Kappa Kappa Psi | Tau Beta Sigma
Western District Publication
The Accent: The Best of Edition
Western District Convention 2014 Spring 2014 Issue 1
Message from the 2013-2014 Publisher Hello Western District! I present to you the Spring Best of Edition 2014. This edition contains articles that have been submitted to the Accent since January 2014 as well as some articles from the 2013-2014 Joint Council and the 2014-2015 Joint Council. I hope that reading this publication will give you a great idea about what has happened since district season has started. It has been such a great honor to be your Western District Publisher for the past year. It has been such a great experience to be able to interact with the Joint District Council, the Western District Webmaster, Cameron Lundy, and the rest of the Western District. I encourage everyone to write for the Accent. It is a great way to get your story out to the Western District! If you ever need any ideas about what to write for the Accent, I suggest you either email WDPub@kkpsi.org or look at past articles at thewest.kkytbs.net. MLITB <3 Hillary â&#x20AC;&#x153;awktopusâ&#x20AC;? Tung 2013-2014 Western District Publisher Iota Pi, California Polytechnic State University WDPub@kkpsi.org
Message from the 2014-2015 Publisher What’s up, Westside?! My name is Arthur Aguilera and I am very excited to serve as your 2014-2015 Western District Publisher! I am heading into my fourth and final year as an active member of the Iota Kappa Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at Boise State University, where I study Stage Management and Stage Design in the Theatre Arts Department. For Iota Kappa, I currently hold the office of Vice President of Membership but I have also held the office of Vice President of Service, and most recently finished my term as President. I have travelled to many district events including three district conventions, three rituals outside of my chapter, two district leadership conferences, one colony installation, and one national convention. My experiences within the Fraternity motivated me to write the article “Creating An Image of Values,” which was published in the Spring 2014 edition of The Podium. I was very interested in the Publisher position because I wanted to help make The Accent the best it can be. My vision for the publication includes making The Accent one of the main sources for official announcements and important information, while still incorporating personal stories from around the District. In the coming year, I hope to work closely with the Joint District Council to make The Accent a unified publication that members of the District will be excited to read. I am very excited for this upcoming year and I encourage all of you to start writing for The Accent today! Don’t have anything to say right now? That’s ok! There is a whole summer of chapter camping trips, random road trips, chapter events (Theta’s 50th Anniversary Event, SD4, etc.), and national events (Work Weekend, Wava Banes Henry Turner Memorial Garden and KKPsi Caboose Dedication)! While you head on these adventures, always keep The Accent in mind as a way to share your experiences! If you have any ideas or suggestions about The Accent, or just want to swap ideas, please don’t hesitate to contact me at wdpub@kkpsi.org! AEA*MLITB, Arthur “Java” Aguilera Western District Publisher, 2014-2015 Iota Kappa | Kappa Kappa Psi Boise State University
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How to Write an Accent Article Step 1: Log onto the Western District website with your account. If you do not have an account, click on register and follow the step by step instructions and the Webmaster will accept you as a member of the Western District Website. Step 2: Put your mouse over the button that is labeled “The Accent” Step 3: Click on “Submit to the Accent”
Step 4: 1) Make a creative title that would make people want to read your article 2) Write your article in the box below 3) You can upload your pictures, videos, music, or other media of your choosing. 4) Switch to HTML mode if you would like 5) You can format the article however you would like but I suggest that you use plain text for easy reading.
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Step 5: Click “Publish” to submit your wonderful article! Now you have to wait for me to approve it. The reason that I need to approve the article to make sure that the article is appropriate or if there are any problems that I will contact you to fix.
Feature Articles
Omega’s Process through Eyes of a Prospective Member By: Chris “COMRAD” Vance
Every semester, the Omega Chapter puts a new class of Prospective Members through our twelve week process to become a brother of Kappa Kappa Psi. The process is meant to teach Prospective Members about our organization’s ideals, history, and what it truly means to be a brother. Reflection on one’s process is one of the most important and meaningful learning experiences a Prospective Member can have. This past semester, all of the Prospective Members were asked to write a paragraph reflecting on one of three topics: - What did you learn through your process? - What was your favorite part of the process? - What is the meaning of brotherhood to you? These questions were designed to help each Prospective Member reflect on and draw meaning from the lessons and experiences that occur during the process. The following paragraphs are a window into the once-in-a-lifetime experience that is Omega’s process – through the eyes of a Prospective Member. AEA! Chris “COMRAD” Vance What did you learn during your process? Graham It is extremely difficult to put into one paragraph what it is that I learned, going through this process. When I came to the University of Arizona, I had zero interest in Greek life, and I didn’t even really know what a Fraternity was. I noticed at band camp that there were some band kids wearing bandanas and they were all matching, and that was when I first found out about Kappa Kappa Psi. When I accepted my bid, it was still with a little hesitance, but as soon as I started getting to know the active brothers, all my previous notions had changed. I learned a great deal about what it means to be there for each other, because often times I was unable to survive without some of the brothers. I also learned a great deal about focus during my occasional sleepless nights. I learned that without focus, nothing will be done right, or on time, or having meaning to it. But above all I learned that all the struggles of life and all the hardships are not meant to be carried alone, and that we need each other. That is why a brotherhood is so important, and that is why I want to be a part of it. Even though I couldn’t have said that two months ago, I now believe it with all of my being and I have my process to thank for that.
Alex One of the best things I’ve learned throughout my prospective member process is the willingness of so many people, strangers at the beginning, trusting me and likewise letting me trust them. It’s inspiring imagining the great sense of camaraderie I’ve witnessed throughout these past weeks. I’ve come to realize that I don’t need to be a complete stranger to even myself. I no longer needed to hide my true self to feel a simple sense of belonging. I was welcomed to go through the prospective member process, and I’ve had someone guiding me every step of the way. I learned to be confident in every manner possible. I’ve been
taught how to love someone as a true brother and do anything at any time for anyone. This brotherhood taught me invaluable lessons in life that I will never take for granted. Kelsey I’ll admit that process had its rough spots. There were times when I wasn’t sure what to do next or if I was even doing things right; but I can honestly say that this has been the greatest experience I have ever had. I’ve learned more about myself than I thought possible. I gained so much trust in people who, only ten weeks ago were strangers, but now are my brothers and best friends. This process taught me how to work with others and get stuff done, even at two in the morning when we’re all tired and hungry. It taught me that it’s okay to put myself out there and make my opinions known. I have become more social and outgoing than I ever thought I could be. Yes, it was hard at times, but I am so grateful for how the Prospective Member process has shaped my personality. What was your favorite part of the process? Juan Rushing for KKPsi-Omega was perhaps one of the wisest decisions I have made through my college career. I truly felt my bond with the brothers grow as the weeks progressed and this is what has been my favorite aspect of the process. Whether we were at an official event or on the couch of an active, these brothers really care about getting to know each one of the prospective members. Now, there are many other events I could have chosen as my favorite during this process, like degrees, or receiving gifts, but without a doubt, getting to know the actives and growing as a brother is what I value most. That is why it has become my favorite part about rushing to become a brother of KKPsi- Omega. Leiah My favorite part of process was bonding with my fellow prospective members and dad, Joey. My class and I did some crazy things when we hung out together. We had so many late nights doing homework, studying, and playing ping pong. The coolest thing to me about KKPsi is the intense relationships that are formed. It’s unexplainable to any outsider, no matter how hard I try. We’re not “friends.” That word just doesn’t cut it. I feel the exact same way about my dad, Joey. He’s been there for me my entire process, and he is truly my guiding spirit and the best dad I could ever have hoped for. Whether it’s carving a Cinderella pumpkin for me and calling me a “reject seed” or giving me advice about process, I know Joey would do anything for me! The bonds I’m forming through this organization are the incomprehensible, and it just blows my mind how close I am with my class and my dad.
Jessica I’ve always been a bit reserved when I’m out and about in the world. Being a part of process has helped me to sort of break out of that habit and be myself more often with most people that I interact with. I’m more open, I laugh more often and I’m most likely the happiest I have been in a long while. These past few months have been some of the best of my life. I’ve gotten to know some amazing people that I probably would have never talked to had I not been given the chance to rush KKPsi. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this great organization. The Omega Chapter is a group of hardworking people that enjoy what they do and serve in any way that they can. The love and respect that the Active Members have for each other is evident. No matter what happens, they always look out and take care of each other. I hope, that given the chance, I can always maintain the good name of Kappa Kappa Psi. What is the meaning of brotherhood to you? Jacob When I first started my process of becoming a Brother of Kappa Kappa Psi, oddly enough, I never thought too much about the brotherhood aspect of the fraternity. I have never had a brother, biological or otherwise, and have never truly experienced brotherhood. I have never participated in a bond of brotherhood until recently. This past semester has taught me more about myself and my interactions with others than any experience I have ever had. I am proud to say that I have made friends that I know will love me and be there for me till the day die. But more than that, I can finally say that I have brothers. I have found brotherhood with people that I would have never even considered talking to before my process. I wish that I could say what brotherhood was to me exactly but it is truly something that cannot be defined until you experience it. Emmy When starting my process, I had never had a sibling before, so I had no idea what to expect when I accepted my bid for Kappa Kappa Psi. I had come up with a vague idea of what brotherhood meant to me and what I hoped to experience during my process. The experience was everything I had hoped for and more. The bonds I have formed with the actives and my class were nothing like I have ever experienced before. My brother class helped me get through tough times during my process when I thought there was no way I could finish strong. We were always there for each other and I know we always will be. Throughout my process, brotherhood has changed for me because my idea of brotherhood was nothing compared to the real deal. The real connection that you feel with brotherhood is knowing that you have a family who will be willing to do anything for 10
you and you will be willing to give the same. It is a symbiotic relationship with a huge group of people, but it feels like a close-knit family who you share your deepest secrets with and know that they are safe forever. Brotherhood, to me, means that the people I am meeting today in Kappa Kappa Psi are the people who I will know the rest of my life. They are the people who you want to stay connected throughout your life and share your experiences with each other. I have never had a sibling before August of this year, but I now can say that I have gained not only many siblings, but a family. Jasmine Throughout my process, I have been asked about my own definition of brotherhood. Time and time again I have thought about my answer to this question and I find myself on a never-ending train of thought. Having the opportunity to be a prospective member has been one of the greatest experiences of my life and there is no possible way to put it into words. The Brothers of Omega have truly changed my life and helped me discover a completely new side of myself. They have shown me a whole other level of friendship, trust, and loyalty. Brotherhood is the kind of certainty and security that I have been searching for. It is an unbreakable bond and forever lasting connection that I never knew was possible. So why is Brotherhood so difficult to define? Because when it is done the right way, it is something so extraordinary, so incredibly life changing that your heart holds onto those words. It is something so personally sacred to you, that it is impossible to simply limit it to those definitions and regulations. I cannot thank Omega enough for everything that they have done for me and I will hold them in my heart forever.
The Stages of ‘Hyped’ for WDC By: Michelle Monroe
I missed DLC for the first time this year since becoming active :( But as they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. And my heart seems to be beating rapidly and irregularly every time I think of how excited I am for this year’s Western District Convention. As you may know, Psi and EK and UCLA are hosting WDC this year, so it’s been on our minds for a while. I’ve always been one of the strong proponents of PsiEK hosting WDC, and even was one of the representatives who bid for it at WDC-Boise last year, but it always seemed so far away! When this school year began, my best memories of the past four years started flooding back to me. And, no surprise, a bunch of them are due to the Western District! So nostalgia started playing a part in my growing Hype. Next stage- When we filmed the WDC promotional video. Not only was it incredibly fun to spend the day at the beach with a few PsiEK people, but thinking about a sh**-ton of other brothers and sisters coming to LA to experience the wonderful-ness increased my hype marginally. Last stage, and biggest one- WDC Registration opened. Talk about reality hitting you! Now, everytime something Western District related comes up, I struggle to contain my excitement. Thank you, Western District, for giving me something to be this excited about, even after about 4 years as part of Kappa Kappa Psi! AEA, Michelle P.S., this article really has no purpose, but allows me to vent and share my excitement with all of you. And allows me to post on the Accent, which I don’t do nearly enough.
Throwback Thursday: #Swagon2014 By: Sarah Cox As a sister from sunny California, I was a little out of my comfort zone at Wagon State Days in Seattle. First of all the climate—something I am quite in love with now—was freezing. And apparently that weekend was warm for Seattle residents. Fortunately I had actually packed smart, and the layers upon layers I brought kept me warm! Secondly, I knew I would be one of just 2 sister representatives in attendance. Not only were there a lot of people to meet, as I had not met many Brothers from Washington or Oregon, but I was mentally preparing to sing the Affirmation as a duet. Even with all of this, Gamma put together a weekend so awesome that none of my concerns negatively affected my time at all. I had an amazing experience and left excited to return for DLC. On Friday two brothers from Gamma picked me up from the airport and immediately had a warm drink for me! We headed back to their house, aka “Headquarters,” and waited for more people to arrive. After more people had made it to Seattle, we crammed into the small, 5-seater car and drove over to something called Gas works. This grassy hill area by the water in Seattle has the most beautiful view of the city. We put down a bunch of blankets and stayed warm as we looked at the city skyline. The buildings were lit up, many with Seattle Seahawks colors, and the sky was decorated with tons of stars. Eventually we moved down to a covered area and that’s where I got to meet the many brothers from Gamma and a couple of Mu Pi attendees. The evening was a relaxing and fun time to hangout while more brothers from Oregon drove up. We ended the evening with hot chocolate and playing a ridiculous game of Fish Bowl. The next day started with a musical tour of campus. Gamma has been working on increasing their musicianship and they put that on display for the Wagon States Days attendees. There were five ensembles set up around campus: a kazoo choir that played Hakuna Matata and a Macklemore song, a clarinet sextet that performed the Mario theme song, a saxophone quartet who played Bohemian Rhapsody, a flute choir that performed A Whole New World, and a brass quintet who played…. something classical. Not only did we get to see the campus and spend time with our tour group, but we also got to hear really great music first thing Saturday morning! After the tour, we went to lunch and came back to play in a reading band. I personally loved the reading band because I am not currently in a band and miss performing tremendously AND because one of the songs we played I already knew. I had played it during a band trip across Europe, and that trip is one of the main reasons I continued in band after high school. That evening we had a movie and game night, which, like the night before, became ridiculous and hilarious. After all was finished we circled up, and Becca Toda (the other alumna sister in attendance) and I paired up in the middle. We sang the Affirmation, attempting to cover the 3 parts between two people, and then happily listened to the Kappa Kappa Psi Hymn. It finally really felt like District Season. Sunday morning Gamma provided attendees with a pancake breakfast complete with coffee, tons of milk, fruit, eggs, and more. We got to dine in a fancy room near their basketball arena. That morning was such a bittersweet goodbye to the weekend. Wonderful Brothers from Wagon were headed away, and although I knew I’d see many of them at DLC, it was still a goodbye. The weekend reminded me that this District is jam packed with passionate and friendly people, and I’m incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to meet them at Swagon 2014! 13
Rekindling the Flame
By: Calle Treppiedi
There have been few times where I experienced the infamous district event hangover – those few cloudy moments when you finally wake up in your own bed and ask yourself “did that really happen?” Waking up the Monday after District Leadership Convention 2014 had ended, I was in a bit of haze. I thought to myself that it had to have been a dream. It couldn’t have been real to have met so many amazing new friends and to have caught up with so many old friends. It couldn’t have been real to talk in such depth with other chapters about differences in our programs and projects, or to help each other find solutions to our individual problems. It couldn’t have been real to learn so much about myself and what I can do to be a better brother to my brothers and (importantly) to my sisters. But it was real. As Facebook began to notify me of waiting friend requests and pictures I had been tagged in, I knew that all of those things and more had happened. This being my first DLC since becoming Active, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’d only ever experienced States’ Days so I was interested to see how DLC would be different. However, from the very first day, those initial thoughts lost all significance as what I experienced, and would experience over the weekend, went beyond anything I could have expected or imagined. Exchanging ideas with other chapters with incredible energy and clearly defined goals inspired me to take an even more active role in my chapter. Being able to focus on sisterhood (something that I had never really thought about) showed me just how important those bonds are and motivated me to make a concentrated effort to incorporate sisters into my life. Additionally, the focus on how what we learned over the weekend could be taken back to our chapters and also into other aspects of our lives really allowed me to think about Kappa Kappa Psi in an entirely new light. Further, the moments of reflection gave me an opportunity to relish in the things that my chapter had accomplished thus far, and instilled in me an intense sense of pride. Ultimately, the thing that impacted me the most over the weekend is something that I can’t really put into words. The week leading up to DLC was very emotionally trying for me. By that Friday evening I had nothing left to give – it felt like my fire had gone out. But something as beautifully simple as writing warm fuzzies for brothers and sisters or letting loose with the Cupid Shuffle rekindled the flame within me. I had never felt the bond as strongly as I did over that weekend and that is what I am most thankful for. What could have only been described as a dream was a reality. Thank you to everyone who came to Seattle and played a part in this incredible experience; I’ll see you at WDC!
Music to Reflect By: Karli Smith
I am a junior majoring in anthropology with a minor in dance, and I play tenor and bari saxophone. My hope is to be accepted to Teach For America as a corps member when I graduate next spring, and ultimately to pursue a career in education. To prepare me for this path, I am creating a unit of integrate curriculum for my honors thesis. I plan to pull from many different fields, notably anthropology, dance, art, and music as I design general education lesson plans for young elementary students. This is realistically how I plan to conduct my classroom as well, and it makes me so excited that I will be able to carry music into my career. As musicians and dedicated band members, we have all had musical experiences that moved us, empowered us, that have healed us, or maybe even transformed us. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t believe these experiences should be confined to band, orchestra, and choir kids. I believe there is a productive place for these experiences in the general education classroom. All students deserve quality exposure to the wonders music can teach, even if the lessons arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t about music itself. I hope to make my classroom a happier, exciting, accepting, and more contemplative environment through utilizing music. I want my students to recognize how music can be used as a medium to not only express themselves, but to understand others. I can teach letters through singing pitches, or syllables through rhythm games, or help them remember facts or systems through songs, but all in all, music has the potential to teach much more important lessons; the lessons many of us had the privilege of learning through band. Enjoying and creating music together fosters intrapersonal reflection as well as interpersonal caring and understanding, both of which are priceless tools as children grow not only as students, but also as human beings. I want to make sure my students have Music and Love to light their pathways in life.
Music in Film
By: JoJo Younan
I am a film major, so writing for this article was not easy until Miranda (publisher for the Boman) brought up a good point, â&#x20AC;&#x153;write about music in film since youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a film major.â&#x20AC;? I know. It took me this long to realize that. Do not judge me. However, I cannot express how important music is in film. Music is one of the oldest elements in film to express emotion. When you look back to the silent film era, the films were never silent. Silent films had music being played in the background. I look back on the films that I love and I noticed that one of the reasons why I love them is because I loved the music score being played in the background. There are films that people would never heard of, but realize the music. I do not have a favorite film or favorite film score, but Requiem for a Dream was the film that kept me as film major. I was going to change my major the first semester of college because of a professor who told me I would never make it in the film industry. I was discouraged and ready to change my career path, until one of my classes had invited the producer of Requiem for a Dream to my class one day. My professor first screened the film before the producer of the film told to us. The film was one of the best films I have ever seen and the best music. The producer shared his passion for film and how people discouraged him when he wanted to make Requiem for a Dream. However, he expressed how the music was the best element of the film. The music is what gave me fright. The music is what made me sad. The music is what made me stay a film major.
Joint Council Connection
TBΣ Western District President 2013-2014 Western District Convention 2014 Working as a district officer this past year was such a blessing in my life. Not only did I get to collaborate with national officers and my fellow DOs, but I also had another reason to stay connected with my brothers and sisters from all over the district. Ending the district season in my beloved Los Angeles was the icing on the cake, and WDC 2014 was a wonderful culmination of the year. The weekend was very similar to past conventions- there was ritual, banquet, workshops, committee meetings, caucusing, and official joint and separate sessions. This year Erik and I also introduced panels to our line up of Saturday events! We invited four KKPsi and/or TBS representatives to discuss a certain topic that we hoped would be valuable to our attendees. The two panels discussed how to go into the professional world successfully. One panel focused on music majors and breaking into that industry, while the other panel talked about how these organizations help prepare us for non-music careers! The event also included a reading band and color guard clinic, followed by a long break before banquet. Saturday evening was a celebration of everything our district has accomplished throughout the year. The joint district council presented awards to individuals and chapters in recognition of their outstanding dedication and progress. The joint national officers also gave out awards to recognize the district officers and the host chapters! The banquet came to a close and the ballroom was quickly turned into a dance floor with chairs all around. We were ready for a talent show and fight song competition! Both of the Oregon KKPsi chapters performed for the talent show, and most chapters in the district sang or cheered in the fight song competition. Once the performing was over we wrapped up the night by watching the end of year slide show and dancing the night away. Sunday morning came too fast! At 8am separate sessions began, which (at least for TBS) consisted of district officer reports, committee head reports, jurisdictional changes, and voting in our new district council. Once both organizations had finished their separates, we joined together for closing joint session. We heard more reports, sang the new joint hymn, and closed convention before singing our separate hymns. And then of course there were a lot of hugs to give and goodbyes to be said. It’s hard to describe how inspiring it was to witness and be a part of the weekend’s events. The sisters and brothers from all over the West have been so loving and supportive throughout the year, and WDC was yet another reminder of how strong of a bond we share. Thank you, Westside, for your love of music, dedication to service, and your compassion and kindness. I know there are incredible things for you on the horizon, and I am excited to see this district become even stronger as the years go on! MLITB, Sarah “Chip” Cox 18
TBΣ Western District President 2014-2015 I’d first like to thank everyone for allowing me the opportunity to serve you all as President of the Western District. Next year will be my senior year in college, and what a better way to finish off my academic career than taking charge of the very organization that has given me such a strong sense of purpose for the last few years of my life. What excites me the most about being President is that I now have the opportunity to help the Western District evolve into something great. Our district has a lot of potential to be one of the strongest in the nation. Already we’ve established a bond of sisterhood between our chapters that is unparalleled anywhere else. Many of you have been to District Leadership Conference and Western District Convention – you all recognize how close we are as a district, in spite of the large distances that separate us. It’s my goal to extend that sense of sisterhood to other schools within our district. We haven’t had a new colony in 11 years. That definitely needs to change.
Me in my own little tropical paradise at the Seattle airport just after District Leadership Conference
The District Council and I will be meeting over the summer to discuss how we intend to go about establishing new colonies, as well as other goals to help run a stellar district. In the meantime, there are ways in which you can help spread the good word about TBS to other collegiate bands. Dr. Kathryn Kelly, our National Vice President of Colonization and Membership, offered the following suggestions: • Talk to your band friends at other schools about TBS. • Hold a small event or mixer for a visiting band. • Invite nearby members of college bands to participate in a TBS National Program hosted by your chapter, such as a Scouting for Music activity, or a Women in Music speaker. • Be a strong, quality chapter, as we need such
Me wearing sunglasses properly just after a service project with my chapter
chapters to help mentor a colony in their journey towards sisterhood. Dr. Kelly also advises active members NOT to contact the administrators and Director of Bands. However, if you do know of a place where there is interest in Tau Beta Sigma, you may contact her at kathrynkellymd@tbsigma.org. Anyways, as Western District President, it is my job to make sure that your chapter is running smoothly, so if you have any questions, comments, ideas, or if you just want to say hi, feel free to contact me at wdpres@tbsigma.org, or just send me a message over Facebook! Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m so excited for this upcoming year. We have a super special awesome District Council, and I guarantee that with our powers combined weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to take the Western District to new heights. MLITB! Bryce Riley Western District President Omicron Chapter University of Utah GO UTES!!
Me being a bando at the University of Utah
Me being rather affectionate towards some of my chapter members after a sisterhood activity
KKΨ Western District Secretary-Treasure 2013-2014 This past district season has by far been the best! I have gotten to meet some amazing and unforgettable people! Being a district officer was just an excuse to travel to all of these places, but I would recommend and join any brother or sister to attend all the different district events throughout the year. Over summer I went to Springfield, Massachusetts for National Convention which literally changed my life. The people I met and continue to stay in contact with, ideas I brought back to my chapter and the Western District, and seeing and feeling the immense love and passion for our organizations from across the nation has made me look at who we are from a different perspective. In November, I flew to Boise, Idaho and had the privilege to meet Iota Kappa and attend their second degree. They also had a phenomenal concert in a beautiful concert hall might I add. Again, I extend my thanks to Alex McClean and Erik Marrs for wonderful hospitality and a great time! I must also say that within this first semester I had three of the best triplet Little Brothers(Deaflets) anyone could ask for; Lane “<Brotato” Horras, Justin “<Brodigger(s)” Lea, and Sean “<Bro(T)Devil” Lowery. I love you guys to death and hope you see the potential and influence you have as well as try to learn everything these organizations have to teach us. Throughout the first semester, I had google hangouts planned left and right with brothers and sisters. Whether it was for PIR, secretaries, treasurers, or office hours with my counterpart Trisha, I enjoyed every bit of it! For winter break, I went to Lincoln, Nebraska to work at my grandparents roller skating rink. Two days I had off of work I went to socials and had lunch with brothers at Upsilon Omega at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. That isn’t Western District experience, but it’s still great to hang out with other brothers not from our district and share ideas. Starting off with Precon for second semester was amazing for all of us district officers. Each of us enthusiastic to hit the ground running with our ideas. The following weekend was Wagon
State Days, but unfortunately that was too far for me. With one weekend break in between for me, the proceeding weekend Arizona chapters were given the chance to shine and do service for high school bands for the Arizona Music Educators Association. That same weekend was California State Days which Mary Lauderdale, Ian Ooley, Lane Horras, Justin Lea and I traveled to since AMEA had too many helpers. Shout out to Camille Dhennin for doing a great job organizing that! Valentines Day weekend was DLC in Seattle, Washington and after much preparation by the joint council and great organized hosts, I think it went rather well! Many brothers and sisters were talking about bringing back joint relations, how to survive in the desert, big/little ideas, and everything else they learned back to their chapters. Next was Utaho State Days hosted by Omicron which was really fun! I know it’s not often that the brothers and sisters from the southern areas of the West meet and truly get to know those in Utah or Idaho. A special note to Kamari Hale, you are an amazing sister and your passion is just exciting to be around, love you! It was also great to meet a bunch of people from the Alpha Alpha colony! Shout out to Bryce Riley for doing a great job organizing fun activities and workshops for us. The week after that was Arizona State Days hosted by Gamma Kappa and Alpha Chi and Miguel Zarate and Wes Davis did a fantastic job!. Aside from the multiple changes due to rainy weather, bonding went really well! It was definitely funny to watch brothers and sisters from Phoenix and Tucson get excited over a little snow; be sure to check out pictures! Two weeks later the road trip during spring break throughout California happened! Justin Lea and Ian Ooley joined me in the car for the 2000 mile trip. We went to San Diego, Knott’s Berry Farm, the beach, Mu Phi’s chapter meeting, Iota Alpha’s wind ensemble competition/festival, and finally back home. I know the three of us had a fantastic time and got to meet some amazing brothers that I know I wouldn’t have met at WDC. Thank you Mary Lauderdale, Ruben Uribe, and Katie Ardizzone for lending space in your homes for us to stay and rest. The following week was final preparations and changes before WDC in LA, CA. As for Western District Convention, I don’t even know where to begin. All the work my amazing council had done came down to three days. Sounds like music, you practice your hardest and it all comes down to the performance and you get one shot! Everything came into play and worked out for the most part and we adjusted to what didn’t. The lack of sleep and food was not necessarily fun but the best late night talks occurred then! I would like to thank my counterpart again, Trisha Martinot for sticking it through with me on some projects and teaching me everything I need to know about Secretary. Thank you Sarah Cox for being an 22
amazing supporter and sister to laugh about the silliest things. Thanks to Erik Marrs, Alex McClean, and Kaila Eason for being the best, most productive, silliest council yet. Another thanks to Trevor Angood and James Llamas for all of the help you guys offered. I know every council you have overseen is grateful. I certainly can’t forget the behind the scenes helper, my roommate Mary Lauderdale for keeping me sane and helping create some of these amazing ideas. Last but not least, a big thanks out to my home chapters Gamma Kappa and Alpha Chi (GKaps and Alpha Cray). There’s more to you than you all know, you just need to open up and communicate with the district to show how awesome you all are! Thank you again for initiating the district wide ‘Deaf’ hand clap when I received the DO Sec/Treas award at the banquet. Nothing could have been more impacting than that moment filled with love and understanding from 375 brothers and sisters across the Western District plus National Officers. I hope everyone realizes how awesome they truly are and the impact of their involvement in our organizations. Sure, this year of traveling and littles was rather expensive, but the memories and experiences within this past year will never be replaced and I can honestly say every moment was worth it. Thank you all who have impacted my life so greatly. It is you who makes this organization everything that we are and everything that we stand for; Striving for the Highest for Greater Bands. AEA, MLITB, Best in the West Elyssa “Miss JoyCruush” Hartsock
KKΨ Western District Member-At-Large 2014-2015 Looking Ahead Running for office at WDC was the most stressful, trying, and exasperating process I have ever been though, but I am thrilled to be able to serve the Western District this year as the Kappa Kappa Psi Western District Member-at-Large. The things that have gotten me the most hyped have been talking with service chairs across the district, the Monthly Active Challenge (MAC), and having an excuse to see our very own Kaila Eason on a much more regular basis! One of the tasks I want to truly focus my efforts on is centralizing the service in the west. To accomplish this I have started gathering service reports and project evaluations from all across the districts while Skyping each chapter’s service coordinators. So far I have gotten in contact with Hannah Johnson at Iota Gamma, Grey Larson at Gamma, and Sarah Alley at Iota Kappa and all have given me keen insights into different types of service and what is successful. Not to mention talking with brothers all across the district is amazing in itself! Once I get a database gathered it can be posted on the Western District website for all to see and utilize. Additionally, the MAC has been pure fun so far! Seeing all of the different hashtags and articles about WDC and other brotherly bonding events has been inspiring and dope for lack of a better term #brotherhood. It can be so versatile I’m excited to see what we do with the MAC as the Western District to have some fun this year. Now I know you all already know this, but hanging out with Kaila Eason is awesome. The first weekend after WDC Kaila, Kerry Sloan, Ray Kenworthy, and Guilhem Rerolle took the trip down from Seattle just to say hi and show me some of the ropes to being MAL. We made tacos, played Diddy Kong Racing, and commented on how I ineffectively use power outlets and should never be an interior decorator (as far as mirrors are concerned.) I literally cannot wait to go travel up there to pay them all a visit. I mean I have to for official KKΨ business right? Working with Josh, Charlie, and James so far on the District Council has been pure fun and I’m excited to see what Thomas brings to the mix of us boys #sobro. I’m interested to see where this year takes me. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve: the best truly are in the west. Don Jahne