Email Marketing Mastery

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WHO I AM (ABOUT AUTHOR) My name is MURLI, an Indian, living & doing legitimate online business right here in India. I spent 12 years working in digital marketing and visual designs. I am primarily a Digital Marketer, with a fountain of knowledge SEO/SEM, Content Marketing, Lead Generation and Conversion, Online Advertising, Social media, User Experience (UX). Develop efficient market leading CRM strategies, Marketing Automation and drive inbound enquiries through SEO, PPC and Digital Marketing Strategies. I am Digital Marketer, AMAZON BOOKS AUTHOR, Entrepreneur, Blogger & Online UDEMY Instructor & off-course a Lovable, Respectful and Helpful guy. Read all about me here

I didn’t want to spend my life taking orders from someone else or making my boss rich. To keep my spirits up, I read books. I pretty much read whatever was on the top 10 list in the business section. I have Strong Experience in DIGITAL MARKETING - Now I am self-employed (ENTREPRENEUR). I have trained people and companies on ENTREPRENEUR - START, RUN & GROW your business and Digital Marketing.

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Now, I am focusing on helping other people create their own online empires. It is my goal to help others by teaching and coaching them to achieve their own successes! I love creating content and helping my students reaches their potential. I created each one of them thinking about YOU. Let me help you achieve your learning goals & take you on a journey to success, wealth and happiness! Over the last decade, I have garnered so much knowledge and a vast wealth of practical experiences that I can now smell the perfect home based business opportunity a mile away. And once I identify a promising home business opportunity, I invest in it instantly. As of now, I am the proud owner and publisher of the following websites: - Digital Marketing Blog Here I mention just a few of the many online businesses that I possess in my online business portfolio. With the success I have recorded in my numerous online businesses, it is obvious that I have a complete understanding of what makes many home based businesses fail where others succeed. Matter of fact, I will teach you how to make REAL money online from the comfort of your own home. My personal resume speaks volume as to the fact that I am the perfect choice when it comes to the best advice you could ever want on a choice of the internet marketing business. Without wasting any more of your time, please flip over to the next page and start your journey to a whole new world of limitless possibilities.

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author/publisher. DISCLAIMER The contents of this manual reflect the author’s views acquired through his experience on the topic under discussion. The author or publisher disclaims any personal loss or liability caused by the utilization of any information presented herein. The author is not engaged in rendering any legal or professional advice. The services of a professional person are recommended if legal advice or assistance is needed. While the sources mentioned herein are assumed to be reliable at the time of writing, the author and publisher, or their affiliates are not responsible for their activities. From time to time, sources may terminate or move and prices may change without notice. Sources can only be confirmed reliable at the time of original publication of this manual. This manual is a book only and, as such, should be considered solely for basic information. Earnings or profits derived from participating in the following program are entirely generated by the ambitions, motivation, desires, and abilities of the individual reader. Without any further ado, let’s get started. Who Is The Program For? The DIGITAL LIFESTYLE ENREPRENUER, program is designed for four types of people: 1) Those who have decided to start an Internet business, but don’t know where or how to begin; 2) Those who already have a website or online business that is NOT living up to their expectations, (everything you’ll learn here can be directly applied to your existing online business or Website);

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3) Those who are looking for a job, have time on their hands, and would like to make some money while waiting for a new position. 4) Those who are currently employed and wish to begin developing a business where they have control in the event their job is outsourced. Almost anyone can learn to make a DIGITAL BUSINESS. Because you can just stay at one level and prefect those skills so until you reach your financial goals or keep moving to the next level as your skills and confidence grows. Students, housewives, professional people, even kids are building DIGITAL BUSINESS. The Internet’s Different On the Internet, the medium is communications, the product is information, and the content is intellectual. Anybody with a brain can play. All you need in order to start is: (1) a computer, (2) high-speed access to the Net, (3) the desire, (4) the willingness to learn, and (5) your HEAD. (While you don’t actually need a high-speed connection, you’ll want one so you don’t waste so much time waiting for things to happen while you’re working.) So what does all this mean to YOU? 1. You can start your business with LITTLE or NO CAPITAL. Unlike traditional businesses with hard assets, you don’t need to invest in building physical products, factories, inventory or stores.

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Assuming you already have a computer and Web access, you can start with little or no capital. Never before has it been possible to start a business with so LITTLE CAPITAL and still have the potential to make millions. 2. You can start your Internet business in your SPARE TIME. A Web business can be built by one person working at any time of the day or night. There’s no need to quit your day job before you’ve mastered the skills and built a new income base. 3. You don’t need EMPLOYEES. Most of the skills required for running an Internet business can be learned as you go. And to the extent that you do require the specialized skills of others, you can find these people on the Net and hire them as contractors, either by the job or by the hour. No need to worry about employees, insurance or benefits. 4. You can start and run the business from your HOME. Other businesses require a place where customers can come to purchase a product, a place to warehouse inventory, and offices to house a staff. But you can start your Internet business in the den, a spare bedroom or even a closet! All of your customers arrive via the Internet and your inventory is on a hard disc in your computer. 5. You get to be your own BOSS. This is a great opportunity for those of you who want to take responsibility for yourselves and your future. You get to do things the way you want: work when you want, wear what you want and make as much as you want. The sense of FREEDOM is fantastic! 6. You can build your business ANYWHERE in the world. You can live and work wherever your heart desires you to be. You can start it where you are, build it up and then move to where you’ve always wanted to live.

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Moving your business is as easy as carrying your laptop anywhere. All you need is a highspeed connection to the Internet. 7. You can go as FAST or SLOW as you want. There’s no urgency to build a business in the next month. Start simple, learn the basics, make some money, develop your skills and confidence and move at your own pace. The only pressure is the pressure you create for yourself. Never before has it been so easy to start a business, with no capital, and that has the HUGE UPSIDE POTENTIAL that the Internet affords. The leverage is enormous. You can now reach a world-wide market from your computer. And it will be a few years before this window of opportunity closes. As more and more people discover the Net’s potential, the profitable market niches will get filled by those who get off their butts and swing into ACTION. So Where Do You Start? I’ve talked about what a fantastic financial opportunity the Internet is. Hundreds of thousands of people make all or some portion of their living from o ne or more DIGITAL LIFESTYLE ENTREPREUR BUSINESS. What we’ve not talked about is…YOU. DIGITAL ENTREPREUR BUSINESS is built by people like YOU. However, there are three characteristics successful DIGITAL ENTREPREUR BUSINESS has. Do you have these characteristics…or are you willing to develop them?

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1) You’re DECISIVE and TAKE ACTION. YOU will not create your first Money Machine, much less the second and third, until you decide to take ACTION. It’s a lot of fun to dream about having money, but money doesn’t come to people who don’t see the opportunities in front of them and TAKE ACTION. You have to identify an OBJECTIVE, develop a PLAN and then start to WORK. 2) You’re NOT AFRAID to make mistakes and you’re quick to fix them. YOU must be willing to experiment, to try something, and if it doesn’t work, try something else and keep trying…until you figure it out. The Internet is still in its infancy. And it’s changing rapidly. It’s in a very dynamic growth phase. There are no hard and fast rules. There are only guidelines. What worked yesterday may no longer work tomorrow…and vice versa. So YOU must be open to change, willing to experiment and not get discouraged when it doesn’t work the first time. As someone wise once said, “We don’t learn from our successes, we learn from our failures.” Since so many variables have to work right for success, it’s not possible to make a list of the reasons. But it’s usually pretty easy to see what didn’t work and why. 3) You’re WILLING TO INVEST BOTH TIME AND MONEY IN LEARNING. Because the Internet is so new and changing so fast, the most successful people spend a lot of time and money on their CONTINUING EDUCATIONS. They constantly read books, both for new information and for motivation. They often read the same books multiple times to keep pounding the information home. They invest in courses and seminars. They spend time with other successful people looking for new ideas and better ways of doing things. So don’t think that by reading and studying this book alone you’re going to get

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rich. Though you don’t have to spend $3,000, you must be willing to read three books on the same subject just to get different perspectives. And you’re willing to re-read the same book five times to make sure you got it all, and you start hanging out at seminars with the gurus. Then you’re on your way. There are no shortcuts to success. That’s why Get-Rich-Quick books don’t work. This book will only work if…YOU work IT. Still with me? If so, let’s get to work…. Are you ready to take action? Let’s take a deeper dive into the skills you’ll be mastering through this Ebook Course offer. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn

TABLE OF CONTENTS - Email Marketing – What Is It? Why Do It? - Different Types Of Email Marketing Campaigns You Need To Be Sending Your Email List - List Of Best Email Marketing Automation Service/Tools/Software - Successful Email Marketing: Key Factors - Email Template Design Tips You Should Always Follow CONCLUSION RECOMMENDED RESOURCES

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1. What Is Email Marketing? Email marketing is a type of direct digital marketing that uses electronic mail (also called email or e-mail) as the marketing communication delivery method. Email marketing is the highly effective digital marketing strategy of sending emails to prospects and customers. Effective marketing emails convert prospects into customers, and turn one-time buyers into loyal, raving fans. Email marketing is used in a number of ways by organizations and marketers for brand and customer loyalty building, acquiring or converting customers, company advertisements, or for communicating promotional offers and more. Email is a remarkably flexible tool that can accommodate a wide range of messages. Ads can be quite simple, or they can be flashy, multimedia packages. The aesthetic of the ad will depend on the company and the product for sale. Some ads are only text while others include images, video, and long lists of links. Let's say you own a store that sells children's clothing. You receive a shipment of summer clothes and swimwear, and you're anxious to tell your customers about the cute new selections as well as see immediate sales results. You create an email that includes photos, product information, and a special coupon that's only valid for 24 hours. Within minutes of sending your email, you get responses in the form of questions, comments, and orders. Your email marketing brings immediate results.

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Email marketing has several key advantages over traditional mail marketing, including the following: - An exact return on investment can be tracked and has proven to be high when done properly. Email marketing is often reported as second only to search marketing as the most effective online marketing tactic. - Advertisers can reach substantial numbers of email subscribers who have opted in to receive email communications on subjects of interest to them. - Over half of all Internet users check or send email on a typical day. - Email allows marketers to reach out to consumers with personalized, relevant, dynamic messages. - Transactional emails allow businesses to respond automatically to important consumer events like purchases or shop-cart abandonment. So the questions are why should one go about email marketing? Well here are a few thoughts on the matter: Why? 1. Cost – Email marketing is CHEAP, there are no two ways about it. Whether you do it yourself, or through an email marketing agency, marketing to hundreds of consumers via email is going to cost you tiddlywinks compared to other channels of advertising. 2. Success – Emails can be targeting specifically to the ideal consumer. With this concept in mind, along with email cost-effectiveness, it’s no wonder that email marketing’s ROI often blows other direct marketing strategies out of the water – The trick is that you have to get it right! 3. Measureability and Flexibility – With the analytics available today it’s easy to track responses to your emails exactly, in order to work out what parts of your campaign are

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working and what parts aren’t. With this knowledge, you can then react instantly to modify your campaign strategy if need be. So yes… Email marketing is a vital component in many industries, especially for creating those important customer-firm relationships. Learn to use it well and it will definitely bump up your company’s success. Through email, companies can target specific customers who are interested in niche products or programs. It also provides quick and immediate communication, allowing companies to send emails to customers and get results almost instantly. Additionally, email marketing is effective in building brand awareness and customer loyalty. By communicating regularly with your customers, you encourage repeat business and a stronger connection to your business. Some people think email marketing is outdated, but they couldn’t be more wrong. Email marketing has been utilized since shortly after the birth of the Internet. It has evolved considerably since then and is still an incredibly useful marketing tool. In fact, many entrepreneurs argue that email marketing is more important now than ever before. There’s a good reason 85% of U.S. retailers consider email marketing one of the most effective customer acquisition tactics!

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Email marketing is a powerful driver of sales & revenue for your business, and has a greater reach and return on investment than any other channel available to marketers today. 2. Different Types Of Email Marketing Campaigns You Need To Be Sending Your Email List Do you know what types of emails you should be sending your email list? You probably know that email marketing is the best way to sell online, but after you grow your email list, then what? Email marketing is a practical, low-cost marketing tool that combines convenience with technology. It provides small business owners with the ability to reach more customers, which in turn can result in increased sales. But what about the follow-up email? Or any email that may be included in an automated email workflow?

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It's time to stop focusing on the design of just your biggest sends, and spend some time stiffing up all those other emails you're sending. Most business owners today use email marketing campaigns to promote all sorts of services and products, from babysitting services to mobile phones and beyond. Why You Need Different Types Of Emails? The problem with many ineffective email marketing campaigns isn’t that they send emails too frequently or infrequently. It’s that the content they’re sending isn’t differentiated enough. If you’re simply sending out the same old weekly newsletter over and over again, your subscribers will stop being interested in your emails before they have a chance to convert. The other problem with ineffective email marketing campaigns is that they don’t include a good mix of “value” based emails versus “selling” emails. If you are constantly sending either one or the other type of email, you’ll either turn your subscribers off or you’ll never sell anything. Be willing to mix things up. Your subscribers will appreciate it, and you’ll enjoy the benefit of higher open and click through rates, leading to increased sales. To get you started, let’s review some of the different types of emails you absolutely need to be sending your list… 1. Welcome Emails Series Welcome emails are the first email your subscribers receive after they’ve confirmed their email address. Since this is their first interaction with your brand in their inbox, make it memorable and worth their while. After all, subscribers are highly likely to open and click welcome emails compared to other

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types of promotional emails. These are the automated responses an organization sends when a new subscriber joins an email list. Welcome emails have among the highest open rates of all types of emails, so be sure your welcome emails make a great first impression of your organization’s emailmarketing program. These emails are a huge opportunity to upsell, build credibility and trust, and enhance your brand. Another type of transactional email, the welcome email is the perfect option for thanking and providing more information to people who have signed up for your newsletter, product trial, or other offer. It’s a simple email that tells them how happy you are that they’ve subscribed, and then lays out some of the things they can expect to receive in their inbox. 2. Educational Emails Series These types of emails should help solve a problem or answer questions that an organization’s subscribers may have. A good opportunity to send educational emails, for example, is to highlight new content on your website or to share an interesting article or blog. 3. Newsletter Email Series Sent on a regular basis—such as monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly—newsletter emails are a great way for organizations to reinforce their industry expertise, build loyalty and engagement with subscribers, as well as grow a list of qualified prospects and customers. Newsletter emails inform customers of current promotions, sales, and the newest offering. Newsletter emails are more than merely sales tools; they also help develop a long-term impact on readers.

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4. Press Release Email Series Press releases are a marketing tool underutilized by most small businesses. A press release is typically associated with print publication, such as newspapers and trade magazines, but can be used by small businesses to communicate with customers, informing them of a particular new inventory item or promotion. Unlike a newsletter or catalog, press releases focus on one message and are designed to inform readers and entice them to visit the business online or in person. 5. Offer Email Series This email includes a discount, coupon, or some other special deal that you send out to subscribers as a “thank you” for being on your VIP list. Offer emails typically have high open rates. Whether or not your business model includes offering sales and discounts, it’s a good idea to send out some sort of special offer just for your subscribers every now and then. This shows your appreciation, and drives sales. 6. Free Gift Email Series Did you know that the average office worker receives 121 emails per day? Furthermore, open rates for marketing emails hover right around 18 percent. So, if you want your email to be one of the few that’s actually opened, you need to give free value now and again. An exclusive, free gift email sprinkled in to your email marketing campaign will work like magic to keep your subscribers engaged and, well, subscribed. So what kind of a free gift should you send?

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An easy way to start is with something downloadable. For example, Slides sends out a huge pack of free design resources to download. 7. Reorder Email Series If your company sells a product that needs to be reordered regularly, such as vitamins or ink cartridges, you can use a reorder email program to remind customers before they run out. Coming up with an effective reorder email strategy for your products/services could result in a significant boost in sales and revenue. Especially if you run a subscription service, or sell consumable goods that are ordered in regular intervals, a simple reorder email can be an effective way to retain customers. 8. Shopping-Cart Abandonment Email Series One type of transaction email that’s essential for any online store is cart abandonment emails. These are the emails that you send out when potential customers add items to their online shopping cart, but don’t follow through on a purchase. These could provide an opportunity to increase your potential profits since approximately two-thirds of shopping cart transactions is abandoned. Typically set up as a series of trigger messages, shopping-cart abandonment emails encourage users to come back and complete the purchases they started at a company’s ecommerce site. If you have a shopping cart and aren’t doing recovery emails, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. 9. Birthday/Holiday Email Series Sending birthday or holiday wishes to your subscribers is a great way to keep your organization top of mind. And because of the fantastic targeting, these emails tend to get a remarkable response.

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To send birthday wishes, you would have to collect date of birth information on your signup or subscriber profile forms. By also including a special offer or coupon in these emails, you can help boost interest and possibly new sales, as well. 10. Thank-You Email Series The lifeblood of a small business comes from good customer service, and thank-you marketing emails are compelling and rewarding to patrons. Customers feel real value when a business takes the time to respond to their experience and ensure that all expectations were met. Thank-you emails should be customized to the consumer and include current and future offers, along with a small token of gratitude, such as a discount on the next purchase. 11. Event Invitation Email Series Email can be a great vehicle for promoting an upcoming event you're hosting. But if you want to invite your contacts to an event and motivate them to register, it's extremely important to clearly showcase why that event is worth their attendance. A great way to do so is through visuals. A lot of events cost money to attend, and most cost a pretty penny. So if you want to attract registrants, cut down on the copy and show potential registrants why the event will be awesome. With these emails, you can create a comprehensive email campaign around your events— including webinars, presentations, and conferences—to help build interest and encourage participation. Event emails would include invitations, follow-up invitations, reminders, and thank-you emails.

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12. Catalog Email Series Catalog email marketing is much like newsletter email, but focuses on images and short descriptions with pricing, rather than communicating through the use of short articles or dialogue pieces. Catalog emails can be compared to hard copy catalogs sent through the mail, but they do not require printing and shipping costs to be incurred. 13. Video Email Series Video email is another form of email marketing that is a hybrid of newsletter and catalog marketing--combining a narrative with images, video footage, and graphics. Video marketing requires more technical expertise than other email marketing tools. 14. Lead-Nurturing Email Series This type of email helps you move a lead through your sales funnel, while cutting the amount of time required by a sales team to educate prospects about your services and products. Lead-nurturing emails should be short emails with the main purpose of driving prospects to take action on your website. 15. Anniversary Email Series Celebrating a subscriber’s anniversary for joining your email list is another excellent opportunity for keeping your company top of mind and encouraging sales. At the end of the day, your emails should not only be visually appealing, but they should also be valuable. Focus on sharing the key information in the most appropriate format depending on the type of email you're sending -- and the audience you're sending it to.

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After all, what's the use of a crazy-beautiful email if it doesn't provide any true value to the reader? Getting the best results from each email campaign requires a comprehensive strategy, effective implementation, and continual improvement of a number of components that work together to deliver against your campaign goals. Deciding where to expend your energy and spend your time is a major challenge for email marketers. Do you spend time generating new subscribers, or is it better to focus on writing different types of emails to convert your subscribers into paying customers? Well, the truth is that you need both subscribers and effective emails in order to make email marketing work for your business. With ConvertKit, you don’t have to spend hours of your week focusing on lead capture strategies. Our unique lead generation software features an intuitive drag and drop builder, powerful A/B testing features, page level targeting, and exit intent technology – all of which work together and allow you to focus on what really matters: crafting influential emails that engage your subscribers. Get started with ConvertKit today, and start converting more website visitors into subscribers and customers!

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3. List Of Best Email Marketing Automation Service/Tools/Software Is email marketing a priority for your business? Are you looking for the email marketing software? Choosing the best email marketing service can have a significant impact on the success of your marketing campaign. In a survey, the data revealed that emailing had a staggering median ROI of 122%–four times higher than other marketing formats.

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But surprisingly, not many small business owners take advantage of email marketing. Make sure you don’t make the same mistake by finding email marketing software platforms fit for your company. Why should small and large businesses opt for email marketing? Because statistics overwhelmingly indicate the effectiveness of this marketing strategy. To start, 205 billion emails are sent every day and email users are predicted to grow to three billion by 2020. Plus, email marketing is top of the category as you get an average return of $40 for every dollar spent.

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80% of marketing executives state that email helps a lot to acquire and retain customers. In fact, it is better than Facebook as your followers are more likely to subscribe to your email newsletters than engage you on Facebook. Another impressive stat is email gives higher conversion rates than the combined power of search and social media. With email, you can garner the attention of tech-savvy Smartphone users as a survey shows that 88% of them check email on their phones. What are the top benefits of email marketing? Perhaps the most important one is you can send personalized messages to target consumer segments. This is something you would not be able to do on social media. Email marketing is also cost effective, measurable and easily shareable, and it serves to improve brand awareness. Other advantages are flexible design as you can send text, images, and attach files, and scalability for large audiences. In addition, email marketing is less than intrusive than phone marketing and green friendlier than postal marketing. Do you want to automate your email marketing campaigns?

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Smart marketers know that utilizing the right tools is crucial for creating scalable campaigns that convert. In this article, I will share the best email marketing automation tools for your businesses. 1. ConvertKit

Want some of the more advanced features of a CRM without the price tag? ConvertKit allows you to send targeted autoresponders to subscribers based on their interaction with your emails with Automation Rules. They even have blueprints that you can use to quickly create autoresponder sequences for almost any situation. You can also use ConvertKit Subscriber Tags + OptinMonster to segment your emails based on on-site behavior.

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2. GetResponse

GetResponse is a hugely popular email marketing solution. It is extremely easy to use and simplifies email marketing for small businesses and absolute beginners. It comes with some amazing marketing automation tools which allow you to create smart automated campaigns. With a drag and drop builder, you can create campaigns, segment contacts, and send content designed for specific groups. These tools help you create effective campaigns to boost your profits. GetResponse comes with beautiful responsive forms, landing pages, A/B testing, tracking, and autoresponders. It also integrates with third party lead generation software like OptinMonster, SalesForce, Google Docs, ZenDesk, etc. Support is provided by phone, live chat, and email. Their help section is full of free learning material including videos, webinars, how-tos, guides, etc.

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GetResponse offers a 30 day free trial. Their pricing starts from $15/month.

3. Ontraport

Best for information product businesses When Mindvalley was looking for an email marketing tool their COO spent six months testing email marketing providers, and Ontraport came out on top. Ontraport is a good product with a fantastic user community, and it has undergone several major updates over the past year or so. Starting at $79/month for just 1,000 contacts, it’s on the pricey end of the scale (for comparison, ActiveCampaign charge $17/month for 1,000 contacts).

4. Constant Contact

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Constant Contact is one of the largest and fastest growing email marketing service in the world. It is also the most easy to use and beginner friendly email marketing service. You can easily manage your email lists, contacts, email templates, and more. Each account gives you access to easy tracking and reporting, built-in social media sharing tools, an image library and 1GB of storage for your own files. Constant Contact offers unmatched support with live chat, email, community support, and a vast library of resources. They also offer online training as well as live seminars in your neighborhood. This allows small business to quickly learn the basics of email marketing and start using it like a pro. For all the reasons above, we rate Constant Contact the best email marketing service for small businesses. Constant Contact has a 60 day free trial (no credit-card required). After that their pricing starts as low as $20/month.

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5. AWeber

AWeber is one of the most popular email marketing service providers in the world. They offer a wide-range of tools for small and medium sized businesses to manage their email marketing. Getting started with AWeber is easy. It connects seemlessly to most platforms including WordPress. For detailed instructions, see our ultimate guide on how to connect AWeber to WordPress. You get access to ready to use email templates, list management, autoresponders, and email tracking with detailed insights. Support options include live chat, phone support, email support, live webinars, and a vast library of how-tos and tutorials. AWeber offers a 30 day free trial. After that, their pricing starts from $19/month.

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As your business and clientele begin to grow, pulling off a successful email marketing campaign becomes more and more complicated. Simplify your campaigns and yield better results by finding the right tools for the job. With our list of top best email marketing software solutions for business, you will surely be able to find quality options that suit your business. All you have to do is determine the tools you need and how much you’re willing to invest for an email management system. 4. Successful Email Marketing: Key Factors Email marketing is surely one of the most cost effective and fastest growing e-marketing tools. This channel of communication makes marketers lives easier and helps companies generate higher revenues. When successfully implemented, email marketing is also one of the easiest and most effective methods to deliver your brand directly to your targeted audience. When compared to mobile marketing, social media marketing and other mainstream channels, one may argue that email is less effective. However, when done in the right way, the ROI achieved via email marketing can almost double the ROI generated through other marketing tools that companies try to utilize from. If you have absolutely no idea how to make use of this powerful marketing tool, you may have a bad experience and a fail. There is no exact flow for email marketing as it consists of all the best practices – so in order to be successful in email marketing, you should be following the best practices closely. Below are some terms and concepts that should help guide more successful email marketing campaigns:

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1) Permission The most important key in email marketing is to get the permission of the audience before contacting them. Members, who are not subscribed to your marketing emails, should NEVER be sent an email whatever the reasons. Transactional emails such as order confirmations, e-receipts, or password reminders serve other purposes and therefore can be excluded from this strict rule. Members, who are subscribed to your newsletters but are not totally engaged with you company, should also be approached with caution. Subscribers should ideally consist of users, who REALLY want to receive emails from you.  

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Do not have the newsletter subscription opt-in box pre-ticked by default. Try to be as simple as possible – do not ask for great details in the first step of information collection. Feel privileged that your potential customer chooses to share their email address with you! Make your visitors feel comfortable and safe about your registration forms. NEVER force the visitors to subscribe to your newsletters to become a member. Tell them that they are free to unsubscribe from your newsletters in just one click. Always let them know what will happen once they subscribe to your newsletters and give information about the benefits. Allow them to choose communication frequency. Do always include your company details and contact information. Do not buy lists, do not crawl websites to increase your list size, and do not share your list with other companies, even if the other company is a sister company or you belong to the same group.

2) Content Content is the visual design that your subscribers see in your newsletters and the correct message should be given to the subscribers. Most of the deliverability issues are caused by sending irrelevant contents to the subscribers, which results in increased unsubscribe and spam complaint rates. Nobody will be interested in reading a totally unrelated newsletter to their needs and preferences.

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You should definitely be sending messages on what the users have subscribed for in the first place. If they subscribed to hear about discounts on a specific product, inform them about available discounts on that product. The message should always match the user’s interests and needs. The visual design of your content should also be consistent. Do not change the look and feel of your content every time you launch a campaign. Make your subscribers feel like they are reading a newspaper whose design stays the same. Your company should have a well structured email design, which your subscribers will get used to.        

Deliver the message the subscribers are asking for. Send emails that you know the audience will be interested in. Be consistent in the design. Use personalization in your content to maximize open rates. Provide an easy-to-find and visible unsubscribe link in your content. Include company details and a link to your privacy policy in all of your email campaigns. Always use the same “from name” and “from address” to gain trust and build reputation. Create mobile adaptive designs.

3) Segmentation Successful segmentation can guarantee that the right message is reaching the right person. It is the key point to increase open rates and generate higher revenues. Segmentation can be done based on demographical, geographical or behavioral data. You should let go off the idea that you will make less money if you do not launch the campaign to all of your subscribers. Sending the same content to all subscribers without segmenting them will result in deliverability issues, higher unsubscribe and spam complaint rates, which will then lead to less revenue. Almost 99% of your male subscribers will not be interested in and be happy about receiving daily discounts on female goods. 

Do not send the same content to all your subscribers, i.e. do not send bulk emails.

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 

Segment your list using demographical, geographical or behavioral criteria’s. Make your subscribers feel like the email is tailored to their special needs only.

4) Timing Timing is one of the most critical points in building up loyalty. You may be sending your email campaigns daily, weekly or monthly but irregular timing in your campaigns can make your subscribers feel uncomfortable and cause complaints for your services, which can in return damage your brand reliability. TV shows and radio programmed, for example, always start on their scheduled days and times. You should be scheduling your campaigns exactly like a TV show – so that the subscribers wait for your email, which will make them feel comfortable and therefore create trust. 5) Deliverability You may follow all the best practices but still be delivered to the spam folder. It is a sign that something is wrong either with your content or there are a technical issues involved in your email’s infrastructure. You should think of deliverability as a “science”, which you experiment gradually by doing tests. Do not expect your ESP to deliver your messages right into the inbox. ESPs are companies that provide you with an infrastructure to send emails. So you determine your own delivery rate. You should be careful with your campaign’s content in order not to be specified as a spammer by the ISPs. Sending regular email campaigns and to the active members will help you maintain a higher reputation. Keep in mind that the IP reputation is not as important as it was before. The main point you should be dealing with, is the reputation of the sender, i.e. your sender reputation. 

Monitor your IP reputation scores.

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Do not send to your inactive members, who have not responded to your emails in the past 6-9 months. Be aware of the spam traps and try to eliminate them by sending to your active list. Avoid using phishing links in your content. Add an unsubscribe link to the top of your content. Ask users to add your sender domain to their address book. Provide a link to the online version of your email in all of your campaigns. Privacy policy and company details should exist in every single campaign. Keep the text/image ratio to a minimum of 50% Do not use bright red, green colours in the content. Do not use all-uppercase words. Try not to use too many special characters in the content as well as in the subject line. Try to follow all the deliverability best practices.

6) Test The success of an email campaign can always be increased by testing. Testing can be done by using A/B split tests on the subject line, content, call to action wordings, etc. By doing so, you will have the chance to monitor the open rates, click rates, as well as the purchasing rates and then analyze the winner campaign to then continue with it. Testing cannot give you an ‘exact’ result but it will help you progress with the best performing version of a campaign. Perform an A/B test before launching your campaigns. Try to test every existing criterion that you have: subject lines, content or CTAs. Final Thoughts For those of you who may have struggled with email marketing in the past, we hope this post has provided some insights on how to make your campaigns more successful moving forward. While there is no one-size-fits-all formula for email marketing, these best practices and tips should be considered when aiming to improve results.

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5. Email Template Design Tips You Should Always Follow So how do you make sure your messages stand out in a subscriber’s inbox? Well, great content, for one. But another extremely important factor: email design. Eye-catching emails that effectively communicate your message will improve metrics like open rates, click through rates, and conversions. Not only are most of your customers opening their emails on a mobile device, they’re clicking through to your website and often making purchases while on the go as well. We love using our Email Design Workshop blog to show you how to build creative, effective email campaigns, step by step, with plenty of detail. But sometimes it’s nice to have a shortand-snappy list with tips and ideas all in one place. That’s I have rounded up top email design tips for you, so they’re easy to scan, reference, and remember. I hope you find them useful as you kick off email marketing and plan your best email campaigns ever! One important thing to note about our list: Because mobile opens now account for up to 70% of all email opens, making sure your emails are readable on a mobile device is THE most important thing you can do to make your email campaigns as effective as possible. Without further ado, here’s top email design tips list for your business: 1. Be brief Think of your email as a teaser. Readers have short attention spans and are increasingly reading on mobile devices on the go. Your email should be a preview of what’s to come when readers tap your call-to-action button and get to your website.

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2. Don’t Rely On Images To Be The Only Visually Interesting Part Of Your Email Images can increase your span score and be slow to load, or they may not appear at all depending on a reader’s settings. Capitalize on flat design tactics and bold HTML background colors to create a dynamic, visually-interesting email without depending on images. 3. Don’t Overcrowd Your Header Cut down on extraneous links (social media, special sales, etc), menus, and extraneous text. Your email is not a website. 4. Don’t say “Click here” on your CTA button Don’t waste space by telling readers where to click, especially because on mobile devices, readers are tapping, not clicking. Skip it and tell readers directly what they should do using a clear, direct action verb; try “Reserve my spot now” or “Get my free ticket.” 5. Don’t Put Your CTA Button First Research has shown that placing a CTA button below the fold actually increases clicks by 304%! Let readers know what they’re signing up for first—with great copy and visuals— then invite them to act. Reference the inverted pyramid. 6. Minimize Image File Sizes Allow for quicker load times on mobile devices with images that don’t exceed 1MB. 7. Tell Your Story In Multiple Ways Readers take in information in different ways: use multiple formats to improve comprehension and retention. Vary your content between videos, infographics, text, images, illustrations, and more. Have fun! And monitor engagement. 8. Alternate Between Two Email-Safe Fonts Using too many fonts can be distracting. Stick with one or two, and use them consistently: try using one font for all headers, for example, and another for body text to improve scan-

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ability. 9. Clearly Label Advertisements Make in-email ads distinguishable from the surrounding email content with a special label and/or with a change of color in the header or background. Use a consistent approach so your readers always know when they’re looking at an ad. 10. Start With The Subject Line About 35% of readers decide whether or not to open your email based on the subject line alone. Stand out by putting some thought into your subject line. Try getting readers curious about your email with a line that asks a question, promises a deal or coupon, has a “how to,” or includes a number. Selecting the right email marketing application is a difficult decision. Each one has different features, drawbacks and price points. The Best Email Marketing Services Are: 1. ConvertKit 2. GetResponse 3. Ontraport 4. Constant Contact 5. AWeber Keep in mind what your current needs are as well as your future goals. Once you have all your lists and data in one program, it may be a hassle to switch providers when you need a system with more features. Select a provider now that can grow with your business and subscriber lists in the future.

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CONCLUSION There is no shortcut to SUCCESS; you probably can’t make a million dollars by tomorrow if you’ve never done it before. But there is a process you can follow that will get you there. A massive amount of ACTION and PERSISTENCE is required. After all, you should be willing to do whatever it takes. To Your Success,

MURLI (DIGITAL MARKETER, AMAZON BOOKS AUTHOR, Entrepreneur, Blogger & Online UDEMY Instructor) Copyright © 2017 by MURLI ( RECOMMENDED RESOURCES

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This is my list of tools & resources that I regularly use to supercharge my websites & boost my online income which I know you'll find useful for your own online business. There's everything from WordPress plugins to email marketing tools, content creation, traffic generation & more.

1. Email Marketing Automate Tools 1. ConstantContact [RECOMMENDED] - Advanced effective email marketing automation tool. Click Here To Get Your ConstantContact - FREE TRIAL 2. Convertkit - Automate Your Marketing Campaigns At-A-Glance tool. Click Here To Get Your Convertkit - FREE TRIAL

2. Domain, Hosting Tools 1. Bluehost [RECOMMENDED]- Recommending Bluehost for web hosting, for building your blog. Click Here To Get Your Bluehost - Hosting

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2. InMotion - One of the largest independent web hosting companies in the world.

3. Wordpress Themes, Templates 1. ThemeForest [RECOMMENDED]- Premium WordPress themes, web templates & more. Click Here To Get Your ThemeForest - Themes 2. ElegantThemes - Premium themes for website & blogs.

4. Seo, Keyword Research Tools 1. SemRush [RECOMMENDED] – All-in-one SEO& Marketing Toolkit for digital marketing professionals. Click Here To Get Your SemRush - Tool 2. LongTailPro – Discover thousands of profitable, keywords & Keyword Competitiveness for almost any niche.

5. Digital Marketing Automation Tool 1. Clickfunnels [RECOMMENDED] – Gives You EVERYTHING You Need To Market, Sell, & Deliver Your Products & Services Online!(Without Having To Hire or Rely On A Tech Team!) Click Here To Get Your Clickfunnels - FREE TRIAL 2. LeadPages – Easily build stunning opt-in campaigns that capture leads, convert customers. 6. Video Creation Tools 1. VideoMakerfx [RECOMMENDED] - Make Videos Like The PROs With the Most Powerful Video Creation Software. Click Here To Get Your VideoMakerfx - Tool

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7. Educational Courses Tools: 1. Udemy [RECOMMENDED] - Join World's Largest Online Learning Platform, High-Quality On-Demand Online Courses, Expert Instructors, Download To Your Phone, Lifetime Access. Click Here To Get Your Udemy - Courses 8. Freelance Services 1. Fiverr [RECOMMENDED] - The world's largest freelance services marketplace for lean entrepreneurs to focus on growth & create a successful business at affordable costs..

Click Here To Get Your Fiverr - Marketplace Many more useful tools to come! NOTE: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links & will earn a small commission if you sign up to the services. This adds no cost to you but helps keep sustainable. It’s also worth noting that almost all resources mentioned on this page are resources that I’m a signed up, paid up & regular user of. We want you to know that we’re getting paid. In fact, it’s the law to tell you; we think it’s a good law that we be transparent about this. Moreover, while we like products we suggest & link to with affiliate links, we can’t guarantee that you’ll like them. In fact, you might hate them. Therefore, do your due diligence before buying anything. We do our best to suggest & link to quality software & info products… stuff we use &/or have checked out. A Publication of

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