Create Attention-Grabbing Pro Videos In Just Minutes

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WHO I AM (ABOUT AUTHOR) My name is MURLI, an Indian, living & doing legitimate online business right here in India.

I spent 12 years working in digital marketing and visual designs. I am primarily a Digital Marketer, with a fountain of knowledge SEO/SEM, Content Marketing, Lead Generation and Conversion, Online Advertising, Social media, User Experience (UX). Develop efficient market leading CRM strategies, Marketing Automation and drive inbound enquiries through SEO, PPC and Digital Marketing Strategies. I am Digital Marketer, AMAZON BOOKS AUTHOR, Entrepreneur, Blogger & Online UDEMY Instructor & off-course a Lovable, Respectful and Helpful guy. Read all about me here

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Without wasting any more of your time, please flip over to the next page and start your journey to a whole new world of limitless possibilities. All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author/publisher. DISCLAIMER The contents of this manual reflect the author’s views acquired through his experience on the topic under discussion. The author or publisher disclaims any personal loss or liability caused by the utilization of any information presented herein. The author is not engaged in rendering any legal or professional advice. The services of a professional person are recommended if legal advice or assistance is needed. While the sources mentioned herein are assumed to be reliable at the time of writing, the author and publisher, or their affiliates are not responsible for their activities. From time to time, sources may terminate or move and prices may change without notice. Sources can only be confirmed reliable at the time of original publication of this manual. This manual is a book only and, as such, should be considered solely for basic information. Earnings or profits derived from participating in the following program are entirely generated by the ambitions, motivation, desires, and abilities of the individual reader.

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Without any further ado, let’s get started. Do you remember the good old days when we had only a dial-up connection and sometimes it took several minutes just to load a website? After a few short decades of progressively quickening Internet connections, the average human attention span has been altered. As connections became faster, so did our brain in adapting to these quick spurts of information. As a result, video attention span has gotten shorter. In the world of Internet marketing, attention grab is now crucial to drawing in customers and keeping them engaged. Do you know Visuals are always eye catching and attention grabbing? Video is dominating social media marketing. In fact, experts predict video will account for 80% of global internet traffic by 2019. So now is the best time to master the medium. Here Are Just A Few Of The Highlights: 

75 Million people in the U.S. watch online videos every day.

Merely mentioning the word 'video' in an email subject line, the click-through rate increased by 13%.

Nearly 50% of all video is watched on a mobile device.

By 2019, internet video traffic will account for 80% of all consumer Internet traffic

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Videos up to 2 minutes long get the most engagement.

Undoubtedly, video marketing is one of the newest additions to your promotion toolbox. You might still have your doubts. Is it really worth to consider using videos for promoting your business? Do you have enough resources to create and use video content in your marketing? It’s no secret that the use of video in content marketing is on the rise. And, it’s certainly not a tactic to be taken lightly. In fact, YouTube is now the second largest search engine on the web and while video marketing is frequently an afterthought, its value demands a front-runner position in your content marketing plan.

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Video content concepts are growing faster as an important tool for enhancing inbound marketing tactics. Along with other inbound marketing tools like, blogs, search engine optimization (SEO) and social media, an engaging video is also leaving significant mark in increasing a website’s web presence along with brand awareness. Be it for entertainment purposes, for learning or training, video creates an engaging attraction that is hard to deny. Video is one of the most popular content forms in the world and the truth is that it’s not likely to be going anywhere soon. And it makes sense: in an impersonal digital world, we’re craving connection and personality. We want to see and hear people in a real-life context -it’s meaningful. Video is not only fun, it’s really one of the best ways to get up close to your audience and give them a real glimpse of what you and your business or your clients are doing. The key here is to think beyond profit and product -- show them something about your philosophy, or share some information on an interesting event, or offer some valuable information.

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The more they know about your positive practices, the more likely they are to stick around. Here are 10 reasons why organizations should include video in content marketing plans… 1. Improved SEO First off, utilizing video in content marketing efforts will no doubt improve your SEO. In fact, according to Comscore, adding a video to your website can increase the chance of a front page Google result by 53 times. Of course, that’s when you do it right. Want to learn more about how to properly optimize your videos for search? Check out these tips from Moz CEO Rand Fishkin. 2. Stronger Consumer Attention Video have been proven to demand more consumer attention than any other medium. And while we’re in the midst of what some might call a content-overload for consumers, capturing attention is key. “The attention economy is not growing, which means we have to grab the attention that someone else has today.” –Brent Leary, Co-Founder, CRM Essentials 3. Higher Engagement We’ve heard over and over that visual content is the key to great engagement. Video is no exception. So when you’re considering what types of posts to schedule on social networks in the coming weeks, think video: audiences are about 10 times more likely to engage, embed, share, and comment on video content than blogs or related social posts. 4. More Video-favored Technology With the increased consumption of video and the resulting rise in production, technologies are leaning more and more towards favoring the video-marketer. Consider Facebook’s addition of the auto-play for example. It’s hard to argue that a status update or link to an article demands as much attention as a video in your newsfeed.

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5. Greater Optimization Opportunities How much of your latest blog post did readers consume? Did they re-read parts of it? Or come back to it later and read it again? Did they share it with friends? The truth is, it’s pretty hard to answer these questions on text-based content. Video, on the other hand, has this feedback loop built in. Measure click-through rate, dropoff points, or number of times watched. You can even drill this down to an individual level. It all boils down to this: the feedback loop for videos means you know what’s working and what’s not. Now to focus on more of the stuff that’s working! 6. Higher Retention Rates 65% of viewers watch more than ¾ of a video, which is more than we can say about text-based content. So if you have a message to get across (and why wouldn’t you if you’re creating content?), video might be the way to go. 7. Better Email Click-Throughs You slaved over that email copy for days and it contains important information for your customers!

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But does it resonate? Will it drive results? Will recipients even read it? Enter: video. The use of video in emails has been shown to double click-through rates. More effective emails? Yes please!

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

8. Rise in Accessibility While creating a video used to take many months and many thousands of dollars, the production of great video content has become much more affordable in the last few years. Companies like Explaindio, and VideoMakerFX make the creation of video as easy as writing a blog. 9. Stronger Emotional Connections Video is the most powerful way to evoke emotions online. It’s King because it offers a slew of attributes above and beyond traditional content like tone of voice, face expressions, and music, to name a few. While you may not have feel the immediate need to run out and buy a product from an emotion-filled video, they will likely be at play later on in a more subtle and subconscious way. Evoking emotion in marketing has been proven to positively impact consumer decisionmaking, even in B2B markets. 10. Increased Conversions The number one reason for using video in your content marketing plan? Video converts more customers. Simple, right? Recent research shows that 71% of marketers say video conversion rates outperform other marketing content. Need we say more? Hence if you are on your way to build a video, then you need proper software in order to make the visuals enthralling, engaging, informative and attention-grabbing for sure.

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In this case, Explaindio does the job for you. This video creating software makes it easy to generate stunning visuals that will be able to represent your ideas brilliantly. Using the software is easy with a user-friendly interface and features that can be most fruitful in creating various kinds of visuals which can be used for training, marketing and explaining purposes.

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Whether you are a trainer, marketer or a communicator, Explaindio is quite possibly the most appropriate and useful software that you can use to create videos simply, however with all the advanced features that is required to make a visual as stunning as possible. The 4.0 version is compatible with both Windows and Mac, thereby inviting all users to start off with the program. >>>> CLICK HERE TO GET EXPLAINDIO FOR LIMITED PERIOD DISCOUNT OFFER

Final words If you need to create animated videos for marketing, Explaindio is a tool with plenty of options that will get you to the finish line. While it has a few shortcomings in the audio and 3D departments, the program is fairly well-made in terms of the timeline, canvas, and editing features. It may take some time to learn, but you’ll have a high-quality video for a cheap price by the end.

Video advertising is becoming more and more affordable and widespread. Video adoption grows partly because advances in technology but also because it’s easy to spread across the globe. Making marketing videos for your business requires creativity and knowledge of human psychology. The cocktail of these components makes it possible to create real miracles of advertising at minimal cost. Emotionally charged, creative video advertising can be spread on the Internet in a matter of days, getting millions of views. And this is the whole point of video marketing: the only creative survive

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Ready To Start Incorporating Videos Into Your Marketing Strategy? [I highly recommend]:-> Explaindio

CONCLUSION There is no shortcut to SUCCESS; you probably can’t make a million dollars by tomorrow if you’ve never done it before. But there is a process you can follow that will get you there. A massive amount of ACTION and PERSISTENCE is required. After all, you should be willing to do whatever it takes. To Your Success,

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

MURLI (DIGITAL MARKETER, AMAZON BOOKS AUTHOR, Entrepreneur, Blogger & Online UDEMY Instructor)

RECOMMENDED RESOURCES This is my list of tools & resources that I regularly use to supercharge my websites & boost my online income which I know you'll find useful for your own online business. There's everything from WordPress plugins to email marketing tools, content creation, traffic generation & more. 1. Video Animation Creation Tool Video Creator That Will Attract, Engage, And Convert Visitors to Buyers, Make Videos Like The PROs With the Most Powerful Video Creation Software - Explaindio RECOMMENDED] Click Here To Get Your Explaindio - Tool

NOTE: Certain products/services are affiliate links, & I may earn a commission for any purchases that you make. Those links won't cost you any extra money when you buy products after clicking on them. I mention these products/services to you because I believe in them & want to help you improve your life. I only recommend products/services that I feel deliver value to you. All efforts are made to ensure that

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affiliate links are disclosed in accordance with the FTC.

Thanks! MURLI

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