Amateur Bloggers Mistakes

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15 Terrible Blogging Common Mistakes That Every Amateur Blogger Makes (Real-life Examples Included!) Do you know new amateur bloggers make many mistakes on their blogs? The first things you need to be aware of what mistakes you are making being a new blogger. I was once an amateur blogger too. I agree, committing mistakes is sometimes good as you’ll always learn from them, but not knowing what mistakes you are making is not healthy both for you and your blogging career or business. Go through this list. Own your mistakes. Turn things around. Here are some very common mistakes that amateur bloggers make – if you’re doing them, stop and learn! Don’t worry. I’ll also go into how to fix all these blogging blunders too.

So let’s dive right in! 1. You Expect Fast Results I know like you, I also expect fast results, thinking how fast I get income from my blog, but don’t expect, as you are a beginner, it take time, if you want your blog give you profitable results. Always focus on creating an audience; it takes time, because you can never make income without loyal readers. After building the right audience, all you need is a monetization strategy on your blog. 2. Not Self-Hosted Do you know your online journey starts when you launch your blog, and many amateur bloggers do it all wrong. Pay for web hosting. Use a premium hosting package. Buy a premium professional theme. Go straight from jayvee to the pros. Let us take some examples1- Michelle from Making Sense Of Cents makes over $125,000 in just a single month. 2-Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income makes over $240,000 each month from his blog. The list goes ON…… Have you seen what is common in all the successful bloggers out there? They started their online journey on the right path! Yes, I am talking about being self-hosted.

Why Self-hosting your website or blog is essential, because it ensures that you own your own servers. It also allows you access to a great variety of all essential plugins, themes, third party applications that bring various functions to your web site. If you choose any other option aside from self-hosting (aka wix, weebly, tumblr,, etc. Only, you risk the chance of losing all your online content if you’re the company shuts down or decides to close your account for whatever reason. You lose everything; all your efforts go down. You don’t own your business assets. If you want to start your very own professional blog or have already started your blog I highly suggest you start your journey in the right path (Make your blog self Hosted) using my STEP BY STEP guide to starting a professional profitable blog with all the technicalities covered in depth with easy steps. When it comes to the best web hosting, Bluehost is my #1 recommendation. 3. You Don't Have a Plan Do you know he most successful bloggers, have a plan for their blogging business. You need solid strategy that works for you. Before going to live you blog post, working day, plan what you are going to accomplish. Having a schedule and plan helps a TON. Focus on your time table, how much time you are going to spend on your blog content, video, images, promoting on social media, seo, building your digital products, email list and so on. 4. Lack of Passion Do you know many newbie’s; people enter into the blogging industry with the sole purpose of making money?

I agree everyone wants to make income from blogging, but never expect from the day one. “ROME WAS NOT BUILD IN ADAY” Something you are passionate about Like I’m passionate about Digital Marketing, that’s the reason I started Find out what your passion? List them, and start with your own passion. Specialization is the great secret to blogging success.

5. How Greedy Are You? I have seen many Amateur bloggers; they start & build a blog with their passion, but most of their offer, promotion affiliate links or making money. They think like this way they gain so much, but it is wrong in my opinion to focus only to the income, making profit. You need to build trust, authority, provide valuable high quality content as much as possible, once you establish, then you can monetize your blog strategy, so initial stage never hurry to make money, stop being greedy.

6. You Don't Improve Your Knowledge If you want to be a successful in blogging industry, want to make more passive income, want to make more traffic, want to make more branding, then you need to understand that you have to regularly improve your knowledge, by reading about your niche industry. How many times a day do you invest in reading?

Make a habit of reading; it can be book, articles. Invest you more time on others successful bloggers, read their blog, what they are doing, how they are doing, their writing style. You can see here my books library list; which I try to read one book every week. In this way you always update, get more knowledge in your niche. 7. Not Starting An Email List Building From Day 1 Do you know the famous quote: “Money is in the List” still exists and works the best. An email list is a great way to build loyal readership for your blogs. You’re a new blogger and haven’t been thinking about growing your email list? I know, I was the same when I first started too, and almost everyone who starts blogging performs the same mistake. Now I generate email subscribers daily. One thing to keep in mind that your email list is your MOST LOYAL READERS. You can start building an email list, make sure to provide freebies such as:1. eBooks 2. Cheat sheet 3. Giveaways 4. Video course In this way you get more and more subscribers. Unlike other social media platforms, it can be facebook, twitter, you have control over your subscribers and do not have to worry about algorithm changes in social media,

getting traffic is just getting harder. So start building your email list from the beginning. If you haven’t already, it’s not too late to start now. I use and recommend Convertkit as my email service provider: Convertkit is my #1 recommendation for the ESP( Email Service Provider). The features offered by Convertkit is Amazing which includes:1. Web Forms, 2. Landing Pages, 3. Email Sequences, 3. Tagging, 4. Autoresponder, 5. Resend To Unopened Emails Option, 6. Triggers And Much More. You can also get a free trial of 14 days of Convertkit and a 30 days refund policy ( if you sign up with my link). Click Here To Get Your ConvertKit - FREE TRIAL 8. You Don't Have Patience Blogging is not one day task, it is ongoing process, don’t misunderstand in blogging you will get success in a week or a month. So you should be patient enough to wait for your efforts to bring results. As already mentioned on my blog, getting success in blogging is a slow process. 9. Ugly Websites Work Do you know your website is all about visuals?

When you have an ugly blog or website, nobody takes you seriously. People think you aren’t reliable, authenticate, professional, let alone hand over their hard-earned cash to you. Being an amateur blogger, you always try finding out themes that are free of cost. Even when I was starting my blog, I have on a tight budget. Then after few months I realized, if I invested in a good theme like others successful bloggers are using and they quote on their blog, I get better results. I saw how important it was. Buy a premium theme. Do you know Good premium themes are typically better for SEO as they are faster and have inbuilt SEO functions? As compare to free theme, Paid themes are mobile-friendly, seo friendly and Website and page loading is relatively faster. As you can see, it is absolutely essential to invest in a good professional blog or website theme. I recommend getting the Divi theme. The Divi theme is extremely customizable and can get you a personalized and professional looking site really easily, which can be use for any niche industry. Its drag-and-drop builder tool and how everything is made for someone that isn’t tech savvy is perfect.

Divi theme is one of the most popular themes on the market today, use by successful bloggers. Another option is Studio Genesis Framework, a seo friendly theme, which is by far the fastest theme performance wise that I would recommend to you if you are familiar with coding and development. It is amazing too, but may be hard to customize if you’re a beginner. 10. Copy Content I have seen many Amateur Blogger do this same mistake again and again, they think just copy and steal other blogger content make them successful and they make money, they are WRONG. They just copy and put them on their blog, never ever do this; you also get Penalty from Google. You site never get any ranking. Do you know you can face DMCA, even court case also? Instead of this you write your own words, your own views, your own story, this way you get trust on your viewers, they like you more, and you get more income, fame, sales, leads and many things. So always be real. 11. Not Making It A Priority I have seen many Amateur bloggers not treat blogging as a business, they think as a hobby. If you want to build a successful blogging business around your niche, you have to make it a priority. Do you know the main reason why some newbie’s bloggers fail?

They spend their valuable time on TV, facebook and chatting with others, if you want to make a full-time income from my blog, you have to take things seriously. If You Think You Can => You Can. If You Think You Can’t=> You Can’t. This is SIMPLE universal TRUTH. 12. Not Optimizing Your Posts For Search Engines If you just writing blog posts which are already written on big players websites won’t take your website on the first page of search engines like Google, bing or yahoo but instead, it will require you to do proper keyword research and applying SEO principles on your blog. You should optimize your posts for search engines. There are many aspects to SEO like:How Seo Works? Working with keywords Basic seo strategies 13. Blog Speed and Optimizations Do you know if your blog takes more than 3-4 seconds to load than there are chances that more than 95% users you’ll lose may be they never come again on your website. As much as your content is concern, speed optimization is also play a key role. But I know many newbie’s don’t know this crucial key point. For optimizing your blog’s speed, you can use compress heavy images but without losing their quality, lightweight scripts and images.

To check your website load time you can use these two free tools:1. GTMetrics or 2. Pingdom, Enter your website’s URL and you’ll be provided with a lot of data to look around. Web hosting: Do you know, web hosting is the most important thing that can make or break your online blogging success. Even now days Google also decides your website speed and when it comes to hosting, I highly recommend Bluehost, to make your site loading times super faster which makes it one of the fastest WordPress. 14. Ignoring Social Media Many Amateur Blogger just making content and spend more time on making quality content, rather then you should apply 80-20 rule. What is 80-20 rule? 80%- Promoting 20% - Creating quality content let’s suppose you have hundreds or even thousands of blog post articles, what is use of those articles if you have no such audience, here social media play a vital role, I have seen many successful bloggers who is using social media platform such as twitter, facebook LinkedIn, YouTube to promote their blog content FREE. Of course, you can run paid ads; it depends on your budget. So, I recommend you be active and make free social media platforms accounts, in this way you also get DA (Domain authority) and PA (Page authority), as you get high authority sites link on your blog.

15. Scared To Invest Yes learn online courses, if you can afford, online investment courses are affordable, easily accessible, and allow you to learn more about investing on your own time and schedule. Quick look – the best online investment udemy courses 1. Blogging Master class: How To Build A Successful Blog In 2019 2. Writing Tools & Hacks: Copywriting/Blogging/Content Writing Summary Okay – I will end it here. If you’re just starting out, you probably would have learnt a lot from these common amateur blogging mistakes which may lead to failure as a blogger. If anything left, if you think so anything will be added, pl comment bellow, let me know, what is your list? What about your blogging mistakes or obstacles? Now you have better idea on how to take your blog forward the right way? It’s okay if you’re making these mistakes, you can always learn and move forward. Final Words By avoiding these above common mistakes that amateur bloggers make, you can quickly turn to an authoritative blogger. The only thing you have to do now is to take action, Starting working today. You can do this! A very tiny request: If you liked this post, please share this?

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