Victorian opposition leaders are lamenting a lack of progress on Western Highway upgrades between Buangor and Ararat, but State Government officials say the project’s resumption is imminent.
The government is awaiting the completion of a cultural heritage study, with hopes construction will resume later this year.
Mr O’Brien said progress on the upgrades, which involve the duplication of the Western Highway, had ‘ground to a halt’.
“We all know there have been issues delaying the project, but Labor can’t even give the people of Ararat and surrounds a timeline for when they will be addressed,” he said.
“Ongoing delays exacerbate safety risks along the Western Highway.
“Despite a $100 million injection from the Federal Government last year to help with another Jacinta Allan cost blowout, the project remains in limbo with no completion date in sight.”
Ms Kealy said delays were compromising the safety of motorists.
“The communities along the high-
way have waited too long, suffered too many flat tyres and damaged rims, and we’ve lost far too many lives. It is time the promised benefits of this project are delivered,” she said.
A State Government spokesperson said it was disingenuous of the opposition to blame the government for holding up the project, as the project was unable to proceed until the completion of a legally-mandated cultural heritage management plan, CHMP.
The CHMP relates to Aboriginal cultural heritage within the work area between Buangor and Ararat, including birthing trees sacred to the Djab Wurrung people.
Progress on the project was halted in 2018 when activists set up three camps known collectively as the Djab
Wurrung Heritage Protection Embassy with the aim of protecting the trees.
Subsequent legal challenges saw the original 2013 CHMP, which approved the removal of the birthing trees, overturned.
Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation, the Registered Aboriginal Party responsible for Aboriginal heritage in the region, is working with heritage consultants to complete a new CHMP before work can continue.
“The CHMP will comprehensively detail the results of cultural heritage assessments, potential impacts and management to protect Aboriginal cultural heritage,” the government spokesperson said.
“We have engaged a qualified heritage advisor to ensure that, while
working collaboratively with Eastern Maar, we record values associated with the project area.”
Mr Erwin, who is also a Northern Grampians Shire councillor, said he met with the government last week and was assured the project was progressing.
“The big hope is that it is ready to roll for the next construction season, which is from spring onwards,” he said.
“The delays have been around the cultural heritage. I think it’s been to the Supreme Court three times.
“It is a bit disappointing a project that was supposed to be finished in 2018 is only half built and there’s not been a blow struck for five years.”
Continued page 3
More than 90 new long day care places will be available in Horsham by August under a Horsham Rural City Council plan to ease the Wimmera’s severe childcare shortage.
Mayor Robyn Gulline said rooms at Kalkee Road Children’s and Community Hub were now available for long day care after Emerge Early Learning Services shifted its kindergarten program to a new Horsham North facility.
“Emerge Early Learning Services secured funding to move to a new two-room kindergarten at the Rasmussen Road school,” she said.
“With three rooms at the Hub now vacant, there’s an opportunity for Council to host a much-needed long day care service at the Hub.
“Council is currently working with a childcare provider to plan for 92 extra long day care places to be made available, with an announcement due shortly,” Cr Gulline said. Cr Gulline confirmed there had been no reduction in kindergarten places in Horsham.
“The Kalkee Road Hub will remain a central part of childcare and kindergarten services in our municipality.
“By reverting Kalkee Road Children’s and Community Hub to the original design and use, which was for long day care and in venue kindergarten, we hope to ease the critical long day care shortage.
“We are in a transition period right now as the Hub becomes a long day care venue, but, with the Rasmussen site up and running, there has been no reduction in kindergarten places in Horsham.
Maternal and child health services and supported playgroup will continue to operate from the Hub alongside the long day care.
HRCC has received a stock of 240 litre landfill waste bins.
If you have a request to upsize your bin already active, you will be seeing your new bin in the coming weeks.
Residents of the Wimmera are invited to remember the sacrifices of our local servicemen and women next Thursday as part of the Anzac Day services.
The ceremony will be taking place at the Horsham and District War Memorial in Sawyer Park at 6.15am and will be followed by breakfast at the Horsham RSL.
At 10.30am, a march will depart from McLachlan Street and arrive at Sawyer Park for the 11am Commemorative Service.
The dawn service will feature an address from Lt. David Herbert, the platoon commander of Horsham’s own 128th Transport Troop.
After the service, the public will be invited to lay remembrance poppy or rosemary on the memorial cross in honour of the 542 fallen service men and women from our municipality.
At Natimuk, the Brass Band will perform at the Natimuk Band Rotunda at 11am, followed by a service and wreath laying.
The HRCC Civic Centre, Horsham Library, Horsham Town Hall and Wimmera Regional Art Gallery will all be closed for Anzac Day. Waste collection will continue as normal.
All tender, EOI and RFQ details
If your residence currently has a 120 litre landfill waste bin, and you would like to upgrade to a 240 litre bin free of charge, please call Council reception on (03) 5382 9777
Please note that this free upgrade only covers upgrading from 120 litre to 240 litre. Additional bins will be charged at regular rates.
The campaign to re-open The Wesley has officially begun, and the Wesley Committee are accepting donations. You can donate with cash, card and cheque at the Horsham Town Hall 7 days a week, or you can find the EFT information by scanning the QR code.
You can also find a hard copy of the donation information at the HRCC Civic Centre or Horsham Town Hall.
The Wesley Committee is a not-forprofit group with Deductible Gift Recipient and Tax Concession Charity (TCC) status. Donations are tax deductible.
Horsham Rural City Council (HRCC) is set to open its Community Events Grants Program on Wednesday 1 May, offering a significant boost to not-for-profit groups in the municipality.
The program aims to help groups create events that foster more engaged and healthy communities.
Information Session
An information session for the Events Grants Program will be held at the Council Office, 18 Roberts Avenue, Horsham on Wednesday, 1 May 2024 from 6.00pm-6.30pm.
To register for this session, please email events@hrcc.vic.gov.au.
The program has several key objectives. Events must align with the HRCC Council Plan and aim to increase the range of diverse, inclusive, and vibrant events.
They should demonstrate social benefits that support our community, increase economic stimulus through event attendance, and deliver participation opportunities for our community.
Who can apply? To be eligible for the HRCC Community Events Grants Program, you must:
•Be a not-for-profit group.
•Be incorporated or have an auspice body.
•Have public liability insurance covering your proposed event.
•The event must be held within the Horsham municipality.
For more information, please contact Council on 5382 9777 or email events@hrcc.vic.gov.au or visit Council’s website.
The Age Friendly Plan aims to ensure HRCC becomes an increasingly age inclusive region.
Horsham councillors have implored the community to support the development of a Horsham Regional Museum.
At Monday’s Horsham Rural City Council meeting, councillors noted the findings of the Horsham Regional Museum Feasibility Study’s stage one and two reviews.
The Horsham Home of History Group, comprising of Horsham Historical Society, Horsham RSL’s Military History and Heritage Group, council and community representatives, identified the following locations to be looked at for the museum: a greenfield site along the Western Highway; lease of an area of farmland; and Longerenong College.
The study identifies several significant heritage collections throughout the greater Horsham region, owned by community organisations and individuals.
Collections included more than 1500 military items – some with known national significance – at Horsham RSL, and an extensive collection of
cultural, civil and military items held by the Horsham Historical Society.
The collections are dated from 1840, when Horsham was first noted as a destination, to 1950, when the centenary of Horsham was celebrated.
The primary collection theme will centre on water and agriculture and include items such as irrigation implements, farming equipment manufactured or sold in Horsham and secondary supplies that catered for the needs of the farming community.
James Darlot followed the Indigenous people when he chose Horsham to be a village in the 1840s.
Cr Les Power encouraged the community to support the museum plans.
“It will attract people to come to Horsham and that’s what we’re all about at the moment – attracting people to buy and sell their produce in Horsham, and to possibly move here and prosper with us,” he said.
“In a trail, just like the silo trail, this could be a fantastic thing where we could probably be the centre of it... They could go to Ararat and see the Chinese museum, they could go across to Rupanyup and Warrackna-
beal to their museums. One thing we must not do is stand on the toes of places like Natimuk, that has worked so hard on its museum.
“We need to make sure they are a part of it.
“It would also be really good to see if we could incorporate First Nations people as well – that they could be encouraged to partake with their artefacts and with their long line of history that they could be a part of this.”
Cr David Bowe said the museum would not only celebrates the region’s rich heritage, but would also reflect its culture and economic landscape.
“Horsham Regional Museum aims to immerse visitors in our local history by harnessing modern technology to bring stories of the past to vivid life,” he said.
“There will be focus on collections from the 1840s to 1950s, highlights of pivotal moments in Horsham’s development, emphasising our unique narrative of water and agricultural.
“I look forward to the next phase, this includes supporting the establishment of museum trails and cooperating with other local museums
such as the Arapiles museum to foster a regional heritage experience.”
Cr Ian Ross said he was looking forward to a museum becoming operational in Horsham.
“Hopefully it will capture the essence of what is the Wimmera from pre-European to European settlement,” he said.
Cr Ross said the first combine harvester in the world was developed in the Wimmera, but the patent was allegedly stolen.
“But it went all around the world from Victoria. That’s some of Horsham’s history, it’s very important to our local identity,” he said.
Cr Penny Flynn said the work started on stage one of the study in 2018, and the council was now being presented with stage two, six years later.
“The first goal is the Wimmera Regional Museum Trail – that’s a shortterm; goal two is to review feasibility study stage two, that’s a medium-term goal; and then the third goal is Horsham Regional Museum being operational,” she said.
Cr Bob Redden said he ‘heartedly endorsed’ the idea of a museum.
the four-metre-wide
exactly 10 minutes,
From page 1
Mr Erwin expressed doubt the upcoming State Budget would contain any funding for the next stage of the Western Highway upgrade between Ararat and Stawell.
“The number one priority for our committee is duplication through to Stawell, which was the original project announced in 2013,” he said.
“The way finances seem to be with the state, we’re not overly confident about getting further funding for the Ararat to Stawell section of the duplication, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”
Ms Kealy said funding to upgrade the highway was the number one priority for residents ahead of the State Budget on May 7.
“The Allan Labor Government states safety for all road users is a priority, so it needs to explain why it is yet to confirm funding to upgrade the 26.4 kilometres of Western Highway between Ararat to Stawell that has not been touched,” she said.
The Western Highway is the major road link between Melbourne and Adelaide, with more than 8000 vehicles – including 2400 trucks – travelling on the highway each day.
“Duplication of the Western Highway started in 2013 and was supposed to be finished by 2016, but 11 years later we have only 55 kilometres of the 103-kilometre section of highway duplicated, with no work occurring for the past four years.”
Apsley Primary School is among 67 public schools to benefit from a $48million Victorian Schools Upgrade Fund.
Successful projects included upgrading food technology and home economics classrooms, installing new playground equipment and resurfacing and upgrading sporting facilities.
Apsley Primary School’s student toilets will be refurbished at a cost of $497,308.
tried to land them on a mark for 50 bonus points. “These planes are amazing. They are full carbon composites that vary in weight from 1200 grams to more than 2000 grams,” Mr Gunn said.
“They are very technical now –they have a detector on board, so the pilot knows what height they are when they turn the motor off.”
“They are very light, and have everything full-sized aircraft have, like braking and adjustments in flight.
“It’s a lot of fun and there’s a bit of ragging,” he said.
The weekend event was the second annual event to take place at the association’s Green Lake base.
– Bronwyn HastingsMr Gunn said the thermal duration competition attracted pilots from across Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia, including a world-ranked number three pilot and Australian team members.
Projects in the second round of funding were prioritised based on disability, First Nations students, and socioeconomic background.
Public schools that had not received significant capital funding in the past two years were also prioritised. More information on the schools upgrade fund is available at education. gov.au/schools-upgrade-fund.
Apolice forum in Horsham last week brought an opportunity for residents to discuss topical issues and statistics.
Panel member and Horsham Superintendent Sharon McCrory said the division four neighbourhood policing forums were a chance for community members to interact with local police.
Police also hosted a forum in Ararat on Thursday.
“It’s also an opportunity to hear from police about what we are doing in our division, but it’s more about hearing from you – what’s impacting you, what’s worrying you, what you’re concerned about,” she said.
A community sentiment survey conducted in Horsham last year raised concerns of drugs and alcohol, road safety, safety of personal property and possessions, family violence, safety in public places, serious and organised crime, and cybercrime and online safety.
Expert police officers in the areas of demographics and youth, crime, road safety, family violence, and alcohol and drugs joined the forum at Harvest Church Horsham.
Acting Sergeant Owen Lyons spoke about working with young people, outlining the proactive approach of police in schools.
“We give presentations in schools from foundation to year-12, from an introduction to police as people that can help, to cyberbullying, body safety and bike safety,” Acting Sgt Lyons said.
“We focus on support services and educational programs so children can identify if they’re going in the wrong direction.
“We work with schools and the community to support children.”
Across the forum, police highlighted the collaborative approach needed to work effectively in the community.
Senior Sergeant Simone Field highlighted the information-sharing scheme between agencies, such as The Orange Door, kindergartens and schools.
“Information sharing gives us further avenues of investigation,” she said.
“It will see data and charges increase, but that’s a positive to me.”
Sen Sgt Field said changes in policy and questions children are asked directly will assist in decreasing the incidence of family violence.
On average, police attend 10 incidents a month where a child has been
nominated as the respondent of family violence.
“Half of all violent acts have children present,” Sen Sgt Field said.
“We are trying to break the cycle.”
Acting Sgt Lyons said police work to intervene before matters get serious.
“Every child and situation is different and outcomes depend on a child’s environment, external agencies and early intervention. We use a therapeutic approach to give children the tools they need,” he said.
Division Four’s crime trends saw a rise in thefts, but a drop in deceptions, such as online fraud.
Members of the public gallery highlighted stock theft as a concern, which Detective Senior Sergeant David Ellis said was difficult to investigate.
“There were 10 reported instances of stock theft last year, but it’s likely under-reported,” he said.
“I’m not aware of anyone that has been processed locally.
“It is a strong focus, police are frequently at saleyards as a proactive approach.
“There is movement across the division to monitor this, particularly in highway patrol.”
Regional teams work across the divisions to try to track stock, and some people have been held to account.
Thefts from supermarkets and service stations have risen.
“Anecdotally, we have found the cost-of-living has influenced the nature of thefts, such as fuel from service stations and food from supermarkets,” Sen Sgt Ellis said.
The most prevalent age groups of offenders being processed for theft is 20 to 30 years, followed by the 30 to 40-year age group.
Cannabis remained the highest of the top three drug types related to offences last year, followed by methylamphetamine and prescription drugs.
Forty-two percent of all drug detections in division four were cannabis, with methylamphetamine at 17 percent. Fifty-three offenders were processed and there were 21 instances of trafficking.
Horsham is above the state offence rate per 100,000 population.
Senior Sergeant Brendan Broadbent presented road policing statistics.
Twenty-seven people died in road accidents across the division last year.
Nine of those were aged 60 and older, with eight aged 40 to 59 years.
Nine were car drivers and eight were motorcyclists.
“Major risks in our area are long stretches of highway, a fatigue zone
and intersections of highways and the railway line,” Sen Sgt Broadbent said.
“We have strategies under government, Victoria Police and division four, to engage, enhance and enforce.
“We have systems of safe vehicles, safe speeds, safe roads and safe driving, then we look at our area and demographic – all this dictates what we need to do,” he said.
Sen Sgt Broadbent said police were strategic n their plan to make roads safer.
“Enforcement modifies driver behaviour,” he said.
“One kilometre slower means a five percent reduction in road trauma, which is 15 lives saved. One life lost is too many – we can have a zero road toll.”
Residents and representatives from community agencies raised discussions of driver reviver stations, access to police, unmanned stations in isolated areas, standards for safety and security in public places, elder abuse, near misses at roundabouts and youth roaming the streets at night.
Traffic and fast-moving gophers, trucks on the highway at McPherson Street, and the accessibility of police were issues actioned on the day.
Neighbourhood policing forums will be held in each division annually.
This year’s round of Victorian Emergency Services Equipment Program, VESEP, grants has opened, giving volunteer groups the opportunity to purchase equipment and vehicles and fund building refurbishments and upgrades. VESEP gives brigades two dollars, up to $150,000, for every dollar raised by a brigade or group.
Jung Fire Brigade captain Chris Pallot has worked hard to secure VESEP-funded equipment, including a Nissan Patrol ultralight in 2015, a tyre inflation system for its medium tanker in 2020, and a side-by-side vehicle in 2024.
“We’re fortunate when it comes to raising money,” Mr Pallot said.
“There are a couple of large companies in our response area, which we protect. I emailed them explaining what equipment we needed, and two emails raised $5000 for the brigade.
“We also sold a lot of chocolates, collected old car and truck batteries for recycling, and have raffled a trailer load of firewood at a local market.
“We’ve done all sorts of things to raise money.
“It’s better to have modern equipment that can get the job done more quickly and safely.”
Other fire brigades across the area who benefited from the 202324 round of grants included Nhill, $65,334; Beulah, $170,000; Balmoral, $70,000 for vehicles and appliances; Green Lake, $1300, and District 17 Headquarters, $19,000 for operational equipment; and Brimpaen, $75,000 for minor facility improvements.
Emergency Services Minister Jaclyn Symes said the grants had been available for more than 20 years, with $123 million invested in the program since 2015.
“Victoria’s emergency service volunteers go above and beyond to protect the community during an emergency,” she said.
“These grants are all about helping ensure they have the latest equipment to do what they do best – protect communities and save lives.
“I encourage all eligible groups to apply.”
This year’s VESEP applications close on June 14.
–Bronwyn HastingsAlthough affected by ticket sale trends in 2024, Grampians Grape Escape is going full steam ahead to present its annual festival next weekend, May 3-5.
The Halls Gap event is bucking the trend of the series of festivals and concerts across Australia that have cancelled in recent months.
The GGE will once again bring together wine and food producers from across the Grampians region, and beyond, for festival-goers to enjoy.
Festival co-director Kate Kirkpatrick said the rising cost-of-living expenses were affecting festivals and major events, and GGE had experienced a change in consumer trends.
Presenting a cheque for $25,000 are, from left, Victoria
“Post COVID, we all bounced back for one good year when everyone had surplus of money, but obviously the ever-increasing cost-of-living and interest rate rises are certainly hurting families across the board. We’re noticing that not just in events, retail, tourism and hospitality, but with the closures of many other restaurants and offerings as well,” she said.
Ms Kirkpatrick said tickets would generally sell across the six months prior to the Grape Escape, but that habit had changed.
“We are starting to see more of that last-minute buying, which doesn’t help, obviously, with planning festivals and events,” she said.
“That’s just the consumer trends of
late, with accommodation booking and late ticket patterns.
“Whether they’ve something on or deciding whether they can afford it that month, or it’s dependent on what the weather is doing... that’s certainly the patterns we’re seeing.”
Ms Kirkpatrick said the cost of insurance was also impacting festivals.
“Certainly our costs have gone up 30 to 40 percent in terms of putting the festival on,” she said.
“Obviously, we cannot pass that increase onto our consumers, so we’re just very mindful of the cost of putting on such a large-scale festival, especially like ours where it’s all brought in and it’s basically a blank canvas.
“We need to bring everything in and
that may be something we need to look at long-term and with strategies about what that festival looks like and what we can sustain, given the current climate we’re in.”
Ms Kirkpatrick said while ticket sales had started slow, they were now gaining traction.
“We’re comfortable. Easter is always a blocker for our consumers for some reason, so depending on where that sits, and obviously school holidays do not help with families, so we’re starting to see things ramp up now, which is fantastic,” she said.
Ms Kirkpatrick said the festival would include 100-plus exhibitors with plenty of new additions this year.
More than 50 wineries plus beer and
Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation
Ararat Branch will announce its new fundraising project for East Grampians Health Service at this year’s gala ‘Night of Nights’ on May 31.
The event, at Ararat Town Hall, will see the return of headline artist Tim Campbell, one of Australia’s most versatile and much-loved entertainers and an avid Blue Ribbon supporter.
When he’s not on television program
Dancing With the Stars or entertaining at Carols By Candlelight, Campbell is performing the classic ’70s and ’80s dancefloor hits with his band from his ARIA top 30 and iTunes top 10 album High School Disco and travelling the country for concerts and special events.
The support act will be local favourite Darrell ‘Mud’ Madex, who will be joined later in the evening by his talented sons Jake and Mitchell Madex as the Mudda’s. Ararat Blue Ribbon Foundation branch presented a cheque for $25,000 to East Grampians Health Service, EGHS, for the
final instalment towards a new ultrasound system.
The Ararat branch raised $135,000 for the project through events including the gala ‘Night of Nights’ and Grampians Ride to Remember.
The ultrasound system is now in use and offers features such as: 3D-4D capability for a dynamic imaging of fetal and gynaecological abnormalities; elastography capability for increased assessment of liver cirrhosis; greater resolution and enhanced imaging of superficial parts such as hands and feet; more variety in ultrasound transducers, which helps assess a larger variety of body parts and pathologies, in people of all sizes.
Ararat branch president Dianne Radford said the branch was pleased to complete the latest project.
“The ultrasound system is another vital piece of equipment for the medical imaging department, part of the recently dedicated Blue Ribbon Foundation Wing, which we are delighted to support,” she said.
“The committee is now looking forward to announcing its next project to support East Grampians Health Service at the gala ‘Night of Nights’.”
EGHS chief executive Nick Bush thanked the Blue Ribbon Foundation Ararat branch for its generous support of the ultrasound system project.
“EGHS is grateful for the dedication of the Blue Ribbon Foundation Ararat branch, partners, businesses, organisations and the community who annually support the Ararat branch’s fundraising efforts,” Mr Bush said.
“The Ararat branch has now donated more than $1 million to the health service, an outstanding effort which has enabled us to provide state of the art equipment and facilities for our community, which would not be possible if not for this generosity and support.”
Tickets cost $70 each for the gala ‘Night of Nights’, with limited tickets available. People can book at www.trybooking.com/ CQISL.
distilleries and high quality food will be on show.
Ms Kirkpatrick said about 10 to 15 percent of ticket sales were to local people, with most attendees from Melbourne and regional Victoria, and some travelling from South Australia and New South Wales.
“Feel Good Friday is our local night, so we’re embracing our regional bands and encouraging everyone to come out in support, especially after bushfires,” she said.
“Certainly our Friday night is well patronised for locals and traditionally Sunday is a local day. So it’s a really good vibe.”
For tickets, visit events.humanitix. com/grampians-grape-escape-2024.
If you are experiencing difficulty in paying your water bill and would like support to manage your payments, we’re here to listen and assist you where we can.
Our customer service team can help with a range of options including:
•Flexible payment arrangements
•Payment cards
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•Government concessions
•Community rebate program
•Utility relief grants
Please phone us on 1300 659 961 to discuss how we can assist you.
• Customer support program
Thank you to all our customers for your ongoing support. Jules, Hannah and the same great team look forward to welcoming the local community to our new home, where we will continue to deliver expert eye care services and showcase a wide range of leading eyewear brands.
Horsham City Oval’s grandstand has been a backdrop to sporting and community events for a century
A committee formed to mark the milestone is seeking to share stories and memories in the lead-up to a celebratory event.
First used on April 4, 1924, the grandstand was officially opened in 1925 and has been home to football, netball, cricket, athletics and the town’s brass and pipe bands.
Committee member Neville McIntyre remembers playing at the grandstand as a child.
“My Grandma Lane lived in O’Callaghans Parade, and each Sunday when my parents would visit her, I would go across and play there,” he said.
“It has so much history.”
The area underneath the grandstand was originally change rooms, but is currently used as storage for oval maintenance equipment.
Memorabilia will be displayed in the space during the centenary event.
Committee member Kevin Dellar recalls playing football at city oval in unfavourable conditions.
“The town’s tip used to be where the soundshell is at Sawyer Park,” he said.
“Every Saturday they would burn the rubbish, putting smoke across the oval.”
Mr Dellar said it was not unusual for crowds of thousands to attend the ground.
“There were 5000 people at a Horsham versus Minyip game, not
Horsham City Oval grandstand has been a feature of the city’s main sporting showpiece for 100 years. A committee has been formed to mark its centenary and history, such as football matches, above, and how it stands now, below.
counting the children,” he said. “I remember sneaking into the ground, going straight to the grandstand and just racing up and down the steps.
“In those days they would charge to sit in the grandstand, too.”
Residents who would like to share memories can call Neville McIntyre on 0428 846 217.
The committee invites everyone to attend the free afternoon tea on May 25 to celebrate the milestone – but although the event is free, tickets are required and are available from the White Hart Hotel, Horsham.
Businesses, community groups and event organisers in Yarriambiack Shire are invited to join an online directory, replacing a business directory, community directory and calendar.
The live document on Yarriambiack Shire Council’s website will ensure correct and current information is accessible by residents and visitors to the area.
Online directory users will have their businesses, groups and events promoted on the council’s website, which will be visible to web users, and will be used as a point of reference by council staff when enquiries are made.
Registrations can be made atyarriambiack.vic.gov.au/MyCity, or via the local directories tab on council’s website.
People can email info@ yarriambiack.vic.gov.au or phone 5398 0100 for more information.
Recreational water users are advised to avoid direct contact with water in Lake Toolondo following the detection of elevated bluegreen algae levels.
Visitors can still enjoy recreational activities at the lake that do not involve direct water contact.
Warning signs have been positioned and will remain in place until blue-green algae levels drop below the threshold considered safe for recreational use.
GWMWater will monitor the lake regularly and keep the community informed of any changes via www.gwmwater.org.au/bga.
Another day, another report that a woman has been killed by a man somewhere across Australia.
The past month or so the issue of violence against women has never been more prevalent.
Just down the road at Ballarat, hundreds of people turned out to a rally against men’s violence on the city’s streets on April 12.
The snap rally was organised after three women in the Ballarat area were killed, either by former partners or a stranger.
Rebecca Young, Samantha Murphy and Hannah McGuire all died in the most heart-breaking of circumstances, and the effect on the community has been enormous.
The women of Ballarat, and their families and supporters, were protesting against the unprecedented violence that had occurred in Ballarat, and presented a united voice that violence against women must stop.
On Monday, police charged a man with murder after a 28-year-old woman’s body was found at a home in Forbes, New South Wales.
This is all on the back of the stabbings at Bondi Junction, where it has emerged that most of the victims were women.
The violence has been so great the Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission is convening national crisis discussions.
A national roundtable will bring together people from across the country on May 7 to develop a cohesive, cross-sectoral approach to advancing the objectives of the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032.
Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commissioner Micaela Cronin said the rates of women dying as a result
of family violence – women who were murdered, missing, or dying as a result of suicide – in Australia was a crisis, and required urgent, national attention.
“Women are going missing and being murdered at horrendous rates in this country,” she said.
“Too many women are taking their own lives following their experiences of family violence.
“We must all take urgent, targeted action to accelerate the objective of the National Plan – to end violence against women and children.”
The national crisis talks will take place in Canberra, with a statement of outcomes to be made public afterwards.
But with all the events to highlight the issue, when will we see change?
At a local level, a Shine the Light event will take place in Horsham on May 4.
The Wimmera Committee Against Family Violence invites the public to join them in grieving for those affected by family violence and sharing messages of hope. The community walk will set off from Ward Street at 6pm, heading along Firebrace Street before a presentation at Horsham Soundshell.
For more information on the event, see next week’s The Weekly Advertiser.
•Family and domestic violence helplines: 1800 Respect national helpline 1800 737 732; Women’s Crisis Line 1800 811 811; Men’s Referral Service 1300 766 491; Lifeline 24-hour crisis line 131 114; Vic Safe Steps crisis response 1800 015 188.
Two Wimmera men were recognised with 40-year awards at Justice of the Peace Service Awards earlier this month.
Rob Gersch, of Nhill, also a Hindmarsh councillor, and Kerryn Shade, a former Horsham Rural City Council chief executive, received their awards at Government House in Melbourne on April 3.
Peter Jones, a former Nhill resident now living in Kerang, was recognised for his 25 years of service.
JPs offer their time voluntarily and are trained to act as an independent and objective witness to documents used for official or legal purposes.
Mr Shade said he became a Justice of the Peace, JP, after he was appointed to lead Arapiles Shire in 1982.
“We were in a drought and farmers had to shoot their sheep, but they needed to make claims to government and it had to be signed off by a JP, so I put my hand up to do it as Natimuk needed a JP,” he said.
Mr Shade said his work as a JP also led him to become a bail justice, when he later worked in Warracknabeal and Horsham.
He served in the voluntary role as bail justice up until the age of 72.
Mr Gersch said he first began as a JP because Nhill needed one at the time.
“It’s no different to being a volunteer with the fire brigade or the Lions or Rotary – it’s a service to the community,” he said.
“I’ve been in business most of my life and I’ve always been available because we were in a hotel. We had
farm supplies and then a motel and I guess I’ve always been available and you know people here.”
Mr Gersch said a highlight of being a JP was helping the Karen community.
“When the Karen people’s numbers increased in Nhill – because a lot of them came when they got out of the camps, they didn’t have proper names and there was a power of paperwork that had to be done,” he said.
“People like Margaret and John Millington and Nhill Neighbourhood House did a lot of work.
“I’d go up and there would be eight or 10 to organise, and I would sign all the papers for them, enabling them to complete the paperwork to just qualify to be here in Australia.”
Dimboola Soldiers
Memorial Higher Elementary School
DHES (1924 to 1945)
Dimboola Memorial High School
DMHS (1946 to 1986)
Dimboola Memorial Secondary College
DMSC (1987 to 2024) Saturday, May 25,
Dimboola’s high school community will celebrate 100 years of education at its Ellerman Street site, with an official dinner and tours planned for May 25.
Known as Dimboola Soldiers Memorial Higher Elementary School from 1924 until 1945, then Dimboola Memorial High School from 1946 until 1986, Dimboola Memorial Secondary College has provided ongoing secondary education for Dimboola and its surrounding communities.
Current DMSC principal Sally Klinge said the school community was looking forward to marking the milestone.
“We are excited to celebrate 100 years of education on the current site,” she said.
West Wimmera Shire community groups and organisations can apply for up to $10,000 through the council’s community strengthening grants program.
Round one of the 2024 grant program will close on Friday.
Community groups and organisations can apply for funding for programs, activities and services that respond to identified community needs.
DMSC is one of two purpose-built memorial schools that are still in operation, the other at Mirboo North.
“We continue to have a strong relationship with the RSL,” Mrs Klinge said.
“Our memorial hall is used for the town’s Anzac Day services – we had 200 at the dawn service last year.”
At its peak, in the 1960s, the school had more than 300 students enrolled, and has seen 24 substantive and acting principals at the school over the years.
“Many staff and students have passed through the gates, with some going on to become members of our DMSC Hall of Fame,” Mrs Klinge said.
“These students have included people who have held positions of responsibility in a variety of fields including health, education, law, science, entertainment and sport.”
Costume designer Tim Shanahan, filmmaker and writer Tracey Rigney, Stawell Gift winner Bill McCann, Ant-
“Although the school was officially proclaimed on July 1, 1923, it had a temporary home at Dimboola Primary School until moving into the memorial building in May, 1924. This is why the date for the celebration of this event was chosen.”
Fame members.
“The most recent inductee is Ross Prior, who is a world-renown Emeritus Professor of Education in England,” Mrs Klinge said.
All former students and staff are
invited to attend the event, which will include school tours and afternoon tea at 1.30pm, followed by a short commemorative service at 3.30pm, led by state RSL president Rob Webster, and a formal dinner in the assembly hall at 6pm.
People can register at viadmsc.vic. edu.au/centenary or by calling the school office on 5389 1460.
There are four categories of funding: community projects, maximum $5000 on a $2 for $1 basis; community events, maximum $1200; facility upgrades and equipment purchases, maximum $5000 on a $2 for $1 basis; and a major community project category, maximum $10,000 on a $1 to $1 basis.
Council chief executive David Bezuidenhout said the grant program was a fantastic opportunity for community groups to access much-needed funding.
“Whether it is funding for a new community project, upgrading facilities, or hosting an event, we hope these grants will help our local community groups to achieve their goals and make a positive impact in the West Wimmera Shire,” he said.
Anyone wanting to apply for a grant can fill out an online application at www.westwimmera.vic.gov. au/Council/Grants-and-Funding/ Community-Strengthening-Grants. People can discuss the grant program further or receive advice by calling Amanda Munn on 13 99 82.
Wow, what a busy time the RNH team had over the past month.
In March we enjoyed a successful showing at the Wimmera Machinery Field Days, where visitors were invited to undergo a free blood pressure check and to look over the range of health information available.
We were pleased to welcome leading Wimmera GP Dr Mihaela Guguila, who performed free skin cancer checks for visitors to the RNH site – something particularly important for our rural communities who spend a large amount of time outdoors in the damaging UV rays.
Easter dawned sunny and clear as our teams enjoyed some well-deserved time off with their family and friends. Being relatively new to Warracknabeal, I was impressed with the huge range of activities available for locals and visitors alike during the holiday and commend the organisers for showcasing the region in such a positive way.
Speaking of positivity, I am so excited that RNH’s recruitment continues to grow. Over the past 15 months we’ve hired a total of 105 new staff – no mean feat when you consider the Yarriambiack region continues to recover from Covid and drought, whilst also juggling housing shortages.
It’s an exciting time welcoming a new team member aboard, and they all add something special to their teams and communities, whether it’s their language, culture, skills, experience, family dynamic, or that little “something else” that makes them unique. I look forward to seeing RNH continue to grow and urge our communities to embrace and welcome new residents. It can be a very isolating time moving to a new town or country. Giving the new person a friendly smile, saying hello, or extending an invitation to share a cup of coffee can make such a huge difference in helping them feel welcomed.
Unfortunately, now that we’re in April and the weather is starting to cool down, the cold and flu season is upon us. I encourage everyone to get the influenza vaccine this year, particularly elderly and vulnerable residents. You will shortly be able to get the fluvax from your local GP or the Warracknabeal Pharmacy.
Finally, I would like to say a special thank you to our wonderful nurses. You all do amazing, tireless work year-round, but as May 12 marks International Nurses Day, it’s a perfect time to extend a special acknowledgement for all that you do for our patients and residents. You truly do go above and beyond, and it is very much appreciated. Thank you.
Jenni Masters – CEOThere has been local and metropolitan media reporting of pending health reform and the potential for health service amalgamations across Victoria.
The Department of Health has established an Expert Advisory Committee to develop a draft health services plan to consider the optimal design and governance of Victoria’s public health services system.
The Expert Advisory Committee have conducted a series of workshops/discussions with all of Victoria’s public health services, which representatives of Rural Northwest Health have attended.
The Expert Advisory Committee plan and recommendations are due to the Department of Health by the end of April 2024.
Communication from Department of Health states the Minister indicates no individual hospital or site closures, and that no decisions will be made until the Expert Advisory Committee presents its report.
Professor Stephen Duckett AM (pictured) is one of Australia’s leading health policy experts and was the author of the Targeting Zero report on the quality and safety of Victorian public hospitals.
This month Rural Northwest, East Wimmera Health Service, and West Wimmera Health Service invited Professor Duckett to Warracknabeal to present on contemporary health policy issues, challenges, and opportunities, and we had very engaging sessions.
The Board of Rural Northwest Health remain strongly committed to the delivery of safe, high-quality healthcare across our catchment. We will communicate about the Victorian Government health service plan and any other information as soon as that is known.
Genevieve O’Sullivan – RNH Board Chair
Staff gave their well wishes to departing team members, Administration/Rostering Assistant Sharon Watts and Environmental Services Manager Trenton Crisp. Executive Manager People, Culture and Safety, Glenn Hynes, thanked both for their “outstanding service and commitment”.
Sharon has been with RNH for over 30 years, commencing as a nurse and later moving to rostering and administration. Administration Team Leader Alison Fernandez described Sharon as having always gone “above and beyond”, and a pleasure to have as part of the administration team.
Joking that he feels he had had “more farewells than the Queen”, Trenton has also had a long association with the hospital, even being born there 43 years ago.
Former board chair, Leo Casey, wished them both well, describing Sharon as “an ornament to the community who always got the job done”.
Dietitian James Ohanian was also farewelled in style recently, enjoying both a team lunch in Warracknabeal, and a farewell cake at Hopetoun.
I had the pleasure of attending the longawaited GP and Neurology Networking dinner, held by the Western Victoria Primary Health Network.
There were two incredible guest speakers: Professor Lena Sanci, recently appointed as Chief General Practice Advisor to the Victorian Department of Health, and Dr Thauja Dharmadasa, a neurologist and neurophysiologist at the Royal Melbourne Hospital where she heads the Motor Neurone Disease (MND) clinic and is a lead researcher at the Florey Institute pertaining to MND. Professor Sanci was interested to hear from local healthcare providers about issues that are impacting on delivery of care or accessibility. Her role is the first of its kind in Victoria. She was keen to understand rural needs, which can be communicated to the Secretary for Health. It was reassuring that there is a role dedicated to this, and that the voices of rural healthcare providers can be heard.
Dr Thanuja provided an overview of MND, including its risk factors and genetic components. She discussed some of the trials that are available to people who have a genetic variation called SOD-1. It was heartening to hear there are some breakthroughs with the identification and subsequent management of such a devastating disease as MND, and it was great to hear experts in the field acknowledge the role of Movement Disorder Nurses and Allied Health professionals as being central to the care of people with MND.
I have been in contact with Dr Thanuja, and we will be strengthening the relationship with the Movement Disorder Nurse and Fight MND, so care can be enhanced in our local area.
Lou Bellizzi – Movement Disorder Nurse
Since its inception over 1445 years ago, Ramadan has been a sacred month observed by Muslims worldwide: a time of fasting, reflection, and spiritual growth. Beyond its religious significance, Ramadan serves as a detoxification process and aids in weight loss by burning excess fat. However, Ramadan is not merely about abstaining from food and drink – it’s a time of heightened empathy and solidarity with the less fortunate, inspiring action. As Muslims feel the hunger pangs and intense thirst during the day, they are reminded of millions worldwide who struggle with food insecurity and access to clean drinking water. Ramadan is a time for self-improvement, offering smokers a chance to quit as they abstain from smoking for up to 14 hours each day. It is a month of spiritual growth, self-discipline, and compassion. After 30 days of fasting, Muslims celebrate Eid (Eid ul Fiter) with friends and family. Eid was celebrated on April 11.
Awais Farid – Wellbeing, Diversity, and Inclusion Officer
The RNH Auxiliary made aprons and meal assistant aids as a donation to Leisure and Lifestyle Team Leader Bronwyn McIntyre. Vibrant colours and eye-catching patterns brightened up our Warracknabeal aged care residents.
The Auxiliary also donated a mix master to Warracknabeal’s Planned Activity Group (PAG), who have been enjoying delicious homemade desserts.
The Auxiliary raise funds to help purchase goods and equipment for RNH, including meal assistance aids for aged care residents, and medical equipment that the various departments require.
New members are welcome. If you would like to join, please call Alison Fernandez on 5396 1200.
Anew mural celebrating women and girls in sport now adorns the back wall of Stawell’s Central Park clubrooms thanks to the work of well-known Australian art duo MCRT Studio.
Northern Grampians Shire Mayor
Rob Haswell said the mural’s design was shaped by public feedback during the engagement stage of a broader female-friendly clubroom redevelopment at Central Park.
The large-scale mural focuses on female participation in sport as well as fair access, and gender equity, brightening the traffic thoroughfare between the busy Stawell railway station and Central Park’s Napier Street access gate.
Cr Haswell said the mural’s theme aligned with a council-led initiative to support a creative economy and added to the high-quality artworks along the region’s Silo Art Trail.
“In this area, family and community unite through sport and at their local club grounds,” he said.
“The sport-focused mural idea was workshopped during the engagement phase of the Central Park clubrooms upgrade, with the community raising the idea that art would be a terrific way to support and inspire, delivering a positive and balanced message to the community in a very public space.
“It’s fantastic to see a positive visual message up on the wall at such an iconic ground.
“Sporting history is central to this country and positivity and balance are both integral to regional sport.
“Not only is this mural a brilliant new addition to map out as you drive along
the Northern Grampians tourist route, the artwork is lit up at night, improving visibility along what was once a dark road.”
Brisbane duo Maxim Chikanchi and Rozelle Tan, who make up MCRT Studio, completed the mural in only a few days, working with community stakeholders in Stawell to add personal experience to the design.
The duo has exhibited their work, which includes murals, installations and other art pieces, around the world.
“We are thoroughly enjoying our return to Stawell to paint this mural for Central Park,” Ms Tan said.
“It was a combined effort with community members and local kids to create this design using inspiration from the town’s history and local florals, and
Applications to the fourth round of a Murra Warra Wind Farm Sustainable Community Grant Fund are now open.
The Murra Warra Wind Farm Sustainable Community Grants Fund gives financial support to promote social and environmental sustainability initiatives for the benefit of communities within the Horsham, Hindmarsh and Yarriambiack municipalities.
Not-for-profit groups or organisations can apply for small grants of up to $5000 or large grants of up to $20,000.
The grants program is provided by Squadron Energy and part of the wind farm’s community investment program.
Wimmera Southern Mallee Development, WSMD, manages the fund.
WSMD chief executive Chris Sounness said the program had been successful in the past with an enthusiastic response to the first three rounds.
A total of 32 projects have been funded, focusing on environmental and sustainability initiatives.
we are just ecstatic to paint the result of this
Cr Haswell said the council was committed to ensuring art contributed to the cultural enrichment of the Northern Grampians community.
For more information about the mural project, people can visit www.ngshire. vic.gov.au/Community/Arts-and-culture/Central-Park-Mural-Stawell.
“The fund offers a platform to create innovative and sustainable environmental projects with immediate and long-term benefits for communities and the broader region,” Mr Sounness said.
Applications close at midnight on May 15. All projects must be completed by June 30, 2025.
Applications can be made via www.wsm.org.au/initiative/ murra-warra-fund and hard copy forms are available on request.
1.45pm - 7pm
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Discover our college and all it has to offer, including speciality academic and sporting programs; a wide range of extra-curricular activities; and a safe and dynamic learning environment that encourages collaborative, creative, critical and curious thinkers.
Ayear before retirement, Tess’s superannuation plan was on track, and she was imagining her post-work life.
With savings of $34,000 at the bank, she was looking to park it somewhere it could earn better interest while rates were rising.
Considering herself reasonably savvy with money, she began investigating her options.
After hearing about someone who had made a fortune with cryptocurrency, Tess was intrigued and decided to look into it.
She researched crypto-companies and compared what was on offer. When eventually she made her decision, she believed she had chosen the right investment – how wrong could she be.
Within hours Tess realised she had been scammed.
Shocked and feeling ill, she reported it to ScamWatch, but over the following days the self-blame settled in.
How could she be so gullible? So naïve? What was she thinking? How could she have fallen for such an obvious fraud?
Who knew that financial shame was a thing? But there it was in the form of an empty bank account.
Deeply embarrassed, her financial security shattered, Tess lay awake every night berating herself; through her foolishness she had lost all her cash savings. She became withdrawn, declined social events and refused to unburden herself, even to close friends.
Finally, in desperation, she decided to speak with a counsellor.
Tess discovered organisations such as Beyond Blue, ScamWatch and Lifeline offered advice and emotional support. She chose one that felt right for her.
Initially, it was difficult to open up and acknowledge her mistake, but the counsellor explained that part of her recovery was confronting her feelings head-on and realising that victims came from all cultures, backgrounds and levels of education.
Feelings of humiliation and shame were normal, although unjustified, as the crooks were highly-skilled criminals with access to the latest technology.
SCHEDULE: 1.45pm to 3.30pm: Guided tours every half-hour in the Junior, Middle and Senior schools
4pm to 6pm: Interactive activities and displays; self-guided tour of the Middle School; guided tours in the Junior and Senior schools; barista-made coffee
5.30pm: Free barbecue
6pm to 7pm: Year 7 2025 information evening
Heartened by the counsellor’s words, Tess learned to stop blaming herself and confided in her daughter Louise.
What a relief that was. Louise was gentle and supportive and introduced Tess to her friend Jarrod, a financial adviser.
Throughout Jarrod’s career, he had assisted innumerable people who had fallen victim to scams. Most felt insecure and vulnerable, so his
approach was to assist them with practical advice around getting their finances back on track.
He believed that Tess would benefit from a temporary, part-time job.
She could rebuild her cash savings, and staying busy would distract her from her worries and help her move on.
When discussing her interests and skills, Tess mentioned she loved animals, so Jarrod suggested she consider pet-minding or dog-walking, adding that he could setup the necessary insurance.
Then, Jarrod explained, that while her superannuation was on target, there was a difference between investing for retirement and investing for wealth.
Retirement investing was about saving to fund an income stream that met post-work lifestyle goals.
Complying retirement funds offered tax advantages and focused on generating returns.
Conversely, investing for wealth involved accumulating assets beyond what is needed to provide retirement income.
For Tess, financial security was critical, so Jarrod considered her risk tolerance and structured a tax-efficient portfolio of growth assets to support capital appreciation and wealth accumulation.
It also meant that Tess could leave something behind for Louise – a legacy she had not felt was important, until she realised how financially exposed the scam had left her.
Tess’s recovery was not without its challenges. It took time and sacrifice, but along the way she developed a greater sense of independence and resilience.
She delayed retirement by a year, so she could recoup her lost savings and contribute the money from her new side hustle to her wealth portfolio.
In the end, Tess’s Dog Minding and Walking Service continued well after Tess’s retirement, for the sheer enjoyment she derived from hanging out with dogs.
•The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.
Award-winning jazz vocalist Emma Pask will bring her powerful vocals to Ararat Gallery TAMA for a one-off performance on Saturday. Pask’s vocal talents have taken her around the world after she was discovered at age 16 by jazz legend James Morrison. She spent two decades touring with Morrison’s band, and her career highlights include performing at Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban’s wedding, receiving two ARIA nominations for Best Jazz Album of the Year and launching the Sydney Opera House’s first live-streamed concert during the COVID-19 lockdown – winning
a Time Out award for favourite arts live-stream. With a style described as ‘reminiscent of the golden age of swing’, Pask has performed in London, China, New Zealand, Uruguay and Switzerland, among other places, even garnering praise from Latin music superstar Ricky Martin on The Voice Australia. Pask will be accompanied by a pianist on the Ararat Town Hall’s baby grand piano.
Bookings for her performance, which is supported by Creative Victoria, are open via the Ararat Town Hall website, ararattownhall.com. au, or by phone, 1800 657 158.
Ararat Rural City Council has unveiled new road-maintenance strategies aimed at increasing infrastructure sustainability in the region.
As part of its 2023-24 capital works budget, the council will trial road optimisation and longevity initiatives.
Chief executive Tim Harrison said the council was committed to exploring cutting-edge and innovative road treatments, signalling a paradigm shift in resource allocation and infrastructure management.
Unlike conventional road-sealing techniques, OTTA uses graded aggregates to establish a resilient surfacing layer, reducing the necessity for extensive reconstruction.
Dr Harrison said the council had planned a trial of OTTA seals – a cost-efficient road treatment from Norway tailored to Australian conditions. He said the application process, augmented by polymer-modified rapid-setting bitumen emulsion, would ensure durability and underscore council’s commitment to environmentallysustainable practices.
“The introduction of OTTA seals marks a watershed moment in road maintenance methodologies, providing a sustainable solution that harmonises cost-effectiveness with environmental stewardship”
–Dr Tim HarrisonDr Harrison said the seals were suitable for several unsealed rural roads in the Ararat region.
“The introduction of OTTA seals marks a watershed moment in road maintenance methodologies, providing a sustainable solution that harmonises cost-effectiveness with environmental stewardship,” he said.
Dr Harrison said OTTA seals would reduce maintenance expenditures for currently unsealed roads.
He said the council aimed to apply the treatment across segments of Ararat’s unsealed road network, ensuring resilient, cost-effective and sustainable community roads.
The road seals cost a fraction of conventional road reconstruction, catering to roads with traffic volumes of less than 200 vehicles a day.
Edenhope Health and Wellbeing HUB is partnering with the Royal Flying Doctor Service and The Orange Door to bring mental healthcare and family-violence support to Edenhope. The HUB will host psychologist Andy Golding every six weeks for in-person and telehealth appointments, as well as becoming a virtual The Orange Door outpost for people experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, family violence.
Primary health co-ordinator Jo Grant said her team was dedicated to reducing the inequity experienced by Edenhope and surrounding communities in accessing vital supports and mental health services.
“We are thrilled to welcome these services and provide much-needed support to those
experiencing mental-health issues or family violence,” Ms Grant said.
“These partnerships and initiatives aim to improve the overall health and wellbeing of Edenhope and the surrounding community.”
Edenhope HUB stocks a range of The Orange Door emergency supplies, including essential all-age backpacks, mobile phones and fuel vouchers that can be supplied immediately.
“We are always looking at ways we can support the community better and would welcome suggestions of other services or needs that would be beneficial to our community,” Ms Grant said.
Appointments with Mr Golding can be booked by calling the RFDS intake line on 8412 0480.
Emergency services winched a child to safety on Wednesday last week after they fell from a walking track at Laharum.
State Emergency Service and Country Fire Authority volunteers performed a high angle rescue
to assist Ambulance Victoria in the difficult terrain. Police also attended the incident.
The child, who injured their leg, was transported by road ambulance to the Horsham hospital in a stable condition.
Monday 6 May 2024 St Brigid’s College invites families to attend our
The St Brigid’s College community is diverse, welcoming families from all faith, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds who are supportive of our ethos and values.
We provide a comprehensive and contemporary education experience, where every student has opportunities to reach their full potential. Individualised learning and support is what students and families can expect at St Brigid’s College.
Confirmation for 2025 enrolment acceptances will be distributed on 26th June
Northern Grampians Shire Council has allocated an extra $175,000 to the Great Western Recreation Reserve pavilion upgrade, bringing the project’s total cost to $2,637,000.
The additional money will come from council savings as a result of a reduced rates subsidy for projects in the 2024-25 financial year.
The pavilion, which houses the Great Western Football Netball Club, was identified as requiring upgrades in the council’s Great Western Redevelopment Master Plan 2018-28.
The plan found the pavilion no longer met the needs of the club or community. The upgrade works aim to bring the facility in line with AFL, Cricket Australia and Netball Victoria standards by refurbishing the canteen, bar and public toilets; extending the function room into the home changerooms; refurbishing changerooms to ensure their suitability for male and female players; constructing a medical room; refurbishing and enlarging umpire rooms; and adding storage, office and larger undercover spectator areas.
Councillors said the project had encountered unexpected costs relating to the need for additional electrical load at the site.
Site constraints, including the location of a sewer pump station and trees near the pavilion, also required alterations to the building’s layout.
“The extra funding is needed because we had to have an electricity upgrade from 80 amps to 160,” Cr Trevor Gready
“I feel it’s going to be a great asset to Great Western and the community, and we should forge ahead with it”
–Cr Trevor Greadysaid. “There were a few constraints. There was a big sewerage pipe we couldn’t get around, there’s trees. That’s the basic need for the extra money.
“I feel it’s going to be a great asset to Great Western and the community, and we should forge ahead with it.”
Cr Kevin Erwin said the project’s contingency funding was already exhausted.
“Due to the constraints of the site there’s had to be some redesign and the contingency part of the budget has been pretty well soaked up, so it does require some additional funding to complete this project,” he said.
Cr Eddy Ostarcevic said it was important to complete the project for the benefit of the town.
“A couple of years ago we were provided information by the Great Western community, ably led by the president of the football netball club at that time,” he said.
“This project has come a long way since that briefing to give the community and council comfort that there was ongoing viability within the Great Western area.
“This $2.6 million is testament to the fact that council listened to their request and their argument for a better outcome.
“Hopefully soon we’ll be able to see the rewards.”
the new stress test device to Wimmera Health Care Group Foundation’s Penelope Manserra and Andrea Cameron.
Wimmera Health Care Group Foundation has donated an exercise stress test device to the Alan Wolff Medical Centre to enable more accessible patient testing.
Heart patients can now measure the performance and capacity of their heart, lungs and blood vessels without having to travel to Ballarat for specialist services.
Grampians Health cardiologist Dr Rajiv Ananthakrishna said the donation would make a big difference for his patients.
“I started providing cardiology services in Horsham just over a year ago and Grampians Health plans to continue expanding those services in Horsham,” he said.
Have you ever woken up with an extremely painful neck where you can’t turn your head to one side or maybe both? You can hardly lift your head off the pillow it’s so painful and trying to turn your neck causes excruciating pain. Or maybe for you, you were in the shower and you may have just flicked your head and suddenly you can’t move it at all. How did this happen? What caused the problem and how can you fix it?
This is a classic “Wry Neck” or correctly speaking a “Torticollis”.
What happens is that there is a sudden movement of the vertebrae (bones) in the neck. Now it’s not a violent movement like what may result from a car accident, it’s almost like an unconscious movement, like the brain and the body in a relaxed motion moved awkwardly, caught itself out and jammed up. Suddenly the muscles spasm and you can’t move at all. Often, I see it with a sudden change in the weather overnight.
I often say that 50% of people wake up with it and for the other 50% it occurs in the shower. So how can you avoid this situation? Some options to help are to not sleep in drafts, try and avoid awkward neck positions in sleep (that can be hard to do- however falling into a heavy sleep on your stomach can aggravate things). In the shower again not flicking your head whilst the warm water is relaxing the muscles. Unfortunately given your best efforts it may still happen.
How can you fix it? Option 1: Reach for the latest anti-inflammatory and take those until they feel better and the neck pain settles. Now the pain has gone and their neck is moving seemingly well again, no further issues right? Wrong!! The joints are still fixated and locked to some extent and the body, ever adapting and inventive has created a way to get around the issue for the short term. Long term it can create a chronic problem and can encourage arthritis. Option 2: A chiropractic adjustment has the advantage of allowing the vertebrae to move more easily, reduce the neck spasm in the short-term and assisting in creating better spinal health in the long-term. A “Win-Win”
6 Allen Crescent, Stawell 3380 | M: 0459 754 223 | T: 03 5358 1464
Great options for gifts!
“This device will support that expansion and save people a lot of time and travel.
“We are very grateful to the foundation for its support.”
Dr Rajiv said Grampians Health had been contacting the Wimmera’s general practitioners to inform them of the new service.
“Any GP can refer their patients for a stress test with us,” he said.
“The service will be available every fortnight.”
Foundation member Penelope Manserra said the charity was delighted to be able to provide Wimmera patients easy access to a stress test.
“We are delighted this will stop
patients having to travel down the highway and hopefully it will encourage people to take advantage of these services locally,” she said.
An exercise stress test is generally carried out on patients with known or suspected blockages in heart arteries.
Other uses of the stress test include evaluating a patient’s capacity to undertake certain physical activities, assessment of prognosis in those with known heart disease and planning of appropriate rehabilitation programs.
The stress test device is valued at $33,600.
Member for Lowan and Victorian Nationals deputy leader Emma Kealy is in Türkiye as she prepares for tomorrow’s Anzac Day commemorations.
1. What was the nationality of Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae, whose famous poem made poppies anANZAC symbol?
8. Which French town commemorates Anzac Day?
fices they made so that we may enjoy the freedoms we do today.”
Ms Kealy will lay a wreath on behalf of the Lowan community at the Gallipoli dawn service.
9. True or false:Anzac Biscuits have been legally regulated since 1994?
Ms Kealy is part of a delegation of Victorian Members of Parliament who will visit the graves of Australian soldiers and attend an Anzac Day dawn service at Gallipoli.
She said she would honour soldiers from the Lowan electorate who died during the Gallipoli campaign.
2. Shannon Noll, Jessica Mauboy and Guy Sebastian, feature in which Lee Kernaghan
“I am honoured to have this opportunity to represent our community and pay respects to the brave people who served at Gallipoli and in the former Ottoman Empire,” she said.
“My colleague Tim Bull, the Shadow Minister for Veterans, has researched extensively to identify the graves of fallen soldiers from across the state, and I will be spending time in various war cemeteries to acknowledge the soldiers from the Lowan electorate who were laid to rest abroad.
6. In military tradition, what musical instrument was used to play The Last Post ?
“Many of those who enlisted were very young, and unaware of the difficult conditions in war and the physical and mental toll they would endure.
7. What is the name of theVictorian national memorial forAustralians and NewZealanders who served?
“Even still, they fought proudly for Australia and all that represents; a fair, free, and prosperous future for those willing to have a go.
“It is vital that we continue to commemorate their legacy and the sacri-
She encouraged people to attend local Anzac Day services to pay their respects to Australian Defence Force personnel past and present.
See page 23 for a list of Anzac Day services.
10. What is the symbolism of wearing sprigs of rosemary duringAnzac Day?
Lowan servicemen interred in Türkiye
11. Where did the Rats ofTobruk get their name?
12. The Battle of Lone Pine occurred where?
Lone Pine Cemetery: Patrick Lynch, Murtoa, 910, 24th Battalion, grave I.B.20, age 22, died September 20, 1915; Arthur Hughes, Dimboola, 427, 24th Bn, grave I.C.9, age 23, died November 19, 1915.
13. True or false: the Anzacs were known as Diggers because they were able to quickly construct dugout
Sheel Green Cemetery: William Coles, Stawell, 917, 10th Bn, grave II.I.4, age 28, died September 18, 1915; Albert Muller, Nhill, 448, 4th Bn, grave I.B.25, age unknown, died August 2, 1915.
14. did the iconic slouch hat originate?
15. In which country was theANZAC grouping first formed?
16. Which coach is credited with initially suggesting theAFLAnzac Day clash?
Shrapnel Valley Cemetery: James Aitken, Chatsworth, 2105, 5th Bn, grave II.A.58, age unknown, died August 8, 1915; Sid Cowell, Apsley, 578, 6th Bn, grave II.A.1, age 28, died August 15, 1915; Cyril Butters, Stawell, 518, 8th Bn, grave II.B.39, age unknown, died August 24, 1915; Robert Bruce, Warracknabeal, 1865, 7th Bn, grave II.B.43, age 26, died September 1, 1915; Charles D’Alton, Nhill, 769,
17. The Fighting for Mouquet Farm was Australia introduced conscription during WorldWar I?
24. Which twoAFL teams traditionally play on
8th Bn, grave II.A.60, age 24, died August 6, 1915; Albert Heard, Horsham, 1685A, 21st Bn, grave II.D.33, age unknown, died September 17, 1915; Leslie McConechy, Harrow, 1328, 8th Bn, grave II.A.33, age 38, died August 7, 1915; Ernie Nicklen, Coleraine, 1998, 5th Bn, grave II.A.50, age 25, died August 7, 1915; Athol McPherson, Nangeela and Horsham, 352, 5th Bn, grave II.B.13, age 34, died August 19, 1915; Alex McLeod, Merino, 1709, 7th Bn, grave II.A.3, age 19, died August 16, 1915; James McKinnon, Mumbannar, 2209, 6th Bn, grave II.A.20, age unknown, died August 7, 1915; Robert McIn-
21. Which gambling game is traditionally played on Anzac Day?
22. Turkish word for Gallipoli?
23. Which stretcher bearer famously rescued soldiers with his donkey?
28. WWIANZAC battalions identified their personal tents and divisions via what method?
29. ‘They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old’ is the first line of what poem?
tyre, Horsham, 586, 8th Bn, grave II.A.12, age 22, died August 7, 1915; Edgar Simmons, Lubeck, 1229, 8th Bn, grave II.A.35, age 20, died August 6, 1915; Ralph Sayers, Horsham, 1108, 14th Bn, grave IV.A.1, age 38, died May 19, 1915; Lindsay Wallis, Horsham, 614, 8th Bn, grave II.A.37, age 19, died August 6, 1915. Beach Cemetery, ANZAC: Alf Glasson, Minyip, 8th Bn, grave II.I.9, age 31, died August 8, 1915; Henry McDonald, Branxholme, 15, 7th Bn, grave II.A.3, age 21, died June 24, 1915.
Ari Burnu Cemetery: Edward Henty, Hamilton, 8th Light Horse, grave
30. Which Canberra monument is dedicated memories of all soldiers killed in war?
A.14, age 27, died August 7, 1915; Alex Barber, Laen, 343, 8th LH, grave C.5, age 24, died June 22, 1915; Eoin Smith, Grassdale, 666, 8th LH, grave D.6, age 24, died June 27, 1915.
Hill 10 Cemetery: Herbert Peters, Glenorchy, 8th LH, grave I. I. 18. One of two Australians in this cemetery. Johnson’s Jolly Cemetery: Charlie Curry, Casterton, 1125, 7th Bn, special memorial 21.
Courtney’s and Steel’s Post Cemetery: Clarry Dodds, Penshurst, 14th Bn, special memorial 23, aged 25, died April 30, 1915.
Embarkation Pier Cemetery: James McIntyre, Casterton, 1929, 16th Bn, special memorial C.52, aged 30, died August 29, 1915.
Redoubt Cemetery, Helles: John Starick, Dimboola, 2064, 6th Bn, grave 1.B.9, age 21, died May 8, 1915.
Walker’s Ridge Cemetery: Cyril Layh, Horsham, 1065, 2nd Div. Signals, special memorial 13, age 23, died October 6, 1915.
No. 2 Outpost Cemetery: Reg Bond, Lillimur, 340, 7th Bn, special memorial 4, age 22, died April 25-May 2, 1915.
Hill 60 Cemetery: Thomas Dickinson, Nhill, 403, 9th LH, special memorial 23, age 26, died August 28, 1915.
1. What was the nationality of Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae, whose famous poem made poppies an ANZAC symbol?
2. Shannon Noll, Jessica Mauboy and Guy Sebastian, feature in which Lee Kernaghan charity single?
8. Which French town commemorates Anzac Day?
9. True or false: Anzac Biscuits have been legally regulated since 1994?
3. In which year was the first Anzac Day march held?
4. Originally, what shape were Anzac biscuits?
5. Who directed the 1981 Australian war film Gallipoli?
6. In military tradition, what musical instrument was used to play The Last Post?
7. What is the name of the Victorian national memorial for Australians and New Zealanders who served?
10. What is the symbolism of wearing sprigs of rosemary during Anzac Day?
11. Where did the Rats of Tobruk get their name?
12. The Battle of Lone Pine occurred where?
13. True or false: the Anzacs were known as Diggers because they were able to quickly construct dugout defences?
14. In which armed unit did the iconic slouch hat originate?
15. In which country was the ANZAC grouping first formed?
16. Which coach is credited with initially suggesting the AFL Anzac Day clash?
17. The Fighting for Mouquet Farm was a part of which other famous battle?
18. What symbol on the Anzac badge represents the camaraderie of the Australian soldiers of the 1st AIF?
19. Along with the Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain and Ireland, which other three countries were involved with the landings at Gallipoli?
20. True or false: Australia introduced conscription during World War I?
21. Which gambling game is traditionally played on Anzac Day?
22. What is the Turkish word for Gallipoli?
24. Which two AFL teams traditionally play on April 25 every year?
25. What is the highest British Commonwealth award for bravery in the presence of the enemy?
26. The Australian flag is flown at what level on Anzac Day?
27. Which British lieutenantgeneral commanded the Anzacs for most of the Gallipoli campaign?
23. Which stretcher bearer famously rescued soldiers with his donkey?
28. WWI ANZAC battalions identified their personal tents and divisions via what method?
29. ‘They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old’ is the first line of what poem?
30. Which Canberra monument is dedicated to the common memories of all soldiers killed in war?
Communities across the country will observe Anzac Day events tomorrow, April 25, marking the 1915 Gallipoli landings and commemorating all Australian and New Zealand servicemen and women who have served and died in military operations
1. What was the nationality of Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae, whose famous poem made poppies anANZAC symbol?
flagpole and war memorials in Broadway. 11am service at Jeparit memorial hall, featuring Jeparit Primary School students and guest speaker, former teacher and historian Craige Proctor. March to lay wreaths at Broadway memorials will follow, concluded with a barbecue at the RSL clubrooms.
8. Which French town commemorates Anzac Day?
9. True or false:Anzac Biscuits have been legally regulated since 1994?
and wreath-laying ceremony at Anzac Park Gates. Warracknabeal Band will be in attendance.
30. Which Canberra monument is dedicated memories of all soldiers killed in war? AreyouTrue
Horsham Rural City
Horsham: 6.15am – Dawn service at Sawyer Park followed by breakfast at RSL. A 1 Horsham 0am march will start from McLachlan Street, service at 11am at Sawyer Park.
Natimuk: 11am – Service and wreathlaying at Natimuk band rotunda.
2. Shannon Noll, Jessica Mauboy and Guy Sebastian, feature in which Lee Kernaghan
Ararat Rural City
Ararat: 5.50am – Dawn service at the cenotaph followed by a free breakfast at Ararat RSL. At 10am, a march will leave from Edith Cavell Reserve in Barkly Street to a service at the cenotaph, then to the RSL with a free morning tea, two-up about 11.30am, then a Diggers’ Lunch for invited guests.
Nhill: 6.15am – Dawn service at Nhill memorial, followed by barbecue breakfast provided by Nhill Rotary Club. 10.15am assemble at Nhill information centre for a 10.30am march to the 11am wreath-laying and service. Guest speaker is Ryan Leffler with a talk on his time in the SAS. Refreshments available for gold coin donation. Funds raised go to PTSD veterans’ research.
10. What is the symbolism of wearing sprigs of rosemary duringAnzac Day?
11. Where did the Rats ofTobruk get their name?
12. The Battle of Lone Pine occurred where?
Stawell: 6am – Dawn service at town memorial, Main Street, followed by a ‘Gunfire Breakfast’. 11am service, march from post office to memorial, guest speaker Terry Croton. Light refreshments to follow at the RSL.
13. True or false: the Anzacs were known as Diggers because they were able to quickly construct dugout
St Arnaud: 6am – Dawn service, 10.30am service, both at the St Arnaud town hall.
Elmhurst: 10am – Service at the memorial hall.
Willaura: 9.30am – Service at the memorial hall.
6. In military tradition, what musical instrument was used to play The Last Post ?
7. What is the name of theVictorian national memorial forAustralians and NewZealanders who served?
Dimboola: 6am – Dawn service at Dimboola Memorial Secondary College, free breakfast served by college community. 8.30am march from college gates for 9am service, refreshments to follow at Dimboola RSL. Jeparit: 6am – Dawn service at the
14. did the iconic slouch hat originate?
Halls Gap: 6am – Online viewing of Melbourne’s war memorial dawn service.
15. In which country was theANZAC grouping first formed?
Beulah: 11am – Ceremony at memorial gates of the recreation reserve. Brim: 8.45am – Assemble at Brim Memorial Hall for a 9am service.
16. Which coach is credited with initially suggesting theAFLAnzac Day clash? played on Anzac Day?
Hopetoun: 6am – Dawn service for flag raising and wreath laying at RSL hall, followed by a service at memorial hall at 10am.
Woomelang: 9am – Service at Woomelang memorial hall, morning tea to follow at Woomelang historical rooms.
Dergholm: 6am – Dawn service at Dergholm and district soldiers’ memorial hall. Gunfire breakfast, donation appreciated. Sergeant, Royal Australian Airforce (ret). Faith Roper to read Ode of Remembrance.
Edenhope: 8am – Moose’s cooked breakfast at Edenhope RSL, $10. 10.30am service at the cenotaph.
Goroke: 9.30am – Assemble for 10am march from police station to war memorial for wreath and crosslaying ceremony. Guest speaker Gill Colley. Bring a plate for morning tea.
Harrow: 10.30am – Ecumenical service at Harrow RSL Hall. 11am veterans’ march with piper Andrew Teusner. Guest speaker Kerry Grigg. Morning tea refreshments at hall, donations welcome.
22. Turkish word for Gallipoli?
Minyip: 9.30am – March from Minyip memorial gates for wreath-laying and a short service at the town square.
Murtoa: 6.30am – Assemble for a 7am dawn service at the memorial arch.
Patchewollock: 10.45am – Assemble at Patchewollock hotel, march to hall with horse parade including Simpson and his donkey for a ceremony and light lunch including guest speaker.
Rupanyup: 9.45am – March from the museum to the shelter, followed by a service at the Billabong with Horsham Pipe Band. Sheep Hills: 7am – March from Boolite Road corner followed by wreath laying at the cenotaph and a service in the Sheep Hills hall. Guest speaker.
29. ‘They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old’ is the first line of what poem?
23. Which stretcher bearer famously rescued soldiers with his donkey? via what method?
Warracknabeal: 10.30am – Assemble at the corner of Milbourne and Scott streets for a 10.45am march
Kaniva: 10am – Assemble at RSL cenotaph at Band Park for 11am service.
Langkoop-Apsley: 10.45am – Assemble at war memorial at Apsley post office, 11am march to Apsley town hall for 11.15am service. Guest speaker, retired Chief Petty Officer, Marine Technician Submarines, Lindsay Hinch. March to the war memorial for laying of the wreaths. Light lunch provided in RSL Hall.
10 years ago: April 23, 2014
Tim Solly and Matt Sofoulis ran 421 kilometres from Melbourne to Hopetoun and raised $50,000 for motor neurone disease. Mr Solly dedicated the 12-day run to the memory of his uncle Darren Solly, who died at the age of 39 from MND.
Five years ago: April 24, 2019
Dylan Bates, 17, is preparing to compete at the Australasian Scooter Association National Championships after placing fourth at Victorian state finals. He is hoping for a top 10 placing to pave the way to pro division, despite nursing a torn ligament in his ankle.
One year ago: April 26, 2023
After 31 years, Jan Morris has retired from training debutantes and their partners for balls arranged by schools and Horsham Uniting Church. Maree Thompson and James McRae, who had both trained alongside her previously, have taken over the role.
1. Promoting mental health and well-being across Australia, what colour are trees being painted as part of a national project?
2. Named in the title of a Duck Sauce song released in 2010 and celebrating her 81st birthday today, which singer and actress was the youngest ever to receive a Grammy Award for Album of the Year in 1963 for her first album?
3. If we combine a mixture of metals and non-metallic elements to create a solid product, what do we create?
4. In what decade was Horsham officially declared a city?
5. Many historians consider former slave, petty thief and First Fleet convict John Caesar to be Australia’s first what?
6. Traditionally, what is a compote?
7. True of false? According to the official rules of table tennis, players can use a racquet, bat or paddle of any size, shape or weight?
8. Formerly the Horsham Wesley Methodist Church and closing in 2017, which Horsham landmark is council looking to redevelop as a niche performing arts space?
9. What colour is liquid oxygen?
10. Olfaction is another name for what type of sense, often considered the best at triggering memories?
known as Black Caesar, he escaped several times into the bush in the 1790s. He was eventually shot and died of his wounds. 6. A dessert made of whole or pieces of fruit in sugar syrup. 7. True. 8. The Wesley Performing Arts Centre. 9. Light blue. 10. Smell
Lotto Numbers:
This should be a good time to take a gamble on your future. And this could be a favourable time to get married, start a family or just enjoy quality time together. However you may have to be patient around an Aquarius.
CANCER: (June 22-July 22)
Lucky Colour: Green
Lucky Day: Friday
Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers:
A period of major change. It may be wiser to take it as it comes, instead of fighting against it, as it will get better in the long run. Most are on a lucky streak and money could be easier to come by.
LEO: (July 23-August 22)
Lucky Colour: Cream
Lucky Day: Sunday
Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers:
Luck could take you by surprise. An Aries could be a lucky partner to gamble with. Many may need to compromise to keep their lovers happy. Some will be making plans for long distance relationships.
VIRGO: (August 23-September 23)
Lucky Colour: Mauve
Lucky Day: Tuesday
Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers:
For most the opportunity to gain more stability in their love life. Friends in high places should be more approachable. A sudden trip away should prove to be very enjoyable. Interesting new friends and more social activity is indicated.
LIBRA: (September 24-October 23)
Lucky Colour: Yellow
Lucky Day: Sunday
Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers:
Outdoor activities could bring pleasant surprises. Changes will be occurring during this period, which will all be better for the future. The domestic scene is also looking rather bright.
SCORPIO: (October 24-November 22)
Lucky Colour: Orange
Lucky Day: Wednesday
Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers:
People with influence could be asking your advice on certain matters. This is therefore the time to try and achieve your goals in life.
SAGITTARIUS: (November 23-December 20)
Lucky Colour: Red
Lucky Day: Saturday
Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers:
New friends may improve your financial status. Also some travel is indicated and you will be able to mix business with pleasure. Someone from the past may come to trouble you.
CAPRICORN: (December 21-January 19)
Lucky Colour: Silver
Lucky Day: Thursday
Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers:
Some may be in for a promotion due to some inside information. There will be major changes in your life coming up. Many will have to try to be more tolerant of their fellow man.
AQUARIUS: (January 20-February 19)
Lucky Colour: Violet
Lucky Day: Thursday.
Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers:
People from the past may be seeking to make contact with you. A romantic affair is indicated, but there will be strings attached. Some legal documents will have to be signed.
PISCES: (February 20-March 20)
Lucky Colour: Red
Lucky Day: Tuesday
Racing Numbers:
Lotto Numbers:
Best to follow your first impressions when making decisions. Take care when around strange people or places. On the work scene, someone may make you a very good offer.
Fill in the blank cells using numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block.
Fit the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 into the hexagons so that where the hexagons touch, the numbers will be the same. No number is repeated in any hexagon.
Serious delays by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority in approving agricultural chemicals is having real consequences for farmers.
A Senate Estimates Committee, the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee, confirmed 78 percent of assessment for major applications were completed by the end of 2023.
The authority has reported escalating delays in registrations of new agricultural crop protection chemicals, with more than one in nine applications for new product registrations not completed within the legislated assessment period.
While the full suite of performance authority’s results are yet to be publicly released, the Senate Estimates written answers confirmed 78.3 percent of assessments for major applications were completed on-time for the quarter ending December.
CropLife Australia says the delays are leaving Australian farmers exposed to millions of dollars annually in preventable crop losses.
Chief executive Matthew Cossey said it was the sixth successive quarter where the author-
ity’s performance for assessing major pesticides had dropped.
“It’s now 78 percent of what is a statutory timeframe requirement, so this simply means in real terms, farmers are being denied access to crucial products they need to deal with all sorts of challenges they’re facing, dealing with major diseases and pests,” he said.
“Fall armyworm, red legged earth mite, powdery mildew and fusarium crown rot are costing the farming sector dearly.
“Fusarium alone costs the farming sector more than $400 million a year. That’s why it’s so important we see this regulator improve its performance in terms of timing of assessments.”
Mr Cossey said politics, sensationalised claims that had resulted in no basis and a change in the chief executive of the authority had contributed to the delay.
“There’s no doubt that in the APVMA, Australia actually has a world renowned and highly respected regulator for agricultural chemistry,” he said.
“They have a very good reputation around the world for a very good reason. They’re seen as competent in a technical and scientific regulatory area, but what we are seeing, is their timing
performance slip. And that has real consequences for Australia’s farming competitiveness.”
Mr Cossey said Australia’s farmers were facing some of their greatest challenges ever.
“A challenging climate that escalates disease and pests that need controlling, challenging international markets and a greater demand to be even more environmentally sustainable – the products the APVMA regulate go to the core of assisting farmers meet those challenges,” he said.
Mr Cossey said the authority was well-resourced and sat on significant cash reserves.
“It is a false economy to assert that timely assessment of new crop protection products needs to be sacrificed in order for the APVMA to meet the full breadth of its regulatory obligations, including chemical review and compliance,” he said.
“CropLife Australia and our members remain committed to working with the regulator and the government to implement efficiency measures that improve the performance and maintain the integrity and community confidence in the system and deliver better outcomes for Australian farmers, consumers, and the environment.”
Member for Mallee Anne Webster has called on the Federal Government to support effective mouse controls for Mallee farmers ahead of the cropping season.
Dr Webster said Agricultural Minister Murray Watt must ensure approved mouse control baits were working for farmers.
Grains Producers Australia, GPA, is seeking approval for continued use of 50 gram per kilogram zinc phosphate baits through the Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicines Authority, APVMA, after farmers were concerned currently approved 25 grams per kilogram baits would be ineffective.
“Our crops are the lifeblood for Mallee farmers and Minister Watt needs to ensure they are given the best tools to ensure as productive a season as possible,” Dr Webster said.
“We can’t have them using ineffective baits that let mice run riot.
“Farmers have told me zinc-25 baits are
costing $6 per hectare to put on, but once mice pick up one bait they feel sick and won’t pick up another – it is a waste of money and costs farmers when their crops are ruined.”
Dr Webster said GPA had a temporary permit for zinc-50 bait, which ran out in November and APVMA was yet to grant another.
“I understand training and other supervisory arrangements have been put in place for the continued use of zinc-50, APVMA simply needs to act and grant permission to use it,” she said.
“I have written to Minister Watt outlining the concerns of Mallee farmers and questioning why his government does not support effective mouse controls.
“Mallee farmers need all the help they can get to ensure a prosperous season free of mice infestation.”
The latest Senate Estimates revealed escalating delays in registrations of agricultural crop protection chemicals by the APVMA.
Manhari Metals are one of the largest exporters in Victoria.
We pay for scrap metal with locations in Horsham and Ararat, we are committed to giving you the best prices for all your scrap.
The Victorian Farmers Federation, VFF, is calling for several key government commitments to ensure farmers have confidence and certainty going forward.
VFF president Emma Germano met with Victorian Minister for Agriculture Ros Spence to explain the dire situation facing some farmers, and outlined several recommendations to avoid a repeat of the current situation.
“We warned that lifting the unprotection order for dingoes in the north-west would result in livestock maulings and deaths and sadly that’s exactly what’s happened,” she said.
“The blindsided nature of this announcement left farmers and communities completely unprepared and that’s simply not good enough.”
In response, the VFF has tabled the below to the State Government, including:
• A commitment to re-establish the Wild Dog Management Advisory Committee to help ensure future decisions are informed directly by the knowledge and experience of livestock producers.
• A commitment to support and fund wild dog management activities that give farmers and communities the suite of tools, which are proven to achieve outcomes.
• A commitment to support producers in the north-west with relevant information; to provide expedited decision-
making and granting of Authority to Control Wildlife permits; and an expedited review of the government’s revocation of the unprotection order.
Ms Germano urged farmers to report all interactions with wild dogs to Agriculture Victoria to place further pressure on the State Government to act.
“We know this decision is leading to more wild dog attacks on livestock,” she said.
“To help build the case for action, it’s crucial that farmers report all interactions with wild dogs to Agriculture Victoria, especially attacks on livestock and the number of stock impacted.
“Farmers in the north-west can also apply for Authority to Control Wildlife permits to manage dingoes through the government.
“It’s a sorry state of affairs when it’s left to us farmers to demonstrate the destruction of this decision, rather than consulting with us before it actually happens. Our goal is to directly show the government their actions have consequences and to trigger an urgent rethink.”
The government publicly advised late on March 14 the dingo unprotection order would conclude in north west Victoria, effectively that day.
It claimed the decision followed ‘new research, strong advice and the effectiveness of non-lethal dingo control methods to protect livestock’.
Area were the dingo will be protected on private and public land
It said farmers in the area would be supported by a $550,000 funding pool to adopt alternate non-lethal control methods such as exclusion fencing and guardian animals.
The funding would also support the management of other pests including feral goats, wild pigs and foxes. In other parts of Victoria, dingo control measures remain unchanged, with the dingo unprotection order for eastern Victoria remaining in place until October 1.
Environment Minister Steve Dimopoulos said dingoes played an important role in the ecosystem and while dingo numbers were much
Area were the dingo will be unprotected on private land
greater in other parts of the state, they remained a threatened species and were protected under the Wildlife Act.
Where livestock are being significantly impacted and there are no other control options available, all farmers – including those in north-west Victoria – can apply for an Authority to Control Wildlife permit to use lethal control methods.
The changes also mean the wild dog component of the current Fox and Wild Dog Bounty Program would not continue in the north-west, but the fox bounty would continue.
The Weekly Times reported last week Animals Australia dropped its Su-
preme Court case against the State Government’s dingo control program on March 19, just four days after the government agreed to protection order in the state’s north-west.
The move stunned farmers, who had been assured by Mr Dimopoulos and Ms Spence they and other stakeholders would be consulted on the dingo control review that was due to be finalised later this year.
The Weekly Times reported both ministers had refused to answer why the case had been dismissed and if some sort of deal had been struck with Animals Australia.
Member for Lowan Emma Kealy, also the Opposition’s agricultural spokesperson, said she was committed to working with all farmers in the area to help them deal with the changes that caught everyone by surprise and were introduced without consultation with the industry or landholders.
Ms Kealy said she would continue to advocate to the government to ensure farmers were supported and had the necessary mechanisms to ensure they could continue to effectively control wild dogs on their properties and protect their livelihoods.
She met with the Yanac Broughton VFF Landcare Group earlier this month and is assisting Lawloit farmer Alan Bennett to obtain a signoff for a permit on his property.
The State Government’s shock announcement to lift an unprotection order for dingoes and wild dogs in north-west Victoria has left farmers to deal with their sheep being eaten alive.
The unprotection zone borders state parks, where the latest Arthur Rylah Institute data indicates the dingo population is at risk of extinction with as few as 40 dingoes left.
The changes mean farmers can no longer use any wild dog control to protect livestock on private land.
Lawloit farmer Alan Bennett owns prime lamb and cropping farm across several properties, including a grazing block on the edge of the Big Desert Wilderness Park.
Mr Bennett said the changes coincided with a dry time of year, which resulted in the wild dogs leaving the park seeking water.
“The water is on the open country, and then if there’s sheep around, well then they’ll start attacking them,” he said.
“In the past, those dogs that have been causing trouble have been trapped and removed, or killed.”
Mr Bennett said the changes needed to be reversed and the unprotection order to remain for wild dogs coming onto private land.
“We just need to go back to the system we had that was established more than 30 years ago. It was established
through some very hard work from local people to recognise the fact we have a wild dog population in the Big Desert that has to be managed sustainably,” he said.
“The reason there are still wild dogs in the Big Desert, and they’re claiming now they’re genetically so pure, is testament to the management program that has been undertaken throughout the past 30 years. It’s not in spite of it.”
Mr Bennett said the previous system had been a win-win.
“It’s been a win for the dogs. They’re kept inside the park. They’re managed at a sustainable population when they get displaced through overbreeding or dry conditions and push out into the open country where they’re controlled and removed,” he said.
“And there’s minimal stock losses to the farmers around the edge of the Big Desert.
“Now, it’s a lose-lose. So a system that was working absolutely beautifully and relied on the generations of accumulated knowledge and experience of these local trappers to track and trap these troublesome dogs, only around the edge, not out in the park... the ones that are causing that, that’s going to go.”
Mr Bennett said the situation was an ‘absolute disaster now’.
“This will just continue to happen, unabated. Dog population will breed
up to the unsustainable, they’ll push out in the open country, and attacks like we’re having, they’ll just become common now,” he said.
“It’s absolutely heartbreaking.”
Mr Bennett argued the animals were wild dogs, not dingoes.
“They look nothing like a dingo. They’re a wild dog,” he said.
“There’s been no consultation with landowners or the VFF or any of the parties that have been managing it.
“Now the stroke of a pen, it’s a loselose situation, so the dogs can do what they like.”
Mr Bennett said nobody could tell
Young farmers in western Victoria are encouraged to register for Agriculture Victoria’s ‘Cultivating Futures in Farming’ mentor program.
Agriculture recovery officer
Tanya Dobrijevic said the free program would provide young farmers in grains or mixed farming enterprises with the tools and resources to enhance their farm business management.
“Participants will improve their skills and knowledge to better prepare for and manage risk, adapt to change and strengthen their farm businesses,” she said.
identification; people management; leasing and share farming; natural resource management.
“For anyone thinking about joining the course, we are holding a webinar to provide an overview of the program and topics that will be covered, plus a chance to meet the facilitators,” Ms Dobrijevic said.
The introductory webinar will be on May 16 from noon.
the affected farmers why the decision was made.
“The other sad part is that a small group of landowners will have to carry the full cost of this decision,” he said.
Mr Bennett said the $550,000 government funding announced to assist farmers for other control methods would not actually help on-the-ground. He said the government’s assurance that farmers experiencing stock losses could apply for Authority to Control Wildlife permits was not working.
“It’s just become a political hot potato and nobody wants to tackle it,”
he said. “It’s soaked up an enormous amount of my time and effort following up on this and trying to provide information to the relevant authorities about the attacks we’re getting.
“Basically, I just get the impression they don’t believe it’s happening.
“I’m the one who’s supposed to prove everything.”
Mr Bennett said in the time it took for a response about his permit application, there had been multiple attacks on his property.
“We can’t tell the dogs to go on holidays while they sort it out,” he said.
“So they’ve made the decision, but they don’t have the processes around to be able to react quickly enough to say I’m allowed to trap a dog killing my sheep.”
Mr Bennett said the wild dog attacks were particularly gruesome.
“They don’t kill the sheep, they actually eat them alive,” he said.
“They’ll go and bite multiple sheep until they find one that’ll flop. Then they just start eating them until the sheep eventually dies from blood loss or shock or whatever.
“Then they’ll come back tomorrow if they want to and they won’t eat the carcass of the one they killed yesterday. They’ll go and attack another 10 or a dozen until they find one that’ll flop or give up and then they’ll eat that one alive.”
The program, delivered in partnership with Pinion Advisory, will provide mentoring on a variety of topics including: risk management; opportunity
“Past participants have benefitted from the clarification of business goals and drawing focus to the roadblocks to achieving these goals.”
For more information, people can visit agriculture.vic. gov.au/support-and-resources/ networks/young-farmers/ cultivating-futures-in-farming.
People can register by visiting bit.ly/3TbaNYT. There are limited places available.
Varying rain totals across the region so far this month has resulted in many hesitant to call an autumn break just yet.
For the month up until April 19, the following rain totals at Bureau of Meteorology sites have been recorded: Horsham 29.4 millimetres; Edenhope 16.8mm; Kanagulk 17.6mm; Hopetoun 16.8mm; Walpeup 10.8mm; Longerenong 29.4mm; Nhill 15.8mm; Stawell 33.6mm; Warracknabeal 13.4mm; Ararat 61.4mm; and Mt William 62.2mm.
Many areas of western Victoria did not register rain in the month of March, and experienced warmer temperatures.
Some parts of south-west Victoria experienced their driest March on record.
Agricultural Victoria seasonal risk agronomist Dale Grey said Mallee was dry, but it was not unusual for March. “March was quite dry. It’s all or nothing in autumn. The weather is beautiful and then it’s terrible, it’s hot and then cold, it’s wet and then it’s dry,” he said. Soil moisture had improved in some areas following the rain, but in many areas it remains unchanged.
“Cropping paddocks in the north are at high levels, which augers well for the northwest, but increases the waterlogging risk in the medium to high rainfall areas,” he said.
Mr Grey said in areas of the Wimmera, Mallee and south-west region that have had about 15 millimetres, it was more of a hindrance than help in terms of being useful for germination.
He said it was difficult to predict more than seven days at the moment.
“In terms of the climate, nearly all the world’s models are sitting on a neutral pattern, which is code for plan for anything,” he told ACE Radio’s Country Today.
“It is interesting to note that half of the world’s models have a drier signal for south-western Victoria. I honestly don’t know whether to believe that or not, but it sort of shows that half those models are detecting something down in the southwest there that looks like maybe that frontal activity is going to play up a bit,” he said.
“I think all the world’s models have a warmer next three months, which is in keeping with the sort of warmer weather we’ve had over summer.
“And, of course, March was actually much warmer than normal, so we’ll see how we go with April and May, but it’s a case of hang on for the ride of autumn.
“It’s not often the whole state gets off to an amazing start at the same time, and it looks like that’s what we’re seeing at the moment.”
STORIES SHARED: Erica Smith of Glenstrae Highlands talks about how she went about introducing some basic biosecurity practices when setting up her property.
To help all Victorians play their role in keeping the state safe, Agriculture Victoria’s new podcast season ‘Biosecurity basics’ takes a deep dive into the fundamentals of biosecurity.
The podcast covers practical things listeners can put in place to play their part in protecting animals and the environment.
Emergency animal disease industry engagement program manager Kellyanne Harris said listeners would hear from people engaged in biosecurity.
“It doesn’t matter how many animals you have, how big or small your property is, biosecurity is everyone’s business,” she said.
“Every livestock owner or person living on a small or lifestyle farm can make changes today to improve
biosecurity and help protect their property from pests and diseases.
“Created in collaboration with RSPCA Victoria, the new AgVic Talk series features experts from RSPCA Victoria and Agriculture Victoria as well as farmers who share their knowledge on how people can build biosecurity into their day-to-day farming practices.”
In episode one, Erica Smith of Glenstrae Highlands talks about how she went about introducing some basic biosecurity practices when setting up her property in Gippsland.
In episode two, Brett Davidson from Agriculture Victoria and Rachael Laukart from RSPCA Victoria cover how both agencies are helping producers manage risk and improve their biosecurity practices.
“Listeners will receive advice on what to include in a biosecurity plan, the importance of Property Identification Codes, PICs, and where to go for tips and advice about biosecurity practices, and steps you can take on farm,” Ms Harris said.
People can subscribe and listen to ‘Biosecurity basics’ on AgVic Talk wherever they get their podcasts. They can either subscribe to AgVic Talk on Spotify or on Apple Podcasts.
To find out more and listen to other AgVic Talk episodes, visit agriculture.vic.gov.au/agvictalk.
People can also find out more about Agriculture Victoria’s work on managing biosecurity in Victoria, by visiting agriculture.vic.gov.au/ biosecurity.
In stock ready for the 2024 season
This hose is specially formulated with a Clear Thermosplastic Urethane Liner offering superior wear resistance in not only seeding applications, but many other dry bulk material delivery applications. Goodyear Engineered Products Australia is very pleased to introduced our USA made Spiraflex Air Seeder Hose. It was developed exclusively for use on OEM air seeder applications in the North American market and is now available in Australia.
As we enter the sowing period, amongst the plethora of things that are regularly talked about are slugs. Anyone who has farmed in traditional slug areas or not far from them will be all too familiar with these voracious pests. Slugs typically like heavier soils with good moisture, but I have observed them in everything up to and including rising buckshot gravel country.
2023 saw another good year for slug breeding through the wet and cool winter into spring. Although there was certainly activity during the wet summer period, the jury is still out on whether this will lead to another opportunistic breeding event. Regardless, populations are already high, and we’re primed to see an influx of these menaces again this year.
We have two primary species in the Wimmera, the first is the grey field slug. Despite the name they vary in colour from banana yellow to a mottled brown and just about everything in-between. These guys tend to live close to the surface and because of this are typically the first we
observe at the early crop and pasture growth stages.
The second species is the black keeled slug, while it too varies in colour it’s typically a solid brown/ black. Black keeled can bury down into the soil up to 1m and tend to emerge later once the moisture profile has filled. They often turn up after you think you’ve got on top of things and on rare occasions have been known to pull down 6 leaf canola plants.
So how do we manage them?
Susceptible crops include but are not limited to; Canola, legumes and pulses, cereals and pastures, pretty well anything you put in the ground, with any late sown paddocks being especially vulnerable. If a paddock has had slug activity or is in slug ‘habitat’ and planned to be sown into a susceptible species I recommend having bait traps set out in the lead up to sowing.
A hessian bag or a tile with a small amount of bait underneath can be a good indicator of slug numbers. Bear in mind that 1 slug per 1m2
meets the economical threshold for managing them.
Baiting immediately post sowing and being prepared for a follow-up application should be considered the minimum requirement in high-risk areas.
Monitoring every other day for the first few weeks after emergence is also a must, particularly if hoping to avoid a second baiting. Check areas along fence lines, around dams or any areas of bush. They can however emerge in the middle of paddocks too so ensure that you’re covering ground. It is time consuming for sure, but it beats the time and cost of resowing. Find
Grain volumes moved by rail in Victoria increased by 95 percent between July and December 2023, compared with the same period in 2022.
It also increased by 57 percent between July 2023 and March 2024, compared with the previous year.
The incline resulted in an extra 500,000 tonnes of grain transported across the state by rail – with one standard 3000-tonne grain train carrying about $1.2 million worth of produce being the equivalent of removing 70 B-Double trucks from regional roads.
Earlier this month at GrainCorp’s Geelong export terminal, Minister for Ports and Freight Melissa Horne saw firsthand how more than $181 million in State Government investment in the rail freight network helped make rail freight more efficient and attractive across the $4.4 billion grains industry.
The rail freight network is integral in shifting more grain by rail freight for domestic and export markets.
Ms Horne said the improvements allowed heavier trains to discharge at Geelong Port through increasing axle-load capability at key grain handling sites as well as through recommissioning the Gheringhap loop near Geelong.
“Our targeted investments in our regional freight network have given our grain industry the confidence to put more of their grain on trains more often – helping to take more trucks off our roads,” she said.
V-Line has delivered axle-load capability upgrades across Piangil, Woorinen, Tocumwal, Murchison East, Elmore, Mitiamo, Charlton and Wycheproof, with more upgrades in the pipeline.
GrainCorp has also invested in rail improvements at several of its sites.
GrainCorp chief operating officer Klaus Pamminger said GrainCorp was working closely with the State Government and industry stakeholders to improve rail infrastructure in Victoria, to facilitate quicker and more efficient movement of grain from sites to end users in domestic and export markets.
Further confidence in the rail network was demonstrated by operator Southern Shorthaul Railroad’s purchase of 22 new broad-gauge grain wagons – the first order for new broad-gauge grain wagons in 16 years.
In October 2022, V-Line, bulk grain handling companies and rail freight operator Pacific National formed the Grain Rail Improvement Plan Working Group – formalising their commitment to optimise the rail freight network.
With Birchip Cropping Group’s Young Farmer Network rapidly expanding, senior manager of extension and communications Grace Hosking is encouraging more young farmers to register with the group.
An influx of new members attended events in Kaniva, Boort, Warracknabeal, Sea Lake and Bridgewater.
Ms Hosking said the members were enthusiastic to learn and to meet new people.
“In our role as the Vic Hub’s North West Broadacre Node, BCG has brought together hundreds of young farmers from across the
region in recent weeks to build knowledge, create networks and support each other through our Young Farmer Network events,” she said.
Ms Hosking said the diversity of the establishing group was broad, with farmers, employees, contractors and agricultural professionals attending – a testament to the supportive environment and the breadth of topics the network aimed to address.
“BCG’s Young Farmer Network is targeted towards the youngest generation on farm and is not exclusive to farm owners,” she said.
“We encourage registrations
from anyone who wants to grow their network while keeping upto-date with the latest agronomic advances.
“Registrants will have first access to event tickets and will help drive the focus of future meetings planned throughout the growing season.”
The next BCG Young Farmer Network meetings will be held across the Wimmera and Mallee in June.
People can register their interest at bcg.org.au/services/bcg-youngfarmer-network/.
Wimmera Poultry Club’s first fundraising auction at its new Natimuk location is on Sunday.
Previously housed at Horsham Showground, the club has moved to a space at Natimuk Showgrounds.
Poultry club president Brendan Lloyd said although the new location was smaller in size, it was more modern.
“We had been at the Horsham site for many years,” he said.
“The shed was purpose-built using timber from the old stables behind the Bull and Mouth Hotel, and it had a dirt floor.
“Our new location is a steel shed with a concrete floor.”
Club members have moved the pens from Horsham, altering them to suit the new space.
“We fit 540 pens in the old shed and will fit about 400 pens in the new one, so we have had to cut the bank of pens into sections to fit them in,” Mr Lloyd said.
“We’re also in the process of adding wheels to them so we can move them around.”
Hosting two auctions and two shows a year, Sunday’s auction will bring a variety of poultry, birds, small animals and sundry items under the hammer.
“The auction is capped at 150 pens, with a maximum of three birds or items per pen,” Mr Lloyd said.
“We are expecting budgies, ducks, guinea pigs, turkeys, guinea fowl – all kinds of things.
“In the past, we have had items such as feeders and they’ve sold out before the auction started.”
The auction will begin at 11am and will raise money for the alterations needed on the pens, which the club is also seeking sponsorship for.
“We are looking for some sponsors to help us cover the costs of setting up in the new space,” Mr Lloyd said.
“On top of the alterations to
the pens, we will have to repaint them, too.”
Refreshments will be available at the auction, which begins at 11am at the showgrounds on Jory Street, Natimuk.
People wanting more information about the auction or sponsorship can visit the Wimmera Poultry Club’s Facebook page.
Is there a technology, innovation or research finding that your producer group is keen to test on-farm?
Agriculture Victoria, in partnership with Meat and Livestock Australia, MLA, is conducting a new producer demonstration program with the opportunity to establish five new on-farm demonstration projects.
Agriculture Victoria farming systems project leader Bindi Hunter said the program was inviting expressions of interest from sheep and beef producer groups to design and conduct their own three-year project.
“The demonstrations are conducted on group members’ farms – preferably three sites per project a year – and involve participation by members in group activities, including skill development, site monitoring and discussion of results,” she said.
“Projects must be focused on increasing adoption of key management practices or commercially available technologies that improve business profitability, farm productivity and sustainability.”
Selected projects will focus on demonstrating systems or technologies in one of four areas:
• Manage and adapt to a changing climate or specific regional conditions, for example addressing feed gaps, grazing system, enterprise mix.
• Reduce emissions or emissions intensity, for example reproductive efficiencies, feed types and quality, soil fertility management.
• Manage animal health and welfare risks resulting from increasing and emerging biosecurity threats in a changing climate.
• Implement on-farm innovations that improve production and management efficiencies.
Expressions of interest close on May 13. For more information and to receive an expression of interest form, visit go.vic.gov.au/3fTKvdU or email Ms Hunter via bindi.hunter@agriculture.vic.gov.au.
Livestock producers are reminded they must adhere to biosecurity laws when importing grain and fodder from interstate.
Varying weather conditions since late 2023 are likely to have impacted the quality and quantity of available local fodder across much of eastern Australia, resulting in livestock producers sourcing interstate fodder to meet ongoing feed demand.
Fodder movement laws are in place to prevent the spread of weeds, pests and diseases beyond known infestations and onto your paddocks.
To mitigate these threats, Agriculture Victoria administers legislation Plant Biosecurity Act 2010, aimed at preventing the introduction, establishment and spread of biosecurity threats.
This legislation describes restrictions on the entry into Victoria of material, which is a host of a specified pest or disease.
There are penalties for non-compliance with the Plant Biosecurity Act, check all the biosecurity requirements that apply to the importation of grain, fodder and other livestock feed products in the Victorian Plant Quarantine Manual, PQM.
More information can be found via go.vic.gov.au/3PudQKK.
In some cases, the consignment will need to travel with a Plant Health Certificate, PHC, issued by biosecurity officers in the source state.
The certificate assures Victoria the prescribed conditions for entry, including sampling, testing, inspection and other analyses, have been conducted and the consignment is free from risky pests and diseases.
If inspections and certification are required, there will be additional costs beyond the quoted price for the product.
An example – cereal grain and hay for feeding livestock
The entry or importation of cereal grain – wheat, barley and oats – and lucerne, pasture and cereal hay into Victoria for livestock feed is prohibited unless it meets Condition 20A of the Victorian PQM.
The condition states:
• It must originate from a state or territory free from Annual Ryegrass Toxicity, ARGT, including Queensland, Northern Territory and Tasmania, where the respective State Government has issued an area freedom certificate for ARGT.
It is important to note importing seed into Victoria for planting involves further and different quarantine conditions to be met and might well be prohibited, depending on the origin state and species of plant.
The Catchment and Land Protection Act states you cannot bring noxious weeds into Victoria and that anything contaminated with noxious weeds are prohibited.
Information about weeds that should be vigilantly monitored for can be found via go.vic.gov.au/3PqL6T9.
Be rigorous with your interrogation about the quality, integrity, providence and composition of the feed you are buying and importing.
You do not want to import new problems such as noxious and problematic invasive weeds.
interstate, and for any other biosecurity query, contact Agriculture Victoria to speak to a biosecurity officer on 136 186.
Importing second-hand farm machinery such as tractors, seeders, sprayers, harvesters, baling or storage equipment from interstate can provide an alternative to buying brand new. However, there are a few matters to consider before you buy.
• If grown or packed on a property within 25 kilometres of a green snail infestation, it is prohibited under Condition 23D in the Victorian PQM. A PHC or Plant Health Assurance Certificate, PHAC, must accompany the consignment to certify compliance with this entry condition.
The entry or importation of grain legumes – chickpeas, faba beans, field peas, lentils and lupins – from any state, into Victoria for stock feed only, is allowed without restrictions.
• If it comes from New South Wales, Western Australia or South Australia, it will need to travel with a Plant Health Certificate, PHC, issued by biosecurity officers in that state. This assures Victoria the consignment is free from ryegrass containing the bacterium that causes ARGT.
If possible, feed your livestock only in designated quarantine paddocks, where any potential issues can be contained and are easier to look for.
Thereafter, be on the lookout for anything new or suspicious that germinates in your paddock and have it identified and eradicated quickly.
Practical and inexpensive farm biosecurity tactics are found at agriculture.vic.gov.au/biosecurity.
For more information on the biosecurity entry conditions, when importing feed for your livestock from
Besides the costs of the machine and its transport, there are other costs involved in ensuring the machine meets Victorian biosecurity legislation, Plant Biosecurity Act 2010, and the conditions of entry described in the Victorian Plant Biosecurity Manual, which can be found at agriculture.vic. gov.au/biosecurity/moving-plantsand-plant-products/plant-quarantinemanual.
Used agricultural equipment and spare parts could pose a high risk to Victoria’s unique environment and agricultural industries.
Given the nature of their work, there is a high possibility used machinery could harbor weeds, pests and diseases that we do not want in Victoria.
Therefore, unless they meet specific conditions of entry outlined in the Plant Quarantine Manual, PQM, they are prohibited from entry.
Hundreds of Victorians are taking the opportunity to undertake private burn-offs as fire restrictions continue to ease across the state.
CFA and partner agencies will be making the most of cooler autumn conditions to conduct fuel reduction burns to lower bushfire risk for communities, while farmers and private landholders will capitalise on favourable temperatures to ignite stubble burns on their properties.
CFA chief officer Jason Heffernan said although CFA and Forest Fire Management Victoria work closely with the Environment Protection Authority and Bureau of Meteorology to keep smoke impact as low as practically possible, smoke in regional and rural areas could come from a number of sources.
“Along with the important planned burns that are conducted in our forests, parks and reserves led by Forest Fire Management Victoria, FFMV, and the many kilometres of road, rail and council reserve burns that are led by CFA, this time of year also sees a large amount of smoke coming from the necessary burn-offs that our farmers and rural property holders undertake,” he said.
“These are part of traditional farming practices where burning off of crop stubble is often needed to kill off
ORGANISED: Farmers and rural property holders are undertaking necessary burn-offs at this time of year, with support from appropriate resources.
weeds and return nutrients and carbon back into the soil.”
As the weather cools, smoke will also come from the many thousands of wood heaters households rely on for their autumn and winter heat source.
“This localised smoke or smoke haze can often be misinterpreted as coming from planned burns from a
long way away, but this is not always the case,” Mr Heffernan said.
“As the weather conditions continue to allow for lower intensity burning, we will look to conduct the most suitable planned burns to ensure that our dependant native bush and grasslands are benefitting to avoid much more devastating bushfires.
“Our CFA brigades have already treated more than 3600 hectares of land this year, helping make at-risk communities safer, with more to come throughout coming weeks.”
Landowners are urged to continue registering their burn-offs at www. firepermits.vic.gov.au so that if someone reports smoke to Triple Zero, the
incident will be cross-checked on the register.
For the latest information about when and where planned burns are occurring near you, residents are encouraged to sign up to Planned Burns Victoria at www.plannedburns.ffm. vic.gov.au and download the App.
If you do see smoke and want to know if it is a planned burn or a fire, visit the VicEmergency App or visit emergency.vic.gov.au.
Detailed information about smoke forecasts, current air quality in your area and health advice can be found on EPA’s website.
Keep it safe and legal
Check fire restrictions in your area and always register your burn at www. firepermits.vic.gov.au or by calling 1800 668 511.
Check and monitor weather conditions – particularly wind.
To avoid unnecessary calls to emergency services, notify your neighbours beforehand.
Leave a three-metre fire break, free from flammable materials around the burn.
Have sufficient equipment and water to stop the fire spreading.
Never leave a burn-off unattended –stay for its entire duration.
If your burn-off gets out of control, call ‘000’ immediately.
Mitsubishi’s new Triton onetonne utility has attained a five-star ANCAP crash rating after a round of new model testing by the independent safety body.
The five-star rating is applicable to all Triton Dual Cab model grades, in 4x2 and 4x4 variants.
Though not a given, a five-star rating was unsurprising for the Triton as it was engineered to pass the latest – and most stringent – 2024 ANCAP protocols.
The favourable result means newgen Triton is the first dual-cab ute to attain a 2024 five-star ANCAP safety rating.
The chunky newcomer was noted by ANCAP as having an extensive airbag array with dual frontal, side chestprotecting and side head-protecting airbags and a driver knee airbag as standard.
A centre airbag, which provides added protection to front seat occupants
in side impact crashes, is also standard. The model also features advanced active safety systems such as autonomous emergency braking, as well as a lane support system with lane keep assist, lane departure warning and emergency lane keeping, and a speed sign recognition system as standard, all key standard equipment that supported the five-star rating.
The Triton scored 89 percent for child occupant protection, 86 percent for adult occupant protection, 74 percent for vulnerable road user protection and 70 percent for safety assist.
Many ‘takeways’ emanate from the Triton’s ANCAP test.
For child occupant protection the Triton generally rated strongly, only slightly marked down in two of four areas: restraint installation that scored 11.03 out of 12 points and on-board safety features that scored nine out of a possible 13 points.
The Triton dual cab is fitted with lower ISOFIX anchorages and top
tether anchorages on the rear outboard seats, but installation of child restraints in the rear centre seating position of the dual cab is not recommended as there is no top tether anchorage.
A child presence detection system is not available.
For adult occupant protection across the seven areas assessed, the Triton only dropped appreciable points for frontal offset protection, scoring 5.63 points out of eight, full width frontal protection scored 6.02 out of eight, with all other areas assessed close to top marks.
The passenger compartment of the Triton remained stable in the frontal offset test.
Protection of the driver’s chest and lower legs was deemed adequate, while protection was good for all other critical body regions for both the driver and front passenger.
A rescue sheet providing information for first responders in the event
of a crash is available and a multicollision braking system is fitted.
The Triton’s doors remain functional for the minimum required time if submerged, though window-opening functionality was not demonstrated.
On the vulnerable road user front, the Triton dropped points for adult, child and cyclist head protection attaining 12.16 points out of 18 and for AEB pedestrian forward protection 5.4 points out of a possible seven, with the same test for ‘back-over’ rating only a weak 0.5 out of a possible two.
The Triton’s bonnet provided a mix of good and adequate protection to the head of a struck pedestrian over most of its surface, with poor results recorded on the stiff windscreen pillars and front edge of the bonnet surface.
Good protection was provided for the pelvis, the femurs and the lower legs.
The autonomous emergency braking, AEB, system can detect and react
to vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. Performance in reverse scenarios was limited to slower speeds with a stationary pedestrian and was assessed overall as weak.
Performance was good in autonomous emergency braking cyclist test scenarios.
The system fitted to the Triton can detect and respond to motorcyclists in forwards travel scenarios.
AEB cyclist protection was down a touch at seven out of nine, as was AEB motorcycle functionality at a weak 1.21 out of six.
Mitsubishi Motors Australia chief executive Shaun Westcott said safety was always a priority.
“To be the first dual cab utility to achieve the stringent 2024 five-star ANCAP safety rating is testament to this and proves how serious Mitsubishi is about safety,” he said.
– Peter BarnwellNissan has facelifted its popular small SUV segment Qashqai with refreshed looks and technology ahead of the model’s arrival in Aussie showrooms before the end of this year.
While local pricing and specification is yet to be announced, it is expected most of the updates will make it Down Under.
The updated Qashqai boasts a new frontal treatment with larger grille and ‘comma-shaped elements’, a new bumper treatment and revised headlights with adaptive high-beam. New tail-lights with clear lenses again feature comma-shaped elements, sitting atop a newly-sculpted bumper.
Nissan has added new diamond-cut alloy wheel designs in 18-, 19- and 20-inch sizes, and three new paint colours to the range – deep ocean, pearl black and pearl white.
Nissan Design Europe vice-president Matthew Weaver said the new face of Qashqai had a more technical appearance, with more texture and eye-catching detailing.
“We were inspired by traditional Japanese battle costumes, which combine craftsmanship with muscularity. We’ve worked hard with our colleagues on the front and rear lighting, giving a technical and precise impression which integrates seamlessly,” he said.
“Inside, the new materials and ambient lighting elevate the on-board experience even further. Overall, we’re convinced crossover-buyers will love the results.”
Additional in-cabin updates include a partially quilted leather or Alcantara upholstery option on higher trim grades, the materials also added to the armrests, dashboard pad, door card inlays and knee pads.
There is also new-look patterned materials around the dashboard, gear
The 12.3-inch infotainment array is carried over on higher trim grades, but adds Google apps including Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Google Maps and Google Play. Apple CarPlay and Android Auto connectivity remain.
Nissan says it has upgraded its surround view system with a higher resolution camera and an ‘invisible bonnet’ feature that shows the position of the front wheels. The handy feature joins upgraded safety technologies including GPS-en-
abled traffic sign recognition, customisable driver assist mode and fasteracting AEB.
Nissan Research and Development senior vice-president David Moss said the updated Qashqai had benefitted from a comprehensive series of technological upgrades.
“From the next generation of around view monitor, which will prove useful for our customers every day, to the introduction of Google’s built-in, makes the Qashqai part of our customers’ digital life seamlessly,” he said.
“At the heart of Nissan’s commitment to innovation is an intuitive user-experience and true convenience.
“The updated Qashqai epitomises those priorities.”
Mechanically, the Nissan Qashqai is unchanged with 1.3-litre four-cylinder turbo-petrol mild-hybrid and 1.5-litre three-cylinder turbo-petrol e-Power hybrid options. Respective output figures remain at 117kW-270Nm and 140kW-330Nm. Both are front wheel driven.
A Nissan Australia spokesperson told GoAuto the importer was ‘very excited by the facelifted Qashqai, which has just been unveiled, and we anticipate arrivals towards the end of 2024’.
The current Qashqai is priced from $33,890 to $51,590 plus on-road costs.
Local year-to-date sales figures show the Nissan Qashqai as one of the top 10 sellers in the 23-entrant strong SUV Small under $45,000 segment.
For the first three months of 2024, Nissan has sold 2166 examples of the Qashqai, placing it in 10th position behind by the MG ZS with 6291 sales, Hyundai Kona, 3999, GWM Haval Jolion, 3460, Subaru Crosstrek, 3113, Mitsubishi ASX, 3108, Mazda CX-30, 2931, Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross, 2875, Toyota Corolla Cross, 2414, and Kia Seltos, 2329.
April 25, 1934
Wishing our Mum, Nan and Great Nan the happiest of celebrations.
May your 90th Birthday be as amazing as you are!
You are a shining example of strength, wisdom and grace.
BUGG, David John
Much loved husband of Leonie.
Father & Father-in-Law of Katherine, Jayke, John & Bec.
Pop to Archer, Adrian, Bianca & Jayden.
Brother & Brother in law to Jenny, Gary (dec) Peter & Robin, Judy & Peter (dec)
Glenny & Raymond.
Son of John & Irene Bugg (both dec) of Wynyard, Tasmania.
Rest Peacefully
Horsham & District Funerals
Dylan & Amity Hartwich 5382 1149
BURKHALTER (nee Carter), Patricia Elizabeth
Passed away on April 14, 2024 aged 72 years.
Partner of Peter.
Loving mother and mother in law to James & Stacee; Brendan; Douglas & Aleisha.
Nan to Rowen, Shaun, Holly and Finn.
Forever In Our Hearts
GROSSER, Cynthia
Passed away on April 18, 2024 aged 90 years.
Dearly loved wife of Denis.
Loving mother and mother in law of Karen & Graeme; Christine & Peter; Kym & Yolande.
Adored Nan to Brady; Tory, Kye and Jase; Katianna, Yasinta and Tiani.
Great Nan to Everleigh, Tasman and Banks.
Forever In Our Hearts
MURPHY (nee Walsh), Judith Frances 16/11/1940 to 21/04/2024 of Horsham, formerly Warracknabeal & Donald, Passed away peacefully at Natimuk Nursing Home
Dearly loved wife of Bryan Loving mother & motherin-law to Angela & Alister Castle, Cecilia & Rob Caris, Bridget & Harvey Lang, Dolores (Polly) & Rob Wilkinson, Sarah & Dean Barton.
Adored Grandmother to Sarah, Rene, Nick, Maggie & Ella, Jack & Sarah, Tom & Nikki & Charlie, Olivia & Michael, Bridget, Oscar & Mollie.
Loved Great Grandmother to Hugo & Freddy. ‘Forever in our hearts’
Joseph Saviour
11.03.1933 to 14.04.2024
Our kind loving husband, father and Nonno has peacefully ascended into heaven aged 91.
Devoted and loving husband to Maria-Francessca.
Adored father to Richard, Maurizio & Kylie, Sandro and Olivia & Mathew.
Cherished Nonno to Isaac, Jacob, Ebony, Lily, Luca, Emmett, Maddison, Cassandra, and Rio.
His gentle spirit and unconditional love touched our hearts. His legacy of kindness and compassion will continue to inspire us.
Requiesce in pace
The members of Toolondo Golf Club are saddened by the death of their friend and valued life member, Gil Rees.
Our thoughts are with his family.
REES, Gilbert Robert ‘Gil’
Son of Bob and Isobel Rees.
Loved Brother of Jennette and the late Garry Sudholz. Uncle of Helen and Carla. Sadly Missed
SLATTERY, Andrew Christopher
Passed away suddenly on April 13, 2024 aged 41 years.
Dearly loved son of Jack (dec) & Veronica.
Loved brother and brother in law to John “Jack” & Tracey; Nick & Marie; Daniel & Sabrina; Annie & Kyle.
Adored uncle to all of his nieces and nephews. Sadly missed, forever loved
Grampians Health is saddened by the passing of our friend and colleague, Jeff Steenhuis, a valued member of our Security team. We extend our sincerest condolences to Jeff ’s family and friends.
STEWART, Valerie Jean
20.09.1939 – 18.04.2024
Passed away peacefully after a short battle with cancer.
Wife of Jim (dec)
Loving Mother & Motherin-Law of Leanne & Mike (dec), Sharon, Janine and Paul.
Adoring Nan to Daniel, Cameron, Ben, Jake, Grace & Sophie.
GG to 12.
God Has You in His Keeping, We Have You in Our Hearts
Horsham & District
Dylan & Amity Hartwich 5382 1149
BUGG, David John
The funeral service to farewell the late Mr. David John Bugg is to be held at the Dimboola Rowing Sheds Saturday May 4 th 2024 commencing at 2pm.
A private cremation will follow.
Amity & Dylan Hartwich 5382 1149
BURKHALTER, Patricia Elizabeth
The Funeral of Patricia Elizabeth Burkhalter will take place at the Rupanyup Uniting Church on Friday, 26 April 2024 commencing at 11am. Private interment.
Trevor Bysouth & Daughter
Ph 5381 1444 AFDA Member
GROSSER, Cynthia
Please see next edition for funeral details.
Trevor Bysouth & Daughter
Ph 5381 1444 AFDA Member
MURPHY, Judith Frances
Requiem Mass for the Repose of the Soul of Mrs Judith Frances Murphy will be held at St. Michael & John’s Catholic Church Horsham on Thursday May 2nd, 2024. Commencing at 11am.
This Service will be live streamed via the following link: https://www.youtube.com/@ smjchurchhorsham/streams
W.B. Gardiner & Son Funeral Directors Warracknabeal 0407 340 064
NATOLI, Joseph Saviour
A memorial mass celebrating the life of Joseph will be held at St. Michael & St. John’s Catholic Church in Horsham on May 10th at 12pm.
In lieu of flowers, we kindly ask our family and friends to consider a small donation to support Capuchin Franciscan Friars Australia: https://www.capuchin.org.au/ our-works/capuchin-outreach/ Donations can be made via the Ministry to the Poor | The Capuchin Mission Office: https://www.capuchinfriars. org.au/product/donation-tothe-friars/ A full requiem funeral mass will be held in Melbourne.
SLATTERY, Andrew Christopher
An Informal Gathering to Celebrate the Life of Andrew Christopher Slattery
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Caravan, VGC, registered, rollout awning, full kitchen $22,000 Ph 0407542856
Seeking Individual Support Worker (Ageing) to provide in-home care, Horsham based, duties include, dressing, bathing, toileting, minimum 1 overnight + 1 day shift per week, male or strong female ideal, Italian/English language skills ideal, more detail on enquiry Ph 0439307176
Heaslip grouper, VGC, 2 bins, 4200L each capacity, Honda motor, new bearings in elevator, adjustable legs, always shedded $7700 inc Gst Ph 0427330078
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Massage Machine , duo MKII
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REDUCED Chamberlain C670
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REDUCED Field Bins, 2 Jaeschke
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on some items when publishing your advertisement. A snapshot of your obligations are as follows:
ROAD VEHICLESAll advertisements for road vehicles must include a price, as well as:
• A registration number, if registered
• Either an engine number, VIN or chassis number if the vehicle is not registered.
2019 Subaru Impreza Hatch back, AWD, glass electric sunroof, safety, comfort, Pearl White, EC, 40,000kms, 1PA8PJ $27900 Ph
#HindmarshGirlsCan Yoga
“This Girl Can” activities inspire women to get active –however, wherever, and whenever they choose, without being judged.
Dimboola Natimuk
Edenhope 10am LR
Goroke 10am LR
Natimuk 9am HC
Vectis Join Natimuk
In response to the feedback received from the “This Girl Can” survey in 2023, Hindmarsh Shire Council has created a FREE three-month program for Sunday Morning Yoga sessions in Dimboola, Jeparit, Nhill, and Rainbow with Janelle and Emma to commence on Sunday 5 May 2024. Stretch your body and your mind with a touch of yoga in your week. It’ll help you improve your mental wellbeing and your flexibility, while providing you with some muchneeded time for yourself!
Dimboola 11am HC
“This Girl Can” activities inspire women to get active – however, wherever and whenever they choose, without being judged.
The ‘This Girl Can’ FREE Yoga sessions have been made available with from VicHealth through their Local Government Partnership.
Dates are as follows, with each session running from 9.00am – 9.45am:
2024 HINDMARSH SHIRE COUNCIL #HindmarshGirlsCan Yoga
In response to the feedback received from the “This Girl Can” survey in 2023, Hindmarsh Shire Council has created a FREE three-month program for Sunday Morning Yoga sessions in
To secure your place, scan the QR Code or register through Hindmarsh Shire Council website at: www.hindmarsh.vic.gov.au/events You can also register directly here: https://form.jotform. com/240868076248870
Christian Devotion
Christian Devotion
Did you know that God wants us to be happy in life and happy in worship? Jesus set His mind on the joy of worship and for us to do that, we have to clear out the debris that fills our life. The use of the word debris in this context, means anything that takes us away from the glory of God.
When you drift off your centre point, that is to say off your happy God given content point, God’s plan for you is challenged. In essence, you either have gone into a default setting or a pause mode. When this happens, it is important to remember that God has not abandoned you. He is still there with you and is within arms reach of a warm welcoming welcome back embrace.
It is pleasing to understand that God doesn’t only give us the grace to connect and to start, but He also gives us finishing grace. In other words, He has equipped you with the power to avoid default. Finishing grace is in you and for it to be profitable in your life, it needs to be activated. God has blessed you with it but you need to activate it. When the going gets tough you have to stand tall and declare that I will not be defeated, I’m here to the finish and default will no longer be a part of my life. I’m calling on the strength of God’s finishing grace to
What was meant to harm him, became his strength because he had enacted God’s finishing grace. He wasn’t defeated. He flourished and you can enjoy the same outcome in your life as well
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For a confidential discussion, please contact Kim Hargreaves, Director Corporate Services 03 5382 9785. Applications close 5pm, Friday 3 May 2024 Manager People & Safety
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Truck Driver/Plant Operator
• Band 3 $64,203 - $67,418 per annum, plus allowances
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School Crossing Supervisor
• Band 1 $31.21 per hour
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• Usual hours between 8-9am and 3-4pm
To find out more, scan the QR code or go to hrcc.recruitmenthub.com.au
principles and ethics.
Remuneration for this position: Salary per annum will be commensurate with experience.
To apply: For further information or if you’re ready to take on this exciting opportunity, send your resume and cover letter to:
Ararat Eagles got their Mininera and District football season off to a great start at the weekend, but there were mixed results for other teams in the region.
The Eagles beat SMW Rovers 15.18 (108) to 8.6 (54), with three goals each to Tom Cousins and coach Tom Taurau leading the way.
Also handy for the Eagles were Ryan Weppner, Mason Kelly, Jackson Tau-
rau, Luke Briggs and Sam Summers. While Ararat saw early returns from its off-season recruiting campaign, the same did not hold for Great Western, which went down to GlenthompsonDunkeld 17.11 (113) to 9.4 (68).
The Lions paid for a slow start, trailing by 31 points at quarter time.
Thereafter the match was more even, but the damage had already been done.
Nick Costello was Great Western’s best player with six goals, while on-
baller Tom Cairns, skipper Caleb Bacely and full forward Jeremy Cronin were among other key contributors.
Midfielder Kobi Walters was best afield for the Rams, while Zach Burgess matched Costello’s haul with six goals of his own.
Reigning premier Tatyoon also came up empty at its first outing, falling to Woorndoo-Mortlake 8.13 (61) to 5.9 (39) in a 2023 grand final rematch.
The Hawks were best served by
Trent Baird, James Shanhun and Sam Phillips, while Haydn Templeton led the Tigers to victory with a starring performance in the middle.
Moyston-Willaura was no match for Lismore-Derrinallum, losing 18.20 (128) to 3.6 (24), with full back Ned Bohner doing his best to hold up a defence that was under siege all day. Penshurst grabbed top spot on the ladder with a thumping win against Caramut, 28.30 (198) to 2.5 (17).
All eyes will turn to Ararat’s Alex-
Laharum and Kalkee football netball club members enjoyed an actionpacked day at Cameron Oval on Saturday as they clashed in sporting pursuits but joined forces to celebrate community.
The day was bittersweet for Demons fans, with club members paying tribute to Michelle Cross – who died last year – by naming the pocket in front of the scoreboard in her honour.
The Michelle Cross Pocket references the time Mrs Cross spent near that part of the ground, manning the scoreboard for countless senior matches alongside her husband, Anthony.
Laharum chairman Hamish Roberts said he was proud to dedicate the pocket to Mrs Cross.
“Michelle was just a genuinely beautiful soul,” he said.
“She was the embodiment of Laharum’s values of care and family.”
Both clubs also paid tribute to late Demons life-member and netballer Michele Mibus in the A Grade clash, with Laharum’s Maddie Iredell winning the annual Michele Mibus Memorial Medal in her side’s 20-goal win.
Women took centre stage for much of the day at Laharum, with the social committee bringing back its popular ‘ladies day’ event.
Co-organiser Sarah Miller said the event was a hit, with ladies from both clubs taking an opportunity to mingle over afternoon tea.
“We had a women’s health focus, and Amanda Wilson, co-owner of Lister House, came to speak to us about the importance of health checks at different stages of life,” she said.
“She demonstrated how to do a breast check and provided information about cervical cancer and bowel screening and other key topics.
“We also had Cass Roberts from Cass Roberts Counselling present on mental health, sharing crucial information about how it can affect women and children.
“Both speakers were very informative and I think everyone took something out of it.”
Mrs Miller said she and co-host Mel Ellifson were thrilled with how well the day was received.
“We had a raffle with several goodies up for grabs and we are thankful to everyone who supplied prizes for the day,” she said.
“We would also like to thank Kalkee for jumping on board and supporting the event, I think everyone had a great time.
“It’s just really nice to see clubs supporting each other and recognising that at the end of the day, we are all just one big community. We hope to run ladies day again next year.”
Mr Roberts congratulated everyone involved in Saturday’s sporting and other activities.
“We had a fantastic day, with a large and vocal crowd, warm weather and the sun setting over the mountains,” he said.
“We always enjoy playing Kalkee. They would have to be our biggest rival on the field and court but there is a healthy amount of respect between the two clubs – we are quite similar culturally.”
Mr Roberts said the day was capped off by Laharum’s senior football side winning its first match since 2022.
– Sarah Matthewsandra Oval this weekend as former AFL Brownlow medallist Dane Swan suits up for the Eagles against Great Western.
Tatyoon will have a chance to rebound at Caramut, while MoystonWillaura hosts Penshurst.
Other matches will pit Glenthompson-Dunkeld against Lismore-Derrinallum at Dunkeld; Wickliffe-Lake Bolac play SMW Rovers at Lake Bolac; and Woorndoo-Mortlake face Hawkesdale-Macarthur at Woorndoo.
Ararat 14.15 (99) d Horsham 11.4 (70)
Up until five minutes to go in the third quarter, you would have said Horsham was well and truly in control.
But Sonny Kettle kicked three goals in about four minutes and gave Ararat a 13-point break at three-quarter time.
Then Ararat continued to run over the top of Horsham in the last quarter and got away with it.
Ararat copped a lot of injuries, though. Jack Ganley did a calf in the first quarter, joint coach Tom Mills had a clash of heads in the last quarter and had a fractured eye socket, and Xavier Vearing had ice on his hamstring after the game.
The standout player: There were two standouts from Ararat – Robert Armstrong and Jake Robinson. Robinson was joint Toohey medallist last year.
When Ararat needed a lift, he and Armstrong were the ones who were in the middle doing a lot of the heavy lifting and grunt work to get things going their way.
The rising star: For Horsham, it was Jeremy Kemp. He was their best player, no worries at all.
It’s his first year out of the under-17s, and his run and ball use out of defence was very good.
Saturday, April 27 from 1pm
Confusion reigned as the siren sounded to end Saturday’s round two Horsham District football match between Taylors Lake and Natimuk.
While the scoreboard showed Natimuk United ahead by one point, many players believed the result was a draw.
In fact, Taylors Lake had won by a point, 9.9 (63) to 8.14 (62).
The result was not confirmed until minutes after the siren, leading to scenes of what Lakers coach Justin Beugelaar described as ‘hysteria’.
“I kicked a behind and then I got told by our runner the scoreboard was incorrect. It had Natimuk United leading and us down, so I threw myself down back and played on their key forward Lachy Harris,” he said.
“He had a set shot to win the game and he missed that, and then the siren went. I didn’t know what was going on. My parents were on the sidelines and they came up to me and said ‘you guys have won’.
“Apparently the point that I’d kicked was put onto their score and not ours, so it was a two-point swing. We didn’t find that out until after the siren.
“Both teams came together and we thought it was a draw from what we were being told.
“The goal umpires got together and we were getting a bit of feedback from one of our committee members who was near them that one goal umpire had on his card we’d won, and one had it as a draw.
“We went through the process, and once the decision had been made there was hysteria.”
Beugelaar said he urged his team to contain its celebrations.
“I tried to keep the boys in check and tried to be humble, because I could see how frustrating it was for Natimuk United,” he said.
“We went into the rooms and celebrated quickly, and then I told the boys to pull their heads in a bit.
“I went into the Natimuk changerooms and congratulated them on a great game.
“The outcome at the end of the day wasn’t in their favour and the way it was officiated was a bit disappointing, but for us a win was a win.”
Best for Taylors Lake in the win were Max Kamstra, Bray Cullinan, Brayden Gebert, Hunter Campey and Mathew Millward, while Beugelaar booted six goals.
For the Rams, Harris matched Beugelaar with six majors of his own and Matt Bellinger, Zach Smith, Jono Lovel and Archie Sudholz were among other standouts.
Beugelaar praised the Lakers for their resolve in the face of pre-match adversity.
“Obviously the result is what we wanted, but I’m more happy with the fact we did it with five blokes out from our round one side,” he said.
“We were grasping at straws 24 hours before the game to try to find some players from the twos after we had some flights cancelled and one bloke get sick.”
Two rounds into the season, Taylors Lake has already matched its 2023 win total and sits third on the ladder, two spots behind its next opponent, Swifts.
The Baggies continued the momentum of their round one victory by dismantling Kaniva-Leeor United 23.17 (155) to 5.3 (33) at North Park.
Swifts spearhead Paul Summers outscored the Cougars on his own with eight majors, while wingman Zac Armer booted four goals in a beston-ground performance and forward pocket Chris Freeman kicked three.
Hamish Bennett, Billy King, Joel Wagg and Luke Bennett tried hard in defeat for Kaniva-Leeor United, which will play an in-form Laharum this Saturday.
The Mountain Men banked their first win at the weekend when they defeated Kalkee 9.11 (65) to 7.2 (44) at Cameron Oval, with senior leaders including onballer Daniel Easson, defender Brett Ervin and co-coaches Shannon Argall and Robbie Miller leading the way.
For the Kees, Matt Nield, Louis Beddison, Hamish Exell and Jakob Butcher were the standouts.
Kalkee is winless from its first two contests and will host a Rupanyup team eager to redeem itself this weekend after the Panthers lost their first contest against Pimpinio.
Coming off a first-round bye, Rupanyup fell behind early against the Tigers and never recaptured the lead, losing 14.10 (94) to 9.5 (59).
Pimpinio, which moved to second on
the ladder with an undefeated record, was led by captain Jason Westley, who kicked three goals, while Nick Groves had four and vice-captain Liam Jakobi booted two.
Rupanyup’s best included Bill Hansen, Cam Western and defender Daniel Schaper, while coach Brayden Ison kicked three goals.
Pimpinio has a bye in round three.
Rounding out the weekend’s games was the clash between NoradjuhaQuantong and Edenhope-Apsley, which the Bombers won 12.13 (85) to 3.5 (23).
Noradjuha-Quantong coach Damian Cameron said while it was a good result for his club, it left plenty of room for improvement.
“We played probably our best quarter of the season in the first quarter. We scored pretty heavily and domi-
nated play,” he said. “After that we were a bit patchy to be honest. There were a few positives, but a fair bit we can take out of it to try to improve on in the next few weeks”
Among the positives for the Bombers were the performances of Jayden Besford, Dawson Cross and Jack Vague, while recruit Judah Hobbs kicked four goals.
The Saints’ best included ruckman Jeremy Kealy, wingman Shayne Williams and defender Christopher La Rocca.
The Bombers will return to Quantong Recreation Reserve to renew their rivalry with Natimuk United this weekend, while the Saints’ task will grow no easier against reigning premier Harrow-Balmoral, which returns from a bye.
Swifts has recorded its first win of the Horsham District A Grade netball season, beating Kaniva-Leeor United 49-40 in a game that pleased co-coach Kristy Dodds.
Dodds said her team had learned the importance of starting strongly after trailing Kalkee by 10 goals at quarter time in round one.
“We wanted to focus on starting well against Kaniva, who were coming off a solid win, and that’s exactly what the players executed,” Dodds said.
“It was pleasing to see the players are really starting to gel together as a new side, with some impressive passages of play down the court.
“As a team their second efforts and defensive pressure helped create multiple turnovers, and our goalies Michaela Armer and Bek Seeary capitalised on those opportunities.”
Dodds also praised the work of defensive tandem Brooke Palfreyman and Edwina Flakemore, who matched up against Cougars goal shooter Blair Burke and goal attack Nikki Hawker, respectively.
“Brooke’s reading of the play was amazing. She had multiple tip aways every quarter,” Dodds said.
Swifts will now turn their attention to Taylors Lake, another team celebrating this week after beating Natimuk United 35-28.
Led by sisters Kayla Kelm in the centre and Chloe Kelm in defence, the Lakers grabbed the ascendancy in the first half and held the Ewes off for the rest of the game.
“It takes a bit of pressure off, to get our first win,” Lakers coach Lydia Schneider said.
“During the week we focused on the fact that Blair likes to be a holding goal shooter, so at training we spoke to Brooke about swapping up her defensive play and not allowing Blair to do that. Playing a floating defence was very effective in helping to create those turnovers.”
“We tried a lot of new things during the game and had Danielle Laurie make her A Grade debut at goal shooter, which was really great to see.
“We hadn’t even played her at goal shooter at training – she just got thrown in the deep end and she stepped up, which was fantastic.”
Goalie Simone Skratek and captain Emily Hateley were Natimuk United’s best players.
The Ewes will play NoradjuhaQuantong in round three, with the Bombers coming off a 59-41 win against Edenhope-Apsley.
Goal shooter Shannon Couch led Noradjuha-Quantong with 45 goals,
with goal defence Brooke Pay doing her best on Saint Tahlia Sailor at the other end.
Edenhope-Apsley’s next game will be against Harrow-Balmoral, which returns to action after a round two bye. Other matches saw Laharum defeat Kalkee 57-37 behind a dominant game from Maddi Iredell at goal attack, while Rupanyup made light work of Pimpinio in its season debut, winning 57-28 thanks to the strong defensive work of new coach Jedda Heard.
The Panthers are away to Kalkee this weekend, while the Demons will travel to Kaniva to take on the Cougars.
Atantalising round of Wimmera league matches ensue this week, starting with the annual Anzac Day clash between two cross-town rivals.
Horsham Demons will host Horsham Saints at city oval on Thursday evening – with the first of the junior matches starting at 1pm, followed by other grades throughout the afternoon before the senior game at 6.35pm after an Anzac ceremony.
Both the Demons and Saints come off round one losses, making the annual traditional match even more important.
The Demons were right in their match against reigning premiers Ararat, with just one point separating the two sides at three-quarter time.
But the Rats put their foot on the accelerator in the final term, piling on five goals to the Demons’ one to score a 29-point win.
The Saints come off a tough 44-point loss to Stawell, who led at every change in a dominant display.
Stawell coach Tom Eckel said a highlight was the performance of Ash
Driscoll, with five goals, in his second match for the Warriors.
“It felt like we controlled the game the whole day, so we’re pretty happy with that win,” he said.
“Jakob Salmi also had a good game in the midfield, and Sam Jenkinson, one of our younger players, played really well, so it was a good spread.”
However, the Warriors’ inaccuracy in front of goal, kicking 14.18, is an area Eckel said needed to be addressed.
“If we don’t fix it, it’ll cost us a game at some stage... we were pretty ordinary in that area,” he said.
Stawell is the only senior team to have recorded two wins so far this season, giving them top spot on the ladder, but the ladder will be skewed until at least halfway through the season due to the Warriors versus Ararat round nine match being played on Good Friday.
“We really had to beat the reigning premiers, Ararat, and then beat Horsham Saints who made a prelim last year – I know things have changed but to be a chance to be three and zero would be the perfect start to the year,” he said.
They’re expecting 400 to 500 people there, so it’ll be a great day,” he said.
As well as functions on the day, Stawell footballers will also wear specially-designed 150th guernseys to mark the occasion.
“It’s going to be a massive day.
against the Burras, who scored a 31-point win against Nhill on Saturday.
“They’re a tall side, a big side. They’ve troubled us over many years now,” he said.
“They defend the ground really well, so we’re just going to have to come up with a couple of plans to counteract that. It’s one that we really want to win.”
In a monumental occasion on Saturday, newly-merged club Southern Mallee Thunder smashed Warrack Eagles by 129 points.
The Thunder played at one of its four home grounds, Jeparit – which was the first Wimmera league game at that ground since 1989.
“Stawell and Minyip-Murtoa have a pretty good connection – we get along pretty well.
“For us to get the win in front of all our supporters and ex-players, presidents and all that would be great.”
But the Warriors face a tough test
The dominant Thunder kicked off strongly, booting 9.2 while keeping the Eagles scoreless in the first term. Warrack’s start of the season does not look any easier as they face Ararat this weekend – the Eagles play all of last year’s top five in their first five matches of this season.
While the Thunder can cool its jets with a bye in round two, the other match will see Dimboola kick off its season with an away game at Nhill.
A 2023 Wimmera league A Grade grand final rematch is set to play out at Horsham City Oval on Anzac Day. Horsham Demons will be looking to exact revenge after its three-goal loss to Horsham Saints in last year’s grand final.
The Demons and Saints come off round one wins for the rematch, set for 5pm on Thursday.
The Saints debuted two different circle defenders in their win against Stawell on Saturday, with Maddison Bethune playing a key role in the strong 45-goal win.
The Saints were ruthless in their match against the Warriors, playing a solid four-quarter match as Jorja Clode shot 69 goals.
In fact, both clubs have made a couple of changes to their A Grade teams this season, with the Demons’ Pimpinio recruit Tahlia Thompson judged one of the best on Saturday against Ararat. Thompson, with 28 goals at goalattack, along with centre Georgia Car-
berry, led the way for the Demons, who were too good in the second half, increasing their five-goal lead at halftime to win by 25 at the end of play.
In other matches from round one, Southern Mallee Thunder joined their senior football counterparts in making it a perfect start to the season for the newly-merged club as they steamrolled Warrack in the second half.
The Eagles led by one goal at halftime – but the Thunder came out firing in the third term to outscore their rivals 14-7 goals.
While the Thunder has the bye this round, the Eagles will be looking for its first win of the season when it takes on Ararat.
Nhill also notched up an early win, defeating Minyip-Murtoa 53-36.
Playing at Minyip, Nhill led throughout with midcourter Courtney Hillier and goal-attack Claudia McRae, with 20 goals, judged best.
Nhill will host Dimboola this Saturday, while Minyip-Murtoa travel to Stawell.
MILESTONE: Foundation members, from left, David and Matthew Berry, Brady King, Cam Robinson, Josh Gordon, Nick Adamson and Adrian Fox celebrate Robinson’s 150th Phantoms game.
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Weekdays from 6am
Rangers remain undefeated on top of the Volleyball Horsham A Grade ladder after recording a lucky win against Hellenic Nuggets.
‘Lucky’ was the operative word as if not for a wonderful example of sportsmanship from Nuggets’ Jasper Ponseca, the association would be talking about Hellenic Nuggets inflicting Rangers’ first defeat for the season.
Sitting one set to love down and 23-24, a Jack Hannan spike went sailing into the back wall on the full and no linesmen’s call of touch was forthcoming. Nuggets started to celebrate a great win, only to see Ponseca put his hand up to say ‘yes, the ball did touch my finger’. That stroke of luck enabled Rangers to take the next two points and win the set to tie the game up at one-set all. They then powered away wining the third set and eventually the match to remain undefeated.
Tsunami jumped into the four with a close win against Phantoms. Alex Baker was in good touch for the winning team, ably supported by Malachy O’Brien and Emily Hannan.
James Johns and Lucas Pumpa steered Stars to a points win against Maccas Malakas in B Grade, recording their first win for the season. Tayte Wardle and Rhianna Williams were the stars for HTLC Tigers in their close win against Phantoms Blue.
Lakers moved to the top of the table in the women’s competition, with a hard fought win against Heidelberg.
Kayla Kelm, Ella Hogan, Loretta McKinnon and Tayla Eltze combined well together for Lakers despite the efforts of Molly Carter, Scarlett Hand and Annika McDonald for Heidelberg.
Other winners on the night were Tsunami in a highly-entertaining match against Von Steiger Sisters, Ladybugs beat Stars and Phantoms won against Ball Busters.
Anzac Day challenge
All is in readiness for the Volleyball Horsham versus Ararat Anzac Day Lightning Spike challenge.
Ararat will send two men’s teams and two women’s teams into battle against Volleyball Horsham teams in a Lightning Spike fast-format mini-tournament.
Volleyball Horsham’s Laelah Robertson said the Ararat crew had been playing good volleyball and was keen to test its skills against the Horsham teams.
“The men love nothing more than to hit the ball hard, while the girls are very skillful, and like the men, love hitting the ball hard, so the games will be well fought out and close,” she said.
The day will start with an Anzac Remembrance service at 12.45pm, with matches starting at 1pm. A canteen will operate throughout the day with a barbecue tea. Spectators are invited to attend with no charge for admission.
Foundation player and former Volleyball Horsham member Cam Robinson achieved a significant milestone for Phantoms when he registered his 150th game last week.
Robinson has been a member of Phantoms since their inception into state league in 2011, playing every year. He is the current captain of the premier men’s team.
Robinson sits second on the all-time list of games played, and barring anything unforeseen will take over at the top by the season’s end.
WINNERS: Pictured, from left, Rex Konig, Kym Stepney, Sue Kraus, Steve Harris, Judy McFarlane and Leonie Atkin were successful at a combined Wimmera veterans and ladies’ event at Warracknabeal Golf Club last week. Atkin, of Warracknabeal, was the A Grade winner, finishing the day on 34 points. Harris, Horsham, was runner-up, on a countback, with 32 points. Stepney, Warracknabeal, won B Grade with 36 points, Konig, Murtoa, was runner-up with 33 points. McFarlane, Nhill, scored 35 points to win C Grade, ahead of Sheep Hills’ Kraus on 34 points. Greg Proud, Dimboola, and Cindy Marsh, Minyip, were nearest the pin on the fifth, Horsham’s Ron Dodds and Minyip’s Janice Midgley were nearest on the seventh, Rob Boyd was nearest on the 13th, and Chalambar’s Rob Porter and Janice Midgley were nearest on the ninth with a second shot. A total of 56 players were in the field. The next Wimmera Veterans’ event is on Monday at Sheep Hills golf club.
Brought to you by The Morning Rush Weekdays from 6am
Horsham’s Logan Young has returned from Queensland a national champion after notching a career-best score at the Tenpin Bowling Australia President’s Junior Shield last week.
Young, 16, represented Victoria as part of a boys under-18 team that contested the championships on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.
Across 21 rounds of bowling, Victoria won the boys section with a total pinfall of 21,566 and 105.5, ahead of second-placed North Queensland, which recorded a pinfall of 20,787 and 101.5.
Young nearly etched his name into President’s Junior Shield history with a perfect score of 300 in one game, but came up just short.
“I bowled a personal best of 298. I had two pins left standing on the final ball,” he said. “I had the entire bowling centre crowding around and taking videos, staring, clapping and screaming.
“I was under that much pressure and you’ve that many nerves when everyone is watching.
“You pick up your bowling ball and you’re on the approach thinking ‘I have to nail this’.
“I was shaking like crazy and when I shot my ball I put it too far inside. As soon as it came off my hand I
knew. I thought ‘please just fall over anyway’, but I got unlucky.”
Despite coming so close to his first perfect game, Young said he was thrilled with his performance at the championships.
“That’s the biggest junior competition in Australia, so it was pretty mind-blowing to take part,” he said.
Young, who only began bowling competitively 18 months ago, said he planned to contest tournaments across Australia and work his way onto the national team.
“A couple of my team members from the tournament are going to Malaysia in two months to bowl against all the other countries across
the world,” he said. “I’m ranked 11th in Australia at the moment, so to get into the top 10 would be unreal.”
Young thanked local businesses who sponsored his trip to Queensland.
“Their help takes financial pressure off, because it’s not cheap to travel.”
Stawell Amateur Athletic Club’s first race under lights at North Park drew a large crowd on Friday for the Chris Blake Championship.
Thirty-eight runners laced up at the starting line of the one and three kilometre races.
A sealed start for the juniors and seniors created some early congestion, but runners quickly spread out as they settled into their rhythm for the seven and a half laps.
A true credit to first-year handicapper
Nathaniel Warren, the first 20 runners finished within two minutes of each other on adjusted times.
Naomi Hunter was first for the seniors, in only her second run with the club for the season, running a three kilometre personal best of 16:18. Jess Maffescioni was second, with Claire Davies in third.
It was a battle for the fastest times with new runner Eion Smyth and local speedster Scott Carey pushing each other all the way to the end, running an impressive 10:13.
Milla Harrison was first after handicaps were applied in the junior three-kilometre, with Joseph Clarke coming in second and Alfie Freeland third. Hamish Baker was first on handicap in the sub-junior one-kilometre dash in an impressive time of 4:51. Christian Clarke was second, with Isla Murphy rounding out the podium in third.
The club has a week off this week and wishes our members competing in the Ballarat Marathon all the best.
The next race with be the Poolwerx Handicap in Horsham on Sunday, May 5. Fun runners welcome.
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Long-time football administrator Grant Kuchel will head a newly-established AFL Wimmera Mallee region council, which met for the first time last week.
Mr Kuchel is the inaugural chairperson of the council, with Gaynor Baker and Jeffery Both also appointed members.
A co-host of 3WM’s ‘The Shirtfront’ radio program, Mr Kuchel will serve as chairperson for one year, with AFL Wimmera Mallee region manager Angela Ballinger to be secretary.
AFL Victoria last week appointed representatives to five region councils across country Victoria, including AFL Wimmera Mallee, AFL Western District, AFL Goldfields, AFL Gippsland and AFL South East.
“The purpose of the region council is to provide constructive guidance and recommendations to the AFL Victoria board using a collection of skills, knowledge and expertise, from a broad collection of backgrounds, on a range of strategic and demographic issues that arise in the administration of Australian football within the Wimmera Mallee region,” Ms Ballinger said.
“That is – local people making local decisions about local football in the Wimmera.”
AFL Victoria head Greg Madigan said each region council member was appointed based on the needs of their region, with councils possess-
ing a mix of relevant skills and expertise. He said a key reason for establishing the councils was to allow local people to make local decisions and work collaboratively with local leagues and AFL Victoria.
The councils will provide advice and recommendations in the best interest of their regions, including proposing rule changes and modifications, and age-group determinations.
Councils will also support participation growth and club development opportunities.
“The region councils have been established to help local football in country regions across the state,” Mr Madigan said.
“We are really pleased with the calibre of people who put themselves forward and have been appointed to represent their regions.
“All council members share a passion for the game and a deep understanding of their regions, which will help to ensure constructive guidance and local leadership is provided.
“Footy has rebounded strongly after severe disruptions in recent years and while the game is generally in good shape, we know there are clubs and communities doing it tough.
“AFL Victoria is committed to directing support to where it’s needed most and the region councils will help to ensure local knowledge and needs are factored into ensuring the game thrives well into the future.”
Douglas Miga Lake Rovers’
Salt Lakes was the original name of the district now known as Douglas. Rovers played at Wombelano, on a ground that was part of a paddock belonging to the Page family. Players used to change in the hall about 150 metres towards Harrow road. A dip in a nearby dam was the players’ only option to clean up.
On the same day, the Douglas Miga Lake Rovers’ footballers defeated Balmoral, 10.8.68 to 8.6.54, under coach Jim Dawson.
The six remaining basketball premiership players, now aged from 86 to 91, are all set to attend the reunion.
The Central Glenelg association involved the towns and districts that now make up Harrow Balmoral Football Netball Club – Balmoral, Pigeon Ponds, Konongwotong, Douglas-Miga Lake Rovers, Harrow, Toolondo, Gymbowen and Rocklands.
The club moved to the Central Wimmera Football League in 1956.
In 1970, Douglas Miga Lake Rovers amalgamated with Harrow to form Douglas Harrow Miga Lake, which competed in the Central Wimmera Lowan Star League until 1981. They then played in Horsham District League until an amalgamation with Balmoral to form the Harrow Balmoral Football Netball Club.
Improvements were gradually made to the ground and it grew to be one of the best-regarded minor league grounds in the 1970s and ’80s. It stopped being used for football and netball in 1994.