Make Money Domain Flipping

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WHO I AM (ABOUT AUTHOR) My name is MURLI, an Indian, living & doing legitimate online business right here in India. I spent 12 years working in digital marketing and visual designs. I am primarily a Digital Marketer, with a fountain of knowledge SEO/SEM, Content Marketing, Lead Generation and Conversion, Online Advertising, Social media, User Experience (UX). Develop efficient market leading CRM strategies, Marketing Automation and drive inbound enquiries through SEO, PPC and Digital Marketing Strategies. I am Digital Marketer, AMAZON BOOKS AUTHOR, Entrepreneur, Blogger & Online UDEMY Instructor & off-course a Lovable, Respectful and Helpful guy. Read all about me here

I didn’t want to spend my life taking orders from someone else or making my boss rich. To keep my spirits up, I read books. I pretty much read whatever was on the top 10 list in the business section. DotComSecrets - FREE Book!

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

I have Strong Experience in DIGITAL MARKETING - Now I am self-employed (ENTREPRENEUR). I have trained people and companies on ENTREPRENEUR - START, RUN & GROW your business and Digital Marketing. Now, I am focusing on helping other people create their own online empires. It is my goal to help others by teaching and coaching them to achieve their own successes! I love creating content and helping my students reaches their potential. I created each one of them thinking about YOU. Let me help you achieve your learning goals & take you on a journey to success, wealth and happiness! Over the last decade, I have garnered so much knowledge and a vast wealth of practical experiences that I can now smell the perfect home based business opportunity a mile away. And once I identify a promising home business opportunity, I invest in it instantly. As of now, I am the proud owner and publisher of the following websites: - Digital Marketing Blog Here I mention just a few of the many online businesses that I possess in my online business portfolio. With the success I have recorded in my numerous online businesses, it is obvious that I have a complete understanding of what makes many home based businesses fail where others succeed. Matter of fact, I will teach you how to make REAL money online from the comfort of your own home. My personal resume speaks volume as to the fact that I am the perfect choice when it comes to the best advice you could ever want on a choice of the internet marketing business.

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Without wasting any more of your time, please flip over to the next page and start your journey to a whole new world of limitless possibilities. All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author/publisher. DISCLAIMER The contents of this manual reflect the author’s views acquired through his experience on the topic under discussion. The author or publisher disclaims any personal loss or liability caused by the utilization of any information presented herein. The author is not engaged in rendering any legal or professional advice. The services of a professional person are recommended if legal advice or assistance is needed. While the sources mentioned herein are assumed to be reliable at the time of writing, the author and publisher, or their affiliates are not responsible for their activities. From time to time, sources may terminate or move and prices may change without notice. Sources can only be confirmed reliable at the time of original publication of this manual. This manual is a book only and, as such, should be considered solely for basic information. Earnings or profits derived from participating in the following program are entirely generated by the ambitions, motivation, desires, and abilities of the individual reader. Without any further ado, let’s get started. The simple truth is that you need to choose a solid PLAN & STRATEGIES from day one, be willing to consistently work on your business over the course of several months and follow the path laid before you by people that have actually done it. Whether you simply want to learn how to make your first $ Dollar or $1,000 online or more than this, create streams of passive income or build your own online business empire,

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Online Business from Scratch will help you turn your dream of starting an online business into reality. How I Got Started? For many years my life was in the corporate world. I worked in Digital Marketing, was in the digital marketing business and got involved in a number of technology start-ups. But I was so burned out dealing with the complexities of businesses with lots of people and other things over which I had no control, that I decided to look at starting my own Internet business. Like you, I had heard all kinds of fantastic claims about people making $19,487 in three weeks or $150,000 per year working part time. That got my attention, but knowing the business world as well as I do, I found these claims VERY HARD to swallow. Looking for What Works So prior to making the decision to start an online business, I spent the better part of a year reading, studying and researching. I wanted to find out what really worked for the people who succeeded and to discover why so many people FAILED. I spent a lot of time surfing and visiting sites. I bought and read a lot of Books. I bought courses on how to market on the Internet. I interviewed successful internet marketers. And I spent $5,000 on Big Seminars where I met some heavy hitters. Being Overwhelmed At first I WAS OVERWHELMED. There was so much to learn, and there were so many different stories about how to succeed.

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Everybody had a different idea about what worked and what didn’t. AND there was tons more to understand about marketing and selling on the Internet. Affiliate programs, traffic generation, conversion ratios, search engines, shopping carts, merchant accounts, and on and on. It seemed endless. Taking the Plunge Finally… I just decided to take the plunge, knowing that I would learn more in the water than watching from the beach. So I bought a small Internet business, a free traffic exchange. It was a bit bumpy at the start but that site is now doing almost $500 a month in revenues. And it only requires a few people to run it. Bottom line: with all my study, research, interviews, cold hard cash and hands-on experience (including a bunch of mistakes) I’ve uncovered… THREE SECRETS “GET-RICH-QUICK” BOOKS DON’T TELL YOU. 1) Most of the claims people make are in fact true! BUT… what they don’t tell you is that IT TOOK THEM A YEAR – SOMETIMES TWO OR THREE YEARS -- BEFORE THEY MASTERED THE SKILLS to make $$$$$$$ in three weeks or $$$$$$$ working part time. 2) ALL THE SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE LEARNED HOW TO MAKE MONEY BY FIRST LEARNING THE BASICS. Then they applied them to building one online business, then a second and a third and so on, until they had MULTIPLE-STREAMS OF INCOME. Once they figured out how to do it, they did it again and again. Just as you would never consider putting all your life savings into one stock, the same is true with online businesses.

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3) And then I discovered THE BIGGEST SINGLE REASON PEOPLE FAIL. Each and every person I talked with about their failures had TRIED TO DO TOO MUCH, TOO SOON. They tried to master the technology, product development, marketing and selling all at once. And IN EVERY CASE they were OVERWHELMED, FRUSTRATED and then…they CRASHED AND BURNED… long before they saw their first dollar. The whole name of the game is for you to LEARN how to make money online. You can easily do it, IF you’re willing to work at it for a couple of years because it will take your that long to learn how to make $5,000 or more, a year. Remember one of the three secrets, it takes everybody that long. Keep remembering what I said up front. This is NOT a GET RICH QUICK plan, this is GET RICH PLAN. The QUICK is what kills people…because they really get frustrated and angry when it doesn’t work right away and then they GIVE UP -- feeling they’ve failed. Our approach may take a little longer but …it WORKS. Once you’ve mastered all three phases, you’ll have your own SIMPLE MONEY MACHINE. Then you build a second, then a third, fourth, thereby creating MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME… until you make enough to retire! What’s really exciting about this strategy is that by reversing the process and including a “money model” with each step, you start making money right from the beginning. And the MONEY is your constant reminder of what you need to focus on and what you need to LEARN. It’s a GREAT TEACHER. You’ll… LEARN MUCH FASTER…

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You’ll… BE MORE MOTIVATED & BE MORE CONFIDENT… IF… you’re EARNING… WHILE YOU’RE LEARNING. Who Is The Program For? The DIGITAL LIFESTYLE ENREPRENUER, program is designed for four types of people: 1) Those who have decided to start an Internet business, but don’t know where or how to begin; 2) Those who already have a website or online business that is NOT living up to their expectations, (everything you’ll learn here can be directly applied to your existing online business or Website); 3) Those who are looking for a job, have time on their hands, and would like to make some money while waiting for a new position. 4) Those who are currently employed and wish to begin developing a business where they have control in the event their job is outsourced. Almost anyone can learn to make a DIGITAL BUSINESS. Because you can just stay at one level and prefect those skills so until you reach your financial goals or keep moving to the next level as your skills and confidence grows. Students, housewives, professional people, even kids are building DIGITAL BUSINESS. The Internet’s Different On the Internet, the medium is communications, the product is information, and the content is intellectual. Anybody with a brain can play. All you need in order to start is: (1) a computer, (2) high-speed access to the Net,

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(3) the desire, (4) the willingness to learn, and (5) your HEAD. (While you don’t actually need a high-speed connection, you’ll want one so you don’t waste so much time waiting for things to happen while you’re working.) So what does all this mean to YOU? 1. You can start your business with LITTLE or NO CAPITAL. Unlike traditional businesses with hard assets, you don’t need to invest in building physical products, factories, inventory or stores. Assuming you already have a computer and Web access, you can start with little or no capital. Never before has it been possible to start a business with so LITTLE CAPITAL and still have the potential to make millions. 2. You can start your Internet business in your SPARE TIME. A Web business can be built by one person working at any time of the day or night. There’s no need to quit your day job before you’ve mastered the skills and built a new income base. 3. You don’t need EMPLOYEES. Most of the skills required for running an Internet business can be learned as you go. And to the extent that you do require the specialized skills of others, you can find these people on the Net and hire them as contractors, either by the job or by the hour. No need to worry about employees, insurance or benefits. 4. You can start and run the business from your HOME. Other businesses require a place where customers can come to purchase a product, a place to warehouse inventory, and offices to house a staff. But you can start your Internet business in the den, a spare bedroom or even a closet!

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All of your customers arrive via the Internet and your inventory is on a hard disc in your computer. 5. You get to be your own BOSS. This is a great opportunity for those of you who want to take responsibility for yourselves and your future. You get to do things the way you want: work when you want, wear what you want and make as much as you want. The sense of FREEDOM is fantastic! 6. You can build your business ANYWHERE in the world. You can live and work wherever your heart desires you to be. You can start it where you are, build it up and then move to where you’ve always wanted to live. Moving your business is as easy as carrying your laptop anywhere. All you need is a highspeed connection to the Internet. 7. You can go as FAST or SLOW as you want. There’s no urgency to build a business in the next month. Start simple, learn the basics, make some money, develop your skills and confidence and move at your own pace. The only pressure is the pressure you create for yourself. Never before has it been so easy to start a business, with no capital, and that has the HUGE UPSIDE POTENTIAL that the Internet affords. The leverage is enormous. You can now reach a world-wide market from your computer. And it will be a few years before this window of opportunity closes. As more and more people discover the Net’s potential, the profitable market niches will get filled by those who get off their butts and swing into ACTION.

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So Where Do You Start? I’ve talked about what a fantastic financial opportunity the Internet is. Hundreds of thousands of people make all or some portion of their living from one or more DIGITAL LIFESTYLE ENTREPREUR BUSINESS. What we’ve not talked about is…YOU. DIGITAL ENTREPREUR BUSINESS is built by people like YOU. However, there are three characteristics successful DIGITAL ENTREPREUR BUSINESS has. Do you have these characteristics…or are you willing to develop them? 1) You’re DECISIVE and TAKE ACTION. YOU will not create your first Money Machine, much less the second and third, until you decide to take ACTION. It’s a lot of fun to dream about having money, but money doesn’t come to people who don’t see the opportunities in front of them and TAKE ACTION. You have to identify an OBJECTIVE, develop a PLAN and then start to WORK. 2) You’re NOT AFRAID to make mistakes and you’re quick to fix them. YOU must be willing to experiment, to try something, and if it doesn’t work, try something else and keep trying…until you figure it out. The Internet is still in its infancy. And it’s changing rapidly. It’s in a very dynamic growth phase. There are no hard and fast rules. There are only guidelines. What worked yesterday may no longer work tomorrow…and vice versa. So YOU must be open to change, willing to experiment and not get discouraged when it doesn’t work the first time. As someone wise once said, “We don’t learn from our successes, we learn from our failures.” Since so many variables have to work right for success, it’s not possible to make a list of the reasons.

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But it’s usually pretty easy to see what didn’t work and why. 3) You’re WILLING TO INVEST BOTH TIME AND MONEY IN LEARNING. Because the Internet is so new and changing so fast, the most successful people spend a lot of time and money on their CONTINUING EDUCATIONS. They constantly read books, both for new information and for motivation. They often read the same books multiple times to keep pounding the information home. They invest in courses and seminars. They spend time with other successful people looking for new ideas and better ways of doing things. So don’t think that by reading and studying this book alone you’re going to get rich. Though you don’t have to spend $3,000, you must be willing to read three books on the same subject just to get different perspectives. And you’re willing to re-read the same book five times to make sure you got it all, and you start hanging out at seminars with the gurus. Then you’re on your way. There are no shortcuts to success. That’s why Get-Rich-Quick books don’t work. This book will only work if…YOU work IT. Still with me? If so, let’s get to work…. Are you ready to take action? Let’s take a deeper dive into the skills you’ll be mastering through this Ebook Course offer. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn

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TABLE OF CONTENTS - What Is Domain/Website Flipping? - Why Did I Start This? - Choose A Niche - Strategies How To Successfully Flip Domains? - Best Keyword Research Tools - Proven Ways To Promoting Your Website For Free CONCLUSION RECOMMENDED RESOURCES 1. What Is Domain Website Flipping? Domain flipping is the process of purchasing a domain name with the intent of quickly selling it at a significantly higher cost. This is similar to house flipping, where a home is purchased and fixed up in order to sell for a quick profit. Similar to real estate flipping. You are flipping website domains. These are the addresses you type into your internet browsers that direct you to the website you’re looking for. These are the addresses that end with (.com), (.org), (.biz), (.net) and so on. Unlike house flipping, however, there is essentially nothing to be done with the domain name in order to increase its value. Therefore, the key to a successful domain flip is being in the right place at the right time in order to acquire a valuable domain name before it is given a premium price. According to Wikipedia, was bought by Xiaomi for 3.6 million dollars in 2014, was sold at 8.8 million dollars in 2014 and something as basic as was sold at 35.6 million dollars which is the most expensive domain name ever sold.

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Followings are some of the best places to start you domain flipping ventures. However, you may try any of the following places. 1 Godaddy 2, Flippa Marketplac. 3, Sedo Domain Marketplace 4, Website Broker 5, Ebay 6, Brand Bucket 7, Afternic 2. Why Did I Start This? Here are some other crazy sales in the millions • Cameras(.com) was sold in 2006 for $1,500,000 • DataRecovery(.com) was sold in 2008 for $1,659,000 • Computer(.com) was sold in 2007 for $2,100,000 • CreditCards(.com) was sold in 2004 for $2,750,000 • Candy(.com) was sold in 2009 for $3,000,000 • Toys(.com) was sold in 2009 for $5,100,000 • Business(.com) was reported to have sold in 1999 for $7,500,000 • This is a simple domain flipping guide for some extra cash online. You could buy 1 or 2 domains and just let them sit. Even if it took a while to sell it’s still profit. Definition of a “Good” Domain & Our Main Objective Most of the Time Is to Find: Two-word domains (maybe rarely three-words if it makes sense)

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• The shorter the better. Lowest number of characters and words as possible. • .COM is priority, but you can get lucky with the other new domain extensions as mentioned above. • .NET, .ORG are also still really good. • Brand potential • Easy to pronounce and to spell. Some keywords can be misspelled if it is still understandable. • Can it be easily replaced by an alternative? All these factors constitute if a domain name is premium or not. To search these, I use only these domain registrars: is great because they are reliable and I’ve been using them for over 5 years and have never had a problem. 3. Choose A Niche It often helps to have expert knowledge when you’re searching for domains. If you understand a niche very well – whether it’s fishing or small business advice – make use of your knowledge and search for domains for sale within your niche. With an expert’s perspective, you’re bound to discover domains being sold on most registrars and auction websites for significantly less than they’re worth.

If you’re an expert, you’ll also find it easier to contact potential buyers in your niche. For Example:From interior decorating to automotive repair, every niche has opportunities for a smart domain investor to profit.

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Put your expert knowledge to use and scout your favorite niche for good domain investing opportunities. Are You Ready To Start Domain Flipping? Domain flipping is an excellent way to put your research and investment skills to the test and generate real online income. It’s also a fantastic way to learn what startups, online companies and marketer’s value in a domain name and online presence. 4. Strategies How To Successfully Flip Domains? Domain flipping refers to the practice of buying website domains and then selling them with a profit. When done properly, domain flipping can be a very fulfilling and rewarding business. Domain names such as, and were sold for thousands of dollars. Though you might not make this much money initially, you will be able to increase your income gradually as you get more experienced. Here are some strategies that will help you make the most of domain flipping? 1. Choose the right keywords You need to ensure that your domain name has the right keywords for the industry you are targeting. This will enhance its search engine ranking, thus making it easier for people to find it on Google. For instance, a domain like is likely to be ranked high for the keywords ‘Seattle pizza delivery’.

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Visit domain registrars such as Bluehost and Namecheap, and explore several domain names which businesses in your area would find valuable. Buy a few of these domains and then start getting in touch with establishments which would be interested in them. 2. Don’t rush into selling Though it is possible to flip a domain name within a few days, some may take weeks, months, or even years. Therefore, you need to be ready to hold on to a domain name for some time before selling it for what it is worth. This should especially be the case for domain names which are valuable to small niches. Having a long-term strategy can result in much greater profits. Instead of selling the domain for a few hundred in days, it would be better to wait a few years and sell it for thousands of dollars. 3. Look for high page rank (PR) expired domains Though some people say page rank is dead, Google still considers PR in determining its search engine results. Therefore, while buying new domain names, you should also look for expired domains with good page ranks. Such domains might also come with a good number of quality backlinks. To find expired domains, you can either check with domain registrars or auction websites such as Sedo, Flippa, and WebsiteBroker. Alternatively, you could simply Google the term ‘expired domains’. Though finding such domains can be a time-consuming exercise, it can turn out to be immensely profitable. 4. Focus on your area of expertise When buying a domain name, you need to consider your area of expertise. For instance, you might have a good understanding of a niche such as fishing, soccer, music, landscaping,

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or real estate. It would be advisable to look for domain names with keywords which are associated with your niche. When you are an expert in a field, you will be able to choose valuable keywords. In addition, you will find it easy to pitch such domain names to prospective buyers. 5. Think of alternative top level domains (TLDs) For a long time, many domain extensions such as .org, .net and .com were considered valuable. Nowadays, however, alternative extensions such as .io, .us and .ca are gaining popularity. Therefore, don’t ignore any good domain just because of its extension. It might just turn out to be your best investment ever. 6. Flip websites At times, a domain becomes far more valuable when it comes along with a great website. Such a domain would be especially appealing to buyers if it has significant and traffic, and is generating some income. Therefore, when you buy a domain, consider building a website around it. This could double or even triple its value. Flipping domain names is not very complicated. Keep the factors above in mind and you could be smiling all the way to the bank. 5. Best Keyword Research Tools Keyword research is the bread and butter of any search campaign. None more so than for start-ups.

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Building a strategy around the keyword you wish to rank for is vital, and there are plenty of SEO keyword tools to help you with that. Of course, knowing where to start can be difficult. Below you'll find the five best SEO keyword research tools I recommend for startups to begin a well-rounded keyword foundation for your campaigns. 1. SEMRush: Marketing SEO Tools

Useful for: Advanced keyword research, topic discovery, opportunity analysis, content ideas


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Useful for: Advanced keyword research, topic discovery, opportunity analysis, content ideas.


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Useful for: Advanced keyword research, topic discovery, opportunity analysis, content ideas.

Visit KWFinder 4. Serpstat

Useful for: Advanced keyword research, topic discovery, opportunity analysis, content ideas. Visit Serpstat 5. Google Keyword Planner

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Useful for: keyword research.

My Recommendations: If you are looking for an easy, yet a great solution, go for SEMRush. 6. Proven Ways To Promoting Your Website For Free So you’ve just finished creating your stunning website or blog, but now it’s time to share it with the world. After all, what good is your site if no one is around to see it? Promoting your website doesn’t have to cost you a ton of money. In fact, it doesn’t have to cost you any money at all. Read on to discover the 10 best ways to promote your website for free: 1. Solidify Your Website Or Blog SEO SEO, or search engine optimization is hands-down one of the most effective ways to get

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your website ranking on Google (and other search engines). Unlike SEM (search engine marketing), it’s totally free – the competition is open to everyone, based on the quality of the content you publish, the fluidity of the navigation you offer to your visitors, and the number of links you receive from the outside. SEO requires some time and effort, but in order to make your life a little easier, you can take advantage of Weebly SEO Wiz.

MUST READ -> THE ABCs OF SEO The magical (and totally free) Weebly will walk you through the process, as well as create an in-depth checklist of all the elements you need to optimize in order for you to ‘get found’. On top of all this, Weebly websites are now instantly indexed by Google, so you’ll be able to see your site in search results then and there. 2. Take Advantage Of Email Marketing There’s a reason you will always see email marketing placed high up on articles that talk about how to drive traffic to your website. Why? Because it’s proven to be effective over and over. (For every $1 you spend on email marketing, the average rate of return is $38) Sure, anyone can send a newsletter and get some hits, but one that is carefully written and effective is almost an art form. Keep your content punchy, your CTAs prominent, and your tone pressing to get across to your reader. That is what will separate you and the sea of other newsletters your visitors have subscribed to.

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Thanks to Convertkit [RECOMMENDED] - Advanced email marketing automation tool, you can create, send and share beautiful emails in minutes. 3. Start A Blog Blogs are great. No, I’m not just saying that because you’re reading one. Having a blog on your website can increase your ranking on search engines, help establish yourself as an expert in your field, and dramatically improve your conversion rate. The cherry on top: writing articles will force you to research your market, and in turn broaden your knowledge and grow your professional skills. As for the technical side of starting a blog, I make it super easy to create a killer blog that can be connected to your site in just one simple click. Don’t fancy yourself much of a writer?

MUST READ -> Why Start A Blog? Lucky for you, I’ve created the definitive guide on how to start your own blog, so you can be well on your way to becoming a blogging pro.

MUST READ -> How To Start A Successful Blog 4. Try Guest Blogging In addition to starting your own blog, you may want to bring in a guest blogger. This is a popular tactic that is mutually beneficial for both parties involved. Having another writer in your industry write a post on your own blog allows you to dive into the person’s network and hopefully get some quality leads.

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MUST READ -> Powerful Strategy Increase Blog Awareness Not only that, you’re building relationships along the way with people in your industry therefore growing your own network. You both get exposure, traffic, and social media shares. I’d say it’s a win-win for all. Vice versa, it’s strongly recommended that you become a guest blogger yourself – that is, you start writing articles to be published on other platforms. Here too, the benefits are huge: your website’s link appears on external pages (giving a nice boost to your SEO), you get exposed to a new audience, and you improve your writing skills by trying new formats.

MUST READ -> How To Optimize Website For Search Engines? 5. Harness The Power Of Social Media Believe it or not, social media isn’t just a way for your friends from high school to show off pictures of their children or for snapping a photo of what they ate for lunch. Businesses that use social media as a tool can tap into a following that helps fuel brand awareness and overall growth. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat (and hopefully it’s a combination of one or all of them), posting and commenting is important to build a community. Regularly engaging with your audience can also increase the chances of them sharing your content, which is free promotion for your website. Don’t forget to cross-promote so all of your networks get to benefit from as much of your content as possible, like sharing your Instagram video to Twitter or your latest blog post on your Facebook page.

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You can also add a social bar to your website so that your visitors can easily find your social profiles and share your website. 6. Reach Out With Outreach Marketing Outreach marketing involves connecting with others in your business category, bloggers and influencers to promote your website in some way, shape or form. The technique starts with identifying the targets you need in order to attain your goal. This involves reaching out with a pitch, and following up when necessary. This can be done via email or social media, and depending on your targets’ following, one may be better than the other. The idea is to create a lasting relationship all while getting the exposure for your website you originally set out for. 7. Post On Forums Who doesn’t like a little shameless self promotion every now and then? Forums are another way of getting your website out to another crowd that may not normally run across it. You can start a new thread on a well known forum like Reddit and let others decide if it’s worthy of getting upvoted, or you can engage in an existing conversation thread that is ontopic and throw in your website when appropriate. (Please, don’t spam. It’s just plain rude.) As with the directories above, try to find forums that are specifically about your businesses’ industry so that you can reach your specific audience in a more intimate way. 8. Submit Your Site To Online Directories While a majority of people will be searching Google to find what they’re looking for, submitting your website to online directories is still a good idea. You want your URL in as many places as you can get it so that more people can find it. So

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why not take advantage of this free advertising space? Depending on the industry you work in, there may be a dedicated directory for your business type. If you have a brick and mortar store, submitting to local directories is even smarter. Free services like Google My Business allow you to claim your business so that when someone searches for your business your website plus a map with your location, hours and contact will appear on the right side of the results page. Other places you’ll want to look into adding your website or business to be Yellow Pages, and Yelp. Remember, the more the merrier. 9. Say It With Your Signature Your email signature is basically an online bumper sticker, in that people are going to see it whether they care to or not. This, however, can very much be a good thing for you and your website. Make sure that at the bottom of any email that you send out (regardless to whom) you place your business logo, links to your social accounts and website, plus any other contact information. Online promotion? Easy. 10. Focus On Quality When making your own coffee, it’s easy to fix if you’ve made it too strong. Simply add some more water and let it brew to even out its potency. However, adding too much water will ruin the entire pot.

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When creating content to advertise or promote your website, focus on creating quality work or you’ll end up with a watered-down mess that no one wants. This tip can be applied to all of the other tips you’ll find in this article. Attention to detail and a “quality over quantity” attitude will be one of the best things you can do for your business in the long run. Ready To Conquer The World Wide Web?

Create Your FREE Stunning Website Today!

CONCLUSION There is no shortcut to SUCCESS; you probably can’t make a million dollars by tomorrow if you’ve never done it before. But there is a process you can follow that will get you there. A massive amount of ACTION and PERSISTENCE is required. After all, you should be willing to do whatever it takes. To Your Success,


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FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

This is my list of tools & resources that I regularly use to supercharge my websites & boost my online income which I know you'll find useful for your own online business. There's everything from WordPress plugins to email marketing tools, content creation, traffic generation & more.

1. Email Marketing Automate Tools 1. ConstantContact [RECOMMENDED] - Advanced effective email marketing automation tool. Click Here To Get Your ConstantContact - FREE TRIAL 2. Convertkit - Automate Your Marketing Campaigns At-A-Glance tool. Click Here To Get Your Convertkit - FREE TRIAL

2. Domain, Hosting Tools 1. Bluehost [RECOMMENDED]- Recommending Bluehost for web hosting, for building your blog. Click Here To Get Your Bluehost - Hosting 2. InMotion - One of the largest independent web hosting companies in the world.

3. Wordpress Themes, Templates 1. ThemeForest [RECOMMENDED]- Premium WordPress themes, web templates & more. Click Here To Get Your ThemeForest - Themes 2. ElegantThemes - Premium themes for website & blogs.

4. Seo, Keyword Research Tools 1. SemRush [RECOMMENDED] – All-in-one SEO& Marketing Toolkit for digital marketing professionals. Click Here To Get Your SemRush - Tool

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

2. LongTailPro – Discover thousands of profitable, keywords & Keyword Competitiveness for almost any niche.

5. Digital Marketing Automation Tool 1. Clickfunnels [RECOMMENDED] – Gives You EVERYTHING You Need To Market, Sell, & Deliver Your Products & Services Online!(Without Having To Hire or Rely On A Tech Team!) Click Here To Get Your Clickfunnels - FREE TRIAL 2. LeadPages – Easily build stunning opt-in campaigns that capture leads, convert customers. 6. Video Creation Tools 1. VideoMakerfx [RECOMMENDED] - Make Videos Like The PROs With the Most Powerful Video Creation Software. Click Here To Get Your VideoMakerfx - Tool 7. Educational Courses Tools: 1. Udemy [RECOMMENDED] - Join World's Largest Online Learning Platform, High-Quality On-Demand Online Courses, Expert Instructors, Download To Your Phone, Lifetime Access. Click Here To Get Your Udemy - Courses 8. Freelance Services 1. Fiverr [RECOMMENDED] - The world's largest freelance services marketplace for lean entrepreneurs to focus on growth & create a successful business at affordable costs..

Click Here To Get Your Fiverr - Marketplace Many more useful tools to come!

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

NOTE: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links & will earn a small commission if you sign up to the services. This adds no cost to you but helps keep sustainable. It’s also worth noting that almost all resources mentioned on this page are resources that I’m a signed up, paid up & regular user of. We want you to know that we’re getting paid. In fact, it’s the law to tell you; we think it’s a good law that we be transparent about this. Moreover, while we like products we suggest & link to with affiliate links, we can’t guarantee that you’ll like them. In fact, you might hate them. Therefore, do your due diligence before buying anything. We do our best to suggest & link to quality software & info products… stuff we use &/or have checked out. A Publication of

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FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

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