Rob McDowell Hello North Metro Church! How is it already November, and we're thinking about Thanksgiving and turkey and pie? And then, before you know it...Christmas! And Christmas trees and music... But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Before we start looking ahead, I wanted to talk about a special moment that occurred back on Sunday, October 8, as we came to a close in our series, We Want a King. We started studying the books of 1 & 2 Samuel back in February, and as we ended the series, I, along with Pastor Daniel and Pastor Matt, came together to review "the bottom line" from each teaching. It was a powerful moment to review each week in a "bottom line" statement. We felt compelled to compile all of these "bottom line" statements with you so that we do not lose sight of the understanding we have gained over these valuable months. You can find a printout of each of these summaries for you to save and stick in your Bible in this newsletter. We pray that this may be a tool to help equip you to remember God's word and to use and share it with others as you become more faithful followers of Jesus. Okay, so now, looking ahead—you'll see that we're getting ready to celebrate NMC's seventh Hope For Christmas! This is one of my favorite things we get to be a part of as we get zany and bless some families around Christmas time. In the pages that follow, learn how you can get involved! Grateful for you,
Worship Devotion
Clark Beasley
Clark Beasley serves as Worship Director and is in charge of music for our Sunday morning gatherings. While Clark is passionate about leading others to worship God through music, he is also passionate about God transforming our entire lives to be in worship of Him. Read this month's worship devotion!
The One-Two Punch
While reading through a daily devotion I often pick up, I came across this line ... "Praise has always been what sustains in times of trouble …"
A profound statement, to be sure, but being the realist that I am (some would say pessimist), I took this statement through its paces. Is it true? Past my own story, are there any other stories that prove this? What are some examples of this in scripture? And, almost instantaneously, I was reminded of Paul and Silas singing in the prison at midnight, and God came along and released them from their bonds. Around midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening. Suddenly, there was a massive earthquake, and the prison was shaken to its foundations. All the doors immediately flew open, and the chains of every prisoner fell off! The jailer woke up to see the prison doors wide open. He assumed the prisoners had escaped, so he drew his sword to kill himself. But Paul shouted to him, “Stop! Don’t kill yourself! We are all here!” The jailer called for lights and ran to the dungeon and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. Then he brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household.” Acts 16:25-31 NLT
From this passage, it could be assumed that, because Paul and Silas were praying and praising, God caused an earthquake so that they could be released from their chains. I think that might be a bit of a leap and somewhat presumptuous of us to know what was in the mind of God there. But, there is no denying some key takeaways: Praise softens our hearts and aligns us with God’s truth and His Spirit working in the moment. Praising God makes our hearts fertile ground to receive the maximum nutrients from God’s word. Praising God turns us away from ourselves to the attention of what the Spirit is doing at that moment. Praise and prayer are a powerful combination, and they are intricately linked. Praise is not one-way communication. As we worship, God begins to share with us deeper truths and the things His heart really burns for. And when He does that, you will begin to hear Him urge you to intercede. That is the real job of those who lead worship, to connect with the heart of God and intercede for God’s people with that heart.
Prayer and praise have the power to save. Paul and Silas did not know how God was going to move at that moment. Only that they were to praise and pray, and it was that connection to the heart of God that kept them from fleeing when they were freed. They were in tune with God and therefore trusted Him and not their circumstances, and He showed up
big time, just not like they probably thought. God used all of that to turn the heart of one prison guard so that man could see the light and power of God and be rescued from his own bondage. We don’t know what God can do in and through us if and when we praise. Just as Paul would write later in Romans: Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways! For who can know the Lord’s thoughts? Who knows enough to give him advice? For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen.” Romans 11:33-34, 36 NLT So, I invite you to try it. Right there—in the middle of work, at home, or in your car—just begin to praise Him for what He has done in your life, and if you can't think of anything, start with what He did on the cross. Let that motivate you to thank Him for all things, small and large, in your life. You don't know what God has in store for every moment you live, not just the pretty, puttogether moments. Let God be your, "refuge and strength, and ever-present help in trouble," (Psalm 46:1) and see Him take and use even the most mundane or difficult moments to accomplish so much in your life!
In addition to leading our Sunday worship teams, Clark also has organized a partnership between NMC and Rooted Music Coaching, a company providing individual and intentional music lessons to help students of every age thrive in music and in life. For more information on what Rooted is about, feel free to reach out to Clark at or visit their website -
Connect and Grow
PRAYER Prayer is powerful. It's one of the most important things we can do as a church. Our staff and leadership would love to come alongside you, fight for you in whatever difficulty you may be experiencing, and celebrate any answered prayers! To share your prayer requests, visit
HOME REPAIR ASSISTANCE NMC has a faithful group of men looking to serve single women in our church. These men are skilled in most areas of basic home repairs, including plumbing, electrical, and carpentry; however, they are unable to take on major renovations or projects that require county permitting. If you are a single woman needing assistance with home maintenance or home repairs, visit to submit your request.
RE:GENERATION Through His Word, God offers us principles where freedom and new life can be found. Are you hurting, feeling stuck, having given up hope for change, or wanting to identify and remove obstacles for a deeper fellowship with God? Wonder why you keep struggling with the same thing day after day, year after year? re:generation is discipleship for the heart. Participants walk through 12 steps of biblical healing in the context of authentic 4
Care community. If you want to learn how to live out a "new life in Christ" and find healing in Jesus during your day-to-day life, re:generation is a great place to discover the fullness that Christ alone offers us. New groups will begin in January.
MERGE Strong, healthy marriages start long before the wedding. To build a marriage that lasts and gets off to a great start, we encourage all engaged couples to participate in Merge, our four-week premarital discipleship class. Merge classes are available to those who regularly attend NMC and are already engaged. The next session begins Monday, January 22, from 6:00-9:00pm. Visit to learn more and sign up.
FOUNDATION GATHERINGS The first few years of marriage can be difficult, but they also offer a chance to build healthy patterns into a marriage at a formative stage. Foundation Gatherings are open to married couples who have been married for three years or less. These events occur three times a quarter and include dinner, teaching, and a chance to build relationships with other newlywed couples. Our next gathering is Monday, November 27 at 7:00pm. Registration is required to attend. The cost for dinner is $10/couple, and childcare is available with registration. Visit to learn more
and sign up.
RE|ENGAGE re|engage is a marriage enrichment ministry designed for couples ready to invest time and energy into building a stronger marriage. Through a mix of largegroup teaching and small-group discussion, you and your spouse are challenged and encouraged with practical ways to apply the gospel of Jesus to your marriage. Couples are discipled and equipped to grow in their walk with Christ and their marriages by studying and applying biblical principles within a small group structure. The next re|engage class will begin Monday, January 22 from 7:00-9:00pm. This class meets weekly and concludes in early May.
DIVORCE CARE Divorce Care is a mix of support and learning for those currently separated or divorced. We understand that divorce can be one of life's most painful trials, and while God hates divorce, He doesn't hate divorced people. Our Divorce Care ministry is led by individuals who understand what you're experiencing and will support you as you move forward. Through Divorce Care, you will learn how to deal with the heartache of the past and look forward to rebuilding your life.
FOSTER & ADOPTION SUPPORT Scripture urges believers to look after the orphans in our community. One way we
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19 | 11:00AM-12:00PM
At NMC, we genuinely believe we are better together. For that reason, we want everyone to circle up with others in a group. We have three different types of groups you can join. Connection Groups meet over shared interests such as hiking, board games, or movies; Community Groups meet for fellowship, prayer, and study of the Bible; and Care Groups assist anyone walking through difficulty or life transition. If you want to join a Connection Group, Community Group, Care Group, or even start your own group, then check out
When we serve others, we set the table for them to experience the grace of God. That’s why around here, we call our volunteers Tablesetters. Our goal is for everyone to experience the joy of serving others as a Tablesetter and serve somewhere within our church. Regardless of your schedule, experience, or gifting, there’s a fulfilling place for you to serve here! Visit to browse opportunities and take the next step to serve.
sexual brokenness through Jesus Christ. Through this group, you will understand how family of origin and trauma impact your behavior, how addiction affects brain chemistry, and develop a plan to create freedom from addiction. Don't let shame keep you from finding help. There is hope as you walk out this journey with other Christ-followers.
This month's meeting will be on Sunday, November 12 at 12:15pm.
Welcome Home is designed to help you learn about everything that makes up North Metro Church and give you the next steps on how you can belong to our family. Visit to learn more and sign up.
do this at NMC is to come around families participating in foster care or adoption. In addition, this group is a place to find support and encouragement from others who understand these specific challenges. This month's meeting is on Wednesday, November 8 at 6:30pm.
BEAUTY FOR ASHES Beauty for Ashes is a confidential group designed to provide encouragement and hope to women whose husbands struggle with sexual addiction. We understand the devastation of a husband's betrayal; however, our goal is not to stay in this place of wounding but to seek the Lord for healing and hope. This month's meetings will be Thursday, November 9 at 7:00pm.
Stephen Ministry is a one-on-one care ministry that supports those experiencing difficult times. Stephen Ministers are members of our NMC community well trained in encouraging others who are enduring painful times such as the loss of a loved one, a marriage, a job, or one's health. If you are facing any of life's difficult circumstances, please consider using a Stephen Minister to help bear your burdens.
When God calls our hearts to grow our families, He never promises that it will be easy. But, He does promise to lead when we are lost. So, take refuge in knowing you’re not alone. If you struggle with infertility or have experienced miscarriage or infant loss, there’s a place for you. This month's meeting will be Monday, November 13 at 7:00pm.
Is there someone in your life who has hurt you deeply? Have you tried to forgive, but when you hear or see the person, feelings of anger or bitterness crop up in your life? If so, the ministry of Fresh Start can help free your heart. It is a process that will help you live “Forgiven, Forgiving & Free." It will help you understand what forgiveness is and what it is not.
Cancer hits with a terrible punch, whether it’s you, a spouse, parent, sibling, child, or friend. We can't take you out of this storm, but we can walk alongside you and hold you up when the weight is too heavy. We can be that safe place to let all your feelings fall. We can have the honor of praying continually for you and your family. We can be that safe group of ladies who get it without explanation or apologies; we get it all.
North Metro Church University (NMCU) is our primary vehicle for studying the Bible together to form a biblical worldview. In NMCU Core, you'll move through a set sequence of classes and learn about the big picture of Scripture and how everything in Scripture points to and is fulfilled in Jesus. In this learning process, NMCU will also help equip you to both understand and communicate your faith to others so that you can become a more faithful follower of Jesus, a disciple who makes disciples. Each semester offered is ten weeks and goes in sequential order.
If cancer has affected you in any way, we encourage you to reach out to NMC's Cancer Support Group. You will find an amazing community of brave, strong women who have learned to trust God no matter what because He is trustworthy.
Our spring semester enrollment opens on Sunday, November 26. Spring semester dates are Sunday afternoons, 4:00-6:00pm, January 21-March 24. We offer in-person groups or on-demand options. Learn more by visiting
Women's groups meet on Tuesday mornings and Tuesday evenings. Men's groups meet depending on individual availability.
PURE DESIRE Pure Desire is a men's ministry that provides hope, freedom, and healing from
For more information or to sign up for any of our Care Ministries, visit our Care page at
Our vision at NMC is to Be Missed. We aim to engage with everyone both in and outside of our circles in a way that if NMC ceased to exist, we (not the building but the body of Christ) would be missed. One of our specific prayers over the years has been for God to open doors for NMC to be in public schools so that we could Be Missed. We know by ministering to teachers and students in local schools, we can make a large impact as we share God's love and disciple the Next Generation. God has been so faithful to answer this prayer and has given us many opportunities over the last 25 years. Rebecca Ross, our current Curriculum Director who started out as our Children's Pastor, shared her experience over the years as she has helped lead NMC's ministries into local schools. Read along to hear Rebecca recount God's faithfulness over the years.
I am so excited that during this 25-year anniversary celebration, I get to share how God has opened countless doors for North Metro Church to be in public schools. The 25-year mark is not lost on me, because, honestly, this story of how NMC got to partner with public schools started about 25 years ago. In 1997 (before they even had iPhones), I began working for the Cobb County School District (CCSD) as a teacher. My teaching certification allows me to work with students in kindergarten through 12th grade who have all different types of abilities. Getting to work with so many different grade levels was another part of this story. I started out working at the high school level, but throughout my career, I would switch every few years between high school and elementary. I LOVED both grade levels for different reasons, and so just as I needed something more challenging, I would teach a different grade level. I had no idea that God was doing many things behind the scenes during my teaching career and that two schools I worked at would be instrumental in where NMC is today. In 2004, my husband and I started attending North Metro Church. Fast forward to June 2013, and I was hired as the Children’s Pastor at NMC. It was a really hard decision to leave teaching because I was already doing full-time ministry working with my amazing students and incredible families. Three months before I started my job at NMC, my friend, Autumn Sines, told me about Good News Club. When she told me
I could start the club in a public school, I told her that there was no way that could be a real thing. After attending an informational meeting that summer, I learned about a Supreme Court ruling that allowed clubs from different religious backgrounds to hold after-school programs for those students whose parents gave signed permission. It was my hope that we could start the Good News Club in August 2013; however, the school year had already started, and I could not get my foot in the door to get a meeting. But God. I remembered that one of the school secretaries that I used to work with at a local elementary school was a pastor’s wife. She didn’t get me the meeting, because, even better, she got the club approved! No one on staff with the Good News Club could believe it because that NEVER happened. But God. In September 2013, we were up and running with three volunteers and 22 kids. We thanked the teachers for letting us have our club in some of their rooms by starting an annual breakfast for them. The Good News Club grew over the next several years to 80+ kids. Thanks to NMC’s generosity, a beautiful partnership with NMC and Hayes Elementary developed. Nathan Woodward, NMC’s Kids’ Pastor (and Hayes Elementary Volunteer of the Year in 2022), continues on with the investment. Fast forward a few more years, and I got to be the Next Generation Pastor. I started working with Shift and Compass, our middle and high school ministries. The scene for student ministry in the church has changed over the years. We knew the students needed something different, but how to deliver it
and what it was, we didn’t know. But God. One day I looked up Kennesaw Mountain High School (KMHS) on the CCSD website because Hayes is a feeder school and it’s geographically close to NMC. Imagine my surprise when I realized the new principal and I taught math together at Wheeler High School almost 20 years ago. I got the meeting that same day … and then the world shut down 30 days later due to COVID-19. But God. I got a call from the assistant principal, who asked if we could meet. There we were in the middle of Covid, meeting outside 6 feet apart, masked up; yet, NMC was handed the reins to be their partner for character ed. Due to the generosity of NMC, we were able to purchase the program, Habitudes, that KMHS requested. We started on Zoom with a pilot program of two-dozen students. This past year, we had 30+ mentors who go on campus monthly to facilitate the character education lessons. We are now serving 1,500 students. But God. I got to serve on KMHS’s Principal Advisory Team for two years, and at their annual dance for special needs students. Our student pastor, Derek McClardy, a former NCAA Division 1 athlete, personally invests in the KMHS athletes through coaching and mentorship. So, North Metro Church, how did we get here? It’s the number one question I get from other churches, “How in the world did you build such great relationships with public schools?” Yep, you already know the answer: But God, and He started it 25 years ago.
Rebecca sat down with Daniel Hicks, our Barrett Campus Pastor, to share more stories of God's kindness over the years. Listen to this podcast episode now anywhere you listen to podcasts.
Rebecca Ross Curriculum Director
Care Group Spotlight
Foster & Adoption Support Group
James and Meagan's story began when they crossed paths shortly after Meagan's return to the United States. She had just completed several years of missionary and teaching work in Tanzania. At the time, James was in the process of moving forward after a divorce he'd experienced a few years prior, and he was also a father to two children from his previous marriage. Right from the outset of their relationship, including their dating phase, Meagan and James shared an awareness that adoption might play a significant role in their life together. Meagan had always harbored a desire to open her heart and home to an adopted child, and as a couple, they firmly believed in the profound beauty of adoption, echoing their own adoption into God's family. After a few years of marriage and Meagan's adjustment to her role as a stepmother to James' two children, they began to prayerfully consider expanding their family through adoption. The catalyst for their journey was a close friend who worked as a social worker and frequently discussed sibling groups in foster care in desperate need of loving families. Although the idea of adopting through foster care initially felt unknown and daunting, the more they learned about the plight of children in the system, the more drawn they became to the possibility. Children placed in foster care have no control over their future, and it is so easy for them to get lost in the shuffle. The vulnerability and instability that many foster children face struck a chord with Meagan, drawing on her experience as a teacher. However, the idea of venturing into foster care parenting was undeniably intimidating. Yet, how could they not do it? They prayed for God to help them be willing and to break their heart for what breaks His. Eventually, they took a leap of faith and decided to pursue training to become certified foster parents. Their journey took an exciting turn when they welcomed Zoie and Elijah into their lives. Meagan and James' first meeting with Zoie, Elijah, and their case worker, was at IHOP - because pancakes make everything better. Meeting at IHOP, they felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension. Could they truly provide the loving home these children needed? It was a nerve-wracking experience, with Zoie and Elijah, being only 3 and 5 years old, sharing their nervousness. But the children's laughter broke the ice,
and that initial meeting was filled with joy and love beyond their imagination. The intimidating prospect of fostering began to feel right, and they embarked on a journey that would transform their lives. Just six months after Zoie and Elijah were placed with Meagan and James, the adoption became final, and they officially became the Vinson family, party of six. The process of forging a family through adoption is a unique blend of awkward, funny, and beautiful moments. The older children were excited about the idea of adoption and gaining two new siblings, but the rapid changes meant they needed time and lots of family games and silly moments to feel like a family. Every adoption story is distinctive, and the Vinsons' journey was no exception. James and Meagan's former church in Knoxville provided a support network of close friends and foster/adoptive parents who offered encouragement, understanding, and a listening ear during challenging times. There have been multiple times that they felt like failures and that were making a mess out of their family. As any parent knows, parenting is challenging and hard but amazing and wonderful. As they shared their fears, disappointments, and failures with others, they found encouragement and hope. They felt heard and understood. In the fall of 2020, James' work brought the Vinsons to the Kennesaw area. They started attending North Metro Church and, as newcomers to the area, sought support from people who could understand the complexities of an adopted family. It was here that they recognized the potential for North Metro Church to serve as a safe haven for families like theirs. In 2022, with God's grace, James and Meagan launched the Foster & Adoptive Support Group at NMC. The Foster and Adoptive Support Group was founded with the aim of connecting families who have adopted and/or fostered children. This group provides a safe, understanding space for parents to share their struggles and victories, seek guidance, offer and receive prayers, and, most importantly, find a sense of community. In the unique challenges that often come with fostering or adoption, these families can discover a network of support that helps them navigate their journeys with greater resilience and hope.
If you are a parent of an adoptive or foster family, we invite you to join us and find community through this group. Go to to get in touch.
Upcoming for
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3 | 11:00AM One of our favorite things here at NMC is celebrating life change through water baptism. If you’re ready to take this step in your faith journey, we invite you to attend the next adult baptism class. For more information about our beliefs on baptism and to sign up for the class, visit
You are invited to make a direct impact on the lives of youth in foster care by participating in Waymark’s 6th annual Hands of Hope Gala at NMC on Thursday, November 2 at 6:45pm. It's an opportunity to provide comprehensive support and the hope found in Christ to this vulnerable population who otherwise often face futures marked by homelessness, unemployment, incarceration, and substance abuse. The night will include a delicious dinner, a live and silent auction, a special guest and Waymark Alumnus Mary-Kate Burson, and much more! There are many opportunities to be a part of this special night. For more information regarding these opportunities, contact Tasha
Whitener at or go to We hope you can join us for this incredible night benefiting local youth in foster care.
CIRCLES USA Did you know that here in Cobb County, over 17% of our children live below the poverty line? The ramifications of poverty are heartbreaking and can include homelessness, food insecurity, and children being removed from their homes and entering the foster care system simply because their families cannot afford to adequately care for them. Circles USA works to move families out of poverty. You can be involved in this work in many ways, including offering a meal, becoming an ally, and so much more. To serve with Circles USA, go to
CHARACTER EDUCATION MENTORING AT KENNESAW MOUNTAIN HIGH SCHOOL You can invest in the next generation by becoming a mentor to encourage students every month at Kennesaw Mountain High School. As a mentor, you'll help facilitate the social-emotional curriculum, Habitudes by Dr. Tim Elmore. This is an opportunity to engage students in the public school environment, where they spend so much time—all while equipping them with tools for healthy leadership in their world and the world around them. Take
Photos from the September 2023 High School Retreat
the next step by emailing Jill Stewart at or check out the details at
OCTOBER/NOVEMBER DISCIPLESHIP TOOL The Town Square Table Talker is a discipleship tool designed by the NMC Kids team to equip families to connect around the table intentionally. The activities and devotions you'll find in the table talker come from the Gospel Project curriculum that we use in the classrooms. This means you can connect what you do at home with what your kids do in the classroom! But it's not all curriculum; you'll also find silly games, get-to-know-you questions, and family challenges. You are your child's first teacher and the first person to disciple your child! We hope the Town Square Table Talker is just the tool you need to take your family relationships to the next level! Grab yours today in the NMC Kids Ministry, Town Square.
It's time for one of Town Square's favorite days - Pajama Sunday! Kids and parents always love an excuse to wear pajamas to church, so why not devote a whole morning to it? No matter where you're joining us from, all you have to do is roll out of bed,
brush your teeth, and maybe brush your hair. Don’t forget to tag @wearenorthmetro on Instagram to share your photos with us.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19 | 9:15-10:00AM
This 45-minute class is designed for you and your child to attend together. If your elementary-aged child has already taken the step of salvation, this class is the perfect next step! For more information on the baptism process, visit
SUNDAYS | 9:15AM & 11:00AM Shift is our environment for 5-7th grade students. Through teaching, worship, games, and connections in small groups, we help students find and follow Jesus. We meet during all Sunday morning worship services in the Shift Room.
2ND & 4TH WEDNESDAYS | 6:30-8:00PM Friendships and an incredible community can profoundly shape our students' lives. We want to invite our 5-7th students and their friends to our Shift Nights on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month to have time to build additional community and stronger friendships with other students in Shift. Join us for everything from movie
nights to large group games. These nights are always free, and dinner is provided. Drop off your students at the Cafe doors and have them meet us in the Shift Room or Theater.
Shift Discipleship track is an elevated learning experience and spiritual growth opportunity that goes beyond a Sunday morning Shift service. 5-7th grade students will participate in activities and classroomstyle learning as we dive into deep biblical themes such as the Trinity and the Story of the Bible. Our hope and desire is that students who take part in these classes will leave with a new, enriched knowledge of the Bible and how to study the Bible. These classes will meet on Sundays from 4:006:00pm to correspond with the NMCU schedule. Visit to sign up!
SUNDAYS | 6:30-8:30PM Compass is our environment for 8-12th grade students. Through teaching, worship, events, and small groups, we help students find and follow Jesus. Follow us on Instagram @nmcstudents to know about upcoming services and events, or check out the schedule online at
TUESDAYS | 6:45-8:30PM
College students, join us on-campus under the outdoor Pavilion for our NMC College Bible Study Group. We will experience community, dive deep into Bible study, and share a meal! This is a place for you, no matter what your walk with God looks like. For more details, visit
PAID COLLEGE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM The College Internship Program is a paid internship designed for enrolled college students. This program is for students who want to understand and experience all the inner workings of the local church to decide if they want to pursue vocational ministry. It’s designed to make them more aware of their character, competency, strengths, and weaknesses while increasing their understanding of the disciplemaking process. In addition, they will have the opportunity to explore different ministries behind the scenes and what is needed to make each ministry function and thrive. If you're interested in applying for the 2023-2024 school year, check out or email Rebecca Ross at for more details.
Hope for Christmas is here! This is our seventh year of Hope for Christmas, and we get to bless 300 families through our partnership with Marietta City and Kennesaw Schools. Children will experience the excitement of finding a present under the Christmas tree. The 300 families will choose two items for each child from our Hope for Christmas Amazon Wish List and gift card wish list. In addition to gifts, each family will receive a $50 grocery gift card to aid in preparing a Christmas meal. You can get involved today by purchasing toys from our Amazon Wish List or donating money towards gift cards or a holiday meal. All donations are needed by Sunday, November 26. Find the Amazon Wish List and more information at
Donate by Sunday, November 26
Hope K Christmas Christmas at North Metro Church SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23 2:00pm and 4:00pm
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 10:00am, 12:00pm, 2:00pm and 4:00pm We're excited to celebrate Christmas with you!
Mark your calendars now and be on the lookout for more ways you can get involved!
The Town Square
Christmas Guide
In the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, it's easy to think that you have to do it all and do it right away. We pray our Town Square Family Christmas Guide helps you find five minutes with your family to intentionally connect with the story of Jesus' birth. Every life is a miracle, but the miracle of Jesus' birth is so much more. He came as a baby in a humble manger so that we may have life, eternal life, with Him. Each day you and your family will discover a different facet of the Christmas story which reflects God's good plans, purposes, and promises. Let's celebrate together, NMC Family! The Family Christmas Guide is for families of North Metro Church with kids from birth through 4th grade and the surrounding communities. Did you know that each family participating in Hope for Christmas will receive a Family Christmas Guide just like the families here at NMC? This year, the guide is an Advent calendar. Maybe some of you remember opening the little doors of an Advent calendar and eating a piece of chocolate. Well, this is just like that! Except you don't get a piece of chocolate, you get to dig into the word of God with your family! Each day will feature an activity that relates to the Christmas story. These activities will take you anywhere from two to twenty minutes. Since we’re counting down the 25 days leading to Christmas, the Advent calendar starts on December 1, when you’ll open the first door.
Pick up your Family Christmas Guide on the Outdoor Pavilion on Sunday, November 26, or December 3.
Ivan Mijango Casa del Redentor Director
An update from Ivan Mijango. Redeemer's House, or Casa del Redentor, is North Metro Church's international ministry in Panajachel, Guatemala.
September Mission Trip At the end of September, a team from NMC visited Redeemer's House. Personally, it was one of the first times that I got to help lead the mission group before they ever got on the plane. I loved getting to meet so many group members even before they got to Guatemala. There is so much planning that goes into a trip because we want every detail to be considered and planned for to minimize the risk of anything going wrong. The goal of this trip was to add walls to an existing pavilion in the village of Chuitziyut, which the village uses for church and other community gatherings. The current leader of the church in Chuitziyuit, Elvys, is an expert in construction so we were excited to work with him. After all our planning, what we did not expect was that Elvys would suffer from appendicitis a week before the
trip and undergo emergency surgery which forced him to rest for two months and not be able to be part of this project.
regardless of their age or skills, put their hearts into this project without resting until it was finished.
The Redeemer's House team met with Ro and Raj, the leaders of the NMC team, to decide whether or not to continue with the trip after the news about Elvys. However, we did not doubt for a second that this church was going to be built, and nothing was going to stop us, not the weather, the traffic, or a missing construction expert. I remember Ro saying, "We just have to pray more." We did, and God answered us.
On the fourth day, we had a dedication service which was attended by most of the families in the community. The ladies prepared lunch for everyone, and we were able to sit at the table with them to share a plate of food. When the celebration was wrapping up, people from the community shared their gratitude and excitement for having a church building that they plan to use and respect! We pray that this building will unite people and give them an opportunity to know and love God.
Every day of the trip, we started our work early, we gave the best we had, and just when we left for the day, it started to rain. Originally we thought it would take us four days to raise the walls, but we did it in three. It was incredible to see this group of people,
Thank you, NMC family, for believing in and loving Guatemala.
We get to partner with Redeemer's House to help people find and follow Jesus in Guatemala because of your obedience in giving. To get involved, you can go to 14
2025 GOALS
As we head toward 2025, we are praying our guts out and are entirely dependent on the Lord! He has entrusted us with our vision to “Be Missed,” and our mission, “We Help People Find and Follow Jesus.” To live that out, we have set three God-sized goals to aim for as a church.
GOAL #1: HELP 1,000 PEOPLE FIND JESUS We’re telling our friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers about our great God, who loves us immeasurably more than we can imagine. We want to
celebrate with you if you’ve played a part in helping someone move from death to life or if you came to faith in Christ! We invite you to share your story by visiting the Contact Us page at
GOAL #2: HELP 1,000 PEOPLE ENROLL IN NMCU Before Jesus left the disciples, He said, "Go make disciples." A tangible way to see that hope realized is through our discipleship program,
NMCU. We're looking to see 1,000 people faithfully following Jesus, equipped with knowledge of Scripture, to share their beliefs with others ultimately. NMCU creates disciples that make disciples.
GOAL #3: EXPAND THE KINGDOM OF GOD THROUGH NEW CHURCH PLANTS NATIONALLY AND GLOBALLY Church plants are an expression of our multiplication strategy, multiplying the mission to help people find and follow Jesus. We currently support six church plants including Take Hold in Scotland, Grace Auburn in Auburn, Alabama, Creekside in Dallas, Georgia, Heirloom Church in Tyler, Texas, Oaks Community Church in Naples, Florida; and Compassion International in Guatemala.
YTD September 2023 Income: $1,643,085.77 Expense: $1,367,884.76 Over(under): $275,201.10
NOVEMBER AT A GLANCE Stay in the loop with all things NMC. Join our email mailing list! ( SCAN THE CODE TO BE ADDED )
Sunday, November 5
Sunday, November 19
Hope for Christmas begins
Welcome Home 11:00am
Who Did He Say He Was? 9:15am & 11:00am
Town Square Pajama Sunday
Sunday, November 12
Who Did He Say He Was? 9:15am & 11:00am
Follow us on Social Media! @wearenorthmetro
North Metro Church 2305 Ernest Barrett Pkwy Marietta, GA 30064 678.290.7830
Church Planter Guest Pastor 9:15am & 11:00am
Elementary Baptism Class 9:15am
Sunday, November 26
Church Planter Guest Pastor 9:15am & 11:00am NMCU Enrollment Opens