Sleeping beauty

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The SLEEPING beauty:

Aurora´s Mother:




At nine O´clOck….It´s tIme tO have dInner…. What a nice bottom Aurora has!

Aurora! Bring us our dinner, NOW!!

How handsome he is….!! Grrrrrr!! I´m gonna kill her


When she arrives, her mother is waiting for her. Oh, my dear, your look really tired.

Yes mom, I am. I´m going to bed now, I’m not hungry.

aurOra Is sleepIng…

Meanwhile in the castle…everyOne Is sleepIng tOO…

(Eustaquia looks happy, she´s having a great dream)

At half past six, Eustaquia wakes up and gets up…(her husband Is stIll sleepIng)

eustaquIa gOes tO a secret rOOm….

and she Opens the dOOr……

THERE, she prepares a pOtIOn…. Whith this potion, i´ll make aurora sleep for a long, With this potion, long time…. I´ll make Aurora sleep for a long, long time…

she puts a needle InsIde the pOtIOn…..

Needle !!

Eustaquia tears the dress!!

She takes the torn dress and the poisoned needle to the laundry room‌

Aurora is going to the lAundry room to put her maid’s unIfOrm On when…..

But Mrs. Eustaquia! What are you doing in the laundry room!?

Uh…. Mmm… Oh! I came here just to... You must sew this dress. It´s torn….

Okay, Mrs. Eustaquia.

It’s very strange….

After a long day of work, night falls‌

Aurora returns home again.

She arrives home. Hi, mum.

Hi, Aurora. How are you doing?

Fine, thanks mum.

I have to sew this dress before going to bed‌ Will you help me?

Yes, of course

Maria gives the dress to Aurora‌

Aurora lays the dress down and María gives her a needle…

Aurora is going to take the needle when…

Ah!! I have had a puncture!!

Aurora faints‌

Aurora!! Aurora!! Wake up!! Aurora!!

Maria takes Aurora to her bed. She puts a dropper to Aurora.

Next morning… Where on Earth is Aurora??

Prince phones Aurora… Hello? Aurora? I´m Hermenegildo. Hello, I´m Aurora´s mother, she isn´t able to go working today. Oh, okay, Thanks. Bye.


The Prince visits Aurora… Humm…

Ok, you can see her.

Hi, I come to visit Aurora. Could I see her?

When he is in the house…he hits Maria on her head with a baseball bat.

Hermenegildo goes to Aurora's room and‌


Nine months after the rape‌ Pregnant of twins!!


Aurora gives birth twins (girls).

Oh, they are really cute, they´re beautiful!!

I Love You!! My girls! Good night!

Meanwhile, in the Castle… Now, it´s my turn.

Eustaquia is spying on Aurora´s house.

Next day, in the secret room…

With this potion, Aurora will wake up.

Two hours later in Aurora´s house… Wait a minute, please.

Hi, I come to visit, Aurora. Can I see her??

But, she cannot wait…

OMG!! What are you doing?!?!

I’m taking my revenge!! MUAJAJAJA!!

I told you!!! Now it´s Sleeping beauty’s time.

Eustaquia wakes Aurora up. Wake up, Sleeping beauty ... you don´t know what awaits you!

I look forward to tomorrow. Muajajajaja!!

Next day, Aurora wakes up… I feel weird. It's as if I had slept for a long time, and I don´t know where my mom is…

I don´t want to go working today… I have a bad feeling.

When Aurora arrives at the Castle, Eustaquia forces her to cook her daughters… Hunguaaaa!!! Hunguaaaa!!!

When the food is finished…

Yes, please, I´m really hungry today!

Aurora!! Serve the dinner to Hermenegildo, not to me, I´m not hungry…

Yes, eat it, eat your daughters!

When the Prince has finished, Aurora starts crying… What´s wrong, Aurora?

Aurora was pregnant because of you…and you have just eaten your children!


OMG!!! She is Insane!!

And now, YOU´RE GONNA DIE!!! Shoot


Now it´s your turn!

You have stolen me of all I had in this world… And for that, you´ll pay a very high price! DIE MORON!

OMG!! I have just become like her … A MURDERER!!

Aurora decides getting rid of those horrible memories and she burns the Castle.


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