he cannot see for himself because of the deceptiveness of his sin. He needs to be shown in Scripture how his actions are falling short of godly standards. Biblical confrontation—done in love and meekness—is perhaps the most powerful tool the minister has in dealing with sin. It is correcting the “broken bones” of his soul. Lastly, Paul said that the Word of God is to be used to train people in righteousness. Training is different from teaching in that

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it is personal. Rather than picking and choosing from a pulpit sermon what he may or may not want to adopt into his life, the man receives face-to-face discipling from his pastor. His spiritual mentor teaches him how to live a life pleasing to God and then holds him accountable to follow through in his daily life. This oneon-one discipleship is greatly needed by the struggling saint. Without accountability, it is simply too easy to disregard the teaching that comes from the pulpit. It will be noticed that the first usage of the Sword of the Spirit is done corporately, while the other three are practiced through interpersonal relationships. Teaching from the pulpit is important, but people change when the minister gets involved in their lives. Unfortunately, many pastors have fallen in the trap of focusing on numbers in the pews rather than transformed lives. God does not see any of this when He looks down from heaven. Success in His kingdom does not revolve around the size of a congregation but around faithfulness. Christians will not be judged by mathematical formulas (number

crunching), but by their love for others. There is nothing inherently wrong in pastoring a large church, if that is what the Lord has called a man to do. However, there are many pastors of small congregations who will be counted faithful because they have lived sacrificially to meet the needs of others. Perhaps worldly Christians don’t respect them but heaven does. They will be counted faithful because they have put the lives of others above their own ambitions. If people are to be effectively helped through their struggles, someone will have to get their hands dirty! Somebody must be willing to get involved in their personal lives. There must be a man or woman of God who will teach, reprove, correct and train in righteousness. Perhaps this is what Paul meant when he said, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth.” (2 TIMOTHY 2:15) The pastor who does this will find that David’s statement is true: “The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul.” NO REPRESENTATIONS MADE OF INDIVIDUALS DEPICTED.

YouTube is the one of the most influential websites

In an age of easy information, it’s so

of all time. Multitudes of people rely on it for helpful

important to get answers that are not

information and step-by-step tutorials on a wide range

only effective but also biblically based.

of topics. However, there are also those who claim to

And that is exactly the kind of reliable

offer solutions to much more serious issues:

teachings one will receive at the Pure Life

• How to find freedom from pornography.

Ministries YouTube channel. We trust

• How to deal with a cheating spouse.

that this resource will be a blessing to

• How to properly understand sexuality.

both pastors and members like.


in My Battle with Porn Addiction In this series, Steve Gallagher lays out the foundational solutions the Lord gave him as he struggled for freedom from sexual sin 35 years ago. These videos form an excellent overview of the nature of sexual sin and what it takes to truly walk in victory.


Hope for Struggling Marriages Kathy Gallagher is no stranger to the pain of betrayal. In this series, she offers women the same hope and wisdom that God gave her as she struggled to find her way through the devastation of her husband’s addiction.


There are a host of peripheral issues a sexual addict faces. The biblical counselors at Pure Life Ministries have dealt with them in their own lives and also in the lives of the men they minister to. Many of these will be addressed in this ongoing series.


In addition to the series we mentioned, we regularly post sermons, testimonies, ministry updates and other helpful content on our channel. To be notified when we post a new video, please subscribe to our YouTube channel.


People Don’t Need an Alteration... They Need an



14 In the early 2000’s, one of the most popular shows on television was “Extreme Makeover.” The program selected some needy family living in difficult circumstances such as a debilitating illness. After sending them away on a week’s vacation, the show’s crew demolished their former home and built them a new one. The homes were extravagant by anyone’s standards, having all the latest technological advances; hence the use of the word “Extreme.” Other popular “makeover” programs featured the use of plastic surgery, in which the person was radically transformed from who they were before to their new “look.” With all of man’s brilliance and ability, no one has yet been able to make the “dead” come to “life,” and yet that is exactly what the gospel promises to do. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul writes “And you were dead... but God...made us alive.” That’s what I call the ultimate “makeover”— a real resurrection! Over and over again the Bible contrasts our new life in Christ with our former life. Consider some of these contrasts: “From darkness to light, and

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from the power of Satan to God.” (ACTS 26:18 NIV) “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2 COR. 5:17 KJV) “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds…” (ROMANS 12:2 KJV) “For you are all children of light and children of day. We are not of night nor of darkness…” (1 THESS. 5:5) “…no one who abides in Him sins.” (1 JOHN 3:6 NASB) Anyone reading these verses would have to conclude that the Gospel has the power to transform a person. Paul refers to the gospel as “...the power of God unto salvation.” (ROMANS 1:16 KJV) One can only wonder at why we see so little evidence of this kind of transformation in the lives of God’s people. It might even make one question whether or not they actually are God’s people. I recently listened to a recording of Paul Washer addressing a large Southern Baptist Youth Conference. He described salvation with the following illustration. A man shows up late for a meeting with the tale that he had been run over by a thirty-ton logging truck. The people who heard the man’s story were incredulous

and concluded that he was either lying or just plain crazy! “If you were run over by a truck you would not look the same! Your body would be mangled beyond recognition!” Washer then compared this unlikely scenario to a man having an encounter with the Almighty and asked, “What is more powerful: a thirty-ton logging truck or God?” The point he was making was obvious. There is no way for someone to have met God and not to have been radically changed. If this is what it means to be born again, one can only conclude that tens of thousands of people claiming to have met Christ who are in serious delusion. What has gone wrong in the American Church? We have adopted a “seeker-sensitive” approach to presenting the gospel which fails to confront people about their sin. This method of evangelization has basically stifled the convicting work of the Holy Spirit in people’s hearts. Rather than being shown their need for repentance, people are taught that they only need to “accept Christ.” It is clear that the Church has largely lost sight of the fact that Jesus came

to “save His people from their sins.” (MATTHEWS 1:21 KJV)

One of the first things new “converts” are taught is that they now belong to Christ, no matter what they do or how they live. They are quickly assured that “nothing can separate [them] from the love of Christ…” (ROMANS 8:39 KJV) The concepts of maturing in the faith and the need to pursue a holy lifestyle have largely been lost in the Church. Those who advocate the need to maintain a consistent devotional life are dismissed as being “legalistic” or as having a “religious spirit.” My question to those who make such claims is if they would consider eating and sleeping on a regular basis as being legalistic as well. The new version of Christianity that has become vogue of late does bring with it a certain alteration in a person’s life. He does attend church. He probably isn’t drinking and drugging anymore. And he might not even be involved in sexual sin any longer. Yes, there has been a bit of a change, but where are the encounters with God that make a person feel as though he has been run over by a Mack truck? Today’s churchgoer might consider that kind of transformation as “extreme,” but the Bible presents it as the expected entrance into the Kingdom of God.



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