Annual 21/22Report
2 2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT NMC Mission NMC Vision
North Metro Church, Welcome to our annual report, a collection of important numbers and moments over the past ministry year (July 2021 to June 2022) at North Metro Church. As you browse this report, we hope you are reminded of the many lives around the world and in our local community that have been impacted because of your generosity, your prayers, and your support.
Most annual reports are driven by numbers but many of our wins are shaped by our vision and mission and are best seen through the life change that happens around North Metro Church because of the kindness of God. The moments and numbers shared in this annual report are all because of God’s gifts for our good and for His glory. God has exceeded our expectations in every way. Look at what we can accomplish together through God’s power!
Rob LeadMcDowell,Pastor
Found People Find People 2025 BAPTISMVISION
“I accepted Jesus in my life and I felt free.” In the past year, 22 adults, students, and kids publicly acknowledge Jesus as their Lord and Savior through baptism.
Looking back, we had a goal to help 1,000 people find Jesus by 2020 and, by the end, we got to help 783 people find Jesus. We know that if you aim for nothing, you’ll hit it every time. So, we’re setting another God-sized goal to help another 1,000 people find Jesus from the beginning of 2021 to the end of 2025. We’re going to do this by praying our guts out and being fully dependent on the Lord! Throughout 2021-2022 we have celebrated... We believe the Lord has entrusted us with our mission, We Help People Find and Follow Jesus, and we take that seriously. Salvations and baptisms are two ways that we’re able to acknowledge and celebrate what the Lord, in His kindness, continues to do around here.
“I know my heart and it seems unworthy of His grace. But after some convincing, time, and understanding I came to accept that’s the whole point. I am unworthy. I am not enough. I fall short of the glory of God. And He knows that! He knows that and still wants to forgive me. He knows that and calls me to be bold and proclaim that with God I am forgiven and free. I want to be baptized because I am not enough, and yet God loves me.”
“By getting baptized, I am publicly declaring that I am a part of God’s family and I am unashamed to live for Him. This also signifies death to my old life and it announces my new life in Christ.”
“As I move toward Jesus and spend time in the word, I see more and more how much He loves me. It is in this love that is changing me from the inside out and why a public declaration through baptism is the next step in my walk.”
“I want to get baptized to show others that God’s plan is right, even if it’s hard. I want to show others that I believe in God and want to live for Him.”
6 2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT
CirclesFollower Our mission here at North Metro Church is to help people find and follow Jesus. We know there are a lot of ways that someone can follow Jesus, and we wanted to make some of our favorite opportunities here at NMC simple and clear. Regardless of if you’re new to NMC or just ready for your next step, we love encouraging our body to jump into a circle with three of the biggest components to NMC: learning biblical truth - in spaces like NMCU; loving one another by serving - on a Sunday morning team, overseas in Guatemala or at Saturday Serves, and living in community - with environments like connection and community groups! We believe God uses opportunities like these to help us all follow Jesus - join us!
Olive, from International,Compassionjoinedusfor a Sunday in November to share her story and all about Compassion International. As a church, we have sponsored 963 children all living in a community in Africa.
8 2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT Mornings
We gather on Sunday mornings to worship together as a church body but we leave ready to scatter and reach our world. Here are a few ways our Sunday gatherings have enabled us to scatter…
Visit WebsiteInternationalCompassionour
In March of 2022, we set out to study the book of Mark together in our series, According to Mark, which, in the end, will take us through 31 weeks. To go along with our teaching series, we used a series journal to help our church body study the Word and pray together. We know this time intentionally studying the words of Jesus in the book of Mark has and will continue to shape our hearts and the Church. BOOK OF MARK We gave the week of August 29th’s total tithes and offerings of $187,907.51 to Samaritan’s Purse to support their efforts in Afghanistan and Haiti. In response to the bombings and attack in Ukraine, we got to give $50,000 to Samaritans
Where we gather to scatter
9NORTH METRO CHURCH “Prayer is a gift from God and we are re-gifting it back to Him.” - Rob McDowell, Airplane Mode TEACHINGTEACHINGQUOTESSERIES“If we are not rooted in the Bible, we will be moved by everything else.” - Matt Johnston, Airplane Mode “One cannot live with pride and believe that Jesus died for the world.” - Justin Woelk, Summer Baggage “Forgiveness is giving others what God gave you.” - Daniel Hicks, Summer Baggage “The Gospel puts on display the generous heart of our God.” - Rob McDowell
10 2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT Watching Live Services ▷ Total: 25,124 views Watching On-Demand ▷ Total: 18,000 ▷ Unique Viewers: 3,200 Viewing Devices ▷ Phones: 6,997 ▷ Computers: 3,462 ▷ TV’s: 597 We believe we have Good News to share, so we have continued to reach beyond our walls through online environments like NMC+. Viewers in 26 Countries theBeyondChurchWalls NMC+
11NORTH METRO CHURCH Talk of the Town A seasonal podcast for families on the go! ▷ First episode: May 28, 2020 ▷ 27 Episodes to date ▷ 876 Unique downloads in the last year ▷ 13 Countries represented among listeners Walk Worthy A bi-weekly podcast where meaningful conversations help us walk in a manner worthy of the Lord. ▷ First episode: August 21, 2021 ▷ 19 Episodes to date ▷ 5,585 Unique downloads in the last year ▷ 21 Countries represented among listeners On the Clock A bi-weekly podcast that acts as a reminder to all men that we are on the clock. ▷ First Episode: November 19, 2020 ▷ 47 Episodes to date ▷ 9,130 Unique downloads in the last year ▷ 30 Countries represented among listeners We have continued to step into the world of podcasting as a way to digitally reach NMC family and beyond. PODCASTS
COMBINEDSTUDENTS142812 2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT NMCU In September of 2021, we set out on a new goal to help make disciples that make disciples and launched North Metro Church University. NMCU is part of our discipleship process where we study our Bibles to gain a big picture of Scripture. ▷ 905 students have enrolled in NMCU 101 (Fall 21, Spring 22 & Summer 22) ▷ 523 students have enrolled in NMCU 102 (Spring 22 & Summer 22)
13NORTH METRO CHURCH TestimoniesNMCU “Learning about God’s character and His word has helped me deepen my faith.” “I love learning about the plans, purposes, and promises of God.” “When we heard about NMCU we felt like it was a clear answer to prayer thatwe could be somewhere that was making God’sword the priority.” “My wife and I have been coming to NMC for a little over 20 years. If someone said ‘I’ve been coming here for a long time, so what am I going to learn from it (NMCU)?’, I’d say, ‘Open your eyes, the Gospel is full of new truth... it’s never too late to learn more about Jesus.’”
14 2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT Kids This is a celebration of the dedication parents make among our church and their friends and family to raise their children to know and love God according to His words.4921,50048BABIESDEDICATEDCHRISTMASGUIDESGIVENAWAYCAMPERSATTENDEDPine Cove City 2022 ▷ 25 Decisions to follow Jesus at Pine Cove City 2022 Family Christmas Guide Family Christmas Guide Twenty����Twenty����ne Unwrapping the names of God
15NORTH METRO CHURCH Students launched their inaugural event ONEday, where they gathered together at the beginning of the school year to cast a vision and build community for the year ahead. (5-7th Grade) 213STUDENTSANDLEADERS 130 STUDENTSANDLEADERS went to camp for Compass Winter Weekend 2022, their first camp since 2020. 3 students made the decision to follow Jesus. in Shift Discipleship Track, allowing students to grow their faith by exploring and applying Biblical truths (8-12th Grade) 33 STUDENTS 115 coached by Derek McClardy, or Coach Mac. Derek leveraged his athletic experience and discipleship skills as he coached the KMHS football and track teams. took over North Metro campusChurch’sfortheirfirstcampbacksince2019.3studentsmadethedecisiontofollowJesus. studied from January 2021 through August 2022 in Shift’s series, The Biggest Story, where they discuss a new book of the Bible each week. spent5th-7thengaginggradestudentsincommmunity56BOOKSOFTHEBIBLE STUDENTS30SHIFTNIGHTS 100FOOTBALLPLAYERS45TRACKPRACTICESANDMEETS spent at spenttimeMcClardyAlthoughKMHS.Derekisonfull-staffatNMC,healmostone-thirdofhistimeshapingthenextgenerationinthehallwaysandonthesportsfieldsofKennesawMountainHighSchool. 12.5 HOURS A KENNESAWWEEKMTNHIGHSCHOOL
16 2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT ConnectGroupsConnection In our inaugural year, we launched over 40 intentional groups that help our church form relationships within NMC around specific areas of interest. The men and women of NMC spent intentional time at retreats to gather together. They were encouraged, equipped, and sent out into their families, lives, and work spaces. ▷ Man Camp Men’s Retreat - 97 men ▷ Awaken Women’s Retreat - 85 women
Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one, Christ-centered ministry that walks beside individuals that are facing a specific crisis in their life. We continue to see God’s healing and freedom as Stephen Ministers walk with our family members through their hard seasons. “I want to see hurt men, just like I was, get well.”
Scan to watch Chris’ story Scan to learn more StephenaboutMinistry
This past year, we shared the powerful story of how God continues to work through one of our care ministries, Stephen Ministry. Chris Barnett, a previous care receiver and now a caregiver in our Stephen Ministry shared his story of how he was once hurt and lost and in a self-described pit. He was sure that God had turned his back on him. Chris shared that in the past, it was tough to open up to others about his troubles, but once he did it was the best thing he ever did for himself. There is peace and healing that comes in God’s perfect timing when you choose to take the brave step of being vulnerable and allow others into your life.
These two
▷ Took 4 trips
18 2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT
$651,017.15 given
MobiMobilizationTrips toward mobilization our mobilization truck, bought so that could go beyond our church walls mobilize our church in the community, and it has done just that. Lost Mountain Park Compass at the Park to local parks Kids at the Park ice to families so that they felt loved in our community school supplies to 1 local elementary and 1 local high school donated by NMC. Mobi-sized loads of school supplies went to any student in need who attended either school. believe that God extends his love to all people and is inviting them to be a part of His family, the Church. North Metro is just one small part of this worldwide family, but we want to make sure that everyone knows they are welcome, from our neighbor across the street to the nations across the world.
▷ Delivered
This year Mobi... ▷ Took 5 trips to
▷ Brought 900
Mobi 19NORTH METRO CHURCH Hope Christmas K As a church, we provided gifts for children and meals for families in our community through our partnership with Marietta City Schools. ▷ 248 families served ▷ 685 children submitted Christmas wish lists ▷ 1,370 gifts given HOPE FOR CHRISTMAS
20 2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT Community ▷ 4 Saturday Serves - and 5 different local partners ▷ 387 individuals served - at 4 Saturday Serves ▷ 500 students impacted trained and supported 30 mentors from NMC and our local community that serve 15 homeroom classrooms at Kennesaw Mountain High School As a debt-free church, our building is completely paid off. This allows us to donate our building to our community. This year we hosted Marietta High School’s IB testing and community sports banquets.
Nathan Woodward, our Kids Pastor, was named Volunteer of the Year at Hayes Elementary. The Kids team and countless other family members at NMC have made a large impact at Hayes Elementary through teacher appreciation gifts and lunches and replenishing their school supplies.
Serving Spotlight Jim Paloukos
“I heard the Spirit say, ‘It’s time, I equipped you, you’ve done this before, the church needs you,’ so I jumped in.” This is how Jim Paloukos ended up serving in two roles around North Metro Church. If you ask around NMC and along the hallways of Town Square, you’ll hear that Jim is an abundant blessing and joy to serve alongside. He serves in Town Square because ‘these kids need to hear the Gospel, no kid should be turned away from that, so I had to make myself available.’ As Jim serves the Lord and family members at North Metro Church, he not only sees God at work in the lives of those he serves but also in his own life as God continues to equip him. As he said, “I know what we’re called to do as Christ-followers, to serve others.”
Through Orphan Prevention Community, we’ve been working with a local church in Guatemala for several years, Templo de Alabanza led by Pastor Pablo de la Cruz. Pablo and his team have identified a local community in need of a church. Xecotoj is a small village in the Western Highlands of Guatemala, not far from Lake Atitlan. Many of its residents were relocated there after Hurricane Stan caused widespread devastation in 2005. North Metro Church has stepped in to financially support the new church, which will be the first in this community. Pablo and his church have broken ground and started construction on this new facility. We are excited to take many trips to Guatemala to continue to support the great work that OPC does. If you are interested in going, follow this QR code to find out more.
22 2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT
NMC’s International Ministry, Orphan Prevention Community, seeks to reach communities with the Gospel by working directly with local pastors and church plants. OPC assists local churches by extending their outreach efforts through nutrition and education programs. They are working in four villages: Panajachel, Xecotoj, Chuitiz, and Patzutzun.
CommunityPrevention Scan to see upcoming Guatemala trips
PartnersMobilization We joyfully serve alongside our amazing partners both locally and globally. We are trusting God to use our church, to help people find and follow Jesus!
24 2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT
& Lydia Eaton Cru Campus Ayla Norris Cru Campus Drew Renno Cru Campus David Potts Cru High School Luke & StannardMichelle Mission to the World Secure Missionary Cru Jesus Film Tracy McHam Cru City
25NORTH METRO CHURCH MissionaryPartnersNMC’s missionary partners are individuals or families who are carrying the Good News to the ends of the earth. We believe in these missionaries and support them financially and prayerfully in their efforts.
Gregg and Leilani have two children, Caeden and Brielle. DALLAS, GEORGIA We’re excited to support a church plant in Scotland with Pastor Paul Richardson. In 2021, Paul and Angela began a new initiative to plant Take Hold Church in Scotland. The hope is to be light that encourages and inspires people to know they are loved by God and that He created them to live a life of purpose. Paul and Angela are the proud parents of Will, who attends college in Kennesaw, GA, and John Wesley, a High School sophomore.
Grace Auburn Church was planted and opened its doors on June 1, 2018. They exist for the city, campus, and nations to know and love Jesus by establishing authentic Gospel communities.
Creekside Church was planted on September 8, 2019. They exist to glorify God and make disciples by radically loving and simply equipping.
26 2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT
Matt and April have seven children: Josh, Caleb, Luke, Anna Grace, Noelle, Violette, and Elizabeth. Their son, Noah is with Jesus.
Gregg Sizemore is the Lead Pastor to Creekside Church and his wife, Leilani serves as the Director of Operations. They chose the North Paulding area to plant their church because it is one of the fastestgrowing communities in the county, with the vast majority not claiming to be part of a faith community.
Matt Dean is the Lead Pastor of Grace Auburn Church. In 2002, Matt and his wife, April, established Grace Ministries that served the community of Auburn University and focused on college students up until 2009 when God then took them to serve abroad in Hong Kong, and Mainland, China. Now, they’re back where it all started.
▷ Savings - This is unique to NMC, in most churches, this would be loan payments but as a church that is called to be debt-free we have to save as much as possible for the future especially given these uncertain times.
▷ Staffing - According to most church publications and guidelines, staffing costs should be less than 50% of total income. Due to your amazing generosity and obedience through giving, staffing cost only accounted for 36.97% of our total revenue, a very solid measure of financial stability for our church.
ofBreakdownexpenses EXPENSES Operations (10.41%) Savings (31.71%) Staffing (36.97%) Ministry Expense (20.91%)20.91%10.41%31.71%36.97%
▷ Ministry Expense - According to most church publications and guidelines ministry expenses should be 15% of your total expenses. This past year we were able to allocate 20.91% to ministry expenses. Which is higher than the guidelines, but is a reflection of our financial health because we were actually able to give more money away to mobilization efforts and ministry partners which are included in ministry expense. FinancialYear-EndSummary $6,487,040 Expense: $5,230,032.77 $1,257,007.23 stone of remembrance of the day we became debt free January 6, 2016.
ChurchFreeDebt 27NORTH METRO CHURCH Financials
▷ Operations - According to most church publications and guidelines, a great goal is to keep operational expenses under 15% of total income. In the last ministry year we were able to hold operating expenses to 10.41% of our total revenue.
Scan to learn more Follow us on social media! @wearenorthmetro 2305 Ernest Barrett Pkwy Marietta, GA 678.290.7830info@northmetro.org30064 The best is yet to come... God continues to move in and through North Metro Church. We have exciting things headed our way. You can stay updated on what is next for NMC by scanning the QR code.