Focus on balance, not perfection
By Kendra Zieman Personal trainer Fitness coach
Another holiday season is quickly approaching and we all know that a busy schedule with lots of gathering comes along with it. Far too often, women start to stress this time of year and it’s not just about the actual holidays. Many women will feel the stress because they are not comfortable with the way their bodies look. They know during the holidays they will see a lot of friends and family members and pictures are always taken. Many women also feel pressure and stress because they are so busy with the holidays that they give up on keeping their health and fitness as a top priority. I’m going to share a few tips and ideas to help you ease that pressure and be able to find balance. You wouldn’t stop taking care of your kids or house during this busy season, so don’t stop caring for yourself. If you know you will be enjoying dinner out one night, make it a priority to start your day with a healthy breakfast. Eat a high protein and low carb lunch. This will help so you have more flexibility with your dinner. When filling your plate, make sure you have a good protein source on there and eat that first. Protein should be your main focus each meal—don’t fill up on your carbs first. Focus on balance, not perfection. It’s OK to eat a favorite dessert but try to limit it to one serving and save some time for exercise. I prefer to work out in the morning. It makes my day feel more productive and, let’s be honest, no one wants to exercise after a big meal.
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If you have been trying to lose weight throughout the year, shift your mindset to maintaining your weight instead of trying to lose weight during the holidays. This is more realistic and you don’t want to miss out on all the festivities and fun with your family because you are so worried about your diet. Again, we are focusing on balance not perfection. During the holidays, some women put on 5 to 10 pounds simply because they are not conscientious about their food and exercise. This is why I strongly encourage that you continue to make healthy choices without completely restricting yourself. Some women decide just to wait until the New Year for a fresh start. This is where the vicious cycle happens—once January hits, you will go hardcore and be overly restrictive. You can only keep up with that lifestyle for so long before you give in. I encourage you to work towards a more balanced life. The consistency will help achieve and maintain the results instead of the constant crash diet just to gain all your weight back. So, this holiday, my advice to you would be to start focusing on your long-term health. Don’t wait until January. Aim for consistent balance over inconsistent perfection.