AgLife – Wednesday, February 24, 2021

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Planning ahead Businesses across the Wimmera will join ACE Radio Broadcasters in a new campaign designed to fill a trading void left by the cancellation of this year’s Wimmera Machinery Field Days. Story, page 3 Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

February 24, 2021

This Weeks Special

Meeting the protein, energy, vitamin and mineral requirements of lambs when supplementary feeding grain is essential for profitable lamb finishing. Available in 25kg bags

Magforce can be supplied free choice to sheep including lambs, prelambing ewes and lactating ewes. Available in 20kg bags

DogPro Working Dog

$25.00 20kg Bag

95 Nelson Street, Nhill

SHEEP MINERAL AWF is formulated so that it can be fed “Free Choice” to sheep grazing less than ideal pasture conditions, the product should be fed during lush rapid pasture growth or supplied as a supplement to hay or grain. Available in 25kg bags

“Like” Us On F 105 River Road, Horsham

CALL 03 5391 2106 The Weekly Advertiser – AgLife Digital 2021



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