Letter from Hello North Metro Church! Welcome to May! In the following pages, you will get a chance to see what all is happening around the church and how you can get involved. But to kick off this month's newsletter I wanted to just take a couple moments to draw your attention to a graphic you might have seen in the Connection Center and heard Rob talk about recently.
As we as a church family desire to help people find and follow Jesus, I wanted to share with you a visual tool we have been working on as a staff. We will talk about this a lot as a church in the coming months (spoiler alert). But if you haven't seen this around the building wanted to share this with you: This is a simple diagram to help each of us in our journey to becoming a disciple. As well as a great conversational tool as you disciple others. At NMC we believe the first step is attending our Welcome Home class where you can get an overview of our church and ways to get involved. Next, we want to make sure we are providing environments where you can get to know others and be known. This could take a lot of different forms from events like our Easter festival to Connection Groups where you can connect with other NMC family members around common interests. From there you move into the "circles" where we believe there are three components to making a disciple and we define those as Live, Love, and Learn. The Live circle is defined as living in community with others, jumping in to a community group where you deepen relationships and care for one another. The Love circle in this diagram represents serving, this could be serving on a Sunday morning, with one of our Mobilization partners locally or globally, or any one of the many opportunities we have for you to give of your time, talent, and treasure. The Learn circle represents growing in your knowledge of God's word, for example participating in our NMCU curriculum. Our hope is that this diagram is simply a tool to help encourage you to take a next step or assist you in helping others in their discipleship journey. Just wanted to share this with you as we talk more about this in the coming months. On behalf of our entire staff team, we are grateful to serve this church and excited for where the Lord is leading us all together.
John Maggard Executive Pastor
Connect & Grow WELCOME HOME
Sunday, May 22 | 11:30am-12:30pm
When we serve others, we set the table for them to experience the grace of God. That’s why around here, we call our volunteers Tablesetters. Our goal is for everyone to experience the joy of serving others as a Tablesetter and serve somewhere within our church. Regardless of your schedule, experience, or gifting, there’s a fulfilling place for you to serve here! Visit the Get Involved page at to browse opportunities and take the next step to serve.
Welcome Home is designed to help you learn about everything that makes up North Metro Church and give you the next steps on how you can belong to our family. Visit the Events page at to learn more and sign up.
CONNECTION GROUPS Connection groups are designed to help you form relationships within NMC around a specific area of interest. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, new to the area, or a long-time native, you're invited to explore our connection groups! Check out the options for men, women, and co-ed groups by visiting
Prayer is powerful. It's one of the most important things we can do as a church. Our staff and prayer team would love to come alongside you and fight for you in whatever difficulty you may be experiencing and also celebrate any answered prayers! To share your prayer requests, visit the Contact Us page at
When God calls our hearts to grow our families, He never promises that it will be easy. He does promise to lead when we are lost. Take refuge in knowing you’re not alone. If you struggle with infertility or have experienced miscarriage or infant loss, there’s a place for you. Meetings are on the second Monday of each month at 7:00pm. To connect with the leader, visit the Care page at
STEPHEN MINISTRY Stephen Ministry is a one-on-one care ministry that provides support for those experiencing difficult times. Stephen Ministers are members of our faith community who are well trained in encouraging others enduring painful times such as the loss of a loved one, a marriage, a job, or one's health. If you find yourself in a valley of tough times, please consider using our Stephen Ministry to help you bear your burdens. For more information or to speak with a Stephen Minister, visit the Care page at
WOMEN'S CANCER SUPPORT We understand hearing the diagnosis of cancer is scary and lifechanging. The Women's Cancer Support group was created to help both patients and caregivers through this challenging journey with a focus on God first. If you've recently been diagnosed, are a survivor, or are a caregiver, this group is for you. Group meetings are in-person, with digital options, and meet on the second Sunday of the month at 1:00pm. To learn more, contact the group leaders by visiting the Care page at
FRESH START If you've been hurt or wounded by someone close to you or have tried to forgive someone, but feelings of resentment, bitterness, and hurt still crop up in your life, maybe you need a Fresh Start. Fresh Start is an interactive process with a small group of women or men and facilitators utilizing biblical principles to help you become Forgiven, Forgiving, and Free. For more information, visit the Care page at
BEAUTY FOR ASHES Beauty for Ashes is a confidential group designed to provide encouragement and hope to women whose husbands struggle with sexual addiction. We understand the devastation of a husband's betrayal; however, our goal is to not stay in this place of wounding but to seek the Lord for healing and hope. This group meets twice a month, on the second and fourth Thursdays, at 7:00pm. Learn more and sign up by visiting the Care page at PAGE 3
May is the month that we celebrate several different events…the most famous being Mother’s Day. But May is also the month in which we celebrate Asian Pacific Heritage in our country. As a church, we are piggybacking on what our country is celebrating, but in a different way. We want to highlight those from those specific cultures and ethnicities who furthered the Gospel and impacted the Kingdom of God throughout the years. One such person was a man named Watchman Nee. Watchman Nee was not an American, but his love of God, writings, and Christian service inspired millions throughout the years. And his influence has reached deep within the U.S. In 2009, the Honorable Christopher H. Smith, a congressional representative from New Jersey, addressed his colleagues in the House of Representatives. He wasn’t there that day to forward his political agenda. He wasn’t there to sway his colleagues to vote a certain way. He was there to bring honor and recognition to this saint who followed hard after Jesus Christ. Here is an excerpt from that day: “Madam Speaker, I rise today to acknowledge the immense spiritual achievement of Watchman Nee, a great pioneer of Christianity in China. Christianity Today magazine recently honored Watchman Nee as one of the 100 most influential Christians of the twentieth century. Watchman Nee died over thirty years ago but his life and work continue to influence millions of Protestant Christians in China. Today more than three thousand churches outside of China, including
several hundred in the United States, look to him as one of their religious and theological leaders. Watchman Nee was an astonishingly devoted and energetic man, which I think can be seen from a capsule summary of his life. He became a Christian in 1922. In the 1930s, he traveled to Europe and North America, where he delivered sermons and speeches. Later his sermons were collected and published as books. By the late 1940s, Nee had become the most influential Chinese Christian writer, evangelist, and church builder. In 1952, the Chinese government imprisoned Nee and many other Christian leaders for their faith. Nee was never released, though during the 1960s and 1970s several of his books continued to grow in influence and popularity, particularly in the United States, and his best-known book, The Normal Christian Life, sold over one million copies world-wide and became a twentieth-century Christian classic. In 1972 he died at the age of 71 in a labor farm; his few surviving letters confirm that he remained faithful to God until the end. Madam Speaker, it is estimated that China has more than one hundred million Christians, and millions of them consider themselves the spiritual heirs of Watchman Nee. Millions more are rightly proud of the contribution Watchman Nee made to global Christianity--he was the first Chinese Christian to exercise an influence on Western Christians--and indeed of his
contribution to world spiritual culture. It is sad that the works of Watchman Nee are officially banned in China--even as they are being discovered afresh by a new generation of Western Christians. It is my hope that Watchman Nee's collected works can be freely published and distributed within China. After Watchman Nee's death, when his niece came to collect his few possessions, she was given a scrap of paper that a guard had found by his bed. What was written on that scrap may serve as Watchman Nee's testament: ``Christ is the Son of God Who died for the redemption of sinners and was resurrected after three days. This is the greatest truth in the universe. I die because of my belief in Christ. Watchman Nee.'' As a pastor who has traveled to China several times and has the absolute honor of being the father of two beautiful girls whose stories originated in China, I am in awe and in debt for brothers and sisters like Watchman Nee who gave of their lives to point others to Jesus…who gave of their lives to help people find and follow Jesus amidst such overt persecution. Their faith and resolve is an inspiration to me and I hope they are to you. Our country would not be what it is without their sacrificial faith. To God be the glory. Eternally grateful,
STARTING TUESDAY, JUNE 14 | 7:00-9:00PM NMCU is the new discipleship process at North Metro Church. NMCU is an intentional environment built to create a firm foundation of faith by studying God's Word and forming a biblical worldview to more faithfully follow Jesus in every area and aspect of life. This process also equips us to both understand and communicate our faith to others so that we can become disciples who make disciples. In this program, you'll move through a set sequence of semesters and learn about the big picture of Scripture, how it all leads to Jesus, and how we live in light of that. And all of it is done around tables in a community. If you have been interested in enrolling in NMCU and haven't had the availability, consider taking our Summer School offerings for NMCU 101 or NMCU 102. This is a great way to catch up on a semester over the summer to get you ready for the fall. Our next live teaching venue and offering in the fall will be NMCU 103. Learn more about varied group meeting times and sign up to join us by visiting
SATURDAY, JUNE 18 | 8:30AM Saturday Serve is a great opportunity for you, your family, or those you’re in a Community Group with to serve consistently throughout the year. Breakfast will be provided in the NMC Cafe at 8:15am, followed by a time of prayer before we go out to serve. We will serve our mobilization partners MUST Ministries and assist with a new ministry, HouseProud.
MUST MINISTRIES OPPORTUNITIES We have two service opportunities available with MUST Ministries. We will be assembling their Summer Lunch Kids' Kits on NMC's campus and then deliver them to MUST Ministries upon completion (9:00am - 12:00pm) or you can assist by purchasing the Lunch Kit items needed directly from our Amazon wishlist or both.
HOUSEPROUD HouseProud assists our community by providing minor to major critical repairs to legacy residents that need them most. As the city has changed, they have also increased the number of beautification projects. In addition, they utilize volunteer groups to paint and landscape homes to make sure that they do not receive code violations or satisfy a violation they already have. We will assist HouseProud with light painting, minor repairs, and landscaping needs on this service project. No experience needed, all supplies will be provided by HouseProud. For details and to sign up for Saturday Serve, visit the Events page at
LOCAL OUTREACH MISSION TRIP | JUNE 19 - 25 Camp Grace, one of our mobilization partners, is offering a summer mission trip to come alongside their staff to help provide an overnight camp experience for the under-served youth of Georgia (Campers ages 7-12). This opportunity offers an overnight camp experience, allowing you to work with kids and share the hope found in Christ. The general functions of the mission teams include hosting the arts and craft activities, helping facilitate many camp activities, including fishing and canoeing, setting up and participating in large group games and events, and helping set the environment for meals. In addition, each camper will visit the arts and crafts activity, an excellent opportunity to work with some campers. Mission team members must be at least 13 years or older and willing to serve at camp for one week (Sunday evening to Friday evening). Team sizes vary, but generally, a group size of 12-18 is ideal. Take the next step by emailing our Community Engagement Pastor, Bud Darr at
JUNE 5-10
This is a one-week, overnight camp in the summer that we have provided for children in foster care ages 6-12 since 2008. These camps serve to create positive memories, instill a sense of purpose and value, and teach these children that they are special, loved, and that God has a plan for their lives. The children experience normal camp activities such as swimming, fishing, canoeing, Chapel time, and team games. We also have specialized activities such as “Everybody’s Birthday Party,” a Superhero Night for the boys, and a Princess Ball among many others. Children receive a memory bag, Bible, mail throughout the week and a photo album, etc. Take the next step by emailing our Community Engagement Pastor, Bud Darr at
KMHS MENTORS You can invest in the next generation by becoming a mentor to encourage students on a monthly basis at Kennesaw Mountain High School (KMHS). As a mentor, you'll help facilitate the social-emotional curriculum, Habitudes, by Dr. Elmore. This is an opportunity to engage students in the public-school environment, where they spend so much time - all while equipping them with tools for healthy leadership in their world and the world around them. Take the next step by emailing our Student Pastor, Derek McClardy at
MARIETTA MENTORING FOR LEADERSHIP The community of Marietta has heard the voice of its young people who identified the need for the school to not only be a place where students learn academically but also be a place where the issues of life meet real solutions. Marietta Student Life Center provides in-school services related to housing, job skill development, job placement for students and families, college admission support services, and more. This is an opportunity to engage with students in a one-toone mentoring relationship or as a Group Mentor, which is ideal for people who thrive in a small group setting, who can build rapport with teens, and can be active listeners. Take the next step by emailing our Community Engagement Pastor, Bud Darr at PAGE 5
MAY 1 | 2:00PM
Mothers at Heart is an event honoring women experiencing infertility, miscarriage, or infant loss. Join us to connect with others and receive encouragement, hope, and community. We'll enjoy snacks and dessert while you learn more about NMC’s Infertility & Loss Support Group and other resources available to help women on their journey to motherhood and healing. Sign up before Wednesday, April 27, by visiting the Events page at
WOMEN'S PODCAST | WALK WORTHY This month, we are wrapping up Season 2 with guests who are using their retirement years to invest in people around them to further the kingdom of God. We'll talk about things like -- "How do you disciple the next generation of your family?" "What does a healthy relationship look like with your daughter-in-law (or mother-in-law)?" "How can you use your gifts and talents to serve the church into retirement?" -- and plenty more. There is so much to learn during this season of life and you will be blessed by our guests! New episodes are released every other Thursday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and on the web at
JUNE 6-10 | 9:00AM-4:00PM This weeklong, wildly popular, camp is for students who are currently enrolled in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Campers will experience Jesus through Bible study, worship, and time with their counselor as well as participate in tons of great camp activities. Registration is now open, so head on over to the Events page at to learn more.
A new season of the NMC Kid's podcast, Talk of the Town, is right around the corner. This season it's all about Heroes of Faith! Are you thinking battles? Yep, there will be some of those! Are you thinking about Kings and Queens? Check! Or maybe great men of faith like Abraham come to your mind. We're going to explore the faith of people in the Bible like Moses, Nehemiah, Esther, Joshua, Deborah and so many more. We are so excited to bring you a season full of trials, faith, and growth all while pointing to the only one who had perfect faith and our ultimate hero, Jesus Christ.
9:30AM & 11:30AM
Mark your calendars for Saturdays in June! We'll gather at 10:00am on June 4, 11, 18 & 25 to dive into the Word and use our senses to better understand the Lord. Join us for one or all! Sign up on the Groups page at
Shift is our environment for 5-7th grade students.Through teaching, worship, games, and connections in small groups, we help students find and follow Jesus.We meet during all Sunday morning worship services in the upstairs Shift Room.
NMC WOMEN | STAY CONNECTED We have two new options for you to stay in the loop with everything that is happening with the women of NMC! Follow us on Instagram at WalkWorthyNMC, or sign up to receive our periodic text message updates by texting NMCWOMEN to 833.511.0834 (you can opt-out of these text messages at any time).
MEN'S PODCAST | ON THE CLOCK We've got a great lineup of guests this spring that will be a reminder to all men that life is short, and if we're to accomplish all that God has laid out for us, we need to live with intentionality. New episodes are released every other Thursday on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and on the web at
NMC MEN | STAY CONNECTED To stay in the loop with everything that is happening with the men of NMC, sign up to receive our periodic text message updates by texting NMCMEN to 888. 697.1467 (you can opt-out of these text messages at any time).
We want to help equip families to intentionally connect around the dinner table, which is why we have created the Table Talker. Each month's Table Talker features family devotionals and discussion questions. There will always be laughter as you make memories together. As a way of encouraging families to participate, there is a mailbox outside of Town Square where you can deposit your Table Talker once it is complete. When the NMC Kid's Team receives the completed Table Talker, your kids will be sent a reward in the mail! Pick yours up today in the halls of Town Square. PAGE 6
SECOND AND FOURTH WEDNESDAYS | 6:30-8:00PM Take your Sunday small group experience and friendships to the next level by participating in our small group gatherings. The night consists of dinner, games, and community. It is our hope that the relationships you build in your small group will take you all the way through high school. Check out the calendar at to find out more. These are free events and dinner will be provided.
HIGH SCHOOL - COMPASS | 7:00-8:30PM Compass is our environment for 8-12th grade students. Through teaching, worship, events, and small groups, we help students find and follow Jesus. Follow us on Instagram @nmcstudents to stay in the know of upcoming services and events, or check out the schedule online at
SUNDAY, JUNE 5 | 7:00-8:30PM
Students join us for a small group Sunday fun day at Lost Mountain Park. We'll have mini-competitions and a time for our students to connect deeper with their small groups. Look for Mobi upon arrival .
College students, join us for our new NMC College Bible Study Group. We will experience community, dive deep into biblical study, and share a meal together! Whether you're far from God or near in your walk, this is the place. For more details, visit the College page at
2025 GOALS As we head toward the year 2025 we are praying our guts out and being fully dependent on the Lord! He has entrusted us with our vision, to “Be Missed,” and our mission, “We Help People Find and Follow Jesus.” To live that out, we have set three God-sized goals to aim for as a church.
GOAL #1: HELP 1,000 PEOPLE FIND JESUS We’re telling our friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers about our great God who loves us immeasurably more than we can imagine. We
want to celebrate with you if you’ve played a part in helping someone move from death to life or if you came to faith in Christ! We invite you to share your story by visiting the Contact Us page at
GOAL #2: HELP 1,000 PEOPLE ENROLL IN NMCU Before Jesus left the disciples, He said, "Go make disciples." A tangible way to see that hope realized is through our discipleship program,
NMCU. We're looking to see 1,000 people faithfully following Jesus, equipped with knowledge of Scripture, to ultimately share their beliefs with others. NMCU creates disciples that make disciples.
GOAL #3: EXPAND THE KINGDOM OF GOD THROUGH FIVE NEW CHURCH PLANTS NATIONALLY AND/OR GLOBALLY Church plants are an expression of our multiplication strategy, multiplying the mission to help people find and follow Jesus.
YTD March 2022 Income: 5,117,965.65 Expense: 3,908,945.63 Over(under): 1,209,020.02
May at a glance Sunday, May 1
Sunday, May 22
According to Mark 9:30am & 11:30am
According to Mark 9:30am & 11:30am
Mothers At Heart 2:00pm
Welcome Home 11:30am-12:30pm
Sunday, May 8
Sunday, May 29
According to Mark 9:30am & 11:30am
According to Mark 9:30am & 11:30am
Sunday, May 15 According to Mark 9:30am & 11:30am
Stay in the loop with all things NMC. Join our email mailing list! SCAN THE CODE TO BE ADDED
Follow us on Social Media! @wearenorthmetro
North Metro Church • 2305 Ernest Barrett Pkwy • Marietta, GA 30064 • • 678.290.7830