Welcome to the opening dayofthe Autumn Racing Weekend. This is the firstAscotracedaysince the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and thereforeour opportunity to reflect on and celebrate The Queen’sdeep personal connection with AscotRacecourse. The photograph on the front cover of this racecardcaptures possiblythe greatestmoment of The Queen’sracing life –the victory of Estimate in the 2013 Gold Cup,the firsttime this had been achievedbyareigning monarch. The touching imagecaptures aspecial moment of connection between owner and horse in the midstofasea of celebration. It is a perfect expression of The Queen’slove for the thoroughbred racehorse.
We at Ascotare privilegedtohave so manymemories of HerLate Majesty at this her racecourse, including manywonderfulvictories in the Royalcolours.Intotal The Queen wassuccessful 78 times at Ascotwith 74 winners on the Flat and four under National Hunt rules.The firstofthose victories wasChoir Boyinthe 1953 RoyalHunt Cup and that remarkable period of success includes winners in everydecadeupto2021 when Chalk Stream wasThe Queen’sfinal winner at Ascotinthe Lavazza Stakes lastSeptember.
Of those 78 victories,24came at RoyalAscot, including Aureole, Above Suspicion, Hopeful Venture, Phantom Gold, Estimate, Dartmouth and mostrecentlyTactical. Estimate’svictories in the 2012 Queen’s Vase and the 2013 Gold Cup werethe mostmemorable in recent years,but the firstreallygood horse owned by The Queen was Aureole, which was bred by King GeorgeVIand passed to The Queen following his death in 1952. Aureole was famouslysecond in the Derby in 1953,the year of the Coronation. Hethen wonthe King GeorgeVI&Queen Elizabeth Stakes hereatAscotin1954.
Iwas humbled and privilegedtorepresent AscotRacecourse at The Committal Service in St George’s Chapel lastweek. As we all know, the sport of horse racing playedsuch acentral role in the life of The Queen and manyother members of the racing community were also there.
HerLate Majesty’s reign of over70years was longer than anyprevious monarch and her close personal interestinall aspects of this racecourse neverfaltered. For example, in May2021 The Queen paid a private visit to Ascottosee the stables and viewdifferent parts of the track which were inaccessible on a raceday.
During her reign The Queen oversawahugeamount of changeatAscot, both in terms of the physical structureofthe racecourse and the race programme. These included twomajor grandstand redevelopment projects in 1961 and 2006,the expansion of RoyalAscottoafiveday meeting in 2002 to mark the Golden Jubilee, the creation of British Champions Dayin2011, the inauguration of the Commonwealth Cup in 2015,and the permanent addition of aseventh race to each dayofthe RoyalMeeting in 2021. All of these changes were personallyapproved by The Queen who showedadeep interestinevery detail.
At 1.50pm we will hold aminute’ssilence in and around the Parade Ring to remember HerLate Majesty Ihope youcan join us there.
The King has his firstrunner at Ascotinthe Sovereign’ssilks this afternoon with Perfect Alibi in the fourth race. We wish His Majesty everysuccess.
Yours sincerely,
Sir Francis BrookeBt. His Majesty’s Representative &ChairmanYour guide to all of today’s races
This is aseven furlongs handicap race for three-year-olds and upwardswhich have been rated from 76 to 95.This specific handicap is also limited to amateur jockeys.Once ahorse has qualified for ahandicap rating this is regularlyreassessed. A below-par effort could result in areduced rating whilstastrongperformance could see the rating increased. Occasionally, horses areentered to race beforetheir handicap rating has been reviewedand so to avoid recent winners being un-penalised they areallotted amandatory penalty –usually6lb
This is a twomile handicap race for three-year-olds which have been rated from 76 to 95.Inahandicap the weight that each of the runners carries is determined by their official handicap rating which is based on their levelofform shown so far.The aim is to ensurecompetitive racing by asking the higher rated horses to carry moreweight than a lowerrated rival. As aguide, horses rated 40 tend to be at the lowerend of the scale whilstthe very best performers would be rated as high as 130
This contestisaNovice Stakes,run over adistance of one mile and four furlongs.Thereare avariety of reasons whythe horses in this contestare still light on experience. Stoutlybredhorses areunlikely to be seen at their bestoverthe shorter distances of their juvenile season whilstasetback or injury can curtail even the mostprecociouslybredhorse’s two-year-old career
This one mile and six furlongs contestfor three-year-olds is aListed race; arace that can onlybebettered by aGroup 1, 2or3race. Many of the runners in this race will have already shown themselvestobetalented and this race provides aperfect medium for them to be tested againsta better class of rivalbeforemaking the jump into a Group race. Initially, the weights areset at 9st1lb for colts and geldings and 8st10lb for fillies before penalties areawarded to horses that have previously wonabove acertain level–3lb for aListed race victory or 5lb for aGroup 3success
This is asix furlong handicap race for three-year-olds which have been rated from 86 to 105.Toqualify for ahandicap rating horses musthave run at leastthree times in aFlat race in Britain, or have run in no more than twoFlat races run in Britain and wonatleast one of them. This rating then dictates the weight to be carried in ahandicap.Insimple terms ahorse rated 85 in this particular race would be required to carry 5lb morethan arival rated 80
This race is aone-mile classified stakes for three-year-olds and upwardswhich have been rated from 0to90. Unlikeinahandicap when ahorses rating reflects the weight that they will carry,the weights in this type of race aredecided solelyonthe basis of ageorsex.This means that the higher rated horses should, theoretically, hold an advantage, as they arenot forced to concede weight to lowerrated rivals.
King Edward VII Enclosure racegoersare invited to enjoy facilities on Level4 of the Grandstand.
Few sporting venues can match the rich heritage and history of Ascot Racecourse. Over the past 300 years, Ascot has established itself as anational institution; with Royal Ascot becoming the centrepiece of the British social calendar and the ultimate stage for the best racehorses in the world.
It was Queen Anne in 1711 who first saw the potential for aracecourse at Ascot (in those days called East Cote). Whilst out riding near Windsor Castle she came upon an area of open heath that looked, in her words, “ideal for horses to gallop at full stretch”.
The first race meeting ever held at Ascot took place later that year, on Saturday 11th August. The inaugural event was Her Majesty’s Plate, worth 100 guineas and open to any horse, mare or gelding over six years of age. Each horse was required to carry a weight of 12 stone and the seven runners were all English hunters, rather different to the speedy thoroughbreds that race on the Flat today.
The nature of the contest also borelittle resemblance to modern day racing at Ascot. That race consisted of three separate heats, each four miles long –about the length of today’s Grand National course. The winning horse would have required tremendous stamina, but sadly there is no record of who claimed that first plate.
Queen Anne’s gift to racing, founding the Royal Racecourse, is marked by the tradition of opening Royal Ascot with the Queen Anne Stakes.
The racecourse was laid out by William Lowen, assisted by ateam including a carpenter, apainter, and aracing administrator. The first permanent building was erected around 1794 by alocal Windsor builder. Holding 1,650 people, it was used for almost fifty years.
In 1813, Parliament passed an Act of
Enclosure, which ensured that Ascot Heath would be kept and used as aracecourse for the public in the future. Racing at Ascot was now secure.
The precise origins of the RoyalMeeting are unclear,asthe event evolvedfromthe first four-daymeeting that took place in 1768
The meeting as it’sknown todayonlyreally started to takeshape with the introduction of the Gold Cup in 1807.Royal Ascotwas the onlyrace meeting held at Ascotuntil 1939.
The Gold Cup remains the featurerace of the thirdday of RoyalAscot, traditionally the busiestday of the week, when high fashion and exquisite millinery takecentre stagealongside Flat racing’s mostelite stayers.In2009,Yeats, ridden by Johnny Murtagh and trained by Aidan O’Brien, wonhis fourth consecutive Gold Cup –a magnificent achievement, and one that Stradivarius justfailed to emulate in 2021 and 2022 having wonthe race three times between 2018 and 2020.
Although founded by aQueen and located on Crown property, the administration of Ascot is handled on behalf of the Crown by a representative appointed by the Monarch. Up until 1901, the racecourse was managed on the Sovereign’s behalf by the Master of the Royal Buckhounds. In 1901, Lord Churchill was appointed as His Majesty’s Representative, responsible for running the course and determining entrance to the Royal Enclosure.
YeatsThe Ascot Authority was established in 1913 by an Act of Parliament, with His Majesty’s Representative becoming Senior Trustee. Today, as AscotAuthority (Holdings) Limited, Ascothas aformal boardchaired by Sir Francis BrookeBt., who also serves as His Majesty’s Representative at Ascot.
His Majesty The King is the thirteenth monarch that Ascothas operated under having succeeded Queen Elizabeth II in September 2022. As an owner and breeder of racehorses, HerLate Majesty took akeen interestinthe races and had great success with her own horses over the years,including mostfamously winning the Gold Cup with Estimate in 2013.
The jockeys riding the Sovereign’shorses can be identified by the royalracing colours: purple body with gold braid, scarletsleeves, and black velvet cap with gold fringe– the same as those of King EdwardVII and GeorgeIVasPrince Regent.
During RoyalAscot, the Monarch traditionally presents the Gold Cup and the Platinum Jubilee Stakes.New versions of these trophies aremade each year and presented to the winners to keep.
Ascot Racecourse closed for a£200 million redevelopment in 2004, and was reopened by Queen Elizabeth II on 20th June 2006.
There have been several landmark occasions since Ascot Racecourse reopened in 2006 and none more memorable than two special Gold Cup days –when Yeats completed his four-timer of Gold Cup wins in 2009 and when Queen Elizabeth II won the stayers’ championship with Estimate in 2013.
In 2011, Ascot celebrated its tercentenary and staged the inaugural QIPCO British Champions Day, now the culmination of the European elite Flat racing season.
The great Frankel won the Queen Elizabeth II Stakes on Champions Day in 2011, and the curtain came down on the career of officially the best horse of all time when he won the Champion Stakes ayear later. Sir Henry Cecil’spride and joywon five of his remarkable unbeaten run of 14 races at Ascot. 2012 also sawAscotatthe heart of the country’s celebrations to mark the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, with the
Golden Jubilee Stakes renamed the Diamond Jubilee Stakes and wonbythe great Australian mare, Black Caviar.Re-named again in 2022 as the Platinum Jubilee Stakes, the race became one of twocontests at Royal Ascotworth £1 million in prize money and victory went to Godolphin’sNavalCrown Ascothas continued to cement its reputation as Europe’spremier destination for the best horses in the world. In recent years it is the Americans who have had mostsuccess,with Tepin’swin in the 2016 Queen Anne Stakes and Lady Aurelia’sKing’s Stand Stakes victory the following year being notable highlights. The latter fillywas trained by Wesley Ward, who has nowsaddled 12 winners at the Royal Meeting, including Campanelle who was successful twice in 2020 and 2021. In 2022, the world’sbestsprinter,NatureStrip,travelled over from Australia and produced abrilliant performance to win the King’s Stand Stakes
It is notjustinternational horses which Ascot is known for,ofcourse. Jockeys also come from all over the world to ride here– perhaps mostnotablyatthe Dubai Duty Free Shergar Cup,aunique fixtureinthe global racing calendar which each year sees manyofworld’s top jockeys compete for points to lift racing’s ultimate team prize, with four teams battling it out across athrilling eight-race contest.
While the grandeur of the RoyalMeeting takes centrestageeach June, Ascotisalso renowned for hosting Europe’spremier midsummer middle-distance contestthe following month.
The King GeorgeVIand Queen Elizabeth QIPCO Stakes has been wonbymanyof racing’s mostdistinguished champions including Nijinsky,Mill Reef, Dancing Brave, Nashwan, Galileo and -morerecently-the remarkable mareEnable, who in July 2020 made history by becoming the firsthorse to win three renewals of this prestigious prize.
There are cloakroom facilities available at Ticket Office West. Any additional cloakrooms in operation will be marked on the map within this racecard.
These are located in the male and female toilets at the following locations: Grandstand Entrance A–all levels
Grandstand Entrance B–all levels except 3and 5 Grandstand Entrance C–all levels except 6 Grandstand Entrance D–all levels
There are also baby changing facilities next to the Boxholders’ Entrance.
There is aparent and baby room located next to the Boxholders’ Entrance.
Free wristbands are available from all entrances for children and vulnerable racegoers to aid with alost child/person. If this situation does arise, racegoers are encouraged to contact the nearest steward who will assist them to the Main Reception in the Queen Anne Building.
Ascot operates astrict over 18+ policy for the purchase of alcohol. Racegoers over 18 can collect an 18+ wristband from any racecard kiosk with photographic proof of age.
Racegoers are permitted to take photographs for personal use but photography for publication or commercial purposes is only permitted by Ascot accredited photographers.
We accept cash, card and Apple Pay across the site, however, not all outlets will take all payment methods, each outlet will be signed as to what payment methods are accepted.
There are cashpoint machines located on the Grandstand Concourse, close to Grandstand Entrances Band C.
Smoking is only permitted in external areas.
Please note that car parks close at 9pm and are not open overnight.
Ascot Cars –01344 297297, Cedar Cars –01344 872777
Bars will close 30 minutes after the last race.
BcSea The Stars (IRE) -Aghareed (USA) (Kingmambo (USA))
Owner: Shadwell Estate Company Ltd
Trainer: William Haggas, Newmarket Breeder: Shadwell Estate Company Limited
Horse Age: 4 Weight: 92 Colours: ROYAL BLUE, White Epaulets, striped cap Form: 111111-1 CD
BET WITH ASCOT VIEW HHHHH The world’s top-rated turf horse, who has made spectacular progress since his debut last June, most recently justifying short odds in the Lockinge at Newbury where he easily beat Real World and completed aGroup 1hat-trick (first two legs came in last year’s Moulin and here in the QEII);
on good to firm and good to soft ground, still unbeaten (7-7) and has genuine claims to being the best miler since Frankel,
1. Owner’s silks (illustration)
2. Colour of horse
B=Bay Br =Brown
Ch =Chestnut
Gr =Grey
Ro =Roan
later on; looks set to produce another display of sheer class. Official BHA Rating 125
21. Weight (stones/pounds)
22. Official BHA Rating
3. Horse’s number on saddle cloth
4. Sex of horse c=colt f=filly g=gelding h=horse m=mare
5. Sire (Father)
6. Horse’s name
7. Dam (Mother)
8. Damsire (Grandfather)
9. Birthplace of horse (if not Great Britain)
10. Number of days since last ran
11. Draw
12. Form guide
13. Racing Post star rating
14. Owner(s)
15. Trainer and location of training establishment
16. Breeder
17. Age of horse
18. Owner’s colours (description)
19. Previous performances
/=Denotes new season
–=Denotes new year
B=Brought down
F= Fell
P=Pulled Up
U=Unseated rider
20. Form details
C=Course winner
D= Distance winner
CD = Has won arace over the same distance at Ascot before.
CD=Has at won arace at Ascot before but over a different distance. They have also won over today’s trip at another course.
BF =Finished beaten favourite on their previous run.
The BHA handicappers allot ratings to horses once they have taken part in asufficient number of races to enable the handicappers to make anumerical assessment of each horse’s ability. The principal purpose of the ratings is to determine the weight to be carried by each runner in handicap races, with the handicappers aiming to provide each participant with an equal chance based on its best recent form under its optimum conditions. Ahorse rated 100, for example, would be set to carry 1lb more than a horse rated 99 (ignoring penalties and allowances). The ratings published in the racecard for handicap races are the ratings that were used to calculate the weight to be carried by each horse, whilst in non-handicapped races the rating shown is that of each runner at the time that the entries for the race were confirmed. Any subsequently published change in rating, either up or down, is shown in brackets following the rating.
For novice steeple chasers, their latest hurdle race rating may be shown until such time as the handicappers allot aseparate steeple chase rating. Such ratings are prefixed by the letter h.
If there is anumber next to the name, this indicates that the jockey can claim that amount in weight (lbs) off the stated riding weight.
Please note that the following outlets arelocated on Level 4and areexclusively available to King EdwardVII Enclosureracegoers.
Thereare four delicious dishes available alongside plant-based variations.Choose from classic mac ‘n’ cheese, crispy beer battered cod goujons,truffle burger or acrisp caesar salad –all available for £13.50.
Choose from shrimp cocktail, Balik tartar or Scottish smoked salmon among other seafood dishes,accompanied by aselection of Champagnes and fine wines.
Serving teas and coffees presented by Lavazza, the official coffee of Ascot, alongside arangeofsandwiches,soups,Belgian chocolate cakeand millionaire’sshortbread.
Arangeofsummer cocktails have been developed speciallyfor the Flat season hereat Ascot. Enjoythe RoyalAscotBlush or one of our delectable non-alcoholic cocktails.
Dairy Free Free from Gluten Plant-based Vegetarian
King EdwardVII racegoersare also welcome to visit the Queen Anne Enclosure.
Choose from chicken katsu curry or sweetand sour chicken on abed of rice or try adelicious katsu chicken burger or plant-based katsu southern fried burger with crisp slaw.
Located on the Concourse, close to the Parade Ring and with great access to trackside. Enjoy aselection of gourmetburgers at one of Ascot’smostpopular eateries.
Choose from arangeofdelicious pizza made in authentic wood fired ovens.Located on the Concourse close to Grandstand Entrance D
Named after the much-lovedNational Hunt legend, the Desert Orchid Bar on the Concourse serves aselection of wines,spirits and arangeof beers from Peroni Nastro Azzurro, the official beer of Ascot.
The open-air eastend of the Grandstand plays hosttoone of the largestbeer festivals in the South Eastwith over 160 different beers,ciders and perries to try,courtesyofour friends at CAMRA. Complimentary beer tasting notes areavailable from the BulletTrainBar near Grandstand Entrance D, to help youselect the drink that’sright for your palate.
Beer tasting vouchers can be purchased by cash or cardfromthe BulletTrainBar near Grandstand Entrance D. Vouchers cost£2.50 each and arevalid atthe beer festivalstalls, please note they arenot valid at other bars around the racecourse.
Commemorative glasses to keep areavailable for £4
Unused vouchers can be exchanged for their full monetary value as adonation to the Injured Jockeys Fund. Alternatively,refunds areavailable from 5pm to 6pm at arate of £1.50 per voucher
If you’re moreofa wine connoisseur than abeer lover, Hallgarten &Novum Wines,Ascot’s
Official Wine Supplier,will be offering aunique tasting experience from their pop-up stand on the Grandstand Concourse. From popular favourites to moreunusual grape varieties thereis something to suit all tastes
Wine tasting vouchers can be purchased for £6 from the voucher stand in the centreofthe Concourse and used to sample 5x 25ml samples from the wines on offer.Freewine tasting notes arealso available.
Visit the AscotShop for astylish rangeofexclusive collections from luxury brands,onthe day essentials and perfect gifts and mementos from your dayatAscot.
Find the shops inside on the Concourse near Grandstand Entrance Boroutside next to the Parade Ring.
Find out moreabout our exciting stable of Memberships by visiting the team inside the Grandstand Concourse. Todayonly, racegoers can enjoyanexclusive offer of £89 for the flexible Queen Anne Membership,saving £10 on the standardprice.
Should the rain payavisit the Furlong Club,accessed by walking through the CAMRA Beer Festival from the Grandstand, is open as an additional coveredseating area. Please note there will be no bar or betting facilities in this area.
Launched in 2022, British horse racing’s partnership with Blue Light Ticketssees over 35,000 complimentary ticketsoffered across the year by all 59 racecourses,including Ascot, to key workers including the emergencyservices,NHS and the social caresector
During this year’s National Racehorse Week, Racing Together and Great British Racing organised aVIP,behind-the-scenes Blue Light visit to champion National Hunt Trainer Paul Nicholls’ yard at Ditcheat in Somerseton12th September.
The group enjoyedatrip to the top of the gallops with Assistant Charlie Davies and Head Lad CliffordBaker to watch the horses in their morning training routine. This wasfollowedby aguided tour of the yard to meetthe team looking after the horses and the superstar equine athletes themselves, including Clan Des Obeaux (pictured below), Frodon and manymore. Most visitors had neverhad the opportunity to visit aworkingracing yard before.
One attendee, Julie, commented: “It’slovelytosee the horses so relaxed in their home environment and actuallyseeing them as apart of the family. They’veall gottheir ownstable names and individual characters and idiosyncrasies,and it wasnice to learn about their routines and training plans for the future. Abig thank youtoall the staff at Paul Nicholls Racing.”
Find out moreabout this visit and National Racehorse Week community activity here: www.racingtogether.co.uk
Ascot would liketothank allour 2022 sponsors.
Moët &Chandon, Peroni Nastro Azzurro
Betfred, Dubai DutyFree, Fever-Tree,Flexjet, Garrard, Hallgarten &Novum Wines,HarrogateSpringWater, Lavazza, Magnum, Porsche, Slingsby Gin, Sodexo Live!
MrsAnne Cowley
AGarden forAll Seasons Ascot Underwriting Ltd bet365
Byrne Group Plc Carey Group Plc Chanelle Pharma
Chapel Down Charbonnel et Walker Coral
EuropeanBreedersFund Fortnum &Mason GL events
Grundon Waste Hascombe &ValiantStud Helen McGuire Hi-Speed Services InterEx Group
John GuestRacing Ltd Keeneland LondonMetric MerriebelleStable Molton BrownLondon Oakman Group
The October Club Property Raceday SBK
Soil Science Tattersalls
Thames Materials Troy AssetManagement Tote
Victoria Racing Club VillageHotels WarHorse Memorial Wood and Wood Signs
Ascotwould liketotakethis opportunity to thank today’sracesponsors for their generous support.
1, 3, 4, 5
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Martin KeighleyFinn Lambert (3) Form: 044, Probable S.P.: 25-1
2D’JANGO (FR) 12-0
David Pipe Philip Armson (3) Form: 632, Probable S.P.: 5-1
JoeTizzard HarryKimber (3) Form: 141, Probable S.P.: 3-1
AlexandraDunnBradleyHarris (3) Form: 411, Probable S.P.: 11-4
5TOADOFTOADHALL (GB) 10-3 AlexandraDunnTobyWynne (3) Form: P-21, Probable S.P.: 5-1
6BELLE JOUR (IRE) 10-2 Chris Gordon Niall Houlihan Form: 233, Probable S.P.: 8-1
Stuart Edmunds Ciaran Gethings Form: 1/21-, Probable S.P.: 8-1
Toby LawesTom Cannon Form: 510-, Probable S.P.: 16-1
Neil Mulholland Sam Twiston-Davies Form: 01U, Probable S.P.: 10-1
Jamie Snowden Page Fuller Form: 413, Probable S.P.: 5-1
5SOUL ICON (GB) 10-6
Keiran BurkeHarryKimber (5) Form: 111, Probable S.P.: 5-2
6THAHAB IFRAJ (IRE) 10-5 AlexandraDunnPhilip Armson (3) Form: 351, Probable S.P.: 15-2
7DENABLE (GB) 10-2
AnthonyCarson Brendan Powell Form: 0-11, Probable S.P.: 4-1
Neil Mulholland TomScudamore Form: 02-1,Probable S.P.: 11-4
Olly MurphyAidan Coleman Form: 22-1, Probable S.P.: 4-1
Jamie Snowden Gavin Sheehan Form: 022-, Probable S.P.: 9-2
GaryMooreJamie Moore Form: Probable S.P.: 6-1
BrettJohnson TomCannon Form: Probable S.P.: 16-1
Michael Madgwick Marc Goldstein Form: P/5-, Probable S.P.: 50-1
7BAHTIYAR (FR) 10-12
HarryWhittington DarylJacob Form: 03-3,Probable S.P.: 5-1
Jo Davis Page Fuller Form: 4-,Probable S.P.: 40-1
Sheena West Marc Goldstein Form: 311, Probable S.P.: 5-2
David Pipe TomScudamore Form: 3, Probable S.P.: 9-2
Toby LawesTom Cannon Form: Probable S.P.: 33-1
GaryMooreJamie Moore Form: F3, Probable S.P.: 11-2
Jack Jones Fergus Gregory Form: Probable S.P.: 20-1
6ELLENCARNE (IRE) 10-7 Mark GillardDavid Noonan Form: Probable S.P.: 40-1
7INSPIRATRICE (IRE) 10-7 Nicky Martin James Bowen Form: Probable S.P.: 50-1
8MISSFEDORA(IRE) 10-7 Seamus Mullins Micheal Nolan Form: 2, Probable S.P.: 5-2
Chris Gordon TomCannon Form: 3P-P,Probable S.P.: 11-2
Toby LawesTom O’Brien Form: 016-,Probable S.P.: 3-1
3UPTHE STRAIGHT (IRE) 11-6 RichardRowe James Davies Form: P31-, Probable S.P.: 11-4
4THE GOLDEN REBEL (IRE) 11-4 BenCase HarryBannister Form: 034, Probable S.P.: 7-2
5FAKIR (FR) 10-11
Milton Harris Kevin Jones Form: P-P3, Probable S.P.: 14-1
6PILBARA(GB) 10-11
Suzy Smith Charlie Hammond Form: 1PP-, Probable S.P.: 11-1
1BADDESLEY(IRE) 12-2 Chris GordonMr Freddie Gordon (7) Form: 236-, Probable S.P.: 11-2
Neil Mulholland Thomas Doggrell (7) Form: 63-1,Probable S.P.: 9-4
GaryMooreJamie Moore Form: 3P-P,Probable S.P.: 18-1
Neil King Jack Quinlan Form: 422,Probable S.P.: 8-1
Olly MurphyFergus Gregory Form: 006-, Probable S.P.: 10-1
6BEATTHE HEAT(GB) 11-2 JimBoyle Sean Houlihan Form: 013, Probable S.P.: 15-2
Warren Greatrex HarryBannister Form: 500, Probable S.P.: 25-1
John Flint Connor Brace Form: 643, Probable S.P.: 12-1
9ICONIC MOVER (GB) 10-2 PatPhelan Niall Houlihan (3) Form: 46-5, Probable S.P.: 33-1
RyanPotterBen Poste Form: 500-,Probable S.P.: 50-1
11 WHAT’SMYLINE (GB) 10-2 Michael Madgwick Marc Goldstein Form: 5-26,Probable S.P.: 22-1
John Flint Connor Brace Form: 111, Probable S.P.: 5-4
Jamie Snowden Gavin Sheehan Form: 205-, Probable S.P.: 9-2
3GETAMAN (IRE) 11-7 D. J. JeffreysNon Runner Form: 415, Probable S.P.:
RyanPotterCaoilin Quinn (7) Form: 34F,Probable S.P.: 4-1
Jo Davis Page Fuller Form: 252, Probable S.P.: 9-1
6THE GARRISON (IRE) 10-13 Alexandra Dunn James Davies Form: 510,Probable S.P.: 10-1
1GOLDEN ROBIN (IRE) 12-0 Susan Corbett Sam Coltherd Form: 34P-, Probable S.P.: 20-1
2AYR OF ELEGANCE (GB) 11-9 D. J. JeffreysArchie Bellamy(7) Form: 124,Probable S.P.: 11-2
3MAKETY(GB) 11-9 Oliver Sherwood Jonathan Burke Form: P-63,Probable S.P.: 12-1
4BLUECOLLAR GLORY(IRE) 11-5 Oliver Greenall &JoshGuerrieroHenry Brooke Form: 302, Probable S.P.: 9-2
5GUIDEDBYTHESCIENCE (IRE) 11-4 Gillian Boanas TomMidgley(5) Form: 330, Probable S.P.: 10-1
6SPOTONSOPH (IRE) 10-10 Sam England Jonathan England Form: 413-, Probable S.P.: 3-1
7LONE STAR (GB) 10-5 Philip KirbyThomasDowson Form: 655, Probable S.P.: 17-2
8FENNEYBROOK (GB) 10-2 HenryDaly RichardPatrick Form: 2P0,Probable S.P.: 14-1
9BROOKLYN BELLE (GB) 10-2 Alex Hales HarrietTucker (7) Form: 453, Probable S.P.: 22-1
10THAT’SMYDUBAI (IRE) 10-2 KevinHunter Conor O’Farrell Form: 000,Probable S.P.: 150-1
Jedd O’KeeffeSeanQuinlan Form: 21-1, Probable S.P.: 3-10
Ann Hamilton DannyMcMenamin Form: 5/31-,Probable S.P.: 17-2
3GINGER POINTE (FR) 11-0 Katie ScottSam Coltherd Form: 26-4,Probable S.P.: 25-1
4KEEP COMING (IRE) 11-0 Iain Jardine DerekFox Form: 4-44, Probable S.P.: 12-1
5THE GREATGEORGIE (GB) 11-0 Jackie Stephen Craig Nichol Form: 0P0/-, Probable S.P.: 200-1
6FLLANA BAY(GB) 10-7 MauriceBarnes Stephen Mulqueen Form: U56,Probable S.P.: 66-1
7ILE DE MEMOIRES(GB) 10-7 MauriceBarnes Aaron Anderson (5) Form: 06,Probable S.P.: 250-1
George BewleyConorRabbitt (7) Form: 0U5, Probable S.P.: 150-1
MauriceBarnes Stephen Mulqueen Form: 5-PP,Probable S.P.: 40-1
2DROMOLOUGHT LAD (IRE) 12-0 Mark WalfordJamie Hamilton Form: P34,Probable S.P.: 25-1
3THATBEATSBANAGHER (IRE) 12-0 BenHaslam Richie McLernon Form: 401, Probable S.P.: 10-3
4OUR SAM(GB) 11-12
James Moffatt William Shanahan (7) Form: 300, Probable S.P.: 28-1
5ANGE ENDORMI (IRE) 11-11 BarbaraButterworth Sean Quinlan Form: 212,Probable S.P.: 9-4
George BewleyConorRabbitt (7) Form: 5-20,Probable S.P.: 22-1
Joanne FosterSam Coltherd Form: 0-22,Probable S.P.: 13-2
Ann Duffield Brian Hughes Form: 654-,Probable S.P.: 12-1
9YOUR PLACE (IRE) 11-0 Lucinda Russell DerekFox Form: 23-6, Probable S.P.: 14-1
10OLIVER’S ISLAND (IRE) 10-11 Jessica Bedi Aaron Anderson (5) Form: 56U-, Probable S.P.: 20-1
Ewan Whillans Edward Austin (5) Form: 3P0,Probable S.P.: 28-1
12HALCYON DREAMS (IRE) 10-5 Katie ScottCraig Nichol Form: F60,Probable S.P.: 66-1
Dr RichardNewland Cillin Leonard(5) Form: 41F-,Probable S.P.: 3-1
2DRSANDERSON (IRE) 11-8 BenHaslam Richie McLernon Form: 11U,Probable S.P.: 9-1
3FARON (IRE) 11-7 Ann Duffield TomMidgley(5) Form: P12,Probable S.P.: 9-2
4COOLBANE BOY(IRE) 11-5 Sandy Thomson Conor O’Farrell Form: P2-0,Probable S.P.: 11-1
5WILLASTON (IRE) 11-3 Mark WalfordJamie Hamilton Form: 022,Probable S.P.: 5-2
6JERSEYWONDER (IRE) 11-2 Oliver Sherwood Jonathan Burke Form: 534,Probable S.P.: 6-1
1MINELLA PLUS (IRE) 11-8 Donald McCain Brian Hughes Form: 44-3,Probable S.P.: 5-2
2SAINT ARVANS (FR) 11-7 Maurice Barnes Sean Quinlan Form: 341, Probable S.P.: 11-10
3ESKENDASH(USA) 11-5 Joanne Foster Thomas Willmott (3) Form: 1-20,Probable S.P.: 6-1
Lucinda Russell DerekFox Form: 3F4-, Probable S.P.: 6-1
Rebecca Menzies Nathan Moscrop Form: 32S, Probable S.P.: 7-4
2LARRYLOOBY(IRE) 11-11 Micky Hammond Emma Smith-Chaston(5) Form: 116,Probable S.P.: 11-4
3GANDHI MAKER (FR) 10-10 Stuart ColtherdSam Coltherd Form: 000-, Probable S.P.: 8-1
Alex Hales Brian Hughes Form: 602,Probable S.P.: 11-4
James Walton Conor O’Farrell Form: 4P0,Probable S.P.: 33-1
Andrew Hamilton DerekFox Form: 52P-,Probable S.P.: 16-1
Rebecca Menzies Brian Hughes Form: 211, Probable S.P.: 6-4
SamEngland Jonathan England Form: 031, Probable S.P.: 3-1
Stuart ColtherdSam Coltherd Form: 6P0-, Probable S.P.: 12-1
Stella BarclayEmma Smith-Chaston(5) Form: 552, Probable S.P.: 15-2
Christopher Kellett HarryReed Form: 202,Probable S.P.: 8-1
Sevenfurlongs(7f)(1,400 metres) for three yrs old and upwards
Total race value £20000.Owners Prize Money. Winner £8922; Second £4462; Third £2230; Fourth £1116.(Penalty Value £10266) ASS Seepage70&71 for conditions of this race
Peroni Nastro Azzurro will present amemento to the winning owner,trainer andjockey and £200 to the stable employeeincharge of thebestturned out horse in this race.
Bg Fuisse (FR) -Young Majesty (USA)(Maria’sMon (USA))
Owner: Mr Evan M. Sutherland
Trainer: David O’Meara, UpperHelmsley Breeder: Mr Cyril Morange
Sponsor: Gain Equine Nutrition
Dr aw 3
HorseAge: 7 Weight: 11 2 Colours: WHITE,RED inverted triangle, hooped sleevesand cap Form: 050003D
HHH Useful effortindefeatinthe first of twocourse runs in August 2021(1m, good to soft) and wasupagainst it overC&D in October;now 6lb lowerand no surprise to seehim involved after running another good race at Haydock lastweek;rain would help.Official BHARating94
Bg Sir Prancealot(IRE) -Silk Fan(IRE) (Unfuwain (USA))
Owner: KennetValleyThoroughbreds VIII
Trainer: CliveCox,Hungerford Breeder: Silk FanSyndicate
Sponsor: Oakman Group PLC
HorseAge: 5 Weight: 11 1 Colours: NAVY BLUE,RED and LIGHT BLUE hoop and armlets, WHITE cap Form: 002320 D
HHH Best on good or quicker andheneverpickedupongood to softoverC&D recently(still notbeatenfar); thisiseasier thanthe racesheusually contests here andone very good run lastsummer gives him strong form claims if therain holds off. Official BHA Rating93
Bg Due Diligence (USA)-Sugar Beet(Beat Hollow)
Owner: Mr T. H. Chadney
Trainer: RodMillman, Cullompton Breeder: TomChadney &PeterGreen
Sponsor: RodMillman Racing Ltd
HorseAge: 5 Weight: 10 13 Colours: DARK BLUE,WHITE seams, WHITE sleeves, DARK BLUE seams and cap Form: 160340D BF
HH Front-runs; haswon on groundranging from softtogoodtofirm; fair fourth overC&D last autumnbut willneed to be right on his game to makeanimpact here, which he wasn’t when unable to lead and abeatenfavouriteatDoncaster recently.Official BHARating 91
Bg Youmzain (IRE) -Lady Fashion (Oasis Dream)
Owner: Newroc &Partner
Trainer: Micky Hammond,Middleham Breeder: Rabbah Bloodstock Limited
Sponsor: Micky Hammond Racing
HorseAge: 5 Weight: 10 13 Colours: MAROON, DARK GREEN hoops, WHITE sleeves, MAROON stars, WHITEcap,MAROON star Form: 241121 CD
HHHHH Haswon at 1m but is well suited by 7f andheaddedtoawide-margin C&Dwin (makingit2-2 forBecky Smith)when finding furtherimprovement to win at Thirsk in August (good; has wonongood to soft);likely to go very well despiteafurther5lb rise Official BHARating91
Bg Cable Bay(IRE) -Kurtanella (Pastoral Pursuits)
Owner: MrsPhilip Snow&Partners
Trainer: Ralph Beckett, KimptonDown Breeder: MrsP.Snow&Partners
Sponsor: RMBeckettLtd
HorseAge: 5 Weight: 10 11 Colours: LIGHT BLUE,MAUVE epaulets, armlets and cap Form: 0-00650 D
HH Haswon on good to firm but suited by good to softorslower; on atemptingmark but is having aquiet year and waswell beaten overC&D lastOctober when heavygroundshould have suited.Official BHARating 89
Mr Matthew Ennis Dr aw 2 Mr Freddie Mitchell Dr aw 12 Mr Patrick Millman Dr aw 1 Miss Becky Smith Dr aw 13 Miss Serena BrothertonBg Acclamation -Effervesce (IRE) (Galileo (IRE))
Owner: Mr LaurenceO’Kane
Trainer: David &Nicola Barron, Thirsk
Breeder: Norelands Bloodstock
Sponsor: Kiwi T.B.
HorseAge: 5 Weight: 10 11 Colours: WHITE,EMERALD GREEN Cross of Lorraine,chevrons on sleeves, PINK cap Form: 302300 D
HH Bothwins over7fongood to firm, most recentlyinApril 2021;fair effort whengoing closeatDoncasterinAugustbut wasnever involved behindCarnivalZainatThirskinhis onlysubsequent 7f run; looks up against it at theweights.Official BHARating 89
Ch gMayson -La Adelita (IRE) (Anabaa (USA))
Owner: TheCool Silk Partnership
Trainer: Archie Watson, Upper Lambourn
Breeder: LaundryCottage Stud Farm
Sponsor: Tote
HorseAge: 5 Weight: 10 9 Colours: WHITE,PURPLE cap Form: 251403 D
HH Is better on AW and twoturfwinsfrom18starts camein2019(6f,soft)and 2021 (7f,good);has wonover1monAWbut still aquestion as to whether this stiff 7f is idealafterhis one-paced third in aC&D classified in August. Official BHA Rating87
Bg Mukhadram -Watchoverme (Haafhd)
Owner: MrsDenis Haynes
Trainer: William Stone,WestWickham Breeder: Wretham Stud
HorseAge: 4 Weight: 10 8 Colours: YELLOW,GREYsash. Form: 1202 66 D
HHHH Progressive over7finthe middlemonthsoflastyear, winning twice(goodtosoft/good;acts on soft) and faring particularly well in defeat againstasmart oneatNewmarket; had excuses on final twostarts;respectable effortsonAWthis year followinga layoff; interesting back on turf. Official BHA Rating86
Ch gLope de Vega (IRE) -Tributary (New Approach (IRE))
Owner: Mr TrevorGallienne
Trainer: David Evans, Abergavenny Breeder: Pier House Stud
Sponsor: Emma Evans Racing Ltd
HorseAge: 4 Weight: 10 6 Colours: EMERALD GREEN, MAUVE stars, sleevesand star on cap. Form: 331033D
HHH Having justhis second runina 7f turfhandicapwhentravelling strongly and coming clear in alowergrade at Newbury in June (good);this is his first run since under the same conditions; further progress on the cards. Official BHARating 84
Bg Mayson -Musical Beat (IRE) (Acclamation)
Owner: Mr Ed Babington
Trainer: George Boughey, Newmarket Breeder: CheveleyPark Stud Limited
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 10 5 Colours: MAROON, WHITE chevrons, halved sleeves, MAROON cap Form: 145063D BF
HHH Lastfour wins have come at sprint trips and his two7frunshave come on sharptracks, winningatBrighton (soft)and finishing strongly at Epsom in June (good); off since andstamina to prove with amuch stiffer test but is notexposed.Official BHARating 86
Gr gAlhebayeb(IRE) -SimplyTopping (IRE) (Exceed And Excel (AUS))
Owner: TJERacing
Trainer: Stuart Williams,
Dr aw 7
HorseAge: 6 Weight: 10 4 Colours: ORANGE and PURPLE (quartered), EMERALD GREEN sleevesand cap Form: 640326 D
Owner: John
Trainer: George Margarson,
Breeder: Crossfields
HorseAge: 6 Weight: 10 1 Colours: WHITE,ROYAL BLUE hoop, diabolo on sleeves, ROYALBLUEcap Form: 620056 CD
Dr aw 10 Miss Alice Keighley(5) Dr aw 15 Miss Brodie Hampson Dr aw 9 Mr Ross Birkett Dr aw 5 Miss Victoria Malzard Dr aw 14 Mr Simon Walker Mr Fletcher Yarham (5) Miss Rosie MargarsonBg Invincible Spirit (IRE) -EsQue (Inchinor)
Owner: Bighouse Synd., JRosier&CRosier
Trainer: TomWard, Upper Lambourn
Breeder: Es QueSyndicate &Irish National Stud
Sponsor: ThePheasant Inn
HorseAge: 9 Weight: 10 0 Colours: YELLOW,PINK star and star on cap Form: 40000 0 CD
H Tophandicapper at 7f-1m2f in younger days but washardtoplaceaftermaking awinning returnonthe AW in 2021and has beenseen only once,inMarch, since lastAugust; has plentytoprove.Official BHA Rating78
Ch gBorn To Sea (IRE) -Appletreemagic (IRE) (Indian Danehill (IRE))
Owner: Mr RichardJ.Gurr
Trainer: IanWilliams, Alvechurch
Breeder: Miss Annmarie Burke
Sponsor: Tote
HorseAge: 7 Weight: 911 Colours: WHITE,RED chevron, RED sleeves, WHITE armlets, RED cap Form: 600612D BF
HHHH SomecreditablerunsinwarmC&Dhandicaps;hadbeenthroughaquietspellbutendedlonglosingrunfornewyard at Epsom in August;went withoutahood(as today) when beaten at Carlisle next time;out of the weights but still well treated on pastform. Official BHARating73
Bg Kodiac -Alkhawarah (USA)(Intidab (USA))
Owner: IanWilliams Racing Club
Trainer: IanWilliams, Alvechurch Breeder: Castlefarm Stud
Dr aw 11 Mr Josh Agar (5)
HorseAge: 4 Weight: 911 Colours: PURPLE,BEIGE crossbelts, chevrons on sleeves, PURPLE cap,BEIGE star Form: 612563D
HH Battled on well for7fwin at Haydock in May(soft) but no further progress over1msince,with and withoutcheekpieces; perhapsthe returntothis trip will suit butisout of theweights.Official BHARating 73
Hood worn by No.10. Visor worn by No.1.Sheepskin Cheek Pieces worn by No.7
2021: SUNRAYMAJOR 49 12 Frankie Dettori 11-10(John &Thady Gosden) 17 ran
(GB), 9-1Tomfre(GB), Persuasion (IRE),
DanceFever(IRE), 11-1Alablaq (IRE), 12-1 Kimifive(IRE),
Rapscallion (IRE), Spirited Guest(GB), 20-1 Zhui Feng (IRE)
Dr aw 6 Mr Ben Colmer (7) Dr aw 4 Miss Alice Stevens (3)Ascot Racecourse has 197 private boxesand each year asmall number become available forannual license. For moreinformation, please contact Sue Thomsett,Senior Annual BoxesManager via susan.thomsett@ascot.com or call 01344 878542
The safety and welfareofhorses and jockeys is paramount throughout the year at Ascot. In recent years we have invested significantly to improveour facilities on and off the track to ensureweprovide the very bestcareand attention for all participants.Nowhereis this better demonstrated than in the changes made to the racing surface itself during the redevelopment in 2006.
The keyelements of the project were to camber the home and old paddock bends and to remove the road crossings over the track, replacing them with underpasses. This created asafer surface for the horses, wherepreviouslysome less experienced runners had occasionallyshied at the differing surfaces.
Further improvements to equine welfareprovision were made as part of a £700,000 project to create an enhanced unsaddling area in 2016.Increased in size to accommodate largefield races more comfortably, the Unsaddling EnclosureLawn is positioned to benefit from maximum shade
from the crownofanadjacent maturetree as well as arepositioned tulip tree, which sits to the south of the oval. Equine misting fans were also installed to aid with post-race cooling of horses.
Four specificallyqualified equine vets areon duty every raceday, dedicated to the welfare of all the horses.During each race, vets follow the runners by car and can respond to and attend acasualty generallywithin aminute –asfastasthe paramedic teams responsible for human casualties.
Ascot’stwo permanent veterinary boxesare supplemented with an X-Raymachine for the major meetings to assistwith swift diagnosis beforeadministration of treatment on site or anymovement necessary to equine hospitals. Thereare twoequine ambulances on course at all times and three ambulances for any incidents involving injuries to jockeys.
The jockeys’ facilities at Ascotinclude a medical treatment room, rest rooms and a dedicated room for physiotherapy
About twomiles (15f 209yds) (3,200 metres) for three yrs old and upwards
Total race value £20000.Owners Prize Money. Winner £8534; Second £4266; Third £2134; Fourth £1066.(Penalty Value £10800) Weights raised 2lb and paragraphs 27 to 31 of the Weights and Handicapping Code complied with where applicable. SS Seepage70&71 for conditions of this race.
London Metric will present amemento to the winning owner,trainer andjockey and £100 to the stableemployee in chargeofthe best turned out horse in this race.
Gr gNoRisk At All (FR) -Good Time Girl (FR) (Slickly(FR))
Owner: Mr TerryWarner
Trainer: Fergal O’Brien, Cheltenham
Breeder: Mr J. Gallorini, Mlle M. Bilesimo et al
Sponsor: bresbetltd
Dr aw 6 Hollie Doyle
HorseAge: 8 Weight: 10 2 Colours: YELLOW,BLACK chevron, check cap Form: 4/4/31-S4 D
HHHH Seenmoreoftenoverjumpsbut didwell in histwo Flat runs in 2021, including 2m York win off 2lblowerinOctober; slipped up turningfor home in April on Flatreturn andbelowform 17 days later,not seen since; notatall dismissed,seeing as lastOctober’s winalsocame after asummerbreak.Official BHARating 92
Bg Born To Sea (IRE) -Ravage (Verglas (IRE))
Owner: Aura (Gas)Holdings Ltd
Trainer: GaryMoore, Horsham Breeder: S.C.E.A. Ecurie Michel Sardou
Sponsor: KMEliteProducts Ltd
Dr aw 1 Rhys Clutterbuck (3)
HorseAge: 4 Weight: 911 Colours: LIGHT GREEN, BLACK diamond,BLACK sleeves, LIGHT GREEN armlets, LIGHT GREEN cap,BLACK star Form: 3-11521 D
HHHHH WontwiceoverhurdlesinMarch andhas flourishedonthe FlatatGoodwood since;prevailedina sustained duel overthis trip lasttime and could have moretoofferat2m+;he’dhave less to prove on softerthangood,but needsgreat deal of respect. Official BHARating87
Bl gLeHavre (IRE) -Passion Blanche (Dutch Art)
Owner: P. C. J. Dalby&R.D.Schuster
Trainer: Hughie Morrison, EastIlsley Breeder: E.A.R.L. HarasdeSaint-Vincent et al
Sponsor: Bridgend Hotel
HorseAge: 5 Weight: 97 Colours: PINK, WHITE hooped sleeves, WHITE cap Form: 2130-03D
HHH Hashad an interruptedcampaign, limited to twodefeats behind AggagioatGoodwood;the latter wasa respectable effort earlythismonthwhichhemay be able to build on,including with another2lb drop since;despite acreditableshowin small field on goodground last October,his successes aredominated by runs on soft/heavy. OfficialBHA Rating 83
BorBrgWinged Love (IRE) -Eastender (Opening Verse (USA))
Owner: Keith Harris &Tom Gardner
Trainer: Susan Gardner,Longdown Breeder: J. P. King
Sponsor: WoodhayesStud
HorseAge: 11 Weight: 97
Colours: YELLOW,DARK BLUE stars, diamonds on sleeves, YELLOW cap,DARK BLUE star Form: 100/100//
H WonwellatNewbury(2m2f,soft)inApril2019butranpoorlyinbothFlatstartslaterthatyear;notseensincefinishinglameoverhurdles thatNovember; 3lb belowthe Newbury mark but he’s nowan11yowith lots to prove after theabsence.
Ch gGalileo (IRE) -Landikusic (IRE) (Dansili)
Owner: Coomes Parmar Turner Dale
Trainer: IanWilliams, Alvechurch
Breeder: LNJ Foxwoods Partnership
Official BHA Rating 83
Dr aw 5 Richard Kingscote
HorseAge: 4 Weight: 91
Colours: MAROON, WHITE star,ROYAL BLUE sleeves, LIGHT BLUE stars, ROYALBLUEcap,LIGHT BLUE star Form: 5-52604
HHH 1-4inFrancelastyearfor AndreFabre, the win over1m7f on very soft; Kemptonsecond(2m)was very much thepick of his four AW runsfor newyardinDecember-March; off 148days and gave some renewedencouragementwhenmaking most on the second of histwo runs since, so notentirely dismissed.Official BHARating77
Bg Postponed (IRE) -Party Line (Montjeu (IRE))
Owner: Mr S. R. Counsell
Trainer: Charlie &Mark Johnston, Middleham
Breeder: Mr Stuart Counsell
Sponsor: JohnstonRacing Ltd
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 91 Colours: RED,EMERALD GREEN epaulets. Form: 11300
HH Landed 1m4fnoviceevents in July on hisfirsttwo starts; however, well-heldthirdoffour on handicap debutatNewmarket,only seventh of 13 in the MelroseatYork andtailed-off last in ahot race at Haydock; lasttwo runs were 1m6f;all turfstarts have beenon officiallygood to firm,which was blamed forlatestshow; lightlyraced buthas something to prove.OfficialBHA Rating 87
BfManduro(GER) -Alakhana (FR) (Dalakhani (IRE))
Owner: Macable Partnership
Trainer: IanWilliams, Alvechurch
Breeder: Wertheimer etFrere
HorseAge: 4 Weight: 812 Colours: BLACK and YELLOW check, diabolo on sleeves. Form: 31-4626BF
HHH 1m4fFlatwininFranceand4-7overhurdlesinBritain;Flathandicapsonlastthreeoutings,bestwhensecondofsixover 2m at Goodwoodinfirst-time cheekpieces (keptsince); didn’tget the run of the race when favourite at Ripon sixdays ago but shaped as if well below form nonetheless. Official BHARating 74 (-1)
Sheepskin Cheek Pieces worn by No.5,7
Stewards Note: COEUR BLIMEY:Following its run on 30/11/2019itwas reported that the horse returned lame right fore. TEMPORIZE:Following its run on 3/9/2022 it wasreported thatthe horse wasunsuited by the going. MALAKAHNA:Following its run on 24/9/2022 it wasreported that thehorse wasunsuited by the undulations 2021: RAJINSKY(IRE) 596Pierre-Louis Jamin 10-3 (Tom Dascombe) 9ran
11-2Justus (IRE), 6-1Malakahna
Dr aw 2 Andrea Atzeni Dr aw 3 Callum Hutchinson (5)Between 12th and 16th September 2022, 83 employees from AscotRacecourse and 1711 (the racecourse’sjoint-venturecatering company) took part in acompany-wide ‘Staff Volunteers Week’. The initiative sawteams help 12 local charities that arealready supported by the “AscotRacecourse Supports” charity and community programme.
Activities included: AgeConcern, Bracknell -Garden tidy and outdoor painting for daycentreattendees to enjoy.
Apollo Youth Club -Repainting achildren’soutdoor playarea.
Just Around the Corner -Paddock maintenance to support the charity’s equine assisted therapy programmes for children.
Aik Saath –Together as One -Regenerating an outside area and creating vegetable plots for the charity’s young carers to manage.
BerkshireWomen’sAid -Gardening help at arefugehome.The Baby Bank -Sorting donations of clothing &toysfor families in need.
Jealott’s Hill Community Landshare-Preparing avegetable plot for anew community group to utilise.
Sebastian’sAction Trust-General outdoor gardening work at the charity’s “Woodlands” base in Crowthorne.
Thames Hospice -Sorting donations at the charity’s distributioncentreinMaidenhead.
Windsor Homeless Project -Helping with lunch service at adrop-in session for the homeless at Holy Trinity Church, Windsor.
Slough Foodbank -Sorting and collating food donations for distribution.
Windsor &AscotCarriageDriving for the Disabled -General clean-up and tidy of equine areas.
It wasafantastic week which sawsome real transformations showing that teamwork reallydoes makethe dream work!
One mile about four furlongs, swinley(11f abt211yds) (2,412 metres)
novicethree yrs
Total race value £20000.Owners Prize Money. Winner £8534; Second £4266; Third £2134; Fourth £1066.(Penalty Value £10800) SS Seepage70&71
Peroni Nastro Azzurro will present amemento to the winning owner,trainer andjockey and £200 to the stable employeeincharge of thebestturned out horse in thisrace.
Ch gMount Nelson -Maria Antonia (IRE) (King’s Best(USA))
Owner: Jonathan Thomas &Partner
Trainer: GraceHarris, Shirenewton Breeder: ClearRacing Ltd
Sponsor: GraceHarris Racing
HorseAge: 7 Weight: 911 Colours: BLACK, ORANGE hollowbox and armlets, check cap Form:
H 7yowho hasachievedlittle in bumpersand overhurdles; bestwatched on Flatdebut. Official BHARating-
Br gWesterner -Maracana (IRE) (Glacial Storm (USA))
Owner: Allseasons racing and CParker
Trainer: Adam West,Epsom Breeder: J. Hanly &C Neilan
HorseAge: 7 Weight: 911 Colours: ROYALBLUEand RED diamonds, BLACK sleeves, BROWN cap,RED diamond Form: 0-0
HH Mostly in good form overhurdlesinthe 2021-22 campaign, notablytwo wins at Market Rasen; soundly beaten in twoFlat runsand has something to prove backinthis sphere. Official BHARating-
BfGolden Horn -Liberating (Iffraaj)
Owner: Miss DFinkler,AHerd, Dr PHolloway 1
Trainer: Charlie &Mark Johnston, Middleham Breeder: Airlie Stud &Mrs S. M. Rogers
Sponsor: JohnstonRacing Ltd
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 95 Colours: PURPLE,large WHITE spots, WHITE sleeves, PURPLE armlets. Form: 21-
HHHH Golden Horn fillywho makes belatedreappearance, having been absent sinceplaying abig role in soft-ground maidens over1matDoncaster(closesecond)and Nottingham (scorednarrowly)lastbackend;open to furtherprogress and haspossibilities provided she picksupwhere sheleft off.Official BHARating-
Bg Gleneagles (IRE) -Allegrezza (Sir Percy)
Owner: Ellipsis &Partner
Trainer: Andrew Balding, Kingsclere Breeder: Roundhill Stud &J.S.Investments
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 94 Colours: PINK, BROWN sleeves. Form: 42
HHHH Gleneagles geldingwho hasshown clearpromise in twomiddle-distanceevents, finishing fourth over1m2f at Sandown (good to firm)then runner-up over1m4f at Wolverhampton(AW); shapesasifhe’ll be suited by thisstiff 1m4f and could well take anotherstepforward;majorcontender. Official BHARating-
Bc Helmet(AUS) -Beyond Fashion (Motivator)
Owner: Mand ERacing
Trainer: Martin Smith, Newmarket Breeder: Stetchworth &Middle Park Studs Ltd
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 94 Colours: RED and WHITE vertical halves, RED “M&E” on heart, quartered cap Form: 5
HHH Beliedhis100-1oddswithanencouragingdebutatDoncaster(1m4f,goodtofirm)inJune,finishing4lfifth;absentsince;maybecapable of progress but others have stronger form claims as things stand and he mayprove ahandicap prospect. Official BHA Rating
Dr aw 3 Trevor Whelan Dr aw 2 Andrea Atzeni Dr aw 6 William Buick Dr aw 7 Richard KingscoteCh gSixties Icon -Hold On Tight (IRE) (Hernando (FR))
Owner: MrsRalph Beckett
Trainer: Ralph Beckett, KimptonDown Breeder: Mr R. LycettGreen &Mrs R. Beckett
Sponsor: RMBeckettLtd
Dr aw 1 RobHornby
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 94 Colours: PINK, BLACK epaulets, sleevesand cap Form:
Official BHA Rating-
HHH Sixties Icon half-brother to 1m6f AW/2mhurdle winner Gripper;dam 1m4f winner forthisstable, half-sisterto1m3f/1m6f AW winner GrandMeister out of US 1m3fturfstakeswinner;checkthe market signals.
Bc Sea The Stars (IRE) -Gale Force(Shirocco (GER))
Owner: Normandie Stud Ltd
Trainer: John &Thady Gosden, Newmarket Breeder: Normandie Stud Ltd
Sponsor: Normandie Stud Ltd
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 94 Colours: PINK, WHITE sleeves. Form: 2
HHHHH Well-bred colt,being aSea TheStars half-brother to HurricaneLane; dulymade apromising debut, despitebeing unruly beforehand, at Kempton(1m4f,AW) where he stayed on nicely forsecond;againwears cheekpieces; should be suited by this stiffertestand holds leading claims. Official BHA Rating-
Tongue Strap worn by No.1.Sheepskin Cheek Pieces worn by No.7.Running for the firsttime since Gelding No.6
2021: BARTZELLA39 3Tom Marquand 3-1(William Haggas) 7ran
11-10 SweetWilliam (IRE), 11-4Cadmus (IRE), 7-2Suffrajet(IRE), 8-1Self Inflicted Sid (GB), 16-1 Riffa Fort (GB), 40-1 Presuming Ed (IRE), 100-1 Half Nelson (GB)
one mile about six furlongs(14fabt 34yds) (2,864 metres) for three yrs old
Total race value £100000.Owners Prize Money. Winner £44560; Second £18290; Third £9150; Fourth £4570; Fifth £2290; Sixth £1140.(Penalty Value £56710) ASS Seepage70&71 for conditions of this race
Peroni Nastro Azzurro will present amemento to the winning owner,trainer andjockey and £200 to the stable employeeincharge of thebestturned out horse in thisrace.
Ch cLope de Vega (IRE) -Gretchen (Galileo (IRE))
Owner: Normandie Stud Ltd
Trainer: John &Thady Gosden, Newmarket Breeder: Normandie Stud Ltd
Sponsor: Normandie Stud Ltd
Dr aw 1 Jamie Spencer
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 96 Colours: PINK, WHITE sleeves. Form: 2-310
HHHH Kept finding to getuplateoninListedraceatGoodwood (1m3f,soft)inMay in justhis thirdrace; 16-1,tailed off in Irish Derby at the Curragh (1m4f,good) and subsequently leftDavid Menuisier(same owners); ridden allstarts by JamieSpencer; needstoresume improvement in abig way butshouldstayand it’smuch tooearly to forget hisinitial promise. OfficialBHA Rating 102
Bc Camelot-Debdebdeb (Teofilo (IRE))
Owner: Mr DermotHanafin
Trainer: Michael Bell,Newmarket Breeder: DermotHanafin
Sponsor: M.I.S. Motorsport
Dr aw 7 David Egan
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 93 Colours: BLACK, EMERALD GREEN chevrons on sleeves. Form: 416-
HHHH Wonwellina Pontefract novice (1m2f,soft)and beaten justunder4lwhensixth of nine in Group 1Criteriumde Saint-Cloud (1m2f, very soft) later lastOctober; sufferedaninjurytohis right fetlock justbeforeintendedreappearanceinthe ChesterVase; classand no shortageofstamina in the pedigree;makes abelated returnbut could still be an exciting prospect. Official BHARating 103
Bc Al Rifai (IRE) -Los Ojitos (USA)(Mr Greeley (USA))
Owner: Mr Mohamed Khalid Abdulrahim
Trainer: Kevin Philippart de Foy, Newmarket
Breeder: Khalid Abdul Rahim
Sponsor: Kpf Racing Ltd
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 93
Colours: PURPLE,LIGHT BLUE chevron, LIGHT BLUE and BLACK check sleevesand cap. Form: 50216
HHH Beatenonly just over4linsixth of nine when 150-1inthe St Leger at Doncaster(14.5f,good to soft; behind Giavellotto) lasttime,havingbeenlastapproachingthe final 1f but run on well;that form will be questioned given it’ssomuch better than hispreviousraces (including when tenthof17inthe Derby) and he maywell needbetterstill, butconsidered each-way Official BHARating 108
Ch cMastercraftsman (IRE) -Gerika (FR) (Galileo (IRE))
Owner: Scuderia la Tesa Limited
Trainer: MarcoBotti, Newmarket
Breeder: Societa Agricola La Tesa SRL
Sponsor: MarcoBotti Ltd
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 93 Colours: WHITE,LIGHT BLUE stripe, sleevesand cap. Form: 143213 D
HHHHH Progressed very well in handicapsonvariedground at about 1m6f and foundfurtherimprovement when justunder 3l fourth of nineinthe St Leger at Doncaster(14.5f,good to soft) 19 days ago,badlyhampered 2f out and subsequently promotedtothird;hooded on lastthree starts; he’s lookingmoreand morelikea very good stayer in themaking. Official BHARating 112
Ch cDubawi (IRE) -Jacqueline Quest(IRE) (Rock of Gibraltar (IRE))
Owner: Godolphin
Trainer: Charlie Appleby, Newmarket Breeder: C. O. P. Hanbury
Sponsor: Emirates Fly Better
Dr aw 2 William Buick
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 93 Colours: ROYALBLUE. Form: 211112 C
HHHH Wonfour in arow this May-July,including 1m4f handicapsatRoyalAscot and Glorious Goodwood;confirmedhewas one forGroup raceswhensecond in the GreatVoltigeuratYorkinAugust, keeping on well despiteasusual hanging left; has since hadwindsurgery;has theform to be seriouslyinvolved and no shock if he has thestamina too. Official BHA Rating 111
Dr aw 6 Andrea Atzeni Dr aw 8 Neil CallanBfLeHavre (IRE) -Daphne (DukeofMarmalade (IRE))
Owner: TheKing
Trainer: William Haggas, Newmarket Breeder: TheQueen
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 812
Dr aw 5 TomMarquand
Colours: PURPLE,GOLD braid,SCARLET sleeves, BLACK velvet cap,GOLD fringe Form: 041012
HHH Bothwinsfromthe front,improvingmarkedlytotakeasix-runnerhandicap at Newbury (1m5f, good to firm)inJuly;1m6f looked well wortha second go on thatevidencebut her secondoffour in Group3 at Goodwood (1m6f,goodtosoft) failed to backupthe form; bit to prove after that.
Official BHARating98
BfTeofilo (IRE) -Wedding Wish (IRE) (Acclamation)
Owner: Mr MarcChan
Trainer: Ralph Beckett, KimptonDown Breeder: Corrin Stud
Sponsor: RMBeckettLtd
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 812
Colours: MAUVE,GOLD chevron hoop,WHITE sleeves, PURPLE stars, WHITE cap,PURPLE star Form: 202113
HHH Blinkeredonlastfour starts;huge progress lastmonth to win handicapsatSalisbury(1m2f)and Leicester (1m4f) on a sound surface, followedbyanexcellentthirdof15inListedraceatGalway (1m4f)onsoft;stuck to her task well lasttime but thistrip is astepintothe unknown; furtherimprovement is needed but her trainerwon thisracein2016, 2019 and 2021. Official BHA Rating94
BfGleneagles (IRE) -OnLocation (USA)(StreetCry (IRE))
Owner: MrsFitri Hay
Trainer: Andrew Balding, Kingsclere
Breeder: Castlefarm Stud
Sponsor: JMH Group
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 812
Colours: PINK, EMERALD GREEN chevron, halved sleeves, EMERALD GREEN and PINK quartered cap Form: 11-4303
HH Best form in theCheshireOaksatChester(11.3f,soft)and theQueen’s Vase at RoyalAscot (1m6f,good to firm); has major work to do evenonthat,however, andshe was not quite at thatlevelinChester Listedraceonlatestouting.Official BHA Rating94
Hood worn by No.4.Blinkers worn by No.7.Running for the firsttime since Wind Surgery No.5
2021: SCOPE (IRE) 391Rob Hornby 13-8 (Ralph Beckett)6ran
5-2Secret State(IRE), 5-1Giavellotto(IRE), Perfect Alibi (GB), 11-2ThanksMonica (IRE), 13-2Lionel (GB), 8-1ElHabeeb (IRE), 12-1 Typewriter (IRE), 20-1 Dillian (IRE)
Dr aw 4 Hector Crouch Dr aw 3 David ProbertToday, we are pleased to welcome bucket collectors from The Stroke Association a charity that provides specialist support, funds critical research and campaigns to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support to rebuild their lives. The Stroke Association Engagement Team works across the South-East to ensure the voices of stroke survivors are heard in decisions made on stroke care. There are also a number of groups which run in the South-East, independently or as part of the Stroke Association that work to support and connect stroke survivors and carers. Groups provide a way to make new friends, learn new skills like singing or get support in a variety of areas such as communication.
Please contact seengagement@stroke.org.uk to find out more.
More locally, the Stroke Recovery Service in East Berkshire helps stroke survivors (including TIAs/mini-strokes), and families and carers of people affected by stroke. The service works to identify personal support needs and priorities. Their service offers opportunities to rebuild confidence and independence, and helps sufferers rebuild their lives after strokes.
For further information, please contact Eastberkshire@stroke.org.uk.
Bucket collectors will be present on all our exits today so please donate if you are able.
Six furlongs(6f)(1,200 metres) for three yrs old
Total race value £30000.Owners Prize Money. Winner £12189;Second £6096; Third £3048; Fourth £1524; Fifth £762; Sixth £381. (Penalty Value £15462) SS Seepage70&71 for conditions of this race
Peroni Nastro Azzurro will present amemento to the winning owner,trainer andjockey and £200 to the stable employeeincharge of thebestturned out horse in thisrace.
Ch gDubawi (IRE) -Epitome (IRE) (Nashwan(USA))
Owner: Godolphin
Trainer: Charlie Appleby, Newmarket Breeder: Godolphin
Sponsor: Emirates Fly Better
Dr aw 7 William Buick
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 99 Colours: ROYALBLUE. Form: 21-12 D
HHHHH Didn’t have to improve on his fine Newmarketdebut lastOctobertowin a7fmaidenatWolverhamptonin November;lookedgooddroppedto6fatMeydaninJanuarythenfinishedrunner-upat4-11inaconditionsracewhenlastseen in February(foundtobelamepost-race; frontpairclear of a93-ratedrival);gelded in the spring;makes his handicapdebutoff aloftymarkbut he still hasPattern-raceaspirations; interesting.Official BHARating102
Bg Night of Thunder (IRE) -Vitoria (IRE) (Exceed And Excel (AUS))
Owner: Mr BonifaceHoKaKui
Trainer: William Haggas, Newmarket Breeder: MrsMaria Marron
Sponsor: Somerville Lodge Ltd
Dr aw 1 TomMarquand
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 92 Colours: WHITE,RED epaulets and armlets. Form: 332321 D
HHH 1m winnerfor Hugo Palmerlastseason;expensive to followfor William Haggas this seasonuntil he wasdroppedto6f atNewmarketfiveweeksago(alsoworeblinkersforthefirsttime)wherehemadealltowininemphaticfashion;8lbrise,stiffer oppositionand fastergroundtocontend withtodaybut totally unexposed as asprinter.Official BHARating 95
Bg Fast Company(IRE) -Clifton Dancer (Fraam)
Owner: Jack Berryand John Matthews
Trainer: Kevin Ryan, Hambleton Breeder: Rathasker Stud
Sponsor: K. A. Ryan Racing
Dr aw 3 Neil Callan
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 90 Colours: RED,WHITE triple diamond,WHITE and RED diabolo on sleeves, RED and WHITE quartered cap Form: 306130D
HHH Looked good at Ripon lastmonth on his returnto6f(good to soft) and he ranatleast as well when aclose third in a good York handicap19dayslater;beatenover7linthe AyrGoldCup last timebut doubt he is handicapped out of things OfficialBHA Rating 93
Bc Tamayuz -Dance Hall Girl (IRE) (Dansili)
Owner: de Zoete,Inglett &Jones
Trainer: Harry&RogerCharlton, Beckhampton Breeder: SkymarcFarm
Sponsor: Tote
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 811 Colours: RED,BROWN and WHITE striped sleeves. Form: 1-05342 BF
HHH TwonovicewinsonAWlastyear; down the field on turf twiceinthe spring but he has resumedhis progress on AW on his lastthree starts, mostrecentlyacloseseconddropped to 6fatNewcastle15 days ago;2lbhigher andhestillhassomething to prove on the grass.Official BHARating 90
Bc Bungle Inthejungle -Calorie (Sea The Stars (IRE))
Owner: John Kelly &John McNeill
Trainer: Keith Dalgleish, Carluke Breeder: Paul &Billy McEnery
Sponsor: E.FKelly Ltd
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 810 Colours: WHITE,ORANGE stripe, EMERALD GREEN sleevesand cap Form: 002330
HHH HassomestrongsprintformthisyearandalthoughhefailedtofireintheAyrSilverCup13daysago,heremainsfeasibly treated; Scottish stable’s onlyrunner on the card andheshouldn’t be underestimated.Official BHARating 89
Dr aw 4 David Probert Dr aw 5 Callum RodriguezBg Lethal Force(IRE) -Little Nymph (Emperor Fountain)
Owner: Mr TrevorFox
Trainer: CliveCox,Hungerford Breeder: Mr T. H. S. Fox
Sponsor: CliveCox Racing Limited
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 810 Colours: BLACK, YELLOW and WHITE striped sleeves, BLACK and WHITE quartered cap Form: 133401 CD
HHH Thewinnerofhis first twostarts but the handicapper had looked to have his measureprior to his success overC&D four weeksago (good to soft);3lb rise demands furtherprogress butprovenability at thetrack will count forsomething.
Official BHA Rating89
BfTime Test -Percy’s Romance (Sir Percy)
Owner: MrsDenis Haynes
Trainer: William Stone,WestWickham Breeder: Wretham Stud
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 89 Colours: YELLOW,GREYsash. Form: 402403 D
HH Threewinsasa2yo,including in Group 3company; doesn’t help herself by pullinghardbut her latestYarmouth third wasn’t abad run; others appeal moretoday. Official BHA Rating88
Bg Kodiac -Homily(Singspiel (IRE))
Owner: TheHorse Watchers
Trainer: Michael Appleby, Oakham Breeder: Kingwood Stud
Sponsor: Trade Access Panels Ltd
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 84 Colours: BLACK, ORANGE seams and sleeves, BLACK cap Form: 122122 D
HHHH 6f winner forthe Charltons in May; improvedfor current stable,winning at Carlisle lastmonth and runner-upingood handicapsatYork and Yarmouthsince;creeping up theweights but likely to giveitanother good go.Official BHARating 83
Hood worn by No.5.Blinkers,Tongue Strap worn by No.2.Sheepskin Cheek Pieces worn by No.8
Running for the firsttime since Gelding No.1
HONKYTONK MAN:Following its run on 15/9/2022 it wasreported thatthe horse suffered interference in running. 2021: BICKERSTAFFE 39 5Cieren Fallon 10-3 (K RBurke) 9ran
Ascot’s Official Water, HarrogateSpring Water, is bottled in PET(polyethylene terephthalate) plastic. All PETbottles collected at Ascot arerecycled and used to producenew bottles in aclosed loop recycling system.
Dedicated PETplastic bottle bins are clearlymarked on site.
Racegoersatall meetings areasked to placetheir used glasses intoone of over 200 dedicated RE-CUP bins around siteorreturn them to the bars. Glasses aresubsequentlywashed and returned to the racecourse.
One mile, royalhunt cup course(8f)(1,600 metres) for three yrs old and upwards
Total race value £20000.Owners Prize Money. Winner £8534; Second £4266; Third £2134; Fourth £1066.(Penalty Value £10800) SS Seepage70&71 for conditions of this race
Samsungwill present amementotothe winning owner,trainer andjockey and £100 to thestableemployeeinchargeofthe bestturned out horse in this race.
Bg Sayif (IRE) -Psychic’sDream (Oasis Dream)
Owner: Guaymas
Trainer: T. J. Kent, Newmarket Breeder: Llety Farms
Sponsor: Tote
Dr aw 12 RayDawson
HorseAge: 4 Weight: 97 Colours: WHITE,DARK GREEN Cross of Lorraine Form: 5-60150
HH Talented2yo who racedjusttwice last year and returned to form with a7fwin at Newmarket in June on his thirdouting of thisseason; hasn’t gone on from thatthe next twice, however, and he’s unprovenat1m. Official BHARating 85
Bg Toronado (IRE) -Redstart (Cockney Rebel (IRE))
Owner: Mr A. D. G. Oldrey &MrG.C.Hartigan
Trainer: Ralph Beckett, KimptonDown Breeder: Mr A. D. G. Oldrey &MrG.C.Hartigan
Sponsor: RMBeckettLtd
Dr aw 10 RobHornby
HorseAge: 4 Weight: 97 Colours: RED,WHITE sleeves, BLACK and WHITE quartered cap Form: 602434 D
Official BHARating 89
HHH Beatenonhis last11starts goingback to April 2021but he’s beenrunning well off areduced markinrecent months and wasa good fourth of 16 at Doncaster(1m)lasttime; might not be faraway.
Bg MakeBelieve -Avizare(IRE) (Lawman (FR))
Owner: Chris &David Stam
Trainer: Ed Walker,UpperLambourn Breeder: Rathasker Stud
Sponsor: ABM Catering Facilities Management, Tote
Dr aw 4 Richard Kingscote
HorseAge: 5 Weight: 97 Colours: PURPLE,YELLOW seams, YELLOW sleeves, PURPLE armlets, PURPLE cap,YELLOW star Form: 001105 CD
HHH Completedadouble whenwinning overC&D (good to firm)inJuly and bounced back from lesserrun at Goodwood whenfifth of 14 at Kempton(1m,AW), wherehefared best of the hold-up horses and didn’tenjoy the clearestofpassages; a contender if things pan out more favourably here. OfficialBHA Rating 88
Bg Shalaa (IRE) -Suertez(USA) (Shamardal (USA))
Owner: MrsElisabeth Cash
Trainer: Michael Appleby, Oakham
Breeder: Mr Jean-PierreDubois
HorseAge: 4 Weight: 97 Colours: PURPLE,YELLOW stars, halved sleevesand starsoncap Form: 052351
HH Went very close at Salisbury(1m,good to firm)inJune anddug deeptowin by aneck at Epsom (7f,good)lasttime out; can give another good accountbut based on ratingshe’sataslightdisadvantage at these weights.Official BHARating85
Bg Oasis Dream -Balalaika (Sadler’s Wells (USA))
Owner: Nick BradleyRacing 22 &Partner
Trainer: Jamie Osborne,UpperLambourn Breeder: Meon ValleyStud
Sponsor: Tote
Dr aw 3 Saffie Osborne (3)
HorseAge: 10 Weight: 97 Colours: WHITE,BLACK seams, WHITE sleeves, BLACK stars, WHITE cap,BLACK star Form: 06-6301 CD
HHH 10yowho is nothinglikethe forceofold but,havingdropped down the weights, he ended alonglosingrun at Newcastle (1m, AW)a fortnight ago; possesses loadsofgood form at Ascot andhecould be aplayerifbackingupthat latestperformance.Official BHARating 87
Bg Fascinating Rock (IRE) -Rythmic (Dubai Destination (USA))
Owner: NewtownAnner Stud Farm
Trainer: John Butler,Newmarket Breeder: NewtownAnner Stud
Dr aw 5 JimCrowley
HorseAge: 4 Weight: 97 Colours: BEIGE,DARK BLUE CrossofLorraine and sleeves, DARK BLUE cap,BEIGE star Form: 31-103 D
HHHH 4yowhohasracedjustfivetimesandhastwonovicewinstohisname; returnedfromabreak atYarmouth(1m1f,good) afortnight agoand wasa promisingthirdinthat handicap, having been denied aclear run; couldhave moretoofferand he’s firmly in calculations. Official BHARating90
Br gKodiac -Fraulein(Acatenango(GER))
Owner: Al Shaqab Racing
Trainer: Andrew Balding, Kingsclere
Breeder: Diomed Bloodstock Ltd
Sponsor: Haras DeBouquetot
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 93
Colours: SILVER,GOLD braid, MAROON cap,GOLD tassel Form: 401252CDBF
HHH Wonover1montheroundcoursehereinJulyandhe’scontinuedingoodform,mostrecentlyaheadsecondoffiveinaC&D classified (good); this is adeeper race but there’severy chancethis3yo will againbeinthe mix.Official BHARating 90
Bg Starspangledbanner (AUS)-Biaraafa (IRE) (Araafa (IRE))
Owner: TheHawtin Family &Mrs ICorbani
Trainer: Michael Bell,Newmarket Breeder: Rathbody Stud &B.Jones
Sponsor: Michael Bell Racing
Dr aw 6 David Egan
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 93 Colours: PINK, BLACK chevron, quartered cap Form: 3120 BF
HHH Allfour starts on AW;flopped whenfavouriteonhandicap debut at Newcastle (1m) 36 days ago andit’shardtobe confident on the back of that; however, he’d shown considerable promise in 7f/1mnovices previously andshouldn’t be written off on the back of just onepoor run. Official BHARating90
Gr cCaravaggio (USA)-Cry Me ARiver (IRE) (Danehill Dancer (IRE))
Owner: Manton Thoroughbreds VI
Trainer: Brian Meehan, Manton Breeder: Lynch Bages Ltd
Sponsor: Sirecam Europe
Dr aw 2 Sean Levey
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 93 Colours: EMERALD GREEN, ROYALBLUE sleeves, WHITE cap,EMERALD GREEN spots. Form: 200132 D
HHH He’d be 3lb better off with thosewithamark of 90 if this wasahandicap but this 3yoarrivesintop form, with agood third of 14 at York (1m, good to firm)lastmonth being followedbya creditable secondatNewcastle (1m2f,AW);couldbeinthe shake-up.Official BHARating 87
Bg Al Kazeem -Poplin (Medicean)
Owner: Mr D. J. Deer
Trainer: Harry&RogerCharlton, Beckhampton Breeder: D. J. and MrsDeer
Sponsor: Oakgrove Stud
Dr aw 7 HarryDavies(3)
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 93 Colours: ROYALBLUEand WHITE diamonds, WHITE sleeves, ROYALBLUEarmlets, quartered cap Form: 641111 D
HHHH Versatileinterms of tactics and made it four 1m handicap winsonthe spin when makingall at Salisbury (good to firm) four weeksago; this3yo is clearly thrivingand holds strong claimsinhis bid fora five-timer. Official BHA Rating90
Bg Invincible Spirit (IRE) -Tutu Nguru (USA)(Blame (USA))
Owner: Sheikh Juma Dalmook Al Maktoum
Trainer: William Haggas, Newmarket Breeder: Rabbah Bloodstock Limited
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 93 Colours: DARK BLUE, large YELLOW spots. Form: 411-240
Dr aw 1 TomMarquand
HHH 2-3in2yo novices andhereappeared with anear-miss in ahandicapatHaydock(7f,soft)inJuly;keptonfor fourth at Goodwood (7f,good to firm)nexttime;disappointingatDoncaster(7f,good to soft) sincebut this lightlyraced 3yocouldbe suited by the stepupto1mifbouncing backtoform;not ruled out fortrainerwho has wontwo of the lastfive runnings.
Ch gDubawi (IRE) -Villarrica (USA)(Selkirk (USA))
Owner: Godolphin
Trainer: Charlie Appleby, Newmarket
Breeder: Godolphin
Sponsor: Emirates Fly Better
Official BHA Rating90
HorseAge: 3 Weight: 93 Colours: ROYALBLUE. Form: 232 12 DBF
HHHHH Built upon thepromise of his three 2yorunswhen winning on his handicapand seasonal debut at Newmarket (1m, soft) lastmonth, andhewent closeonthe other course there(1m,good) lastThursday;beatenat1-2 on that last outing but it wasstill a goodperformance and thiswell-bred 3yo, whowears first-timecheekpieces, is opentofurtherimprovementfor histop yard Official BHA Rating85(+4)
Dr aw 11 Hollie Doyle Dr aw 8 William BuickStewards Note: BALTIMORE BOY:Following its run on 25/8/2022 it wasreported that thehorse weakened quicklylate-on. SPIRIT OF NGURU:Following its run on 8/9/2022 it wasreported thatthe horse suffered
2021: DARK SHIFT 39 0Daniel Tudhope 9-2(Charles
Thereare notmanyFlat racehorses whose career will span sevenseasons,and even fewerthat have been competing at the top levelfor six of those. From his first racecourse appearance in October 2016 to his final one at Goodwood earlier this year, Stradivarius will be remembered as one of the fineststayers the sport has ever seen.
His stamina on the track wasmatched only by his longevity off it, expertlyhandled by John and Thady Gosden and superbly campaigned by his owner-breeder Bjorn Nielsen, he captured the hearts of racing fans around the world.
Some of his finestmoments came at Ascot wherehewas successful six times along with four placed efforts from just12starts That included four RoyalAscotvictories, starting with The Queen’sVase in 2017 followedbythree consecutive Gold Cups from 2018 to 2020
The firstofthose wasarguablyhis toughesttask as he gotthe better of the fine French stayer Vazirabad and also had the 2016 winner Order Of St George back in fourth. Asuccess on QIPCO British Champions Dayfollowedaspart of aten-race unbeaten stretch which included his second Gold Cup when he was fullyincommand of Dee Ex Bee and the Melbourne Cup winner Cross Counter.
While those victories were hard-fought without being dominant, 2020 provided the evidence of his true superiority in the division. His ten-length victory in Royal Ascot’smostprestigious race wasatour de force that lit up the racecourse even without his adoring crowds,with the action taking place behind closed doors due to covid-19 protocols.
Victory in the 2021 Longines Sagaro Stakes setupa record-equalling bid to
land four Gold Cups.Sadly, it wasn’ttobe and although asecond attempttomatch Yeats also came to nothing this year, those defeats did nothing to diminish his reputation or legacy.
When connections called time on his fabulous career earlier this week, his owner Bjorn Nielsen said it bestofall, “He washugelyappreciated by the public. It wasjusta joyfromstart to finish.”
Indeed it was–thank youStradivarius from all at Ascot.
Falling justbeforeAll Hallows Eve, racegoers can expect an abundance of spooky activities and fairground rides alongside thrilling racing action featuring the Bateaux London Grade 3Gold Cup Handicap Chase.
After racing enjoywhat has been described by manyasthe “bestfirework displayin Berkshire”. The magnitude of the display will notdisappoint as guests can enjoythis breathtaking pyro-musical showwith over 20,000 fireworks launched from the centre of the track.
Under 18s go free
Don’tmiss the thrilling finale to the British Flat season as the leading horses and jockeys from Europe and beyond descend on Ascot in their questtobecrowned the champions of 2022.
Away from the track younger racegoers can enjoythe fan zone, adedicated area about all things racing with the chance to meetHollie Doyle, David Egan and TomMarquand.
After racing the fun continues at the afterparty headlined by Radio Six DJ Craig Charles.
Under 18s go free
Peroni Italia Autumn Racing Weekend
QIPCOBritish Champions
November Racing
The November Racing Weekend provides the perfect opportunity to see some of the stars of the futureasa collection of promising novice hurdlers and chasers traditionallyline up for this meeting.
Alongside the excitement on the track, Great British Racing will be hosting a Racehorse Ownership Event, in association with the Racehorse Owners Association and the Racehorse Syndicates Association.
Ideal for seasoned racing fans or newcomers to the sport, racegoers can gain afascinating insight into what it’sliketobeanowner of an equine star.
Under 18s go free
Gather familyand friends to celebrate the festive season in style and enjoythe most valuable meeting of Ascot’sJumps season. The competition is settobethrilling with Friday featuring apair of valuable Grade 2races and Saturdayheadlined by the Grade 1Howden Long Walk Hurdle.
Saturday’sfamilyday is made extra-special as atraditional Nutcracker themed Christmas is brought to life with roaming toysoldiers, wish fairies and parlour games.Therewill be an abundance of seasonal fun for racegoers of all ages,including candle-lit carol singing with the Ascotbrass band, fairground rides, face painting and the chance to see Father Christmas himself.
Under 18s go free
Howden Christmas Racing
Sir Francis Brooke Bt. (Chairman and His Majesty’s Representative)
Felicity Barnard
Lady Celina Carter
Vivien Currie MBE
Ian McGregor CVO
Harry Morley
Jonathan Parker
Lisa Perrin
Nick Smith
Alastair Warwick
Christopher Collard (Company Secretary)
Shaun Parker (Chief Steward)
Rupert Sweeting (Stewards’ Panel Chair)
Josie Brown Sophie Candy Ben Ford Richard Westropp
William Jordan Sophia Upton Clerk of the Scales
Ollie Mann
Judge David Hicks
Felicity Barnard
Vivien Currie MBE
Ian McGregor CVO
Jonathan Parker
Nick Smith
Alastair Warwick Christopher Collard (Company Secretary)
Felicity Barnard
Vivien Currie MBE (Executive Chair)
Ian McGregor CVO
Nigel Payne
Nick Smith
Alastair Warwick
Christopher Collard (Company Secretary)
Roger Goulds
Peter Johnson
Ramy Saker
John Heathcock
John Hunt
Betting Ring Manager
Andrew Boardley Equine Welfare and Integrity Officers
Darren Stone Lisa Cook Steve Fox
Mel Baker
Katherine Byam-Cook
Veterinary Surgeons
Clive Hamblin, BVetMed, MRCVS, Bobby McEwen, BVSc, MRCVS
David Dugdale
David Sinclair
Director of Racing and Public Affairs
Nick Smith
Head of Racing and Clerk of the Course
Chris Stickels
Designated Safeguarding Lead Alastair Warwick
HANDICAP STAKES(CLASS 3) Distributed in accordance with the Stakes and Prize Money Code. £10266 to the winning horse The second to receive £5134, the third £2566 and the fourth £1284. for three yrs old and upwards, Rated 76-95 (also open to such horses rated 96 and 97; such horses rated 75 and below are also eligible -see Standard Conditions). £100 stake if the horse is rated 76 or higher, or £20 stake if the horse is rated 75 or lower with £80 extra if the horse is declared to run Declare by 10.00 a.m. September 28th. Lowest weight: 4-y-o and up 9st 11lb; 3-y-o 9st 8lb Highest weight not less than 11st 2lb Penalties, after September 17th, 2022, for each race won 3yo 6lb; 4yo to 6yo 5lb; 7yo and up 4lb. To be ridden by Amateur Jockeys who aremembers of the Amateur Jockeys’ Association of Great Britain by the deadline for Declaration of Jockeys and on the dayofthe race Allowances: Jockeys who,prior to September 27th, 2022, have not ridden morethan 10 winners in races under the Rules of Racing or the Rules of arecognised Racing Authority 3lb Jockeys who have notridden morethan 5such winners 5lb Jockeys who have notridden anysuch winner 7lb (Only one of these allowances maybeclaimed). Peroni Nastro Azzurrohas sponsored this race and will present amemento to the winning owner,trainer and jockey and they will awarda cash prize of £200 to the stable employeeinchargeof the bestturned out horse. All number cloths to be carried in this race have been sponsored and will carry the name/ logo of Peroni. The sponsorship payment of £250 will be distributed equallyamongstall horses starting in this race in accordance with paragraphs 24 to 27 of the Stakes and Prize Money Code. NOTE: The highestweightstated above will applyatthe entry stageand declaration to run stageregardless of the ageofthe highestrated horse 22 entries,2 at £20 and 20 at £100.-Closed September 24th, 2022. Owners Prize Money.Winner £8922; Second £4462; Third £2230; Fourth £1116.(Penalty Value £10266) ASS SEE PAGE 28 FOR THIS RACE
Distributed in accordancewith the Stakes and Prize MoneyCode. £10800 to the winning horseThe second to receive £5070,the third £2536 and the fourth £1268.for three yrs old and upwards,Rated 76-95 (alsoopen to such horses rated 96 and 97;such horses rated 75 and beloware alsoeligible -see Standard Conditions). £100 stakeifthe horseisrated 76 or higher,or£20 stakeifthe horseisrated 75 or lowerwith £80 extraifthe horseisdeclared to run Declare by 10.00 a.m. September 28th. Lowest weight: 4-y-oand up 8st11lb; 3-y-o8st 2lb Highestweight: 4-y-oand up 10st2lb; 3-y-o9st 6lb Penalties,after September 17th, 2022, for each race won3yo 6lb; 4yoto6yo 5lb; 7yoand up 4lb. LondonMetric has sponsored this race and will present amemento to the winning owner,trainer and jockey.Inaddition, they will awardacash prize of £100 to the stable employeeinchargeofthe bestturned out horse. All number cloths to be carried in this race have been sponsored and will carry the name/logoofLondonMetric. The sponsorship payment of £250 will be distributed equallyamongst all horses starting in this race in accordance with paragraphs 24 to 27 of the Stakes and Prize Money Code. NOTE: Three-year old horses might notbeable to receive the full weight-for-ageallowance in this race. 13 entries,1 at £20 and 12 at £100.-Closed September 24th, 2022. Owners Prize Money.Winner £8534; Second £4266; Third£2134; Fourth £1066.(Penalty Value £10800) Weights raised 2lb and paragraphs 27 to 31 of the Weights and Handicapping Code complied with whereapplicable. SS SEE PAGE 34 FORTHIS RACE. Third Race 3.10 -THE PERONI NASTROAZZURRONOVICE STAKES (CLASS 3) (GBB RACE)
Distributed in accordancewith the Stakes and Prize MoneyCode. £10800 to the winning horseThe second to receive £5070,the third £2536 and the fourth £1268.for novicethree yrs old and upwards.Enter by noon, September 24th and pay£100 stake, Declare by 10.00a.m. September 28th. Weights: 3-y-ocolts and geldings 9st4lb; fillies 8st13lb 4-y-oand up colts and geldings9st 11lb; fillies 9st6lb Penalties,awinner of arace6lb Of 2races 10lb (Sellers and Claimers excluded for the purposes of penalties). Peroni has sponsored this race and will present amemento to the winning owner,trainer and jockey and awardacash prize of £200 to the person responsible for the bestturned out horse in this race. The British Horseracing Authority’s Development Fund has generouslycontributed £4500 towardsthe prize money for this race. All number cloths to be carried in this race have been sponsored and will carry the name/logoofPeroni. The sponsorship payment of £250 will be distributed equally amongstall horses starting in this race in accordance with paragraphs 24 to 27 of the Stakes and Prize Money Code. 11 entries at £100.- Closed September 24th, 2022. Owners Prize Money.Winner £8534; Second £4266; Third £2134; Fourth £1066.(Penalty Value £10800) SS
Distributed in accordancewith the Stakes and Prize MoneyCode. £56710 to the winning horseThe second to receive £21500,the third £10760,the fourth £5360,the fifth £2690 and the sixth £1350.for three yrs old only. Enter by noon, September 24th and pay£470stake,Declare by 10.00a.m. September 28th. Weights: Colts and geldings9st 3lb; fillies 8st12lb Penalties,after March 31st, 2022, awinner of aListed race 3lb Of a Pattern race 5lb Peroni Nastro Azzurrohas sponsored this race and will present amemento to the winning owner, trainer and jockey and awarda cash prize of £200 to the stable employeeresponsible for the bestturned out horse. The British Horseracing Authority’s Development Fund has generouslycontributed £20000 towardsthe prize money for this race. All number cloths to be carried in this race have been sponsored and will carry the name/logoof Peroni Nastro Azzurro. Thesponsorship payment of £250 will be distributed equallyamongstall horses starting in this race in accordance with paragraphs 24 to 27 of the Stakes and Prize Money Code. 10 entries at £470.-Closed September 24th, 2022. Owners Prize Money.Winner £44560; Second £18290; Third£9150; Fourth £4570; Fifth £2290; Sixth £1140.(Penalty Value £56710) ASS SEE PAGE 48 FOR THIS RACE. Fifth Race 4.20 -THE PERONI NASTROAZZURROHANDICAP STAKES (CLASS 2) Distributed in accordancewith the Stakes and Prize MoneyCode. £15462 to the winning horseThe second to receive £7251, the third £3627,the fourth £1812, the fifth £906 and the sixth £453.for three yrs old only, Rated 86-105 (alsoopen to such horses rated 85 and below). £150 stakeifthe horseisrated 86 or higher,or £30 stakeifthe horseisrated85orlower with £120 extraifthe horseisdeclared to run Declare by 10.00a.m. September 28th. Lowest weight 8st4lb; Highestweight 9st9lb Penalties,after September 17th, 2022, for each race won6lb Peroni Nastro Azzurrohas sponsored this race and will present amemento to the winning owner, trainer and jockey and awardacash prize of £200 to the stable employeeinchargeofthe bestturned out horse. All number cloths to be carried in this race have been sponsored and will carry the name/logoofPeroni Nastro Azzurro. The sponsorship payment of £250 will be distributed equallyamongstall horses starting in this race in accordance with paragraphs 24 to 27 of theStakes andPrize Money Code. 15 entries,2at£30 and 13 at £150.-Closed September 24th, 2022. Owners Prize Money.Winner £12189;Second £6096; Third£3048; Fourth £1524; Fifth £762; Sixth £381. (Penalty Value £15462) SS
Distributed in accordancewith the Stakes and Prize MoneyCode. £10800 to the winning horseThe second to receive £5070,the third £2536 and the fourth £1268.for three yrs old and upwards,Rated 0-90.Enter by noon, September 24th and pay£100 stake, Declare by 10.00a.m. September 28th. Weights: 3-y-o9st 3lb; 4-y-oand up 9st7lb Penalties,after September 17th, 2022, for each race won3yo 6lb; 4yoto6yo 5lb; 7yoand up 4lb NOTE: Forhorses reassessed sincethe publication of the qualifying rating listfor entry, the excess in anyrating abovethe rating band shall be added to the weights stated above. Samsung UK has sponsored this race and will present amemento to the winning owner,trainer and jockey and awardacash prize of £100 to the stable employeeinchargeofthe bestturned out horse in this race. The AscotRacecourse Executive reserves the right to transfer this race to the Old Mile Course. 16 entries at £100.-Closed September 24th, 2022. Owners Prize Money Winner £8534; Second £4266; Third £2134; Fourth £1066.(Penalty Value £10800) SS
If you need to speak to amember of the team please call 0344 346 3000 or email enquiries@ascot.com
We would welcome and appreciate all feedback from your day at Ascot. If you would like to share your experience, please email feedback@ascot.com
For lost property enquiries please call 0344 346 3000 –Monday to Friday.
Getty Images –gettyimages.co.uk Megan Ridgewell -meganrosephotography.photoshelter.com
At all meetings there is ateam of specially qualified vets appointed to look after the welfare of all horses.
During each race vets follow the horse by car and can attend acasualty in the same response time as the paramedic teams responsible for human casualties. It is standard practise for screens to be fixed around any horse receiving veterinary treatment. This does not reflect the severity of an injury, just allows the vet some privacy and the patient acalm environment in which to recover. Please do not always assume the worst if you see screens around afallen horse.
In the event of racing being abandoned, refunds on entrance money and car parks will only be made in the following circumstances:
a) Abandonment before the running of the first race –full refund.
b) Abandonment before the third or feature race, whichever is later –50% refund
In the event of an abandonment, please apply to the Customer Liaison Team in writing within three days for arefund.
1953 Royal Hunt Cup Choir
Swinley Forest Handicap
Cumberland Lodge Stakes
1954 Hardwicke Stakes
King George VI And Queen Elizabeth Stakes
Rous Memorial Stakes
Duke Of Edinburgh Stakes
1955 King George
1956 Royal Hunt
Granville Stakes
1957 Ribblesdale Stakes
New Stakes
Fenwolf Stakes
Halifax Stakes
1958 King Edward
Granville Stakes
1959 St James’s
King Edward