Search Engine Optimization SEO

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WHO I AM (ABOUT AUTHOR) My name is MURLI, an Indian, living & doing legitimate online business right here in India. I spent 12 years working in digital marketing and visual designs. I am primarily a Digital Marketer, with a fountain of knowledge SEO/SEM, Content Marketing, Lead Generation and Conversion, Online Advertising, Social media, User Experience (UX). Develop efficient market leading CRM strategies, Marketing Automation and drive inbound enquiries through SEO, PPC and Digital Marketing Strategies. I am Digital Marketer, AMAZON BOOKS AUTHOR, Entrepreneur, Blogger & Online UDEMY Instructor & off-course a Lovable, Respectful and Helpful guy. Read all about me here

I didn’t want to spend my life taking orders from someone else or making my boss rich. To keep my spirits up, I read books. I pretty much read whatever was on the top 10 list in the business section. DotComSecrets - FREE Book!

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I have Strong Experience in DIGITAL MARKETING - Now I am self-employed (ENTREPRENEUR). I have trained people and companies on ENTREPRENEUR - START, RUN & GROW your business and Digital Marketing. Now, I am focusing on helping other people create their own online empires. It is my goal to help others by teaching and coaching them to achieve their own successes! I love creating content and helping my students reaches their potential. I created each one of them thinking about YOU. Let me help you achieve your learning goals & take you on a journey to success, wealth and happiness! Over the last decade, I have garnered so much knowledge and a vast wealth of practical experiences that I can now smell the perfect home based business opportunity a mile away. And once I identify a promising home business opportunity, I invest in it instantly. As of now, I am the proud owner and publisher of the following websites: - Digital Marketing Blog Here I mention just a few of the many online businesses that I possess in my online business portfolio. With the success I have recorded in my numerous online businesses, it is obvious that I have a complete understanding of what makes many home based businesses fail where others succeed. Matter of fact, I will teach you how to make REAL money online from the comfort of your own home. My personal resume speaks volume as to the fact that I am the perfect choice when it comes to the best advice you could ever want on a choice of the internet marketing business.

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

Without wasting any more of your time, please flip over to the next page and start your journey to a whole new world of limitless possibilities. All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author/publisher. DISCLAIMER The contents of this manual reflect the author’s views acquired through his experience on the topic under discussion. The author or publisher disclaims any personal loss or liability caused by the utilization of any information presented herein. The author is not engaged in rendering any legal or professional advice. The services of a professional person are recommended if legal advice or assistance is needed. While the sources mentioned herein are assumed to be reliable at the time of writing, the author and publisher, or their affiliates are not responsible for their activities. From time to time, sources may terminate or move and prices may change without notice. Sources can only be confirmed reliable at the time of original publication of this manual. This manual is a book only and, as such, should be considered solely for basic information. Earnings or profits derived from participating in the following program are entirely generated by the ambitions, motivation, desires, and abilities of the individual reader. Without any further ado, let’s get started. The dynamic qualification will provide you with the essential knowledge and skills you need to plan implement and monitor effective digital marketing campaigns and contribute to operational marketing plans. You’ll learn what digital marketing is about, including understanding the buzz words and main trends.

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

The simple truth is that you need to choose a solid PLAN & STRATEGIES from day one, be willing to consistently work on your business over the course of several months and follow the path laid before you by people that have actually done it. Whether you simply want to learn how to make your first $ Dollar or $1,000 online or more than this, create streams of passive income or build your own online business empire, Online Business from Scratch will help you turn your dream of starting an online business into reality. How I Got Started? For many years my life was in the corporate world. I worked in Digital Marketing, was in the digital marketing business and got involved in a number of technology start-ups. But I was so burned out dealing with the complexities of businesses with lots of people and other things over which I had no control, that I decided to look at starting my own Internet business. Like you, I had heard all kinds of fantastic claims about people making $19,487 in three weeks or $150,000 per year working part time. That got my attention, but knowing the business world as well as I do, I found these claims VERY HARD to swallow. Looking for What Works So prior to making the decision to start an online business, I spent the better part of a year reading, studying and researching. I wanted to find out what really worked for the people who succeeded and to discover why so many people FAILED. I spent a lot of time surfing and visiting sites. I bought and read a lot of Books. I bought courses on how to market on the Internet.

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

I interviewed successful internet marketers. And I spent $5,000 on Big Seminars where I met some heavy hitters. Being Overwhelmed At first I WAS OVERWHELMED. There was so much to learn, and there were so many different stories about how to succeed. Everybody had a different idea about what worked and what didn’t. AND there was tons more to understand about marketing and selling on the Internet. Affiliate programs, traffic generation, conversion ratios, search engines, shopping carts, merchant accounts, and on and on. It seemed endless. Taking the Plunge Finally… I just decided to take the plunge, knowing that I would learn more in the water than watching from the beach. So I bought a small Internet business, a free traffic exchange. It was a bit bumpy at the start but that site is now doing almost $500 a month in revenues. And it only requires a few people to run it. Bottom line: with all my study, research, interviews, cold hard cash and hands-on experience (including a bunch of mistakes) I’ve uncovered… THREE SECRETS “GET-RICH-QUICK” BOOKS DON’T TELL YOU. 1) Most of the claims people make are in fact true! BUT… what they don’t tell you is that IT TOOK THEM A YEAR – SOMETIMES TWO OR THREE YEARS -- BEFORE THEY MASTERED THE SKILLS to make $$$$$$$ in three weeks or $$$$$$$ working part time.

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2) ALL THE SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE LEARNED HOW TO MAKE MONEY BY FIRST LEARNING THE BASICS. Then they applied them to building one online business, then a second and a third and so on, until they had MULTIPLE-STREAMS OF INCOME. Once they figured out how to do it, they did it again and again. Just as you would never consider putting all your life savings into one stock, the same is true with online businesses. 3) And then I discovered THE BIGGEST SINGLE REASON PEOPLE FAIL. Each and every person I talked with about their failures had TRIED TO DO TOO MUCH, TOO SOON. They tried to master the technology, product development, marketing and selling all at once. And IN EVERY CASE they were OVERWHELMED, FRUSTRATED and then…they CRASHED AND BURNED… long before they saw their first dollar. The whole name of the game is for you to LEARN how to make money online. You can easily do it, IF you’re willing to work at it for a couple of years because it will take your that long to learn how to make $5,000 or more, a year. Remember one of the three secrets, it takes everybody that long. Keep remembering what I said up front. This is NOT a GET RICH QUICK plan, this is GET RICH PLAN. The QUICK is what kills people…because they really get frustrated and angry when it doesn’t work right away and then they GIVE UP -- feeling they’ve failed. Our approach may take a little longer but …it WORKS. Once you’ve mastered all three phases, you’ll have your own SIMPLE MONEY MACHINE. Then you build a second, then a third, fourth, thereby creating MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME… until you make enough to retire!

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

What’s really exciting about this strategy is that by reversing the process and including a “money model” with each step, you start making money right from the beginning. And the MONEY is your constant reminder of what you need to focus on and what you need to LEARN. It’s a GREAT TEACHER. You’ll… LEARN MUCH FASTER… You’ll… BE MORE MOTIVATED & BE MORE CONFIDENT… IF… you’re EARNING… WHILE YOU’RE LEARNING. Who Is The Program For? The DIGITAL LIFESTYLE ENREPRENUER, program is designed for four types of people: 1) Those who have decided to start an Internet business, but don’t know where or how to begin; 2) Those who already have a website or online business that is NOT living up to their expectations, (everything you’ll learn here can be directly applied to your existing online business or Website); 3) Those who are looking for a job, have time on their hands, and would like to make some money while waiting for a new position. 4) Those who are currently employed and wish to begin developing a business where they have control in the event their job is outsourced. Almost anyone can learn to make a DIGITAL BUSINESS. Because you can just stay at one level and prefect those skills so until you reach your financial goals or keep moving to the next level as your skills and confidence grows. Students, housewives, professional people, even kids are building DIGITAL BUSINESS. The Internet’s Different

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On the Internet, the medium is communications, the product is information, and the content is intellectual. Anybody with a brain can play. All you need in order to start is: (1) a computer, (2) high-speed access to the Net, (3) the desire, (4) the willingness to learn, and (5) your HEAD. (While you don’t actually need a high-speed connection, you’ll want one so you don’t waste so much time waiting for things to happen while you’re working.) So what does all this mean to YOU? 1. You can start your business with LITTLE or NO CAPITAL. Unlike traditional businesses with hard assets, you don’t need to invest in building physical products, factories, inventory or stores. Assuming you already have a computer and Web access, you can start with little or no capital. Never before has it been possible to start a business with so LITTLE CAPITAL and still have the potential to make millions. 2. You can start your Internet business in your SPARE TIME. A Web business can be built by one person working at any time of the day or night. There’s no need to quit your day job before you’ve mastered the skills and built a new income base. 3. You don’t need EMPLOYEES. Most of the skills required for running an Internet business can be learned as you go. And to the extent that you do require the specialized skills of others, you can find these people on the Net and hire them as contractors, either by the job or by the hour.

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

No need to worry about employees, insurance or benefits. 4. You can start and run the business from your HOME. Other businesses require a place where customers can come to purchase a product, a place to warehouse inventory, and offices to house a staff. But you can start your Internet business in the den, a spare bedroom or even a closet! All of your customers arrive via the Internet and your inventory is on a hard disc in your computer. 5. You get to be your own BOSS. This is a great opportunity for those of you who want to take responsibility for yourselves and your future. You get to do things the way you want: work when you want, wear what you want and make as much as you want. The sense of FREEDOM is fantastic! 6. You can build your business ANYWHERE in the world. You can live and work wherever your heart desires you to be. You can start it where you are, build it up and then move to where you’ve always wanted to live. Moving your business is as easy as carrying your laptop anywhere. All you need is a highspeed connection to the Internet. 7. You can go as FAST or SLOW as you want. There’s no urgency to build a business in the next month. Start simple, learn the basics, make some money, develop your skills and confidence and move at your own pace. The only pressure is the pressure you create for yourself. Never before has it been so easy to start a business, with no capital, and that has the HUGE UPSIDE POTENTIAL that the Internet affords. The leverage is enormous.

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You can now reach a world-wide market from your computer. And it will be a few years before this window of opportunity closes. As more and more people discover the Net’s potential, the profitable market niches will get filled by those who get off their butts and swing into ACTION. So Where Do You Start? I’ve talked about what a fantastic financial opportunity the Internet is. Hundreds of thousands of people make all or some portion of their living from one or more DIGITAL LIFESTYLE ENTREPREUR BUSINESS. What we’ve not talked about is…YOU. DIGITAL ENTREPREUR BUSINESS is built by people like YOU. However, there are three characteristics successful DIGITAL ENTREPREUR BUSINESS has. Do you have these characteristics…or are you willing to develop them? 1) You’re DECISIVE and TAKE ACTION. YOU will not create your first Money Machine, much less the second and third, until you decide to take ACTION. It’s a lot of fun to dream about having money, but money doesn’t come to people who don’t see the opportunities in front of them and TAKE ACTION. You have to identify an OBJECTIVE, develop a PLAN and then start to WORK. 2) You’re NOT AFRAID to make mistakes and you’re quick to fix them. YOU must be willing to experiment, to try something, and if it doesn’t work, try something else and keep trying…until you figure it out. The Internet is still in its infancy. And it’s changing rapidly. It’s in a very dynamic growth phase. There are no hard and fast rules. There are only guidelines.

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What worked yesterday may no longer work tomorrow…and vice versa. So YOU must be open to change, willing to experiment and not get discouraged when it doesn’t work the first time. As someone wise once said, “We don’t learn from our successes, we learn from our failures.” Since so many variables have to work right for success, it’s not possible to make a list of the reasons. But it’s usually pretty easy to see what didn’t work and why. 3) You’re WILLING TO INVEST BOTH TIME AND MONEY IN LEARNING. Because the Internet is so new and changing so fast, the most successful people spend a lot of time and money on their CONTINUING EDUCATIONS. They constantly read books, both for new information and for motivation. They often read the same books multiple times to keep pounding the information home. They invest in courses and seminars. They spend time with other successful people looking for new ideas and better ways of doing things. So don’t think that by reading and studying this book alone you’re going to get rich. Though you don’t have to spend $3,000, you must be willing to read three books on the same subject just to get different perspectives. And you’re willing to re-read the same book five times to make sure you got it all, and you start hanging out at seminars with the gurus. Then you’re on your way. There are no shortcuts to success. That’s why Get-Rich-Quick books don’t work. This book will only work if…YOU work IT. Still with me? If so, let’s get to work….

FREE TRAINING: "How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online"

Are you ready to take action? Let’s take a deeper dive into the skills you’ll be mastering through this Ebook Course offer. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn

TABLE OF CONTENTS - What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? - How Search Engine Works? - What Are Keywords? - Keyword Research Process: Everything You Need To Know - Different Types Of Keywords - Top Best SEO Keyword Research Tools That SEO Experts Actually Use [Recommended] - (A) On Page Optimization SEO – Everything You Need to Know - (B) Off Page Optimization CONCLUSION RECOMMENDED RESOURCES

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A. On Page Optimization SEO – Everything You Need to Know On-page optimization is a search engine optimization (SEO) tactic that configures the structural elements of a website to increase its search engine visibility and reach.

It includes a series of different processes that collaboratively optimize the website structure to help it be found by search engines in specific and searchers (end users) in general. In search engine optimization, on-page optimization refers to factors that have an effect on your Web site or Web page listing in natural search results. These factors are controlled by you or by coding on your page That’s basically what SEO is about. The factors in Google’s algorithm can be divided into two categories which will determine the ranking of your website: on-page factors and offpage factors. Here, I’ll discuss the differences between the two, explain the importance of on-page SEO

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and go over the most essential on-page SEO factors. On-Page SEO Factors When Google looks at a web page; it considers a number of factors. How well it is able to process the page contents is a good indicator of how well your page is optimized. But let’s take an even closer look at how Google does this, and how you can improve Google’s understanding of your website content.

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Now that you have a basic understanding of on-page search engine optimization, let’s dive

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in to the checklist itself. Follow these techniques (that range from beginner to advanced) to optimize your own content. 1. Title Tag First and foremost, you want to have your focus keyword in the title of your page. The closer your keyword is to the beginning of the title, the better. But above all, make sure that your title makes sense and the keyword use is natural. Title length also matters. You’ll want it to be somewhere between 40 and 70 characters. Any longer than that and it will often get cut off in the search results. The title tag is one of the oldest attributes there is to a webpage’s layout. Title Tags have been existent since websites came to being.

There are multiple tags on your page. The most important is your title tag. The title is what users see in the search engines for both organic results and paid ads, and the words that appear at the top of each tab in your browser. Title tags are also one of the most important attributes that you will ever get to use in your on site optimization. If you’re working in HTML, the code for the title tag looks like this: <title>Everything You Need to Know About On-Page SEO</title> However, the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast allows you to create a custom title tag within the platform. Keep your title tags descriptive and short. Google recently increased the character limit for page titles to 70 characters before showing ellipses.

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Use your title tag to stand out from your competitors, appealing to your visitors. Make sure all the pertinent information is included, including your keywords and location for local businesses. While it’s recommended to use your core keyword within the title, Google is shifting toward relevance and semantics in the results. Users aren’t blindly clicking on the first result, reading the titles and descriptions to find the best answer to their query. 2. Meta Descriptions The meta description conveys what users will find on the page. While not a direct ranking factor, search engines read the meta descriptions to determine the page’s topic and the audience that will find value. A well-written meta description can generate a competitive advantage in the search results, creating a higher click-through rate with a greater chance of conversions. While there is a possibility that Google will omit the custom description and pull an excerpt of the content on the page, it is recommended that you fill in the meta description for every page of your site. Many people forget to include meta descriptions for their pages. These descriptions are an important place to include relevant keywords for your content, as these are used within the search results when your page is listed. For instance, if we continue to use the ‘Chocolate Cake Recipe’ example, then a good meta description for that page would include those keywords and related ones. So, “This easy chocolate cake recipe is possibly the most delicious, mouth watering, chocolatey cake ever made.” would be a great meta description to use, as it is relatively short, whilst containing a number of specific keywords. 3. URLs Structure & Optimization

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When you’re picking what URL to use for a new page or post, be sure to consider your target keywords. This isn’t as important as it used to be, but it’s still best practice to be mindful. For instance, your URL should never look like this -> Ugh. Users will find that unhelpful. So will search crawlers. Including search engine friendly URLs for each of your pages is highly recommended, as these bring better crawling. Shorter URLs seem to perform better in search engine results; however that is not the only factor. URLs that include targeted keywords also perform better. The location of these keywords can also be a major influence. For example would perform better than etc. Instead, keep your urls neat, keyword-focused, and descriptive. A permanent link (also known as a slug) is the unique URL of each page. Good URLs should be less than 255 characters and use hyphens to ‘-‘separate the different parts. Just like the page title, an SEO friendly URL is short, descriptive and includes your target keyword. 4. Page Titles Your page titles are one of the most important SEO factors on your site. Each of your pages & posts should have its own unique title, which includes the main keywords for that page.

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For example, you could write a blog post about a new chocolate cake recipe that you have tried. It is therefore vitally important that you include ‘Chocolate Cake Recipe’ within your post title, perhaps “Easy Chocolate Cake Recipe” or “ Chocolate Cake Recipe for kids”, etc. This way, whenever someone searches for Chocolate Cake Recipes in a search engine, your post has a better chance of showing up because you have included those keywords. 5. Meta Tags For each of your pages, you can include a set of keywords in the form of Meta tags. These should be all the relevant keywords of your content, which you will have researched previously. I use a WordPress plug-in on my sites called ‘All In One SEO Pack’. This allows me to enter all of my Meta tag keywords, Meta description and page title at the bottom of each of my posts before publishing. This simply inserts all of the information into your page HTML format for you, making your life a little easier.

6. Body Tags (H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.) When writing your articles, you should break up your content into smaller sections & paragraphs to make it easier for people to read. These sections can be given heading, which is where H1, H2, H3, H4, etc. tags are used.

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Generally H1 tags are reserved for your main page title, with subsequent headings (just like the ones I have used throughout this post) being issued H2, H3, etc. Search engines use these to determine what is important within your content. This is why keyword rich headiness is more useful than generic ones. Make sure you write keyword rich headings in the order of priority in H1, H2 and H3 title tags. They are used by many crawlers to differentiate important content. 6456546465 7. Image SEO Optimization Using images within your content is a great way to make your site more visually appealing and break up boring chunks of text. Images are important for presentation purposes. They make a page more interesting and easier to understand. When you’re adding images to the page, it benefits the user experience. But, you can also help your SEO strategy by optimizing the image. Make your top targeted keyword the alt text and create a title that is unique, but stays applicable to the image. The featured image of this article has a unique title and the alt-text of what this post is about. When dealing with images, there are actually quite a few things to consider. For starters, it’s wise to use your focus keyword in the filename of your image, as well as in the tile, and alt-tags. For example, using the example from Mary’s chocolate donuts, you would add an image to the page with a url structure like this:

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<img src =”chocolate-donuts.jpg” alt=”Delicious Chocolate Donuts” title=”Delicious Chocolate Donuts” /> Notice how the image is named with the keyword? You’d also include image and alt tags that further described the image You can utilize these images to help improve your site SEO. 8. Content Optimization: Publish Long Content Content over 1,000 words performs better in search and gives you ample room to naturally add keywords throughout the page.

SerpIQ analyzed the top 10 positions on search results pages and counted the words in each article. Their data included all text on the page (including sidebars and comments), so that’s something to keep in mind. As you can see, the higher the word counts, the higher the rankings.

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What it really comes down to is effort. Good content gets links. Great content gets shared. 9. Link To Other Posts And Pages (Internal Linking) Link internally within your site to important posts and pages. This keeps Google bot on your site longer, which means more pages, get crawled on your site. People often think that the only links that count are those from other websites. While these links are important, these are not the only important links!

Placing links to your other website pages, is a great way of improving your site and used properly, internal links can be a useful weapon in your SEO arsenal. Not only does it make it much easier for your visitors to navigate around your site and find all of your content, but it also ensures that your site gets properly crawled allowing the search engines to find all of your pages. It also helps to build the relevancy of a page to relevant keywords and phrases, whilst also helping to increase the Google PageRank of your pages. There are a number of different methods that you can use to improve your internal linking structure. The main being; content links and permanent navigation links. For bloggers, content links are very useful when used properly. These are links that are placed within your article posts, which redirect people to other relevant pages on your site. It also helps improve visitor “time on site” — meaning more opportunities to convert traffic into conversions. 10. Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly Google’s mobile update means sites that are not mobile-friendly will have a harder time showing up in mobile search. This doesn’t affect desktop search results, but if you get heavy

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mobile traffic your site will definitely see a dip in traffic. Regardless, moving to a responsive website should be top priority. 11. Website Speed Analysis A fast website is one of the quickest (no pun intended) paths towards better conversions. Google measures bounce rate and dwell time. A slow website impacts the user experience, and therefore can ding you in the SEO department. The speed of your server is just one more factor that plays into good on-page SEO. A fast website is a must-have. There are a number of things you can do to speed up your website.          

Minimize HTTP Requests Reduce server response time Enable compression Enable browser caching Minify resources Optimize images Optimize CSS Deliver Prioritize above-the-fold content Reduce the number of plugins you use on your site Reduce redirects

Get more info on speeding up your website here. 12. Use Outbound Links Link to 1-2 authoritative sites. Do not use a “nofollow” tag. Linking to reputable sources adds trust to your site in Google’s eyes. Plus, it’s a great way to offer your readers additional value by pointing them to new resources they can discover. 13. Add Social Sharing Buttons Give your visitors the opportunity to amplify your message by adding social sharing

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buttons throughout your site. Looking for a solution? You can grab a free social sharing widget, just like the one we’re using right here on the site. Check out 14. Keyword Density Including relevant keywords throughout your content is very important, as it helps search engines work out what your content is about. However, try not to excessively repeat and overuse keywords just for search engine robots. This can lead to your site being banned from search engines. To avoid this, try to keep your keyword density to roughly 2-5%. If you find this hard, get out a thesaurus and broaden your writing vocabulary. This way, you are still writing about the same thing, without risk of being banned. 15. Reduce Bounce Rate All you have is 3 seconds. Make it count. What you want your visitors to do should be immediately obvious within 3 seconds of landing on your site. Check Google Analytics and see what your bounce rate is, from their work to reduce the number by testing different value propositions and calls-to-action. 16. Breadcrumb Optimization What does Breadcrumbs mean?

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This is a section of a webpage which helps users understand their location within the whole website. It is coded by the webmaster and usually appears close to the top of the page.

An example can be seen on this page where the breadcrumbs are: Home > SEO Glossary > What are Breadcrumbs? This states that the route to this page (from the home page) is via the SEO Glossary page. Breadcrumbs are extremely helpful to internet users in very large websites and especially in shopping sites where they can confirm they are browsing in the right area. For example: Home > Electronic Goods > Televisions > LCD In the same way breadcrumbs help search engines structure your website correctly in their index. Recently Google added breadcrumbs in their search results and they can be seen in green text below the description if the website uses them.

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How To Optimize Breadcrumbs For SEO Here are some best practices you can implement to optimize your breadcrumbs for SEO:         

Use breadcrumbs only when they help users; SEO is an additional benefit. Use bread crumbs at the top of your webpage. If you use them on one page, use them across the website. Start from your Home page, and degrade step-by-step to the current page. Don’t link to the current page. Stylize them to make them appealing, but not the center of attraction. Your breadcrumbs are your secondary navigation. They should never replace the primary navigation. Include full navigation path in your bread crumbs. Skipping a level can confuse users. Do not use the breadcrumb in your page title.

Breadcrumbs are a very useful tool for enriched user experience, especially when your site has a complex hierarchy that deters users from digging deeper. They also help the search engines to understand the internal structure of your site, casting an overall positive impact on the SEO of your website. With the numerous benefits they come with, there is no point in not using them. 17. Sitemap Optimization Using sitemaps for SEO can increase your website’s visibility and help get it indexed. Here we bring you through the different types of sitemaps out there and how content marketers should use them. What’s a sitemap? According to Google, a sitemap is a file where you list the subordinate web pages of your site to inform search engines about the organization of your content. Sitemaps help search

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engines to easily explore your website.

However, certain types of sitemaps also make it easier for users to find things on your website. To summarize, sitemaps improve:  

A search engine’s crawling and indexing experience A user’s search experience

If you want a website that functions well and ranks in SERP results, you need a wellstructured sitemap. This will make your site more visible to search engines and provide users with more accurate search results. 18. SEO Friendly URLS URL Slugs URL slugs are the exact address of a specific website. It is the location where webpages are accessed when typing their URL in the address bar. Optimizing URL slugs is not a very hard thing to do. But if you ask me, it is one of the most important things you can do in your on site optimization process.

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19. Robots.txt Optimization The robots.txt file act as traffic signals for search engine crawlers. Get to know them, and you can begin to understand how crawlers such as Googlebot move throughout your website. 20. Duplicate Content Defining Duplicate Content Simply put, its identical content that appears on more than one website. Let's say you write a blog post and want to share it on other sites to build your brand or to share your resources. If you share it as is, without any or only very minor changes that is considered duplicate content. When search engines see duplicate content, they need to decide which piece is more authoritative and then display that one in search results. Google's View On Duplicate Content Google has several goals when it comes to search engine rankings. It wants to avoid showing searchers identical content repeated across multiple pages. Most importantly, however, Google wants to give credit to the original creator of the content—in this case, you! Google's algorithms do have some negative consequences for sites that frequently post duplicate content, especially those who don't post fresh content of their own. Sites that steal and recycle content are penalized heavily in terms of search engine ranking. How to check for duplicate content on your site There are several tools which will help identify areas to improve on your own site such as: Siteliner will give you a more in-depth analysis of which pages are duplicated, and how closely related they are and which areas of text are replicated. This is useful where large

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bodies of text are used but the whole page may not be a complete replication:

Copyscape’s plagiarism checker will also check for copies of your pages being used on the wider web:

If you can’t access these tools for any reason but are concerned that duplicate content may be influencing your site, try selecting a snippet of text and searching for it to see if any direct duplication is returned in the results. 1. What Is Off Page Optimization Off-page SEO, also known as off-site SEO, is a description of efforts taken to boost a website's position in search engine results beyond the usual optimization strategies, which are mostly confined to the site itself.

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Off-page SEO's more holistic approach is likely to take longer to be reflected in search engine results pages (SERP) but the improvements are likely to last longer and to have a greater effect on the overall business.

Although the focus of off-page SEO is specific to boosting an organization's website, the strategies are integral to many approaches designed to foster good customer relations and ensure sustainability. Off page SEO refers to techniques that can be used to improve the position of a web site in the search engine results page (SERPs). Many people associate off-page SEO with link building but it is not only that. In general, off Page SEO has to do with promotion methods – beyond website design –for the purpose of ranking a website higher in the search results. Unlike On- page SEO, Off-page SEO refers to activities you can perform outside the boundaries of your website. The most important are: - Link Building - Social Media Marketing

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- Social bookmarking Why Is Off-Page SEO Valuable? Off-page SEO is tremendously valuable because it tells search engines that your website is important to others on the web. Every link that you receive acts as an endorsement from another source that your website is quality. This lets external sources act as tie-breakers for websites that have the same quality of onpage SEO so search engines know the best to rank websites on search engine results pages (SERPs). For example, say that Company A has a website that includes tons of on-page SEO. Each page is optimized for keywords, and the back-end code includes the appropriate tags, page titles, and more. Company B also with on-page SEO. However, popular news outlets have linked to its blog, it has active social media accounts, and its CEO has been featured as an expert in the industry by other websites. When a search engine crawls Company A’s site, it will note the on-page SEO, but also note that the off-page SEO is poor. Company B, by extension, will earn a higher place in search engine rankings with its multiple backlinks, brand mentions, social media, publicity, and more. And that’s what makes off-page SEO essential to any web page. What are the benefits of ‘off-site SEO’ to website owners? A successful off-site SEO strategy will generate the following benefits to website owners: Increase in rankings – The website will rank higher in the SERPs and this also means more traffic.

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More exposure – Higher rankings also means greater exposure because when a website ranks in the top positions: it gets more links, more visits and more social media mentions. It’s like a never ending sequence of events where one thing leads to another and then to another etc.

MUST READ -> Link Building & Link Baiting Strategies Off-page optimization primarily involves creating or building links on third-party or external websites. Typically, off page optimization includes: - Creating links on third-party websites that link back to the optimized website - Placing keywords/website name/webpage in anchor text of links created - Building links on authoritative websites (that are established and recognized globally) - Building links on related websites - Creating links on social media networks - Submitting the website to search engines and Web directories. 2. Off Page Optimization Techniques For Better Rankings By applying off page Seo tactics, you can boost the ranking of your web page, be noticeable and get drive traffic on your webpage. Let’s go through various techniques to optimize your web page. 1. Link building - It is one of the most famous ways of doing off page optimization. Link building is defined as building external links with your website. The main aim is to get as much links or votes you can to rank higher than your competitors. The webmasters are looking out for cheat codes that how they can build links to their websites. The more the backlinks, the better is the authority. Some of the ways which the helps in increasing link building are:

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MUST READ -> Powerful Link Building Techniques To Gain The Most Engagement 2. Blog Directories - These are directories like yellow pages which link the entry back to a website. 3. Forum signatures - By commenting on forums, people were getting a link back to their website as they used to leave links in their signatures. 4. Comment link - Just as in forum signatures, where you leave a link in your signature when you comment on any other’s blog to get a link back, here, instead of writing your name you write keywords in the comment. For example, Instead of writing ‘Comment by Joe’ you write ‘comment by where to buy dogs’ or something of that sort. 5. Article directories - If you publish your article in the article directories, you will get a backlink to your website. Mainly directories accept only original content, but there can be some directories which accepts article which are reworded or spinned. 6. Shared content directories - In shared content directories, websites like hubpages or infobarrel allows you to publish your content and in return, you can add links favouring your website. 7. Link exchange schemes - This is an interesting way to build links. The scheme talks about getting in touch with the webmasters of different websites and exchange links, i.e. linking website ‘X’ to website ‘Y’ and in return website ‘Y’ would link to website ‘X’. There is another complex method which is by exchanging links with 3, i.e. linking website ‘X’ from website ‘Y’ and website ‘Y’ links to another website. 8. Social Media - Another way of building links is by engaging your website on social media platforms. It is a great way to attract traffic. The links which you see on social media are generally no-follow links, but this does not indicates that those links do not have any value. Mentioning your brand on social media platforms will drive a hell lot of traffic. Go straight with your strategy and website, you will definitely start ranking.

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9. Social Bookmarking - This is another great way of promoting and attracting huge traffic to your website. This can be done by promoting your blogs on famous websites such as, Reddit, ScoopIt, digg, StumbleUpon etc. The content is very frequently updated on such sites, which is appreciated by Search engines. 10. Guest Blogging - We know the fact that by curetting new, unique, compelling content, building up new links will drive traffic to your website. Blogging is a way to attract traffic with bare cost. By posting comments on other websites will allow you to add links in the comments section? The links will be crawled by the search engines leading to driving traffic to your website. Off-page SEO is as important as on-site SEO. If you want your SEO campaigns to be successful you have to do both. When thinking about link building doesn’t take the easy way, but try to get links from hard-to-get places. The more difficult is to get a link, the more value it has. In the past, you could easily get thousands of links and rank higher but nowadays you have to do more than that. My advice is to forget about link building all together and put all your efforts in making a great website, promote it correctly and everything else will follow. 1. What Is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the name given to activity that attempts to improve search engine rankings.


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In addition, it is a great way to increase the quality of your web site by making it userfriendly, faster and easier to navigate. SEO can also be considered as a framework since the whole process has a number of rules (or guidelines), a number of stages and a set of controls. SEO helps you improve your visibility within the organic (or natural) search results, not to be confused with the paid search results.

2. How Search Engine Works? All search engines work using a 3 phase approach to managing, ranking and returning search results. But a lot of people have no idea what is happening behind that search box when they type

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in their search queries. So just how do Google, Bing and the rest of them work out what is on the web, what is relevant to your general query and which specific websites should be ranked highly? There are three functions which need to be done: 1. Web Crawling This is the means by which search engines can find out what is published out on the World Wide Web. Essentially, crawling is copying what is on web pages and repeatedly checking the multitude of pages to see if they are changed and make a copy of any changes found.

Source The programs which have the job of doing this are variously referred to as robots, crawlers, spiders or some variation using ‘web’, e.g. Web crawler... 2. Indexing Once a spider has crawled a web page, the copy that is made is returned to the search

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engine and stored in a data center. Data centers are huge, purpose built collections of servers which act as a repository of the all the copies of web pages being made by the crawlers. Google owns dozens of them dotted around the world, which it guards very closely and which are among the most hi-tech buildings in the world. The repository of web pages is referred to as the ‘Index’, and it is this data store which is organized and used to provide the search results you see on the search engine. Indexing is the process of organizing the masses of data and pages so they can be searched quickly for relevant results to your search query. 3. The Algorithm Finally, we have a huge collection of web page copies which are being constantly updated and organized so we can quickly find what you are looking for. But we need a means by which they can be ranked in order of relevance to your search term – this is where the Algorithm comes into play. The algorithm is a very complex and lengthy equation which calculates a value for any given site in relation to a search term. We don’t know what the algorithm actually is, because search engines tend to keep this a closely guarded secret from competitors and from people looking to game the search engine to get to the top spots. That said, enough about the algorithm has been worked out to let SEOs advice website owners on how to improve their sites and SEO factors to move up in the rankings. Different Search Engine Methods Each of the three main search engines use different methods to rank websites.

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Understanding these methods will help you understand the SEO strategies outlined in this guide. The three main search engines are: 1. Google - Google assesses the value of a webpage based on the number of backlinks ie links back to your website. Links from pages that are seen as important by Google weigh more heavily and increase the ranking of the linked pages. Google also analyses the relevancy of the content on the page and other factors like mobilefriendliness. The Google ranking algorithm changes constantly. It can be useful to keep up to date with the latest changes. 2. Yahoo! - Yahoo! began as a manually edited directory. It now uses link analysis tools to determine page relevancy, though content is also important in deciding search relevance. Other factors that are important include backlinks and a good site design. 3. Bing - Microsoft's Bing search engine ranks websites based on the webpage content, the number and quality of websites that link to your pages, and the relevance of your website's content to keywords. For more detailed information on how to best optimize your website for a particular search engine, refer to their webmaster pages. All the leading search engines provide information and tools to help you improve your SEO. 3. What Are Keywords? Any time you type a word or phrase into a search box—on Google, for example—you are using keywords to try to find relevant images, videos, or information. Keywords are basically terms that we send to a search engine when we’re on the prowl for

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answers, knowledge, products, or services. Ever go to Google and type in something like “How do I make money off my blog?” or “Good pizza” or “Dry cleaners in my neighborhood” Guess what? Those are keywords. Or, they are a “key phrase search” to be specific. Technically a single word (i.e. “dating”) is a keyword, but a phrase (i.e. “dating tips”) is a keyword phrase. Simple, right? They can be short, or they can be long. Most “keywords “are actually three to five word phrases. Keywords, in a nutshell, are what you are searching for. Whatever you type in Google (or Bing, Yahoo, or whatever) is a keyword or a string of keywords. For example, if you’re shopping for or doing research on pregnancy tests, you wouldn’t simply type in the word “pregnancy,” you would more than likely enter search phrases like “pregnancy tests,” “where to buy pregnancy tests,” “what type of pregnancy test is most accurate,” etc. For example, if you’re looking for gluten-free recipes, you’d probably type “gluten-free recipes” into Google. The search engine would respond by showing you the sites it most recommends for that topic.

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Make Sense? The more specific you are with your keywords, the more likely it is you will get search results that match what you’re looking for.

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As an Internet marketer, you want to think like your potential customers and identify keyword phrases that they will likely use to find your business, products or services. Ask yourself this: - What kind of search term do you want to be found for? - Which words do you think people will use in search engines to find you? - What would the search query look like? Why Choose A Keyword? Another important question after what are keywords? is: why choose a keyword? Web pages contain information that people are looking for, so while writing a page, one has to think of the search terms that people will use to find their web page in the search engine. Defining a keyword narrows the search results down, making it easier for people who are interested in certain information to find it without going to the wrong web pages. Finding the right keywords for your web page could sometimes be tricky, so here are some points you should be mindful of when integrating keywords in your web page. Here is a great keyword tool for you to check it. It can take a little getting used to, at first. But once you play with them a little bit they get easier to use, and it really helps to know as much about your niche as possible. That way you can hone in on the words that your audience is most likely to use to try to find the kind of content you have to offer online. Here is a great keyword tools for you to check it. It can take a little getting used to, at first.

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But once you play with them a little bit they get easier to use, and it really helps to know as much about your niche as possible. That way you can hone in on the words that your audience is most likely to use to try to find the kind of content you have to offer online. 1. LONGTAILPRO – Discover thousands of profitable, targeted keywords for almost any niche, powerful keyword research tool; see your competition in any niche. Long Tail Pro is powerful keyword research software. Long Tail Pro allows the user to generate hundreds or thousands of unique “Long Tail” keywords in a matter of minutes based on 1 single root keyword or multiple root keywords at once.

: ☞CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR LONGTAILPRO - FREE TRIAL 2. SEMRUSH – All-in-one Marketing Toolkit, for digital marketing professionals. Gives you fantastic insight into search volume, average cost per click, number of competing pages, related keywords, rank results, and even companies currently buying ad space.

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: ☞CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR SEMRUSH - FREE TRIAL 4. Keyword Research Process: Everything You Need To Know What Is Keyword Research? Keyword research is a search engine optimization technique used to identify search terms that people type in to locate information for a given topic. This can be done through a variety of different methods. By finding popular search terms and including them in your content, you can be sure that you are providing content that readers are actively looking for. Keyword research is one of the most important, valuable, and high return activities in the search marketing field. Ranking for the right keywords can make or break your website. By researching your market's keyword demand, you can not only learn which terms and phrases to target with SEO, but also learn more about your customers as a whole. If you are writing content for your blog or website, it is critical that you perform basic keyword research to target potential customers and search engines.

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Placing targeted keywords in your content can mean the difference between a site that gets lost in a sea of similar content and a site that gets noticed in search engine results pages (SERPS). Why Is Keyword Research Important? Researching keywords is one of the single most important things you can do to improve your search marketing. Tracking and incorporating popular keywords offer the following benefits: - Keep your finger on the pulse of trends in your industry - Gain insight into the most popular products and services - Find out what your customers really want - Increase quality web traffic to your site - Better understand marketing conditions - Obtain a more prominent position in SERPS How To Do Keyword Research? For us, there are four steps to keyword research. First, you write down the mission of your business. Next, you make a list of all the keywords you want to be found for. Then you look at search intent and finally, you create landing pages for each of those keywords. This ultimate guide takes you through these steps in much more detail. Step by step, we’ll guide you through the entire keyword research process, and we’ll give you practical tips to easily start your own keyword research. Step 1: What Is Your Mission? Before starting anything, think about your mission.

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- Think about questions like: - Who are you? - What is your website/blog about? - What makes you special? - And what promises do you make on your website? A lot of people can’t effectively answer these questions at first. You have to figure out what makes you stand out from the crowd. So take your time and literally write down your mission on a piece of paper, a computer or an iPad – anything will do, as long as you do it. Once you’re able to answer these questions in detail, you will have taken the first and most important step in your keyword strategy. Step 2: Make A List Of Keywords The second step of keyword research is creating a list of your keywords. With your mission in mind, try to get into the heads of your potential buyers. What will these people be looking for? What kind of search terms could they be using while looking for your amazing service or product? Ask yourself these questions and write down as many answers as possible. If your mission is clear, you will have a pretty clear image of your niche and your unique selling points (the things that set your business apart from others). These are the terms you want to be found for. Tools You Can Use In Your Keyword Research -> Making a list of possible search terms is hard. Up until a few years ago you could just check Google Analytics and see the terms people used to find your website, but unfortunately, that’s no longer possible.

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So you have pretty much no idea which terms people use in search engines to end up at your website. Luckily, there are still some other tools which make your keyword research a bit easier. 1. LONGTAILPRO – Discover thousands of profitable, targeted keywords for almost any niche, powerful keyword research tool; see your competition in any niche. Long Tail Pro is powerful keyword research software. Long Tail Pro allows the user to generate hundreds or thousands of unique “Long Tail” keywords in a matter of minutes based on 1 single root keyword or multiple root keywords at once.

CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR LONGTAILPRO - FREE TRIAL 2. SEMRUSH – All-in-one Marketing Toolkit, for digital marketing professionals. Gives you fantastic insight into search volume, average cost per click, number of competing pages, related keywords, rank results, and even companies currently buying ad space.

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CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR SEMRUSH - FREE TRIAL Step 3: Look At Search Intent Much of today’s SEO strategy should revolve around answering the questions people have. Whenever someone enters a search query into a search engine, they are on a quest for something. Every type of question needs a specific answer. “Search intent has to do with the reason why people conduct a specific search. Why are they searching? Are they searching because they have a question and want an answer to that question? Are they searching for a specific website? Or, are they searching because they want to buy something?” When planning your content, always ask yourself these questions. There are 4 types of intents: 1. Informational intent: Just like it says on the tin, people are trying to find information on a specific topic. 2. Navigational intent: People want to access a specific website by entering the term in a search engine. 3. Commercial intent: People want to buy something sometime soon and are doing research before making a purchase. 4. Transactional intent: People are looking to buy something after doing their commercial intent searches.

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Find out which intents apply to you and try to answer these search intents by literally giving people what they want. Step 4: Construct Landing Pages The next step towards a long-term keyword strategy is to create awesome landing pages.

MUST READ -> Building Awesome Websites Landing Squeeze Pages[TIPS] In the past, every one of the keywords you want to be found for got its own landing page. Today, however, search engines are so smart that they mostly use search intent to give searchers the best answer to their questions. The page that answers those questions best will rank on top. Search engines also understand subtle differences between keywords so you don’t have to create landing pages for all subtle variations of a keyword. You can just optimize a page for multiple key phrases, synonyms and related key phrases. Hopefully this keyword research process will provide a good structure and solid foundation for your own SEO program. Keyword research should be the start of any sustainable SEO strategy. The result will be a long list of keywords for which you’d like to be found. But the hardest part is still ahead: writing all that content. You should write articles and blog posts on every single keyword you would like to be found for. That’s quite a challenge! Good luck! 5. Different Types Of Keywords

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Keyword is the first step to a successful SEO. And when you nailed your SEO, that’s when your organic views start coming in. More views, more potential customers, more conversions, profit. The thing is, there are so many talks on keywords. But how can we know what kind of keywords to choose when we’re doing a keyword research? Keywords are the language of search engine optimization, search engine advertising, and even search on a retailer’s own website. So the better an online store’s managers and marketers understand the intent behind a shopper’s keyword query, the better that store can respond. Keyword Selection is very important factor in search engine optimization. Because it will desire your website traffic and rankings in search engines. You may select several numbers of keywords to attain traffic to your site. There are several keyword suggestion tools are available throughout the internet like LONGTAILPRO, Google keyword planner, SEMRUSH etc. While selecting the keywords, you should keep in mind what type of keywords we are selecting. You need to understand that you should use different keywords to target different audiences at each stage of the funnel. That way you can reach a broader range of people and increase your chance of securing a customer.

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There are different types of keywords, but the most common ones have been discussed below. Types Of Keywords 1. Short-Tail Keywords These are phrases that are comprised of 1-2 words that are really generic; e.g. “shoes”, “cards”, and “coffee”. When someone types short-tail keywords into a search bar, it’s not clear exactly what they want. Do they want to buy shoes? What kind of shoes? Or maybe they’re looking for a shoemaker? Getting the top spot on the search engine results pages (SERPs) for a keyword so generic is extremely difficult, if not impossible. It also doesn’t always make sense to target generic keywords, because even if you land on the 1st position and get the lion’s share of all visitors, are these visitors really your potential clients? The majority of them are not, because although short-tail keywords bring higher traffic, their conversion rates are lower than more focused keywords. 2. Long-Tail Keywords These are keywords with 3 or more words that are more specific, e.g. “red shoes for women”, “where to buy Cards Against Humanity”, “best coffee shop Santa Monica”.

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If someone types into a search bar a question of where they can purchase something, you know exactly what they want. In comparison to short-tail keywords, long-tail is easier to rank for due to having lower organic competition. The search volume for this type of keyword is smaller, but the possibility of conversion substantially increases.

3. Branded Keywords These are phrases that contain the name (and all its variations) of your brand or business. If someone types into a search engine a keyword with your brand name, it means they already know your brand, but may want to know something else, such as: where you’re located, or read something about you. Therefore, you may think they’ll find you without your efforts to rank high. This, however, is not always the case.

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Your goal should be to rank no. 1 for your brand name, especially if it’s not unique. Example of Apple Inc.: Their brand name is not unique, because it’s the same as the fruit. However, because Apple Inc. has some great SEO experts on board, the company succeeded at pushing “apple” (the fruit) way down the SERPs. For Example, See below:

4. Non-Branded Keywords Non-branded keywords are the opposite of branded keywords, which means they do not contain the name of your business. SEO is mainly focused on non-branded keywords, because they attract visitors who do not know of your business yet. Monitoring these keywords is crucial, as it explicitly shows you whether your SEO practices are effective or not.

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Make sure you separate non-branded from branded keywords by adding them to different groups. If you do not do that, you will never know if your growth (or decline) is caused by SEO, other marketing strategies, or something completely different. You can do it easily by adding keywords to a “Branded” group and tracking them under the Groups section in Positional. 5. Seasonal Keywords These are the keywords that are super popular during a specific period of time. The number of searches during an event like Christmas or Easter will besky-high then. You can easily see this trend on the graph below. For Example, See below:

6. Inferred Keywords (Also Referred To As Geo-Keywords, Or Geographical Keywords) Inferred keywords contain a location within the phrase. Using inferred keywords is especially beneficial if you have a local business. For instance, if you provide shoe repair services, just add your location; use not only “shoe repair”, but try also “shoe repair Columbus Ohio.”

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This way, you’ll bring a more highly targeted audience to your site, who will be more likely to convert. Just remember not to make the region too small, because then you might be cutting out a wider location. Be sure to include all local possibilities. Our resources allow you to learn more about regionalized tracking and SEO. 7. Keywords With Purchase Intent Keywords which include the user’s intent to purchase a product are those which you should definitely be targeting, as they will bring you higher conversion rates. People type this type of keyword into a search engine if they’re ready to buy a specific product. Examples of a keyword with purchase intent would be:    

shoes red soles buy bike rack for suv shipping candles with ring inside discount buy used bikes online

The search volume for these keywords is quite low, but the conversion rate could be phenomenal. 8. Misspelled Keywords A lot of people make typos or spelling variations when entering a phrase into a search engine box. For example, Americans would write “favorite” (2,410,000,000 results in Google), while Canadians would write “favourite” (with 444,000,000 results). People also very often make mistakes when spelling words like “accommodation”, “mortgage”, or “jewelry”. Ranking for misspelled keywords was a great traffic opportunity in the past; they were way less competitive than their correct versions. This, however, changed substantially, when Google released its highly sophisticated

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algorithms that provide spelling correction right after typing misspelled words into a search bar. The example below shows that it’s not longer relevant to optimize your page for keywords with typos. For Example, See below:

9. Keywords With Navigational Intent This type of keyword is similar to branded keywords, as the person typing a query into a search box is already looking for a particular brand. The aim of this search is usually to find the location (both on and offline) of a known place. Examples of these keywords would be: - The name of the company or site when a searcher doesn’t know what is after a dot (whether it’s .com, or something else)

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a keyword starting with “how can I get to”, “where is”, “how to get to” etc.

The fact that people may search for the location of your website or shop should encourage you to make sure that all important info (N.A.P) is available on your site. 10. Keywords With Informational Intent With this type of keyword, the searcher’s intent is to find an answer to his or her question.

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The person is not ready to buy anything and is unlikely to convert at the moment of conducting a search. The searcher may become a buying user with time, so it is recommended to target this type of keyword. It may bring really high traffic, micro conversions (like signing up for a newsletter), and eventually macro conversion (purchase). Examples of this keyword would be phrases starting with “how to”, “I need to”, “where to”, “best ways to” etc. 11. Keywords With Commercial Intent The intent of searchers using this keyword is to know more about a product or service before the purchase. Commercial intent can be spotted when the keyword includes words such as: “review”, “best”, “comparison”, “cheap” etc., or when the intent is quite clear from the context. As with informational keywords, the searcher using this query may become a buying user with time, so it is highly recommended to target this type of keyword. It may bring really high traffic, micro conversions (like signing up for a newsletter), and eventually macro conversion (purchase). To make sure that a keyword is valuable and will bring you high conversion rates, make sure you check the Competition and Suggested Bid in Google Keyword Planner. If the Competition and Suggested Bid is high, that means the advertisers understand and confirm the value of the keyword.

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In the example below, you can see that the keyword “private schools in Los Angeles” is more valuable than “best private schools in Los Angeles”.

You can subjectively tell that the intent of the first searcher looking for the best private school was clear, which made the word “best” redundant. However, always make sure you back your subjective opinion with solid data. Hint for SEO businesses when trying to target commercial intent keywords:   

 

Provide the “BUY NOW” button with pricing; makes it easy to find for the visitors List the benefits of the product Provide original and unique description of the product (do not copy the description straight from the manufacturer), and place the keywords naturally throughout the text Add customer reviews Create a FAQ section, where your customers will be able to find more information on the product

When it comes to finding, organizing and using keywords, the biggest piece of advice I can give you is to be patient and keep digging. The more you search and investigate, the more you’ll uncover. After you have your list,

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organize keywords by action, and develop your plan. Optimize your site, and then focus on your outreach. Using these keywords, you’ll be able to build a community that helps drive your site in the right direction. To learn more about optimizing your ecommerce site for SEO, make sure to read this ebook.

Learn SEO Strategies To Rank At The Top Of Google With SEO, From Beginner To Advanced 6. Top Best Seo Keyword Research Tools That Seo Experts Actually Use [Recommended] Keyword research is the bread and butter of any search campaign. Keywords are one of the most critical and important parts of SEO. Building a strategy around the keyword you wish to rank for is vital, and there are plenty of SEO keyword tools to help you with that. Many companies invest thousands of dollars to pay for keyword research to get such targeted content & traffic.

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But you don’t need to do that. Just follow this guide… Of course, knowing where to start can be difficult. Below you'll find the best SEO keyword research tools I recommend for startups to begin a well-rounded keyword foundation for your campaigns. As online marketers, bloggers, and small business owners, SEO is important. Some may even call it critical. A make or break type of thing. There are many SEO tools that can help you with your quest for free ongoing organic search traffic but it can take time and money to sort the wheat from the chaff. Fast-forward to online marketing. How can you work smarter and faster with SEO? You don’t need to try all these tools, you just need to figure out which one works best for your store’s need. In this exclusive guide, I have covered both the type of Keywords. Most of these keyword research tools are paid and only a few of them are free. Here are the list of tools listed below: Let’s get started. 1. SEMRush: Marketing SEO Tools

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Masters in their field, SEMrush is a one-stop shop with an impressive keyword research tool with a huge amount of features. Useful for: Advanced keyword research, topic discovery, opportunity analysis, content ideas This makes it easier for you to find short-tail and long-tail keywords that you can target and beat out your competition. You can get in-depth details on:   

Traffic stats Search engine reports Adsense CPC and so many other details that you need in properly managing an SEO campaign.

This is a highly recommended product.


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You need not be an SEO master to use this tool. The user interface is simple and straightforward. You will get used to it very quickly. This SEO tool is more than just a keyword research tool, as it’s packed with tons of features and now comes with online version as well. LongTailPro is cloud-based software for keyword research and one of the most popular in this list.


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KWFinder is a long tail keyword research tool with a great interface. It shows you trend, search volume, CPC, and level of difficulty in results. If you are looking for one tool which is completely dedicated to Keyword research only, KWFinder is your best bet. They are new in the market yet they are one of the fastest growing SEO tool company. KWFinder also helps you dig into local keyword research – you can target your search results by city, state or country. An SEO Keyword Tool like KWFinder helps you find long-tail keywords that have a lower level of competition. The experts use this SEO tool to find the best keywords and run analysis reports on backlinks and SERP (Search Engine Results Page). Their Rank Tracker tool helps you easily determine your ranking while tracking your improvement based on one key metric. Plus, if that’s not enough, you’ll get a ton of new keyword ideas to help you rank your website even higher.

Visit KWFinder

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4. Serpstat

Serpstat is an all-in-one digital growth hacking tool to help you optimize your SEO, PPC and content marketing campaigns. This SEO tool has the following key features:        

Collect keywords for SEO and PPC campaigns Determine the value of keywords Find keyword variations and search suggestions to expand your semantic core Get long-tail keywords Discover international data Check your webpages’ relevance Analyze keyword trends Find out what pages are showing up in search results for a keyword

Serpstat is used by small businesses to research keywords, build new links, and develop a strategic SEO platform.

Visit Serpstat 5. Google Keyword Planner

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The Keyword Planner is a major part of the Google Adwords advertising platform. It allows users to research and analyze the lists of keywords with their search volumes. The best SEO tools on this list aren’t enough. I mean, they’re definitely going to help you better understand how you can improve your website’s optimization but they won’t do the work for you. You’re going to have to put in the work to get the results you want. That means producing content that’s SEO optimized, rewriting all your manufacturer descriptions and turning them into something that suits your niche and taking what you’ve learned from these SEO tools and making adjustments. If you’re on a budget most of these tools have free features or trials you can play around with. Try them out. Think of these SEO checker tools as mentors telling you what you need to improve on. And follow their suggestions to skyrocket your growth. Your success falls on you. Whether you like it or not, SEO is a big part of your online business. It’s the largest source of free organic traffic, leads, and customers. And don’t forget about Google—arguably the most powerful free SEO tool.

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Whatever you choose, use these tools to supercharge your SEO. So go out there and make it yours. My Recommendation: If you are looking for an easy, yet a great solution, go for SEMRUSH. Take that next step. CONCLUSION There is no shortcut to SUCCESS; you probably can’t make a million dollars by tomorrow if you’ve never done it before. But there is a process you can follow that will get you there. A massive amount of ACTION and PERSISTENCE is required. After all, you should be willing to do whatever it takes. To Your Success,

MURLI (DIGITAL MARKETER, AMAZON BOOKS AUTHOR, Entrepreneur, Blogger & Online UDEMY Instructor) Copyright © 2017 by MURLI (

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RECOMMENDED RESOURCES This is my list of tools & resources that I regularly use to supercharge my websites & boost my online income which I know you'll find useful for your own online business. There's everything from WordPress plugins to email marketing tools, content creation, traffic generation & more. 1. Email Marketing Automation Tool Getresponse [RECOMMENDED] - Free your marketing machine automation tool, Simple, easy interface. Click Here To Get Your Getresponse – 30 Day FREE TRIAL 2. Domain, Hosting Tool Bluehost [RECOMMENDED]- Recommending Bluehost for web hosting, for building your blog. Click Here To Get Your Bluehost - Hosting 3. Wordpress Themes, Templates Tool MyThemeShop [RECOMMENDED]- Premium WordPress themes, web templates & more. Click Here To Get Your MyThemeShop - Themes 4. Digital Marketing Automation Tool Clickfunnels [RECOMMENDED] – Gives You EVERYTHING You Need To Market, Sell, & Deliver Your Products & Services Online!(Without Having To Hire or Rely On A Tech Team!) Click Here To Get Your Clickfunnels - FREE TRIAL 5. Video Animation Creation Tool

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Explaindio [RECOMMENDED] - Video Creator That Will Attract, Engage, And Convert Visitors to Buyers, Make Videos Like The PROs With the Most Powerful Video Creation Software. Click Here To Get Your Explaindio - Tool 6. Freelance Services Fiverr [RECOMMENDED] - The world's largest freelance services marketplace for lean entrepreneurs to focus on growth & create a successful business at affordable costs. Click Here To Get Your Fiverr - Marketplace Many more useful tools to come! NOTE: Certain products/services are affiliate links, & I may earn a commission for any purchases that you make. Those links won't cost you any extra money when you buy products after clicking on them. I mention these products/services to you because I believe in them & want to help you improve your life. I only recommend products/services that I feel deliver value to you. All efforts are made to ensure that affiliate links are disclosed in accordance with the FTC.

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