Hello North Metro Church,
September is a significant time of the year as we celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month. As followers of Jesus, it is an opportunity for us to recognize and appreciate the incredible diversity that God has created in the world. Acts 17:26 tells us that God has made every nation of mankind from one man, and Revelation 5:9 reminds us that Jesus has redeemed people from every tribe, language, people, and nation through his sacrifice.
In recent years, our church community has been blessed with increased diversity and we are grateful for the Lord’s kindness in this regard. As we continue to grow together, we have become more aware of the importance of having open and honest conversations that lead to healing. This journey has made us a better church and we welcome National Hispanic Heritage Month with joy, respect, and celebration. During this significant month, we take time to remember, honor, and gain a deeper understanding of the many Hispanic-American saints who have played crucial roles in shepherding God’s people and bringing honor to His name throughout history.
One such brother who has served the church, his communities, and our country faithfully is Samuel Rodriguez Jr. Pastor Rodriguez is an American Evangelical Christian leader born to Puerto Rican parents in the United States. He is a pastor, movie producer, author, civil rights activist, and television personality. He also currently serves as the president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference.
At age 16, Pastor Rodriguez delivered his first sermon and sensed God’s call on his life. He quickly grew to be a leading and acclaimed evangelical preacher. In 1992, he became an ordained minister and has continued to leverage his leadership gifts and his passion for the Gospel in a multitude of ways. In 2000, he founded the Hispanic Evangelical Christian organization and the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference. Pastor Rodriguez also became a member of the board of the National Association of Evangelicals in 2006.
Whether it be through the pastoring of a church, serving on leadership councils, the books he has authored, or the movies he has helped to bring to fruition, Pastor Rodriguez’s heart for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his love for God’s people has been an inspiration to countless people.
So as we walk into this ninth month of 2024, we remember and honor our brothers and sisters of Latino or Hispanic descent who lived or continue to live their lives to help all of us see, understand, and love our great Savior who sees, understands, and loves us first. May we continue to strive to be a church that is known for our unity in diversity. May God get all the glory!
Grateful for you,
Welcome Home is designed to help you learn about everything that makes up North Metro Church and give you the next steps on how you can belong to our family. Visit to learn more and sign up.
At NMC, we genuinely believe we are better together. Therefore, we want everyone to circle up with others in a group. We have three different types of groups you can join. Connection Groups meet over shared interests such as hiking, board games, or movies; Community Groups meet for fellowship, prayer, and
Prayer is powerful. It’s one of the most important things we can do as a church. Our staff and leadership would love to come alongside you, fight for you in whatever difficulty you may be experiencing, and celebrate any answered prayers. To share your prayer requests, visit
NMC has a faithful group of men looking to serve widows, single moms, and other ladies in our church. These men are skilled in most areas of basic home repairs, including plumbing, electrical, and carpentry; however, they are unable to take on major renovations or projects that require county permitting. If you are a single woman needing assistance
study of the Bible; and Care Groups assist anyone walking through difficulty or life transition. If you want to join a Connection Group, Community Group, or Care Group, or start your own group, check out
When we serve others, we set the table for them to experience the grace of God. That’s why, around here, we call our volunteers Tablesetters. Our goal is for everyone to experience the joy of serving others as a Tablesetter and serve somewhere within our church. Regardless of your schedule, experience, or gifting, there’s a fulfilling place for you to serve here. Visit to browse opportunities and take the next step to serve.
We have classes for elementary-aged children, students, and adults that are each offered once a quarter. After you have attended a class, one of our pastors will meet with you or your child.
If you’re ready to take this step in your faith journey, we invite you to sign up for a class at our Barrett Campus. For more information about our beliefs on baptism and to sign up for a class, visit
with home maintenance or home repairs visit to submit your request.
Through His Word, God offers us principles where freedom and new life can be found. Are you hurting, feeling stuck, giving up hope for change, or wanting to identify and remove obstacles for a deeper fellowship with God? Wonder why you keep struggling with the same thing day after day, year after year?
re:generation is discipleship for the heart and teaches you how to apply the principles of Scripture to your everyday life. Participants walk through 12 steps of biblical healing in the context of authentic community. If you want to learn how to live
out a “new life in Christ” and find healing in Jesus during your day-to-day life, re:generation is a great place to discover the fullness that Christ alone offers us. New groups form at the beginning of each semester, but please feel free to join us any Wednesday at 7:00pm at the Barrett Campus. Visit to learn more.
re|engage is a marriage enrichment ministry designed for couples ready to invest time and energy into building a stronger marriage. Through a mix of large-group teaching and small-group discussion, you and your spouse are challenged and encouraged with practical ways to apply the gospel of Jesus to your marriage. Couples are discipled and equipped to grow in their walk with Christ
and their marriages by studying and applying biblical principles within a small group structure. We offer re|engage twice a year, beginning in August and January. To learn more, visit our Marriage page at
Strong, healthy marriages start long before the wedding. To build a marriage that lasts and gets off to a great start, we encourage all engaged couples to participate in Merge, our premarital discipleship class. Merge classes are available to those who regularly attend NMC and are already engaged. To learn more, visit our Marriage page at
MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 | 7:00-9:00PM
The first few years of marriage can be difficult, but they also offer a chance to build healthy patterns into a marriage at a formative stage. Foundation Gatherings are open to married couples who have been married for three years or less. These events occur regularly throughout the year and include dinner, teaching, and a chance to build relationships with other newlywed couples. Foundation will also host a Football Saturday Gathering on the Pavilion at NMC Barrett Campus on September 14 from 11:30am-3:00pm; come join us for Food, Fellowship, and Fun! To learn more about Foundation Gatherings, visit our Marriage page at
Divorce Care is a mix of support and learning for those currently separated or divorced. We understand that divorce can be one of life’s most painful trials. While
God hates divorce, He doesn’t hate divorced people. Our Divorce Care ministry is led by individuals who understand what you’re experiencing and will support you as you move forward. Through Divorce Care, you will learn how to deal with the heartache of the past and look forward to rebuilding your life.
Scripture urges believers to look after the orphans in our community. One way we do this at NMC is to come around families participating in foster care or adoption. In addition, this group is a place to find support and encouragement from others who understand these specific challenges.
Stephen Ministry is a one-on-one care ministry that supports those experiencing difficult times. Stephen Ministers are members of our NMC community, who are well-trained in encouraging others who are enduring painful times such as the loss of a loved one, a marriage, a job, or one’s health. If you are facing any of life’s difficult circumstances, please consider using a Stephen Minister to help bear your burdens.
Pure Desire is a men’s ministry that provides hope, freedom, and healing from sexual brokenness through Jesus Christ. Through this group, you will understand how family of origin and trauma impact your behavior, how addiction affects brain chemistry, and develop a plan to create freedom from addiction. Don’t let shame keep you from finding help. There is hope as you walk out this journey with other Christ-followers.
When God calls our hearts to grow our families, He never promises it will be easy, but He does promise to lead when we are lost. Take refuge in knowing you’re not alone. If you struggle with infertility or have experienced miscarriage or infant loss, there’s a place for you.
Cancer hits with a terrible punch, whether it’s you, a spouse, parent, sibling, child, or friend. We can’t take you out of this storm, but we can walk alongside you and hold you up when the weight is too heavy. We can be that safe place to let all your feelings fall. We can have the honor of praying continually for you and your family. We can be that safe group of ladies who get it without explanation or apologies; we get it all.
If cancer has affected you in any way, we encourage you to reach out to NMC’s Cancer Support Group. You will find an amazing community of brave, strong women who have learned to trust God no matter what because He is trustworthy.
Barrett Campus | Beauty for Ashes is a confidential group designed to encourage and give hope to women whose husbands struggle with sexual addiction. We understand the devastation of a husband’s betrayal; however, our goal is not to stay in this place of wounding but to seek the Lord for healing and hope.
For more information or to sign up for any of our Care Ministries, visit our Care page at
Stephen Ministry is an incredible national and international ministry with whom NMC has partnered for over 20 years. Stephen Ministry makes sure that no one walks through a life crisis alone by training caregivers to walk with people going through life’s greatest storms.
Volunteers in Stephen Ministry, called Stephen Ministers, are trained leaders who provide one-on-one spiritual and emotional care focusing on their care receivers’ needs. They offer care, support, and encouragement to people whose lives have been turned upside down by crisis or tragedy. They minister through active listening, a caring presence, and prayer.
Stephen Ministry not only changes the care receiver who needs support but many times, the Stephen Minister’s life is changed, and their faith in God is also strengthened. Throughout September, Stephen Ministry is recruiting additional Stephen Ministers. Read what Amy Prall, 34, has to say about becoming a Stephen Minister. God used her job to reveal strengths He had given her that would minister to others in her workspace and now in Stephen Ministry.
How long have you been at NMC?
I have been coming to NMC since shortly after I moved to Georgia in the summer of 2012. I heard about Stephen Ministry casually several times over the years through stage announcements in service and on the website.
What prompted you to pursue becoming a Stephen Minister?
I always had an interest in Stephen Ministry. However, my career as an athletic trainer didn’t allow me the time
that I would need to commit to be involved. I worked as an athletic trainer at KSU for 10 years. While the job was quite demanding of my time, requiring many nights and weekends with the teams, it also allowed me the opportunity to spend that time building close relationships with the staff and athletes. I was honored that many of my athletes trusted me to walk with them through major life crises like losing a mother to cancer, surviving sexual abuse, being diagnosed with a life-altering autoimmune disease, and more. When I changed to my current job, where I now work a consistent 9-5 schedule, I knew Stephen Ministry was something I both wanted and now had the time to pursue. I could continue to have the opportunity to serve others by walking with those who are experiencing some of their hardest times in life. God used my athletes and their stories to help me grow and see Him in new ways, and I know He will continue to do the same through Stephen Ministry.
Has the training benefited you in real life in any way?
I was extremely excited to go through the training. It’s knowledge I wish I could have had straight out of college to better benefit my athletes, but I’m very thankful to have gone through it now. I feel like going into “fix it” mode is very natural for most, including me, so having training centered around active listening and expressing
emotions has really helped me to be a better listener for my friends and family.
What relationships are you forming as you serve?
I just finished training this May, so I’m still quite new to a very established group. However, I spent one evening a week for several months with my training group, and I’ve had a few weeks now with my Supervision group, so I’m getting to know more people who make NMC feel more and more like home when I see them on Sunday mornings.
What would you say to someone who is interested in becoming a Stephen Minister?
What helped you take the step to becoming one?
My first suggestion would be to pray about it and seek where God is leading you to serve. It was also very helpful for me to talk to a few close friends about my interest. They were then able to encourage me in my strengths and calm some of my fears and hesitations. Lastly, it’s important to make sure your schedule and current responsibilities will allow you the ability to commit the time necessary to be a Stephen Minister. For me personally, once I found that all of these things aligned, it was just a matter of being obedient to where God was leading me
If you are like Amy and are interested in the opportunity to serve others by walking with those who are experiencing some of their hardest times in life, take the first step in becoming a Stephen Minister by applying online at in September.
As NMC celebrates its 25th anniversary, we're not only looking back at what God has done over the years but also looking ahead to what God has in store for us in the future. As a way to celebrate, each month, we meet one of the many family members of NMC and hear their story of how God has used NMC to help them become more faithful followers of Jesus.
As North Metro Church celebrates its 25th anniversary, we reflect on the remarkable journey we’ve shared and look forward to what lies ahead. Each month, we highlight a different family member of NMC, sharing their stories of how our church has helped them grow as faithful followers of Jesus. This month, we feature Brian and Sally Bell in the final installment of our 25 Year Podcast series.
Brian and Sally Bell have been members of our NMC family for nearly two decades. Their journey began with the college ministry known as Emmulate, predating Echo, another previous NMC college ministry. They fondly remember Rob McDowell, their College Pastor at the time, who also officiated their wedding on a cruise ship!
Over the years, NMC has undergone many changes—evolving college ministries, challenging seasons, and shifts in leadership. Through it all, Brian and Sally have remained steadfast, attributing their commitment to the sense of community they’ve found here. Sally describes the church as a family, emphasizing that, like any
family, sticking together through both the good and challenging times is essential. Brian and Sally’s Community Group has been and still is a large part of their lives. They’ve walked through many years together, and there is something profound about creating and living in long-lasting community.
Looking to the future, Brian and Sally are excited about the increasing diversity within NMC and celebrate the progress made. They look forward to further growth in their own faith through opportunities like North Metro Church University and hope to see their children and the next generation continue to develop a deep love for God. Having witnessed God’s transformative work at NMC, they are hopeful for His continued blessings and faithfulness in the years to come.
There is much more to unpack from Daniel, Brian, and Sally’s interview, so head to anywhere that you listen to podcasts and tune into this final episode our the Celebrating 25 Years podcast.
Check out the podcast!
Listen to Daniel, Brian and Sally's Celebrating 25 Years podcast interview wherever you get your podcasts.
We all desire to have a great community in our lives, but let’s face it, finding your people and the perfect group can be hard. So we invite you to come help be part of the solution to these circumstances by learning about what it would look like for you to start and lead your own Connection and or Community Group for a semester by attending the upcoming Group Leadership Brunch and Learn. We believe God uses groups to change people’s lives, and as a leader, you get to be a part of that. At this Brunch and Learn, you will hear about the expectations of a Connection and Community Group Leader, as well as the training and ongoing coaching you will receive to ensure that you have everything that you need to make your group leadership journey as successful as can be. Leading a group is not as scary as it may seem, and it can be life-giving for the leader and for those who are being led, so do not miss an opportunity to step into this exciting new season by signing up at
Invest in the renewal of our city and love others at City Serve. City Serve Week is a week-long, short-term mission project in our city that will include multiple projects with varying start times, lengths, and locations. This church-wide event will allow NMC members to love others. You can serve our Mobilization and Serve partners through outreach projects, including sharing the Gospel, homeless outreach, landscaping, light construction, distributing food, and much more. Grab your family or a few friends, find an opportunity, and sign up at
The Mobilization Team invites you to a dinner and informational meeting about our International Ministry in Guatemala, Redeemers House.
If you have wanted to join a short-term mission team but have questions or concerns, please join us as we walk through a typical short-term mission trip, share stories, and discuss upcoming trip dates for the 2024-2025 ministry year. Take the next step by signing up at We hope to see you there!
Did you know that here in Cobb County, over 17% of our children live below the poverty line? Have you wondered how you can make a lasting difference in helping a family move from poverty to financial stability? Circles has a proven model that combines mentorship, financial literacy training, and connections to existing community resources all while building intentional friendships through weekly meetings. The result? Families increase their income by 75% on average. To serve with Circles USA, go to
You can invest in the next generation by becoming a mentor to encourage students every month at Kennesaw Mountain High School. As a mentor, you’ll help facilitate the social-emotional curriculum, Habitudes by Dr. Tim Elmore. This is an opportunity to engage students in the public school environment, where they spend so much time—all while equipping them with tools for healthy leadership in their world and the world around them. Take the next step by emailing Jill Stewart at or check out the details at
North Metro Church University (NMCU) is our primary vehicle for studying the Bible together to form a biblical worldview. In NMCU Core, you’ll move through a set sequence of classes and learn about the big picture of Scripture and how everything in Scripture points to and is fulfilled in Jesus. In this learning process, NMCU will also help equip you to both understand and communicate your faith to others so that you can become a more faithful follower of Jesus, a disciple who makes disciples. Each semester offered is 10 weeks and goes in sequential order.
Our fall semester enrollment closes on Sunday, September 1.
We offer in-person groups or ondemand options. Learn more by visiting
NMCU 201 launches on Sunday afternoons at a new time. This class is solely for Core Graduates (students who have completed 101-104). Having established a foundation of the Bible, we will discuss matters of internal life and how, through a biblical perspective and worldview, we address and respond to them. In this, we will discuss things like salvation, atonement, the Creeds, the Trinity, scripture reading and memorization, spiritual beings, and sexuality.
Our fall semester enrollment closes on Sunday, September 1. We offer in-person groups or on-demand options. Learn more by visiting
Kids Night Out is an event designed for 1st5th grade students and their small group leaders to get outside of a typical Sunday morning environment and have some fun together. This year we’ll be at Sparkles Family Fun Center in Kennesaw for pizza, playground, arcade games, skating, and laser tag. The price of this event is $25 and includes a $10 arcade card. Children from Barrett and Sewell Mill Campus are invited, but space is limited. Sign-ups will end when the event is full or midnight on September 8, whichever occurs first. Visit to sign up today.
Learn what worldview is, why it matters, and how to help a child develop a biblical worldview by teaching four foundational biblical truths. Participants will learn to identify strong cultural messages that threaten to distort and destroy faith in Christ. This class will help you gain confidence and equip you to have intentional conversations with children so they develop deep, lasting, and culturetransforming faith. This class is based on Josh Mulvihill’s book, Biblical Worldview. Visit to learn more and sign up today!
NMC will host its seventh respite night for families of children with special needs and their siblings. This event will allow NMC to serve not only kids and students but also their caregivers. Parents will have a chance for a night out while their children will get to have a night of fun on the NMC campus. Are you interested in serving our families in the special needs ministry for this respite event? Head over
to our events page to see a full list of serving opportunities for this event. The deadline to sign up to serve or attend this event is Friday, October 11. Sign up and learn more at
The NMC Kids Table Talker is back! This is a discipleship tool designed by the NMC Kids team to equip families to connect around the table intentionally. The activities and devotions you’ll find in the table talker come from the Gospel Project curriculum that we use in the classrooms. This means you can connect what you do at home with what your kids do in the classroom. But it’s not all curriculum; you’ll also find silly games, get-to-knowyou questions, and family challenges. You are your child’s first teacher and the first person to disciple your child. We hope the NMC Kids Table Talker is just the tool you need to take your family relationships to the next level. Grab yours today in NMC Kids.
6-8th students are invited to join us upstairs in the Student HQ for our 9:15am and 11:00am services for Bible study and community.
6-12th students, find your community, worship God alongside other students, and grow your faith in Jesus at our NMC Student Nights. These nights include worship through music altogether, and then 6-8th grade and 9-12th grade students transition to different environments for relevant teaching and small groups. Connect with us on Instagram @nmcstudents to stay in the loop.
Calling all middle school and high school students! Join NMC Students for our Fall Retreat on Friday, October 11, through Sunday, October 13, as we head off-campus to Camp Woodlands. This weekend will be full of fun, friends, camp activities, and crazy shenanigans. Your student won’t want to miss it as we learn how to be Just Like Jesus. The deadline to sign your student up is Sunday, September 29. Scholarships are available. To learn more and sign up, head to
College students and young adults (1823) join us on campus in the Theatre for worship, dinner, community, time in God’s word, and small groups. This time is for anyone and everyone, regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey; there is a place for you here. For more details, visit
Join us for the NMC College Fall Retreat on Friday-Sunday, November 15-17. We will be heading to Adventure Ocoee for a time of fun, worship, activities, and community. This will be a great time for students to get away and refocus on God. The cost for the entire weekend is $75. For more information, visit or check out our Instagram page, @nmccollege_.
Ivan Mijango Casa del Redentor Director
An update from Ivan Mijango. Redeemer's House, or Casa del Redentor, is North Metro Church's international ministry in Panajachel, Guatemala.
In June, Father’s Day is celebrated in Guatemala, and it is one of the most exciting celebrations for our students. They have the chance to express all their love, appreciation, and gratitude to their fathers. They spoil them with their favorite meals because if there’s something that makes men feel celebrated, it’s having their favorite food prepared for them.
This year, due to the harsh start of the rainy season and road blockages caused by landslides, we could not celebrate on the exact day. Instead, we celebrated a few weeks later. We had the opportunity to honor the fathers in Xecotoj and Chuitziyut (some of the villages where we run our programs) and Panajachel (our base). This celebration was a great blessing, not only because we had a morning full of games, fun, raffles, and food, but most importantly because we
could share the message of Jesus with each one of them through Pastor Martin, who preached those days. It is impressive to see a group of men who work 10 hours a day from Monday to Saturday, most of them under the sun or doing physically demanding jobs, take time on their only day of rest to sit at the table and hear that God loves them and that they are doing a wonderful job raising their children. Seeing their moved faces and eyes on the verge of tears was spectacular for us.
When we held the event in Chuitziyut, we expected 20 fathers whom we had invited personally. On the day of the event, only three showed up. At first, we felt sad because it was a magnificent opportunity to share the gospel with the men of the community. However, we remembered that God can do much with little, and for those three
men who accepted the invitation, or even if it had been only one, it would have been worth it because it only takes one believer for a whole family to follow. My surprise was that the wives of the men who did not come asked us if they could attend the event to hear the message, as they wanted to stand in the gap for their families, even without their husbands present. This touched our hearts deeply and reminded us of people’s hunger and desire to know more about God and have a direct relationship with Him.
So, thank you, dear friends of NMC, because through your prayers, donations, and support, we can see the fruits of years of work. We know that there is still much ground to cover, but together, we are creating an impact in God’s kingdom.
As we head toward 2025, we are praying our guts out and are entirely dependent on the Lord! He has entrusted us with our vision to “Be Missed,” and our mission, “We Help People Find and Follow Jesus.” To live that out, we have set three God-sized goals to aim for as a church.
We’re telling our friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers about our great God, who loves us immeasurably more than we can imagine. We want to celebrate with you if you’ve played a part in helping someone move from death to life or if you came to faith in Christ! We invite you to share your story by visiting the Contact Us page at
We currently support six church plants, including Take Hold in Scotland; Grace Auburn in Auburn, Alabama; Creekside in Dallas, Georgia; Heirloom Church in Kyle, Texas; Oaks Community Church in Naples, Florida; and Compassion International in Guatemala.
Before Jesus left the disciples, He said, “Go make disciples.” A tangible way to see that hope realized is through our discipleship program, NMCU. We’re looking to see 1,000 people faithfully following Jesus, equipped with knowledge of Scripture, to share their beliefs with others ultimately. NMCU creates disciples that make disciples.
Church plants are an expression of our multiplication strategy, multiplying the mission to help people find and follow Jesus.