Simply Seniors Fall 2021

Page 28

Life is the Berries We’re on Vacation! Plans SPLAT sometimes.

By Laura Loveberry Elementary School Assembly Author/Speaker, Inspirational Speaker Women’s Retreats/Conferences, Caricature Artist

This happened to my friends, Judy and Joe Tvergyak, while in the middle of their vacation. Joe experienced a medical issue, so they rushed to the medical center. On the way, his wife glanced over, grinned and exclaimed, “We’re on vacation!” She hoped to make light of the reality of ending yet another holiday early. Their stress busted into laughter. It worked! Ever since their interrupted vacation, they repeat this infamous phrase. It ushers in giggles and lifts the despair. When Joe needs to drive to various doctor appointments, medical procedures, or ER visits, the mood lightens with, “We’re on vacation!” Even in the middle of night with a medical issue popping up, they chant, “We’re on vacation,” as they drive in the darkness to the hospital. Judy shared with me, “This specific saying lifted our spirits, cut the tension, and brought us much laughter even amongst the tears!” You see, Joe and Judy started their marriage adventure as a typical couple. Three years later, life dropped a challenge. Now, Joe rolls in a wheelchair with Judy walking by his side.


Their faith in God bonds their 36-year relationship strongly as they adjust to medical issues. The energy and engaging joy around this couple draws others toward them. Joe thrives by the Bible verse, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Phil 4:13 NKJV). His face beams with Jesus’ joy. Judy draws her courage from these inspired words: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Tim 1:7 NKJV). She radiates God’s love. Judy chuckles and tells me, “If you see us driving with our hands raised through the sunroof, smiling and laughing while pulling into the hospital, it’s because ‘we’re on vacation.’” Their positive perspective brings a smile to my face, imagining their handraised cheering rolling into the ER drive with a puzzled expression on the medical attendants’ faces. Unexpected trials plop on our paths. Readers, we choose our response to unanticipated troubles. We can drop our shoulders, sulk, mope, and complain when our plans are cut short. Or, we can join Judy and Joe as we adjust to challenges and dance in our car while laughing and shouting, “We’re on vacation!”

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