Vol. No. Vol. 2418No. 20 27
Wednesday, January 17, 13, 2021 2016 Wednesday, November
LIVE ON STAGE: Grace Camilleri and Zenith Werne display their thespian skills in a presentation of an excerpt from St Brigid’s College’s production of Midsummer Jersey. A variety of performers returned to the stage at Horsham Town Hall as part of an RM Showcase. An easing of COVID-19 restrictions has opened the door for a return of more live performances. More pictures, page 15. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
Angling potential A
continuation of cool and damp conditions across the Wimmera-Mallee might have a socio-economic silver lining in the form of future tourist-angler opportunities. While much of the regional community is looking for a respite from rain and eagerly awaiting an onset of warmer weather, aquatic life in waterways is revelling in the conditions. Catchment monitors have anecdotal evidence of rare spawning events of native yellowbelly in the Wim-
mera River downstream of Horsham weir and suspect similar occurrences elsewhere in the region. As a result they have launched an investigation to explore the legitimacy of the observations, which could ultimately help direct future waterway management. Fishing has and continues to play a major role in social lifestyle in the region and has a history of generating millions of tourism dollars from visiting anglers. Any boost in fish numbers in the Wimmera River catchment would represent a major socio-economic win for many communities.
Climatic and waterway circumstances such as water temperature and environmental factors mean primary native angler-target fish species such as Murray cod and yellowbelly, native to the Murray-Darling system, do not usually spawn in the Wimmera basin. This means Wimmera populations of these native target fish species, and in most cases exotic impoundment trout, are reliant on controlled release programs. The limitations do not apply to native eel-tailed catfish or exotic redfin and carp, the latter which can proliferate, dominate and overwhelm a waterway.
Wimmera Catchment Management Authority chief executive David Brennan said the damp and mild spring, subsequent periodic flows throughout the Wimmera River system and latest observation of the fish activity, might be providing significant insight into the environmental benefits of the Wimmera-Mallee Pipeline. He said an absence of heavy water harvesting from the system, courtesy of the pipeline, regular flows based on rain in the catchment and a natural lack of early evaporation had sparked high levels of aquatic activity. “We just might be finally seeing
some of the big environmental opportunities based on saving water through piping,” he said. “We will be getting right into collecting data to see if there is evidence of these fish breeding. If it is happening it would represent a very big tick for the river and region. We’re going to key in all the details from flows, water temperatures and so on and start looking for eggs and juvenile fish and try to get a clearer understanding of parameters. If it is happening, the next question is how do we encourage it to occur regularly in its own right?” Continued page 3
IN THIS ISSUE • Crisis accommodation plan • Quantong residents strong • Football-netball action IN THIS ISSUE • Ararat a ‘smart city’ Are you fire ready?stand • 26th volleyball tournament Phone: 03 5382 1351 Read it online: www.theweeklyadvertiser.com.au
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Buy and sell in the West carpark racecourse end
Source: AMAA; CAB Total Distribution Audit for further information visit www.auditedmedia.org.au
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(enter from Natimuk Road, Park Drive, plaza side lane will be closed)
Sunday, November 21 10am to 1pm For site bookings call Horsham Plaza centre management office on 5382 0912 or email manager@horshamplaza.com.au
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