Chief Steward
Simon Connaway
Stewards’ Panel Chair
Peter Crafts
Alan Dempsey
Assistant Steward
Philippa Hardy
Raceday Assistant
Ben Ford
Shaun Mitchell, Russell Garritty
Judge Katie Dowson
Clerk Of The Scales
Claudia Marelli
Veterinary Officer
Colin Roberts
Veterinary Surgeons
Norrie Chapman, B.V.Sc., M.R.C.V.S.
Mark W. A. Andrews, B.V.M.&S., M.R.C.V.S.
Vets from Rase Equine Veterinary Centre
Medical Officers
Dr Wroe, Dr Roberts, Dr Lawrence
Equine Welfare & Integrity Officers
David Cook, Graham Gray, Leanne Asprey
Raceday Presenter
Gary Capewell
Malcolm Tomlinson
Betting Ring Manager
Neil Pateman
Chris Nash
Racecourse & Industry Relations Director
Nadia Powell Chairman
Sue Lucas
Racecourse Directors
Kate Key, Michael Tuck, Lucy Parry, Helen Connors & Marc Blackford
General Manager
Jack Pryor
Clerk Of The Course
Alice Cosgrove
Operations Manager
Hannah Butler
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Jack Pryor - 07909 000955
Head Groundsman
Tim Beebe
Sales Executive
Shannen Williamson
Hospitality & Events Co-Ordinator
Patricia Grove
Marketing Executive
Leanne Mandall
Operations & Events Executive
Jennifer Lawrence
General Manager, Catering
Christopher Dronfield
Grounds & Maintenance Team
Neil Bennett, Luke Smales, Keiron Proctor, Mitchell Peachey, Lee Brighton
First Race 1.10 -THETRUSTATRADERAPPROVEDAND REVIEWEDTRADES PEOPLE CONDITIONALJOCKEYS’ NOVICES’ HANDICAPHURDLE RACE (CLASS 5) Distributed in accordance withthe Stakes and Prize MoneyCode. £3960 tothe winning horseThe secondto receive £1822, thethird £911,the fourth £456 and the fifth £227 for novice fouryrs old and upwards, Rated 0-100 Enterbynoon,January29th and pay£37 stake, Declare by10.00 a.m. February2nd. Penalties, afterJanuary25th, 2025, for each hurdle race won 7lb To be ridden by Conditional Jockeys, Overseas Jockeys eligible under Rule (B)42 and Professional Jockeys eligible to claim a weight allowance underparagraph53oftheWeightsandHandicappingCodeAllowances:Jockeyswho,priortoFebruary1st,2025,havenotriddenmorethan20suchwinners3lbJockeys who have not ridden morethan 10 suchwinners 5lbJockeyswho have not ridden morethan 5 suchwinners 7lb (Onlyone ofthese allowances maybe claimed andwins in anyracesrununderthe RulesofRacingortheRulesofa recognisedRacingAuthoritywill count)Jockeysridingfortheirown stablesallowed, inaddition 3lb TrustaTrader have kindly sponsored this race Market Rasen Racecourse will present a memento to the winning ownerand award a cash prize to the stable employee in charge ofthe bestturned out horse inthis race 16 entries at £37 - ClosedJanuary29th, 2025.OwnersPrizeMoney.Winner£3029;Second£1514;Third£758;Fourth£379;Fifth£189. (PenaltyValue£3960.75)Weightsraised2lbandparagraph34oftheWeightsandHandicappingCodecompliedwithwhereapplicable.A
Second Race 1.40 - THE TRUSTATRADER APPLYTODAY EBF ‘NATIONAL HUNT’ NOVICES’ HURDLE RACE (CLASS 4) (Qualifier) (GBB RACE) Distributed in accordance with the Stakes and Prize Money Code. £4224 to the winning horse The second to receive £1944, the third £972, the fourth £486 and the fifth £242 for novice four, five, six and sevenyrs old,which are E.B.F eligible,which have not run in a flat race and which have notwon morethantwo hurdle races. Enterbynoon,January29th and pay £40 stake, Declare by10.00 a.m. February2nd.Weights: 4-y-o 10st 2lb; 5-y-o, 6-y-o and 7-y-o 11st 2lb Fillies and mares allowed 7lb Penalties, awinnerofa Class 3to Class 5hurdlerace6lbOf2hurdleracesorofa Class1orClass2hurdlerace10lbNoallowancetotakea Horse’sweight below10st2lb TrsutaTraderhavekindlysponsoredthis race THETRUSTEES OFTHE E.B.F have kindlygiven £1000towardsthe prize moneyforthis race Market Rasen Racecoursewill present a mementotothewinning owner and award a cash prize to the stable employee in charge ofthe best turned out horse in this race Horses placed first, second, third or fourth in this race will qualify for the Final (A Handicap) of the E.B.F ‘National Hunt’ Novices’ Hurdle Race Series, to be run over two miles about four furlongs at Sandown Park on Saturday, March 8th, 2025. 17 entries at £40 - ClosedJanuary29th, 2025.OwnersPrizeMoney.Winner£3231;Second£1615;Third£808;Fourth£404;Fifth£202.(PenaltyValue£4224.80) SEE PAGE 10 FORTHIS RACE.
Third Race 2.10 - THE TRUSTATRADER YOU CAN TRUST OUR TRADERS NOVICES’ HANDICAP STEEPLE CHASE (CLASS 5) Distributed in accordance with the Stakes and Prize Money Code. £4224 to the winning horse The second to receive £1944, the third £972, the fourth £486 and the fifth £242 for novice five yrs old and upwards, Rated 0-100 Enter by noon, January 29th and pay £40 stake, Declare by 10.00 a.m. February 2nd. Penalties, after January 25th, 2025, for each steeple chase won 7lb TrustaTraderhave kindly sponsored. Market Rasen Racecourse will present a memento to the winning ownerand award a cash prize to the stable employee in charge of the best turned out horse in this race 20 entries at £40. - ClosedJanuary 29th, 2025.OwnersPrizeMoney.Winner£3231;Second£1615;Third£808;Fourth£404;Fifth £202.(PenaltyValue£4224.80) SEE PAGE 12 FORTHIS RACE.
FourthRace2.40-THEtrustatrader.comHANDICAPHURDLERACE(CLASS5) Distributed in accordance with the Stakes and Prize Money Code. £4488 to the winning horseThesecondtoreceive£2065,thethird£1032,thefourth£516andthefifth£257 forfouryrsoldandupwards,Rated0-100 Enterbynoon,January29thandpay£42 stake, Declare by 10.00 a.m. February 2nd. Penalties, afterJanuary 25th, 2025, for each hurdle race won 7lb TrustaTrader have kindly sponsored this race Market Rasen Racecourse will present a mementoto the winning ownerand award a cash prize tothe stable employee in charge ofthe bestturned out horse in this race 19 entries at £42. - ClosedJanuary29th, 2025.OwnersPrizeMoney.Winner£3433;Second£1716;Third£859;Fourth£429;Fifth£214.(PenaltyValue£4488.85) SEE PAGE 14 FORTHIS RACE. FifthRace3.10-THEWEATHERBYSCHELTENHAMFESTIVALBETTINGGUIDEHANDICAPHURDLERACE(CLASS4) Distributed in accordancewiththe Stakes and Prize MoneyCode. £5809tothewinning horseThe secondto receive £2673,thethird £1336,the fourth £668 andthe fifth £333. forfouryrs old and upwards, Rated 0-120 (also opento such horses rated 121 and 122 - see Standard Conditions) £55 stake ifthe horse is rated 94 orhigher, or£11 stake ifthe horse is rated 93 orlowerwith £44 extra if the horse is declaredto run Declare by10.00 a.m. February2nd. Penalties, afterJanuary25th, 2025, foreach hurdle racewon 7lb Weatherbys have kindlysponsoredthis race Market Rasen Racecourse will present a memento to the winning owner and award a cash prize to the stable employee in charge of the best turned out horse in thisrace 15entriesat£55.-ClosedJanuary29th,2025.OwnersPrizeMoney.Winner£4443;Second£2221;Third£1111;Fourth£556;Fifth£277.(PenaltyValue£5809.10) SEE PAGE 18 FORTHIS RACE.
Sixth Race 3.45 -THEWEATHERBYS BLOODSTOCK SALES REVIEWHANDICAPSTEEPLE CHASE (CLASS 4) (GBB RACE) Distributed in accordance with the Stakes and Prize Money Code. £6337 to the winning horseThe second to receive £2916, the third £1458, the fourth £729 and the fifth £363. for five yrs old and upwards, Rated 0-120 (also open to such horses rated 121 and 122 - see Standard Conditions) £60 stake if the horse is rated 94 or higher, or £12 stake if the horse is rated 93 or lower with £48 extra ifthe horse is declared to run Declare by 10.00 a.m. February 2nd. Penalties, afterJanuary 25th, 2025, for each steeple chase won 7lb Weatherbys have kindly sponsoredthis race Market Rasen Racecoursewill present a mementotothewinning ownerand award a cash prizetothe stable employee in charge ofthe bestturned out horse in this race 11 entries at £60 - Closed January 29th, 2025.OwnersPrizeMoney.Winner£4847;Second£2423;Third£1212;Fourth£606;Fifth£302.(Penalty Value£6337.20) SEE PAGE 22 FORTHIS RACE. Seventh Race 4.20 -THETRUSTATRADER FULLYVETTEDTRADESPEOPLE MARES’ OPEN NATIONALHUNTFLATRACE (CLASS 5) (Category1 Elimination) (GBB
2 SURE TOUCH (GB) (86)
B g Yeats (IRE) - Liberthine (FR) 8 11-13
J Harry Cobden
T Olly Murphy, Wilmcote
O Geegeez.co.uk OM & Partner
B Upton Viva Stud
S Geegeez.co.uk, Motaclan
Aquick wayto see a horse’s past performance. These are its recent finishing positions.
Look out for Letters:
C = Has won at this course
D = Has won over this distance
CD = Has won over this distance at this course
BF = Was a beaten favourite
- = New racing season
/ = Missed racing season
P = Was pulled-up and didn’t finish the race
F = Horse fell
U = Rider unseated
R = Horse refused to race
CO = The horse was forced out of a race by a loose horse
B = Horse was brought down
S = Horse slipped
r = The horse ran around a jump or took the wrong course in a flat race
d = Disqualified
Bold form
figures = performance in all-weather (Flat) or Point-to-Point (Jump) races
FORM 2/23111- CD TIMEFORMVIEWHadaproductive2022overhurdles,winning4 times,andfurtherprogressoverfenceslastseason,completing hat-trickatPerthinApril.Anotherbigrunlooksthecards.
25Apr Per 20f HcpC soft 1/5 Feu Du Bresil (FR) 5l 6Feb Tnt 23f HcpC good 1/7 Magic Saint (FR) 7l Dec23 Utt 20f HcpC heavy 1/5 Desque de L’Isle (FR) hd
How the experts rate the horse’s chances:
2. BHA rating = the higher the number, the better the horse.
3. Timeform view and TFR rating
Look out for the summary of leading course trainers before each race.
Jockey enlisted to ride the horse.
6. Owner’s colours worn by the Jockey
7. Saddlecloth number
8. Horse’s name
9. Days since the horse last run
10. Horse’s age
11. Jockey’s weight (stone and Ibs)
12. The horse’s breeding – father (sire) and mother (dam)
13. Horse’s owner
14. Horse’s breeder
15. Horse’s sponsor
Select your horse. Note their name and saddlecloth number
Choose your bet. ‘To win’ or ‘each-way’ are popular types of bet.
‘To win’ is for your horse to come first.
‘Each-way’ is for your horse to come first or to be placed. It’s two bets, so ‘£2 each-way’ = £4 total bet.
Decide the amount – or stake – you are comfortable to bet.
Place your bet. There are different places to bet on course; The Tote, racecourse bookmakers, betting shop or online. Each option offers a different experience.
Collect. Once ‘Weighed-in’ has been announced, present your betting slip and collect any winnings.
for novice four yrs old and upwards x Total prize fund £7500
Owners Prize Money 1st £3029, 2nd £1514, 3rd £758, 4th £379, 5th £189 (PenaltyValue £3960.75)Weights raised 2lb and paragraph 34 ofthe Weights and Handicapping Code compliedwithwhere applicable.
LEADING COURSE TRAINER (20-25): O Murphy (52 wins from 216 runners, 24%) runs HENRYSBROTHERJACK TRAINER-IN-FORM (LAST 14 DAYS): O Murphy (8 wins from 38 runners, 21%) runs HENRYSBROTHERJACK LONGESTTRAVELLER: AMI BONDHU trained by N Gifford, Findon, 208 miles.
BgChoeurduNord(FR)-Rogation(FR) 6 12-0
J TabithaWorsley
T Nick Gifford, Findon
O Paul Bowtell &Jonathan Shinton
B Haras Du Hoguenet & Mr Gilles Lebaron
S Avtrade Limited
ChgImperialMonarch(IRE)-ThanksBobby(IRE) 9 11-11
J Charlie Price
T Richard Armson, Melbourne
O Mr R. J. Armson
B Harry Cummins
BgJackHobbs-BoxofTrix(IRE) 6 11-6
J Lewis Stones
T Olly Murphy, Wilmcote
O The TowcesterThree
B Aiden Murphy
S Motaclan
BgBollinEric-FollowTheDream 7 11-3
J JoeWilliamson E Cheek Pieces
T Philip Kirby, Richmond
O Joelor Racing
B North Bradon Stud
S Topspec Equine Ltd, Philip Kirby Racing
BgKayfTara-Zartwyda(IRE) 10 11-2
J Jack Hogan E Tongue Strap
T Sarah Hollinshead, Upper Longdon
O Graham Brothers Racing Partnership
B Graham Brothers Racing Partnership
S Grahams Estates Limited
BgSeaTheMoon(GER)-CeilidhHouse 5 10-11
J Isabelle Ryder(7)
T Barry Brennan, Upper Lambourn
O Mr David Gibbons
B Lawn Stud
S K & M (Hauliers) Ltd
BrgMasterofthehorse(IRE)-HeronMarsh(IRE) 6 10-11
J TobyWynne (3) E Cheek Pieces
T Oliver Greenall &Josh Guerriero, Malpas
O Mrs Rachael Beck
B Martin Kenirons
S Swansway
TIMEFORM VIEW Fairly useful winner at 16f in bumpers. 11/1, good thirdof7inhandicaphurdleatLingfield(16f,goodtosoft)48daysago, finishingwell.Alikelyplayer.
Dec24 Lin 16f HcpH soft 3/7 Snapius (IRE) 71/4l Nov24 Lin 16f Hdl soft 8/9 MillerSpirit (IRE) 14l Nov24 Fon 17f Hdl good 5/14 Electric Mason (IRE) 29l
TIMEFORM VIEW Lightly-raced maiden. Below-form sixth of 14 in handicap hurdle (25/1) at Uttoxeter (23.3f, heavy) 35 days ago so needstobounceback.
Mahler(IRE) 36l
TIMEFORMVIEW Got offthe mark when landing odds in 12-runner handicaphurdleatUttoxeter(19.9f,heavy)46daysago,forgingclear Shouldimprovefurther Bigshoutdespitea10lbweightshike.
Utt 15f HcpH gd-sf 13/14 Prolific Profile (IRE)
Apr24 Mkt 16f HcpH gd-sf 10/15 King ofThe Road (IRE) 38l
TIMEFORMVIEW 9/2 and cheekpieces on for1sttime, good second of 8 in handicap hurdle at this C&D (good to soft) 40 days ago Cangowellagaininhisbidforabreakthroughvictory
Dec24 Mkt 20f HcpH gd-sf 2/8 Alright Dai (IRE) 6l Dec24 Nwc 20f HcpH good 5/16 Cave Hill 93/4l Nov24 Mkt 16f Hdl good 6/12 Typhoon Flyer(IRE) 34l
TIMEFORMVIEWRemainsamaidenafter16NHrunsbutheposted agoodthirdof7inhandicaphurdleatthiscourse(16.6f,goodtosoft) 18daysago Backupintrip Weightedtogowelloffthesamemark.
17Jan Mkt 16f HcpH gd-sf 3/7 Double ObanNov24 Fon 21f HcpH good 3/10 Getoverthathill (IRE) 18l Aug24 Wor 20f HcpH good 7/12 Barrons Land (IRE) 11l
TIMEFORMVIEWLightly-racedmaiden.Pulledupinhandicaphurdle at Leicester (15.5f, heavy, 33/1) 61 days ago, folding tamely 3 out. Significantlyupintripwithworktodo
Dec24 Lei 15f HcpH heavy P/9 Trust House (IRE)Oct24 Fkn 20f HcpH good P/10 Hiero Sport (FR)Mar24 Kmp 15f Hcp st-sl 7/8 Zivaniya 81/4l
TIMEFORMVIEWLightly-racedmaidenunderNHrules.400/1,pulled upinnovicehurdleatBangor(19.6f,heavy)53daysago Cheekpieces onfor1sttime.Moreneededonhishandicapdebut.
DECLARED RUNNERS 7 2024:THE MIDWIFE (IRE) 6 11 6JoeAnderson 25-1 (Grace Harris) 12 ran
Sheepskin Cheek Pieces worn first time by No 7. Tongue Strap worn by No 5. Sheepskin Cheek Pieces worn by No 4. Stewards Note: SEAHOUSES: Following its run on 5/12/2024 it was reported that the horse stopped quickly
Probable S.P’s: 11-10 Henrysbrotherjack (GB), 9-2 Gms Prince (GB), 5-1 Jingle Jangle Jet (GB), 10-1 Ami Bondhu (FR), 20-1 Our Jesse Boy (IRE), 28-1 Scottish King (IRE), 50-1 Seahouses (GB)
HENRYSBROTHERJACK opened his account in impressive style at Uttoxeter and remains on a workable mark despite a 10lb rise in the weights so gets the nod. GMS Prince figures on a handy mark and appeals as the one to chase home Olly Murphy’s 6-y-o, with in-form pair Ami Bondhu and Jingle Jangle Jet also in the picture.
for novice four, five, six and seven yrs old x Total prize fund £8000 Owners Prize Money 1st £3231, 2nd £1615, 3rd £808, 4th £404, 5th £202. (PenaltyValue £4224.80)
LEADING COURSE TRAINER (20-25): A King (12 wins from 91 runners, 13%) runs I’M A LUMBERJACK TRAINER-IN-FORM (LAST 14 DAYS): Mrs E Lavelle (3 wins from 11 runners, 27%) runs SILVER THORN LONGESTTRAVELLER: BELLIANO trained by P Nicholls, Ditcheat, 225 miles.
BgBlackSamBellamy(IRE)-Miliana(IRE) 6 11-8
J Freddie Gingell (3)
T Paul Nicholls, Ditcheat
O Bryan Drew and Partners & Mr P. J. Vogt
B R. W. Russell
S Morson Group
BgJackHobbs-DecisionMade(IRE) 6 11-8
J Tom Cannon
T Alan King, Barbury Castle
O This Time Next Year Partnership
B Swanbridge Bloodstock Ltd
S Goodwin Racing Ltd
GrgMartaline-MiracleMaid 6 11-8
J BenJones
T Emma Lavelle, Marlborough
O Syders & Burkes
B Whitley Stud
S Hatherden Horse Transport
BgDoctorDino(FR)-Ultratlantique(FR) 7 11-2
J Charlie Deutsch
T Mel Rowley, Bridgnorth
O Lady Dulverton
B Mr G. Defontaine & Mr F. Duvivier
S Bob Price & Son Groundworks
7 11-2
J HenryBrooke E Tongue Strap
T Patrick Neville, Leyburn
O Hold My Beer, B Hague, M Lee &A Duffus
B Mr K. D. Cotter
S Sinclair’s of Rhynie Limited
TIMEFORMVIEWBlackSamBellamygeldingwhowaspurchasedfor£255,000 aftereasilywinninghissoleoutinginIrishpoints.Madeanencouragingstarttohis careerunderRules behind potentiallytop-classThe NewLion at Chepstow(19.4f) beforegoingonebetteratAscot Bigplayerunderapenalty
Dec24 Asc 21f Hdl gd-sf 1/11 TommyTheTank(IRE) 11/2l Oct24 Chp 19f Hdl soft 2/14 The NewLion 4
FORM2630-21 D
TIMEFORM VIEW Fairly useful bumper performer who confirmed hurdling debutpromisewhenrunningoutatidywinnerof11-runnermaidenhurdle(6/5)at Warwick (21f, soft) 54 days ago, suited by the longer trip That performance is backedupbythetimefigureandhe’slikelytoprogressfurther
Dec24 War 21f Hdl gd-sf 1/11 AsTheFellaSays(IRE) 7
Nov24 Bgr 16f Hdl gd-sf 2/10 Gentleman Bill (IRE) s.h Apr24 Ain 16f NHF gd-sf 9/18 Horaces Pearl (FR) 12l
TIMEFORM VIEW Reached the frame in 2 bumpers and made a successful hurdlingdebutina23/4mStratfordmaiden(heavy)inOctober Notdisgracedina much strongerrace at Newburybut proved a little disappointment back in calmer watersuppedtoatripthatshould’vesuitedatSouthwell(24.3f)lasttime.
1Jan Swl 24f Hdl soft 3/6 Moon Rocket (IRE) 17l Nov24 Nby 20f Hdl gd-sf 5/6 The NewLion 14l Oct24 Str 22f Hdl heavy 1/7 CarrigKate(IRE) 33/4l
TIMEFORM VIEW Promise when placed in pair of 19f Warwick maiden hurdles during the spring. However, he proved to be something ofa let-down when only seventh on his reappearance at Chepstow Bouncebackrequired.
Nov24 Chp 19f Hdl gd-sf 7/13 The Bluesman (FR) 17l May24 War 19f Hdl good 2/13 Onlyamatteroftime(IRE) 11/2l Apr24 War 19f Hdl good 3/14 Gwash (IRE) 3l
TIMEFORM VIEW Successful on sole outing in points and produced a promisingfirsteffortunderRuleswhenrunner-upinanAyrbumper Bredtomake a jumper and offered plenty to work on when third in 10-runner maiden at CatterickinDecemberandlikelytoimprove Wearsfirst-timetonguestrap
Dec24 Cat 19f Hdl good 3/10 Kdeux Saint Fray(FR) 13l Feb24 Ayr 16f NHF heavy 2/6 Derryhassen Paddy (IRE) 7l
DECLARED RUNNERS 5 2024: MOON D’ORANGE (FR) 6 11 8 PaddyBrennan 15-8 (Fergal O’Brien) 5 ran Tongue Strap worn first time by No 5.
Probable S.P’s: 13-8 I’m A Lumberjack (GB), 2-1 Belliano (GB), 6-1 Silver Thorn (GB), 13-2 Frisby (IRE), 14-1 Espoir des Forges (FR)
I’M A LUMBERJACK confirmed the promise of his hurdling debut in tidy fashion at Warwick and, with the performance supported by the timefigure, he’s taken to defy a penalty at the first time ofasking with the sharp nature ofthis track more likelyto playto his strengths than perhaps Belliano’s, whose long-term future surely lies back over further having taken time to wear down the leader over an extended 21f at Ascot on his most recent outing.
Find out more about today’s race sponsor at trustatrader.com & ebfstallions.com
You may be asked to provide proof of your age when placing a bet. If you cannot produce this your bet will not be accepted. The Great British Bonus (GBB) incentivises and rewards with breeding, buying and racing of British-bred fillies by paying out bonuses of up to £100,000 per filly And now with GBBPlus to further incentivise staying fillies and chasing mares, there are more reasons than ever to breed, buy and race British. Majority funded by the HBLB.
Please complete ONE slip per person for the CHOSEN RACE ONLY. Place it in the envelope box located next to the Tipster Board in the Limber Hill Bar
Make sure you check out The Annual Badge Holder Zone on our website to keep up to date with all the latest news.
for novice five yrs old and upwards x Total prize fund £8000
Owners Prize Money 1st £3231, 2nd £1615, 3rd £808, 4th £404, 5th £202. (PenaltyValue £4224.80)
LEADING COURSE TRAINER (20-25): O Murphy (52 wins from 216 runners, 24%) runs GAVROCHE D’ALLIER
TRAINER-IN-FORM (LAST 14 DAYS): O Murphy (8 wins from 38 runners, 21%) runs GAVROCHE D’ALLIER
LONGESTTRAVELLER: HALFWAY HOUSE LAD trained by M Barnes, Brampton, 180 miles.
2.10 2m 7f 191y
J CharlieTodd
T Pam Sly, Peterborough
6 12-0
O G. Libson,D Bayliss,T. Davies & P. Sly
B Mrs P. Sly
S Pam Sly Racing
9 11-13
J Gavin Sheehan E Tongue Strap
T Jamie Snowden, Lambourn
O Foxtrot Racing Socialiser
B Mrs Virginia McGrath
S Foxtrot Racing
BrgSoldierofFortune(IRE)-RecessionLass(IRE) 7 11-6
J HarryReed
T LJ Morgan, Waltham On The Wolds
O Barbara &Alex Faulconbridge
B Daniel O’Sullivan
S Postpack Ltd
7 11-5
J Jack Hogan (3) E Cheek Pieces
T Fergal O’Brien, Cheltenham
O Mr Derek Miles and Mr Oliver Bogue
B Mrs R. Molony
S Bresbet
5 ASA(FR) (40)
6 11-4
J JoeWilliamson (3) E Cheek Pieces
T Philip Kirby, Richmond
O The Yorkshire Puddings
B Mr Gildas Blain
S Topspec Equine Ltd, Philip Kirby Racing
BmImperialMonarch(IRE)-SliabhDonn(IRE) 7 11-4
J Tom Cannon E Tongue Strap
T Henrietta C Knight, Wantage
O MrJ. Lee
B Margaret Mullins &Tom O’Brien
S Carpenter & Paterson Ltd
BgValirann(FR)-CarleysFlight(IRE) 7 11-3
J DannyMcMenamin
T Joel Parkinson & Sue Smith, Bingley
O Mrs S. Smith
B Brendan Caulfield
FORM16-5P4 C
TIMEFORMVIEWCoursebumperwinnerwhodidn’tshapebadlyon hurdles debut here in November Backward step both subsequent startsbutcouldmakeachaserandworthasecondlookuppedintrip fordebutinthissphere(alsofirstruninhandicapcompany).
17Jan Mkt 18f Hdl gd-sf 4/8 Fingle Bridge (IRE) 53l Dec24 Lei 20f Hdl heavy P/9 Sixmilebridge (IRE)Nov24 Mkt 16f Hdl good 5/12 Typhoon Flyer(IRE) 15l
TIMEFORMVIEWFromagoodfamily(thatofSimonsigandDusart)andthis pointwinnerfinishedsecondin3mFakenhamhunterchaseonRulesdebutback inMay2022.Nogreatshakesincoupleofrunsoverhurdlessincereturningfrom alengthyabsencebutthis9-y-oisofinterestnowpitchedintoahandicapchase.
1Jan Swl 24f Hdl soft 5/6 Moon Rocket (IRE) 29l Nov24 Chp 19f Hdl gd-sf 5/11 French Ship 35l May22 Fkn
TIMEFORMVIEWPlacedacoupleoftimesinpointsbutfailedtocomplete in3ofhis5startsinthatsphereandnoimpactinatrioofappearancesin2m maiden/novicehurdlesthiswinter.Bigstepforwardneedednowswitchedto fencesanduppedintripforthishandicapdebut.
15Jan Her 16f Hdl soft 10/12 Starcrossed Lover(IRE) 48l
Dec24 Wet 16f Hdl gd-sf 7/9 Maghlaak 41l
Dec24 Utt 15f Hdl soft 8/10 Fingle Bridge (IRE) 28l
FORMP11/4-30 D
TIMEFORMVIEWSuccessfulonsecondof2startsinIrishpointsandmadea winningRulesdebutina17-runnerWarwickbumperinApril2023.Hasn’tsetthe world alight in handful ofruns overhurdles but he’s anotherwho maywell be seeninabetterlightnowhandicapping/tacklingfences.Cheekpiecesapplied.
Dec24 War 21f Hdl gd-sf 8/11 I’mALumberjack 68l
Nov24 Exe 21f Hdl good 3/5 Skyjack Hijack (IRE) 50l
Jan24 Mkt 20f Hdl gd-sf 4/7 Zain Nights 25l
TIMEFORMVIEW OffthemarkinaCartmelhandicaphurdlelastsummerand madeitthirdtimeluckyoverfenceswhenstrikingoverC&DonBoxingDay.Looked rather fortunate that day (probably would’ve finished second had the eventual runner-upnotmadeabadmistake2out)but5lbrisefairandshe’saplayer.
Dec24 Mkt 23f HcpC gd-sf 1/8 SomeBro(IRE) 11/4l
Nov24 Wet 24f HcpC gd-sf P/9 East Street (IRE)Oct24 Kel 17f HcpC gd-sf 5/11 Walk On Quest (IRE) 53/4l
TIMEFORM VIEW Placed both starts between the flags and has shown abilityoverhurdles,albeitwithoutreallythreatening.Notbeyondtherealms of possibility this switch to the larger obstacles will have a positive effect (thisstiffertestmayalsohelp),soshe’snotdismissed.
Dec24 Wcn 19f HcpH gd-sf 9/11 Love ofNeymore 25l Nov24 Lud 21f HcpH gd-sf 4/10 Olivia Kate 19l Oct24 Chp 19f HcpH soft 6/15 Holly Hartingo (IRE) 25l
S Tuffa Footwear Ltd TFRHHHHI BHA89
TIMEFORMVIEW Winless following half-a-dozen runs between the flagsand0-9overhurdlesbutoffthemarkatfourthattemptinthis spherewhenseeingoff10rivalsatCatterick(25.2f,good)recently 5lb risenottheendoftheworldandlikelytogiveanothergoodaccount.
BgApsis-Crouesty(FR) 9 10-10
J Sean Bowen
T Olly Murphy, Wilmcote
O Mr Bill Hawkins
B Mr Michel Larobe
S Motaclan
7 10-2
J TabithaWorsley(3) E TongueStrap,CheekPieces
T Georgie Howell, TenburyWells
O Ms G. Howell
B Ashbrittle Stud
S Nds Equine Nutrition
6 10-2
J Charlie Price (3) E Tongue Strap
T Maurice Barnes, Brampton
O Halfway House Syndicate
B Mrs J. Weston
S Maurice Barnes Racing Ltd
FORM64P4/-34 BF
TIMEFORMVIEW Yet to win a race of any description and while he shaped with encouragement on chase/yard debut following 20 months offat Leicester, hewent backwardswhen awell-held fourth atthesamecoursenexttime.Needstogetbackontrack.
Dec24 Lei 22f HcpC soft 4/6 Ronnies Reflection 58l
Dec24 Lei 20f HcpC soft 3/9 JumperMadrik (FR) 14l
Apr23 Plm 20f HcpH good 4/13 Abingworth 2
TIMEFORMVIEW Flat/hurdles winnerwho made a decent start forthis stable when third at Leicester on chase bow in November 2023. Not so good since,though, and she was beaten a long way inthe C&D handicap wonbyAsaduringtheChristmasperiod.Tonguestrapadded.
Dec24 Mkt 23f HcpC gd-sf 5/8 Asa (FR) 43l Apr24 Str 27f HcpC gd-sf 5/10 Fast Deal
Mar24 Tnt 21f HcpC soft 6/11 AnnieWicks 18l
TIMEFORM VIEW Average chaser who was a most fortuitous winner after6monthsoffin4-runnerhandicapchaseatNewcastle(23.4f,good)in November, nearly 50 lengths down when left alone 2 out. Tailed of at CatterickoverChristmasandhe’s4lb‘wrong’attheweights.
Dec24 Cat 25f HcpC good 9/13 Poetry Man (IRE) 82l Dec24 Mus 23f HcpC gd-sf 5/10 Ribeye 18l Nov24 Nwc 23f HcpC good 1/4 - -
2024: BREAKDANCE KID 6 12 0 Sam Coltherd 9-1 (Stuart Coltherd) 6 ran
Tongue Strap worn first time by No 9. Sheepskin Cheek Pieces worn first time by No 4. Tongue Strap worn by No 2, 6, 10 Sheepskin Cheek Pieces worn by No 5, 9. Stewards Note:
SOLDIER DAN: Following its run on 15/1/2025 it was reported that the horse hung left-handed.
GAVROCHE D’ALLIER: Following its run on 28/12/2024 it was reported that the trainer could not explain the poor run.
Probable S.P’s: 3-1 Emotional Roller (IRE), 4-1 Asa (FR), 9-2 Socialiser (IRE), 13-2 Gavroche d’Allier (FR), 10-1 Check The Score (IRE), 12-1 Dark Mix (GB), 14-1 An Cailin Ciuin (IRE), 40-1 Halfway House Lad (GB), 66-1 Lady Pacifico (GB), 80-1 Soldier Dan (IRE) PLAY SMARTER
A plausible scenario is that SOCIALISER will leave his hurdles form a long way behind now going handicapping over fences, a theory given weight by his encouraging Rules debut second in a maiden hunter.Admittedlythat was back in 2022 and he’s been seen out justtwice since but it’s surelysignificant that connections are persevering. Emotional Roller and Asa both opened their chase accounts last time and are feared most in that order of preference, while Dark Mix is also of interest.
for four yrs old and upwards x Total prize fund £8500
Owners Prize Money 1st £3433, 2nd £1716, 3rd £859, 4th £429, 5th £214. (PenaltyValue £4488.85)
LEADING COURSE TRAINER (20-25): O Murphy (52 wins from 216 runners, 24%) runs ROCK ON TOMMY TRAINER-IN-FORM (LAST 14 DAYS): O Murphy (8 wins from 38 runners, 21%) runs ROCK ON TOMMY
WEIGHTWATCHER: CAWTHORNE BANKER won off a handicap mark of 102, his rating is now down 5lb to 97 LONGESTTRAVELLER: ADAAY FOREVER trained by A King, Barbury Castle, 177 miles.
BgCharmSpirit(IRE)-WorldClass 5 12-0
J Brian Hughes
T Henrietta C Knight, Wantage
O The HCK Syndicate
B Deerfield Farm
S Plyvine Catering Ltd
BgRainbowHigh-LookHere’sMay 12 12-0
J TabithaWorsley(3) E Tongue Strap
T Sarah Hollinshead, Upper Longdon
O The Giddy Gang
B S. L. Edwards & Sarah Hollinshead
S Tote
BgFlemensfirth(USA)-SheesADante(IRE) 7 11-11
J Jonjo O’NeillJr.
T Jonjo &A.J O’Neill, Cheltenham
O Mr E. A. Brook
B Mr Sam Doyle
S Wasdell Group
BorBrgGreatPretender(IRE)-Coronet(FR) 6 11-10
J Ciaran Gethings
T Stuart Edmunds, Leighton Buzzard
O Ben Turner Racing and Laplaces Daemon
B Pascal Noue
S Science Supplements
BrmMalinas(GER)-Jontys’lass 11 11-6
J ConorRabbitt (5) E Cheek Pieces
T Andrew Crook, Leyburn
O Ashgill Stud
B Ashgill Stud
6 11-5
J HenryBrooke E Blinkers,Tongue Strap
T Patrick Neville, Leyburn
O Hold My Beer, B Hague & Partners
B Mr Benoit Chalmel
4 11-2
J Tom Cannon E Visor
T Alan King, Barbury Castle
O Kingston Stud
B Kingston Stud
S Goodwin Racing Ltd
TIMEFORMVIEW Fairform in France forFrancois Nicolle but boasts amixedrecordundervariouscodesforpresentstable.Goodthirdof 11in2mHerefordhandicaplasttimesoismuchrespected.
15Jan Her 16f HcpH soft 3/11 ChiefSunday(FR) 1l Dec24 Wcn 15f HcpH gd-sf 6/15 Ugo Bingo (FR) 13l Dec24 Plm 15f Hdl gd-sf 4/11 Confinentic (FR) 8l
FORM0//F/52/1TIMEFORMVIEWImprovedtowin2mhandicaphurdleatUttoxeter 21 months ago Needs to hit the ground running with tongue strap refittedonhiscomebackrun.
May23 Utt 15f HcpH soft 1/10 Haveyougotmymoney(IRE) 5l Mar23 Bgr 16f HcpH gd-sf 2/7 FeelThe Pinch 13l Feb23 Bgr 16f HcpH gd-sf 5/8 Hidalgo de L’Isle (FR) 13l
FORM045000 TIMEFORM VIEW Arrives out of sorts, 14th at Wincanton (2m) 19 daysago Hardtowarmto
16Jan Wcn 15f HcpH gd-sf 14/17 Chicago Storm 82l Dec24 Mkt 18f HcpH gd-sf 7/7 Inishnabro (IRE) 72l Dec24 Lin 16f HcpH soft 10/10 Dominic’s Fault 53l
TIMEFORMVIEWEasilyoffthemarkinIrishpointsbutonlyseventh in 2m4f Leicester novice hurdle in December More is required now goingintohandicaps.
Dec24 Lei 20f Hdl heavy 7/9 Sixmilebridge (IRE) 39l Nov24 Lei 20f Hdl gd-sf 4/12 Woodland Park (IRE) 17l Oct24 Utt 19f Hdl good P/11 Diamond Dealer(IRE) -
FORM10/-0B35 CD
TIMEFORMVIEW 3-time C&Dwinner Not disgracedwhen fifth of9 in handicap hurdle at Sedgefield (16.8f, heavy) 9 days ago. Considered.
26Jan Seg 16f HcpH soft 5/9 Telhimlisten (IRE) 16l Dec24 Mkt 16f HcpH gd-sf 3/5 Homme d’Un Soir(FR) 2l Nov24 Seg 16f HcpH good B/13 Bathgate -
TIMEFORM VIEW Scored on the Flat at Cattercik in October and backed it upwith an excellent clearthird of12 in handicap hurdle at Sedgefield (19.8f, good) following month despite some sloppy jumping.Meritsseriousconsideration.
Nov24 Seg 19f HcpH good 3/12 Clean Getaway(IRE) 13/4l Oct24 Cat 13f Hcp soft 1/10 MoltenSea 6
TIMEFORMVIEW A fair maiden who wasn’t disgraced when fourth of 5 in juvenile hurdle at Doncaster (16.6f, good, 5/4) 67 days ago Visorgoesonforhishandicapdebutandnotdiscounted.
Nov24 Don 16f Hdl gd-sf 4/5
BgPether’sMoon(IRE)-DuchessTheatre(IRE) 5 10-13
J MrJackAndrews (3)
T Tom Ellis, Rugby
O G &T Racing Club
B Mr P. L. Barrett
S Fresh Air
BgFastCompany(IRE)-Lady’sLocket(IRE) 9 10-12
J DannyMcMenamin
T Joel Parkinson & Sue Smith, Bingley
O Mrs S. Smith
B Miss Madeline Burns
S Tuffa Footwear Ltd
10 10-9
J Sean Bowen E Blinkers,Tongue Strap
T Olly Murphy, Wilmcote
O PremierThoroughbred Racing Ltd
B T. A. Williams
S Motaclan, PremierThoroughbred Racing Ltd
TIMEFORM VIEW Thrice-raced maiden. Ninth of 11 in novice hurdle (300/1)atChepstow(16f,goodtosoft)39daysago.Needstheswitch tohandicapstosparkmajorimprovement.
Dec24 Chp 16f Hdl soft 9/11 Julius des Pictons (FR) 47l
Dec24 Swl 15f Hdl gd-sf 11/13 Land ofMoon (FR) 29l
Dec24 Swl 15f Hdl gd-sf 9/9 Jordans Cross (IRE) 63l
FORM400153 D
TIMEFORM VIEW Scored at Cartmel in August and back on track whenthirdof10inhandicaphurdleatWetherby(16f,soft)40daysago Canmakehispresencefelt.
Dec24 Wet 16f HcpH gd-sf 3/10 MisterSmarty
Oct24 Seg 16f HcpH good 5/11 Cawthorne
Aug24 Cml 17f HcpH soft 1/9
TIMEFORM VIEW Eleven runs since his last win in 2023 but he recorded a good third of 8 in handicap chase at Lingfield (16f, soft) 57daysago,leftpoorlyplaced.Oughttobethereaboutswitchedto hurdles.
Dec24 Lin 16f HcpC soft 3/8 JohnWCreasy(IRE)
Nov24 Utt 15f HcpH good 4/7 ElVigaro (IRE) 12l Jul24 Utt 15f HcpH soft 2/8 Daany(IRE) 2
2024: HARAKIRI (FR) 7 11 10 Fergus Gregory 10-3 (Olly Murphy) 10 ran
Visor worn first time by No. 7. Tongue Strap worn by No 2. Blinkers, Tongue Strap worn by No 6, 10 Sheepskin Cheek Pieces worn by No 5.
Probable S.P’s: 11-4 Morandi Second (FR), 6-1 Treasured Company (IRE), 13-2 Voix de Bocelli (GB), 17-2 Rock On Tommy (GB), 9-1 Adaay Forever (GB), 10-1 Je Viens du Large (FR), 12-1 Lookforarainbow (GB), 16-1 Lady Babs (GB), 28-1 Tigers Moon (GB), 40-1 Cawthorne Banker (IRE)
This is wide open but MORANDI SECOND comes here on the back of an excellent third at Sedgefield with the prospect of better to come if he hurdles better so edgs the vote In-form pair Treasured Company is next on the list while Rock On Tommy and Voix de Bocelli also need factoring into this open handicap
The Horserace Betting Levy Board prize fund schemes provide for the estimated inclusion of £190,854 in ratecard and incremental prize money at this racecourse from 1st January to 28th March 2025.
Wearedelightedtobesponsoring tworacesatMarketRasenthis afternoon,andeightgotopost forthecompetitive-looking WeatherbysCheltenhamFestival BettingGuideHandicapHurdle
StuartEdmunds’CourtCianno doubtarriveshereinthebest form,winningtwoofhislastthree startsandlastseencanteringtoa comfortable16-lengthsuccessat FakenhamonNewYear’sDay.
The Court Cave seven-yearold has proved mightily progressive since switching to his new yard this season and whilst he does have to contend with a 10lb rise in the weights, he is unexposed as a stayer.
TheJoelParkinson&SueSmith stablehavebeeninred-hotform oflate,andtheirsix-year-old Rialannahcomeshereontheback ofagoodsecondatDoncaster.The mareisstillamaidenbutlooked toappreciatethestepupintrip lasttimeandisabigplayerhere infirst-timecheekpieces.Emma Lavellehasbeenanothertrainerin fineform-operatingata27%strike rateforthemonthofJanuary–and HardyFellabouncedrightback toformwithaseason-bestwhen secondatWincantonlasttime.
Makingtherunning,hewasonly rundownapproachingthelastand arepeatofthateffortwouldput himinthepicturefroma2lbhigher mark.
WhilstBenassihaspulledupon twoofhislastthreestarts,those twoeffortsbookendedanexcellent runner-upfinishatLeicesterback inDecember.OllyMurphy’seightyear-oldcaughttheeyewithhis lateprogressthatday,stayingon stronglyovertwo-and-a-halfmiles, andnowstepsupintrip.Theyard alsohasBarricaneinherewhowas twiceawinnerlasttermandisjust 1lbabovehislastwinningmark, althoughmustrecoverfromafall atWarwickwhenlastseen.
Thetop-weightedBridgeNorth benefitsfromaslidingmarkhere andiswellhandicappedonold formbutisnowwinlesssincea chasevictoryalmosttwoyears ago.BassRockisanotherwho haswaitedalongtimesincehis lastvictory–anovicechaseback in2022–andGeorginaNicholls reachesforfirst-timecheekpieces. SusanCorbett’sVelascosignedoff thelastcampaigninscintillating form,winningthreeofhislastfour starts,buthasn’tbeenableto recapturethatthisseasonandhas undergonewindsurgerysincea wellbeatenfourthatDoncasterin December.
for four yrs old and upwards x Total prize fund £11000
Owners Prize Money 1st £4443, 2nd £2221, 3rd £1111, 4th £556, 5th £277 (PenaltyValue £5809.10)
LEADING COURSE TRAINER (20-25): O Murphy (52 wins from 216 runners, 24%) runs BARRICANE and BENASSI TRAINER-IN-FORM (LAST 14 DAYS): O Murphy (8 wins from 38 runners, 21%) runs BARRICANE and BENASSI LONGESTTRAVELLER: VELASCO trained by S Corbett, Otterburn, 191 miles.
BgSholokhov(IRE)-WhatABreeze(IRE) 9 12-0
J SamTwiston-Davies E Blinkers
T Henry Daly, Ludlow
O Hemmings Racing
B Peter and Ann Downes
S Trust Inns Limited
8 12-0
J Sean Bowen E Cheek Pieces
T Olly Murphy, Wilmcote
O MrA. J. Wall
B Patrick Molloy
S Motaclan
BgCourtCave(IRE)-SophieRose(IRE) 7 11-12
J Ciaran Gethings
T Stuart Edmunds, Leighton Buzzard
O Edmunds Racing Club
B Ms Mary Kennedy
S Science Supplements, Oakman Group PLC
BgMartaline-Horta(FR) 9 11-9
J MissOliveNicholls(7) E TongueStrap,CheekPieces
T Georgina Nicholls, Kingston Lisle
O Mr Raymond Anderson Green
B S.C.E.A. Hamel Stud
S N. S. P. C. C.
8 11-6
J BenJones E Visor
T Emma Lavelle, Marlborough
O Bonita Racing Club
B Mr B. Nolan
S Hatherden Horse Transport
9 11-5
J Nathan Moscrop E TongueStrap,CheekPieces
T Susan Corbett, Otterburn
O Samantha Toomes & Mrs Susan Corbett
B Kenilworth House Stud
S Finnies Heavy Haulage
ChmMountNelson-Brixen(IRE) 6 11-2
J Gavin Sheehan E Cheek Pieces
T Joel Parkinson & Sue Smith, Bingley
O Mr R Peters and MrT Ford
B MrTom Ford
S Tuffa Footwear Ltd
TIMEFORM VIEW Well beaten om both starts this term and it remainstobeseenwhetherachangeofheadgear(first-timeblinkers forvisor)helpstosparkarevival.
Dec24 Don 24f HcpH gd-sf 6/6 SuperSurvivor(IRE) 65l Oct24 Ain 24f HcpH good 4/7 Skyjack Hijack (IRE) 25l Apr24 Per 26f HcpH soft U/7 Fortuna Ligna (IRE) -
TIMEFORMVIEWWontwiceoverhurdlesinearly2023andreturned toforminfirst-timecheekpieceswhensecondof9atLeicester(20.5f, heavy)inDecember Theheadgeardidn’tworkanywherenearaswell atUttoxetersince,though.
Dec24 Utt 19f HcpH gd-sf P/8 Don Hollow (GER) -
Dec24 Lei 20f HcpH heavy 2/9 One Eye OnVegas 2l Nov24 Bgr 19f HcpH gd-sf P/11 Might I (IRE) -
FORMF54121 D
TIMEFORM VIEW Made it 2 wins from only 5 starts for Stuart Edmunds when pulling 16 lengths clear at Fakenham (3m) on New Year’sDay.A10lbrisedemandsfurtherprogressbutheisunexposed asastayer.
1Jan Fkn 23f HcpH gd-sf 1/7 Ted’sFriend(IRE) 16l
Dec24 Don 19f HcpH gd-sf 2/8 Sauce ofLife (IRE) nk Nov24 Utt 19f HcpH good 1/7 Fourtowns(IRE) 31/2l
TIMEFORMVIEWUsefulhurdle/chaserwinnerathisbest.Tookastepback inrightdirectionforhisnewstablewhenthirdinchaseatLudlowinDecember butmerelyaddedtohispatchyrecordoflatewhenpulledupatKemptonover Christmas.Nowbackhurdlingwithcheekpiecesadded.
Dec24 Kmp 24f HcpC gd-sf P/11 Beachcomber(FR)Dec24 Lud 25f HcpC gd-sf 3/7 Dreaming Blue 71/4l Oct24 Chl 19f HcpH good 11/13 Wyenot 21l
TIMEFORMVIEWScoredoverfencesatFontwellin2023.Moremiss than hit since but did turn in his best effort of the season when secondof11atWincanton(3m)lasttime.Playerifinsimilarform.
16Jan Wcn 24f HcpH gd-sf 2/11 Phantomofthepoints(IRE) 3/4l Dec24 War 21f HcpH gd-sf 5/11 MrHope Street (IRE) 21l Nov24 Lud 21f HcpH good 9/10 Melton Mossy(IRE) 43l
TIMEFORM VIEW Thrived towards the end of last season, winning threetimesatupto3m.Ranbetterthanthebareresultwhenfourth of 7 in 3m Doncaster handicap in December On a winning mark if a subsequentwindoperationhashadapositiveeffect.
Dec24 Don 24f HcpH gd-sf 4/7 Cloud Dancer(IRE) 18l Nov24 Kel 20f HcpH gd-sf 6/8 ForgedWell (IRE) 49l Oct24 Nwc 23f HcpH good S/7 Skyjack Hijack (IRE) -
TIMEFORMVIEW Remains a maiden but her recent second in a big field at Doncaster was very creditable and her stable’s continued good form provides hope she can go one better now. Also wears first-timecheekpieces.
24Jan Don 24f HcpH gd-sf 2/17
BgKayfTara-AlinaRheinberg(GER) 10 11-0
J Joshua Bryan
T Olly Murphy, Wilmcote
O PremierThoroughbred Racing Ltd & Partner
B Mrs S. Bates
S Motaclan, PremierThoroughbred Racing Ltd TFRHHIII BHA106 FORM4133-0F D
TIMEFORMVIEW Scored over 25f at Huntingdon last February but cameinlastof7onhisWarwickreappearanceinNovember Fell3out backtheresince(toofarouttopredictwherehe’dhavefinished)
Dec24 War 26f HcpH soft F/10 Land GenieNov24 War 19f HcpH gd-sf 7/7 SolarSystem (FR) 25l Apr24 Swl 24f HcpH heavy 3/6 Innisfree Lass (IRE) 35l
2024: HASHTAG BOUM (FR) 7 11 7 HenryBrooke 11-5 (RuthJefferson) 7 ran
Blinkers worn first time by No 1. Sheepskin Cheek Pieces worn first time by No 4, 7.
Visor worn by No 5. Tongue Strap worn by No 4, 6. Sheepskin Cheek Pieces worn by No 2, 6.
Running for the first time since Wind Surgery No 6.
Stewards Note:
BRIDGE NORTH: Following its run on 29/12/2024 it was reported that the horse was never travelling.
BENASSI: Following its run on 31/12/2024 it was reported that the horse was never travelling.
Probable S.P’s: 3-1 Court Cian (IRE), 7-2 Hardy Fella (IRE), 9-2 Rialannah (IRE), 13-2 Benassi (IRE), 12-1 Bridge North (IRE), 14-1 Velasco (IRE), 18-1 Bass Rock (FR), 22-1 Barricane (GB)
RIALANNAH won’t need to pull out much more for cheekpieces to get off the mark here. The thriving Court Cian is second choice, while Hardy Fella should also be on the premises if able to back up last month’s Wincanton second.
Find out more about today’s race sponsor at
Eightalsogotopostforthe followingWeatherbysBloodstock SalesReviewHandicapChase, stagedoverthreemiles.Therace waswonlastyearbyOliverGreenall andJoshGuerriero’sConcettoand theeight-year-oldbidstoretain theprizefroma6lbhighermark. Theformofhisrunner-upfinish hereonBoxingDaylasttimewas welladvertisedwiththewinner goinginagainthispastweekend atSandown,andheisabig playerbackdownintripfromthat marathondistance.
HeardThathasprovedincredibly progressiveforOllyMurphysince anintroductiontofencesthisterm andimpressedwithhowhesurged clearfromthebackofthelastwhen winningatHuntingdonlasttime.He mustcontendwitha7lbrise,but theformwasgivenaboostwhen thethirdwonatDoncasternext timeout.
Whilst well beaten on his only start at this trip over fences, he was let down by his jumping that day and is well worth another try at this distance.
Peejaybeebegunthiscampaign withadeterminedvictoryatPerth andrananexcellentracewhen runner-uphereatMarketRasen lasttime,onlyjustheldbyanin-
formwinnerandwellclearofthe third.PeterandMichaelBowen’s nine-year-oldwonbothabumper andmaidenhurdleatthistrack, andsearchesforhisfirstwinover fencesatthecoursehere.
Thetop-weightedTanganyikawas awildlyimpressivewinnerover hurdlesatNewburylastMarch andmadeapleasingstarttolife overfenceswhenfifthinaredhothandicapchaseatBangor inbehindsmartnovicesJagwar andLowry’sBar.VenetiaWilliams’ seven-year-olddidn’tappearto givehistruerunningatWindsorlast timebutcanbeaffordedanother chancehere,suchwasthepromise ofhischasingdebut,andheisin therighthandstobounceback.
JonjoO’Neill’sYesDayhas appearedalittleoutpacedattwoand-a-halfmilesintworunssince switchingtofencesbutmakes moreappealsteppingupintrip here.Theseven-year-oldholds stronghurdleformoverstaying tripsandshouldappreciatemoreof astaminatest.HenryOliver’sJesse Lightfootwasanexcellentthirdon reappearanceatCheltenhamin Octoberbuthaspostedbelow-par renewalsthelasttwiceandisnow triedinatonguestrap.The11-yearoldisacourseanddistancewinner anddidfinishthirdinthisveryrace backin2023.
for five yrs old and upwards x Total prize fund £12000
Owners Prize Money 1st £4847, 2nd £2423, 3rd £1212, 4th £606, 5th £302. (PenaltyValue £6337.20)
LEADING COURSE TRAINER (20-25): O Murphy (52 wins from 216 runners, 24%) runs HEARD THAT TRAINER-IN-FORM (LAST 14 DAYS): O Murphy (8 wins from 38 runners, 21%) runs HEARD THAT WEIGHTWATCHER: HIGH MOON won off a handicap mark of 116, his rating is now down 5lb to 111.
LONGESTTRAVELLER: PEEJAYBEE trained by P & M Bowen, Haverfordwest, 310 miles.
BgMartaline-NoritaHas(FR) 7 12-1
J Charlie Deutsch
T Venetia Williams, Hereford
O Mrs C. S. Wilson
B E.A.L. Haras de Montaigu et al
S Faucets Limited
BgUniversal(IRE)-MadamJolie(IRE) 10 12-0
J Sam Coltherd
T Stuart Coltherd, Selkirk
O Tor Side Racing
B Mrs P. A. Cowey
ChgBallingarry(IRE)-PlayaduCharmil(FR) 9 11-12
J James Bowen
T Peter & Michael Bowen, Haverfordwest
O Martin Gowing and Paul Booker
B SCEA Ecurie Brindor & SCEA Du Claux
J Jonjo O’NeillJr
T Jonjo &A.J O’Neill, Cheltenham
7 11-10
O Mr Ian Bullions
B Miss Susan Scott
S Wasdell Group
5 CONCETTO (FR) (40)
8 11-8
J HenryBrooke E Tongue Strap, Cheek Pieces
T Oliver Greenall &Josh Guerriero, Malpas
O 5 O’clock Somewhere Partnership
B Mr OlivierTricot & Mr Dominique Bressou
S Swansway
6 11-7
J Sean Bowen E Tongue Strap
T Olly Murphy, Wilmcote
O Stephen R Hodgkinson & Partner
B Patrick Day
S Motaclan
7 HIGH MOON (GB) (34)
10 11-5
J Charlie Maggs (5) E Cheek Pieces
T Rebecca Menzies, Sedgefield
O Miss Maria D. Myco
B Jethro Bloodstock
S Bluegrass Horse Feeds
3.45 2m 7f 191y
FORMF130-54 D BF
TIMEFORM VIEW Enjoyed a productive 2023/24 season overhurdles, winning twice.Finishedasolidfifthonreturn/chasedebutatBangor(20.3f)inNovemberand, having jumped better on the whole, not beaten far when fourth of 5 in handicap chaseatWindsor(24.2f)lastmonth.Appealsasthetypetodobetterstill.
Dec24 Wdr 24f HcpC gd-sf 4/5 Ballycamus (IRE) 73/4l
Nov24 Bgr 20f HcpC soft 5/15 Jagwar(FR) 81
Mar24 Hay 24f HcpH soft 11/12 SecretTrix
FORM55314P C D
TIMEFORMVIEWMultiplewinnerforNickyRichardswhoopenedaccount forpresentyardover31/4matKelsoinOctober,hisstaminashiningthrough inawell-runrace Wasn’tdisgracedatCarlislenexttimebutlatesteffortleft muchtobedesiredandothersmakemoreappeal.
Dec24 Kel 32f HcpC soft P/11 Bretney(IRE)
Nov24 Car 26f HcpC gd-sf 4/9 Val Dancer(IRE)
Oct24 Kel 26f HcpC good 1/10 BrandyMcQueen(IRE)5
FORM413242 C D
TIMEFORMVIEWSuccessful3timesoverhurdlesandnotchedsecondwin in this sphere when landing a 7-runner handicap at Perth (2 1/2m, soft) in September Betteredthatwhenaclear,closesecondtoanin-formrivalover thisC&Drecentlyandanotherboldshowanticipated.
17Jan Mkt 23f HcpC gd-sf 2/10 Eyed 3/4l
Dec24 Lei 22f HcpC soft 4/5 Superbolt (IRE) 16l
Nov24 Cat 19f HcpC good 2/5 Duke ofLuckley(IRE) 7l
FORM5230-36 D BF
TIMEFORM VIEW Point winner who landed a Uttoxeter maiden hurdle in October 2023 and placed on several occasions since, including when third on return/chase debut at Warwick (2 1/2m) in November Disappointing at Southwellnexttimebutwillbeathreatifon-songbackupintriphere.
Dec24 Swl 20f HcpC gd-sf 6/10 Theformismighty 18l
Nov24 War 20f HcpC good 3/8 I’m Ravenous (FR) 6l
Mar24 Wet 21f HcpH soft 7/11 Montregard (FR) 42l
FORM515-502 CD
TIMEFORMVIEWWontwicelasttermandbacktoformfollowingacoupleof low-keyeffortswhenchasinghomeO’ConnelloveramarathontriphereonBoxing Day.That rival boosted the form when completing the hat-trick at Sandown on Saturdayandhe’saliveeach-wayplayerbackdownintripoff1lblower.
Dec24 Mkt 27f HcpC gd-sf 2/9 O’Connell (IRE) 91/2l
Nov24 Asc 23f HcpC good 8/10 Law ofSupply(IRE) 46l Oct24 Kmp 24f HcpC good 5/8 Regarde (IRE) 20l
TIMEFORM VIEW Fair maiden over hurdles who made it 2-4 in this spherewhenscoringindecisivefashionatHuntingdon(21/2m,soft) last month. Raised 7lb forthat but maywell have more to offeras a chaser,especiallynowmovingbackupintrip
2Jan Hun 19f HcpC gd-sf 1/7 KayceDutton(IRE) 6l
Dec24 War 24f HcpC gd-sf 5/9 New Order(IRE) 13l
Nov24 War 20f HcpC gd-sf 1/6 PearlyIsland 1l
TIMEFORMVIEW Performed with credit on first 3 starts of present campaign, including when third of 14 off this mark at Hexham in December Understandablystruggledfrom7lboutofthehandicapat Musselburghlast timeandhe’snotwithouteach-wayhope. 1Jan Mus 20f HcpC soft 5/8 Boomslang 42l
BmYeats(IRE)-NeedleDoll(IRE) 11 10-8
J Miss Imogen Mathias (7) E Tongue Strap
T Henry Oliver, Kinnersley
O Catch TwentyTwo
B Sean Keane
S Tote
TIMEFORMVIEWRevitalisedbyareturntoHenryOliverlastspring, scoringoverfencesatTauntonandSouthwell.Goodplacedeffortsat CheltenhamandPlumptononfirst2startsofpresentcampaignbut notsogoodthelasttwiceandnowtriedinatonguestrap
Dec24 Utt 24f HcpC gd-sf 4/11 Jo Lescribaa (FR) 37l
Dec24 Her 25f HcpC gd-sf 5/13 Lady Balko (FR) 29l
Dec24 Plm 25f HcpC gd-sf 2/6 Lady Balko (FR) 61/
DECLARED RUNNERS 8 2024: CONCETTO (FR) 7 11 2 HenryBrooke 9-2 (OliverGreenall &Josh Guerriero) 9 ran
Tongue Strap worn first time by No 8. Tongue Strap worn by No 5, 6. Sheepskin Cheek Pieces worn by No 5, 7.
Probable S.P’s: 3-1 Heard That (IRE), 10-3 Tanganyika (FR), 5-1 Peejaybee (FR), 7-1 Yes Day (IRE), 17-2 Concetto (FR), 12-1 High Moon (GB), 22-1 Universal Folly (GB), 25-1 Jessie Lightfoot (IRE)
In light of what he achieved over hurdles, TANGANYIKA is likely to prove a good deal betterthan what he has shown in two starts in this sphere to date and he could be the answer to this competitive contest. Heard That has won two of his four starts since switched to fences and he looks a big threat, along with the consistent Peejaybee. TIMEFORM PREDICTION: 1.TANGANYIKA
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for four, five and six yrs old fillies and mares x Total prize fund £4000
Owners Prize Money 1st £1669, 2nd £835, 3rd £417, 4th £209 (PenaltyValue £2178.40)
LEADING COURSE TRAINER (20-25): D Skelton (36 wins from 165 runners, 22%) runs LADY KLUCK TRAINER-IN-FORM (LAST 14 DAYS): F O’Brien (7 wins from 26 runners, 27%) runs GAME ON BABE LONGESTTRAVELLER: SHARP GLANCE & BABY THYME trained by A King, Barbury Castle, 177 miles.
BmWalkInThePark(IRE)-DreamFunction(IRE) 5 11-9
J HarrySkelton
T Dan Skelton, Alcester
O Craig & Laura Buckingham
B B&O Cloney Headfield Farm Ltd
S Manor Farm Bloodstock
BmNoRiskAtAll(FR)-BabyShine(IRE) 5 11-2
J Tom Cannon
T Alan King, Barbury Castle
O Burkes & Syders
B Mr Dominic Burke
S Goodwin Racing Ltd
BmDiamondBoy(FR)-BitumenBelle(IRE) 5 11-2
J BenJones E Tongue Strap
T Ben Pauling, Naunton
O Mrs S. Lee and Mr E. Lee
B Mill House Stud & Mr N. Farrell
S Fitzdares
4 GAME ON BABE (IRE) (269)
BmSoldierofFortune(IRE)-BackToRoost(IRE) 6 11-2
J Fern O’Brien (7)
T Fergal O’Brien, Cheltenham
O Mr Neville Reid
B John and Miriam Murphy
S Bresbet
GrmBeaumecdeHouelle(FR)-ExtremeDream(FR) 5 11-2
J Charlie Deutsch
T Mel Rowley, Bridgnorth
O Mrs M. C. Sweeney
B EARL Guittet Desbois
S Bob Price & Son Groundworks
BmAuthorized(IRE)-TitiJolie(FR) 5 11-2
J Sean Quinlan
T Nicky Richards, Greystoke
O Fine Claret Racing
B DrV. Roger-Yves Simon et al
S Equine Products Ltd (Equine Nutrition)
J James Bowen
T Alan King, Barbury Castle
O Pitchall Stud Partnership
B D. and Mrs Holmes
S Goodwin Racing Ltd
TIMEFORM VIEW £75,000 point recruit who made it second time lucky under Rules in Sedgefield bumper in December That was a weak race but she’s in top hands and there could easily be more to come.
Dec24 Seg 16f NHF soft 1/6 NobleGeorge(IRE) 31/4l Oct24 Lud 15f NHF good 3/7 Court InAStorm (IRE) 11l
TFRHHHHI BHAFORM TIMEFORMVIEWNoRiskAtAllmare.Half-sistertobumperwinner/ fair 2 3/4m hurdle winner Baby Sage and fair 2m hurdle winner Windsurfer Tom Cannon seemingly prefers her to Sharp Glance. Interestingnewcomer
TIMEFORM VIEW 12/1, shaped a bit better than seventh of 11 suggests on her Hereford debut in December, fading after meeting sometroubleonthehometurn.
Dec24 Her 16f NHF gd-sf 7/11 DoctorOn Call (FR) 16l
TIMEFORMVIEW Six-race maiden in points but this well-bred mare (half-sister to top-class chaser Somersby) has joined a good stable forherRulescareer
TIMEFORMVIEWShowedsomeabilitywhen8lengthssixthof13on herUttoxeterdebut(heavy)5weeksago,leadinguntil3fout.
Dec24 Utt 15f NHF gd-sf 6/13 APathTo Ronda (IRE) 8l
TIMEFORM VIEW 11/4, 8 1/2 lengths second to subsequent Listed winner Kingston Queen on Sedgefield bumper (good to soft) on BoxingDay.Shouldgowell. Dec24
TIMEFORM VIEW Passing Glance filly who produced a promising first effort when under 3 lengths fifth of 11 at Ludlow in December Tom Cannon is on the stable’s other runner this time but she’s still muchrespected. Dec24
J Ellis Collier(5)
T Evan Williams, Llancarfan
O Jones Racing
TIMEFORM VIEW 66/1, no short-term promise when behind Sharp GlanceonherLudlowdebutinDecember
J SamTwiston-Davies
T Henry Daly, Ludlow
O The Henry Daly Racing Club
B Yorton Farm Stud
S Humphrey Butler Ltd
J Gavin Sheehan
T LucyWadham, Newmarket
O Louise Kemble
B Elms Bloodstock
TIMEFORMVIEW 20/1, green and well beaten behind Sharp Glance inLudlowbumperinDecember
S Weatherbys Hamilton LLP TFRHHHII BHAFORM
TIMEFORM VIEW Soldier of Fortune half-sister to 4 winners, including useful hurdler Martello Sky and useful chaser Brief Ambition.Yardhashadsuccesswiththisfamily,includinginbumpers, andshe’denterthereckoningifthebettingspeaksinherfavour
Tongue Strap worn by No 3.
Probable S.P’s: 3-1 La Zoubida (FR), 9-2 Lady Kluck (IRE), 11-2 Sharp Glance (GB), 6-1 Baby Thyme (FR), 11-1 Shotgun Shirley (GB), 12-1 Game On Babe (IRE), 16-1 Crystal Days (GB), Karlita Desbois (FR), 50-1 Sure To Please (GB), Pepper Queen (GB)
LA ZOUBIDA bumped into last month’s C&D Listed winner Kingston Queen when second on her Sedgefield debut over Christmas and is taken to go one better now. Alan King pair Sharp Glance and BabyThyme, a newcomer who is seemingly preferred by stable jockey Tom Cannon, head the dangers along with Sedgefield-scorer Lady Kluck.
The Great British Bonus (GBB) incentivises and rewards with breeding, buying and racing of British-bred fillies by paying out bonuses of up to £100,000 per filly And now with GBBPlus to further incentivise staying fillies and chasing mares, there are more reasons than ever to breed, buy and race British. Majority funded by the HBLB.