ClickBank Affiliate Marketing

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FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

WHO I AM (ABOUT AUTHOR) My name is MURLI, an Indian, living & doing legitimate online business right here in India. I spent 12 years working in digital marketing and visual designs. I am primarily a Digital Marketer, with a fountain of knowledge SEO/SEM, Content Marketing, Lead Generation and Conversion, Online Advertising, Social media, User Experience (UX). Develop efficient market leading CRM strategies, Marketing Automation and drive inbound enquiries through SEO, PPC and Digital Marketing Strategies. I am Digital Marketer, AMAZON BOOKS AUTHOR, Entrepreneur, Blogger & Online UDEMY Instructor & off-course a Lovable, Respectful and Helpful guy. Read all about me here

I didn’t want to spend my life taking orders from someone else or making my boss rich. To keep my spirits up, I read books. I pretty much read whatever was on the top 10 list in the business section. DotComSecrets - FREE Book!

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

I have Strong Experience in DIGITAL MARKETING - Now I am self-employed (ENTREPRENEUR). I have trained people and companies on ENTREPRENEUR - START, RUN & GROW your business and Digital Marketing. Now, I am focusing on helping other people create their own online empires. It is my goal to help others by teaching and coaching them to achieve their own successes! I love creating content and helping my students reaches their potential. I created each one of them thinking about YOU. Let me help you achieve your learning goals & take you on a journey to success, wealth and happiness! Over the last decade, I have garnered so much knowledge and a vast wealth of practical experiences that I can now smell the perfect home based business opportunity a mile away. And once I identify a promising home business opportunity, I invest in it instantly. As of now, I am the proud owner and publisher of the following websites: - Digital Marketing Blog Here I mention just a few of the many online businesses that I possess in my online business portfolio. With the success I have recorded in my numerous online businesses, it is obvious that I have a complete understanding of what makes many home based businesses fail where others succeed. Matter of fact, I will teach you how to make REAL money online from the comfort of your own home. My personal resume speaks volume as to the fact that I am the perfect choice when it comes to the best advice you could ever want on a choice of the internet marketing business.

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

Without wasting any more of your time, please flip over to the next page and start your journey to a whole new world of limitless possibilities. All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author/publisher. DISCLAIMER The contents of this manual reflect the author’s views acquired through his experience on the topic under discussion. The author or publisher disclaims any personal loss or liability caused by the utilization of any information presented herein. The author is not engaged in rendering any legal or professional advice. The services of a professional person are recommended if legal advice or assistance is needed. While the sources mentioned herein are assumed to be reliable at the time of writing, the author and publisher, or their affiliates are not responsible for their activities. From time to time, sources may terminate or move and prices may change without notice. Sources can only be confirmed reliable at the time of original publication of this manual. This manual is a book only and, as such, should be considered solely for basic information. Earnings or profits derived from participating in the following program are entirely generated by the ambitions, motivation, desires, and abilities of the individual reader. Without any further ado, let’s get started. The dynamic qualification will provide you with the essential knowledge and skills you need to plan implement and monitor effective digital marketing campaigns and contribute to operational marketing plans. You’ll learn what digital marketing is about, including understanding the buzz words and main trends.

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

The simple truth is that you need to choose a solid PLAN & STRATEGIES from day one, be willing to consistently work on your business over the course of several months and follow the path laid before you by people that have actually done it. Whether you simply want to learn how to make your first $ Dollar or $1,000 online or more than this, create streams of passive income or build your own online business empire, Online Business from Scratch will help you turn your dream of starting an online business into reality. How I Got Started? For many years my life was in the corporate world. I worked in Digital Marketing, was in the digital marketing business and got involved in a number of technology start-ups. But I was so burned out dealing with the complexities of businesses with lots of people and other things over which I had no control, that I decided to look at starting my own Internet business. Like you, I had heard all kinds of fantastic claims about people making $19,487 in three weeks or $150,000 per year working part time. That got my attention, but knowing the business world as well as I do, I found these claims VERY HARD to swallow. Looking for What Works So prior to making the decision to start an online business, I spent the better part of a year reading, studying and researching. I wanted to find out what really worked for the people who succeeded and to discover why so many people FAILED. I spent a lot of time surfing and visiting sites. I bought and read a lot of Books. I bought courses on how to market on the Internet.

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

I interviewed successful internet marketers. And I spent $5,000 on Big Seminars where I met some heavy hitters. Being Overwhelmed At first I WAS OVERWHELMED. There was so much to learn, and there were so many different stories about how to succeed. Everybody had a different idea about what worked and what didn’t. AND there was tons more to understand about marketing and selling on the Internet. Affiliate programs, traffic generation, conversion ratios, search engines, shopping carts, merchant accounts, and on and on. It seemed endless. Taking the Plunge Finally… I just decided to take the plunge, knowing that I would learn more in the water than watching from the beach. So I bought a small Internet business, a free traffic exchange. It was a bit bumpy at the start but that site is now doing almost $500 a month in revenues. And it only requires a few people to run it. Bottom line: with all my study, research, interviews, cold hard cash and hands-on experience (including a bunch of mistakes) I’ve uncovered… THREE SECRETS “GET-RICH-QUICK” BOOKS DON’T TELL YOU. 1) Most of the claims people make are in fact true! BUT… what they don’t tell you is that IT TOOK THEM A YEAR – SOMETIMES TWO OR THREE YEARS -- BEFORE THEY MASTERED THE SKILLS to make $$$$$$$ in three weeks or $$$$$$$ working part time.

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

2) ALL THE SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE LEARNED HOW TO MAKE MONEY BY FIRST LEARNING THE BASICS. Then they applied them to building one online business, then a second and a third and so on, until they had MULTIPLE-STREAMS OF INCOME. Once they figured out how to do it, they did it again and again. Just as you would never consider putting all your life savings into one stock, the same is true with online businesses. 3) And then I discovered THE BIGGEST SINGLE REASON PEOPLE FAIL. Each and every person I talked with about their failures had TRIED TO DO TOO MUCH, TOO SOON. They tried to master the technology, product development, marketing and selling all at once. And IN EVERY CASE they were OVERWHELMED, FRUSTRATED and then…they CRASHED AND BURNED… long before they saw their first dollar. The whole name of the game is for you to LEARN how to make money online. You can easily do it, IF you’re willing to work at it for a couple of years because it will take your that long to learn how to make $5,000 or more, a year. Remember one of the three secrets, it takes everybody that long. Keep remembering what I said up front. This is NOT a GET RICH QUICK plan, this is GET RICH PLAN. The QUICK is what kills people…because they really get frustrated and angry when it doesn’t work right away and then they GIVE UP -- feeling they’ve failed. Our approach may take a little longer but …it WORKS. Once you’ve mastered all three phases, you’ll have your own SIMPLE MONEY MACHINE. Then you build a second, then a third, fourth, thereby creating MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME… until you make enough to retire!

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

What’s really exciting about this strategy is that by reversing the process and including a “money model” with each step, you start making money right from the beginning. And the MONEY is your constant reminder of what you need to focus on and what you need to LEARN. It’s a GREAT TEACHER. You’ll… LEARN MUCH FASTER… You’ll… BE MORE MOTIVATED & BE MORE CONFIDENT… IF… you’re EARNING… WHILE YOU’RE LEARNING. Who Is The Program For? The DIGITAL LIFESTYLE ENREPRENUER, program is designed for four types of people: 1) Those who have decided to start an Internet business, but don’t know where or how to begin; 2) Those who already have a website or online business that is NOT living up to their expectations, (everything you’ll learn here can be directly applied to your existing online business or Website); 3) Those who are looking for a job, have time on their hands, and would like to make some money while waiting for a new position. 4) Those who are currently employed and wish to begin developing a business where they have control in the event their job is outsourced. Almost anyone can learn to make a DIGITAL BUSINESS. Because you can just stay at one level and prefect those skills so until you reach your financial goals or keep moving to the next level as your skills and confidence grows. Students, housewives, professional people, even kids are building DIGITAL BUSINESS. The Internet’s Different

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

On the Internet, the medium is communications, the product is information, and the content is intellectual. Anybody with a brain can play. All you need in order to start is: (1) a computer, (2) high-speed access to the Net, (3) the desire, (4) the willingness to learn, and (5) your HEAD. (While you don’t actually need a high-speed connection, you’ll want one so you don’t waste so much time waiting for things to happen while you’re working.) So what does all this mean to YOU? 1. You can start your business with LITTLE or NO CAPITAL. Unlike traditional businesses with hard assets, you don’t need to invest in building physical products, factories, inventory or stores. Assuming you already have a computer and Web access, you can start with little or no capital. Never before has it been possible to start a business with so LITTLE CAPITAL and still have the potential to make millions. 2. You can start your Internet business in your SPARE TIME. A Web business can be built by one person working at any time of the day or night. There’s no need to quit your day job before you’ve mastered the skills and built a new income base. 3. You don’t need EMPLOYEES. Most of the skills required for running an Internet business can be learned as you go. And to the extent that you do require the specialized skills of others, you can find these people on the Net and hire them as contractors, either by the job or by the hour.

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

No need to worry about employees, insurance or benefits. 4. You can start and run the business from your HOME. Other businesses require a place where customers can come to purchase a product, a place to warehouse inventory, and offices to house a staff. But you can start your Internet business in the den, a spare bedroom or even a closet! All of your customers arrive via the Internet and your inventory is on a hard disc in your computer. 5. You get to be your own BOSS. This is a great opportunity for those of you who want to take responsibility for yourselves and your future. You get to do things the way you want: work when you want, wear what you want and make as much as you want. The sense of FREEDOM is fantastic! 6. You can build your business ANYWHERE in the world. You can live and work wherever your heart desires you to be. You can start it where you are, build it up and then move to where you’ve always wanted to live. Moving your business is as easy as carrying your laptop anywhere. All you need is a highspeed connection to the Internet. 7. You can go as FAST or SLOW as you want. There’s no urgency to build a business in the next month. Start simple, learn the basics, make some money, develop your skills and confidence and move at your own pace. The only pressure is the pressure you create for yourself. Never before has it been so easy to start a business, with no capital, and that has the HUGE UPSIDE POTENTIAL that the Internet affords. The leverage is enormous.

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

You can now reach a world-wide market from your computer. And it will be a few years before this window of opportunity closes. As more and more people discover the Net’s potential, the profitable market niches will get filled by those who get off their butts and swing into ACTION. So Where Do You Start? I’ve talked about what a fantastic financial opportunity the Internet is. Hundreds of thousands of people make all or some portion of their living from one or more DIGITAL LIFESTYLE ENTREPREUR BUSINESS. What we’ve not talked about is…YOU. DIGITAL ENTREPREUR BUSINESS is built by people like YOU. However, there are three characteristics successful DIGITAL ENTREPREUR BUSINESS has. Do you have these characteristics…or are you willing to develop them? 1) You’re DECISIVE and TAKE ACTION. YOU will not create your first Money Machine, much less the second and third, until you decide to take ACTION. It’s a lot of fun to dream about having money, but money doesn’t come to people who don’t see the opportunities in front of them and TAKE ACTION. You have to identify an OBJECTIVE, develop a PLAN and then start to WORK. 2) You’re NOT AFRAID to make mistakes and you’re quick to fix them. YOU must be willing to experiment, to try something, and if it doesn’t work, try something else and keep trying…until you figure it out. The Internet is still in its infancy. And it’s changing rapidly. It’s in a very dynamic growth phase. There are no hard and fast rules. There are only guidelines.

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

What worked yesterday may no longer work tomorrow…and vice versa. So YOU must be open to change, willing to experiment and not get discouraged when it doesn’t work the first time. As someone wise once said, “We don’t learn from our successes, we learn from our failures.” Since so many variables have to work right for success, it’s not possible to make a list of the reasons. But it’s usually pretty easy to see what didn’t work and why. 3) You’re WILLING TO INVEST BOTH TIME AND MONEY IN LEARNING. Because the Internet is so new and changing so fast, the most successful people spend a lot of time and money on their CONTINUING EDUCATIONS. They constantly read books, both for new information and for motivation. They often read the same books multiple times to keep pounding the information home. They invest in courses and seminars. They spend time with other successful people looking for new ideas and better ways of doing things. So don’t think that by reading and studying this book alone you’re going to get rich. Though you don’t have to spend $3,000, you must be willing to read three books on the same subject just to get different perspectives. And you’re willing to re-read the same book five times to make sure you got it all, and you start hanging out at seminars with the gurus. Then you’re on your way. There are no shortcuts to success. That’s why Get-Rich-Quick books don’t work. This book will only work if…YOU work IT. Still with me? If so, let’s get to work….

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

Are you ready to take action? Let’s take a deeper dive into the skills you’ll be mastering through this Ebook Course offer. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn

TABLE OF CONTENTS - Understanding The Basics Of Affiliate Marketing - How Affiliate Marketing Works? - Why Be An Affiliate Marketer? - How To Find Affiliate Products? - The Top 4 Platforms To Grow An Affiliate Marketing Business Using Paid & Free Traffic - Making Money With Niche Blogging Without Writing - The YouTube Affiliate Review Method - How To 10x Your Revenue With The Right Affiliate Products? - How To Guarantee Your Success In Affiliate Marketing? - Most Essential Resources Tools That Every Affiliate Marketer Needs [My Personal Recommendation] CONCLUSION RECOMMENDED RESOURCES

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

Understanding The Basics Of Affiliate Marketing Affiliate marketing is when you get paid a commission for referring customers to purchase someone else's product or service? It's a very easy way of making money, simply because you don't have to do any of the work in creating the product or service. The only thing that you have to do is provide the visitors and traffic to someone else's website and then they do the rest. MUST READ -> Why Affiliate Marketing Is Good For You? The vendor that you're promoting will have the website, sales page, product, customer support, etc‌ and basically just pay you a commission for every sale that you generate for them. Everything is tracked through a unique link that the vendor will give you, so you get credit for every sale you generate for the vendor. The key to making reliable, repeatable money as an affiliate is to find a product that is in high demand, pays a good commission to you, and is backed by a company that takes care of their customers. That means finding the perfect affiliate products to promote. You also want to work with the best affiliate marketing programs that have good reputations, and that work very diligently marketing to your prospects, so that they do a lot of the hard sales work for you. So, What Is Affiliate Marketing All About? A simple definition for affiliate marketing is: Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways people make money online. It is a strategy where an individual partners with a business in order to make a commission by

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

referring readers or visitors to a business’s particular product or service. But that really is quite a simple explanation. To be really successful at making money with affiliate marketing there is a little more to it. Affiliate Marketing is a performance-based marketing system that basically involves four distinct elements: the merchant, the affiliate, the consumer and the network. 1. The merchant, also known as a seller or retailer, is an individual or a business that sells a product or provides a service. The merchant and affiliate marketer collaborates to promote the products and services. 2. The affiliate is (or can be) an individual who promotes products and services and gets commission on each sale. The affiliate works with the merchant to promote the merchant’s products and services. The affiliate creates marketing campaigns that use ads, links and banners to find buyers for the merchant’s products and services. 3. The consumer, can be all of us. In affiliate marketing, the consumer is a person who uses goods or services to satisfy his or her needs. The network, also called program or platform, acts as an intermediary between the merchant and the affiliate. The network is completely digital and requires varying levels of involvement from both the merchant and affiliate. How Affiliate Marketing Works?

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

With affiliate marketing you typically have a website, like the site you can see below.

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FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

Now you don’t actually need a website – there are loads of different ways to do affiliate marketing and some of them don’t even involve owning a website – but most affiliates prefer to have their own digital real estate. It’s also the method teach here at Affilorama, because there's so much more potential to build a brand, and grow an affiliate strategy that will profit you in the longer-term. On your website you talk about different affiliate products – recommend them to readers, give detailed reviews, and make comparisons and so on. You’ll have a special link, known as an affiliate link, for every product that you’re promoting. Affiliate links have tracking in them to make sure that you get credited with every sale you make. When someone clicks your affiliate link, then the merchant knows it was you who sent the customer. Let me stress that affiliate links don’t affect the customer at all… they don’t pay more, they don’t miss out on anything, and they will most likely never know that they purchased through an affiliate link. All it means is that when a customer buys something within a certain time period after clicking on your affiliate link, you get the commission. So the big goal of affiliate marketing is to get as many people as possible click on your links and visiting merchant pages; the more people that click on your affiliate links, the more chances you have of a sale occurring and earning a commission. In the Affilorama lessons, we cover loads of different ways of getting traffic! Some of these methods are paid, such as PPC (pay-per-click) advertising, and some are free, like SEO (search engine optimization) but take a little more time and effort on your part.

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

You can find more information on both of these traffic methods in "introduction to PPC" and "introduction to SEO." If this all seems a bit overwhelming, don’t panic. Getting started with affiliate marketing is actually really easy.

MUST SEE -> Start By Checking Out The Affiliate Marketing For Beginner’s Lesson. These exciting video lessons will get you started on the right foot, and teach you the basics of affiliate marketing. Most importantly, you need to take action. The most successful affiliate marketers are those who do, rather than those who think about doing. Take what you learn from Affilorama and start working hard. You might not get it right the first time, but the experience is what really counts when you are learning affiliate marketing. You will hone your skills and abilities over time, so don’t sweat the fine points! If you want to get it right the first time, and then you need to try AffiloBlueprint. It’s our exclusive step-by-step blueprint for building profitable affiliate sites to a proven formula. MUST SEE -> Check out how AffiloBlueprint will help you start earning faster. 4. What Does An Affiliate Marketer Actually Do? An affiliate marketer promotes one or multiple products and/or services, and works to attract interested potential customers who may, or may not, go on to make purchases. If a purchase is made as a result of a customer clicking through to an offer via the affiliate marketer’s link, the affiliate marketer will be due a commission from the seller.

MUST READ -> How To Choose The Best Affiliate Programs? Is Affiliate Marketing A Passive Business Model?

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

It is absolutely possible for this business model to eventually generate passive income for you, once the hard work has been put in at the start. And it’s like everything else in this life…the more effort you put in, the more success you will enjoy, and conversely, neglect will undoubtedly show up in your results before too long. In broad outline, there are 8 steps to follow: 1. Choose a potential niche 2. Check for a decent amount of keywords around the niche, both short-tail and longtail 3. Check there are good products/services in that niche that you can genuinely recommend (and that will be profitable) 4. Research your niche for indications of it being a good buyer’s market without excessive competition 5. Build a high-quality website around your niche, the days of throwing up trash micro-sites are long gone 6. Attract targeted visitors to your website (organically and/or through PPC ads) 7. Build an email list from the visitors to your website 8. Make affiliate sales either directly off your website or with follow-ups to your email list (earning an income) “ If you are truly serious about making an ongoing income from affiliate marketing, I would strongly suggest that you follow the guidelines below from day one: 1. Only recommend products/services that you know and understand well — do not promote stuff that you cannot genuinely recommend. 2. Simply recommend products/services based on your experience – try to avoid telling people to make a purchase. Try and keep this at the front of your mind: MUST READ -> 9 Myths About Affiliate Marketing Are your recommendations likely to help people? If the answer is yes, then it’s all good.

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If not, find another niche where what you can offer to potential product buyers will be helpful. Let’s take a closer look at the critical first step… Choosing A Niche Undoubtedly one of the most important steps when starting out is finding and deciding on the right niche for you. What will your site be about? Who will it be for? The first three steps noted further above are all about selecting and qualifying a niche that is right for you. Get this part wrong and you will have nothing to sell and no market to sell to. Start by thinking about what interests you! What do you like doing? What excites you, or at least interests you? Don’t get me wrong here; I’m not saying your chosen niche has to be a passion. It absolutely doesn’t. But it does need to be something you find interesting enough to build a website about. If you come up with a potential niche idea but the thought of spending hours researching and producing content about it bores you, it’s probably not the niche for you. Anyway, possible niches… …these could be absolutely anything…and I really do mean anything, try this lot on for size: how to become an actor, how to be a better DJ, muscle building, great fitness in middle-age, best vacuum cleaners, cake decorating, home schooling, virtual worker advice, career change,

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

being a better public speaker, best home robots, home fitness equipment, alternative energy advice, learn to play the guitar, self-sufficiency, wilderness survival, best home coffee machines etc. You get the picture. Let your mind wonder, and when you think you’ve got an idea for your first niche, start your research. Don’t rush this part, but equally don’t make the mistake of looking for the “perfect niche” and end up spending all of your time on this part, without ever getting your site up and running. Ideally, you’d want to promote products that you’ve used and benefited from yourself, and as long as there is an affiliate program available for them, you can do exactly that. If choosing the right niche is like building the engine of your car, the next phase is all about the putting in the chassis and frame. Build A Website Or Blog Your website/blog is going to be the gateway to your business and will be your chance to make a great first impression. My preferred route is to use the Schema theme for WordPress by ElegantThemes because these guys know how to turn out speed optimized SEO ready, responsive themes. I get all my hosting done with BLUEHOST Hosting where I only moved to in June 2018. Can’t quite believe I didn’t move sooner, never any downtime, unbelievably fast and customer support that’s pretty much unbeatable. Whichever theme and hosting provider you choose, you have to make sure that your website is fast and mobile friendly, if it isn’t either of these things you will be on the back foot when trying to rank in search.

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Do not get bogged down spending weeks and weeks building out your website before launching it. Get a few pages of outstanding quality, core content up, and get it launched. You can then continue building out your site with additional quality content related to your initial core pages. Attracting Targeted Traffic Being able to find and attract targeted internet traffic is the lifeblood of an affiliate marketer. Do not focus only on volume, focus on targeting. If you can repeatedly attract well targeted people to your website and have them sign-up to offers then you are well on target to achieving online success. In fact, many people would say that if you can do this part, you are an affiliate marketer. Finding Targeted Visitors Is Crucial. People are relentlessly searching for all sorts of things on Google, YouTube and on all of the social media platforms. MUST READ -> How To Promote Your Website And Get More Traffic In 5 Easy Steps? You need to get in front of them when they are searching, with quality content that is of interest and that will potentially help them in their decision making process. Make Sales And Earn An Income The global industry is now a multi-billion dollar industry and is getting ever stronger. Spending online continues to rise as each year and many affiliates are continuing to see explosive growth in their businesses. You can claim your share of this amazing industry.

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

Learn the skills, find your niche, choose your preferred affiliate program and provide great value to your target audience. And never forget that people can tell when you’re sincere about wanting to help them, just as easily as they can tell when someone’s just trying to make a quick buck out of them. I Would Also Highly Recommend You Check Out: Affiliate Marketing Domination: Become A Super Affiliate marketing Digital Course (Build and bulletproof your affiliate marketing business, and learn what it takes to become a 6-figure super affiliate.). This a comprehensive guide on getting started with affiliate marketing. Why Be An Affiliate Marketer? 1. Passive Income While any “regular” job requires you to be at work to make money, affiliate marketing offers you the ability to make money while you sleep. By investing an initial amount of time into a campaign, you will see continuous returns on that time as consumers purchase the product over the following days and weeks. You receive money for your work long after you’ve finished it. Even when you’re not in front of your computer, your marketing skills will be earning you a steady flow of income. 2. No Customer Support. Individual sellers and companies offering products or services have to deal with their consumers and ensure they are satisfied with what they have purchased. Thanks to the affiliate marketing structure, you’ll never have to be concerned with customer support or customer satisfaction. The entire job of the affiliate marketer is to link the seller with the consumer.

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The seller deals with any consumer complaints after you receive your commission from the sale. 3. Work From Home. If you’re someone who hates going to the office, affiliate marketing is the perfect solution. You’ll be able to launch campaigns and receive revenue from the products that sellers create while working from the comfort of your own home. This is a job you can do without ever getting out of your pajamas. 4. Cost Effective. Most businesses require startup fees as well as a cash flow to finance the products being sold. However, affiliate marketing can be done at a low cost, meaning you can get started quickly and without much hassle. There are no affiliate program fees to worry about and no need to create a product. Beginning this line of work is relatively straightforward. 5. Convenient And Flexible. Since you’re essentially a freelancer, you get ultimate independence in setting your own goals, redirecting your path when you feel so inclined, choosing the products that interest you, and even determining your own hours. This convenience means you can diversify your portfolio if you like or focus solely on simple and straightforward campaigns. You’ll also be free from company restrictions and regulations as well as ill-performing teams. 6. Performance-Based Rewards. With other jobs, you could work an 80-hour week and still earn the same salary. Affiliate marketing is purely based on your performance. You’ll get from it what you put into it. Honing your reviewing skills and writing engaging campaigns will translate to direct improvements in your revenue. You’ll finally get paid for the outstanding work you do!

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7. You Gain Professional Independence Why is affiliate marketing the best thing for you?    

You are your own boss! You decide your own hours. You can work from home, cafés, beaches. Well, wherever you’d like, as long as you have an internet connection.

You can also earn as much as you want if you happen to be good enough and put an honest effort into it. One poll shows affiliate marketers can earn anything from thousands to millions of dollars yearly. Yup. You’ve read it. Millions. Super affiliates earn $100.000 like it ain’t no big deal! After a while in the business, you’ll even start generating passive income. Nothing is as awesome as being someplace having fun while you know that – at that very moment – there’s money trickling down like a consistent waterfall turned into rainy capital! 8. It’s A Cheap Business For You To Start Doing Your Thing There are virtually no start-up costs. You don’t have any goods to store or produce. Indeed, you don’t even have to develop services. You can start by choosing how you wanna play the game.

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You can create your own website and make money by going for effective monetization methods. All you’ve gotta do is set up a website, and sign up for an affiliate program. Affiliate programs are free. At the beginning, you’re gonna have to pay for website hosting and your site domain.

MUST READ -> Selecting A WordPress Friendly Hosting Service This amounts to something like 10-15 bucks a month. How To Find Affiliate Products? Okay, so you want to be an affiliate marketer. I'm sure you see the potential and you probably are already seeing yourself in a beach somewhere sipping on margaritas while checking your affiliate commissions :) Well before you start thinking about retiring to a beach somewhere, there are probably a few questions in your mind: ● What do I promote? ● How do I find the right affiliate products? ● How do I even get started with all of this? Don't worry we'll cover all of this, first thing you should know is that there's no such thing as finding the right product to promote, there are millions of products, services and websites with affiliate programs so saying one is better than the other is simply dumb. However, there are different type of affiliate commissions and some pay better than others, so I'm going to show you the best trusted networks where you are guaranteed to get paid when you make a sale. I'm also going to show you how to identify a winning product and whether or not you should focus on one niche or the other.

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Let's talk about niche selection. This is basically picking an industry or category for example a few industries or niche would be: weight loss, internet marketing, software, dating, finance, social media training, etc... Some niches are more popular than others and some pay better than others depending on the product, but the good news is you can find affiliate products to promote in all of them. The best place to find them are in affiliate networks here are the top 4 and most trusted affiliate networks online: ● ClickBank :Massive and popular network with millions of affiliate products from all over the world. Level of access EASY as anyone can grab a link to any affiliate product and promote it. ● JvZoo :Digital platform similar to ClickBank with large selection of digital products in hundreds of categories. Level of access MEDIUM as some affiliate products require approval in order to promote it. ● CJ :Most trusted by big brands for affiliate offers like Bluehost, McAfee and other big brands. Level of access DIFFICULT as each affiliate product requires approval before being able to promote it. ● Amazon Associates :Well we all know Amazon but the Amazon affiliate program also known as Amazon Associates is widely used considering the millions of products Amazon offers. Level of access EASY anyone can apply and promote any product from Amazon. Now of course there are more affiliate networks out there but I wanted to keep it simple and just show you the top most popular ones because they're trusted by millions, they been around for years and always pay on time, every time. This brings us to the next question, finding the right products to promote. Again, this part is mostly based on your choice, you pick the niche and within that niche you can find hundreds of products to promote.

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Let's use ClickBank as an example since they are one of the largest affiliate networks online and have thousands of products in hundreds of categories from which you can choose from. If you visit the ClickBank home page you’ll notice that they have a CATEGORIES section.

On the left side you can see all the categories available, these are what you would call a 'niche' where you can click on the (+) icon and subcategories will display. Each category and sub-category contains many affiliate products you can promote. Let's click on one of the categories in the AFFILIATE MARKETPLACE section of Clickbank so that we’re able to see all the subcategories and list of the top selling and most popular products in that category:

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So, in the image above I have chosen HEALTH & FITNESS as the main category and DENTAL HEALTH as the subcategory. Notice that I have also SORTED the results by GRAVITY, gravity is a filter that ClickBank provides to show you the top selling affiliate products from any category or subcategory inside of ClickBank. Here's the direct definition of GRAVITY from ClickBank: “Grav: Short for GRAVITY™ performance statistic, this number represents a unique calculation by ClickBank that takes into account the number of different affiliates who earned a commission by promoting this product over the past 12 weeks. Since more recent transactions are given a higher value, this number can give you an idea of what products are “hot” at the moment, in terms of being promoted by many affiliates and making a good number of sales. However, high gravity can also indicate that there will be a lot of competition in promoting this product.”

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In other words, the higher the GRAVITY of a product on ClickBank the better because that means the product is selling well and affiliates are making money with it. In the example above the top product pays an AVERAGE commission sale of $24.26 per sale and it says it currently offers a 13.2% conversion rate. Conversion rate is simply the percentage of website visitors who buy the product, so that would give you an idea of what kind of sales percentage to expect when you send 100, 1000 or 10,000 visitors to the product sales page, keep in mind that conversion rate is measured by targeted traffic, meaning you can't expect a 13% conversion rate to a product promoting dental hygiene if the traffic you're sending is interested in losing weight, the traffic needs to be targeted to ensure the highest conversion rate. So if you were to promote that product or any product from ClickBank all you have to do is click on the PROMOTE button and ClickBank will give you a unique affiliate link which will track the traffic and sales you generate to that product. Inside your ClickBank account under the REPORTS section you'll be able to see the amount of clicks, sales, conversion rates and commissions earned for each product. PRO TIP: Never, ever grab the NAKED affiliate link ClickBank provides and post it somewhere, that does not work and it's an amateur move. Instead grab a unique affiliate link from ClickBank and head over to a website like which is free in order to mask the affiliate link. You can also use a custom domain and then redirecting that domain to the Clickbank affiliate link, you can buy one from places like Bluehost. Okay, so you know how to find high converting products on ClickBank, that's great, but how do we get traffic to those products in order to generate sales?

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Good question, traffic like I said before, is the most important factor to become a successful affiliate marketer, because if you can generate traffic on demand, whether that's free or paid, you'll be able to make money with any affiliate product you want. Let's discuss the top platforms you can use to generate traffic to affiliate products... The Top 4 Platforms To Grow An Affiliate Marketing Business Using Paid & Free Traffic Here's the part that is crucial to your success as a marketer, you learn this and making $100 a day online will be a walk on the park. Let's talk about the most effective platforms where you can generate massive numbers of traffic to any affiliate product, service or offer. I will not list them in any particular order of importance, there are all very unique in their own way and quite powerful for traffic generation. First, I'll give you an overview on how each can be used for affiliate marketing, then I'll dive into a specific strategy you can implement to start driving traffic: YouTube Video Marketing We all know YouTube is powerful, is the second largest search engine in the world and the 3rd most visited website in the world. Because of that YouTube is a traffic monster, and if you use it properly it can bring you passive traffic. Passive traffic is when you generate consistent traffic from content you created one time and it continues to generate traffic for you for months or even years. YouTube is one of the best places to generate passive traffic, because you can create the videos once and they can bring you consistent traffic for years to come. With YouTube you can create channels around a specific niche or category and create videos where you don't even have to show your face or talk in front of a camera. In fact you can make videos that are simply music, text and transitions that provide

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information about a specific topic and you can link to an affiliate product in the description of the video. Niche Blogging Niche blogging is quite simple, you setup a blog around a specific niche for example let's say you were to promote products from the dental health category in ClickBank, then you would buy a domain name and hosting service to setup a Wordpress blog ex: and in that blog you would add 20-30 articles maybe adding 2 articles per week over the course of 6 months providing different tips and information about dental health. You would then link text within the articles with your affiliate links to different dental affiliate products either from ClickBank or other affiliate networks. You would also place banners linking to affiliate products or perhaps utilize Google Adsense to help you drive some additional revenue. Side note: Google Adsense is Google's affiliate program for website owners, where ads are placed on your website and you can earn money when people click on those ads. Adsense is free to sign up but you will need a blog in order to be approved for Adsense since they require going through an application process. Facebook Pages Most people underestimate the power of Facebook pages, if used properly Facebook can be a consistent source of free or paid traffic because it allows you to target individuals based on their location, interests, age, activity and many more options. If you have the money you can probably invest in some ads to help you generate traffic to an offer, but you gotta know what you're doing. But if you want to drive free traffic to an affiliate product using Facebook there are a few things you can do. Not only that but Facebook has open the door to monetization features like the Facebook Audience Network program that utilizes Facebook Instant Articles where you can make money by simply adding a plugin to your Wordpress site that converts all your articles into Instant Articles.

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Currently one of my accounts generates $200-$300 per day with Instant Articles alone and it can be a very simple way to monetize content that you'll create anyways. The screenshot below are earnings from Instant Articles in just 3 days:

Although is important to note that Instant Articles works best for blogs where content is being posted daily, I recommend that if you plan on using this method that you only implement it on a news blog. Your news blog can be about sports, politics, specific country news, viral stories or anything where you can add consistent daily content to it. Here's all the information on how Instant Articles work: ● ● ● The first step is building a Facebook page in the niche you want, building that niche to at least 10,000 likes which is quite simple on Facebook (I have a few videos on my YouTube channel showing you how) once you have a following which you can achieve in less than 90 days with some money invested, you don't need much more than just consistency and to continue to increase your audience.

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Then you can start adding content through your blog that talks about a specific affiliate product or content designed around the product. For example let's say you have an affiliate product you can to promote about "How to train a dog in 90 days" Instead of posting a link on your Facebook page to the affiliate product, you can create a post on your blog that says: The #1 trick dog owners are using to train their dog in just weeks. If you had a Facebook page with 10,000 dog lovers, then they would most likely click to read something like that. Which means once they're on your post you can promote the product indirectly, and that is how you use Facebook to drive free traffic to affiliate products. Instagram Marketing Last but not least is another popular Facebook property, Instagram is one of the fastest growing social apps online. The best part is that a majority of its users are 30 and under. Which means this is where you can find young money for affiliate products targeting a younger demographic. Now, as of this moment Instagram does not allow links in their posts, is a place for pictures and videos. But it can be a powerful selling tool as well; in fact Instagram stories can be used to promote affiliate products, though it's fair to say that it can be a little tougher to build an audience on Instagram.

MUST READ -> How To Make Money On Instagram [The Step-by-Step Guide] If you don't want to spend lots of time commenting or uploading images there's an alternative. With a bit of money and some creativity you can use videos and stories to drive traffic to any affiliate offer.

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For example let's say you were promoting a dating guide for men, which you can find lots of those on ClickBank. You could create an Instagram Story where you're giving away "#7 tips to make any girl fall in love with you “that story would take them to a landing page where they would provide you with an email in exchange for the 7 tips, which then you can use to promote that affiliate product to that email list. Though a bit more complex because you need some tools like landing page, email autoresponder, domain and some money to invest into Instagram ads. This would generate instant results for you without having to build a following. And based on the targeting options available on Instagram which you can setup from the Facebook Ads platform, it's fair to say you can target millions of people and generate unlimited amounts of traffic. Making Money With Niche Blogging Without Writing Niche blogging is basically starting a blog around a specific topic or niche where you only post content about that topic in your blog. For example here’s a list of some of the most successful niche blogs that make thousands of dollars each month: ● Blog about frugal living, saving money and personal finance tips. ● - Blog about digital marketing. ● Blog about DYI, home decor and organizational tips for your home. These are just 3 examples of what a successful niche blog is all about, these three blogs were started around 1 topic specifically and a topic that the owner was passionate about.

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So the question is do you have a passion, topic or hobby you know about where you can share your expertise, tips or information? Most of us do, most of us have something we’re passionate about, whether that is entrepreneurship, personal finance, cooking, dancing, sports, cars, traveling, dating, gardening, video games and so on… Chances are you can start a blog about a topic and earn money writing about the things you’re passionate about. So, in this lesson we’re going to cover how to start a blog and some of the things you’ll need to get started, as well as the right monetization strategy to ensure you’ll be able to make money from your blog. Step #1: Decide Your Topic Or Niche This is the easy part, you already know a topic or hobby you’re passionate about, but now let’s dive deeper into finding out whether there’s an audience for that topic, after all we’re doing this to get people to read our content so let’s make sure there’s an audience for it. For that we can use a simple tool called Keywords Everywhere, you can use this free tool to study your niche and get some ideas for what topics to talk about in your blog as well as how big is the audience. For example if I search on Google for “gardening tips for growing vegetables “or “how to grow vegetables at home” Keywords Everywhere will provide me with a number of topic suggestions and keywords people are searching for and the audience size on a monthly

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It’s fair to say that if a few thousand people are looking for topics like this then starting a blog on this topic is not a bad idea. There’s a demand for this niche and your blog could fill that demand. So, let’s assume you know a lot about growing vegetables at home and you decide I’m going to start a blog about this and add 1-2 post a week with different tips and information. Well, the next step is picking the right name for your blog. Step #2: Picking The PERFECT Name For Your Blog! The right name for your blog is important, you want something that is catchy, easy to remember and can easily relate the name of the blog to the topic of the blog. You don’t want to name your blog “Making a Living Online “if you’re blog is about gardening, it has to make sense. For that I suggest you use Lean Domain Search is a free tool where you simply enter a keyword or phrase and it provides you with a list of available domain names you can purchase for your blog. Here’s what happened when I simply

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entered the word “gardening”

As you can see lots of available domains to choose from, be sure that whatever name you decide to go with, that is a name for your blog that you’re happy with. Remember you’ll be creating a brand; you want to be an authority blog in your niche, a place where people can go for trusted information and articles about that niche. Be sure that whatever name and domain name you choose for your blog that the usernames are also available for use, like for a Facebook page, Pinterest page or Instagram account. Mainly because these social media platforms will help you gain the momentum you’ll need to get traffic. Step #3: Creating Your Blog After you have chose your name and domain name you want to use for your niche blog, the next step is to simply register your domain name and get a hosting service to be able to host your blog on the internet where is available 24/7 worldwide.

MUST READ -> HOW TO START A BLOG? You’ll also need a content management system where you can edit and add content to your

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blog, for that I strongly recommend Wordpress, which is free and the most popular blogging platform out there because is very easy to use. Starting a blog is something anyone can do and is EXTREMELY affordable, in fact creating your first blog can cost less than $20 to setup the whole thing. The cost of a domain name is usually $10 per year and a basic hosting service to ensure you blog is live on the internet can cost you $3 - $8 per month. Now, there are many hosting services out there but don’t worry from my experience Bluehost is one of the best options.

It’s easy to use for beginners and they give you a free domain name, meaning you won’t have to pay for the domain name the first year, just the hosting fee. It also has a 1-CLICK Wordpress install which means you can setup your Wordpress blog with 1 click with no technical mumble-jumble. This means that your blog with domain and Wordpress installed can be setup in basically 10 minutes. If you need help adding your first post on your blog using Wordpress then there are a ton of tutorials on YouTube for Wordpress for beginners or you can use this simple guide which will teach you the basics: Wordpress Basics

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Step #4: Picking A Design For Your Blog Alright, so you have your blog almost ready, now we have to make it look pretty. If you want to look professional like the sample niche blogs I listed above a nice logo would help, you can use sites like Fiverr which is a freelancer network where you can find really cheap freelancing work; you can probably get a nice logo for your blog designed for just $5. You also need a template for your blog, Wordpress comes with a large selection of free templates (designs) for your blog which you can easily install, you simply find one you like and click INSTALL.

If you want a theme or template for your blog so that it looks more professional, you can use a PREMIUM template which you can easily find a ton of marketplaces to purchase them from like ElegantThemes [RECOMMENDED], where themes can cost from $3 per theme or you can use MyThemeShop which is one of my favorites because they give you a ton of professional themes for one price, meaning you’ll be able to change a theme anytime you want without purchasing a new one.

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But initially if you want to stick to a free template to get started that’s fine too, once you get the funds you can invest into a more professional designed for your blog. This is where “the $40 per day method “came in handy for me because I use a lot of those funds to buy tools, templates and courses online. Step #5: Getting Content For Your Blog! Alright, so you have your blog all setup, you’re ready to start publishing content; my advice would be to add at least 3-4 posts per week about topics relating to the niche of your blog. However, if you’re looking to outsource the content where you don’t want to spend time writing, researching and publishing content on your blog you can outsource the writing part. You can use sites like Upwork or Freelancer to find virtual assistants that can research, write and publish content on your blog for you. There are also places where you can buy articles for your blog on any niche or topic you want. Places like Iwriter, Contant Content and Fiverr can also be used to buy articles for as low as 500 words for $5. Step #6: Monetizing Your Blog This is one of the last pieces of the puzzle, you have the blog and content, now you have to monetize it to ensure that you’ll be able to make money from your efforts. But it’s important to remember that your expectations need to be real, don’t think that you’ll be making thousands the very first month, most of the successful blogs out there have been building an audience for years. But there are a few things you can do to ensure that you’re positioned to make money from your blog.

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There are multiple ways to monetize your blog: ● Earn from advertising revenue ● Earn from affiliate programs ● Earn from your own products/services Let’s talk about the first 2, if you want to earn money from advertising on your blog I would recommend using Google Adsense and Facebook Instant Articles. I already told you about Instant Articles earlier, but I actually make money from both. Adsense will pay you each time a visitor clicks on ads placed around your blog, which you can install with a few simple clicks once you’re accepted into the program. Facebook Instant pays each time an article from your blog is open from within the Facebook app where ads from Facebook are placed, in the case of Instant Articles you make money for the amount of people who see the ads which is measured by impressions. You will need a Facebook page in order to apply for Instant Articles and you’ll also need to install the Facebook Instant Articles plugin to your blog in order to apply and convert your articles to instant articles on Facebook. Earning from affiliate programs is as simple as placing a few banners on your blog promoting an affiliate program related to your niche or a link inside your article. You can use Clickbank to find a top selling affiliate product or products where you can make a commission each time someone buys the product from your blog. Step #7: Getting Traffic To Your Blog! This is perhaps the most important aspect of having a blog, all that work to set the whole thing up and yet if your blog is not getting traffic then you won’t build an audience or make money.

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MUST READ -> How To Promote Your Website And Get More Traffic In 5 Easy Steps? So getting traffic to your blog is crucial to make it successful. There’s multiple ways to do that. The first thing you should do is make sure you have your social media accounts for your blog ready to go. Be sure you have a Facebook page, perhaps a Pinterest page to ensure that you can share your posts in these places. The quickest way to generate traffic to a blog is using your NETWORK, if you have friends on Facebook ask them to check out your blog, perhaps like your Facebook page. MUST READ -> How To Increase Website Traffic Immediately In Easy Steps? Find Facebook groups in your niche, if your blog is about “gardening tips to grow vegetables” find gardening groups on Facebook and join them, interact with the members and ask members if they can give you an opinion on your blog or content. Reputations are not built overnight, it takes time. You can also use YouTube to generate traffic to your blog, sites like VideoMakerfx you to turn your articles into videos using text, images and music where you can upload them to YouTube and get people to check out your blog. You can also use those same videos to share them on Facebook or Instagram to bring awareness to your blog. Paid traffic is another alternative and the fastest way to get highly quality traffic to your blog. You can use Facebook Ads to generate quality targeted traffic to your blog and that will build your audience extremely fast, but you will have to spend money on advertising for that, otherwise you might have to stick to free traffic methods.

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MUST READ -> [24 Tips] How To Build An Audience On Facebook But in case you do want to speed up the process and generate lots of traffic using Facebook, you can take this course Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing MASTERY For Beginners showing you how to get started and get traffic step-by-step. Pinterest is also a very powerful traffic generation tool for blogs, In fact you can generate traffic to your blog using Pinterest which I believe if you apply some of the tips mentioned in the article above you’ll definitely see results. However, the big dog when it comes to generating free targeted traffic is Google, organic traffic from Google is the highest quality traffic you can find, because is people searching for your content. Which is why is always a good idea to optimize your posts for search phrases and keywords people are typing on the Google search bar. This is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and although is one of the slowest forms of generating traffic due to competition and other factors, it’s worth aiming for anyways because with time you will start getting traffic from Google and the better the content and the more you have the more likely Google will index your articles and give you traffic. If you want to learn the basics of how to optimize your Wordpress blog for SEO I strongly recommend you read this: Wordpress SEO for beginners.

MUST READ -> Basic SEO Strategies Remember, if you feel like this is all too much take one step at time, this stuff is not something you need to learn in a day or two. Running a blog is work; you’ll need to spend time taking care of it, publishing content and promoting it. On top of that you’ll also need to learn new terms, skills and know how to use tools to get to

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the end goal. Which is why if you’re not enjoying this process, if you don’t enjoy learning new things while taking action, then it’s probably not for you. A blog can be a way to build true passive income, it’s hard work in the beginning but worth it. The YouTube Affiliate Review Method Let’s say blogs are not your cup of tea and you prefer something that doesn’t take you as long to setup but at the same time it has the same potential of bringing you passive income, what can you do? Enter YouTube, the second largest search engine in the world after its owner Google. YouTube is super powerful when it comes to generating traffic to anything, and so it can be used to promote affiliate products, services or anything you can imagine. Which is why I’m going to show you this method which you can start doing today, is called the ‘affiliate review method’ because you simply create small 2-5 minute videos talking about a specific affiliate product. Let’s use the previous example, the bad breath free forever product we found on Clickbank with a high GRAVITY and highest selling affiliate product on the Dental Health category

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which pays a commission of $24 per affiliate sale.

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If we take that same product and we copy the name of the product on YouTube, this is what we get:

Notice how many videos are showing up for the name of the product like ‘Bad Breath Free Forever ‘and ‘Bad Breath Free Forever Review’ those are all short videos promoting those same affiliate products. Some of those videos are even a year old. That’s because these affiliates are tapping into the ‘buy’ traffic, this means people who are thinking of buying the product but are looking for reviews and information before making the purchase. This is some of the best type of traffic you can get because these people have already made the decision to buy, which is why this method is so powerful and effective.

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If you go on Google the same thing happens, the first results are all videos from YouTube from affiliates promoting the product:

This is proof that making review videos for affiliate products work, otherwise you wouldn’t see so many people doing it. One thing you’ll notice is that most of the videos are simply made with music, text and images, nothing fancy. These type of videos are easy to make you can use VideoMakerfx or a screen recording software to make a quick 2-5 minute video talking about the product and its benefits, there are a ton of other software you can use like VideoPal. The key is being able to get those videos to rank on the first page of YouTube, the higher they appear on the YouTube search results the more likely you are to get views. Which is why optimizing the video with the right keywords, title and description is important. Think about this...if you have 20 short videos about different affiliate products in a period of 90 days where each video is getting a few views, but you’re getting just 3 sales a week

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from those 20 videos, each sale being an average $25 in commissions, then that means you would be making $300 a month from a few videos that you did one time and it took you 15 minutes to make. That is the power of this method. How To 10x Your Revenue With The Right Affiliate Products? We all want to work less and make more, luckily for you affiliate marketing provides that opportunity, if you know where to look and what to promote. Let me explain what I mean, when it comes to affiliate marketing there are three types of affiliate commissions: ● One-time commissions: These are commissions earned from one-time sales which mean you promoted a product, someone bought it and you earn a commission for it, end of story. ● Recurring commissions: These commissions are earned when the product or service you’re promoting is recurring, usually with memberships or subscriptions. Someone buys the product and you earn a commission every month for as long as that person stays a customer. ● Multi-tier commissions: These are multi-tier commissions, which mean you make a sale, and earn a commission, But if the customers also becomes an affiliate and makes a sale, you also generate a small commission from their effort. There’s nothing wrong with affiliate products that pay one-time commissions, but in order to build TRUE passive income you might get there faster if you promote products with recurring commissions. Recurring commissions is my favorite of all three, you do the work once, generate the sales and continue to earn revenue month after month. This type of affiliate programs with recurring commissions are usually found in subscription services.

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For example Netflix, which is a $10 per month subscription service? Netflix used to have an affiliate program where they would pay you a one-time commission for referring a customer who would sign up for a free trial and then pay the monthly fee. They don’t offer that affiliate program anymore. They did it in the beginning to build their membership base and it worked. Today they have millions of subscribers who are happy to pay the monthly fee for their service (Including me) because the service has value. Now imagine if Netflix had a recurring commission affiliate program where you would earn 50% recurring commissions for each new subscriber you referred. That would mean earning $5 per month on the $10 plan for each new subscriber you refer to Netflix. Would you spend time and money to promote Netflix if it had a recurring commission affiliate program? Absolutely, if you referred 100 new subscribers that would mean $500 per month in affiliate recurring commissions. That is the power of recurring commissions and why I prefer affiliate programs with these type of affiliate commission structure. Now, we might not be able to promote Netflix but there are affiliate programs out there that do offer these type of commissions. In fact inside

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of Clickbank you can find a few of these products with recurring commissions.

By simply clicking the recurring commission option in the attributes section you’ll be able to pull affiliate products from any categories that pay recurring commissions. However I found that the best affiliate programs with recurring commissions tend to be related to software, education and services. This is mainly because the product or service has to be good enough for you to pay for it for more than a month, there’s has to be real value in using it otherwise the customers will cancel after the first month. This is how you scale an affiliate business from $1000 a month in revenue to $10,000 a month. For example if you want to make $10,000 per month online with affiliate marketing you could: A) Generate 200 sales (EVERY MONTH) of an affiliate product that pays you $50 commissions for each one-time sale. B) Generate 200 sales (ONE-TIME) of affiliate products that pay you $50 in recurring monthly commissions.

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As you can see, option B wins hands down, it’s a smarter option since you’re doing the work one-time and getting paid monthly for it. So, if you want to 10X your income with affiliate programs, find affiliate programs that pay recurring commissions and that fills a real need in a niche or industry. A famous quote from J.Paul Getty said: “I’d rather have 1% of the effort of 100 men than 100% of my own effort.” Because in the end, we all want to work SMARTER with our affiliate business, not HARDER. How To Guarantee Your Success In Affiliate Marketing? If you made it this far, I sincerely hope this guide has provided you with ideas, and has inspired you to take action. That is the most important step, taking action. When I got started online I didn’t have a free guide to show me the basics, I basically stumbleupon thing after thing trying to find what worked for me. I made a ton of mistakes, barely made any money and most people around me were telling me to quit dreaming (yes, even family members). But I kept learning, applying, fixing, learning again and applying. I bought courses, pay for tools, software and invested into trainings and coaching’s. I was mostly going through this entire process by myself and along each obstacle and failure I doubted myself constantly. If this even possible, can I really make an income online...or quit my job to become an internet marketer? I would watch videos of people who were making thousands or even millions per year on YouTube with affiliate marketing and I would ask myself, what makes them special, why do they have results and I don’t.

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Honestly, they didn’t seem that smarter than me. Heck, if you’re reading this I’m not any smarter than you. But then I finally discovered the secret… It was FOCUS, CONSISTENCY & GOAL SETTING. You see the first 2 years online I was all over the place, no focus, jumping from one thing to another looking for that quick rich method that would put me at $10K a month in a month. It never came; instead I wasted time and money. I wasn’t consistent at all; I didn’t have a game plan on what to do on a daily or weekly basis. I didn’t have a specific goal other than just “I want to make more money “and I had no clue or specific path to follow in order to achieve my goals. You see every day I see YouTube videos of people wanting to do Shopify, Amazon FBA, Affiliate Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Niche Blogging and every other method of making money. Yet the answer is simple. PICK ONE; spend 3-6 months learning it. Spend both your time and money to acquire as much info as you can learn that one thing. Setup a plan with short and long term goals for what you want to accomplish doing this one thing. Be consistent daily, doing the small tasks that you need to do in order to reach that goal, whether that is recording a video, researching, reading, talking to people, writing a blog post, posting ads, creating affiliate campaigns or whatever those tasks are. And focus on the end goal, avoid distractions by jumping to the next strategy 2 weeks after starting another, focus on what you want. Wake up early if you have to, don’t listen to the doubters, ignore the haters and focus on getting stuff done. Each time something doesn’t work, each time you’re facing a new problem and get

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frustrated, each time you lose money, think about what you started in the first place. Stay focus on the end goal, whether that’s making an extra $500 a month to pay for the car you always wanted or quitting your job and be able to provide for you and your family. Focus, consistency and goal setting are how you guarantee your success with affiliate marketing. Most Essential Resources Tools That Every Affiliate Marketer Needs [My Personal Recommendation] 1. Passive Income It’s common knowledge that all businesses (online or offline), need tools and resources to run day to day operations. But there is a common misconception that to run a successful affiliate marketing business, you need to have a very significant budget and have a plethora of online tools. So how do you build a successful affiliate marketing business? You start with the right tools. I’ve built out a list of the best affiliate marketing tools that you need to use. I want to share with you a list of essential tools for affiliate marketing which I personally use for my business. Many of these tools are indispensable not just for me, but also for many other successful affiliate marketers. It is very crucial to have the right tools for you to achieve success more efficiently. I hope my list of tools here can give you some inspirations or even help you directly for your affiliate marketing business. Running On A Tight Budget?

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I'm aware that many of you are running on a really tight budget especially at the beginning stage of your business. I was in that situation before as well. I know the pain and difficulties. As much as possible, I try to use tools that are free. However, sometimes investments are inevitable if you're really serious at making money. I'm sure that's what you are looking for, right? Let's get started with a quick navigation of contents first... The 4 main things you need to get started with affiliate marketing are: 1. 2. 3. 4.

A Website for you to connect buyers to sellers Some Training and Help to keep you on the right track A Keyword Research Tool for you to write SEO friendly contents Affiliate Networks with various affiliate products for you to promote & make money!

1. Website Builder & Hosting: BLUEHOST

BLUEHOST offers both website hosting and website building services.

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You're able to build your very own WordPress website under a minute with just a few simple clicks and no coding is required. Recommending Bluehost for web hosting, for building your blog. There are many other web hosting services but I recommend BLUEHOST because of 2 main reasons: 1. They have a really strong Support Team to help you efficiently solve your technical issues. 2. They offer a couple of useful tools for FREE to help optimize your website.

The 3 main tools are SiteSpeed, SiteSSL and SiteProtection. Their purposes are to speed up your site, secure your site and protect your site against spam respectively.

2. Affiliate Marketing Training & Community: AFFILIATE BOOTCAMP

"How To Retire In 100 Days As A ClickFunnels Super Affiliate..."

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As a beginner, you definitely need proper guidance and training in order to succeed and make money online. Affiliate Bootcamp is the platform that taught me everything from scratch when I started looking for ways to make money online. There are 4 main things you can benefit from Affiliate Bootcamp: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Thorough Step-by-step Training Useful Tools. Technical Support from Support Team as well as the Founders directly Help & Support from the entire Community with thousands of helpful and friendly online marketers and entrepreneurs

Now, it's my turn to recommend this powerful place with you to help you start your own online business.

3. Keyword Research Tool: SEMRUSH

All-in-one Marketing Toolkit, for digital marketing professionals. Gives you fantastic insight into search volume, average cost per click, number of competing pages, related keywords, rank results, and even companies currently buying ad space

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So, SEMRUSH is not a necessary tool if you're a beginner but it's a more powerful Keyword Tool for those more advanced marketers. If you're a more experienced and advanced marketer, you may want to check out SEMRUSH. It has much more functions and more detailed results.

4. Marketing Automation Tool For Sales, Marketing & Bloggers: CLICKFUNNELS

Complete sales funnels with upsell/downsell functionality and even membership groups landing page powerful builder software online tool, is very customizable and very easy to use, or sales page exactly as you want it.

5. Email Service Provider (ESP): ConvertKit

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Email Service Provider is a tool for you to build an Email list and market your products in the form of Email Marketing. At ConvertKit, our features are built by creators, for creators. Because we’ve been in your shoes, we know what it takes to grow a successful online business. To help you get there, we built an app with features tailored to your needs as a creator. Grow your audience Your email list is your biggest asset. ConvertKit helps you use that list to grow your business through attractive forms, trackable data, and simple but powerful automations.

6. Fiverr

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Fiverr is a freelancing platform for marketers and online entrepreneurs like you to outsource technical works to the gurus and get it done in an cost-effective way. Most of the basic services offered on Fiverr are charged at $5. That's why it's called "Fiverr". But there are also custom services and add-ons available at custom prices depending on the seller. As a blogger or affiliate marketer, you can outsource stuffs like logo design, programming, web design, content creation, etc. I've personally outsourced logo design and content creation before to the gurus on Fiverr. From my experience, you can really get what you want because the platform allows you to communicate with the gurus easily.

7. Affiliate Networks Affiliate networks are the main platforms for you to find relevant affiliate products to promote on your website. They are all Free to join. Simply create an account with them. The 4 main platforms are: 1. Amazon Associate (More for Physical Products) 2. ShareASale

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3. ClickBank (More for Digital Products) 4. Commission Junction There are a lot more these kind of affiliate networks and also private affiliate programs. Simply do some research in Google and you'll find out that there are a lot of potential in this affiliate marketing world!

8. Canva

Canva is a FREE graphic design tool which allows you to create your own graphics for your website. For your information, I create almost all the graphics in this website using Canva. I use it for my social media posts as well. It's a really easy-to-use and powerful graphic design tool that every blogger, marketer and website owner should be using.

9. Piktochart

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Piktochart is a tool that allows you to create good-looking infographics for your website content without the need to hire professional graphic designers. It has been proven that having infographics allow your content to be more easily shared. It's a good way to boost your social sharing and make certain contents go viral. The Free Version is enough for basic usage. You can upgrade your plans if you need more templates.

10. Free Stock Images

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When you're building your site, you'll definitely need some photos along the way to make your content more visually appealing. However, many photos online are actually copyrighted and you need to pay in order to use them. These are called "Royalty Free Images". I'm sure those of you with tight budgets wouldn't want to pay a lot of money just to get the rights to use the images. That's when "Free Stock Images" comes in. Following are 3 websites for you to download Free Stock Images without any copyright issues: 1. 2. 3. Make sure to bookmark these websites so that you know where to go next time when you need some free and good-looking images. Other "Royalty Free Images" Sites For Your Reference: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Shutterstock Depositphotos iStock gettyimages

(Take note of the differences between "Royalty Free Images" and "Free Stock Images". Basically, Royalty Free Images are paid and Free Stock Images are absolutely FREE for download.)

11. Theme: ElegantThemes

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ElegantThemes is a company that offers conversion focused WordPress themes & plugins. Their themes are built for speed, readability and clarity. Premium themes for website & blogs. I've been using majority of the ElegantThemes products since I became an ElegantThemes member. I love ElegantThemes products because they make my website building experience a lot easier and enjoyable.

12. WordPress Themes: MyThemeShop

We wanted our product to solve problems most website owners face when starting out

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1. A great user experience - Most other themes haven’t put thought into making your job easy so that you can free your mind to what you do best: publish killer content. Ours do. 2. Dedicated, knowledgeable support - Questions come up, it’s perfectly normal, and unlike other companies, we don’t keep you waiting for a reply and we treat you like a customer, not an inconvenience. 3. Lightning fast load times - You’ve probably noticed…Attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. If your page doesn’t load pronto, it’s adios valuable visitor. Our themes will have your users loving your site. 4. Compatibility - We've designed our code to respect your server's resources. 5. Optimum Performance - All of our themes are optimized for performance, following best practices. We use asynchronous loading to shave seconds off of render times. 6. Clean Code - We focus on clean front end code that is user-friendly and search engine friendly.

13. 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles: Attract More Leads, Get More Clients, and Make More Sales

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This book covers all the necessary things you need to know to get started with online marketing, from the mindset to the solid marketing skills and knowledge.

14. Think and Grow Rich

A must for anyone wanting to improve their lives and their positive thinking. There have been more millionaires and indeed, billionaires, who have made their fortunes as a result of reading this success classic than any other book every printed. It is noted in the book, that an individual with desire, faith, and persistence can reach great heights by eliminating all negative energy and thoughts and focusing at the greater goals in

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15. The 4-Hour Work Week

Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred-life plan - there is no need to wait and every reason not to, especially in unpredictable economic times. Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing high-end world travel, earning a monthly five-figure income with zero management, or just living more and working less, this book is the blueprint.

16. How To Win Friends & Influence People

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You can go after the job you want—and get it! You can take the job you have—and improve it! You can take any situation—and make it work for you! Dale Carnegie’s rock-solid, time-tested advice has carried countless people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives. 1. -Six ways to make people like you 2. -Twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking 3. -Nine ways to change people without arousing resentment And much more! Achieve your maximum potential—a must-read for the twenty-first century with more than 15 million copies sold! Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing high-end world travel, earning a monthly five-figure income with zero management, or just living more and working less, this book is the blueprint.

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So there’s My full list of affiliate tools.

Here Are 1 Additional FREE Great Course [RECOMMENDED]:

CONCLUSION There is no shortcut to SUCCESS; you probably can’t make a million dollars by tomorrow if you’ve never done it before. But there is a process you can follow that will get you there. A massive amount of ACTION and PERSISTENCE is required. After all, you should be willing to do whatever it takes.

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To Your Success,

MURLI (DIGITAL MARKETER, AMAZON BOOKS AUTHOR, Entrepreneur, Blogger & Online UDEMY Instructor) Copyright © 2017 by MURLI ( RECOMMENDED RESOURCES This is my list of tools & resources that I regularly use to supercharge my websites & boost my online income which I know you'll find useful for your own online business. There's everything from WordPress plugins to email marketing tools, content creation, traffic generation & more.

1. Email Marketing Automate Tools 1. ConstantContact [RECOMMENDED] - Advanced effective email marketing automation tool. Click Here To Get Your ConstantContact - FREE TRIAL 2. Convertkit - Automate Your Marketing Campaigns At-A-Glance tool. Click Here To Get Your Convertkit - FREE TRIAL

2. Domain, Hosting Tools

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1. Bluehost [RECOMMENDED]- Recommending Bluehost for web hosting, for building your blog. Click Here To Get Your Bluehost - Hosting 2. InMotion - One of the largest independent web hosting companies in the world.

3. Wordpress Themes, Templates 1. ThemeForest [RECOMMENDED]- Premium WordPress themes, web templates & more. Click Here To Get Your ThemeForest - Themes 2. ElegantThemes - Premium themes for website & blogs.

4. Seo, Keyword Research Tools 1. SemRush [RECOMMENDED] – All-in-one SEO& Marketing Toolkit for digital marketing professionals. Click Here To Get Your SemRush - Tool 2. LongTailPro – Discover thousands of profitable, keywords & Keyword Competitiveness for almost any niche.

5. Digital Marketing Automation Tool 1. Clickfunnels [RECOMMENDED] – Gives You EVERYTHING You Need To Market, Sell, & Deliver Your Products & Services Online!(Without Having To Hire or Rely On A Tech Team!) Click Here To Get Your Clickfunnels - FREE TRIAL 2. LeadPages – Easily build stunning opt-in campaigns that capture leads, convert customers. 6. Video Creation Tools

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1. VideoMakerfx [RECOMMENDED] - Make Videos Like The PROs With the Most Powerful Video Creation Software. Click Here To Get Your VideoMakerfx - Tool 7. Educational Courses Tools: 1. Udemy [RECOMMENDED] - Join World's Largest Online Learning Platform, High-Quality On-Demand Online Courses, Expert Instructors, Download To Your Phone, Lifetime Access. Click Here To Get Your Udemy - Courses 8. Freelance Services 1. Fiverr [RECOMMENDED] - The world's largest freelance services marketplace for lean entrepreneurs to focus on growth & create a successful business at affordable costs..

Click Here To Get Your Fiverr - Marketplace Many more useful tools to come! NOTE: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links & will earn a small commission if you sign up to the services. This adds no cost to you but helps keep sustainable. It’s also worth noting that almost all resources mentioned on this page are resources that I’m a signed up, paid up & regular user of. We want you to know that we’re getting paid. In fact, it’s the law to tell you; we think it’s a good law that we be transparent about this. Moreover, while we like products we suggest & link to with affiliate links, we can’t guarantee that you’ll like them. In fact, you might hate them. Therefore, do your due diligence before buying anything. We do our best to suggest & link to quality software & info products… stuff we use &/or have checked out.

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