Mr Benjamin said the 2026 Games offered a chance for the region’s busi nesses to supply their products and services on a bigger scale, helped by local procurement requirements.
BY MICHAEL SCALZO Wimmera and southern Mal lee leaders are exploring extensive opportunities as mil lions of visitors are forecast to visit regional Victoria for the 2026 Commonwealth Games. Stuart Benjamin, chair of Regional Development Australia Grampians and a prominent Grampians-region businessman pointed to Birmingham’s hosting of the 2022 Commonwealth Games as offering lessons for the region.MrBenjamin, who was in Birming ham in August as a sports fan, kept an eye on methods the city of 1.1-million people and its regional fringe used to capture the benefits of a global sport ingHeevent.said his recent expedition high lighted the ‘huge scale’ of co-opera tive business networks that supplied, accommodated, fed and entertained almost one million attending athletes, officials and spectators. He said the region was well placed to capitalise on procurement, tourism and upskilling benefits. He said the co-operative work of businesses and trader associations were a template for the Wimmera and southern Mallee and foreshadowed a ‘huge opportunity’ the Games could offer regional Victorians.
“There is a chance for the region to have a legacy, and not just a hard infrastructure legacy. A lot of it will be soft infrastructure – lifting the skills of the community with everything from training to intra-industry co-operation and with skills we can then target oth er global events beyond the Games.”
“Yes, many will come from Mel bourne, but there will be a dispersal of tourists across the region, and we need to encourage that, and businesses need to get creative about how they can package their products and services with the hub in Ballarat.”
Vol. 18 No. 27Vol. 25 No. 9 KMART ⚫ SPOTLIGHT ⚫ REJECT SHOP ⚫ WIDE RANGE OF SPECIALTY STORES ⚫ WWW.HORSHAMPLAZA.COM.AU Enquires to WACK’s Simon Clark 0429 941 241 or Brendan McKinnon 0418 145 225 Sunday, September 4, 2022 10am to 1pm Public entry by gold coin donation Horsham Plaza west carpark Display vehicles set up by 9.30am $10 donation Trade stands welcome Father’ s Day CAR & SHOWBIKE AlltoproceedsWACK THIS SUNDAY IN THIS ISSUE • Crisis accommodation plan • Quantong residents stand strong • Football-netball action AUDITED: 22,507 COPIES April 2020 to September 2020 Source: AMAA; CAB Total Distribution Audit for further information visit 03 5382 1351 Read it online: IN THIS ISSUE • Healthcare blueprint • Monthly AgLife • Football-netball finals October 2021 to March 2022 Open to opportunity
Continued page 5
THREE GENERATIONS: Horsham’s Heath MacInnes will celebrate his first Father’s Day on Sunday with daughter Harper in his arms and partner Bridget Lowe by his side. Heath’s father Roger MacInnes now has two generations of MacInnes to keep a loving eye on.
“I was struck by the amount of busi ness delegations in the city who were negotiating with the local business groups about contracts for the Games and then, because of that, for contracts for events moving forward,” he said.
“I saw in Birmingham small busi nesses in regional communities en gage with each other, and work to gether, to supply everything from fencing to porta-loos, to staff and food. A lot of that in Birmingham was organised by trader associations and even the university,” he said.
“Even Birmingham couldn’t satisfy all the needs of the Games by itself without the communities in the Mid lands“Forregion.example, for 2026, there are about 5000 beds of accommodation in Ballarat, but given there will be any where between 60,000 and 100,000 visitors to the city a day – they will need to be accommodated somewhere.

Page 2 Wednesday, August 31, TankBundedDiesel Bulk Diesel Transfer Units Spring 200ltr 3,000ltr 2,000ltr NEWFertiliserLiquidTanksCompletely self drainingCOMINGtank!SOON 2,270ltr 600ltr 1200ltr RWT2270LP DMP3000 DMP2000 DMP1200 2,270ltr RWT2270T

GWMWater’s managing director Mark Williams said recent rain had limited opportunities for water to be used off-site, resulting in a significant increase in water stored at the plant. He said people wanting more infor mation could phone 1300 659 961.
to be and not really conducive to the sort of environment you want to bring students and grow a workforce from.
A Horsham boy, 14, was airlifted to hospital with life-threatening injuries, while a Horsham boy, 15, from the same vehicle was taken to hospital with serious injuries. People with information are urged to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or visit au to submit a confidential report.
Grampians Health will develop master plans for hospitals at Horsham, Edenhope and Stawell. Understanding the infrastructure requirements for the region’s future healthcare needs and priorities is among more than 200 recommenda tions listed in the health service’s 285page Clinical Services Plan. The Clinical Services Plan, along with a 2022-24 Strategic Plan, were released last week. The plans will serve as a ‘blueprint’ for the next 20 years of healthcare in the region, including short, medium and long-term goals. It comes after the amalgamation of Wimmera Health Care Group, Eden hope and District Memorial Hospital, Stawell Regional Health and Ballarat Health Services last year. Grampians Health chief executive Dale Fraser said a master infrastruc
Service develops hospital blueprints
Picture: PAUL CARRACHER Eyes opened to STEM opportunities
The national challenge, supported by Rotary clubs across Australia since the challenge’s inception in 2001 in conjunction with University of Newcastle, attracted more than 30,000 students for two days of com petition, with state and national titles on offer for the region’s best teams. Rotary Club of Horsham East pres ident Tom Gallagher said 350 Wim mera students competed in teams across the “Studentschallenges.hadablast and competed better than anyone expected within the national event,” he said. Mr Gallagher said a team from Dimboola Primary School beat the national record for the water turbine challenge on Monday. “Wimmera students sometimes don’t realise the opportunities in our region for sci ence-based careers, and an event like this really does open their eyes and lets them imagine what opportunities they could explore during and after school,” he said. “The noise from the crowd during the final event on Monday was huge and word from our teachers is stu dents are already asking about 2023.”
COMPETITIVE: Kaniva College students, from left, Ella Wallis, Lacie Haigh and Harrison White compete in a Rotary science competition.
Police have warned Wimmera men about the sharing of ‘intimate’ images after a string of ‘sextortion’ attempts.
Senior Sergeant Leigh Creasey said men aged 14 to 30 years-old were the target of online scammers who were contacting victims via social media and tricking them into recording or sending sexually explicit videos or photographs.Thescammers would then threaten to post the images to the internet or share with family or friends unless money was paid.
Senior Sergeant Creasey said Hor sham police had received nine reports from men in the region since Janu ary – and they suspected the actual number of victims was at least double. He said the scammers were not known to the men and had randomly contacted them. He said one victim was asked to pay $4000 and in most instances, the images were released regardless of payment.Heencouraged people to consider the repercussions of sending ‘inti mate’“Peoplephotographs.havetobe mindful that once an image is in the Cloud, it’s there for ever – we can’t get it back,” he said. People can call Horsham police on 5382 9200 or CrimeStoppers on 1800 333 000 to make a report.
A national challenge for primary and secondary school students has drawn out the competitive edge in budding science enthusiasts across the Wim mera this week. The region’s students gathered for the 2022 Science and Engineering Challenge at Horsham College for a day of problem-solving challenges to encourage career opportunities in science, technology, engineering and mathematic, STEM, fields.
The Clinical Services Plan lists
Page 3Wednesday, August 31, 2022 BugROff wins ‘Australian Pest Manager of the Year’ for 2 consecutive years the mob with the termitesnifferdogs A ANTICIMEX COMPANY 1300 559 799
GWMWater is releasing recycled water from its Horsham Wastewater Treatment Plant into the Wimmera River from this week.
It also includes aspirations to of fer day surgery for ophthalmology, endoscopy, gynaecology and general surgery at Stawell; developing a men tal health, alcohol and drug crisis centre at Ballarat and acute mental health beds in Horsham; developing a specialist ‘challenging behaviour and dementia’ unit at Horsham; and estab lishing ‘recovery at home’ programs. Grampians Health chairman Bill Brown said communities across the region faced ‘substantial’ health and wellbeing challenges in their acces sibility of care. “These challenges are not new and with the coming together as Grampi ans Health, we’ve acknowledged that a new approach is necessary to the delivery of healthcare services to our communities,” he said. Mr Brown said the Strategic Plan would define aspirations and the Clin ical Services Plan was a roadmap to achieve‘Extensivethem.research and analysis’, along with community and staff con sultations, have shaped and informed thePeopledocuments.canread the plan via www.
Mr Fraser highlighted the Horsham emergency department’s waiting room capacity and an MRI machine ‘in a truck’ as examples. Contemporary design He said upgrades to air-conditioning in Horsham theatre were due to begin soon.“All these are things that, in the long-term, we’d like to see changed to have a more contemporary design that is supportive of the healing envi ronment we know health can be, and ensure the people of Horsham and Stawell and Edenhope and Dimboola have good plans in place to get invest ment for their development,” he said.
workforce recruitment, training and development and service integration as other key issues for Wimmera Base Hospital. It says access and accuracy of clinical information and continuity of care, and workforce and training were issues at Stawell; while at Eden hope it is a reliance on one doctor that left the health service in the town vulnerable.Generally, the Clinical Services Plan identifies themes including improv ing access to services closer to home, enhancing service integration, clinical capability, improving patient experi ences, clinical and governance leader ship, workforce recruitment and reten tion, digital health transformation, and capital infrastructure improvements.
“In my view, the Horsham campus, specifically, has some limitations in its capability,” he said. “If we want to grow a workforce and train a workforce, for example, the education centre is an old ship ping container that, in the middle of summer, is a very unpleasant place
“There are lots of things that are in the non-clinical space as much as the clinical space.”
Mr Gallagher said he encouraged greater numbers of secondary students to consider next year’s challenge.
Police warn of scammers‘intimate’
Crash appeal Water release
ture plan would take about 12 months toHecomplete.saidStawell and Edenhope hos pitals had never had a master plan, while a ‘dated’ plan for Horsham’s Wimmera Base Hospital was no long erDimboolaappropriate.infrastructure needs are also being considered. The master plan for Horsham would include its emergency department, mental health, acute beds and a com munity-based services hub. Mr Fraser said the master plans would lead into an ability to develop a feasibility study for capital funding for campus investment.
Horsham Highway Patrol has main tained its appeal for public assistance in regard to a serious vehicle collision at the intersection of Horsham-Lubeck Road and Rokesky Road in Drung last week. Officers have asked for witnesses or dashcam footage of a 2009 silver Kia Carnival driving south along Rokesky Road or in the Horsham area prior to its collision with a white Subaru station-wagon at about 5.10pm on Tuesday, August 23. A police media statement reported the exact circumstances surrounding the crash were yet to be determined and police investigations are continu ing into its cause.

Page 4 Wednesday, August 31, Karen Bryant Director Bianca Rogers Admin Support Cathie Ferguson Recruitment Consultant Mt Gambier Jade Gartside RecruitmentHorshamConsultant HORSHAM OFFICE 0421 006 Meet Jade I pride myself on my customer service and ability to build relationships with clients and all aspects of management. I am driven and it is integral for me to find the best candidate for your business, as well as helping those looking for work find Iemployment.lovelivingin Horsham and supporting local businesses wherever possible. Give Jade a call to have a chat about your recruitment needs on 0421 006 353. We love giving back to the community and each quarter we choose a different charity to donate to. For every candidate we place in permanent and casual roles we make a donation to a local charity or charity that does great work in our regions. Recently we have supported Beyond Blue, Foodbank, Royal Flying Doctor Service and Dolly’s Dream. CONTACT US Why choose Recruitment?Latitude Businessworkingbetter Who are we? Latitude Recruitment started in Mount Gambier four years ago and we are excited to now be operating in Horsham and the wider Western Victoria region. We work in partnership with our clients and candidates to bring you a quality and personalised service for recruitment and HR support. What types of jobs do we recruit for? We help with permanent or labour hire staff. We have worked on a wide variety of jobs and industries – from general managers and workshop managers, to farm hands and labourers Do we provide HR support? Yes. We do. We can help you set up policies and procedures from scratch, help with performance appraisals or conduct reviews to see what is working and what isn’t. How do we work? We meet with you in person or over the phone to discuss your needs and get an understanding of your business. We discuss timeframes, cost and advertising options with you so everything is transparent from the start. How much do we cost? It really depends on the role and the qualifications, tickets, degrees or experience required. Get in contact with us and we can chat about what you are looking for and give you more information. Do we have an office? No, we don’t. Early on we realised that the prices for our clients could be kept lower if we didn’t have office overheads, so decided to go digital! Our Mount Gambier and Horsham-based consultants work from home, so they can come to you when needed and you aren’t paying high recruitment fees to maintain offices. Win-win!

BY MICHAEL SCALZO AWimmera leader and govern ment-associated partnership chair has revealed regional bodies are in preliminary stages of gov ernment and visitor-engagement planning ahead of the 2026 Com monwealth Games.
“We need to come up with a strategy and have a few things in mind we are asking for,” he said. “There are a lot of things still to hap pen, but the reality is, because we are not a host town, there won’t be rivers of money flowing our way from gov ernment – so we must be a bit smart.
Stacey Taig
He said government money was limited and it would be allocated to regions that had a strong vision about what they could offer or glean from theHeGames.saida ‘strong proposal’ and an inclination to ‘go like hell’ across the next 12 months would be important to put the region at the forefront of any future government discussions and decisions.MrJochinke said it was important to have further conversations with the Victorian 2026 Commonwealth Games Organising Committee down the track, but first it was key for the region to plan what indirect benefits it would target.
The State Government hosted its Victoria 2026 Partner Forum last weel for more than 150 regional councils, tourism boards and business groups, the higher-education sector, Tradition al Owners and the sport and recreation sectors across Victoria. The Victoria 2026 Organising Com mittee and its board was also an nounced last week, which among others, includes Wotjobaluk woman
From page 1 Stuart Benjamin said once all com petitive events were locked in, ex pected within months, a single sport could require hundreds of additional accommodation beds for travelling athletes and spectators.
THIS FATHER’S Fire Friday, Sept 2022
Belinda Duarte, the chief executive of Aboriginal-led not-for-profit group ‘Culture is Life’, to direct regional consultation and preparation ahead of theDavidevent.Jochinke, chair of Grampians Tourism and of Wimmera Southern Mallee Regional Partnerships, said he recognised the State Government was attempting to engage with regions out side of the host cities and there were ‘promising signs’ in this space.
“If we don’t try something, we won’t get anything, and organisations and people who have a bit of spunk about what they are doing will get some thing.”MrJochinke and other leaders in the region, including Wimmera Develop ment Association, have already started primary discussions about developing a regional Games strategy.
“It is important for people and busi nesses in the region to also think be yond the direct benefits of the Games the region probably will not see – the facilities and infrastructure – and real ise the indirect benefits and opportuni ties available,” he said. “Things just don’t happen. It will take a lot of time and effort and behind the scenes work to make it materialise. But if we don’t, we could miss the boat on it “COVID-19all. and its effect on the region is still probably front of mind and there are challenges there and backlogs in business to deal with, but after speaking to people and highlight ing the chance we could have, they accept it is something we need to get on the front foot with now.”
Business collaborationcreativity,key
Regional strategy to target Games
Spend $20 or more at any Horsham Plaza store and you could win this magnificent Fire Pit Proudly locally made by Smallaire Winner drawn Noon,
Ms Taig said the region had ‘sat back at times’ and perhaps ‘assumed’ op portunities would pass through. However, she emphasised the ‘ex citement’ of the Games would only happen ‘once in our lifetime’ and said proactive collaboration was key.
“We can make of this what we want. We can sit back and let it hap pen – this whole thing could come in on a truck and leave if we want. But we don’t want that. We want to use it to build-up skills, build our assets and build-up our hard and soft infra structure,” he said. “If councils across the Wimmera and southern Mallee aren’t starting to talk about the 2026 Games now, they sure need to be.”
“Things just don’t happen. It will take a lot of time and effort and behind the scenes work to make it materialise. But if we don’t, we could miss the boat on it all” – David Jochinke
Lessons from Birmingham MEET AND GREET: Regional Australia Development Grampians chair Stuart Benjamin meets Australia’s Chef de Mission – leader of Australia’s 2022 Commonwealth Games team – former Australian swimmer and Sport Australia Hall of Fame inductee, Petria Thomas, during the 2022 Games in Birmingham, England.
“It is a unique marketing opportunity we have, and one that exists beyond the point of transaction,” Ms Taig said.“Collaboratively, what can we do to stop“Wetravellers?knowthey are here, so what can we do to make this an attractive place to stop? Precincts; a place with pur pose, and place-making; re-imagining community spaces, is what West Vic Business will encourage. “Lets make people spend their dol lars.”Ms Taig said she suggested busi nesses registered for Games prepara tion ‘general news updates’ on the State Government’s ‘Victoria 2026 Commonwealth Games’ online page, which also provided an online avenue for regional businesses to ask ques tions of “Preparegovernment.yourwork, research es sential contacts and find those compli mentary businesses,” she said. “You have to put in the groundwork and be creative – it is your business, be the driver of this opportunity.”
As regional leaders pursue prelimi nary ideas for Wimmera and southern Mallee’s 2026 Commonwealth Games plan, businesses have been encour aged to consider their own opportuni ties.Stacey Taig, ambassador for Horsh am-based business network West Vic Business, said fortune favoured brave businesses that could ‘piggyback’ off Games opportunities and work col laboratively.“Thinkoutside the square here. Con tact all the shires that might host Games events themselves or those that will have visitors staying or pass ing through and get in business with them,” she said. “We encourage business to think about councils and other businesses as complementary to what they do, not just as their competitors – find some one that complements what you do and piggyback off each other to create your own opportunities.”
Mr Benjamin said the region could make this event whatever it wanted it to be and the Games would draw out the innovation of regional and rural businesses.
“Business groups are already talk ing with members about how to dis perse visitors across western Victo ria. Given die-hard sports fans often travelled with significant spending money, it is a huge opportunity for businesses along the tourist route to capitalise with bus, accommoda tion and entertainment packages,” he“Whilesaid. the Games were never going to be hosted in rural locations, we can make the best of it and the best of it will be making use of the people who will be here for the big gest event ever in this region.”

Amanda Russell, a parent of a kin dergarten child, said she recognised that educators did a ‘wonderful’ job each day and they should be acknowl edged for that work.
Horsham Plaza car park will be home to cars and motorbikes on Sunday for a fundraiser for Wimmera Against Cancer in Kids, WACK. The Father’s Day WACK Car Show raises money to support Wimmera families dealing with childhood cancer.
Green Park Kindergar ten teacher Alice Clarke said it was important people recognised the posi tion of early childhood educators in a child’s journey to school.
“There’s a lot of challenges within the industry,” she said.
“The day is a chance for people to take notice of what the staff do,” she said.
“We also take our work home with us, both the physical and mental load when you worry about vulnerable children.
WACK volunteer Simon Clark said he was excited to run the car show. “Car and bike enthusiasts are always excited to show off their vehicles and ‘talk the talk’ with like-minded own ers,” he said.
“They take on the responsibility of every child,” she said.
Recognition of early-years educators
“To celebrate Early Childhood Edu cators’ Day the parents have organised an afternoon tea for us and we will get to read cards from the children about why they’re grateful for us.”
“It’s an undervalued job in the sense that it is so important as the educator for a child’s first experience in formal education settings,” she said.
“As parents, we give over our chil dren to the educators who expose them to so many things we probably don’t think about. They’re very im portant. Early education gets children ready for school, providing a struc tured but nurturing environment, and they work on lots of areas in social and emotional skills.
Page 6 Wednesday, August 31, 1C Bennett Road, Horsham | 5382 1416 | D Bookings are essential so please call 5382 1416 to avoid disappointment! Our bistro will be open for orders Sunday lunch from 11.30am until 2pm Two course meal (either entrée & main or main & sweets) & a schooner of beer or soft drinkLUNCH Father’s Day PACKAGESunday,Sept4Father’s Day $36 personper Prizes to be won on the day 89 Plumpton Road, Horsham | Ph (03) 5382 1375 | 24/7 CALLOUT | Receive a minimum $1000 off your splitsystem supply installationand QUOTESFREE To see if you are eligible “Totally Dependable” Rec 14579 | ARC AU26861 | Lic. No. 41089*Terms and conditions apply REBATES*UPTO$1700
WELCOME: From left, East Grampians Health Service director of clinical services Peter Armstrong, acting director of support services Ann Grierson, project clinical lead Judi Debney and perioperative services manager Kirsten Carr are preparing for an open day at the Ararat hospital this weekend. The open day, on Sunday from 2pm to 4pm, gives people a chance to view the hospital’s $8.6million redevelopment. Works redeveloped and expanded the hospital’s theatre, radiology and pathology services, and relocated palliative care services.
Car show
BY ABBY WALTER Horsham early childhood edu cators hope Early Childhood Educators’ Day will be a step to wards helping people understand theirHorsham’srole.
“There are lots of misconceptions that we get paid to play all day, which is not “Parentstrue.come in and see what we do but not a lot of people understand how we’re different from childcare.
Green Park Kindergarten deploy ment educator Dannielle Smith said she wanted the day to raise awareness of the work of educators.
“We hope this will be an annual Fa ther’s Day event.” The show will start at 10am on Sep tember 4 and conclude at 1pm in the plaza’s rear car park. Vehicle owners are welcome to setup their vehicles before 9.30am on the day and remove them after 1pm. Vehicles can be displayed without prior booking and owners pay a $10 donation; people are invited to attend by gold coin donation.
Early Childhood Educators’ Day on September 7 recognises and celebrates the work of educators in early learning across Australia. It is used as a chance for service operators, families and their children to say ‘thank you’ to early childhood educators.Wimmera provider Emerge Early Years Services’ pedagogical leader Aida Andersen said early childhood educators should be acknowledged ‘every day’ for their hard work.
“Then once they get to school they have developed self-regulation skills. “It’s a credit to the teachers and educators that the children have a structure, they know what to do in the morning with their bags and sign ing“Havingin. a play-based environment where kids can explore and develop in their own way with help from their educators is so good.”

To me, it seemed that loudly and clearly is the manner-of-address to all, whether they are deaf or not. So your date of birth, which is meant to be a private identifier, also gets bounced off the walls from daylight to dark.
Ben Bentley, Warracknabeal Call to respect privacy
The paramedics, the emergency de partment staff and the Yandilla staff at Wimmera Base Hospital were all exceptional and my heart surgeon in Melbourne states their care is the rea son I am alive today. When you are ill, all you want is to be well again, and it’s human nature to dwell on the negatives and forget about the However,positives.basedsolely on our per sonal experience, our family extends a personal thanks and appreciation to all the departments at Wimmera Base Hospital that treated Joan and I for the care and professionalism they displayed and completed during our stay in hospital and for the caring nature they extended to both us and our family.
The expertise of my operation and the care and attention from the staff was truly appreciated from yours truly; however, my local doctor is restricted with what she can disclose even to my family and I certainly never gave my permission for any hospital to share my health conditions with strangers. A lot of common decency standards have been lost over the years but the last thing I want to I lose is the free dom to retain my own dignity — that being, my right to privacy.
Catherine Selwood, Miram
We would like to make a positive comment on the delivery of services at the Wimmera Base Hospital as we both now have had personal experi ence with the hospital as we were both in the hospital at the same time. Joan was admitted for rehabilitation after major hip surgery in Ballarat and the staff at Wyuna were excellent and treated Joan and our family in the most respectful and caring manner at all times, which, given the current COVID protocols, can be very dif ficult.
Purple message could save a life
Positive care experience Recently our family had the necessity to utilise the facilities at the Wimmera Base Hospital for myself and wife Joan.We were 89 and 88 years of age, respectively, when we were admitted to the Mosthospital.organisations always hear of the negative aspects of the perfor mance of their staff and business, but rarely receive positive feedback for an outstanding performance.
to existing and emerging challenges. Advice and awareness is critical to en suring people, and those around them, know the risks and make choices ac cordingly.Visualactions such as those of GCH this week could start a conversation that might save a life.
• People with concerns about their own or others substance abuse can phone GCH on 5358 7400 and speak with an intake worker. • People can also phone the 24-hour National Alcohol and Other Drugs Hotline on 1800 250 015; or phone Lifeline for crisis support on 13 11 14. In an emergency, phone 000.
The council, being sticklers in the extreme with their interpretation of what should be private, will not even divulge who is your absentee land owner next door.
Furthermore, the night after Joan was admitted I had a heart attack and had also contracted COVID and was admitted to Wimmera Base Hospital.
Page 7Wednesday, August 31, 2022 NEED A SKIP? CALL WESTONVIC. Operating in Western Victoria for over 30 years ... a locally owned and familyoperatedbusiness 8 Turnbull Dr, Horsham • Ph: 03 5381 1300 E: • w: • Front Lift Bins • Skips • Hook Bins • Wheelie Bins LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
A recent stay in a large hospital gave me cause to reflect on the profound difference I witnessed there in com parison to say, my local council, in regard to privacy issues.
At the hospital, however, a group of doctors pull the curtain around one’s bed and proceed to speak —, with no pretence of propriety, at any volume, explaining the in’s and outs of one’s procedures and condition, quite indif ferent to the fact that cotton curtains are not sound-proof and that there are three other patients all within earshot. Nowadays, nurses make a changeover shift in the corridor instead of an office so, like it or not, it appears of little consequence who hears just who has constipation or just had a private medical procedure.
FIERCE FOCUS: Horsham Calisthenics College hosted three days of competition at Horsham Town Hall, welcoming competitors from across the state and South Australia for team and solo sections. Horsham club soloist Lily Snowden competes in a calisthenics solo 16 years category on Saturday. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER For more photographs go to
EDITORIAL By Jessica Grimble
— often taken in conjunction with alcohol — and more limited access to Naloxone, which reverses the effects of opioid overdose. GCH says the combination of the two increases the risk of accidental overdose.Itcomes at a time when organisa tions such as GCH are trying to dispel misconceptions about drug-overdose; raising awareness that the assump tions overdose involves predominant ly illegal substances and young people are grossly incorrect. It also comes at a time when health care services — both focusing on pre ventative measures and treatment op tions — continue to find themselves, and their staff, stretched to respond
Grampians Community Health buildings will glow purple tonight to raise awareness of acci dental drug-overdoses, including the risks prescription medications and alcohol can pose. The non-profit health and commu nity service organisation, with sites across the Wimmera, will mark In ternational Overdose Awareness Day using the colour purple as a message that every life is valuable. The annual day of awareness calls for the stamping out of stigma towards people who use drugs. The road toll has been well-doc umented and well-communicated in communities for decades — but
what’s lesser known is that uninten tional drug-overdoses kill more peo ple than road deaths every year. More than 40 percent of such deaths are among people aged 50 and older. There were 1195 road crash deaths, while 1644 people died from unin tentional drug-overdose, from a total of 2227 recorded overdose deaths, in Australia during 2019 alone. Accidental drug-overdoses are also more prevalent in rural and regional areas, and are often connected to a widely used and widely accepted so cial and legal substance — alcohol. A 2019 Penington Institute report shows there were seven unintentional drug-induced deaths per 100,000 peo ple in regional areas, compared with 6.1 in metropolitan areas. While the Victorian Coroner’s Court reports the lowest number of fatal drug-overdoses in rural and regional Victoria since 2014 in the past year, at 101, it is 101 too many people’s lives affected by tragedy, and further impacting the lives of families and friends. GCH attributes the prevalence of drug-overdose in rural areas to a higher use of prescription medication

Page 8 Wednesday, August 31, CAREYCOVERStarps•windowshades•sails Is your caravan ready for your next adventure? Carey Covers... making memories since 1980 We manufacture made to measure quality caravan annexes. All are made on site with 12-ounce canvas and reinforced stitching. We also do repair work on rollout awnings or re-upholster seat coverings for the inside of caravan. CRefurbishmentRepairsreatingyour dream holiday accommodation CAREYCAREYCAREYCOVERSCOVERStarpsupholsteryCOVERS Location and contact Peter & Robert Carey 14 Ararat Road (Western Highway), Stawell, Victoria 3380 Phone: 03 5358 1937 Mobile (Peter): 0400 583 021 Mobile (Robert): 0400 581 937 Email: Website: usFindon: The region’s only Platinum agent Get your annexe checked by your local experts Carey Covers has you covered for: Call us for a free quote!

FAREWELL: Horsham’s Holy Trinity Lutheran College principal Daniel Weller is preparing to leave the school at the end of the 2022 school year. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
today for electrical services with a personal touch. Ph (03) 5382 3238 SERVICEMAINTENANCEHOUR24 Connections key to school growth
Mr Weller said the prominent lesson he would take from his time as principal in Horsham was the value of “Particularlycommunity.aftercoming into a community where I was not a local, and having passed through a pandemic, I definitely value relation ships in education – the importance of commu nity is certainly something I appreciate more,” he“Leavingsaid. was not an easy decision to make, but it will be a new adventure and something I am looking forward to.”
“I love working with students, teachers and families to get the best out of individuals and that is why I became a principal. I hope when I leave, the school is well known for these things.”
“We were able to do these things while main taining the school’s culture and community focus,” he said.
Page 9Wednesday, August 31, 2022 NEED YOUR TAX DON E ? CONTACT TODAYBCH 141 Baillie St, Horsham VIC 3400 PO Box 737, Horsham VIC PH: (03) 5381 1088 Hopper Electrics P/L CONTRACTORSELECTRICAL Proudly serving Horsham and district since 1945 Over those years we have built our domestic, commercial and farming customer base on these core values: Reliability Quality Professionalism Timeliness Excellence Reputation As well as general wiring, we service and repair evaporative coolers, electric stoves and install telephone, data and TV points. RENTAL PROPERTY ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE We carry out a visual electrical check with limited testing on the property as per the Residential Tenancy Legislation Act including smoke detector/s and service and clean air conditioners. REC. 11963
Mr Weller said after an application process, an offer would be made to the right candidate be fore the beginning of term four. He will support the incoming principal in their transition. He said he was ‘quietly confident’ a good list of candidates would consider the school an attrac tive community to lead.
AWimmera school community will fare well its leader at the end of the 2022 school year after a near six-year, historydefining term. Horsham’s Holy Trinity Lutheran College prin cipal Daniel Weller, a Queensland import via Melbourne, has led the school as principal since 2017 – four years after its expansion from a pri mary school to a prep to year-12 college. He will see out term four before returning to Melbourne to accept his new role as principal of fellow Lutheran-based educators, Good Shep herd Primary School, in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs.MrWeller said it was sad to move on from the school, but he felt ‘extremely blessed’ and ‘proud’ of what he achieved during his term. “I am proud of our strong leadership team, dedicated staff, wonderful children and parents who were all such great support during my time. The time has flown by, and we have done a lot together,” he said.
Mr Weller said there had been significant changes to the school community during his tenure and he highlighted the successful addition of secondary students, construction of five ‘ma jor’ building projects, school name and uniform changes, as well as implantation of its wellbeing programs, as critical advancements.
Mr Weller is a former assistant principal of Good Shepherd Primary School. He said Horsham would retain a ‘big’ place in his and his family’s heart, and he would always have an interest in how the town and the school developed.“Horsham now has options for students, and I think we have created a really great choice. We have students come from Warracknabeal, Bordertown, Warrnambool – specifically for the school,” he said. “All the schools here in Horsham offer some thing uniquely different now and it is wonderful that, as a community, we can provide these edu cation opportunities for families.”
“I did not come in looking to stamp my name on anything, but I did come here to support the school community to grow and develop into what it is now – a place of quality Christian care and future-focussed education.
Quality meat at quality prices! Specials run from Wed, August 31 to Tues, September 6 or until sold out PHONE ORDERS WELCOME FIND US ON d Horsham City Meats 56 Darlot Street Home Delivery Available, just call us on: 5381 1021 or 5382 6170 56 Darlot Street, Horsham (Previously Tender Breast Poultry) Temporary contact numbers: (03) 5381 1021 or 5382 6170 FULL SMOKEDFULLPORTERHOUSERUMPBACONBONES BEEF CHICKENAVAILABLECHEEKSKIEVS$1699kg14kg$199kg 5 FOR $20 56 Darlot Street, Horsham (Previously Tender Breast Poultry) Temporary contact numbers: (03) 5381 1021 or 5382 6170 So much more than just your LOCAL BUTCHER... Open until 6pm weekdays and noon Saturdayson

Page 10 Wednesday, August 31, YYarriambiack arriambiack Next Council Meeting: Wednesday 28 September 2022 News News Contact Us: P | (03) 5398 0100 E | info@yarriambiack vic gov au W | yarriambiack vic gov au | Be social like us on facebook and follow us on LinkedIn Have Your Say - Council's Recycling Schedule Have Your Say: Yarriambiack Library's Health & Wellbeing Funding Pubilc Notice - Intention to Sell Land Affordable Housing Project Update Yarriambiack is moving ahead with its Affordable Housing Project. Council was provided with funding of $2.8m to build up to 14 affordable homes through the Regional Infrastructure Fund Council is contributing $1m towards the project through a loan , Council and Community Asset Committee contributions Due to increases in construction and material costs, Council estimates that only 10 affordable houses will be built through this allocation of funding Sites and locations are currently being finalised, but at present the following sites have been earmarked for construction of affordable homes: Woomelang Warracknabeal Hopetoun Murtoa Rupanyup 2 affordable homes 2 affordable homes 2 affordable homes 2 affordable homes 2 affordable homes 37 Brock Street 98 Anderson Street* 11 Bruce Street, former old school site Cromie Street, former old school site Gibson Street** *Council has acquired this property via a Section 181 process and will be demolishing the derelict building to make way for the homes. ** Awaiting subdivision of site, via the Rupanyup Future Fund Council has listened to the community and has strongly advocated and secured increased housing stock through the RIF funding The Wimmera Development Association Housing Blue Print identifies a significant housing shortage across our region (Refer to document and stats) For more information can be found at www wda org au Government Housing The government housing measure indicates the proportion of total dwellings which are State or Territory housing authority dwellings (Government housing) The proportion of government housing in Yarriambiack is lower than Victoria at 1.1%, compared to 2.1%. Council recognises that we have less state housing authority dwellings in our Shire and are strongly advocating to increase numbers within our Communities Procurement Opportunities 3mm Aluminium composite panel routed to the shape of the new signage with UV laminated digital prints (Reflective) 1500mm wide x 2234mm High (0 2 skin) Printed CMYK Request For Quote (Q147 2023) Shire Entrance Signage: Supply & Delivery Council requests tenders from suitably qualified suppliers to supply and deliver 44 Shire Entrance Signage panels based on pre prepared designs Signage Requirements include: Submissions close 2 00pm on Thursday 8 September 2022 Request for Tender (C314-2023) - Design & Construct Synthetic Playing Surface: Woomelang Bowling Club Council are seeking a suitable contractor(s) to undertake all works associated with the design and construction of a synthetic playing surface at the Woomelang Bowling Club The successful contractor will also be responsible for the demolition, removal and disposal of the existing grass bowling green and any materials that are unsuitable to be re used. Submissions close 2.00pm on Thursday 22 September 2022 Documents and specifications for the following opportunities can be obtained from Council’s procurement portal https://www eprocure com au/yarriambiack/ Council is accepting expressions of interest for the Affordable Homes project The online expression of interest can be completed via Council’s website at https://www yarriambiack vic gov au Enquiries can be directed to Council’s CEO Tammy Smith on info@yarriambiack vic gov au or (03) 5398 0100 Council is participating in quarterly interviewing for the upcoming Customer Satisfaction Surveys National Field Services (NSS) will be undertaking the surveys via phone from 1 30 September Scammers have previously tried to imitate Council pretending to complete similar activities. Please remember that NSS will always identify themselves and never ask for people by name Calls from NSS will never come from a mobile number. If you are unsure if the caller is legitimate or have any questions, please contact Council on (03) 5398 0100. Community Satisfaction Surveys Scheduled Yarriambiack Shire Council gives notice under section 181 of the Local Government Act 1989 (Vic) of its intention to sell the land (described below) for the unpaid rates and charges. Land Description: Plan: Lot 3 Block 1 on Plan of Subdivision 010430 Volume: 08616 | Folio Number: 680 Property Address: 68 Federation Street, Patchewollock VIC 3491 Enquiries are to be directed to LawyersAU Pty Ltd by telephone (03) 7004 8207 working as the solicitors for Yarriambiack Shire Council ABN 24 640 824 591

Our office is at 2 Stawell Road, Horsham. Mail: PO Box 606, Horsham 3402. Telephone: 5382 1351. Fax: 5381 1147. Website: Email: For classified advertisements: 5382 1351 – email:
BIRTHDAY:HAPPY Nadia, celebratesleft,withhermother Lorenza Turri who turned 100 last week.
One of Grampians Heath’s newest Wimmera Nursing Home residents has celebrated a rare birthday with her family and new neighbours.
Danica Turvey: 0488 473 562,; Heidi Higginson: 0438 759 220,
WDA appoints new board
opment opportunities to investors and is a key link between industry and governments, lobbying for im proved infrastructure and for re gional priority issues.
Tristan Cameron: 0437 956 278,; Michelle Reid: 0428 870 511,;
Newsroom: Dean Lawson: 0448 571 811,; Lauren Henry: 5382 1351,
WimmeraAssociationDevelopmentiscontinuing its transformation with the ap pointment of five skills-based directors to its board. After a competitive recruiting process, Ann Adams, Kath Buden, Julia Hausler, Saurabh Mishrah and Mark Williams will join the board. They join existing members repre senting member councils – Trevor Domaschenz of West Wimmera, Kevin Erwin of Northern Gram pians, Robyn Gulline of Horsham Rural City, Melanie Albrecht of Hindmarsh and Tom Hamilton of Yarriambiack.PaulGeyer is the independent chair.The board changes come after the transformation of the 30-yearold WDA from an association to a not-for-profit Company Limited by Guarantee.Wimmera Development Associ ation is the peak advocacy body behind many major, emerging proj ects in the region. It supports busi nesses, promotes economic devel
A new ‘smart city system’, which integrates with the council’s corporate system, will cost $735,359 plus GST and applicable inflation increases on annual fees during a five-year period. The project is part of the council’s ‘Parking Management Plan’. It comes as the existing coin-operated meters cannot be maintained, break down and are inefficient.
“Our organisation is well posi tioned to transform how regional development is undertaken,” he said.“This is an exciting time for us as we focus on innovation, moderni sation and ensuring we continue to support collaboration across the many businesses and organisations in the Wimmera and southern Mal lee.“The Wimmera and southern Mal lee is positioning itself as a goahead region where businesses can grow and are supported to expand.
“It is a dynamic mix of skills well-suited to grasp and facilitate the opportunities our region has.”
“WDA is now structured to sup port the region’s continued expan sion and build on the past two years of population “Successfullygrowth.encouraging work ers and families to move to our region, and ensuring we have the physical and social infrastructure, is key so the Wimmera and southern Mallee continues to be a great place to raise families and do business.”
Parking meter plan
C/- 2 Stawell Road, Horsham, for Ace Radio Broadcasters Pty Ltd, ACN 064 882 042. The Weekly Advertiser is a free paper printed by Newsprinters Pty Ltd, 1 McKoy Street, West Wodonga, and distributed by regional distributors and Australia Post. sponsored by Sunny 17 Sunday Possible showerPossible shower Saturday 20 Partly cloudy 14 Monday Shower or two FIVE-DAY forecast Cloudy. 12° Friday Cloudy.Cloudy. 14° Thursday 15° Shower or two. Partly cloudy. sponsored by
The council’s corporate services director Graeme Harrison said parking revenue prior to the pandemic amounted to about $400,000, which was spent on developments in the CBD. In more recent years, during the pan demic, the revenue was about $160,000.
Horsham Rural City Council will introduce pay-by-plate parking meters throughout the city’s central business district.
publisher and general manager
The publisher and general manager is Scott Grambau, C/- 2 Stawell Road, Horsham, for Ace Radio Broadcasters Pty Ltd, ACN 064 882 042. The Weekly Advertiser is a free paper printed by Newsprinters Pty Ltd, 7940 Melbourne Rd, Shepparton, and distributed by regional distributors and Australia Post.
Getting in touch with The Weekly AdverTiser
Newsroom: Jessica Grimble: 0400 836 483,; Michael Scalzo: 0409 786 036,;
“Increasing housing, improving healthcare outcomes for our re gion’s residents, increased access to childcare, activating tourism oppor tunities, supporting our region to net zero, increasing the job oppor tunities and the number of people living in the region are all skills and capability that the new board members bring,” he said.
Cr Les Power told the council’s latest meet ing the current meters were ‘shabby’ and ‘old’ and the replacement meters would align with technology used in other towns.
Our office is at 2 Stawell Road, Horsham. Mail: PO Box 606, Horsham 3402. Telephone: 5382 1351. Website: Email: For classified advertisements: 5382 1351 – email:
Page 11Wednesday, August 31, 2022 62a McPherson St, Horsham Phone 5382 4219 Mobile 0429 824 219 REVITALISE YOUR HOME seeinspirationFor withRobynaY 20OFF% LUXAFLEX POLYSATIN SHUTTERS • 20 year warranty • Ultimate solution for wet areas or dry • Adds elegancesimplistic
Getting in touch with The Weekly AdverTiser
The council identified pay-by-plate parking meters as more efficient for enforcement and would target repeat offenders; would elimi nate the need for marked spaces and reduced maintenance costs; could be used on- and off-street; were paperless; and people could pay remotely. The technology will provide the council with data on actual parking use.
Crs Ian Ross and Claudia Haenel argued free parking might encourage more people to visit the city centre.
Mrs Turri’s daughter Nadia said her mother has always been a busy woman. “We had a weatherboard home for many years and mum painted it inside and out at least four times. She was always keeping busy, which is amazing because when she was in her 60s she had a stroke and by the time I got her to the hos pital her heart had stopped and they used paddles to revive her,” she said. “She got told she would have to take life easier, but she didn’t and hasn’t missed a beat since.” Nadia was on hand during the celebrations to translate Mrs Turri’s gratitudes, spoken in Ital ian, to nursing-home staff and her new friends.
New friends share in celebration
Advertising: Mark Sulic: 0407 313 456,; Lee Meadows: 0407 046 864,;
Abby Walter: 0483 027 536,; Georgia Bailey: 5382 1351,
“These skills complement the existing skills the LGA-member board members bring in health, agriculture, regional development, tourism, circular economy, infra structure planning, community leadership and governance.
Mr Geyer said the board appoint ments attracted ‘great skills and capability’ to the region, that also aligned with WDA priorities.
Advertising: Mark Sulic: 0407 313 456,; Lee Meadows: 0407 046 864,; Nathan Henry: 0418 657 247,
Lorenza Turri celebrated her 100th birthday last week, with well-wishing cards arriving from Queen Elizabeth the second, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and State Premier Daniel Andrews.MrsTurri, an emigrant from the northernItalian lakeside-village of Caldonazzo, near the city of Trento, wife of Celeste Turri and mother of Roger and Nadia, settled in Australia in 1960. After a brief stint back in Italy in 1963, the family returned to Australia and found a home inCelesteHorsham.Turri died in 2002, and with the support of her children, Mrs Turri lived at home until February this year.
Ann Adams joined Emmetts as chief financial officer in November 2021, based in Horsham. She was a senior executive at ElectraNet – a large private electrical transmission company based in South Australia. She has worked and served on boards of groups involved in early childhood education. Kath Buden, a consultant, worked for state government facilitating investment in affordable housing and overseeing innovative housing investment models. Julia Hausler farms north of War racknabeal, is a director of Grain Growers and a former director of Rural Northwest Health. Saurabh Mishrah is an entrepre neur and investor with more than 20 years of experience innovating global-scale solutions in healthcare andMarktourism.Williams is a former chair of Wimmera Health Care Group and spent almost 15 years on the board. He has previous governance experience of WDA. WDA chief executive Chris Soun ness said the organisation would enter a strategic planning process to set its future direction.
The is Brendan O’Loughlin,

The late Joe Kapp, of Ararat, is leaving a legacy with East Grampians Health Service as a scholarship fund is established and a community project funded with $3.2-million bequeathed to theTheservice.JoeKapp scholarship was estab lished with funds for staff members to seek financial assistance as needed.
Page 12 Wednesday, August 31,
The health service has also opened a solar carpark project, delivered in partnership with Ballarat Renewable Energy and Zero Emissions Inc. Of the funds from Mr Kapp, $465,000 was used to finance the rooftop solar project, with $650,000 con tributed from the State Government. A 384 panel, 176.6 kW, solar system was installed on purpose-built carpark shelters in the main carpark.
ANZ bank opened its relocated Firebrace Street branch last week, during a modern era when banks are closing their doors as many banking tasks can reliably occur online.
Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.
The remaining funds from Mr Kapp’s contributions have been set aside for future use on projects for the community and health service.
The health service’s board chair Nancy Panter said the organisation was ‘delighted’ to have the support of Joe and his wife Monika, which allowed the project to be completed last month.
Horsham wins in bank’s investment
People who rely on in-person bank ing now have contemporary option to conduct financial matters face-toface as a major bank opens its new Horsham branch.
ANZ district manager Mark Genua said the new larger and more ‘ver satile’ branch and business centre included a ‘Smart ATM’, teller win dows and business banking facilities. “This is an investment to continue to support the Horsham community and the greater Wimmera region,” heMembersaid. for Lowan Emma Kealy said it was ‘fabulous’ to see an in vestment from ANZ that indicated the bank was in Horsham for the ‘long“Wehaul’.know we need to have bank ing branches in regional towns so businesses can drop off their daily takings and so elderly residents can have face-to-face banks – particu larly when not everyone always has access to the internet,” she said. The Horsham branch joins the bank’s other western Victorian loca tions in Ararat and Portland. The St awell branch closed in August 2021. Horsham branch is open Monday to Thursday 9.30am to 4pm, and Friday 9.30am to 5pm.
A refurbishment of Ararat’s ambu lance station has begun. The works include a new Mobile In tensive Care Ambulance, MICA, cov ered space, new medical and delivery stores and improved training facilities and amenities for paramedics. Works at the Basham Street site are due for completion later this year. It is one of 14 new or refurbished stations under construction statewide. Ambulance Services Minister MaryAnne Thomas said the refurbishment was part of the State Government’s investment in Ambulance Victoria and would employ more paramedics, buy new vehicles and get more people the care they needed. Improvements for paramedics
Ms Panter said the health service used a large amount of energy – elec tricity and gas – to run its operations, and was establishing solar generation as part of its commitment to environ mental“Throughsustainability.theelectricity we produce, you could say that the health service runs for half the day on solar power,” she“Financially,said. this means more than $6000 in savings a month compared with pre-solar usage. In the first year, it is estimated we will save in excess of $76,000 in electricity costs as well as have less reliance on traditional power sources.
Find out how to take control of your energy bills by switching to solar. Apply for a rebate
“The solar carpark also provides protection from the elements for our patients and visitors, including shade in summer and shelter from rain during the winter.”
CELEBRATION: Horsham ANZ branch manager Andrew Joyce and Member for Lowan Emma Kealy officially open the new ANZ branch in Horsham last week. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
ANZ Horsham branch manager Andrew Joyce said he was ‘excited’ to offer the community a ‘breathestyle’ bricks-and-mortar branch. “It is fantastic because the branch has an open-plan concept where we can sit down with our customers face-to-face and offer an individual one-on-one service with no screens and no perspex,” he said.

Ararat Mayor Jo Armstrong said the communi ty would broadly benefit from the trailer. “This is a shining example of what happens when there’s initiative from the community,” she“We’resaid. effectively investing ratepayer dollars into it, the bank is investing stakeholder’s money in it – and it’s brought about a great result that engages the community with a really important subject matter and it gives a really clear direc tion for people to go to when they need more information.”LeadingSenior Constable McCaskill said any one noticing suspicious activity should phone CrimeStoppers on 1800 333 000. “If you see that suspicious vehicle driving around in the early hours of the night, take down the registration and make and model,” he said.
“Ring everything through. It might be nothing, but we’d sooner it be nothing and write it off.”
Lake Bolac police will use a new trailer to raise awareness and prevent thefts fromLeadingfarms.Senior Constable Sam McCaskill said farmers statewide had reported livestock worth about $2-million stolen across the past 12 months – however, police believe only about 50 percent of thefts are reported.
AWARENESS: Ararat mayor Jo Armstrong, Willaura and Lake Bolac Bendigo Bank manager Jack Oswald, bank chairman Rowly Paterson, Leading Senior Constable Sam McCaskill and Senior Sergeant Damien Ferrari launch the new trailer at the weekend.
United to protect property, livestock
‘private property’ signs were dis tributed at a farm safety opportunity at Lake Bolac earlier this month and police discussed the installation of CCTV with a number of farmers. “Everyone knows about it and knows they should be doing something,” Leading Senior Constable McCaskill said. “Reporting is an issue. With sheep theft, some times we get a six- to nine-month window from when they’ve crutched or shorn to when farmers count again – so it’s a big time frame; whereas if there’s a lock on the gate, and the lock is cut, it can cut down our investigation time.”
Bendigo Bank’s Willaura and Lake Bolac Community Bank branch and Ararat Rural City Council funded the project.
The trailer is based at Lake Bolac Police Sta tion. Officers will take it to the Mininera and District league grand final at Glenthompson on September 10.
A rainbow flag flying above Roberts Avenue in Horsham aims to promote a safe space for LGBTIQ+ young people.
Horsham police raised the flag on Friday morn ing, for the first time, to commemorate ‘Wear it Purple Day’ – an annual, international initiative that recognises the challenges LGBTIQ+ young people face while celebrating and encouraging them to be true to themselves.
Leading Senior Constable McCaskill is calling on the community to place locks on gates and fuel tanks and install cameras on their properties to ‘limit’ livestock theft and assist police investi gation in the event of crime. Lake Bolac police will use a new trailer at major events such as sporting or field days to promote methods to reduce livestock theft. Po lice can also use the trailer as a base station at emergencies.About100
Police raise flag, awareness
“Horsham police proudly has valued members of the LGBTIQ+ community employed and this day is an excellent opportunity to celebrate diversity and the value of diversity within the workplace and community,” she said.
The bank’s committee chairman Rowly Pa terson has experienced stock theft from his property. He said with people banking at the branch to help fund the trailer, and volunteer labour to build it, meant it was ‘truly a community en deavour’. “It’s a terrific investment for the area, and it’s great to be behind it,” Mr Paterson said. “We, ourselves, lost sheep and other bits and pieces. This is a helpful reminder to get people on the alert for farm thefts. “The bank has an amount of money to use for community endeavours – and so we thank the people of the district for banking with us and helping fund this project.”
Inspector Di Thomson drew attention to LGBTIQ+ liaison officers, LLOs, who are based in Horsham and are specially trained to acknowl edge and support people visiting the station or seeking advice. She said Horsham police would raise the rain bow flag on as many days of awareness for the LGBTIQ+ community as possible.
The 2022 theme was, ‘Still me, still human’.
Wimmera Pride Project chair Scott Robinson said Wear it Purple Day was an ‘important time’ to raise awareness for LGBTIQ+ young people. “All LGBTIQ+ young people and those who are exploring what that means to them are valid, valued and welcomed in the community,” he said.“This day celebrates that young people are exactly who they say they are, and who they are is something that should be uplifted. “The flag-raising at the Horsham Police Station was a genuine display of the desire to better serve the “Wimmeracommunity.PrideProject appreciates the ini tiative set by the Horsham Police Station and recognises that steps are being taken towards a future with better outcomes for LGBTIQ+ peo ple in the Wimmera.” A whole-of-government LGBTIQ+ strategy, ‘Pride in our future: Victoria’s LGBTIQ+ strat egy 2022-32’ was released in February. People wanting more information, or seeking support, can go to
Page 13Wednesday, August 31, 2022 HORSHAM 29 WILSON STREET PH (03) 5382 2366 Email: HORSHAM LOCALLY OWNED & LOCALLY OPERATED Women’s Workwear has arrived! Green Hip is designed especially for women working on the farm, in the garden or all work situations. Now In-Store! The most comfortable and stylish women’s work clothes especially designed for women who love to work in the garden, on the farm or renovating! #greenhip #gardening #especiallyforwomen#womensclothingGreenHipisafemaleworkwearbrandthat’s100%ownedandoperatedbywomenjustdowntheroadinGeelong

Enrolment closes 4 pm Friday 9 September 2022
How do I apply to be a Council-enrolled voter?
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Page 14 Wednesday, August 31, VITAMINVITAMINVITAMINVITAMINSALEVITAMINSALESALEVITAMINVITAMINSALEVITAMINSALEVITAMINVITAMINVITAMINVITAMINSALEVITAMINVITAMINSALEVITAMINVITAMINSALESALEVITAMINSALEVITAMINVITAMINVITAMINSALEVITAMINSALEVITAMINSALEVITAMINSALEVITAMINVITAMINSALEVITAMIN PRICE *BIG SELECTED RANGEBRAND VITAMINS CompoundingHorsham TerryWhite Chemmart Horsham Compounding 58 Firebrace Street, Horsham VIC 3400 P: 03 5382 4466 WE ARE OPEN 7 DAYS! Mon-Fri: 8:30am to 6pm Sat & Sun: 9am to 1pm ON SALE Thursday 25th August until Tuesday 13th September 2022. *Always read the label and follow direction for use. TerryWhite Chemmart® reserve the right to correct printed errors. TerryWhite Chemmart® is a registered trademark of TWC IP Pty Ltd ACN 136 833 611 and used under licence by TW&CM Pty Ltd ACN 136 833 620 TM21149 Authorised by W. Gately, AM, Electoral Commissioner, 530 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria. | 131 832 Northern Grampians Shire Council, Kara Kara Ward by-election Your council, your vote State-enrolled voters Am I enrolled to vote? You are automatically enrolled for this by-election if: • you will be 18 years of age or over on Saturday 5 November 2022 AND • you live in Kara Kara Ward AND • you are on the State electoral roll for your current address. You need to enrol if: • you are an Australian citizen aged 18 or over on Saturday 5 November 2022 AND you live in Kara Kara Ward and you are not on the State electoral roll OR you have lived at your current residential address within Kara Kara Ward for at least a month and have not yet updated your enrolment details, including any changes to your postal address. How do I enrol? You can enrol online at You can also download an enrolment form from the website. All enrolment applications must be received by the Victorian Electoral Commission by the close of roll at 4 pm on Friday 9 September 2022 How can I check my State enrolment? You can check your enrolment details online at at any time, or call 1300 805 478.
• 18 years of age or over on Saturday 5 November 2022 AND • not a State-enrolled voter within Kara Kara Ward. You are automatically enrolled for this by-election if you were enrolled as a non-resident owner at the most recent election for Kara Kara Ward. If your circumstances have changed since the most recent election and you are no longer a non-resident owner of that property, you will not be automatically enrolled for this by-election. Depending on your circumstances, you may still be eligible to apply to be enrolled as a Council-enrolled voter.
State-enrolled voters can register for free VoterAlert SMS and email reminders at
• you are a director or company secretary of a corporation within Kara Kara Ward that pays rates to Northern Grampians Shire Council and you have no other voting entitlement within Northern Grampians Shire.
• be an Australian citizen and enrolled on the voters' roll for Northern Grampians Shire Council AND • be eligible to become a councillor should you be elected AND have completed the mandatory candidate training before lodging your nomination with the Election Manager. For further information, visit
To be a Council-enrolled voter, you must be:
Who else can enrol & vote? You may also apply to enrol if: • you have purchased a rateable property in Kara Kara Ward since the last election and you are not automatically enrolled OR you are not an Australian citizen and you live in, and pay rates for, a property within Kara Kara Ward OR you pay rates on a property you occupy in Kara Kara Ward and have no other voting entitlement within Northern Grampians Shire, for example you are a shop tenant and pay rates to the Council for the tenancy, and you have no other voting entitlement within Northern Grampians Shire OR
If you meet any of the above-mentioned criteria and wish to enrol, contact Northern Grampians Shire Council on (03) 5358 8710 for a council enrolment form. Council enrolment forms must be received by the Council by the close of roll at 4 pm on Friday 9 September 2022
You must be enrolled to vote A by-election for Kara Kara Ward within Northern Grampians Shire Council will be held in November 2022. To be able to vote in the by-election, you must be enrolled by the close of roll at 4 pm on Friday 9 September 2022. Two categories of voters can be enrolled to vote in the Northern Grampians Shire Council by-election: State-enrolled voters and Council-enrolled voters.
To nominate as a candidate for Northern Grampians Shire Council, you must:
Council-enrolled voters Am I enrolled to vote?
How can I check if I am Council-enrolled? You can check your enrolment details by contacting the Council on (03) 5358 8710.

Pictures: PAUL CARRACHER TIME:FAMILY months,herTaylorVinniewithchildrenAdaline,3andEvelyn,2,spendtimetogetherplayingandlearningatplaygroupinStawell.
AWimmera branch of the Blue Ribbon Foundation has cel ebrated a milestone, reaching its donation target for a regional healthAraratservice.branch of Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation has donated more than $1 million to East Gram pians Health Service, in time to mark 20 years of service to the community. The branch also accomplished a cap stone money-raising project in 2022 –$235,000 for a general X-ray service’s medical imaging department – with its gala night in May securing the final $65,00 donation for the project.
health service
“We thank him for his support and guidance over that time,” she said.
Health-service members acknowl edged the donation with a dinner attended by blue-ribbon foundation chief executive Neil Soullier, who was presented with a plaque to recognise the foundation’s support of the health service.MrsRadford said Mr Soullier had been on the journey with the Ararat branch from the beginning.
“Ararat is fortunate to have a health service with stateof-the-art facilities that have enabled residents to receive treatment in their own hospital without the need to travel to other regional or hospitals”metropolitan – Dianne Radford
“It is also a great opportunity for children and babies to get together and spend time with other children their own age,” she“Playgroupssaid. provide a safe environment for children to in teract, explore and learn. “They help develop social connections for parents and caregivers.”Parentsand caregivers, along with their children, are invited to join in a group singing and dancing session, and children canTheplay.playgroup sessions are at the Goroke Kindergarten each Thursday of the school term for one-and-a-half hours. West Wimmera chief execu tive David Bezuidenhout said playgroups helped develop social connections for parents and caregivers.
“We are all very proud to have achieved this goal on his behalf. “We are pleased to donate muchneeded equipment to the health ser vice, with the help and support of our very generous community who have gotten behind our fundraising events over the “Araratyears.isfortunate to have a health service with state-of-the-art facilities that have enabled residents to re ceive treatment in their own hospital without the need to travel to other regional or metropolitan hospitals.”
New opportunities to connect
Playgroups in Goroke and St awell are providing opportu nities for children and parents to learn and play together after both programs commenced last month.Northern Grampians Shire Council’s Facilitated Play group meets at Stawell Neigh bourhood House every Tues day for two hours. Mayor Murray Emerson said he was ‘delighted’ to see a new facilitated playgroup in his“ a fabulous example of what can happen when our early years teams at council work in partnership with fam ilies to help children achieve their potential,” he said. “Play and social contact are critical for a child’s learning and development, and I am a big supporter of encouraging families to get to know each other and explore alternatives to screen-based activities.” The playgroup is suitable for children from birth to five years old and all families are welcome to attend. The group focuses on play and social contact, sharing healthy food, promoting fami ly-oriented community events and play-based ideas with readily available and inexpen siveLisaitems.Curran, facilitator of the Stawell playgroup, has attend ed specialised training to run the playgroup and is also diplo ma qualified with a kindergar ten and childcare background. Families living in Goroke and surrounding areas attended the playgroup’s first session inWestJuly.Wimmera Shire Council supported playgroup facilitator Katrina Shirrefs said playgroup was a great way for parents to meet each other and develop a support network.
PLAYTIME: Sophie Sanderson plays with foam at Northern Grampians Shire Council’s Facilitated Playgroup in Stawell.
Page 15Wednesday, August 31, 2022 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENTCallMit & Neeli Vyas to bookyour window cleaning 124 FIREBRACE ST, HORSHAM (03) 5382 1403 OPEN DAYS7 Make Father’s Day easy at Still not sure? Gift vouchers available to use at all three stores ToFromDadmexx-xx-xxxx Me Rip CurlGlobeThongsshoes HatsCaps& Wallets Sunglasses Luggage Cool packs Watches 2 for $35 teesTwofor$50 Happy Father’s Day from the Wimmera Outdoors group!
Milestone donation to
Ararat branch president Dianne Rad ford said members were ‘thrilled’ to have passed the $1-million milestone this“Donatingyear. $1-million to East Gram pians Health Service was always the dream of our late president Terry Weeks,” she said.

• This article is intended to be used as a guide only. It is not, and is not intended to be, advice on any specific matter. Neither Patrick Smith nor O’Brien and Smith Lawyers accept responsibility for any acts or omissions resulting from reliance upon the content of this article. Before acting on the basis of any material in this article, we recommend that you consult your lawyer.
Elements The offence has the following two el ements, or parts, which must be proved for a charge of stalking to be proven: That the accused intentionally engaged in a ‘course of conduct’ and the accused either committed that course of conduct with the intention of causing physical or mental harm to the victim, including self-harm or of arousing apprehension or fear in the victim for his or her own safety or that of any other person; or knew that engaging in a course of conduct of that kind would be likely to cause such harm, or arouse such apprehension or fear; or ought to have understood that engaging in a course of conduct of that kind would be likely to cause such harm, or arouse such apprehension or fear, and it actually did have that result. Course of conduct requires a pattern of conduct on more than one occasion or to have been protracted in nature – such as an extended act of surveillance. There must also be something addi tional about the conduct or surrounding circumstances must be shown before it can be said of the conduct that it amounts to such a pattern. Mental harm is defined to include psy chological harm and suicidal thoughts. What you can do If you are being stalked, or think you may be, you should speak to the police immediately.Youshould detail the conduct which you are concerned about to allow them to investigate and potentially charge the perpetrator.Youmay also discuss with police plac ing an intervention order on the perpetra tor to protect you from further acts.
Types of behaviour Following the victim: Where a person follows someone to different locations this may amount to stalking. However, following someone with one’s eyes is generally not sufficient unless the person is aware of the victim’s daily routine, and is able to anticipate his or her movements, such as waiting outside of their work when they leave to go home.
Cheree Schneider said the beds, worth about $300,000, would in some cases replace equipment more than 15 years old. She said the beds would also enhance the general safety of care provision.
Stalking is a well-known term and understood by most people to be a criminalHowever, is interesting that no crimi nal offence for stalking existed in Victoria untilThe1994.offence of stalking was introduced to protect people who had not been threatened or physically attacked but had been ‘followed, placed under surveil lance, contacted or sent offensive items’. In 2003 the offence was substantially amended to cover acts of cyberstalking and 2011 the offence was further amend ed to cover acts intended to cause psy chological harm, suicidal thoughts or self-harm.Inthisarticle
Rain enhances walk
Causing an unauthorised computer func tion: An ‘unauthorised computer function’ includes any unauthorised access to data held in a computer, or unauthorised mod ification of date held in a computer or any unauthorised impairment of electronic communication to or from a computer.
Page 16 Wednesday, August 31, BISTRO TUESDAY-SATURDAYOPEN Where good friends are found OPEN 7 DAYS Horsham RSL 36 McLachlan Street (03) 5382 5222 Father’s Day SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 Fathers will receive a FREE drink on arrival Giveaways throughout the day Historic 50th Anniversary Show WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7 $70pp (incl. briliant stage show and delicious 3-course dinner ESSENTIALBOOKINGS October 1 – Begins @ 7.30pm $20 per person – Teams of up to 6 FREE DRINK WITH THE PURCHASE OF A MAIN MEAL Purchase your tickets at reception now! T&C’Sapply Come in your best Harry Potter outfit prizes for best dressed! PRIZES RAFFLES& 16B Darlot Street • Tel: (03) 5381 1375 Email: horshamblindman@bigpond.comIndoor&OutdoorWindowSpecialistsAUSTRALIAN MADE Servicing all around Wimmerathearea Curtains & Blinds Horsham CALLNOW!US
Patterns required to prove claim
Potential penalty Stalking cases will usually be heard in the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria, but more serious offences may be heard in the County Court. The maximum penalty for stalking is level-five imprisonment, which is a max imum of 10 years.
Loitering: Loitering involves more than simply being and remaining at a place; it conveys a concept of idleness and lack of purpose.Theperson must have been and re mained at, or near, the relevant place for the purpose of causing physical or mental harm to the victim, or of arousing appre hension or fear in the victim for his or her safety or that of any other person. Surveillance: Surveillance means keep ing a person under surveillance and ‘sur veillance’ itself includes the use of cam eras and other electrical equipment that enables the accused to keep watch over the victim by recording the victim’s move ments or activity. Taking photos of a person over a number of occasions or keeping watch over a loca tion with the intent of observing a person can amount to stalking.
Wimmera Bushwalking Club members explored Calectasia Falls for their latest gathering.Members departed Horsham at 9am to the promise of a mostly sunny day. They travelled over the mountain until reaching the Glenelg River Road turnoff and then a sharp turn into Stoney Creek Road, then into Rosea Track where a short drive brought us to the Bundaleer carpark. There is no access to the Tower Hill carpark this time of year so mem bers set off down the Rosea Track. It was not long before members came to the water crossing. This was a bit tricky as the log usually used to cross has been washed away, leaving just a very wobbly rock as a stepping stone. There was some uphill and members
arrived at the Tower Hill carpark where they started the climb to the platform, admiring the views and unusual rock formations along the way. Climbing up onto the platform, mem bers were suddenly engulfed in a low flying cloud, completely obliterating all views. When this cleared, the reward was lovely views over Moora Moora Lake which had very little water in it. There are quite a few rock cairns to help guide people down to the falls, as without them the track would be hard toMembersfollow. reached the top of the falls and settled down to have lunch and then set off for the scramble down to the bot tom of the falls. Thanks to rain, the falls were looking their best. Boost for sleep
West Wimmera Health Service’s aged care residents are enjoying the comfort of newThebeds.State Government’s ‘Public resi dential aged care services beds for better resident outcomes’ initiative has funded 86 new Executivebeds.director of clinical services
“A good-quality bed is an important fac tor in the comfort of the care we provide and the feedback from our residents has been overwhelmingly positive,” she said. The service has aged care facilities at Nhill, Jeparit, Kaniva, Rainbow, Natimuk and Rupanyup.
I will summarise the types of behaviour that may amount to stalking, the elements needed to prove a stalking offence and what to do if you are being stalked.
it’s THE LAW with Patrick Smith, LL.B. (Hons) B. Int. St., B.Ec., GDLP withAfternoonsAdam Afternoons filled with the music you love and light aboutdiscussionstopicsthatmattertoourcommunity Weekdays 1pm - 5pm Scan to listen live

All styles have a place
While the standard of liv ing is constantly improv ing in Australia, economic dis ruptions, stagnant wage growth and continually increasing house prices are putting more and more people under finan cial stress. A recent report by the social research group, the Melbourne In stitute, called ‘Taking the Pulse of the Nation’, found one-in-three Australians reported being under financial stress. It found that those on fixed-term contracts and anyone self-em ployed were particularly vulner able to feeling financial stress, as were people employed in the hos pitality and IT sectors. There is nothing worse than that niggling feeling that you’re not in control of your financial situation, or worse, the dread that you may not be able to meet your next home loan repayment or that you’ve maxed out your credit cards.
Kailee Savoia Business-organisation and role? Parks Victo ria, Grampians park co-ordinator. Which Leadership Wimmera program are you participating in? Change Makers. Why are you participating in a Leadership Wimmera program? I was given the opportu nity by one of my managers to apply. I was just about to step into a leadership role for the first time so it seemed like an excellent time to learn how to be a good leader. What do you hope to achieve and-or learn by participating in Leadership Wimmera? I re member good leaders because they have inspired and motivated me in the past. I want to learn the skills so that I can be that to others. What has been the highlight of the program so far? Learning that my more contemplative and sensitive nature makes my leadership style important and valued and deserves a spot at the table just as much as the more confident and outspoken leaders.
Check-in on your financial position
So, it may be as simple as being unsure whether you will have suf ficient savings in super to retire in the way you were hoping to, or it might be that you have created a debt mountain that you feel help less to reduce.
year’s leadership program participants.
• Do you pay all your credit cards off in full by their due date?
•place?Doyou have income protection in place?
For many people, it is simply that their lives are so busy they never have the time to focus on their financial position and so the con stant pressure of earning money and paying bills can easily spin out of control.
• Are you confident about your children’s financial future?
• Do you know how much you have in super?
present weekly
• Do you know what you would do if you lost your job tomorrow?
• Do you have life and total and permanent disability insurance in
The Weekly Advertiser, in part nership with Leadership Wim mera, continues to profiles of this
Just as all financial situations can be improved, so, too, can all financial problems can be resolved and the earlier you act, the better.
• Do you sleep easy knowing all your bills will be paid when they fall due?
• Do you know exactly how much your home loan is today?
Leadership Wimmera has provided opportunities for the development of emerging and existing community leaders across the Wimmera and south ern Mallee in Victoria since its inception in 2002. Graduates from the pro gram, which is overseen by Wimmera Development Association, use life and leader ship skills they learn in the pro gram in their roles as business owners, managers, employees, volunteers, parents, friends and community members.
• The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal finan cial advice.
• Do you have a budget, and do you stick to it?
Page 17Wednesday, August 31, 2022 You’re invited You are invited to learn more about what’s happening with specific projects at Council at the Horsham Rural City Talks 2022 Expo. All contributions will inform further planning and design of projects currently under consideration by Council. to the Horsham Rural City Talks 2022 Expo Join us: • Thursday 1 September, 6pm to 8pm • Friday 2 September,10am to 7pm • Saturday 3 September,10am to 1pm at Horsham Town Hall, 71 Pynsent Street, Horsham, 3400 Also featuring • door prize draw • Mini Makers art activity sessions for children aged 0 to 5 years Topics & includeProjects • Changes to waste servies • Community Inclusion Plan • Capital works projects • Health & Wellbeing • Drop in • Add your ideas • Cast your vote • Talk to staff
If you find yourself spending a large part of the day worrying about your finances, if you have trouble sleeping at night or if your financial position is causing re peated arguments between you and the people you care most about, it is important that you reach out for help. A good place to start is com pleting this three-minute financial check-up.Ifyouanswer no to any of the questions on this list, you should make time to discuss your financial situation with a qualified financial adviser.Theywill be able to tell you just how serious your situation is and more, how you can take steps im mediately to improve your finan cial position and help you get back on track, so you do feel in control.
• Are you making all your loan repayments on time?
• Are you and your partner in agreement about your finances?
Just the simple step of reaching out for help will make you feel better about your financial situation.
It has two flagship programs and runs several other develop ment opportunities annually.
The Change Makers program is for existing leaders – those who own or run a business andor who lead a team at work or in their community life and who have demonstrated potential to commit to greater leadership in volvement in their workplace or community.AnEmerging Leaders pro gram is for people wanting to build leadership skills to in crease their influence within the workplace or community groups. People can find out more by calling project officer Vernetta Taylor on 0419 114 274 or emailing vtaylor@
• Do you feel confident about your overall financial position?
FINANCE focus with Robert Goudie CFP ConsortiumGradDipFPPrivateWealth
Consider the following:

Page 18 Wednesday, August 31, 244 Barkly St, Ararat Ph 5352 3758 GET GEAREDDADUP this Father’s Day RESPIRATORYVACCINATIONWIMMERACLINICHORSHAMCLINIC Open to the public for any respiratory illness Giving COVID and FLU vaccines For winter coverage with Covid vaccines Please check your availability Book online at or call 0458 969 778 Open most days, subject to staffing Open 7 days (subject to staffing) • Walk-Ins Welcome Vaccine ClinicRespiratory Clinic Next door to Lister House, 148 Baillie Street 4a Dimboola Road, Up Tempo Cafe MONDAY-FRIDAY 9am-noon & 1.30pm-4pm *most days SATURDAY & SUNDAY 10am-noon *May be open longer to suit demand or shut if quiet • No cost • GP on site PCR and RAT testing onsite Book week CARRACHERPictures:PAUL CELEBRATION: Wimmera schools hosted Book Week celebrations this month, with students and teachers dressing for the occasion. Pictured clockwise from above are: Emma Langlands, Sarina Macchia, Ellie Schmidt and Samantha Bennett, Horsham West and Haven Primary School; Ruby Janetzki, Yarli Nelson and Gemma Netherway, Ss Michael and John’s; Elliott McKinnon and Ryan Ballinger, Ss Michael and John’s; Ivy Hofmaier and Gretal Blake, Ss Michael and John’s, and Danielle Luciani and Dianne Egan, Ss Michael and John’s Primary School. For more photographs go to

Page 19Wednesday, August 31, 2022 LAWYERS The team at OʼBrien and Smith Lawyers look forward to assisting with your legal needs. Movingyouintherightdirection 5398 2219 53-55 Scott Street, Warracknabeal VIEW ScanRESIDENTIALALLLISTINGStheQRcodeNorthWest Real Estate has become the “go to” agency throughout the Wimmera, Mallee and North Central regions for Property Sales and Property Management Services. With a team of Experienced Agents NorthWest Real Estate handles a wide range of Properties including Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Rural. Book weekCARRACHERPAULPictures: IN CHARACTER: Dressed to impress for Book Week are, clockwise from left: Chloe Anstis, Layla Peachy and Joanna Abhilash, Ss Michael and John’s; Maverick Rothery, Horsham West and Haven Primary School; Christopher Burton, Ss Michael and John’s; Lenny Atwood, Winnie Connell, Harpa Quick and Evie Schorback, Horsham West and Haven Primary School; and Tamika HavenHorshamShanaughan,WestandPrimarySchool. For more photographs go to

Other Organics: Tissue, paper towel, shredded paper, cold ash & vacuum cleaner dust, mouldy food
ORGANICS (GREEN BIN) GUIDE Council is excited to be introducing a new Organics collection with the delivery of a new 240 litre GREEN LID bin to every residential property under five hectares in the municipality
The installation of a Rapid Composting system is an innovative solution to the processing of Council’s collected organics. This is a modular system that has been designed and manufactured in Ballarat. The rapid composting system is designed to be flexible that you can add more modules to meet the requirements, it also is specifically designed with noise and odour expectations associated with residential settings in mind, meaning that very little disruption to the transfer station surrounds will occur.
Non organic garden material including: Clingwrap, plastic bags Nappies or sanitary items Treated wood Liquid cookin Medical waste Glass Foil Kitche & cloth
Large logs or branches more than 700 mm in length and over 100 mm diameter Plant pots, garden tools or hoses Non organic garden material including: Clingwrap plastic bags Nappies or sanitary items Treated wood Liquids & cooking oil
Page 20 Wednesday, August 31, For the week
7. What is the name of the pigment associated with brown skin and eyes in humans?
8. Who was the pastoral ist and businessman who took over Lake Corrong sheep station on Yarriambi ack Creek in 1876, became known as the Father of the Mallee and had a settle ment named in his honour?
9. In the United States’ ‘wild west era’ in the mid to late 1800s, what type of hat did the majority of men on the frontier, includ ing gunfighters, lawmen and famous villains, prefer to wear. A. Ten-gallon. B. Bowler. C. Stetson. D. Cap. 10. Travelling east to west, in what towns does the Wimmera Highway start and end?
1. What is the heaviest bone in the human body?
Your LuckY StarS
Answers:1.Thefemurorthighbone.2.True.In1938.Thetitlewenttothepersonwhomost affectandnewsofcommunitylives,goodorill.3.Therearenonativespeciesofiguanain Australia.4.Elmhurst.5.ItpeakedatnumberoneinAustralia.ItreachedseveninNewZealand andnineintheUnitedStates.6.RadioDetectionandRanging.7.Melanin.8.EdwardHarewood Lascelles.9.B.Bowler.DespiteStetsonproducinghisiconichatin1865,itonlybecamepopular manyyearslater.10.MarongnearBendigoandNaracoorte,SA.
Medical waste Glass Foil Kitchen sponges & cloths
Your green lid bin will be collected fortnightly on the alternate week to your yellow lid recycling bin It's simple on the week that you don’t put out your yellow recycle bin put out your green organics bin
2. True or false? German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler was at one stage named Time Magazine’s Man of the Year.
WANT TO KNOW MORE? Do you want more information, you can contact Council’s Customer Services department at (03) 5355 0200 or email
Put in your organics bin Bin elsewhere What if you already compost at home? Keep up the good work! The organics bin can compliment your home composting Items such as meat dairy citrus and processed carbohydrates can cause problems in a small scale compost bin but these items can be placed in your green lid bin for kerbside collection and processing
Dairy & eggs Coffee groundsand tea leaves Leftovers & bakery items Meat bones and seafood Other Organics: Tissue paper towel shredded paper, cold ash & vacuum cleaner dust, mouldy food
Dairy & eggs Coffee groundsand tea leaves Leftovers & bakery items Meat, bones and seafood
Fruit & vegetables Rice, & grains
Each composter cell is a complete independent unit, with everything required to successfully compost all the material loaded into the unit, the process takes 2-4 weeks to complete a batch which can be controlled remotely by digital devices such as computer, mobile phone or tablet.
Building materials concrete bricks asbestos soil & sand
4. What town sits on the Pyrenees Highway between Eversley and Amphithea tre, is near the headwaters of the Wimmera River just north of Mount Cole and Mount Buangor State Park?
Weeds and seeds can go in your organics bin Lining your green bin with a layer of leaves or branches helps prevent food from sticking to the bottom Freeze smelly foods (like meat, bones and seafood) or wrap them in newspaper to stop the smell By removing food and organics waste from landfill you reduce the greenhouse gas emissions created by them!
Grass clippings Plants & weeds Prunings, leaves twigs, flowers
6. In 1940, the United States Navy coined the term RADAR for an ob ject-detection system. RA DAR is an acronym for what?
For more information, visit or call Council on (03) 5355 0200 or email
Grass clippings Plants & weeds Prunings, leaves twigs, flowers g g y the alternate week to your yellow lid recycling bin It's simple, on the week that you don’t put out your yellow recycle bin put out your green organics bin Both food and garden waste can be placed in the Green lid organics bin just remember NO plastics please DID YOU KNOW?
Both food and garden waste can be placed in the Green lid organics bin just remember NO plastics please Here's what the new service will mean for you: DID YOU KNOW?
For more information, visit www ararat vic gov au or call Council on (03) 5355 0200 or email circular@ararat vic gov au
Building materials concrete, bricks, asbestos, soil & s
Council is estimating approximately 1000 tonnes of green waste will be collected in our first year of service, which in turn will produce approximately 600 cubic meters of compost that will meet Australian Standard 4454. Council is very eager to introduce this new technology to the municipality, helping us achieve our circular economy objectives.
5. The song ‘I Ran’ by English new-wave band A Flock of Seagulls reached number 43 on the UK sin gles charts in 1982. In the same year it was a top-10 hit on Australian charts, peaking at what number?
3. What’s wrong with this statement? The Australian common iguana, part of a genus of ancient egg-laying lizards, are the only living lizards that spend time in the ocean.
Fruit & vegetables Rice, cereal & grains
Keep plastic packaging and bin liners out of your organics bin (even those labelled as compostable, biodegradable or recyclable)
Lining your green bin with a layer of leaves or branches helps prevent food from sticking to the bottom Freeze smelly foods (like meat bones and seafood) or wrap them in newspaper to stop the smell By removing food and organics waste from landfill you reduce the greenhouse gas emissions created by them!
Large logs or branches more than 700 mm in length a over 100 mm diameter Plant pots, garden tools or hoses
So, what can go in the Organics (Green Lid) bin? Generally if you can eat it or it grows into the Organics bin it goes!
Weeds and seeds can go in your organics bin
For anyone interested in further information relating to our new greenwaste processes can visit

Page 21Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Stella Young died in 2014, aged 32. She was an editor of the ABC’s on line disability publication ‘Ramp Up’, a host of disability-culture television program ‘No Limits’, a member of the board of ministerial advisory councils for several disability-related state or ganisations, an inductee to the Victo rian Honour Roll of Women, as well as a Melbourne International Comedy Festival performer. Ms Young was born with osteogen esis imperfecta and used a wheelchair for much of her life. The statue was announced in Febru ary when the council won State Gov ernment money, part of the Victorian Women’s Public Art Program.
“This project has already helped highlight how much work is still to be done in creating environments that enable all people to live productive and fulfilling lives,” he said.
Dances at Horsham’s Hamilton Lamb Memorial Hall have recom menced.Thecommittee has hosted danc es at the hall three times a month throughout the year. A dance is on the first and third Tuesday and the second Friday of each month, with music provided by Don Papst or the Beattie’s CDs.
Grampians Shire Coun cil, in partnership with Remembering Stella Young Advisory Group, ap pointed the team. They aim to ensure the statue captures essence of Ms Young’s commitment to disability ad vocacy, and that the surrounding space is inclusive and accessible.
Dancers return to the floor
State Minister for Women Natalie Hutchins said Ms Young was an ‘ex ceptional’ woman and a advocate who challenged society’s perception of people with disabilities.
Agroup of creatives will nur ture a public memorial for an iconic former Stawell comedian and advocate.
DELIGHT: Dancers are rejoicing the return of dances at Horsham’s Hamilton Lamb Memorial Hall –including the first anniversary dance in two years, earlier this month.
Profits of Tuesday night dances are to Cancer Council Victoria. Dances start at 7.30pm and a light supper follows at 9.30pm; admission costs $7. Dances on the board in clude the evening three-step, foxtrot, swing waltz, gypsy tap, tangoette, mayfair quickstep, carousel, Bal moral blues, Sally Ann cha cha, barn dance, Dorothea and festival glide. An anniversary dance, the first in two years, was earlier this month. This year the hall celebrates its 64th year, with ‘dress to impress’ the theme of the Meanwhile,night.Susanne and Bruce Beattie host a mixed dancing night each Monday with line dancing, rock ’n’ roll and ballroom dances. Mon day night dances run from 7.30pm to 9pm; admission is $5. People wanting more information can phone 0429 920 208. The Hamilton Lamb Memorial Hall is located at 23 Kalkee Road, Horsham. It is an alcohol-free venue dedicated to providing a dancefloor for the use of dance groups, exercise groups and others.
A creative team of women from var ious artistic fields and with ‘lived-ex perience’ of disability will design and develop a memorial statue and sur rounding area in honour of media personality, comedian and disability advocate Stella Young, who grew up atNorthernStawell.
Creatives for statue design
The creatives responsible for the statue’s design include film-maker Sarah Barton, who is producing a documentary about Ms Young called, ‘You get proud by practicing’. She and her daughter Stella, who has cerebral palsy, were personal friends of Ms Young. The collective also includes Fay en D’Evie, a collaborative artist and sculptor from central Victoria who is blind; and Wimmera artist Jillian Pearce, a creative producer and direc tor who worked with the council for ‘Gatherings 2022’ and was involved in production of the region’s Silo Art Trail and community art projects for youth and people with a disability.
Glendon Hancock, St Arnaud Mobile 0429 829 613 Craig Potter, Ararat Mobile 0419 707 991 Amy Kilpatrick, Horsham Mobile 0409 690 734 Elders Southern Wool Report WEEK 9 – Ending 8-9-22 RosterScan here for all our BALESreportsmarketROSTERED: 39,192 Elders provides a range of selling tools and options to help you maximise sales of your clip, including auction, auction forward, Wooltrade, and AuctionsPlus Wool. Scan here for our wool auction schedule and to livestream Auction Forward Indicative Price Table Previous Week’s Micron Price Guide EMI WEEKGraph8 – Ending 1-9-22 17 18 19 21 28 30 Aug-22 2500 2010 1620 1300 385 325 Nov-22 2400 1980 1580 1265 385 325 Feb-23 2300 1970 1580 1270 385 325
Danny Fraser, of the Northern Gram pians region, will sculpt the statue. The art program aims to celebrate the achievements of Victorian women and address the under-representation of public artworks of women. Northern Grampians mayor Murray Emerson said the region was proud of Ms Young’s achievements.

Page 22 Wednesday, August 31, Horsham Golf Club 113th Annual Tournament Wednesday, September 7 to Sunday, September 11, 2022 Wednesday ~ Mens & Ladies Stableford - From 7.30am - 1pm Thursday ~ 4Ball Stableford Aggregate Men’s & Ladies - 10.30am shotgun Friday ~ 4BBB Par Men’s & Ladies - 10.30am shotgun Saturday ~ Mens & Ladies 36 holes Stroke - 7.30am shotgun Mens & Ladies 18 holes Stroke AM - 7.30am or PM - 12.30pm shotgun Sunday ~ Mixed Pinehurst-10.30am shotgun Nearest the Pin for the duration of the tournament REGISTER NOW! Entry form is available

Page 23Wednesday, August 31, 2022 • Government push for EVs – Page 25 • Benz range expands – Page 26
Further, new safety features will debut on Corolla Cross which intro duces as standard the latest iteration of Toyota’s Safety Sense suite of driver assistance features.
Toyota Australia has announced pricing for its all-new Co rolla Cross small SUV, with the three-variant range to arrive in lo cal showrooms in October priced from $33,000 plus on-road costs. The line-up will offer two engine choices – petrol and petrol-electric hy brid – as well as front- and all-wheel drive configurations and the top-shelf Atmos Hybrid all-wheel drive variant sneaking in from just under $50,000.
Lane change assist joins existing features including an enhanced precollision system with pedestrian and cyclist detection, active cruise control with curve-speed reduction, lane-trace assist and lane-departure alert. All grades also receive eight airbags, au tomatic high beam, a blind-spot moni tor with safe-exit assist, rear crosstraffic alert and a reversing camera. Stepping up from the GX, the midgrade GXL is priced from $36,750 plus on-road costs for the petrol-pow ered two-wheel drive and $39,250 in hybrid format.
“Bringing the Corolla Cross to mar ket shows Toyota’s commitment to offering customers the vehicle that best suits their lifestyle,” Sean Han ley, Toyota Australia vice-president of sales, marketing and finance opera tions,“Withsaid.ample space for a variety of customers and lifestyles, new safety and connected features and fuel-effi cient powertrains, the Corolla Cross gives customers what they want out of a small SUV.”
The GXL variant offers high-grade LED headlights, front fog lights, rear privacy glass and roof rails, as well as leather-accented and fabric com bination upholstery, leather-accented shift knob and steering wheel, a selfdimming rear-view mirror, dual-zone climate control and a larger 10.5-inch infotainment array with proprietary satelliteToyotanavigation.alsoequips the Corolla Cross GXL with rear-seat USB-C charging ports, front and rear parking support brake with static object and rear-cross ing vehicle detection and a 360-degree camera system dubbed Panoramic View Monitor. At the top of the range, the Corolla Cross Atmos, priced from $43,550 plus on-road costs with the petrol engine and two-wheel drive, adds 18inch alloys, a panoramic roof, pow ered tailgate with kick sensor, leath er-accented upholstery, an eight-way electrically adjustable driver’s seat, heated steering wheel, wireless phone charger, rain-sensing wipers, park as sist and a 12.3-inch digital instrument panel.Atmos variants of the Corolla Cross are also available in two-wheel drive hybrid and all-wheel drive hybrid for mat priced from $46,050 and $49,050 respectively plus on-road costs. T (03)53816111 Offers end 31 December 2021, or while stocks last. Cars in stock - Picanto GT line Automatic with optional Premium Paint$21,032.00 Drive Away Offers available on new vehicles and for private buyers only. Vehicles must be purchased and delivered between 1 December and 31 December 2021. Premium Paint at additional cost. Kia reserves the right to change, supersede or extend these offers. A. Recommended drive away price for Picanto GT-Line with manual. For warranty terms & conditions visit Horsham Kia 81 Stawell Road Horsham 3400 & (03) 5381 6111 StonicSportage,Rio,Cerato,Niro,andSorento All in stock now NEW STOCK JUST ARRIVED
The Corolla Cross range starts with the 2.0-litre petrol-powered GX twowheel drive variant from $33,000 plus on-road costs or $35,500 as a hybrid. It is equipped as standard with 17inch alloy wheels, LED lighting, heat ed and auto retractable door mirrors, single-zone climate control, cloth up holstery and keyless entry with pushbutton start. It has Toyota’s latest-gen eration multimedia system comprising an 8.0-inch touchscreen display, sixspeaker sound, wireless Apple Car Play connectivity, wired Android Auto connectivity, and DAB+ digital radio reception.Toyotasays the model will offer the most expansive suite of Toyota Con nected Services safety and conveni ence features of any Toyota at launch — all of which are supported by the car’s new data control module.
The Corolla Cross GXL also in troduces Toyota’s E-Four all-wheel drive system to the range, priced from $42,250 plus on-road costs.

Page 24 Wednesday, August 31, Quick and easy new and used finance options and contactless handovers available 95 Stawell Road, Horsham Ph (03) 5382 4677 Western Highway, Stawell Ph (03) 5358 2144 LMCT: 7944 MOTOR GROUP wilsonnick HORSHAM 0419 510 284 – sales manager 1VC-3KM. 67,042km, 4-cyl 1.4L 6-spd auto, climate control, navigation, cruise, lane keeping assist, push button start, leather cross interior with red accents 2017 Suzuki Swift Sport Auto $28,990WAS $23,990 DRIVE AWAY AYZ-737. 62,146km, 2.0L 4-cyl auto, bi-turbo diesel, leather interior, roof cross bars, climate control, sat nav, phone pairing, adaptive cruise, 7 seats 2019 Ford Everest Trend UA II RWD $56,990 DRIVE AWAY ACD-246. 163,000km, 6-cylinder diesel, auto, tow bar, electric brakes 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo $28,990 DRIVE AWAY 1NK-4GP. 135,000km, 2.5L petrol, GPS, Bluetooth, camera 2017 Mazda KF CX-5 Touring AWD $29,990 DRIVE AWAY 1BS-4OS. 175,209km, 2.0L 4-cyl, manual, petrol, perfectly suited for a first car, learn to drive in a manual, clean & tidy, Bluetooth, cruise & 5 airbags 2012 Kia Cerato SI $9,990WAS $8,490 DRIVE AWAY 1BW-9KB. 174,000km, 2.7L V6 turbo diesel, 6-spd auto, 7 seats, 2.3t towing, two keys 2014 Ford Territory TS $19,990 DRIVE AWAY 1QQ-4RD. 41,000km, 3.2L 5-cylinder turbo diesel, 6-speed auto, full service history with two keys, towbar, as new 2018 Ford PX3 Ranger XLT 4x4 $54,990WAS $53,990 DRIVE AWAY 1VM-1IZ. 27,000km, 3.2L petrol engine, 9-spd auto, towbar, 2.2T towing, electric brakes, as new 2019 Jeep Cherokee Limited 4x4 $49,990 DRIVE AWAY 1JD-7JV. 95634km, 2.0L 4cyl, RWD, auto, petrol, ever wanted to cruise the mountains with the top down & wind in your hair? Cool & sexy, loads of features 2017 BMW 2 Series 220i M Sport $44,990WAS $42,990 DRIVE AWAY APX-262. 134,000km, 2.4L turbo diesel, 8-spd auto, service history with two keys! 3.1t towing, towbar, electric brakes 2017 Mitsi Pajero Sports GLS 4x4 $39,990 DRIVE AWAY Call now to book your test drive HASNEXT-GENRANGERARRIVED 0408 846 244 – sales/financejameshenwood HORSHAM 0409 353 431 – SalesmarkcotTrell HORSHAM 0402 366 659 – sales/financeclintonsmith STAWELL New Cars in Stock Nissan Navara Warrior Hyundai Staria iLoad Hyundai Kona Hyundai Santa Fe Highlander Mazda CX-30 READY IMMEDIATEFORDELIVERYCome in & discuss your vehicle finance options with Lisa today! IN STOCKUSEDCARSOVER 40 Proud supporter of 33 Dimboola Road, Horsham. Ph 5382 6163 Open Saturday until noon LMCT 8353 MORROWMOTORGROUP Gavin Morrow 0418 504 985 Director Wade Morrow 0409 133 939 Director Tom Gallagher 0456 744 014 Sales Steve Chamberlain 0438 592 788 Sales Lisa Willis 5382 6163 Business Manager Craig Kemp 0418 504 987 Sales Shop online and browse our range of quality new and used cars Morrow Motor Group have used Hyundai Santa Fe’s and Mazda CX-5’s in stock and arriving

Speaking at an inaugural National Electric Vehicle Summit, Mr Bowen announced a national plan to help change the situation for the better. His audience included politicians, automotive industry representatives and community leaders, including US ambassador Caroline Kennedy and EU ambassador Michael Pulch. “Uptake of new low-emissions vehi cles sits at just two percent — nearly five times lower than the global aver age,” Mr Bowen said. He acknowledged Australia was ‘significantly behind’ when it came to the uptake of low-emissions cars, with eight options on the market under $60,000.“There are many consumers who would be interested in buying an EV but even if they could access the lim ited stock available, price sends them to petrol or diesel models,” he said. “Policy settings are denying Austral ians real choice of good, affordable, no emissions cars.”
The changes, which see a price in crease of between $520 and $990 across the range, include the bolster ing of technological and safety items Lexus says are parts of its ‘Always On’ approach of improvement. Customers of the ES petrol and hy brid, HEV, variants will enjoy greater usership and intuitive luxury con venience with the expansion of Lexus Connected Services, as well as en hanced multimedia functionality.
“This is the kind of courageous in tent we have been seeking from our federal government and it is a major step on our journey to delivering lowemission vehicles to Australian cus tomers,” FCAI chief executive Tony Weber said. — Peter Barnwell
The revised ES250 and ES300h range goes on sale from late Septem ber, priced from $62,140.–Matt Brogan
Owners may also remotely check the vehicle’s windows, boot and bon net are closed and locked, and receive alerts if unlocked or open. Tyre pres sures may also be monitored remotely.
The Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries has thrown its support be hind Mr Bowen and the government’s intention for a detailed strategy to reduce vehicle emissions and increase zero- and low-emission vehicle op tions for Australians.
Lexus’ remote connect allows own ers to remotely start the car’s engine, lock and unlock the boot and doors as well as activate the horn.
Mr Cannon-Brookes called for speed in implementation of new standards that arise from the legislation.
Further, Lexus says its status con nect system provides a wealth of vehi cle data and information – all accessi ble at the owner’s fingertips, including odometer and fuel level readings, remaining range, the vehicle’s last known location, vehicle diagnostics data and recent trip details.
Politicians are also lobbying for a change to the definition of fuel-effi cient vehicles in Luxury Car Tax laws, which could make electric cars more competitive while increasing revenue by more than $410-million in three years.The Greens said the party would call on the government to ‘urgently’ invest in charging infrastructure and discounts on electric vehicles. A proposal has already been submit ted to parliament to change fringe benefits tax laws and remove the im port tariff on electric vehicles to make them more affordable.
Lexus says its latest-generation mul timedia system now supports wireless Apple CarPlay connectivity, while Android Auto connectivity remains wired.Aredesigned centre console sees the addition of a USB-C connector next to the gear selector. The Lexus ES is available in a choice of nine exterior colours, in cluding sonic quartz, sonic iridium, sonic chrome, graphite black, vermil lion, glacial ecru, radiata green and deep blue. F Sport grades see white nova and cobalt mica replace sonic quartz and deep blue. Inside, a brighter solis white uphol stery shade replaces the previous rich cream finish. The ES250 continues to be powered by the same 152kW-243Nm 2.5-litre four-cylinder petrol engine offered previously, driving the front wheels via an eight-speed automatic trans mission.TheES300h, meanwhile, combines the petrol engine found in the ES250 with Lexus Hybrid Drive technology, its permanent magnet motor upping combined system power to 160kW.
Australian uptake of zero- and low-emission vehicles is currently constrained by high prices, limited stock and long waitlists for a range of models much smaller than overseas.
Mr Bowen said the government’s strategy would also include steps to improve national fuel efficiency standards which, he said, would help drive down the cost of electric vehi cles.Industry consultation will com mence in September, Mr Bowen said. Co-founder of the EV summit Mike Cannon-Brookes, who is also Atlas sian chief executive and an environ mental advocate, said the plan was “a refreshing step” that would catch-up Australia with the rest of the world. Mr Bowen said estimates suggested Australia was about a decade behind Europe in EV policy and uptake.
“Our standards cannot be a step for ward from where we are today; they have to be a leap to catch up to where the rest of the world is,” he said. “The problem is right now that we are far behind the rest of the world. “Whatever we get to can’t then con tinue to be far behind the rest of the world. We have to make that leap to catch up to where they are.”
Market update for Lexus range
Lexus has introduced what it labels ‘subtle but significant’ enhancements to its ES250 and ES300h mid-size luxury sedan variants following a comprehen sive update of the range in Sep tember 2021.
24 Hamilton Street, Horsham Ph (03) 5382 2185 or 0427 861 851 11355 SHD 15004 SHD 15005 2008 COLORADOHOLDEN Diesel 4x4, Manual, 3 x seats, air-conditioning. WVR-298 DIESEL drive$14,999away 2005 HOLDEN VZ EXECUTIVE Auto, power steering, air-conditioning, dual fuel. Vin: 6G1ZKB2N95L518781. WAGON $2,500ASIS 2008 FORD FG UTE Dedicated gas, automatic, air-conditioned, tow bar, tool box. WRK-341 towtoolboxbar drive$9,900away 2008 SORRENTOKIA 7 seats, automatic, air-conditioned, diesel, 4WD. YSH-976. diesel7seats DRIVE$8,499AWAY 2006 rodeoholdendualcab 4x2 Diesel, 5-speed manual, power windows. REDUCED!! 1OH-9MC. reduced drive$7,499away 2003 mitsubishi es magna Dual fuel, automatic, electric windows, air-conditioned, tow bar. VIN: 6MMTL8D423T010558 dual fuel drive$3,999away Open Monday to9am-5pmthursday 2008 FORD FG XR6 UTE Automatic, air-conditioning, power steering, leather interior. WPE-324 drive$16,000away LOOKERGOOD 2013 ford ts territory 7 seats, diesel, automatic, air-conditioned, cruise control. VIN: 6FPAAAJGATDJ23747 DRIVE$14,999AWAY 7 seats SOLD
Page 25Wednesday, August 31, 2022
the starting
Lexus Australia introduced Lexus Connected Services and the 12.3-inch multimedia interface as part of the comprehensive 2021 update, and has now broadened the suite of services available through its state-of-the-art Lexus Connected smartphone app. In addition to the existing automatic collision notification, SOS emergency call and stolen vehicle tracking fea tures, the upgraded ES range now includes Lexus’ multimedia connect system, which syncs the app with the multimedia system to offer cloudbased navigation with live traffic, weather, parking and map updates, as well as location searching and firstand-last-mile routing.
ADDITIONS: Lexus says ‘subtle but significant’ enhancements have bumped price its ES to $62,140.
New government push for electrification, fuel efficiency Federal Climate Change Min ister Chris Bowen has vowed Australians will have greater EV choice from a federal government push to encourage their uptake. His announcement, at an electric ve hicle, EV, summit in Canberra, comes at a time of intense debate around how Australia shifts toward electrification and the role of fuel-efficiency stand ards in this transition. It has prompted a spectrum of au tomotive industry groups to weigh in with positivity about the prospect of legislative certainty and the opportu nity to shape such legislation through the promised consultation process.

A second 10.25-inch screen presents a customisable digital instrument clus ter for the Additionaldriver.convenience features in clude keyless entry and start, a pow ered tailgate with handsfree access, smartphone integration with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto plus wire less charging for selected mobile de vices, and heated front seats, automat ic climate control including remotely actuated pre-entry climate control, a DAB+ digital radio tuner, and access to a comprehensive suite of remote functions and vehicle information via the Mercedes me app on a connected features include nine airbags, Driver Assistance Package with Distronic active distance assist cruise control with automatic restart in traffic, route-based speed adaptation, and a range of active assists including steering, braking, lane keeping and blind-spot monitoring. Traffic Sign Assist and Parking Assist Parktronic are also Mercedes-Benzincluded.Australia says a lim ited number of EQA350 4Matic vari ants will arrive in Australia specified with an exclusive Edition 1 package which adds a “selection of addition features and distinctive interior and exterior cosmetic enhancements”.
Taylor Toyota 46-50 Lonsdale Street, Stawell Toyota 72-76 Long eld Street TStawell:035358 1555 Stawell Toyota THERE’S MORE THAN DEALS AT OUR DEALERSHIPS EXTENDED ORDER TIMES MAY APPLY. OVER 290 SERVICECENTRESACROSSTHECOUNTRY T2022 018292 1UZ7QV DUSE 2011 TOYOTA FJ CRUISER 151413 KMS 4.0L PETROL, AUTO WAGON $37,490 AWAY+DRIVE 1BD3JW DUSE 2014 HYUNDAI SANTA FE ELITE 153044 KMS 7 SEAT, 5 DOOR WAGON $25,490 AWAY+DRIVE ZYE475 DUSE 2011 HONDA JAZZ GE GLI 205500 KMS 5 DOOR, AUTO, HATCHBACK $10,990 AWAY+DRIVE 1DE4BH DUSE 2015 HYUNDAI IX35 – SERIES II 79795 KMS SPEC. EDITION, 2L PETROL, AUTO $22,990 AWAY+DRIVE 1PG2IK DUSE 2019 HOLDEN COLORADO RG LS SINGLE CAB CHASSIS 181976 KMS $23,990 AWAY+DRIVE AYE436 DUSE 2019 FORD RANGER PX MKIII 38961 KMS 2020.25MY WILDTRAK $64,990 AWAY+DRIVE 1FQ7RW DUSE 2015 FORD KUGA TF 97896 KMS MY16 AMBIENTE WAGON 5DR $16,490 AWAY+DRIVE 1RO5US DUSE 2020 HOLDEN COLORADO LTZ 173908 KMS CREW CAB, 4X4 DIESEL $38,490 AWAY+DRIVE All prices include stamp duty and on road costs. All vehicles will be sold with a current Victorian roadworthy and transferred into the purchaser’s name. 1OW9KS DUSE 2013 HOLDEN VE SS SERIES II Z SERIES 159413 KMS $34,990 AWAY+DRIVE$38,990$26,490WASWAS $67,990WAS
The specification sheet shows the EQA350 4Matic outputs 215kW and 520Nm and can accelerate from stand still to 100kmh in six seconds.
OPTION: EQA Benz line-up.
Mercedes Benz Australia says that in response to the ongo ing popularity of its first all-elec tric compact SUV, the EQA250, it will now offer the more power ful and all-wheel drive EQA350 4Matic locally.
Inside, the AMG Line Sports treat ment continues with red top stitching on the dashboard and beltline, air vents in silver chrome and high-gloss black, black sports seats with red top stitching in Artico and Dinamica mi crofibre, a flat-bottom multi-function sports steering wheel in Nappa leath er, plus AMG-style pedals in brushed stainless steel. As standard, the 350 also includes the Vision Package, adding an elec tronically operated panoramic sunroof and the Parking Package with 360-de gree camera.
Page 26 Wednesday, August 31,
Further, the EQA350 4Matic builds on the specification of the EQA250 – priced locally from $76,800 plus onroad costs – with adjustable damping suspension with multi-link rear, a di rect steer system and Dynamic Select driving mode selection. The model is also equipped with Mercedes-Benz’s MBUX infotain ment system including voice control and 10.25-inch centre touchscreen collectively form the hub for functions such as navigation, media playback, telephony and vehicle functionality.
Priced at $100,800 plus on-road costs, the EQA350 4Matic Edition 1 offers 20-inch AMG multi-spoke light-alloy wheels in a matte copper finish, Neva grey leather and Cyber Cut blue upholstery, backlit Spirallook trim elements, blue stitching for the door panels and centre console, air vents in silver chrome and en ergy blue, illuminated door sill panels, black roof rails, Edition 1 floor mats, and one of two vehicle keys finished in a rose gold ornamental surround. Mercedes-Benz EQA350 4Matic variants are available to order now. – Matt Brogan
Priced from $96,900 plus on-road costs, the higher-grade variant is said to offer ‘significantly more power and torque, all-wheel drive… and a beefed-up specification’.
Mercedes-Benz says the EQA350 4Matic utilises a 66.5kWh battery pack which may be charged at up to 11kW, AC, and 100kW, DC, to offer up to 400 kilometres of driving range according to the WLTP standard. The ‘350’ variant is differentiated over the entry model by the standard inclusion of the AMG Line Sports exterior with an AMG-specific front apron trimmed in chrome with func tional air curtains, a black panel ra diator grille in a twin-blade design surround in high-gloss black, an AMG diffuser-style rear apron trimmed in chrome and 20-inch AMG multispoke alloy wheels in high-gloss black with a high-sheen finish.
Demand brings power option
The addition of a more powerful and all-wheel drive variant is growing the

Page 27Wednesday, August 31, 2022 of our stores on October 31 ww NHILL 95-97 Nelson Street, Nhill (03) 53 912 HORSHAM 105 River Road , Horsham (03) 53 812 horsham@dmdage828nts Facebook @dmdhorsham STAWELL Fnevilleroutley@dmdageacebook@dmdst BUY 2 a Genesis Power Doser valued at $800Win over the months of August, September and October and go in the draw 95 Nelson Street, Nhill CALL 03 5391 2106 Proudly brought to you by: August 31, 2022 Goroke farmer Carl Hausler is pleased to see large puddles around the family farm as the crops are looking green and the stock are well fed. Average rain across the Wimmera was about 70 millimetres for August, with more expected during spring. Story, page 30. Picture: CARRACHERPAULinMoneymud

The State Government has committed a $10-million package to build on the state’s preparedness for an outbreak of the disease. For details about upcoming workshops, as well as information and resources about foot-and-mouth disease, people can visit
Ms Winfield said applications closed today and it was ‘new and exciting’ to be able to offer the initiative.
“All livestock that is sold or goes through our yards in transit are traceable via the National Livestock Identification System.”
Agriculture Victoria started a series of biosecurity planning workshops for live stock producers last week, that will contin ue until September 28 across 17 different locations. Participants will hear about the biosecurity risks and leave with their own on-farm biosecurity plan. Agriculture Victoria emergency animal disease engagement co-ordinator Terry Batey said the events were being deliv ered to ensure farmers were empowered with the information and skills needed to safeguard businesses and industries from exotic pests and diseases.
Open day success
Page 28 Wednesday, August 31, ALL MAJOR BRANDS New Holland Case IH John Deere Claas GOT A HEADER? THIS OPTION IS A NO BRAINER. HARRINGTON DESTRUCTOSEEDR SIMPLER. BETTER. DON’T COMPROMISE Maximise header capacity for optimum productivity HARRI N GTON DESTRUCTSEEDOR CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DEALER HSD and iHSD products are designed and manufactured in Australia by de Bruin Engineering Pty Ltd. Core iHSD Mill Technology was developed by UniSA with funding and support from GRDC. Through GRDC, licencing fees and royalties on HSD and iHSD products are used to enhance research in Australian agricultural systems and fund programs to benefit grain growers. Swan Hill Belle-Vue Trading (03) 5032 1578 Warracknabeal Belle-Vue Trading (03) 5394 1070 O’Connors (03) 5398 1877 Birchip O’Connors (03) 5492 2311 Horsham O’Connors (03) 5382 1727 Rokewood Western Plains Motors Pty Ltd (03) 5346 1223 • steam cleaning of carpets • upholstery • windows • tile & grout cleaning • stripping & sealing vinyl floors • commercial cleaning BOOK A CLEANING SERVICE and receive a FREE gift Come and see the tea mThe One Cleaning Service Ph: 5382 2387 at 1A Hazel St, Horsha m Shaun Casey, Sandra Casey, Erin Wallace Your health. Our priority. Horsham’s most experienced team offers hands-on therapy services with results! Don’t let life’s aches, pains and injuries drag on –do aboutsomethingittoday. 16A Darlot Street, Horsham Stockists of footwear experiencecombined70Overyears ThisDogPro Proudly brought to you by: Proactive in ‘fight’
PREPARED: Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange staff Daryl Wallace and Liz Reddie ensure the site is biosecure in the event foot-and-mouth disease reaches the Wimmera. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
“The facility has a saleyard standstill plan and agents who sell through the yards have been briefed on its detail and staff are in the process of building a boot wash. “We understand the key to our region’s biosecurity is livestock traceability.
Mr Christopher said the council annually reviewed and updated its Livestock Stand still Plan. “Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange prides itself on its biosecurity practices and has been proactive in preparation for any outbreak related to FMD,” he said.
“We’re encouraging all farmers to re main vigilant in their National Livestock Identification System practices and ensure their farm biosecurity plans are up-todate,” he said. “We all need to make sure we’re pre pared to take the appropriate action when required to protect our livestock industry from an outbreak.” FMD is a highly contagious, rapid ly spread viral disease that affects clo ven-hoofed animals.
For the first time, Longerenong College implemented an early offer program for people wanting to study next year.
In response to an outbreak of footand-mouth disease, FMD, in Indonesia, and some fragments found at Australian borders, Horsham Rural City Council commercial enterprises co-ordinator Paul Christopher said biosecurity ensured the Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange remained one of the safest and most bio-secure facilities in the region.
“It means students will know nice and early where they are going and don’t have to wait,” she said.
BY ABBY WALTER Wimmera livestock experts say the region’s high standards for biosecurity means it is prepared to fight any potential disease outbreaks.
Longerenong College leaders have dubbed the 2022 Longy Col lege Open Day a ‘success’, with plenty of prospective students through the doors. Business development officer Donna Winfield said it was ‘ex citing’ to be back face-to-face with potential 2023 students from across Victoria and interstate. “Our students are highly sought-after and regarded in the in dustry, so we spoke at the day about career opportunities Lon gerenong can open up,” she said. “There were course presentations, campus tours, farm tours, scholarship presentations, show steers and the opportunity to talk to current staff and students.”

Page 29Wednesday, August 31, 2022 All will be revealed in next week’s edition of The Weekly Advertiser

Soaking gives confidence
“We have been able to fill a few dams and water is starting to run into local lakes, which is great to see.”
Gauges have recorded almost 90 more millimetres in Warracknabeal this year compared with last year, with the rain gauges tallying about 326mm. Edenhope has experienced just 12mm above average this year, but with 396mm this year, there is 68 more millimetres than last year water ing the crops.
SOAKED: Goroke farmer Carl Hausler and his dog Maggie are not too concerned about water in the family farm paddocks as the crops are showing plenty of potential.
Horsham’s rain for 2022 to date has been 331.8 millimetres – 88.6mm more than the same time last year – compared with an average of 244.9mm.Stawellhas recorded less rain than this time last year, with 321.8mm compared to 397.2mm, however, it is above average for the area. Ararat has received about 40 more millimetres to date compared with the same time last year and the average, with 419.6mm for 2022. Nhill has recorded 262.8mm for the year, 60 more millimetres than this time last year and compared with an average of 225mm by the end of August.
Funding for Victorian Agricultural and Pastoral Societies will support entry fees and boost COVID recovery as the spring show season begins. Grants are open to all eligible Vic torian Agricultural and Pastoral So cieties that are hosting agriculture, horticultural or pastoral events. The funding will enable groups to offer children’s entry at no charge. Agriculture Victoria executive direc tor, policy and programs, Sarah-Jane McCormack said the program ensured regional and rural shows returned stronger than ever.
It is mostly smiles for Wimmera farmers out in the paddocks with rain continuing to give crops a good boost before spring. August rain across the Wimmera av eraged about 70 millimetres – above the average for this time of year in mostGoroketowns.farmer
“There is a great amount of feed about and it’s looking like it will be a huge spring,” he said.
Carl Hausler said with the season’s rain, crops were on track with plenty of potential.
Murra Warra farmer David Jochinke said it was a ‘ripping’ season.
The Bureau of Meteorology has con firmed a negative Indian Ocean Di pole event, which increases the chance of La Niña during spring by 70 per cent. September to November rain is likely to be above median for most of the eastern half of Australia.
“We have been in a lot harder situa tions at this time of year in the Wim mera than we are now,” he said. “There are still some challenges, but walking out into the paddocks is sensational.
Cash help for shows Ends 18/10/22. Optus Choice Plus Small and Medium plans only. New port-in services only in eligible postcodes. See N/A with other discount offers unless specified. T&Cs apply. Month-to-month SIM Plan 30GB Includes discount and applies for 12 months Switch to Optus and keep your number Get50% off Was $49/mth $24.50/mth
Page 30 Wednesday, August 31, ThisDogPro 95 Nelson Street, Nhill CALL 03 5391 2106 Proudly brought to you by:
“Most farmers I have been speaking to are finishing up their disease pro grams and turning to preparation for harvest. “Timelines and supply chain de mands mean we are all having to plan ahead so much more than ever before, which is one of the challenges, but most people are putting their minds to it and hopefully working towards a hassle-free harvest.”
“Free entry for kids makes it easier for families to head along and see firsthand best on-farm practices and to immerse themselves in learning experiences to better understand agri culture,” she said. The funding is available through the Victorian Government’s one-off investment in the Children Entry COVID Recovery Grants program. Grants will be capped and based on previous ticket revenue from recent shows, events or field days. Applications close on September 26. People wanting more information, or to apply, can visit funds-grants-programs/ entry-covid-recovery-grants

“There’s lots of positivity over a big area rather than just in pockets for the season. Hopefully we have no frosts and a bit more rain as the year contin ues,” he said.
“A lot of chemicals aren’t coming in when we are being told they will, so that’s always a challenge to make sure we have enough to keep people going,” he said. Getting machinery and parts into the country is also a slower-than-normal process.
Nutrien Ag Birchip fertiliser and depot manager Andrew Bidstrup said fertiliser sales were strong. “Farmers are coping okay with rising prices,” he“Somesaid. people have knocked back on some of their inputs of urea and MAP, but most are seeing the bene fits and still going ahead with those programs.” MAP is also known as monoammonium phosphate. Mr Bidstrup said getting fertiliser into Australia had been slow.
“Labour wise, there’s always a little shortage, but we’ve been working on that very heavily and we have good numbers and good, quality people in the system.”
Mr Hartwich said increasing demand for on-farm storage systems was due to the changing nature of operations.
“The seasons have been good. Peo ple have changed a lot and are starting to manage more of their own pro duce,” he said. “There are a lot of people doing their own marketing and cutting out the middleman, so a lot is happening in the space.”
LOOKING GOOD: Ahrens Victoria operations manager Wayne Hartwich, right, speaks with Brad Witmitz, of Kaniva, at the Mallee Machinery Field Days about the cropping season.
Ahrens Victoria operations manager Wayne Hartwich said it was good to see farmers smiling as the rain contin ued and the crops were growing.
“We’ve had some supply issues, but we are getting on top of those like everybody and we’re moving forward nicely.
Emmetts Swan Hill regional man ager Shaun Demario said machinery availability was the biggest barrier the industry was facing. “Getting stock is an issue every where. It’s a global crisis and we just have to work through it,” he said.
“Farmers are getting smarter with their decisions to deal with that. “Machine order times are pushed right out – anything from six to 18 months – so farmers are planning their developments ahead and improving their farm structures by ordering in advance.”Emmetts displayed the new X9 se ries combine harvester at the 2022 Mallee Machinery Field Days and Mr Demario said it was ‘the way’ of the future. “Farmers are trying to get smarter with their operations and the X9 has a lot of technology in it which has been built to be smarter,” he said. “With tonnes per hour and acres per hour they’re a monster machine – it’s a way of the future. “A lot of people are struggling with staff, so instead of running two ma chines you might see a lot of farmers look into an X9, which is great for their efficiency and great for their farming practises.”
“Sales wise, things are very good, but there’s always a lot of challenges with getting products finished,” he said.
Page 31Wednesday, August 31, 2022 RUGGED, RELIABLE & VERSATILE Contact 0411 114 434 or Everun ER32 Wheel Loader Everun ER20 Wheel Loader Priced at $49,995 plus GST Priced at $32,995 plus GST • Quick Hitch • AC Cab • Electric Joystick • Reverse Camera • Engine 92kw/124hp • Luxury cabin • Suspension Seat • ROPS/FOPS • GP Bucket • Quick Hitch • AC Cab • Electric Joystick • Reverse Camera • Engine 76kw/105hp•Luxurycabin • Suspension Seat • ROPS/FOPS•GPBucket ThisDogPro 95 Nelson Street, Nhill CALL 03 5391 2106 Proudly brought to you by: Positivity amid the challenges
Mr Hartwich said it was challenging to keep up with the demands for prod ucts, but it was good to be busy.
BY ABBY WALTER Wimmera and Mallee agri culture industry experts are working through challenges with import while also seeing many happy farmers across the region.

Page 32 Wednesday, August 31, concreting earthworksnursery Opening Hours MON-FRI 9AM - 4PM SAT-SUN 9AM - 3PM LARGEST NURSERY IN HORSHAM • Bobcats • Backhoes • Excavator • Tip Trucks Nursery 140 Golf Course Rd, Horsham Ph: 5382 5002 (Soil Yard) 5382 6230 (Nursery) 140 GOLF COURSE RD, HORSHAM SOIL YARD 5382 5002 NURSERY 5382 6230 FOR HIRE Mon-Fri 9am-4pm Sat-SunHouse9am-3pmyards • Shed slabs • Silo bases • Driveways • Weighbridges landscapingsupplies

CARRACHER SERVICEAUTHORISED&PARTSDEALERCome and talk to our sales team today to secure your Polaris! RANGER DIESEL MY22 HD EPS ADC MY22 RANGER 570 HEAVY DUTY EPS ADC RANGER 150 EFI These units in stock ready for immediate delivery $1000 FREE ACCESSORIES^ REFER TO FINANCE OPTIONS ABOVE *Offer ends 30/9/22 or while stocks last. Offer only available at participating Polaris Dealers. Not valid with any other offer. Excludes fleet clients. ^Accessories offer only valid with the purchase of a new MY22 RANGER DIESEL HD EPS ADC. $1000 FREE ACCESSORIES^ REFER TO FINANCE OPTIONS ABOVE *Offer ends 30/9/22 or while stocks last. Offer only available at participating Polaris Dealers. Not valid with any other offer. Excludes fleet clients. ^Accessories offer only valid with the purchase of a new MY22 RANGER 570 HD EPS ADC. $300 FREE ACCESSORIES^ REFER TO FINANCE OPTIONS ABOVE *Offer ends 30/9/22 or while stocks last. Offer only available at participating Polaris Dealers. Not valid with any other offer. Excludes fleet clients. ^Accessories offer only valid with the purchase of a new RZR 200 EFI. $300 FREE ACCESSORIES^ REFER TO FINANCE OPTIONS ABOVE *Offer ends 30/9/22 or while stocks last. Offer only available at participating Polaris Dealers. Not valid with any other offer. Excludes fleet clients. ^Accessories offer only valid with the purchase of a new RANGER 150 EFI MY22 200 EFI
Club president Tim Batchelor said it was a great event. “We had no idea how it would go after a couple of years off, but we had more than 1000 people there,” he said.
Mr Batchelor said the club would ‘wait for the dust to settle’ on this year’s event before looking ahead.
Page 33Wednesday, August 31, 2022 ThisDogPro 95 Nelson Street, Nhill Proudly brought to you by:
Horsham Apex Club 15 organised the event at Kalkee’s Blue Ribbon Raceway on August 20 – the first since 2019, due to the COVID-19 pan demic – with more than 1000 people in attendance.
“We will have to look at what we do next but we would love to run this event again next year,” he said.
“There’s nothing set in stone just yet, but this will allow us to look at funding community projects and we’re also looking at opening some community grants later in the year,” he said. “In the past, we have donated a car to Centre For Participation and we donated a treatment chair to the Wim mera Cancer Centre. “Without the ball, we wouldn’t be able to give these sizable donations. “The donations are also on top of the money that comes into the community with the people coming through towns on their way to the event and over the weekend.“It’swhat we are all about – fund raising and putting money back into the community.”
FLYING HIGH: Ian, Amber and Riley Davis, of Horsham, show off their birds at the Wimmera Poultry Club’s August Show in Horsham. There were less birds exhibited than August shows of the past, however, it is the club’s second show since 2019. The club is now turning its attention to preparing for a September poultry auction at Maydale Reserve, Horsham. Picture: PAUL
“We had people from the Transport Accident Commission, TAC, there with breathalysers and that’s all part of our management and making sure people are right to drive when they leave.”Theclub uses profits from the event to contribute to community projects and grants across the 12 months fol lowing the ball. Mr Batchelor said the club was yet to tally profits, but committed that all funds would return to the community in some way.
“Based on the number plates through the gate, we had every state represent ed, which was interesting.
The Longerenong BnS Ball has again raised money for the Wimmera community.

Page 34 Wednesday, August 31, AUSTRALIATOOLS Make your farm run at its best... by choosing the best! Your local dealers for... SHOP!STOPONE 25lt Gulf Western Top Dog XDO 15w40 GRAINLINE GMP626H MINI MOBILE 26' X 6" $9,185 $9,185 TTI WeedControl 95L $110 $110 WALKER MC19 19HP KOHLER COMMAND $22,000 $22,000 HARDI COMMANDER 8500LT 36M FORCE BOOM $110,000 $110,000 TTI 16L WeedMasta & Trolley $310 $310 inc gst inc gst inc gst inc gst inc gst $629 $629 inc gst

The project received funding from the Federal Government’s Future Drought Fund. This event is free for BCG members and $50 for non-members. People wanting more information on becoming a member, or the field day, can phone 5492 2787.
“A number of new cereal varieties have been released over the past few years with characteristics such as im proved disease packages, longer co leoptile length, awnless varieties and differing maturity,” she said. “The Grains Research and Devel opment Corporation National Variety Trials offer the opportunity to see how the yield of new lines and commer cially available lines stack up against each other in varying environments. “Growers can then take this research and combine it with their own knowl edge of management requirements to select the best variety for their farm ingPulsesystem.”agronomy, Septoria manage ment in the low rainfall zone, barley agronomy, varieties, soil carbon, her bicide technology and fodder trials are also on the program for the field days.
TRIAL: Birchip Cropping Crop research agronomist Angus Butterfield spraying silicon on a BCG silicon pulses trial at Nullawil.
Research showcase to return
Another item on the program is a session on BCG’s silicon trial. BCGs trial aims to discover whether, and if so, how, the process of spraying silicon on crops would benefit broa dacre crops during stressors such as drought, heat and frost. The use of silicon has not been test ed at a broadacre scale, despite studies in glasshouses proving that it can aid plantResearchresilience.agronomist Tariq Gerardi said a trial into silicon use was de signed to investigate if commercially available silicon products could in crease yields in standard Mallee crops during dry times.
FIELD DAY: Birchip Cropping Crop research and extension officer Brooke Bennett is preparing to discuss Grains Research and Development Corporation National Variety Trial results at BCG’s Main Field Day.
“It is why we come to work each day – to see our research have a positive impact on farmers, our communities and, more broadly, agriculture on a national and international level.” Ms Bennett will discuss the latest barley agronomy research and new barley and wheat varieties available to growers.
Birchip Cropping Crop re searchers will feature promi nently at this year’s Main Field Day. After two years without the not-forprofit agricultural research company’s main event, researchers are more ea ger than ever to speak with farmers. The Main Field Day is scheduled for September 14 at Nullawil, on the cor ner of Calder Highway and Burgins Road.Birchip Cropping Group, BCG, re search and extension officer Brooke Bennett said nothing matched the abil ity to meet people face-to-face for events.
“We are so passionate about the work we do and while webinars and videos are useful, there is nothing like being in the paddock, discussing and answering farmers and advisers’ ques tions in person,” she said.
Page 35Wednesday, August 31, 2022 ThisDogPro 95 Nelson Street, Nhill CALL 03 5391 2106 Proudly brought to you by:
CNR WILSON & FIREBRACE ST, (03)HORSHAM53821403 OPEN DAYS7 Make Father’s Day easy at More ideas! • Hunting clothing 20% OFF • Camping equipment • Hiking boots & socks • Knives • Kayaks RoadChef12v Colemanchairs Camp ovens ThermosLunchLugger Engel fridges UglycombosStick roastBake,&reheat COVER!FREEwith with a FREE lure or holderrod from $4995 Yabby nets Happy Father’s Day from the Wimmera Outdoors group! Still not sure? Gift vouchers available to use at all three stores ToFromDadmexx-xx-xxxx Me
“We are also using this trial to see if silicon could be used as a tool to employ farming rotations which are more marginal – such as winter wheats, grain and grain systems and some pulses like chickpeas and faba beans – in the Mallee due to variable rainfall,” he said. “I’m certainly looking forward to seeing and discussing the trial with farmers from across the region at BCG’s Main Field Day. “Research such as this is just another way BCG helps growers be more re silient in times of drought and that has a flow-on effect into communities.”

Page 36 Wednesday, August 31, Independent agronomy and farm consulting visit Want to generate more profit from your farm? SAS yourgetsfarmworkingforyou ... A ANTICIMEX COMPANY Proactive Pest Control SMART Digital Pest Control is a non-toxic and intuitive digital pest control system. Unlike basic pest control, SMART provides 24/7 automated detection of rodents, cockroaches and moths, to alert of infestations before they become a costly issue. Are you looking for a hassle-free pest control solution that handles all the work? Then SMART is the answer. SCAN HERE TO FIND OUT MORE24/7 remote surveillance Non-toxic traps Avoids costly problems Why Choose SMART? Detect blind spots Easy Peacereportingofmind 1300 559 799

“Even before the pandemic, farmers were reducing plantings or shifting to less labour-intensive produce,” she said. “We’re going into the summit be ing honest about those problems and offering up carefully considered solu tions that we think anyone can get behind.
“It’s a great thing to have highly skilled people, but as they move on in their career, there’s a position you have to backfill,” he said. “A good person working in agricul ture can put their hand to anything, and we’re seeing that a lot with the mining industry.
SOLUTIONS: National Farmers’ Federation vice-president David Jochinke, of Murra Warra, says a multifaceted approach is the way forward to easing workforce shortages.
“Employers need to become em ployers of choice because there is a lack of people available to hire.”
“There’s a small pool of highly skilled agriculture workers, which makes it competitive and good for employees,” he said.
“It’s also a reasonably good thing for employers who have to look even harder about facilities like smoko rooms and toilets as well as employ ment packages.
Mr Jochinke said NFFs recommen dations were categorised within four core“Thepillars.first pillar is needing access to an international and domestic sea sonal workforce and making it more attractive for employees to come to re gional Australia. We need safeguards around the obligations of the employ er to make it clear to the workforce the award, tax rates and what comes under different contract agreements,” he said. “The second is regulations that as sure the workforce that the days of exploitation are over and they are protected.”
Mr Jochinke said the third pillar was accessibility and a chance to upskill. “We are calling for making things like short courses available through TAFE free for anyone who works in agriculture in Victoria, such as some one from overseas or interstate – not just Victorians; and also opening up that free initiative to more institutions that offer short courses,” he said. “We want it to be more accessible for people to build up their resumes and build a career pathway, with dif ferent training such as Occupational Health and Safety, OHS.”
“The trend I am seeing is that it also opens up the opportunity to have discussions about career development and more opportunities to learn and upskill.
BY ABBY WALTER The National Farmers’ Federa tion is making recommenda tions to a national Jobs and Skills Summit to address chronic labour shortages in the farming sector. The summit brings together em ployers, civil society, government and unions to discuss economic challenges and propose both immediate and longterm solutions. Its goal is to find common ground on how Australia can build a bigger, better trained and more productive workforce; boost real wages and liv ing standards; and create more oppor tunities for more people.
Mr Jochinke said people working in the agriculture industry were highly adaptable and worked hard.
The fourth pillar is a perception of agriculture. “We want to debunk the horror sto ries of working in agriculture and get out the message that we are tidying up the career pathways in the industry,”
Page Darlot Street StreetHamiltonMadden St HorshamBearings Aldi AutoglassHorshamSupermarket locationNew 60B Darlot St, Horsham (Next to Horsham Bearings) 0427 977 336 Did you know we also do windscreens for trucksbuses,and machinery!farm Contact Horsham Autoglass today to organise prompt repair or replacement. Still in front! leaders in application tech Swan Hill Belle-Vue Trading (03) 5032 3277 Warracknabeal Belle-Vue Trading (03) 5394 1070 Bordertown SA Wise Farm Equipment (08) 8752 0633 Rokewood Western Plains Motors (03) 5346 1223 ContaC t your lo C al dealer optionsSwath-readyavailable Up to 434hp for extra grunt Front-mount with superior visibility & stability Industry-leading ground clearance Increased fuel savings optionsBoom 30m, 36m, 41.15m or 48m Miller StagedPWMIntellispraysystem,SprayControl,WeedSeeker2orSpray-Air ThisDogPro 95 Nelson Street, Nhill CALL 03 5391 2106 Proudly brought to you by: Workforce direction proposal
NFF vice-president David Jochin ke, of Murra Warra, said agriculture workforce numbers in the Wimmera were as critical as skill.
“This isn’t just a farmer issue, it’s hurting our economy and ultimately, every Australian.”
Mr Jochinke said. NFF president Fiona Simson will represent the sector at the summit. She said there was no silver bullet to fixing workforce challenges.
“Agriculture workers are so adapt able and, going into mining, for ex ample, have heavy vehicle licenses, know their way around machinery and are not frightened of hard work over long hours.
“It’s fantastic for the employees, however, it means they move on and the employers are training a new per son. Not having access to backpackers or as many people coming through visa sponsorship pathways means there’s a lack of seasonal workforce, too.”

OPPORTUNITY: Chris Montgomery of the Department of Home Affairs’ Skilled Migration Program discusses workforce challenges during the agribusiness forum in Rupanyup. with David Matthews
Page 38 Wednesday, August 31, Safe Farms • Safe Families • Does your child love to help on the farm? It’s always great having an extra set of hands on the farm. We invite you to take a look at our latest farm safety resource, featuring real farming families and advice from industry professionals on how to provide a safe workplace for our future farmers. The Victorian Farmers Federation Making Our Farms Safer project is committed to improving safety of children on farm. Follow, Making Our Farm Families Safer campaign across all social platforms. To learn more visit Scan the QR code to learn more! HORSHAMWOOL WOOL BUYERS Ph. 0417 119 216 12 KING DRIVE, HORSHAM – 5382 1628 “A family business of true locals” Kaniva Nhill HorshamDimboola BrettJamieKANIVABUYINGWOOLHORSHAM...NOWOPEN...ThursdayfortnightlyNHILL...EveryFriday...........................04171192160417344182Call the team at Horsham Wool for the best advice on selling your wool Travelling from Horsham to Kaniva and covering the wholeMalleeWimmera ThisDogPro 95 Nelson Street, Nhill CALL 03 5391 2106 Proudly brought to you by: Positive perception is critical There was an agribusiness fo rum in Rupanyup earlier this month. One of the speakers was Chris Mont gomery of the Department of Home Affairs.Chris heads the Skilled Migration Program for Victoria and Tasmania. He’s a terrific bloke and was able to walk us through what is a fairly complex topic. He met with Wimmera Development Association and some key business owners as well. Given the chronic skills shortage we have across the region, I think we should add Chris’ number to the favourites list. What did become obvious is we’re notThisalone.isa significant national issue, and while that may help to get the attention of policy makers, superan nuation funds and big business, it now means we’re in competition with ev ery other town and suburb in Australia to attract talent. Which leads me to wonder about some recent articles we’ve seen on the front pages of rural newspapers. They call out the higher costs coun try people are paying for things such as water, power and rates when com pared with our city cousins.
While this analysis may well be correct, I worry about the unintended consequences of this media coverage. For decades there was a perception in our major cities that moving to the country was not an option because there were no jobs. It took some great work by Regional Australia Institute to bust this myth. There are consistently more than 85,000 advertised jobs in regional Australia. But it took us 20 years to get this message through. The higher cost per household in rural areas is related to the lower pop ulation density. If we create an impression that coun try living is expensive, we exacerbate our problem. We deter people from moving here. And as we’ve seen with the ‘no jobs’ myth, these perceptions are incredibly difficult to change. The beautiful part of data is you can almost always find some that suits your argument. So when it comes to the comparative cost of country versus city living, I think we should look at some data from the last Census. In a typical Wimmera town, 63 per cent of people owned their homes outright compared to 32 percent state average. Of house owners with a mortgage, none reported paying more than 30 percent of their income in repayments in the country town compared to 16 percent statewide. And in the country, only 18 percent of renters paid more than 30 percent of their income in rent compared with 31 percent statewide. So while we should address ineq uities when we see them, let’s think carefully about how we do that. We must have an eye to the long game and invest in a narrative that will attract people to us. Creating the perception our regions offer many opportunities, with pro gressive businesses, welcoming com munities, and a terrific balanced life style, should be our goal. Can’t be too hard. It’s the truth.


Page 40 Wednesday, August 31, Designed and knitted by Jenny Hosking with pure Australian wool and hand-dyed yarns. | (03) 5437 3198 onlineAvailableat: or 9 McLoughlin Rd, Ararat Vic 3377 • Ph 0429 825 060 Email: Web: for all POLY REPAIRS & WELDING Mobile Poly Repair Specialists • Rainwater & Cartage Tanks • Boomspray Tanks • Specialist Plastic Fabrication • Plastic Fuel Tanks • Repairs to Water Troughs • Repairs to Fruit Bins KYM GROSSER 0428 338 998 Located at Lot 1 Palm Avenue, off DooenHORSHAMRoad, DOOEN PryorsROAD RdEdith St Lot1PalmAve Ashlands Bucket $82,500 inc. GST 2014 Hardi 5500 Saritor Self-propelled 48m 5500 L boom spray. Approx. 2000 hrs, includes new tyres and full service. $209,000 inc. GST JD 530 30ft windrower draper front. $55,000 inc. GST 2014 Claas Lexion 770 Approx. 900 hours. Price on application Krone 1290 8 Stringer Chopper Baler Includes pre-season service $154,000 inc. GST MF 1375 Mower Conditioner New blades and full service. $29,700 inc. GST 2013 Macdon D60 45ft with JD adapter - other adapters available. P.O.A. MACHINERYSECONDHANDSALES JD946/956 MOCO, Wrecking for parts, good tri lobe roller etc. Krone 320 Disc Mower, Wrecking for parts. MF9152 Sickle MOCO, Wrecking for parts, good herringbone rollers, suit MF1375. Macdon D60, Various parts. Manitou MLT735, Manitou MLT telehandler, varieous parts, boom transmission final drives Gleaner N6, all parts new overhauled Alison engine, front. Case 1640 Header, all parts including front. AGCO 9250, flex front, most parts. Manitou MLT745, 2015 model, booms, transmission, drives, various parts. MF2190, Baler parts, complete pick up (suit 2170), various parts. JD7810 Tractor, various parts. JD7930 Tractor, various parts. MF7475, DynaVT Vario transmission, most parts. JD 8960 4WD. Rogator 1286C self-propelled boom spray. Wrecking Parts Prices inc. GST Draper Fronts available for all brands • Midwest 2006, suit JD • MacDon D60, 45ft, 2013 • 2016 and 2017 Macdon D65 40ft and 2019 JD740 40ft draper fronts coming in, adapters to suit all brands • JD640 and JD740 fronts coming in SOLD SOLD

Leading into spring and only months out from harvest season, commodity prices in the Wimmera have been relatively stable in August. Since Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange recorded one of its smallest ever lamb offerings last month, num bers have fluctuated between 1250 and 3300 throughout August. August 24 was the market day with the lowest number of lambs yarded, with 1250 lambs and 650 sheep of fered at GrahamHorsham.Pymer’s market report showed quality was mixed with a few pens of heavier-weight lambs yarded. Light-trade-weight lambs sold from $91 to $113 a head, averag ing 630 cents a kilogram, while me dium-trade-weight lambs sold from $153 to $176 a head, averaging 680 cents a kilogram. New season young lambs sold from $168 to $183 a head, merino ewes made to $157 and crossbred ewes sold for $153 a head. Export weight lambs sold from $175 to $199 a head, averaging 660 cents a kilogram, and heavy weight lambs sold from $205 to $208 a head, aver aging 590 cents a kilogram. Unshorn young lambs, weighing 20 to 24 kilograms, sold from $168 to $176 a head and averaged 730 cents a kilogram. Heavier weights sold for $183 a head and averaged 720 cents a kilogram, while hoggets sold from $172 to $186 a head. Light sheep sold at $30 a head and medium weight sheep sold for $85 a head.Heavy merino ewes sold from $139 to $157 a head ranging from 460 cents to 555 cents a kilogram and crossbred ewes sold from $142 to $153 a head averaging from 445 cents to 500 cents a kilogram. Meat and Livestock Australia, MLA, reported sheep and lamb yardings eased 33 percent nationally last week as producers held onto stock in the hope of higher prices. MLA also reported that some pro ducers were trying to sell off older lambs before they cut their teeth, but it was proving difficult with the varying quality and over-supply available to processors. In other commodities, grain prices remain high as the global market experiences shortages, particularly in canola. Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry reported Australian ex port prices, as at August 25, for canola were $1049 a tonne – a 25 percent in crease compared with 12 months ago. Milling wheat was $534, a 30 percent increase compared with 12 months ago; feed wheat was $494, a 12 percent increase; and feed barley was $459, a 33 percent increase. In the Wimmera, bidding prices were slightly lower than national ex port prices on the same date. At GrainCorp at Carpolac, canola was $715 and APW1 wheat was $358; in Hopetoun APW1 was $349 and bar ley was $280; in Lillimur APW1 was $355 and barley was $284; in Murtoa APW1 was $358, barley was $285 and canola was $713; in Natimuk APW1 was $359.50, barley was $288.50 and canola was $716.50; and in Warrack nabeal APW1 was $354, canola was $711.25 and barley was $283. Prices at Dimboola GrainFlow were APW1 at $346.50, barley at $266.50 and canola at $726.50.
CHANGING MARKETS: Lamb numbers yarded at Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange are varying week to week but have not dropped as low in August as in July. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
Page 41Wednesday, August 31, 2022 ThisDogPro 95 Nelson Street, Nhill CALL 03 5391 2106 Proudly brought to you by:
Commodity prices remain stable

Page 42 Wednesday, August 31, BiG PACK 1290 HDP II Matching the Krone BiG Pack 1290 HDP High Speed for density, the Krone HDP II can produce up to 70% higher throughputs or up to 10% more density at the same ground speed. The 8 Double Knotter Krone BiG Pack 1290 HDP II is the ultimate large square baler. Features • Up to 70% higher throughput over BiG Pack 1290 HDP HS • Up to 10% higher density over BiG Pack HDP HS • Eight double knotters for maximum densities in material with • a strong tendency to expand • Hydraulic fold-down twine boxes for easy maintenance, • cleaning and lling Chopper models (XC) in stock now! BiG PACK 1290 HDP HIGH SPEED Krone’s BiG Pack 1290 HDP High Speed (HS) produces bales up to 25% heavier than conventional large square balers. With a ywheel weighing almost 600kg and an extended bale chamber the Krone BiG Pack 1290 HDP HS sets the bar for a 6 string baler! Features • Higher baling density – Up to 25% higher bale weights • Extended bale chamber • Cam clutch overload protection • No shear bolts in the drive line • EasyFlow camless pickup Chopper (XC) and non chopper models in stock now!

The calves’ names are Tim Tam, Toffee Brown ie, Gangster, Coffee and Chaser and the goat’s name is StudentsFranklin.arealso reju venating the vegetable garden with new planter boxes they built together to be able to provide fresh produce for the Stephanie Alexander kitchen pro gram.
Year-six student Maggie Treglown said she enjoyed caring for the animals when they were babies. “We’re getting to expe rience hands-on what it’s like to handle the animals and it’s a lot of fun seeing how they grow,” she said.
BY ABBY WALTER As spring begins and rams, lambs and sheep are being transported across the Wimmera, farmers are reminded to ensure their fences are up to standard. Stock can endanger themselves and people if not properly fenced into a property and wander onto the road or roadsides. Horsham Rural City Council com munity safety co-ordinator Jason Brady said people who noticed wan dering stock on the region’s roads should contact their local council or VicRoads.MrBrady said authorised officers could impound and issue notices to comply if livestock was not adequate ly confined on the land under the ‘Impounding of Livestock Act 1994’. “People should ring council recep tion or the after-hours line, which will put them through to the ranger and we will try to get the stock back into the paddock,” he said.
“We also get to see how we can help make rais ing animals better in the future.
Apsley Primary School students are caring for var ious animals and expand ing their vegetable garden to learn more about agri culture. The school’s ‘farm’ is home to calves, lambs, chickens, rabbits and a goat. Students take time each day to learn from and care for the animals.
The ‘Impounding Livestock Act 1994’ states if an authorised officer of a council enters land and finds live stock that are not adequately confined, the officer may impound the livestock if they are satisfied if the livestock were to wander from the land, the wel fare of the livestock, or other stock, would be at risk; or there would be a risk to public safety. Mr Brady said the ‘Livestock Man agement Act 2010’ dictated the re quirements of livestock owners in terms of how many head of stock were allowed in one space, and the type and quality of fencing needed.
Mr Brady said owners of stock that were not adequately contained, and caused a crash, were liable for dam ages and prosecution in the event of injury or death.
Year-six student Maggie Mueller said she had fun doing activities with other schools involving animals. “We go to Edenhope for Leading Day and compete against other schools in leading our calves and you get ribbons and rewards,” she said.
“We also have stock trailers and yards, if that is not possible, to ensure they are out of danger and do not pres ent any danger to others.” Mr Brady said rangers would use the National Livestock Identification System to find the owner. “Once the stock has been returned to its owner, we will review the fencing with the owner and try and find how the stock got out,” he said.
Farm teaches valuable life lessons
“I like that we will be able to use the fruits and vegetables that we grow in our cooking program instead of buying them — especially because the prices are high at the mo ment.”
FEEDING TIME: Apsley Primary School’s Maggie Mueller feeds the calves, while Maggie Treglown, Leela Makin, Wesley Hocking and Amos Keating help round-up the animals.
If wandering stock is found on a VicRoads road people should phone the Road Hazards Department on 13 11 70.
Page 43Wednesday, August 31, 2022 AFSL No: 244601 79 Hamilton Street, Horsham Ph (03) 5382 8600 With over 50 years of local requirements.generaltheFarmTransport,specialisingexperience,inHeavyContractors,&Cropwehaveanswerstoallyourinsurance How can we help? Quotes and premium Claims management Expert Automatedadvicepayments Protecting Australians Since 1975 desktop phone 1300 360 795 � � PO Box 638, Ballarat VIC 3353 As part of our current round of community information sessions we’re holding a webinar for local community members. This is a chance for you to learn more about the Western Renewables Link and discuss any queries or concerns. Where When For full details and to register please scan the QR code or visit 7 pm Thursday, 8 September Community information webinar ThisDogPro 95 Nelson Street, Nhill Proudly brought to you by: Stock wander risk warning

School program rears small herd
Page 44 Wednesday, August 31, ThisDogPro 95 Nelson Street, Nhill Proudly brought to you by:
“These teams will develop agtech solutions that respond to the needs of Victorian farmers to boost their sustainability, productivity and profit ability,” she said.
Joint effort to find solutions
Teams participating in the inaugural program are developing digital farm management platforms, urban crop ping systems, smart gardens and pas sive solar protective cropping houses.
Rocket Seeder managing director Emma Coath said it was ‘extremely exciting’ to see the first cohort begin their AgTech Seeds journey.
One team is investigating niche field pea and lentil varieties to meet the demand for alternative proteins, a sec ond team is converting waste products into fertiliser, while another is em ploying drones to manage weed and pest infestations. They use intelligent growth algo rithms, IoT sensors and AI mapping, connecting growers to customers and consumers across the value chain. Ms Coath said teams would spend the coming months fast-tracking ideas, working with researchers from universities and Agriculture Victoria. They will gain skills in business planning and development, finance, marketing and communications. “At the end of the program these teams will also have the opportunity to apply for a grant that will assist them to take their business a step fur ther,” she said. Applications are open for AgTech Seeds round two program, starting in February 2023. There are 12 positions available.Applications close on November 28; for more information or to apply visit
“These are individuals and teams that are at the early stages of develop ment. Some have ideas they want to test and refine, while others are more advanced.”
Agroup of budding entrepre neurs and researchers will unite to solve some of agricul ture’s biggest global challenges.
Five calves are calling Edenhope College home this year, as students learn to lead and rear the animals as part of the school’s agriculture program. The calves’ names are Buddy, Jim my, Clover, Kayce and TimTam.
SHOW CALVES: Edenhope College students, from left, Layla Linto, Eliza McDonnell, Ellie Bentley and Kate McDonnell practise haltering and leading the calves. Picture: ABBY WALTER
These Victorian technology entre preneurs have joined Rocket Seeder’s AgTech Seeds three-month program. The program offers industry repre sentatives a chance to work with re searchers to help them develop skills to build deep, sustained partnerships with industry and government and solve real-world problems.
Edenhope College student Layla Linto said the calves were ‘really friendly’. “We have to wash them, cut their extra fur, shine their hooves and make them nice and neat,” Layla said. “One of the calves, Clover, got pneumonia earlier in the year, so we had to give it antibiotics and painkillers. “We have also had to drench them and give them vaccines.” The calves are nearly five months old, and the school also has older steers on agistment that are part of the agriculture program.

complete farming
long lasting relationships with growers is
MattBeddison'Beddo' AGRONOMIST Bridget joined the CropOpti team about a year ago, working in agronomy and agriculture chemical sales and servicing growers in the northern Wimmera and southern Mallee. She graduated from Longerenong College in 2019. Bridget grew up at Rainbow. Agriculture, community and sport are important to her. “My aim in ag is to provide the most up-to-date service and be innovative with what I am doing. I want to help growers be the most productive they can be and give them great service,” she said. Dorrington'Didge'
growers to implement precision ag into their farms with soil zoning and variable rate applications is
Page 45Wednesday, August 31, 2022 100%INDEPENDENT Locally owned andoperated SpecialisingAgFertiliserPrecisionAgronomyin:AgChemicals Travis Hair 0437 778 202 | Stefan Phillips 0400 792 482 | Matt Beddison 0429 007 810 Wazza Stone 0437 785 452 | Bridget Dorrington 0477 290 937 | Mark Schulz 0488 198 199 92-100 Golf Course Road, Horsham Get to know our team
Havingyears. worked
and understanding
been servicing
Matt graduated from Longerenong College with a Diploma Of Agronomy and has the for more than 10 on the farm Matt has a strong passion of the process. with an of of his role. Creating something Matt himself on. “It’s what
makes the job”.
great Creatinginterest. farm plans, long-term rotations and budgets with growers is an important part

Page 46 Wednesday, August 31, •UsingAustralianmade•AllShedFramesUniversalBeamConstruction•Sheepyardcovers•GrainSheds•MachinerySheds•HaySheds•Standarddesignsorfullycustomized•Rural,Industrial&CommercialBuildings•ShedBuildersandErectorsbuildingproductsLot5KingDrive•P.OBox701Horsham,3402 Phone: 0353820257 •Fax: RegisteredbuildersNo:CB-U-4846 EST.1980 LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED FAMILY BUSINESS Brad Smith: 0417 166 309 •Greg Smith: 0419 896 621 7 Golf Course Road, Horsham 3400 | (03) 5381 0040 For all your animal health requirements contact Glenn O’Beirne 0438 588 087 Shearing / Backlining Fly Treatment Drenching & Vaccinating Recent rains could promote a bad fly season. Products to cover all needs available in store! • Wool Packs • Bale Fasteners • Brooms • All accessories Backlining products to suit all needs • FREE Drench Testing in-store and on-farm • Vaccinationsin-storeavailable 14B Sloss St, Horsham | (03) 5381 0800 | Fax (03) 5381 0801

“This will ensure the grains industry has access to high-quality information that is available offline,” she said.
“The guides are a valued resource for our Vic torian growers and we are pleased to be making them more user-friendly to help growers manage disease risk, reduce yield losses and improve theirTheprofitability.”2022Agriculture Victoria Disease Guides are available to download by searching for ‘Vic torian cereal disease guide’ or ‘Victorian pulse disease guide’; Android users can download a copy of the eBook from the Agriculture Victoria website at
Agriculture Victoria and Grains Research and Development Corporation produce the guides. They detail resistance and susceptibility levels of cereal and pulse crops to disease. Agriculture Victoria grains pathology services project officer Luise Fanning said launching the guides as an eBook would improve accessibility, making it easier for growers and agronomists to keep up-to-date with information.
This Weeks Special DogPro Working Dog 95 Nelson Street, Nhill CALL 03 5391 2106 Proudly brought to you by: GUN OWNERS 77 Woods Street | Donald | Ph (03) 5497 2281 E: | Dealer Licence: 878-403-60F Are you compliant? Make sure your gun storage meets the new Victorian legal requirements – Enforced from August 30, 2022 GUN8 12GUN 16GUN We have a large range of gun safes in store, ready for immediate delivery Also stockists of: SEE IN THE DARKFirearmsSALE Howa – Beretta – Ruger – Browning – CZ – Templeton Arms Tikka – Miroku – Savage – Gamo – Stoeger Winchester – GB – ADI – Federal – Hornady – CCI Ammo Now stocking Bronze Wing & NSI Night Vision from $499 Thermal Scopes from $1599 Thermal Monoculars from $1699 SPRING SPECIAL FREE Permit To Acquire on any gun sold during September
“By downloading the eBook to a tablet, agron omists and farmers can carry multiple technical resources on the same device that they use for information in the paddock.
The group met with entomologists Paul Horne and Jessica Page, along with representatives from chemical manufacturing company, FMC. Farmers involved in the project have chosen a paddock to use IPM strategies to control insects across the next three years. The project aims to discover if, and how, IPM can be used in broa dacre cropping systems to improve profitability and decrease reliance on pesticides.
“Each year two guides are published – one for cereals and one for pulses.
Birchip Cropping Group’s Integrated Pest Management project members have met to discuss pest control strategies for the next three years.
Ms Fanning said disease resistance ratings could change over time. “This information needs to be consistently reviewed and updated and this new platform al lows us to make those updates quicker,” she said.
Project members worked with agronomists to address pest issues they were finding in the pad dock – the major pest currently being slugs – and how to best manage these using IPM. Prior to the meeting with Dr Horne and Ms Page, pitfall traps were placed in each of the farmer’s paddocks to capture insects to gain an insight into what insects were present. These were then counted and displayed, which enabled attendees to gain a truer understanding of what pests and beneficials were in their sys tem. It also showed how using fewer broad-spec trum insecticides to help boost beneficials and hence increase natural control of the pests will be an important part of an IPM strategy.
Dr Horne and Ms Page also met with Birchip P-12 and Tyrrell College agriculture students to speak about IPM strategies. They spoke about how the approach had sev eral ‘layers’ including biological and cultural factors in addition to the benefits of selective insecticides to rebalance the pest-beneficial ratio in broadacre cropping systems.
BCG chief executive Fiona Best said it was ‘fantastic’ the school students were able to capi talise on Dr Horne and Ms Page’s visit. “They are specialists in their field and BCG is proud to be able to provide our up-and-coming agriculturists access to such prestigious present ers, foster positive experiences and support their ongoing learning in this area,” she said. LEARNING: Birchip Cropping Group chief executive Fiona Best with Tyrrell College agriculture students Sophie McClelland and Lance McClelland and teacher Ashlen Wright at BCG Management, IPM, student workshop.
Agriculture Victoria is aiming to make Agricul
Integrated Pest
ture Victoria Crop Disease Guides more accessi ble as they include an eBook option for growers.
Updating data access
“This is particularly important for grain grow ers and their advisors who may operate in areas with limited internet connectivity.”
Ms Page said IPM encouraged growers to think about management practices differently, for ex ample, checking paddocks weekly, factoring in the insects present and seeking alternatives to spraying.“Ifwe keep the beneficials in the paddock, these can do a lot of the work for us,” she said. “We are not saying don’t spray, just be more selective and start planning earlier. This can be more cost effective long-term.”
“By using Apple Books as a platform, we can push out updates directly to users, reducing the chance that they will be using out-of-date ratings.
Natural control options explored
The group will continue to communicate regu larly regarding IPM strategies.
Page 47Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Page 48 Wednesday, August 31, Keep an eye out for in the last edition of each month The Weekly Advertiser, Horsham | (03) 5382 1351

“It’s a great day for a commercial producer to have a look at the leading genetics and what’s available.
resultsStrong at field day
Page 49Wednesday, August 31, 2022 EARTHMOVINGDICKERSOND SERVICES INCLUDE: • Shed & silo pads constructed • All grain silos • Dams filled or cleaned • Grain bunker pads • Clay topping on sand • Earthen shed pads LARGE & SMALL • Hay sheds • Roads • Farm drainage for cropping • Plant hire Needing a shed or silo pad constructed? • Clay topping We service the Wimmera & surrounds • Bobcat & laser grader • GPS & laser equipmentHORSHAM ❚ Ph: (03) 5382 4557 ❚ Daryl: 0428 504 693 ❚ Paul: 0427 954 353 ❚ Email: 99 Barkly Street, Ararat • 3 Patrick Street, Stawell 5352 2661 or 5358 4030 • Insurance, it’s what we do Ready for the cropping season? Peace of mind over the investments you’ve already made Are you covered? Crop prices are at an all time high. Some insurance companies will have limited capacity for crop insurance. Be prepared. Call Brock today. ThisDogPro 95 Nelson Street, Nhill CALL 03 5391 2106 Proudly brought to you by: Studs progressshare
Twelve merino ram studs were on show at Balmoral Recreation Re serve for the Glenelg Regional Meri no Field Day earlier this month.
Thornlea, Mount Yulong, Glened en, Kevlyn, Stud Park South, Glena ra North Poll, Melrose, Glendonald, Wurrook and Valleyella studs auc tioned rams at the event. Firgrove Poll and Kalena Poll dis played studs but were not part of the auction.Glendonald won champion long wool sale ram and the reserve went to Melrose. Mount Yulong won champion short wool sale ram and the reserve went to Glendonald. Rock-Bank Merino and Poll Me rino stud’s Sam Crawford was the judge.Ofthe 96 rams for auction, 86 were sold for an average of $2230 and a top price of $7250.
Gleneden sold 14 of 16 rams at an average of $2428 with a top price of $4000, Kevlyn sold all 10 rams at an average of $2205 with a top price of $3800, and Stud Park South sold all three rams at an average of $2583 with a top price of $2750. Glenara North Poll sold five of six rams at an average of $1000 with a top price of $1000 and Melrose sold all four rams at an average of $3050 with a top price of $3750. Glendon ald sold all 19 rams at an average of $2239 with a top price of $7250 – the top price of the field day. Wurrook sold all three rams at an average of $3000 with a top price of $3500 and Valleyella sold eight of 10 rams at an average of $2150 with a top price of $3000.
“All the larger studs in western Vic toria were there, and we look for ward to more people coming along in 2023.”
Glenelg Regional Merino Field Day president Warren Russell said it was a ‘terrific’ day for the studs involved. “The ram sale was solid with a slightly lower average and clearance to last year’s sale,” he said. Three lots were sold via Auctions plus with 17 bids placed online.
TOP SALE: Glendonald Merino Stud owner Robert Harding shows off the reserve champion short wool sale ram that sold at top price of the sale at $7250 to buyer Will Staude, pictured right. “It was a chance to see how merino genetics had improved in the last two years – on a stud-to-stud level, but also for commercial studs to get a look at what’s happening.” – Trent Carter
Thornlea sold 11 of 16 rams at an average of $1842 with a top price of $2400, while Mount Yulong sold all nine rams at an average of $2478 with a top price of $3400.
BY ABBY WALTER Merino studs gathered at Mar noo for a ‘successful’ third Victorian State Merino Field Day thisVictorianmonth.State Merino Field Day president Trent Carter said more than 500 people came through the gate throughout the August 15 event, which he deemed a ‘fantastic’ result. “Feedback from businesses and studs was that it was a very well laidout event and the day was a success,” he said. “We had a nice, steady crowd throughout the day. “We have momentum now and want to build on that, so we’re getting more than 1000 people through the gate at futureBetweenevents.”the 33 merino studs in attendance, there were 550 rams on display that would be sold during the spring sale season. The judge for the day was Andrew Calvert of Wool Solutions and associ ate judge was Travis Telford. Judges awarded Glenpaen Merino and Poll Merino Stud with champion pen of three rams. Champion ram was awarded to Glendonald Merino Stud. Reserve champion ram and champi on ewe went to Terrick West Poll. Third place was awarded to Belbou rie Merino and Poll Merino Stud. Mr Carter said it was good to see the number of studs and sheep at the field“We’reday. definitely going to make sure this is an annual event. We have more room in the Marnoo Recreation Re serve for studs to bring more rams and ewes,” he said. “It’s been hard getting people out and about. “A lot of people seem to be laying low. But it was a great day. “Last year we did run this event, but it was hard as we only advertised to get essential people, however this year we could turn that on its head and told everyone to come along and bring their families,” he said of the 2021 event during a period of COVID-19 restrictions.MrCarter said the field day was not only for studs to display their stock; but also for producers to see what was happening across the industry.
“It was a chance to see how merino genetics had improved in the last two years – on a stud-to-stud level, but also for commercial studs to get a look at what’s happening,” he said.

“Given the wet conditions, and the outlook for a wetter than average couple of months ahead, growers and advisors are encouraged to inspect and monitor crops closely for diseases.
“With the Bureau of Meteorology forecasting strong seasonal conditions for the eastern states as the new season lambs hit the market, the signs are looking positive for the Australian sheep meat industry,” Mr Atkinson said.
“Ascochyta blight can result in reduced grain yield and quality if it is uncontrolled and condu cive disease conditions continue,” he said.
“This can lead to seed discolouration, some times resulting in discounted prices or grain being rejected by some buyers.”
There were 22 million lambs on hand, produc ersMerinosreported.made up 55 percent of the total lamb flock, at 12 million head, followed by first cross, 19 percent, and pure meat, 17 percent. MLA senior market information analyst Ripley Atkinson said the desire to retain breeding ewe populations stemmed from stellar growing sea sons — particularly in the eastern states.
A Meat and Livestock Australia, MLA, and Australian Wool Innovation, AWI, wool and sheep meat survey report for June reported a total breeding flock of 42.5-million head. Merinos accounted for 72 percent of the total breeding ewe flock, with more than 50 percent purebred and 19 percent crossbred.
Confidence as flock increases
“We’ve so far had reports of powdery mildew and stripe rust in wheat, Ascochyta blight in len tils and beans and Botrytis grey mould-chocolate spot in bean, lentil and vetch,” he said.
Agriculture Victoria senior pulse pathologist Joshua Fanning said farmers should also monitor pulse crops for Ascochyta blight.
Botrytis grey mould, also known as chocolate spot, has been reported in bean, lentil and vetch crops. It can develop rapidly given the right weather conditions and requires early interven tion to minimise damage. Further information on field crop diseases can be found in the online Identification and Management of Field Crop Diseases in Victoria manual.Forassistance in diagnosing field crop diseas es, people can phone the Horsham Field Crop Diseases research group on 5450 8301 or email
“Compared with the last survey released in February of this year, 27 percent of producers surveyed said they would like to increase their ewe flock, while 60 percent indicated they would like to retain current numbers,” Mr Atkinson said.
Australian sheep producers have report ed a half million head increase in the national breeding flock since last year.
“Proactive disease management with fungicide is warranted under these conditions to avoid crop losses.”Stripe rust has been found in many wheat crops in the region a month to two months before it is commonly detected. It can be controlled with a well-timed fungicide application soon after de tection, with a follow-up application four to five weeks later, if needed.
“In such seasons, timely fungicide sprays are required in at-risk varieties,” he said.
“The majority of this growth is coming from eastern Victoria, northern New South Wales and southern Queensland where there have been very wet“Thisconditions.demonstrates plenty of confidence in the market with room for growth moving into spring.”Atotal number of 7.6 million lambs are expect ed to be sold in the next four months — about 34 percent of the total number of lambs on hand. Victoria is expected to account for 18 percent of total lamb sales in the next four months, with about five million lambs expected to be offered in Victoria and New South Wales.
Crop disease warning
Page 50 Wednesday, August 31, 119 Stawell Rd, Horsham | (03) 5382 6886 YOUR AUTHORISED DEALER Innovative; Competent; Reliable PROFESSIONAL Cleaning machines for professional use High Pressure Cleaners Air Purifiers Industrial Floor Cleaners & ScrubbingVacuumsMachines Genuine Degreaser & Detergent Come and see us at 119 Stawell Road for your deals & specials Established in 1992 30 years in business Hot and cold pressure washers, industrial sweepers and scrubbers as well as steam cleaners and vacuums STEAM CAPABILITY from $494450 inc gst NEW BATTERY RANGE GENUINEACCESSORIES
Agriculture Victoria senior cereal pathologist Mark McLean said diseases in cereal and pulse crops in Victoria were observed earlier than usu al this season due to rain.
Dr McLean said stripe rust and powdery mil dew were most damaging in wet seasons when it appeared early.
“The early infection of Ascochyta blight in pulse crops will result in a higher chance of pod infection later in the season if rainfall continues.
This Weeks Special DogPro Working Dog $25.0020kgBag “Like” Us On Facebook 95 Nelson Street, Nhill CALL 03 5391 2106 Proudly brought to you by: FOR ALL ASPECTS OF YOUR HAY PRODUCTION AND SALES CALL ROBERT 0428 658 530 • Mowing/conditioning • Raking • Hay & Silage Baling • Round & Large Square Bales • Transport & Sales • Share Arrangements R. & J. BUCKLEY HAY SERVICES
Wet conditions are accelerating the appearance of disease in field crops and with spring around the corner farmers are being encouraged to take action to minimise any impact.

Page 51Wednesday, August 31, 2022 LOCAL DIRECTORYTRADE Proudly sponsored by local plumbing & electrical specialists 35+ Mit Vyas and Neeli Vyas took over Paul’s Horsham Window Cleaning business at the start of July and have all your window cleaning needs in hand. There are few things better than a crisp perfect reflection on newly cleaned windows. As Spring arrives and the annual clean-up around the house or business presents, don’t panic about cleaning up before Spring arrives.Lighten your load and call Paul’s Horsham Window Cleaning to clean your windows! No window is too small or too big, inside or outside, and with flexible working hours Mit and Neeli can work with clients to ensure minimal disruption. They will travel across the Wimmera including Ararat and Stawell and are happy to provide quotes for your job. Make a booking today so your windows can shine. Across town or interstate HORSHAM Ph. 0428 820 175 STAWELL T.V. C��NEC����S C��� M�� �� 0419 836 106 H���n� �r����m� �i��... • Digital TV • New house pre-wires • Phone point installations • Pay TV to all TV’s from one box tvconnections1@bigpond.comLikeusonFacebook d Stumps Removed Quickly & Permanently ~ Clean & grantthegravedigger@gmail.comInexpensive PH: 0448 540 449 MANUAL & AUTO CARS0417 352 403 Call to book your free driving lesson with Keys2Drive“We install and service what we sell” Ph: 5382 3823 • your plumbing & electrical specialists > aluminium/timber windows > external/internal doors > door hardware > garage doors/openers > automatic doors > security doors > wardrobe doors > shower screens > shopfronts > splashbacks > balustrades/pool fences > 24/7glass/perspex/mirrorsEMERGENCYGLAZINGSERVICE 8 Sloss St, Horsham 3400 p • 03 5382 4999 f • 03 5382 4773 e • w • BUILDING CONSULTANTDESIGNRobin L Barber bdov building designers UNIT 2-4 MINTERN CRESCENT, HORSHAM Mobile 0417 109 816 Email For all your sewer blockages, maintenance and general plumbing needs call the friendly team at Exells UNDER NEW MANAGEMENTCallMit & Neeli Vyas to bookyour window cleaning 0418 657 247 Uniforms • Apparel Pens • Hats • Key Rings • Stubby Holders • Marquees Flags and much more! Nathan Henry NOW OPEN AT 50 Darlot St, Horsham 45 DIMBOOLA ROAD, HORSHAM Phone: 03 5382 2622 All automotive maintenance and servicing, air-conditioning, roadworthy, brakes and exhaust requirements. *New Homes *Renovations *Extensions*Suspended*Patch-upsCeilings*Rendering*FoamCladding*OrnateCornices * All jobs Plaster & Rendering QualifiedQualityTradesmen,Work AH 5382 3030 FREE QUOTES Call Daniel LIC No. 41089 & 1300 55 9994 For all your electrical and solar needs contact Mit today! LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED IN HORSHAM RESTUMPINGRELOCATIONBUILDING Shanan 0448 387 167 Trevor 0418 504 401 Roger Blencowe PAINTER & DECORATOR Over 30 years experience 0432 774 371 Need painter?a Phone - 5382 2817 Peter - 0418 524 879 • Family run business • New homes • Extensions • Renovations • Concreting • Pergolas & Decking P&S Cross Builders

Page 52 Wednesday, August 31, LOCAL DIRECTORYTRADE Proudly sponsored by Ph (03) 5382 3823 35+ Advertise yourbusiness here! For a small weekly investment you will receive an advertisement (as above) PLUS BONUS 10 second radio commercials on 3WM and Mixx FM. 12 month: $40 • 6 month: $42 • 13 week: $44 V& at: Cleaning:BuildingOfficesDomesticBuildersIndustrialCommericalWindowsSitesSupplying wood burning heater & stove parts ARARAT & STAWELL DISTRICT Sally: 0409 523 917 • DID YOU KNOW? We stock car tyres? Offer fleet card? And do wheel alignments? Corner of King Drive & Golf Course 5382HorshamRoad,1339 Bookkeeping, Payroll BAS Preparation and Lodgement @emilysbookkeepingservices BAS 26079983agent Emily BookkeepingFearonServices Ph 0401 442 269 | 37 Clifton Ave, Stawell ABN 24 566 275 037 Commercial and Residential Landscaping Brett Perry 0407 362 138 Follow us on Facebook or Instagram landscapeit_wimmera SwimmingPools Local Agent and Installers of Carpet, Upholstery, Window, Tile & Grout Cleaning Call Aaron Jennings 0488 110 715 TRUCK HIRE Morrow Motor Group - 5382 6163 • Removal freight truck • Hydraulic Tail Gate Lifter • 8 pallet floor space Ideal for anyone moving house or businesses moving stock. Call David - 0437 985 319 Work Covered: Maintenance, Extensions, Pergolas and Decking and now including new homes 39486DB-UFree measure & quote! Dave Hayter’s MobMILKMILKHORSHAMRUNRUN0414825199 NEED MILK? WE DELIVER! 60B Darlot St, Horsham (Next to Horsham Bearings) Ph 0427 977 336 Did you know we also do windscreens for buses, trucks and farm machinery! Contact Horsham Autoglass today to organise prompt repair or replacement. Lop The Top - Tree Service All types of Tree: - Pruning - Removal - Power line clearing - Chipper hire - Palm trees - Can mulcheucalyptsupplygardenbyrequest AARON DEAN Ph: 0428 195 090 DiscountPensionersforUNDER NEW MANAGEMENTCallMit & Neeli Vyas to bookyour window cleaning Minnielisa Lawn Mowing 0411 342 401 Servicing Ararat, Stawell and District ABN 486 6307 0253 • Lawn Mowing • Lawn Fertilisation • Whipper Snipping • Gutter Cleaning • Weed Control • Hedge Trimming • Pruning • Rubbish Removal HORSHAM BETTA ELECTRICAL 156 Firebrace Street, Horsham Phone 5381 2207 SERVICINGGOODSWHITE • FRIDGES • FREEZERS • DISHWASHERS • WASHING MACHINES • AND MORE! EARTHMOVINGDICKERSOND • Scrapers • Dozer • Excavations • Channel Back Filling • Dam Sinking • Shed Pads • General Earthworks HORSHAM 3400 Ph: (03) 5382 4557 Daryl: 0428 504 693 Paul: 0427 954 353 Email: GOLF &SALES,CARTSERVICEREPAIRS Our mobile service unit comes to you! PO BOX 214 NATIMUK VIC CALLBENPERKINCARTS@GMAIL.COM3409BEN0408268424DEALER 9 Madden St, Horsham 5429 FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTES! The One Cleaning Service Ph: 5382 2387 NEW NUMBER The one for all your cle a n i n g needs! • steam cleaning of carpets • upholstery • windows • tile & grout cleaning • stripping & sealing vinyl floors • commercial cleaning Locally owned & operated since 1999 DOMESTIC MAINTENANCE ABN 698 3206 7186 199 WARDS ROAD, Qualified metal fabricator with 15 years experience ■ UTE TRAYS ■ DOG BOXES ■ TRAILERS ALL OTHER STEEL FABRICATION SERVICES MullerMaxi Painting | Tiling | Paving | Plumbing | Carpentry ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 24 MAINTENANCEHOURSERVICERICK Ph. (03) 5382 3238REC. 11963 “CELEBRATING 70 YEARS IN BUSINESS” New Homes ● Commercial ● Renovations JOHN MAYS 0418 823 224 (03) 5382 3224 ● CAR SPARES & REPAIRS 43 GOLF COURSE ROAD • PO BOX 943 • HORSHAM 3400 Horsham 03 5381 2434 • Used car sales and servicing LMCT 10773 • Buying and wrecking most makes and models • Mechanical Pre-roadworthyrepairswork • New non-genuine parts and panels2 Ballinger Street, Horsham 5382 ● Aluminium & Timber Windows & Doors ● Commercial ● Shopfronts ● Glass ● Perspex ● Showers ● Robes ● Splashbacks ● Garage Doors ● And More NEEDSKIP?A 8 Turnbull Dr, Horsham • Ph: 03 5381 1300 E: • w: • Front Lift Bins • Skips • Hook Bins • Wheelie Bins 44 GOLF COURSE RD, HORSHAM. PH 5382 5232 Want the job done quick? Hire a skip! 140 Golf Course Rd, Horsham Ph: 5382 5002 (Soil Yard) 5382 6230 (Nursery)

Page 53Wednesday, August 31, 2022 LOCAL DIRECTORYTRADE Proudly sponsored by Ph (03) 5382 3823 35+ local plumbing & specialistselectrical 35+ • Licence # PIC 316600 AU29407 REC 31566 DOMESTIC • COMMERCIAL Servicing the readership area Give Jordy and the team a call on 0418 869 919 Rec No. 14579 ARC AU2686124HR MOBILE: 0418 861 008 • DEMOLITION • ASBESTOS REMOVAL • SOIL REMEDIATION • FARM SHED PADS, HARDSTAND & DRIVEWAYS TOM’S PEST AND TERMITE CONTROL Locally owned • Fully licenced and insured • Competitive rates Tom North Ph 0435 931 700 80 Picnic Road, Ararat 3377 (PO Box 693) ACN 145 879 803 ABN 71 870 514 698 Need Wespace?morestoreanything! Horsham Self Storage 5382 0000 Managed by Wes Davidson Real Estate Horsham for over 10 years! 45 Golf Course Road, Horsham 0439 347 144 GEOS MUNCHINGSTUMPSERVICE Domestic and rural farm ● Home Removals ● Freight ● Boxes ● Storage ● Pre-packs Steve 0408 037 661 • Chook 0408 398 708 ● Local ● Country ● Interstate open appointmentby only 16 Sloss St, Horsham • Ph: 5382 2230 SPECIALISTS IN DESIGN 54 McLachlan St, Horsham • Ph: 5382 2230Digital TV Antennas TV Wall Mounts Home Theatre & 131 546 For all your cabling, digital reception and home entertainment needs Ryan 0409 121 “when presentation is everything: ABN: 84 238 062 133 ➤ Landscape design & consulting ➤ Retaining walls & paving ➤ Irrigation & instant lawns ➤ Tiger Turf synthetic lawn distributor ➤ Concrete pathways 31 O’Callaghans Parade, Horsham Ph: 5381 1131 Sales & Rentals Residential, Rural & Commercial Horsham EDENHOPE BUTCHERS For &informationmorepricescall 5585 1597 ATTENTION FARMERS! Sheep, cattle & pigs can be killed, cut, and packed to needs...individualyourphone | (03) 5382 3810 70 McPherson St, Horsham VIC 3400 We can solve all your auto-electrical and air-conditioner issues! • TRUCKS • TRACTORS • CARS • HEADERS • Lawn Mowing • Gutter Cleaning • •GardeningPruning • Weed Control • Pest Control TOTAL GARDEN PROFESSIONALS HIGH QUALITY RELIABLE SERVICE INSURANCE COVER 131 546 • Interior / Exterior Painting • Residential or Commercial • New Homes or Renovations Phone: 0409 158 679 Email: WRB & PAINTERSSONS ABN: 88 588 471 350Specialising in house restumping & relevelling. Aaron & Brylee Pope DB-L37993 Mobile: 0429 008 507 Ah: 03 5382 1585 Email: Aaron & Brylee Pope Mobile: 0429 008 507 Ah: 03 5382 1585 Email: PO Box 615, Horsham Vic 3402 Specialising in house restumping & relevelling. DB-L37993 Cooling & heating Trading Hours Monday Friday: 8am 5pm Cooling & heatingLivebetter 123 South Road, VIC 1234 Trading Hours Monday Friday: 8am 5pm Saturday: 8am 1pm DIAMOND DEALERAIR-CONDITIONINGELECTRICALSOLARREFRIGERATIONCOOLROOMS ARARATHORSHAMAND ARC Authorisation No. AU08455 W E HORSHAM – 115 Stawell Road – P 03 5382 6777 ARARAT – 141 High Street – (Western Hwy)

Page 56 Wednesday, August 31, Puzzles No. 8488 Across 2 Package 6 Kingly 9 Large 10 Light beer 11 Pamper 13 Cavalry sword 14 Calm 16 Worth 17 rockMetal-bearing 18 Anaesthetic 19 Echo sounder 21 Aid 22 Walked 44 Called as cattle 45 Dogma 46 Harbour 47 Meal Down 1 Commands 2 Step 3 Makes amends 4 Component 5 Coming after 6 Oppose 7 Public speaker 8 At large 12 Furniture items resemblanceexpressing 32 Sea-god 34 Has being 35 Jumpy state 37 Unlucky contes tant 41 To let stand DAILY CONVENTIONAL CROSSWORD 15 X 15 GRID Q Created: Ted Whillier Qxpress: 8488 Matt Trickey NoteRosemaryChecked:toEditor: Created in QUARK ItemsVER.4.03XPRESS.not needed for publication can be erased as each is in a separate text box. Yesterday’s Solution SDG S P O I L S M B A T O N S R R P R O P E L V I H O M A G E D A P S E D F T E L L E R S U R G E L A T E N T E T H E R R N E E R A S E U O D E F E R P C A U N T S I A V I A T O R I S C A N T C E T A M P S T R E M E N D E A R R I S E N S N A I L S A M E N N E G A T E D A C S K I T A A D D I C T T T C O O P E R E E S I S T E R S T H R U S H Quick Crossword 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 1113 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 ACROSS2Temporary stops 6 Corroded 9 Mechanical mover 10 Acting parts 11 Pay attention 13 Wall painting 14 Rest 16 Person under age 17 Greek letter 18 Relating to morals 19 Direct attention to 21 Agreement 22 Dry 23 Vegetables 26 Narcotic 27 Time of holding 28 Play 30 Nothing more 33 Pig-like animals with flexible snouts 36 Of the nose 37 Small arboreal mammal 38 Meshed fabric 39 Gem weight 40 Held principles 42 Undress 43 Principal ore of lead 44 Useful thing 45 Separated 46 Confuse 47 Amend DOWN1Heavenly bodies 2 Sport 3 Got up 4 Recluse 5 Of sound waves 6 Sucking fish 7 One exorbitantdemandingrate of interest 8 Bartered 12 Established 14 Sanity 15 Amusements 20 Statuette 24 Written law 25 Banquets 29 Salt of acetic acid 30 Entangled in thick mass 31 Of race 32 Pass away 34 Fields of conflict 35 Laboratory vessel 37 Light beer 41 Back of the neck © bmpuzzles Distributed by Knight Features Fit the given numbers into the hexagons so that where the hexagons touch, the numbers will be the same No number is repeated in any hexagon. 1 2 3 4 5 6 QUICK WORKOUT SOLUTION 520 170325 5 2 4 5 6 4 2 1 6 1 4 6 3 4 6 2 1 6 4 3 5 2 4 5 6 4 2 1 6 511 4 34 3 4 4 32 3 4 3 3 3 55 5 2 2 6 66 16 1 1 1 2 yegdMarabr serutaeFthgnKybdeubirsiDsezzupmb© srebmunnevigehttiF ossnogaxehehtotni snogaxehrehwtaht srebmunehthcuot emasehteblliw detaepersirebmunoN nogaxehynani 654321 TUOKROWKCIUQ NOITULOS 523071025 25 12 16 64 43 26 61 34 25 54 46 12 16 64 43 26 61 34 1 3 3 44 4 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 5 5 66 6 6 2 2 55 2 2 2 5 5 44 3 3 44 2 2 5 5 3 3 4 33 3 5 5 5 22 6 6 6 6 11 11 2 SYESTERDAY’SOLUTION activateactiveapatiteattic CAPTIVATEcaptivecaveatcite civetepactevictpactpatepeat pietapitapittatacettacittact tapeteatvacatevaticvitta vittae :ferenceReMacquarieConciseDictionary FocusNo.4983 M E S D M R 4 6 5 8 3 1 9 4 7 8 5 3 1 6 9 8 6 9 5 2 8 3 9 5 An All Australian Word Game * Each word must contain the centre ‘Focus’ letter and each letter may be used only once * Each word must be four letters or more * Find at least one nine letter word * No swear words * No verb forms or plurals ending in ‘s’ * No proper nouns and no hyphenated words YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION also hail halo haul HILARIOUS hula hurl ilia lair lash liar lira loris lour lush oral rail roil sail sailor shoal silo slur soil sola solar soli soul FOCUS Reference: Macquarie Concise Dictionary Focus No. 3848 TODAY’S Good: 9 words FOCUS Very good: 14 words Excellent: 26 words T A P E I V A C T EyeDrawCeltCastArch LaysLadIdleFlowFind Nation ToneTestRealNoisy WordWhen W N D R O W O A R C H E L T R E L C F I N D A E N O I S Y L T N T E S T What creature is this? Find out by joining the dots. Sudoku Join the DotsWord Find Fill in the blank cells using numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block. Find the following words in the grid. They may read in any direction, even diagonally. Some letters are used more than once. Focus 276531489 485972361 913648572 329817645 641325897 758496123 534789216 892163754 167254938 123456789 1011 1213 161718 212227232829 37 39 404142 4344454647 4849 50 51 RDUYesterday’sMREASONNSACOMETSPMATTEDTPASTIMESRDPOLOEARACALARISENTELAPSESETTLESGARHSTELERMREEITEACETATEMMOSNCKLVANLSTTUTEIMREORAEARENASANNRRUUSEPPEGRSFURNEAOARTDEDRRETRTARYLFESTST Quick Media WORDNW EHCRAO CLERTL EADNIF LYSION TSETNT CrosswordSolutionsQuick Workout Fit the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 into the hexagons so that where the Nobenumberstouch,hexagonsthewillthesame.number is repeated in any hexagon. Puzzles and pagination supplied by Auspac Media

The funeral service for Mr Steve Sleep will be held at St Andrews Uniting Church, Horsham on Monday September 5th commencing at 10am Interment to follow at the Horsham Lawn Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Wimmera Cancer Centre would be greatly appreciated.
Horsham & FuneralsDistrict Bill & Heather Pitman 5382 1149 NFDA So, it’s more than 3 months now since we said goodbye to our amazing Mum, Mabel. We have so many people to thank for their kindness, help, support and all of the things that go along with caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease, and also for their support of us during Mum’s illness and after her passing. We actually don’t know where to start. We are still getting cards and sympathy support today and we are so overwhelmed and honoured that our beautiful Mum meant so much to so many people, she certainly had a life very well lived and very well loved. After leaving school Mum spent time working at both Cook’s Manchester and Jenkin Studios before marrying. Taking in boarders to help pay the bills until there was no more room in the home as her young family grew. When we were little, Mum was an Avon lady and she also made clothes to bring in some extra income. With her great love of flowers it was inevitable that eventually they were going to play a huge role in Mums life. In 1970 Mum registered the business she was running from our lounge room in Edward St, as ‘Mabel Blake Florist’. 1972 Mum moved the business into 65 Firebrace St before moving to 39 Firebrace St, then 6 Bradburys Lane, and lastly to the shop we still occupy today as Horsham Florist at 51 Roberts Ave. During Mums days in business, she played many roles in the community including Probation Officer, Officer of the Court, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Birth Right Councillor, Elder in the Uniting Church Horsham just to name a few. She fitted all of this in alongside running a very successful business and being an amazing Mum and Nana. In retirement Mum enjoyed still volunteering for the church and loved to follow her and Geoff’s horses around the Harness Racing events. The turn up for Mum’s funeral was amazing, thank you to all of you who attended in person, and also those who watched online. We are so happy with the decision to stream the service, literally 100s of people have thanked us for that. To our step siblings, Christine, Stephen and Lorraine, and their families, our losses, both your Dad and our Mum, have been heartbreaking for us all and we all now have shared each others Pleasegrief. accept this as our personal thank you, each and every one of you. We are so honoured to see the outpouring of love and emotion for who we consider to be the best person in creation. Mabel’s girls, Ann, Heather, Susan and Rosemary and our families Thank you ~ FOREMAN ~ Hilda(BLAKE)Mabel(neeKellett) 15.5.1939 - 17.5.2022
includes payment and advertisement details.
It advertisement,
CONDITIONS Run It Till You Sell It are subject to review after The Run it Till You Sell it offer is only applicable for If item price is not included in a Run It Till You Sell a higher pricing will apply. The publisher reserves the right to omit or alter any It is the responsibility of the advertiser to notify the publisher of any errors on the first day of Every care is taken to prevent errors and accidental omissions but no financial responsibility can be accepted for loss resulting from such an error or omission. Carmel & Gary Young, Tom & Maree Liston. Dearly loved by all his nieces and nephews. May he rest in peace.
six months.
one item per advertisement.
Page 57Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Sleep 21.3.1962 - 28.8.2022 Passed away peacefully at home. Loved husband of Annie. Father of Jed (dec), Gordon and Father-in-lawRobbie. of Emily and Grandfather to Shakyra, Benson and Ella. Son of Bob and Elaine (dec) . Brother of Graeme. “In Our Hearts You Will Always Be Loved” Horsham & FuneralsDistrict Bill & Heather Pitman 5382 1149 NFDA IanRYAN,‘Rattles’
before publication,
A memorial service to celebrate the life of John Francis Nitschke will take place at St Andrew’s Uniting Church, Horsham on Monday, 5th September 2022 commencing at 2pm Privately interred.
26.2.1944 - 24.8.2022 It’s not what we write, It’s not what we say, It’s how we remember you in our own special way. Loved father of Tricia, father-in-law of Damian. Loved Pop of Tayla and Harry Dear friend of Alex. Forever in our hearts.
KayeleneVARLEY,Joy Passed away peacefully and suddenly on 19th August 2022. Adored mum of Alexandra. Exceptional sister of Maree. Special friend of John. Loved and cherished daughter of Nita & Tom (both dec). Loved sister of Graham Mum,(dec). You were the strongest person I know and the best mum ever. Near or apart but always together. Love alwaysKayelene,Alexandra
We laughed, we cried, we shared. We loved and cherished each other as sisters and friends. I wipe away my tears as my heart breaks. Love Maree
The committee, players and supporter group of the Horsham Saints Football and Netball Club offer their sincere condolences to Julie and the entire Ryan family on the passing of Rattles. Ian contributed to the club in many ways throughout the years, including President, Committee, League Rep–resentative and more, leading to Life Membership and an induction to the Hall of Fame. Thanks Rattles, for all you have contributed to our club. Rest Peacefully ~ RYAN ~ Ian ‘Rattles’ The O’Loughlin and Ballinger families extend their sincere condolences to Julie and all of the extended Ryan family on the passing of Ian ‘Rattles’ Ryan. Rattles was a valued friend, ally and ‘partner in crime’ to Brian ‘Friday’ O’Loughlin from the early days at Ampol and through to working together for St Michaels Football Club and later HSFNC. R.I.P. Rattles
RYAN, Ian James “Rattles” The funeral of Ian James “Rattles” Ryan will commence with burial at the Birchip Cemetery on Thursday 1st September 2022 at 10.30am and will be followed by a memorial service at the Horsham Catholic Church of Ss Michael & John’s at 2.30pm.
~ RYAN ~ Ian “Rattles”
DEADLINE 10am Tuesday this
part of an all-inclusive package your advertisement will also appear on the digital version of The Weekly Advertiser located
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RUN IT TILL YOU SELL IT* With The Weekly Advertiser’s Run It Till You Sell It your classified advertisement runs in the paper every week for six months. ITEMS $1000 or under –prices start at $14.30 for the first 12 words # ITEMS OVER $1000 – prices start at $28.60 for the first 12 words # * This offer is not available to businesses, business owners or real estate. # $4.40 per 4 words thereafter EXTRA OPTIONS Photos $22, colour text $11 WEEKLY ADS Minimum of $13.20 for 12 words and then $4.40 per 4 words thereafter. DISPLAY ADS $11.90 per single column minimumcentimetre,four centimetres. SPECIALSMULTIPLEWEEK AVAILABLE! Funeral Notices Funeral Notices Event Services 31 Urquhart HORSHAMStreet 5382 Bereavement Thanks Bereavement Thanks Ph: 5382 1149 | Email: Our professional staff will ensure your family is provided with the highest level of care available. Horsham & District Funerals NFDA Member When mum said years ago she was going to make funeral arrangements, we were surprised... Pre-arrange your wishes with Trevor Bysouth & Daughter of 5381 1444 (All www.wimmerafunerals.Hours) I guess when mum made the arrangements she was thinking of us as well as herself. ~ LISTON ~ (GeraldGaryFrancis) Dearly loved son of Gerald & Cath (both dec.) of HusbandBungalally.toNancy (dec.). Loving father of seven children. Loving brother and brotherin-law of Laurie (dec.) & Marita Liston, Mary & Pat Heenan, Tricia (dec.) & Peter Woolley, Maureen & Kevin Miller,
Trevor Bysouth & Daughter Ph 5381 1444 MemberAFDA
Aged 85 years. Loved and respected stepbrother and stepbrother in-law of Barry & Carole. Loved uncle and great uncle of Aaron, Vanissa, Caitlin & Liam; Kris & Erin; Matt, Sharee, Jed & Mac. Cherished memories R.I.P.
Thank you
A heartfelt thank you for the phone calls, flowers, food, love and support you have given us. Big thank you to Dr. Garg and Palliative Care – without them we couldn’t have given Jack his final wish to be at Alsohome. to Suzanne Bysouth and Kevin Dallinger for a memorable farewell. Love, Pattie & family
A memorial service to celebrate the life of Kayelene Joy Varley will be held at St John’s Anglican Church, Horsham on Friday, 2 September 2022 commencing at 1.30pm Privately cremated.
Trevor Bysouth & Daughter Ph 5381 1444 MemberAFDA
Trevor Bysouth & Daughter Ph 5381 1444 MemberAFDA
Remembering you is easy, we do it every day. Missing you is the heartache that never goes away. Our hearts are shattered. R.I.P. Dad/Pop Loving father of Louie, father-in-law of Grant, Pop to Gage and Judd. RYAN, Ian James “Rattles” Passed away surrounded by his loving family on August 24, 2022 aged 78 years. Dearly loved husband of LovingJulia. father and fatherin-law of Donna & Chris; Trish & Damian; Louie & Grant; Cliff & Lisa. Adored Pop to Rowie, Mitch & Lachie; Tayla & Harry; Gage & Judd; Koben, Ruby & Emmy, and Great Pop of Evie. Best fur mate of Gus. Forever in our hearts.
Brendan and Vanessa O’Loughlin, Mark and Stacey Ballinger and families
death notices death notices death notices death notices Funeral Directors Funeral Directors Your classifieds team Keep your personal sales and negotiations safe, private and in the hands of professionals. Use a marketing tool that has workedfor hundreds of years - newspaper classifieds! Phone 5382 1351 email: online: Classifieds ABN 16 064 882 042
26.2.1944 - 24.8.2022
~ RYAN ~ Ian “Rattles” 26.2.1944 - 24.8.2022 We thought of you today But that is nothing new We thought of you yesterday And days before that too We think of you in silence We often speak your name Now all we have are memories And your picture in a frame Your memory is our keepsake With which we’ll never part God has you in his keeping We have you in our hearts Rest in peace Dad Loved father of Donna, son-in-law of Chris. Loved Pop of Rowie & Fergus, Mitch & Lachie. Great Pop of Evie. ~ RYAN ~ Ian ‘Rattles’ Thanks Rattles, we loved all you did for us over many years here at Haven Primary School. A funny and relaxed ‘man of all trades’. Will very much be missed. Staff and Students of Haven Primary School Campus
~ RYAN ~ Ian “Rattles”
Passed away on August 29, 2022 aged 85 years. Loved brother and brotherin-law of Robyn & Lester; Barry & Carole; Greg & AdoredBev. uncle and great uncle to all his nieces and nephews. Sadly missed. Now at rest.

dark eyes and traditional
Chook houses various sizes nest box attached, from $275 phone evenings 53583440 Golden retriever pups, Pure-bred male and female, they will be vet checked, immunised and microchipped before Three are chocolate (male) with The other (female) has piercing black $14,000 Ph 0429924704 2004 Twin Axle 18’ Jayco Freedom pop-top, EC, shedded, awning, dometic diesel heater, 2 water tanks, aircon/ heater, fridge, shower/toilet combo, 2 k/single beds, reg August 2023 $27,000 Ph 0407547417 2010 Aussie Wide Paringa 21’, full ensuite, semi off road, queen bed, solar panels, rego till 3/23, diesel heater, 3 x water tanks, 215lt fridge/freezer, ibis air
astonishing blue/green eyes.
they will be ready for their furever homes, both parents are on show, source# MB103066 m/c# 953010004970175 Ph 0438923210 Kildare Border Collies 4 pure bred pups for sale, we have been breeding border collies for over 50 years and strive to breed quality true to type and temperament in our puppies, our pups have calm natures and make excellent working dogs or family pets.
and white puppies
con, shade awning front & one side $40,000ono Ph 0428824297 Caravan 2001 Series Avan single axle pop-top caravan, extremely neat, tidy and clean van, rollout awning, more pics available $16,000 ono Ph 0488915244 Nhill Viscount pop-up caravan with safety cord and extension cord, 2-way fridge, 4-cooker, oven, collapsible kettle, compact cookware set, foldable dish drainer, microwave, air conditioner, 1 double bed, 1 single bed, L-shape sofa, ample storage, $8500 neg Ph or text 0419600049 Ladies full length overcoat, like new, very soft leather, silky lining $250ono Ph 53822267 Coolroom, fully assembled with unit fitted, 1.8m x 1.4m x 2.4m (h), VGC, working order, $3800 Ph 0417101120 1980 New Holland 851 Hay Roller, 6 ft x 5 ft rolls, auto wrap twine, has 2 swath wheels, regular serviced, always shedded Ph 55743236 4’ 3pl category 1 slasher, VGO $1200 Ph 0429986227 Boom Spray, 6m, Goldacres, 3pl, foam marker with 20ft hand reel, VGO, $3000, Ph 0400497331 Denyers galv, water tank, 800 litre $300, heavy duty slush bucket to tow between 2 tractors to clean dams $700 Ph 53870522 AH Howard Nugget 180 3ph Slasher, 6ft wide cut, as new, never been used, $3,500 (new pice now over $5,000) Ph (03)53810437 Massey Ferguson 585 Header, 12 foot comb, tractor driven, always shedded, was working when last used Ph 55743236 New Holland 275 small baler last used 2019 season $3,500neg Ph 0499572066 Minyip REDUCED Alfarm Air Seeder 350, 34’, new points and tyres, hydraulic fan, GO $5000ono Ph 0407911884 REDUCED Field bins $950 each Ph 0428928259 REDUCED Hay rake $950ono Ph 0428928259 Roll Feeder, TAEGE roll feeder, good working order Ph 55743236 Windrower Case 8210 , 21ft, reasonable condition $8000 plus Gst neg Ph 0427861316 1 x Large dining room table, timber and glass with 6 x timber & fabric dining chairs, selling for $400, Ph 0408516069 30 Pianola rolls and cabinet, double piano stool and sheet music $350 or will separate Ph 53981158 Warracknabeal 5’ x 3’ patio table and 4 chairs $200 Ph 53524193 Ararat Abu Garcia Sonar Top Graphite composite heavy action, Penn overhead fishing reel no68, surfmaster fishing reels, Alvey fiberglass reels, Penn Delmar fishing reel no285 in box, Daiwa Sealine overhead fishing reel no250, Penn Power stick graphite TB980c fishing rod, Bullfrog series, E Glass fishing rod EC, all quality fishing reels and rods Ph 53824316 Aircon Levanti , VGC $300 Ph 0428527544 Antique 1890 era solid iron babies cot, brass knobs on either end Ph 53981238 Arock recovery winch, 12v, as new , only used once $200, Pareless elec welder $100 Ph 0409891308 Bricks, approx 350 red blue clinkers, unused $200 Ph 0417507882 Stawell Brush Cutter new straight shaft bull handles, 10pc accessory kit $290 Ph 0429388438 BT Goulburn toughened glass panel, 1950x900x10mm $250ono Ph 0427267902 Cabin type canvas tent, 12x15 metal poles, 3 rooms $95ono, King single bed, double decker single bed, full size tennis table with net bats and balls Ph 0429092349 will deliver local area Carpet mat, heavy quality, GC, 1.6x2.3 $60ono Ph 53822267 CJM Crop lifters to suit 810, 1010 or 1020 header front $330 Ph 53870503 Clearance of plants, some citrus 53844274 Craft generator, 5.5hp, 240v $400 Ph 0487313892 Deutz mag air seeder, motor with fan, all accessories $700ono Ph 0407911884 Double bed mattress and base, as new $700 Ph 0456393984 Ararat Dining table and chairs, VGC $465 Ph 0403314295 Double sliding wardrobe doors with track and surrounds, 1x security wire door with new wire $60 lot Ph 0429491426 Electric recliner, dark brown fabric, original price $1200 sell for $400 Ph 0428844245 Fully electric arh chair, 3yr old, cost $2000 sell $400ono Ph 53822267 Furniture for sale, best or nearest offer Ph 0403576973 Household items for sale, panasonic 48” TV, Panasonic DVD player, LG 37” TV, all VGC, TV cabinet with drawer, bedside table Ph Mary 0418170153 Massage chair $250 Ph 53870522 AH Horsham One to pick up, white bath safety screen $200 Ph 0428504301 Queen Anne bedroom suite, VGC $500 - Ph 0428132136 REDUCED Electric recliner, 5mths old, sandstone colour fabric, paid $3700 sell $2000 Ph 53824788 Horsham Set of drawers $40 Ph 0428844245 Sony Digital HD video camera recorder, as new, includes carry case, remote, manual, 5 mini discs $280ono Ph Phill 0488120160 Steel/timber coffee table with magazine rack $400 Ph 53522691 Two single beds with mattresses, EC $300 Ph 53911628 Upright Euro made elec stove as new, front controls, grill door, fan forced, Robin Hood rangehood $500 Ph 0408504550 Ventalair Max, Nebuliser therapy system, as new $80 Ph 0429092059 Washing machine, top loader, white Midea NB70, 7kg, 54cmx54cm, very little use nearly new $250 Ph 0409796471 Westing House s/s fridge, 2 door with drawer freezer at base, 80cm $800 firm Ph 53823226 or 0411570028 Lost one silver gents wrist watch, reward Ph 0418954259 Lost Clothing & CommercialAccessoriesEquipmentfarmmachinery farm machinery household items household items for sale for sale for sale Barely hay, small bales $8 Ph 0402017247 Animals & Accessories Animals & caravansAccessories caravans The Weekly Advertiser welcomes your advertising. We are required strictly by law to include specific information on some items when publishing your advertisement. A snapshot of your obligations are as follows: ANIMALS*All “for sale” or “to give away” advertisements, for either cats or dogs must include one of the •following:Individual microchip numbers • Vet certificate to exclude individual animals from needing microchips • Domestic animal-business number PLUS a source number from the Pet Exchange Register LIVESTOCK*Selling, giving away or bartering of all livestock must include a Property Identification Code (PIC number) in the advertisement. *The Weekly Advertiser reserves the right to accept or refuse advertisements. Horsham Florist 51 Roberts Ave, Horsham 5382 1834 Creative & Traditional Designs Event Services Page 58 Wednesday, August 31, Sunday, September 4th 8.30am onwards DONALD GARAGE SALE • Music in Mall • Free train rides for kids • Post office market For more information contact Kev 0428 547 170 Over 30 sites - maps available Garage Sales
Engel 3kw generator, near new, only been started to keep battery charged, paid $1800 sell for $1500ono Ph 0407812480 Heavy duty workshop benches , various sizes starting from $400 Ph 0428944462 Lightforce XGT driving lights with HID upgrade, good to VG cond with external ballast, covers and complete wiring looms, $350 the 3 Ph 0401504176 Mazda Ute, 2014, tray needs replacing, regularly serviced, 195,000km, IBF9ZI $12,000 Ph 0408085458 Microfiche film viewer 175 $50 Ph 0408504029 Multiple items for sale, Paslode gun with extra gas cartridges and nails, ozito miter saw plus impact driver plus multi tool plus circular saw under warranty, Feiyu Tech G5 gimbal for action camera, PS3 with 20 plus games, Epson printer, brand new Hikoki charger, Mavic Pro drone with 2 batteries and portable bag, call for prices, Ph or text 0419600049 New truck tyre, Triangle 265-70R 9.5, 16PR, suitable for drop deck trailer $250ono Ph 0407338811 Orchard ladder , Murray Bridge aluminium, 6 step tripod, new and unused $350 Ph 53583206 Paint Taubmans sunproof exterior, 15lt, colour fudge truffle, cost $185 sell $100 Ph 0408504029 Pet carrier crate for cat or dog, large $50 Ph 0473870476 Portable air conditioner, brand new, used for 2 weeks, paid $399 selling $350 Ph 0428844245 Portable Coopers shearing plant with a villiers mark 10 engine no.329X55720, not used for years, collectable item for person keen on restoring Ph 0418170153 Ararat Potted plants, clivias, garviers, variety of succulents Ph 53821130 Red Loxton 7 rotor slasher, GC always shedded $8000, John Deere moisture check meter SW08 20 $300, Jarrett field bin winch $200, 12V electric fuel pump $200 Phone 0418166024 REDUCED Powerfit $200, Cub11 $250, Iwalk $400 Ph 0437970588 Round Bailer 53844274 Samsung sound bar, never used Ph 53822267 Silver cross pram, Offers Ph 53524193 Ararat Small bale elevator and stacker $300 Ph 53870503 Small wooden meat safe, restored $200 Ph 53981158 Southern Cross pump-jack with elec motor, going $700ono Ph 0407911884 Trailer 6x5 full enclosed, lockable, ideal tradesmans trailer, heavy duty build $3800ono Ph 0419509335 Two church pews in EX $350 each or both for $600 Ph 0428820446 Two restored wrought iron/timber garden benches $350 each Ph 53522691 UHF CB repeater, diplexer, power supply, TX/RX unit, cable, cabinet $800 Ph 0419509335 Ultra Vision Quattro HID 70w driving lights, good to VG cond, new reflectors in last 12mths, complete with wiring looms and covers $450 the pair Ph 0401504176 Up to 1500 cement garden moulds, at least 200 garden ornaments and at least already made $10,000 ono Ph 0423662397 Glenorchy Very healthy established plants, indoor and outdoor, also including ginger and garlic spices Ph 0418843389 White gloss desk, VGC, wood laminate desk, VGC $140 or will separate Ph 0437942778 Wood or Briquette Heater, no flue, glass panels separate Ph 0457534621 1 seater lounge chair $250 Ph 53870522 AH Horsham 120L Westinghouse bar fridge as new cond, excellent working $180 Ph 0427824693 2 seater leather lounge $300 Ph 53870522 AH Horsham 2 single adjustable beds and linen, coffee table, table and 4 chairs, sofa bed Ph 0487635047 32” Smart TV $150 Ph 0428844245 Beds, d/bed and mattress, 2 bunk beds with mattress, s/bed and mattress, black tubular frames, VGC $1050 or will separate Ph 53564288 Buffet and open hutch, pine, 145 x 45 x 216 $280ono Ph 53840235 Cream enamel and brass bed, base and mattress, queen size, EC, selling due to doubling up on beds, $800 or best acceptable offer Ph 0428504301 Custom made TV unit 2m x 1.050m, suits up to 45” TV, VGC $350ono Phone 0428582315 1 active Kelpie pup, dob 1/4/22, black stroke black and tan, 1 male, vet checked, mc# 953010100376985 source# EE188922 $1000 each Ph 0402017247 Bantams 2 males & 2 females $15 each Ph 53837527 after hours Border Collie Pups, 2 x male brown and white, ready to go to loving homes, DOB 23/6/22, vaccinated & microchipped, located near Balmoral, m/c# 953010006032854, 953010006032846 source# EE196068, for more information Ph Joel 0448816648 Bristlenose catfish , great tank cleaners $5 each until sold out Ph 0474159010 after 6.30pm Budgies, assorted colours $10 each Ph 0417533579 Budgies, pastel and normal colours, lace wings $10 each Ph 0419505737 Budgies, young, asstd colours $10ea Ph 0423182267 Cattle 4 x Cows Murray Gray/ Square Meter x F, medium frame, proven mothers, running with SQM bull, vacc 7 in 1, Cydectin, NLIS, PIC 3YKM L014 $2200 each incl GST, Ph 0428994210
and white markings. They are now 9 weeks of age (born 15/6/22), all have fun loving natures and ready to find their forever home. All puppies have been microchipped, vet checked and wormed, 0439971754moresource#chip#991001004568998/9000-1/9126,m/MB196330$1750each,forinformationPhBrendanHoganDonald Pet carrier crate for cat or dog, large $50 Ph 0473870476 Pure breed black faced Dorper rams, pic # 3HSDC083 Ph Liz 0419664345 Horsham Purebred German shepherd puppies ready to go, rare pure white or rare black colour, each pup comes with special package, mc# 985141004441401, source# MB160045 Ph 0405516207 Rams Dorper/ Australian White Cross pic# 3HSBG075 Ph 0427740155 Rams Dorper/Australian White Cross PIC#3HMRR021 Ph 0400099150 Roosters and ducks wanted Ph 0469740723 Trained purebred border collie puppies ready to go, trained with commands sit, stay, go, get back, come back, come here, wait, get down, go, go away, go to your bed, no, wait at door before going in or out. each pup comes with special package, mc# 985141004441493, source# MB160045 Ph 0405516207 Urgent Great Dane X 2 female puppies, ready now, beautiful black and merles, mc# 0499853884source#953010005824985/4834/4832MB166978$800Ph Whippet pups, solid blues and blacks, two blue and white, had complete vet check and appropriate vaccinations source number MB192553, 0418121353979326/4708597956000014978031/5021056/5020797/4microchip#$2000eachPhAlan Working Kelpie Pups, black & tan, 1 female, 1 male, by Droversdream Bonty, 6 weeks old 27/7/22, both parents good workers, vaccinated, m/c# 991001004568758, 991001004569129, source# 157432, $1500 Ph or text 0438780706 Horsham Young pigs 2mth old, well bred, free ranged, suitable to spit or grow out, PIC#3H5CG003 from $100 each Ph 0439834521 Young pigs, 11 weeks old, $100ea Ph 0481166488 Camperdown 15’ Millard caravan, annex, registered, d/bed, kitchen, neat tidy clean van $4250 Ph 0419505737 1950 Bondwood caravan, 12’ 4 berth small, porthole window, restoration started, windows not fitted, W2 x H2.4m $2500 Ph 0400696362 Horsham 1960s Bondwood caravan 14’ white, alloy roof, 4 birth, W2.1x H2.5m, light grey and red interior, almost complete restoration, needs trim inside and out etc $4500 Ph 0400696362 Horsham 2002 Avan, 17.6” Tandem, pop top, elec hot water, double bed with bolster, R.O.A, full anexe, 12v system, VGC, S24,000 ONO, Ph 0427861316 2004 Avan Rhys 17ft Caravan, single axle, pop top, VGC, includes awning,

Drive wheelchair with comfort cushion $550 Ph 0428844245
Sustainable Grants 2022
The Ararat Wind Farm’s Sustainable Community 2022 now community, social environmental initiatives for the benefit of the communities within the municipalities of Ararat, Northern Grampians and the Pyrenees as part of the Ararat Wind Farm’s community investment program. For more information and an application form, visit www.ararat.vic. and click on the link on the home page. You can also phone the Community and Events Co-ordinator on 5355 0200. Applications close Monday, 5 Sept 2022.
Grants Program
Dr Tim Harrison Chief Executive Officer
HORSHAM COMMUNITY GROUPS EXPO Part of Seniors’ Festival Wednesday 5th October
Alicraft Boat and trailer, 4.35, Baystalker, centre consult, 40hp Yamaha reg Q0733 on 2006 trailer Mackay reg V26727 $14,000neg Ph 0419933542 Evinrude 6hp o/b motor, fresh water only, rarely used, model 6804B, VGC $650 Ph 53470200
Single remote control beds, head/ back and knee adjust, includes medium support mattresses, ideal for disabled or elderly person, in near new condition was $1000ono each, genuine enquiries only Ph 53823720 or 0419136282
Horsham Town Hall from 10am to 2pm - ADMISSION FREE Participate in the 1st Community Groups Expo. A perfecr opportunity to display your group to the Horsham community and attract new members. A meeting will be held in the main room at the Horsham Rail way station on Thursday 8th September at 4.15pm Please contact June Liddy: 0422 509 796 or email Weekly Advertiser welcomes your advertising. We are required strictly by law to include specific information on some items when publishing your advertisement. A snapshot of your obligations
Page 59Wednesday, August 31, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE
Ararat Wind Farm
WANTED, Datsun Skyline, 1973-1993, 240l, C210, R30, R31, 280 2X. Any condition, will pay cash, Ph 0422076298 Wooden wool table and rabbit traps Ph 0400017344
CHRISTIAN DEVOTIONS Who Moved My Cheese? Part 5 In Ecclesiastes 3 we read, “to everything there is a season (seasons change and in Victoria they change frequently)! A time to be born, a time to die, a time to plant, a time to harvest, a time to cry, a time to laugh and so on.” When we first think of seasons we think of the 4 major seasons – Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. They each bring with them a different climate to our place of abode, a different mood, a different atmosphere and they are all necessary. The earth’s axis tilt and closeness or distance to the sun at any given time brings us into a new season. What kind of other seasons can we think of? Harvest Season; Mating Season; Hay-fever Season; Carving Season; Kitten Season and so on. Each necessary and each with its own design, own pattern, own characteristics and own identity. Imagine if, in the farming industry, we got stuck in the mating season and there was no carving season or birthing season, we’d end up with animals the size of giants who would explode and die; they need to bring to birth what they have produced, bring to fruition what they have grown and that means change, change in this instance means pain and discomfort but followed by joy and satisfaction and love and so the cycle starts again. Without change we stagnate, we become fat blobs, our supply store gets used up and runs out, we miss out and we eventually die. Change is often viewed as our enemy but in fact Change is our friend; change is needed to be fruitful, to birth new life, to rebuild and restore, to replenish and find New Cheese! Let God guide you and lead you to fresh “new cheese”. Fear often renders us unable to move but Faith in God empowers us to move forward. I hope you have enjoyed this series and are able to apply the metaphors to your own life. God will not let you down. Irene Gould, Pastor Stawell Baptist Church
are as follows: BOATSAll advertisements for boats must include: • Hull number or registration number of the boat If a trailer is included with the boat, the advertisement must also include: • Registration number or chassis number of the trailer. The Weekly Advertiser welcomes your advertising. We are required strictly by law to include specific information on some items when publishing your advertisement. A snapshot of your obligations are as follows: ROAD VEHICLESAll advertisements for road vehicles must include a price, as well as: • A registration number, if registered • Either an engine number, VIN or chassis number if the vehicle is not registered. Wanted to WantedBuy SportsRentalsEquipment 3.9m fishing boat NB982, box trailer X87847, 20hp mariner motor has good service history, spare tyre, 20l fuel tank $3400 Ph 0417721143MOBILITYmarineAIDSMotorcycles motor vehicle accessories MotorunderVehicles$3000 Motor Vehicles $3000 - $10,000 Motor Vehicles over $20,000 Motor Vehicles over $20,000 Motor Musical$10,000Vehicles-$20,000Instruments Musical Instruments WANTS YOU! WALK DELIVERANDPAPERS • Immediate start! • Negotiate your own hours • Earn money straight away • Dimboola • Horsham • Stawell • Ararat • Nhill • Warracknabeal To apply, contact The Weekly Advertiser distributor Shannon Muller by horsham.distribution@gmail.comemailing Currently seeking walkers in: The Weekly @theweeklyaddyAdvertiser
1998 Kawasaki Vulcan 1600 , VGC, 44,750kms, 1T3RU $5900 Ph 0400579340
open for applications. The grants program provides financial support to promote
Mangrove Jack fold-up boat trailer, W90542 and custom boat loader Ph 0409583014
Sunrider Trek Rio gopher, red, as new $3000 Ph 0428994210 or 0400979141
241,000kms $800 Ph 53912077 1960 Morris Minor 1000 fully restored, goes well, on club rego, 30572H $8000ono Ph 0447972097 2009 Kia Rio LX hatch, 5 speed manual, power steering, air-conditioning, Pioneer stereo, 4 new tyres, RWC, great first car or economical commuter, 173,000 kms, XKX302 $5500 Ph 0478 628162 Pomonal 2012 Holden Cruze ,1.8 manual, regularly serviced, recent major service with timing belt replacement, water pump and all pulleys, new tyres, bluetooth android touch screen stereo and reverse camera, in daily use, no issues, 1TY2JR $6000ono Ph 0415772074 Blue Mitsubishi Triton 1999, up and running all well with rego, tray has new cover installed, Selling with RWC,QES205 Ph or text 0419600049 1996 Toyota Hilux ute, manal, diesel, many extra, reg 12/22, 96,000kms, NUJ834 $15,000 Ph 53582560 2011 Ford Focus LV LX Hatchback, 2L auto, aircon, power steering, d & S airbags, shadow black, 100,000kms, VGC throughout. RWC, 1EM1CL, $10,600, Ph 0408504029 2015 Holden Commodore SV6 EC, auto, 145,000kms, 1HZ8FQ $23,500ono Ph 0418532276 2016 Pajero Sport Exceed 7 seat auto 4x4 diesel, roof racks, RWC supplied registered until Jan 2023, great family car, 98000kms, 1IW2AK $40,950 Ph 0418361268 2018 Nissan Qashqai, STL-JII series 2, auto, magnetic red, as new cond, elec leather seats, heated seats, sat nav, 360 view camera, heated seats, lane departure warning, emergency braking, keyless entry and start, 54,000kms $31,000 Ph 0417166277 2020 Kia Seltos Sport+ AWD MY20, 4cyl 1.6L turbo petrol, rear view camera, Ipod connectivity, proximity key with central locking, satellite navigation (GPS), central locking, storage compartment in centre console, starter button, 17” alloy wheels, climate control air conditioning, USB audio input, front and rear power windows, keyless start, remote central locking, rego until May 2023, only 19,889kms, 1RN4BL Ph 0427812641 REDUCED 2012 Ford Ranger 4WD extra cab, 3.2 6spd manual, RWC, 10mths reg, 209,500kms, 1VW8GI $18,500 Ph 0490364260 Suzuki Sierra JX 1998 , 1.3L, 5spd manual, 4cyl, 4WD, ac, rego 10/10/22, immaculate condition, RWC, 134XXXkms, QKV464 $20,000 Ph 0418518590 Bluthner Piano, well tuned, VGC, $200 Ph Frank 0455181941 Kawai MP 4 Stage Piano, stand, carry bag, two Behringer amps Ph 0413789736 Retiring from music, music equipment speaks, Yamaha amps, mixer microphones, music stands, Yamaha keyboard Tyros 5, Maton 12 string guitar s/n 002 custom made, Cole Clark Guitar, Fender copy guitar, lighting equipment, leads and accessories Ph 53823803 or 0419509335 2 bedrooms available to rent, pre-approved by real estate, plus facilities $150p/w Ph 0417092805 Golf set, 2 bags, buggy, golf balls, tees, umbrella $400 Ph Susan 0437178866 REDUCED Linx l/h golf clubs , GC, with bag $300 Ph 53823803 or 0419509335 Need help spreading the word? Call The AdvertiserWeekly on 03 5382 1351 or Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices DUE TO COMPANY GROWTH WE HAVE MULTIPLE VACANCIES FOR HC & MC DRIVERS Head to and click on the classified link! The Weekly Advertiser, Horsham | (03) 5382 1351 Submit your Run it ‘Til You Sell it Classifieds online now!
Registered and fully insured firewood business looking for private property to cut wood on. Royalties paid up front or portion cut for your own use. Ph Anthony 0412090787
Mag Wheels, suit Holden, 2021 ROH 18x8, matt black, with brand new tyres $1200 Ph 0427902165 Beulah New genuine Toyota narrow-body bull bar, suit 2015-2017 HiLux, Ph Eddy 0428922335 Range Rover Sport MY16/17 wheels, one never used, 3 one tyre only, also fit discovery 5, immaculate, no marks, photo if requested $1200 Ph 0418501271 Ararat 1998 Mitsubishi Solara Seda n, GC, 145,766kms, PAX004 $1500 Ph 0437355124 Mitsubishi Magna 1997, no rego, vin# 6MMTE6D42VT038104,

The successful applicant will:
KLU is looking for a coach that has great communication skills, is committed to the playing group, and is willing to implement a game plan that gets the most out of our exciting young playing group. Candidates would be responsible for-
• Creating a professional and disciplined culture throughout the senior playing group.
• be a creative, positive and dynamic team member/leader constantly liaise with kitchen operations staff to maintain a highly functional work space • be focused on quality and consistent results • follow and promote Food Hygiene and Workplace Safety take instruction, as well as direct and coordinate daily kitchen operations in the absence of the Head Chef
Above award rates apply.
KANIVA LEEOR UNITED Chef/Cook/Apprentice (full-time)
Required skills and attributes: • be passionate, energetic, committed, reliable and motivated to succeed • be a dynamic team member/leader with the ability to inspire our passionate hospitality team experience in delivering quality and consistent meals from a broad and eclectic menu sound communication skills in order to deal effectively with team members and take steps to resolve customer complaints have a degree of flexibility with hours on a rotating fortnightly roster including weekends and nights (split shifts are not a feature of our rosters) problem solving skills in a fast-paced environment ability to adhere to food sanitary and safety standards desire to deliver an exceptional dining experience to our customers and members that includes quality ingredients with great presentation. and An attractive salary package, career development, be offered commensurate with
• Assisting our list manager with identifying recruits and player retention. We are looking for someone to work alongside our current committee members and volunteers to help create a culture of growth and respect. Interested persons can get in touch with the club by calling Ben Dunstall on 0409 931 296 or emailing
The KLU playing group consists of a great young team that would benefit from the leadership of a coach that is willing to help them realise their potential.
by email
• promote team development and training • be hands-on, organised and supportive be involved in purchasing, ordering and stock management deliver fresh, authentic and imaginative food to customers and members • work closely with the Head Chef on menu design and Specials recommendations.
The Manager, and sent
We are looking for a highly motivated and skilled chef, cook or 3rd or 4th year catering apprentice to work closely with our Head Chef to deliver fresh, authentic and imaginative food. The Trackside Bistro aspires to being a relaxed and stylish foodie and dining destination venue for families, clubs and friendship groups in the Grampians region. The successful applicant will bring a hands-on approach to the role and be able to work both unsupervised and as part of a highly functioning hospitality team. Your hours of work, full-time, will have regard to a fortnightly rotating roster. Trackside Bistro does not currently open on Sundays, except for scheduled harness meetings or special events.
high level, confidential, efficient, and professional administrative support service to the Corporate and Community Services Directorate. This is a dynamic role that requires highly developed organisational and communication skills,
by close of business on Friday 9th September 2022. For any further information please contact the Office Manager
• Developing a strong football and coaching strategy through the implementation of an effective game plan.
The Trackside Bistro is part of the Stawell Harness Racing Club and is open for dinner from Monday through until Saturday and for lunch from Thursday until Saturday.
West Wimmera Shire Council seeking a with to: either to to 1c Hazel HORSHAM, VIC, 3400 on (03)
• Contributing to the growth of our junior program through the development of younger players.
The Kaniva Leeor United Football Netball club is pleased to be welcoming expressions of interest for the position of senior football coach for the season of 2023 and beyond.
Situations Vacant Situations Vacant Situations Vacant Situations Vacant ...WE’RE THE RIGHT CHOICE FOR YOUR BUSINESS We can help! – the largest circulating newspaper in the Wimmera, southern Mallee and Grampians. Telephone (03) 5382 1351 Place your situation vacant advertisement forLookinginstaff? Public Notices Trades & Services Page 60 Wednesday, August 31,
or in writing
flexibility and superannuation will
an experienced and dynamic Administration Officer to provide
5382 0050
capacity to work part-time or full-time. For a copy of the position description and to apply, employment OfficerAdministrationCorporateandCommunityServices Applications close Friday 16 September July 2022. West Wimmera Shire Council is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer and is committed to the principles of workplace diversity. Career Opportunities If you want to join the HRCC team and serve our diverse, close-knit and engaged local community, check out the roles below! SPARK Arts Program - Education Officer • Band 5 ($35.23 per hour) • Fixed term part-time (22.8hrs/week, until 31st December 2023) • Flexible working arrangements available Community Safety Officer/Ranger • Band 4 ($32.47 per hour) • Permanent full-time • Flexible working arrangements available School Crossing Supervisor • Band 1 ($28.60 per hour) • Casual • No set hours, on an as-needed basis To find out more about our opportunities, REGISTERED NURSE Eventide Homes is seeking the services of enthusiastic & reliable Registered Nurse who can demonstrate skills in aged care, managing complex health issues, dementia support, palliative care, OH&S, infection control and wound care. Basic computer skills are mandatory. The successful applicant must have great time management, be able to complete administrative clinical duties, have good decision making and communication skills to lead and mentor our great teams of staff. If you would like to work within a supportive, friendly environment and you have excellent communication skills and a passion for working in Aged Care we encourage you to apply. Eventide is a 100 bed Residential Aged Care Facility. Generous Salary packaging is available. A Position Description is available on request on 03 5358 2027 or Written applications close Friday 9th September, 2022 - OoHC /IFS Family Services - Support Worker organisational time management muner Get in touch for more details: Public NoticesPublic Notices HORSHAM RSL WOMEN’S AUXILIARY would like to invite present, past or a representative of a past member to celebrate our 90th Anniversary of our service to the Horsham RSL Sub Branch. A light lunch will be provided at 1pm on Friday 9th September at the RSL Clubrooms in McLachlan St. RSVP by Wednesday 6th September 2022 for catering purposes - Horsham RSL 5382 5222 INVITE Laidlaw Park, 78 Patrick St, Stawell First Sunday of each month Contact:9am-1pm0427501 415 STAWELLMARKETSHOW DimboolaLutheranNatimukParish Sunday 4th September Edenhope 9am HC Goroke 11am HC Natimuk 10am LR Vectis 10am LR Dimboola 9am LR Commercial cleaning, residential cleaning, end of lease cleaning. Fully insured. Servicing Horsham, Dimboola, Nhill and Warracknabeal. Call today for a free quote: 0417 725 701 HorshamCleaningService 3 Positions available Apprentice Panel Beater, Assembler and Apprentice Painter all required Full-Time We are looking to employ self-motivated people to join our ever-expanding team. These positions are full time and ongoing positions. Applicants must be be willing to work as a team member. Experience in estimation is a bonus but not necessary. Above award rates paid to suitable applicant Resumes and application letters to be addressed
experience. Employment will be under the Registered and Licensed Clubs Award 2020. How to apply Forward your cover letter and resume to by 14 September 2022. Health Care Worker Casual Job No. 4363 closes 06/09/2022 Health Care Worker (Acute) Permanent Part Time Job No. 4333 closes 06/09/2022 Elder Life Nurse Specialist Permanent Part Time Job No. 4382 closes 06/09/2022 Endorsed Enrolled Nurse Fixed Term Full Time Job No. 4387 closes 07/09/2022 To apply or for more information please go to: Proudly part of Grampians Health

• Demonstrated experience in risk assessment and risk management
Nhill Lutheran School is seeking applicants for a passionate and innovative teacher. The successful applicant will demonstrate enthusiasm and creativity in their daily work as a classroom teacher, fostering an environment where students are fully engaged in their learning. A desire to work as part of a Professional Learning Community will be highly valued. The successful applicant should be willing to support the Christian ethos of the School and be part of a professional team committed to excellence in education.
• An understanding of the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005, particularly the Best Interests Framework
Get in touch For more information or question regarding the roles, please reach out to: Kara Johnson, Team Leader
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Position closes: Friday, 09 September 2022
We have a Full time Maximum term opportunity for a Practitioner to join our multi disciplinary team in our Horsham office. As a Practitioner, you will work as an integrated member of the Orange Door team to deliver quality, safe and effective responses to children, young people and families seeking support through the Orange Door Support and Safety Hub. The Practitioner will be responsible for screening, triaging and assessing clients, offering crisis intervention, and coordinating referrals in accordance with program guidelines and relevant risk assessment frameworks. The role will provide support to clients via phone, within the Orange Door site and at outreach visits. About you
• Demonstrated case management experience within the child, youth and family welfare sector
• Leading community services organisation • Salary packaging, and competitive sector remuneration
• Proven ability to work collaboratively with other services, agencies and professionals to achieve successful client outcomes
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• Strong communication skills, both written and verbal Interested? If this sounds like you, apply today via and upload the following as a part of your application.
Full time Maximum term Horsham location
Silo Building Crew Supervisor
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• Multiple Practitionerpositions, Orange Door
1 Year Contract for 2023 (with potential to be ongoing)
Nhill Lutheran School is well resourced, has great facilities, values and provides opportunities for professional growth, and is known as a caring community. For a job description please phone (03) 5391 2144 or email with the subject line of ‘Classroom Teacher Position’ Applications can be sent to or 2 Mackay St, Nhill 3418 Applications close: Monday 12th September Position commences: Friday 20th January 2023
To be successful in your application you will meet the person specification in the position description, including having a Bachelor of Social Work or equivalent as per the mandatory minimum qualification requirements for specialist family violence practitioners. You will also have:
Harberger Pty Ltd based in Donald, Victoria are seeking a silo building crew supervisor. This position holds great responsibility for crew safety, quality of workmanship and successfully leading a
NhillSchoolLutheran Classroom Teacher
Situations VacantSituations VacantSituations Vacant
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• Address key/core selection criteria according to the position description.

Situations VacantSituations Vacant Situations Vacant The Weekly Advertiser is seeking a highly motivated Graphic Designer to fill a rare vacancy within our production department operating out of ACE Radio Broadcasters’ Horsham headquarters. The Weekly Advertiser is distributed free of charge every Wednesday across much of western Victoria and is a regional Australian media success story, having experienced dramatic growth in the past 10 Ityears.hasalso become the benchmark print publication in a highly competitive regional media environment. The successful applicant will work in a close, collaborative and supportive environment with other production staff, along with the sales and editorial teams. Duties and responsibilities: • Create advertisements for print • Produce other graphical elements and special publications as required • Plan and produce newspaper layouts in conjunction with the editorial and sales departments • Liaise and work closely with administration, production and advertising departments on newspaper design, construction and content • Typesetting of classified advertisements as compiled by the reception and administration team. • Send the paper to print • Liaise with account managers regarding upcoming features in the paper • Maintain quality control practices Requirements: • Experience with Adobe Creative Cloud software – specifically InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop • Familiarity with spreadsheet software such as Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel • Superb communication skills. For additional information regarding this position including a full position description please forward your inquiry to ACE Radio Broadcasters is an equal-opportunity employer. The Weekly Advertiser (clearly) needs a new Graphic Designer headlineheadlineheadline Can you seethree things wrong with this headline ?
Due to the continuing growth of BCH Accountants an opportunity to join this progressive tax practice with a farming client base could be your next key career move. We have a great opportunity for a highly motivated, dedicated and ambitious person to join our loyal and professional team of accountants. BCH Accountants would like to offer you a position which matches your interests & skills.
BCH Accountants is offering an exciting Office Administration position to a motivated person to join their progressive and friendly Accounting Practice. The Practice is located in Horsham and has a large client base. Working in the Accounting, Taxation and Small Business industry offers variety, which can be both challenging and rewarding
Part Time/Full Time
Focused on Client Service A passion for accounting and attention 2-5 years accounting experience working in public Excellentpracticecommunication and time management skills A great work ethic Drive and ambition CPA/CA Qualification is preferred but not necessary • Ability to work as part of a team
The position will be offered to the right applicant on a permanent part-time/full-time Thebasis.ideal applicant will be team orientated, enjoy dealing with the public, organised, self-motivated, pays attention to detail and understands the importance of client
The successful applicant will be part of a team which is responsible for the general day to day organisation and administration needs of the Practice. A thorough knowledge of Microsoft Word & Excel is Dutiesessential.will include all aspects of Reception, collating Financial Statements, lodging Income Tax Returns, liaising with clients and preparation of ASIC Annual Statements. When you join the BCH team, we will provide excellent training and an enjoyable work environment. To express your interest please forward your resume, covering letter and references to Mr Dallas Landwehr, Director PO Box 737, Horsham Vic 3402 by 16th September, Time/Full
Time WARRACKNABEALISSEEKING: For either position, contact The Weekly Advertiser distributor Shannon Muller on 0438 064 269 • TWA COORDINATOR Coordinate the delivery of The Weekly Advertiser each week to viaWarracknabealthroughoutletterboxestheregionateamofwalkers. • WALKERS Walkers required for the township Warracknabeal.of Page 62 Wednesday, August 31, Horsham West and Haven Primary School seek an Assistant Principal of Teaching and Learning. The school is a multi-campus school of 640 students and provides an excellent opportunity for the successful applicant to develop their leadership skills and career. For a role description and further details, contact Principal Lee McKenzie on 0438 824 580 or email The position is currently advertised Horsham West and Haven Primary School ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL TEACHING AND LEARNING 20 23 Netbal l oaches plications are now open all netball grades for the 23 season Under 17's Under 15's Under 13 s Available grades A Grade B Grade C Grade C Reserve Net Set Go About The Netball Apply Now More information Sarah Laurie 0403751822 Application Deadline Application letters including experience and grade preference can be emailed to netball@lakersfnc org au 30th September 2022 TLFNC is looking to rebuild our netball division from the A grade down We have a loyal base of players to build upon who wish to stay to see the club field an A grade side and achieve great things on and off the court If you're up for the next challenge in your coaching career then look no further MATERNAL CHILD HEALTH NURSE 0.4 - 0.6 EFT • An understanding of MCH challenges experienced by Aboriginal families • Flexibility and high-level organisational skills. The capacity to establish a supportive relationship with Aboriginal families using this service. • A strong team ethic. muner Get in touch for more details: Catalogue distributors wanted • Horsham • SmartphoneWeekly•AraratStawellpay required
Experience with the following client based accounting packages & software programs will be an advantage - Xero, MYOB, Agrimaster, Banklink, Reckon, BGL 360 & MYOB Accountants Enterprise. Working as part of our team, you will be responsible for many elements of the accounting affairs of a diverse client base from various industries. An understanding and interest in farming issues would be an Whenadvantage.youjoin our team we will provide you with excellent training and professional development and an enjoyable work environment. To express your interest or to obtain a job description, please forward your resume and references to Mr Dallas Landwehr, Director PO Box 737, Horsham Vic 3402 by 23rd September,

Page 63Wednesday, August 31, 2022 2022 AFL PREMIERSHIP SEASON TUNE INTO 3WM EVERY WEEK for live afl MATCH broadcasts *Match details correct at time of printing Keep updated online via the 1089 3WM Faceook page Thursday, September 1, 2022 Brisbane Lions v Richmond @ 7.20pm Friday, September 2, 2022 Melbourne v Sydney Swans @ 7.50pm Kenny Rd, Horsham Ph: 5382 0687 Industrial Rd, Murtoa Ph: 5385 2336 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 24 MAINTENANCEHOURSERVICERICK Ph. (03) 5382 3238 Proudly serving Horsham and district since 1945 11963REC. Club Contact Email Phone Edenhope-Apsley Carolyn Middleton 0407 579 961 Harrow-Balmoral Tereasa Hobbs 0427 880 244 Jeparit-Rainbow Jason Hutson 0427 972 166 Kalkee Travis Kerr 0439 800 337 Kaniva-Leeor United Ben Dunstall 0409 931 296 Laharum Bianca Mibus 0408 763 559 Club Contact Email Phone Natimuk United Greg Radford 0407 059 671 Noradjuha-Quantong Matt Treacy 0412 363 466 Pimpinio Jock Baker 0447 825 216 Rupanyup Rod Weidemann 0428 855 232 Swifts Peta Folkes 0488 318 584 Taylors Lake Travis Mackley 0477 925 002 Join your CLUBLOCAL today Lakers Ph: 5382 2387 The one for all your cle a n i n g needs! • steam cleaning of carpets • upholstery • windows • tile & grout cleaning • stripping & sealing vinyl floors • commercial cleaning Locally owned & operated since 1999 The One Cleaning Service For all your sewer blockages, maintenance and general plumbing needs call the friendly team at Exells LOCAL SERVICE – LOCAL PEOPLE MGA Insurance Group Ph (03) 5382 8600 79 HamiltonHorshamSt AFSL No: 244601 with Libby Price Reliable, trusted Rural information Every weekday, only on the ACE Radio Network 6.30am & 12 noon Weekdays on: Saturday, September 3, 2022 Geelong Cats v Collingwood @ 4.35pm Fremantle v Western Bulldogs @ 8.10pm weekfinalsONE AFL LIVE ON Afternoons with Adam Weekdays 1pm - 5pm Scan to listen live Broadcasting live on 1089 3WM & 3WM FM Check our social media to find out more the shirtfront Catching up on all the newssportinglocal8am-10amEVERY SATURDAY

Page 64 Wednesday, August 31, sPort Libby Price on Country Today Weekdays from noon on VOTE COUNT 2022 Horsham District Football Netball League Best & Fairest Vote Counts • Senior football - Dellar Medal • A Grade Netball Monday, September 5th from 8pm
Under-16: First semi-final: Horsham Bombers 1 (3) (H. Mackereth, shootout goals, T. Batchelor, A. Heal, S. Schwarz; L. Simmons, T. Batchelor, S. Schwarz) d Warrack Revengers 1 (1) (O. Nuske, shootout goal, L. Nuske; O. Nuske, L. Nuske, C. Bennett, S. Williamson); sec ond semi-final, Yanac Warriors 9 (R. Croot 6, L. Famers, D. Forbes, C. Zanker; H. Pedie, R. Croot, L. Farmers) d Nhill Leopards 0 (D. Clark, O. Bone, S. Rowe).
The Nhill Leopards started this season slowly with only one win from the first four rounds, but have been gaining momentum since, with just two losses in their next nine games as they moved towards the finals.
BY SIMON KING The race to the 2022 Wimmera Hockey Association premier ships moves into its penultimate stage on Saturday. Preliminary finals at Davis Park, Nhill, will decide the second team to contest each of the three grand finals the following week. The only match in the open competi tion likely to be more hotly contested this season than the preliminary final between Kaniva Cobras and Warrack Hoops will be next week’s grand final between the winner and the Yanac Ti gers. These two teams could not be more closely matched after only one goal separated them when they first met at Kaniva in round four, and having played out draws in their subsequent two encounters, including a last-round tie two weeks ago. This game could go either way, de pending upon the combination of play ers each puts on the field on the day – a team missing a key player or two might lose the edge. If both turn up with all their best players, this game might need a penalty shoot-out to decide a winner. The Cobras’ incentive is to qualify for only their second-ever season de cider, while the Hoops have unfinished business with the Tigers, having met them in 10 of the past 15 grand finals for just two titles. Having played in the past seven women’s competition grand finals, Yanac will look to make it eight to do its bit as the club attempts to win all three grand finals in a season for the third time; while a Horsham team has not played in a women’s grand final since 2012. Yanac’s two losses in their past five matches have been narrow defeats by Kaniva, including a one goal loss last week, while the Jets come into the game with a record of three wins from their past three games and are on a roll. Form throughout the season suggests Yanac should go into this match as favourites, but the Jets have the ability and the players to cause an upset. Nhill Leopards and Horsham Bomb ers meet in the under-16 match.
EYES ON THE PRIZE: ballchaseWilliamsOliviaKaniva’sright,SusanYanac’sHedt,andtheduring a semi-final encounter at the KINGSIMONPicture:victor.theteamWilliams’weekend.waseventual
Semi-final results: Open: First semi-final, Warrack Hoops 3 (Goals: C. Bardell 2, S. Schultz; best, C. Bardell, H. Johns, J. Smith) d Horsh am Hurricanes 1 (T. Batchelor; best, S. Hoffman, T. Leffler, T. Werner); second semi-final, Yanac Tigers 2 (T. Alexander, N. Alexander; B. Alexander, J. Honey man, J. Harding) d Kaniva Cobras 0 (L. Mills, J. Clark, C. Beattie). Women: First semi-final, Horsham Jets 6 (H. Werner 2, S. Puls 2, E. Morrow, A. Morrow; H. Werner, R. Marrr, E. Mor row) d Nhill Thunderbirds 0 (K. Clark, C. Kessler, N. Kuhnell); second semi-final, Kaniva Women 1 (H. White; best, Q. Pearse, S. Williams, J. Hauselberger) d Yanac Women 0 (L. Farmers, A. Black wood, T. Croot).
The annual Beth Officer Trophy 4BBB Stableford at Horsham Golf Club attracted 60 competi tors on Thursday last week. The Horsham Ladies Golf Club event is in honour of Beth Officer. She was a valuable member of the Horsham Golf Club for many years before leaving to live in Queensland.Onherdeparture in 1981, she donated a cup to Horsham Golf Club for the 4BBB Stableford. This year Elizabeth Robertson and Lauris Richardson won on a countback with a score of 44 points. In second place were Col leen Dix and Kerrin Smith, also with 44 points. In third place with 43 points were Gail Jenner and Barbara Ubergang. Elizabeth Robertson and Lauris Richardson
On the other hand, the Bombers’ form has been dropping off after starting with three wins in their first four matches, but only three wins in nine games since. This lead-in form suggests the Leop ards will be hard to beat, but after a significant loss to the Warriors last week, they could be off their game, while the Bombers had to survive a late equalising goal and then a shoot-out in their semi-finals to make it this far and will not give up easily.
One step from grand finals

Page 65Wednesday, August 31, 2022 sPortBrought to you by Our friendly reception team Available Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm 5382 1351 BOWERS CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE 6 Allen Crescent, Stawell 3380 | M: 0459 754 223 | T: 03 5358 1464 Dr. Pauline Walsh B. Clinc Sci B. App. Sci (Chiropractic), DACCP It’s almost Spring and the garden after Winter is inviting to get into as the days get warmer! Some tips to help you stay fit in your garden: 1) Walk or do some gentle activity before hitting the dirt. 2) Stretch the lower back with some gentle side to side movements and rotating at the waist. 3) When bending remember to either bend the knees or bend over, keeping the spine straight. 4) Drink some water and take frequent breaks to help stay mobile. If you need any assistance with your spine don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to keep you moving so you can enjoy gardening. 126 FIREBRACE STREET, HORSHAM (03) 5382 1403 OPEN DAYS7 MakeDayFather’seasyat sure?Stillnot Gift vouchers available to use at all three stores ToFromDadmexx-xx-xxxx Me More ideas! • Pool tables & accessories • 2XU Compression • Dartboard and much more! Golf Bags Wilson Tennis Racquets AFL Jerseys KGB BodyworxVestsSkiGym Equipment KALKEE V HARROW-BALMORAL Saturday, September 3 from 1pm at Quantong – HDFNL Preliminary Final STAWELL V HORSHAM Sunday, September 4 from 1pm at Ararat – WFNL Semi-Final Broadcasting LIVE on 3WM or stream the game live on THISBROADCASTINGWEEKEND: Memorable day for Charley
Dark Light for Heather Baxter, Mur toa, stepped up to the 485m journey for the first time and displayed brilliant early and mid-race pace to open up a six-length break turning for home. Caiden’s Mate for Garry George, Beu lah, made a race of it storming home, but Dark Light held on to score by halfa-length in 27:83sec for the 485m trip. George was able to go one better four races later when Got My Star put in an impressive front running effort over the 485m trip. At no stage did she let any of her competitors into the race and went to the line effortlessly in a bestof-the-day 27:44sec.
JOB DONE: The Hoffman and Papst families with Charley Davidson, who will enter retirement on the back of a win at Horsham.
Charley will retire with the incredible race record of 117 starts for 24 wins and 42 minor placings and $45,000 in prizemoney. Most importantly, he will retire to a life of luxury as Hoffman and Papst fight over whose couch he will lounge on for the rest of his life. Enjoy retirement, Charley. Andrea Gurry, Nhill, returned a win ning double for the day when Carob Bale and Kenzie Bale took out races one and four on the program. Carob Bale was away midfield but used race sense, holding his position out wide until the opportunity to find the fence presented and as the dogs straightened for home, he carved across the early leaders to run away an easy winner in 23:96sec with Solar Toby for Victor Millington, Stawell, two-lengths back in second. Kenzie Bale brought up the dou ble for Gurry, displaying great chase. Following early trouble just before the first corner, Kenzie was shuffled back through the field, but when a run opened up mid-turn, she railed hard and put the foot down to drop the rest of the field off and win by five lengths to Weipa, for Shayne Fisher of War racknabeal, in 23:85sec.
Box ONE with Peter Carter
Horsham Greyhound Club host ed a Saturday morning race meeting for the second time in two months, broadcasting Australian Greyhound Racing into the Ameri can market. Across the past two years, meetings have been spread across the state in the Saturday morning timeslot, broadcast ing our sport on the world stage. Ten races were included on the pro gram and local trainers were victorious with five winners and a further eight minor placings, with the highlight of the program the victory of Charley Da vidson, trained by Horsham husband and wife team Bill and Helen Harti gan with owners Matthew Papst and Shannon Hoffman on course with their families to see Charley into retirement. Charley has been an iron dog for all connections. Hoffman and Papst, with families in tow, have been on-course for almost all of Charley’s Horsham races, COVID excluded. With Charley nearing five years-old, the group accepted that he was closer to the end than the beginning of his career, and they agreed the next time he was victorious, he would be retired as to go out on a winning note and on his own Tuesdayterms.last week was almost that day, when Charley dead-heated for sec ond, only beaten by half-a-nose. On Saturday there were no such is sues with photo finishes. Charley exploded from the boxes and set up an early two-length lead. Turn ing for home, he was going a winner and opened up a final margin of close to four lengths, stopping the clock in a best-of-the-day time of 23:45sec.
Forty-four golfers attended the Wimmera District Golf Associa tion Snow Barry Memorial 4BBB Stableford event. The event was an inaugural me morial round in honour of Mr Barry who was a big supporter of Wimmera Golf and died four years ago. On Sunday, 22 teams of two played at Mr Barry’s home club, Minyip Golf Club. Players attended from Minyip, Moor Park, Horsham, Warrack nabeal, Birchip, Harrow, Donald, Jeparit, Nhill, Natimuk, Warrnam bool and Wycheproof. Mr Barry’s family, Helen Bar ry and Katie Clark, attended the event. Winners of the day were Darren Scott of Natimuk, and Jordan Mc Donald, of Harrow, with 46 points. Runners up were Heath Talbott and Adam McKenzie, of Minyip, with 43 points, on a count back with third place Peter Habel and Anthony Niewand, also of Minyip. Fourth place went to Cindy Marsh and Corrine Heinz, of Minyip, with 41 points on a count back with Peter Smith and Robby Exell, of Moor Park, and Anna belle Plowright and Sharon How den, of Horsham.

heating up
CAUGHT: Dimboola’s Jayden Lehmann tackles Rhys Barber during Sunday’s elimination final.
Cross-town rivals Horsham and Horsham Saints will bat tle it out in the A Grade net ball second semi-final to jump straight to the grand final. Horsham Demons were un defeated minor premiers and will look to head to the final game in straight sets. The Saints set up their finals berth in style with an eightgoal win against Southern Mallee Giants in the qualify ing finals. It was a highly competitive game and the second and fourth quarters were closely contested.
Abby Hallam had her eye in for goals early on for the Saints and was shooting ac curately. Larnie Hobbs was key in defence for the Saints, getting her hands to many intercepts and rebounds. Steph Thomson worked hard in goals for the Giants and shot 32 of the team’s final 53 goals. While the Saints will have to give their everything to de feat Horsham, they will still make an appearance in the preliminary final should they lose. The Giants will not be so lucky. To continue in finals, the Gi ants must defeat Minyip-Mur toa in the first semi-final on Sunday.Minyip-Murtoa defeated Dimboola in an elimination final and has kept itself in the fight for the flag for another week.The first quarter saw both teams tussle to gain a lead and the Burras were two goals up at the first break. Faith McKenzie had eyes for every intercept in defence and was key in Minyip-Murtoa es tablishing a lead. The second quarter was again closely contested and Minyip-Murtoa had a fourgoal lead at halftime. Coming back from an injury, Nicole Polycarpou took the court after half time and hard ly missed a goal in the third quarter. This took the game back to a one-goal margin be fore the final term. Dimboola managed to even the scores at the start of the last quarter, however, the Bur ras used the last of their energy to capitalise on every oppor tunity to score and jumped ahead for the win. Tamika Mentha played well for Minyip-Murtoa through the midcourt and Paige Glover was a standout for Dimboola in wing defence and centre. The Giants and the Burras have both come away with wins against each other this season and it could go either way on Sunday. This week: Second semi-fi nal at Horsham City Oval, 12.15pm on Saturday, Hor sham Demons v Horsham Saints; First semi-final at Ararat, 12.15pm on Sunday, Southern Mallee Giants v Minyip-Murtoa. Last week: Horsham Saints 61 d Southern Mallee Giants 53, Minyip-Murtoa 41 d Dim boola 34. – Abby Walter IN FRONT: Maddi Morgan, Minyip-Murtoa, gets in front of Olivia Jorgensen, Dimboola, during an elimination final at Stawell. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
Page 66 Wednesday, August 31, sPort Libby Price on Country Today Weekdays from noon on Kenny Road, Horsham Ph: 5382 0687 Industrial Road, Murtoa Ph: 5385 2336 MULCHESBARKS, & COMPOSTS • Cottage mulch • 12 & 25mm Mulch • Biomat • Mushroom Compost • Planting Compost • Quartz Rocks • Dyed Mulch • Tuscan Pebbles • Mixed Garden Soil • Fine & Course Sand ALSO AVAILABLE • Screened road gravel • Loam • Quarry Dust • Sandstone • Scoria • Gypsum • Concrete Mix • Concrete Septic Tanks • Bobcat Hire, Post Holes Bored and Block Clean-ups Bulk Cartage & ContractorsEarthmoving
Jodie Hayes, coming into centre for the Giants in the second quarter, changed the Giants’ momentum. The Saints’ early lead en sured their final win, while the Giants shrunk the margin in the second and final quarters, but it was not enough to get a break in front of the Saints.
BY ABBY WALTER Grand-final favourites Ararat and Minyip-Murtoa will meet in the second semi-final to decide the first team to secure a position in the big dance. The Burras were too consistent and ac curate for Stawell, who could not match the Burras’ score from the beginning of the game at Minyip-Murtoa’sDimboola.Jae McGrath was crucial across the field with six goals and Tanner Smith worked hard. Despite the same amount of scoring shots in the first quarter for both teams, the Burras had a 15-point lead after kick ing five Stawellgoals.struggled to convert in the second quarter and Minyip-Murtoa was able to further its lead. Sean Mantell and Tom Eckel were standouts for the Warriors, but could not make up the difference against a classy Minyip-Murtoa unit. The Warriors had a more successful third quarter but were too far behind to completely reduce the margin. A competitive final quarter saw the Burras take home a 40-point win and secure a spot in the second semi-final against Ararat at Horsham City Oval this week. As minor premiers, Ararat had the first week of finals off and will be hoping for a smooth ride into the grand final. When the teams met during the season, Ararat won on both occasions by four points in round seven and 10 points in round 16. Stawell will have a second chance to continue its finals journey when it faces Horsham in the first semi-final on Sunday. Horsham outclassed Dimboola at St awell in the elimination final, with a 37-point win. Plenty of contests in the middle of the ground meant both teams struggled to see a score on the board as the game began. A last-minute goal saw the Demons take a lead into the first break, and an other quarter of many points scored saw them jump in front by 16 points at the half-time break. Tyler Blake and Deek Roberts could be seen in many contests and were two of the more effective ball movers for the game. Roberts kicked five of Horsham’s total 11 goals. In the second half, Dimboola could not get a flow down the field and had a hard time making the best of uncontested possessions.Horshamcapitalised on most contested ball and was able to be more effective when the ball was in its forward 50. Jackson O’Neill was key in Dimboo la’s backline, while Tom Cree’s effort saw him get many touches and disposals. Dimboola’s finals campaign has come to an end and Horsham will fight another day for the chance to go all the way. Horsham and Stawell have both won once against each other this season, with Horsham winning after a missed goal af ter the siren by the Warriors in round 18. Horsham has won its past three games, the most games it has won in a row throughout the season, and it looks like the team’s form might continue. It will be a weekend of tightly contest ed games in senior football.
This week: Second semi-final at Hor sham City Oval, 2.20pm on Saturday, Ararat v Minyip-Murtoa; First semi-final at Ararat, 2.20pm on Sunday, Stawell v Horsham. Last week: Minyip-Murtoa 13.6 (84) d Stawell 6.8 (44), Horsham 11.16 (82) d Dimboola 6.9 (45).
Cross-town rivals prepare for battle

FOCUS: Edenhope-Apsley’s Casey Bernhardt looking to pass during the Saints’ semi-final game against Noradjuha-Quantong at Laharum at the weekend. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
This week: Preliminary final at Quantong, 2.20pm on Saturday, Har row-Balmoral v Kalkee. Last week: Harrow-Balmoral 16.13 (109) d Jeparit-Rainbow 11.7 (73). Rupanyup 13.7 (85) d Kalkee 6.12 (48).
“Who knows what Stuart Farr will whip up, but as always, we will con trol what we can.”
The Demons sure did find another gear, especially during the final quar ter on Saturday when they doubled their three-quarter-time lead from four goals to Mellingtoneight.said because the team had played together for so long, play ers knew they could keep it together when the game got tough. She said even though it had been two years since a finals series was staged in the league, the team still felt its rival’s desire to ‘hunt them down’.
FAST FEET: Southern Roos’ Jack Beaton tries to hold onto Storm forward Jay Kirwood during a barmy semi-final at Laharum at the weekend.
Page 67Wednesday, August 31, 2022 sPortBrought to you by Our friendly reception team Available Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm 5382 1351 of our stores on October 31 ww NHILL 95-97 Nelson Street, Nhill (03) 53 912 HORSHAM 105 River Road , Horsham (03) 53 812 horsham@dmdage828nts Facebook @dmdhorsham STAWELL Fnevilleroutley@dmdageacebook@dmdst BUY 2 a Genesis Power Doser valued at $800Win over the months of August, September and October and go in the draw Rup through, Harrow a step closer BY MICHAEL SCALZO Kalkee has invoked its toptwo-earned double-chance rights ahead of Saturday’s Hor sham District football league pre liminary-final round after making a fist of an honourable loss at the weekend.Nowwith a second chance to play off for a grand-final spot on Sat urday, Kees footballers must defeat Harrow-Balmoral at Quantong before they consider revisiting the side that got the better of them. That side was Rupanyup – a team the Kees bettered in their only previ ous encounter of the season, but that counts for little at this point of the season. Rupanyup looked its final form, and with the addition of some talent mak ing late-August and September treks from Darwin to the Wimmera, will be a hard ask for either the Kees or Southern Roos at Horsham City Oval in a week’s time. The Panthers were three goals up at quarter time and five goals at half time against the Kees on Saturday – they were 37-points up at the final siren – the six-goal win more than enough for the Panthers to confirm their fullstrength side was always a class above thePerhapsKees. a nervier contest, at first, for the assured punter was the Har row-Balmoral versus Jeparit-Rainbow semi-final at Laharum on Sunday, when an inaccurate Southern Roos al lowed the Storm to grab an early lead with four-straight goals.
Kalkee A Grade netballers were un able to replicate their mid-season win against Laharum during an, at times, tense Horsham District league semi-fi nal at Balmoral on Saturday. Laharum proved themselves an eight-goal better side by the final whistle, but it won’t be lost on Kees supporters their side was only four goals away from leveling a grand-final chance at three-quarter time. But the Demons are through to the last game of the year in 2022 and have left a message for their rivals that they could be poised to take home another league premiership.
Kees to meet Saints for final spot
Pekin said Saturday’s game against the Kees would no doubt be intense early, but their aim was to ‘settle’, put some goals on the board and ‘take some pace out of the game’.
Pekin said centre-half forward Mi chael Close, who tore a posterior-cru cial-ligament during an elimination final against the Swifts the week prior, was unlikely to return to the field if they were able to handle the Kees on Saturday. “He came down awkwardly the oth er week, similar to Jacob Hill who also went down for us that weekend –it was a good day, but it wasn’t in that respect,” he said.
Laharum A Grade coach Erin Mel lington said her players knew it was going to be a competitive game of netball, however they knew they could be confident about a result if they ‘backed each other up’ and played how they knew they could.
“We lost to Kalkee early in the year, and maybe it was an off-week for us then – Caitlin Story went down in jured during that game and that didn’t help us. But we knew if we got a de cent start this time around, we would have extra gears to extend ourselves in the second half,” she said.
The pick of the weather during two weekend days of perfect, mild nearspring football, Sunday’s game did lean back towards the Southern Roos by half time as they kicked five to the Storm’s three behinds.
Southern Roos coach Nick Pekin was composed about his team’s slow start against the Storm and said while it was a ‘brilliant’ day for football after passing through the midst of winter, games were ‘never won in the first“Wequarter’.werejust not there delivering inside 50 and they were a lot more accurate,” he said. “A lot of our shots were from spots we wouldn’t have liked – I missed a couple shots there, too. “I like to think our fitness got us through, we weren’t cramping, and we were feeling good about it all.
“It is an even spread at the top this year and it is good to have a sense of unknown, but people still definitely want to beat us because we have had some strong years on top,” she said.
Pekin said preparation was about re covery, having a normal training week and ‘not getting ahead of ourselves’.
It was a rocky start for the favou rites, who will hope the first quarter next week against the Kees flows a little smoother than it did at the weekend.Butallis well that ends well is a fit ting cliché for the Southern Roos, who booked themselves a preliminary-final spot by the end of the day, perhaps a benchmark for this side’s talent.
“They applied good pressure and it was about riding that, keeping it even across the board.”
“The Kees did lack some of that forward craft against the Panthers,they were blazing away at times - so no doubt they might change their style before Saturday,” he said.
“But ultimately, we want to finish what we started this year. Maybe we had the rough end of the stick with COVID-19 interruptions the past few years. We might have had the chance to have won two more premierships if we could have played. “But finals is an exciting time re gardless and the whole side is eager to relax a little bit this week, watch the match, and then prepare for the followingEdenhope-Apsley,week.” many a punter’s favourite to meet Laharum in the grand final in a week’s time, were sim ply too good for Noradjuha-Quantong at the weekend and had comfortably sealed a victory before three-quarter time on Sunday. The win has the Saints lining up against Kalkee on Saturday for a pre liminary final at Quantong for the league’s standalone knockout final that is sure to draw a big crowd down the Wimmera Highway.
This week: Kalkee v Edenhope-Aps ley at Quantong. Last week: Laharum 43 d Kalkee 35, Edenhope-Apsley 53 d Noradju ha-Quantong 27.

“Thanks to Lois Trimble and all the organisers for running such a great meet.” Lolah Freeland won the sub juniors ahead of Alfie Freeland and Beau Freeland with Tanner Freeland recording the fastest time.
Stawell Amateur Athletic Club members gath ered in Halls Gap on Saturday for the Lois Trim ble King of the Mountain event. Lois has been a valued sponsor for many years and presented the winning sashes to Jess Maffescioni and Nathan Baker.
Libby Price on Country Today Weekdays from noon on
Monaghan king of the mountain
Home-track winner Stawell trainer-driver Jason Ainsworth landed a home-track winner at the meeting with Alf nalma for Horsham owner Shannon Hoffmann. The three-year-old filly gave notice of a forth coming victory with a much-improved effort at Hamilton recently, when finishing in third spot beaten just a neck at long odds and showed it wasn’t a fluke with another solid performance. Ainsworth gave Alfnalma a soft trip behind the leader Khans Creed, for Julian Attard, through out the 1785m journey and she responded with a final dash up along the sprintlane to claim the winner’s cheque. Bellman on track Ararat driver Michael Bellman took out the $7000 Rachael McGrath Gration Pace for Rockbank owner-trainer Albert Cefai with the 11-year-old gelding River Patrol. The old warrior started his racing career in New Zealand back in 2016 and now boasts a record of 198 starts for 13 wins and 66 minor placings – a truly wonderful testament to the endurance of our standardbreds. Win for Sanderson Charlton concession driver Abbey Sanderson landed her 16th winner for the season with Wot didusaaay for Melton trainer Charlie Mizzi in the $9000 David Woodfine Memorial Pace. Sanderson sat three back the pegs for the trip then followed Outback Shadow, Kerryn Man ning, along the sprint lane over the final 100 me tres to claim victory by a neck in a rate of 1:57.3.
SUCCESS: Leon Monaghan won Saturday’s Stawell Amateur Athletic Club event at Halls Gap.
Armstrong trainer Danny O’Brien greet ed the winner’s circle at Melton last week when promising filly Imprincessna talie led from go to whoa in the $8000 Mi mosa Homes three-year-old pace with Chris Alford in the spider. The daughter of boom entire Sweet Lou, USA, and Group 1 winning broodmare, Glenferrie Shuffle, made it two from two since resuming form a lengthy spell and could well measure up in the rich Breeders Crown and Vicbred contests later in the season. O’Brien does a great job with his team and, now things are drying out somewhat, has brought back a few more from the paddock and put them on the jogger. From 40 starters this season, the stable has posted seven wins, 17.5 percent, with nine minor placings, 40 percent. Imprincessnatalie is raced in partnership by Danny, Sharyn O’Brien, Anthony Lombardi and Kristy McEvoy. Races moved Ararat Harness Racing Club conducted its nine-race program at Laidlaw Park, Stawell, on August 21 after a late directive from Harness Racing Victoria, pending an assessment of the Ararat precinct. “While disappointing not to race at home, the meeting went ahead with great co-operation between the two clubs and wonderful assistance from the Stawell personnel,” Ararat secretary Mark Percival said. Results on the day were somewhat unusual in that no trainer or driver recorded a multiple victory, so the spoils were shared far and wide.
“Our fundraising efforts for the oncology ward at Ararat hospital realised $5000 and we still have our Trivia Night on September 17 to go. There are still tables available to chip in for the cause; bookings with Brooke Hansen on 0417 510Raffle334.”results were drawn at Stawell with the Rich River Golf Club accommodation package going to E. Teal, Ararat Ford Car Service Vouch er winner was Jenny Hopper and Ararat and St awell Chiropractic voucher went to Lillian Illes. Stable raffle winners were Julie Brimacombe and Team Barker.
The promising young reinswoman hopes to make it back-to-back with the five-year-old geld ing at Maryborough on Monday. Ararat success Ararat Harness Racing Club volunteer Sharyn Ralph reported: “What a big day at our meeting at Stawell on Sunday. We had nine races and each of the winners took home a beautiful in scribed rug.
Manning combination Veteran Great Western horseman Peter Man ning combined with daughter Kerryn to take out the $7000 All In 1 Cleaning two-year-old pace with bay gelding Cheerstoyou. After successfully fending off an early chal lenge for the lead from James Herbertson aboard the $1.75 favourite Whos Watching Lily, Kerryn steadied her charge and maintained a steady tem po throughout the 1785m contest. Successive quarters of 30 seconds saw Cheerstoyou prove much too strong for his rivals over the final stages, scoring by eight metres in a rate ofThe1:59.4.son of Sweet Lou, USA, and the unraced Bettors Delight mare Murganella is owned by Peter’s longtime stable supporters, Cormac Rac ing.
Page 68 Wednesday, August 31,
The penultimate event of the season is the Community Axis five-kilometre Big Hill Handi cap on Saturday, with registrations from 9.30am.
Leon Monaghan won the event after handicaps were applied. “I try to run five kilometres, three times a week. I enjoy the SAAC runs just as much for the social catch-up as for improving my fitness,” he said. “I’m looking forward to doing some park runs over the next few months.

Page 69Wednesday, August 31, 2022 sPortBrought to you by Our friendly reception team Available Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm 5382 1351 your home of football Scan to listen live Bringing AFL to you the shirtfront 8am-10am EVERY SATURDAY
Good finals weather across the weekend saw quality football from all Mininera and District league teams. The weekend’s games saw Tatyoon advance straight to the grand final with a win against Ararat Eagles, and Lismore-Derrinallum bow out of the finals race after losing to Woorndoo-Mortlake.
PUSHING ON: Ararat’s Ben Robertson tackles Tyler Tatyoon,Cronin,duringaqualifying final at CARRACHERPicture:Willaura.PAUL
Ararat Eagles were undefeated for the 2022 season until the weekend and got a harsh lesson in finals football by a team who have been there time and time again, spanning decades. Both the Eagles and Tatyoon played hard, attacking the football from the first bounce. The tight tussle meant neither team scored a goal until the dying minutes of the first quarter when Tatyoon managed to get one through. After quarter time, however, the floodgates opened for the Hawks with their run and class outshining the Eagles for the rest of the game. Sean McDougall was instrumental in the win for Taty, along with coach Zac Tunbridge coming strongly off the backline, teaming up with James Shanhun, Sam Phillips and Andy Maconachie – it seemed the Hawks had plenty in reserve. Although the Eagles put in a solid effort in the first and last quarters, they will take plenty of lessons from the loss and come back even stron ger ready for this weekend’s contest against Woorndoo-Mortlake.
Naish McRoberts, Ben Robertson, Zac Jenkins, Damian Joiner, Jaydo Wright and Nick Dunford led the way – all being players who have featured heavily in the best all year. But as they found out, it will take a lift from players across the board to continue their finals run. Woorn doo-Mortlake finished the season fourth and have had to play an elimination final each week so far – and they are showing no signs of stopping. With a 10-goal win in the first week and a seven-goal win last week against Lismore-Derrinallum, the Tigers are out to get the flag they missed out on last year due to COVID shutting down the finals.
The Eagles had passages of play in patches on Saturday, showing the league why they finished minor premiers.
Eagles grounded by Tatyoon
OPPORTUNITY: Ararat Eagles shooter Brooke Williamson looks to pass during Saturday’s second semi-final clash against Tatyoon. Tatyoon was too strong for the Eagles, with final scores 54-36.
more photographs go to
With Tigers Hayden Templeton, Damian Pemberton and Liam Cam eron all having an outstanding fi nals series, and teaming up with forwards Matthew Pemberton and Grant Cameron who have kicked eight and five goals respectively in the first two finals, neither team will want to take this week lightly. In other games, in the prelimi nary final at Penshurst this Saturday, Glenthompson-Dunkeld play Ararat Eagles in the reserves to see who will go through and play Tatyoon in the grand final. In the under-16.5s it is Caram ut and Hawkesdale-Macarthur who will play for a spot in the grand final against Penshurst.
McRobertsNaish For

• Minimum 2 year working in a similar role (desirable)
Page 70 Wednesday, August 31, sPort Give Tim a ring on 0419 582 114 or call in on the Western Hwy, Stawell Suppliers & installers of Phone (03) 5381 6200 You want the best... choose Skillinvest! To apply for these jobs visit BOARD Placing the right people in the right organisations Skillinvest is a Registered Training Organisation – RTO Code 4192 DATA Farm Manager @ Longerenong Ag College Location: Dooen, Closing date: September 5, 2022 Skills and Experience • Valid TAE40116- Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (or prepared to obtain) and qualifications or experience in Agricultural precision technology, farming, and/or Agriculture • Demonstrated knowledge in broadacre cropping and precision agriculture • High level of interpersonal and communication skills • Minimum 3 years relevant and current industry experience • Current driver’s licence and reliable transport for travel • Bus Licence (desirable) • Employee Working with Children Check • Police Check For more information contact Avril Hogan via email at Shed Builder/Labourer Location: Horsham, Closing date: September 13, 2022 Duties Erect and assemble small domestic sheds to large commercial sheds Follow plans to ensure company processes and procedures are upheld Fabricate and manufacture metal parts for later assembly Skills and Experience Prior experience in construction or welding High Risk experience and licenses an advantage Ability to stand, crouch, and occasionally lift heavy equipment Building Plan reading and knowledge of common construction practices Please contact Chris Barber on 0427 346 655 for a confidential discussion. Business Administration Traineeship – Great Western Location: Great Western, Closing date: September 6, 2022 Requirements • Great customer service and phone communication • General knowledge of administration procedures • Excellent communication skills • Adequate keyboard skills to enable efficient data entry • Google suite • Willingness to commit to work and study • Flexible workplace, opportunity to work remotely part time (negotiable) • Current driver’s licence and reliable transport (desirable) • Evidence of covid-19 vaccination certificates may be required For more information contact Shane Cross on 0418 564 890. WH&S Coordinator – Longerenong College Location: Dooen, Closing date: September 6, 2022 Skills & Experience Professional attitude and presentation • Ability to follow established protocols and procedures Self-motivated and driven • Ability to be flexible and multitask • Minimum 3 year working in a similar role (desirable) Ability to implement rules and policies in a collaborative manner Ability to exercise initiative where required • Current Drivers Licence • Employee Working with Children and Police Check For more information contact Avril Hogan via email at Multiple Canola Field Workers Required – Horsham Location: Horsham, Closing date: ASAP Duties • Set up/install tent and cage poles, frames and joiners in paddock Placing covers over tent/cage frames • Removing tent/cage covers at the end of each shift Bagging Pupae Pollinators • Other duties as required Please contact Nathan Keel on 0408 109 324 for more information. Residential Caretaker – Longerenong Location: Dooen, Closing date: ASAP The candidate will live within the Student Residences during each duty period and has responsibility for the security and orderly conduct of the Residence in rostered periods of duty and for informal mentoring and pastoral care of the resident students, visitors and visiting groups. Skills & Experience • Demonstrated qualities as being dependable, honest and a genuine care for others • Ability to relate to others from diverse backgrounds
Nuggets on a roll
at for
and Police Check Please contact Avril
• Employee Working with Children Hogan more
• Ability to be flexible and multitask First Aid Level II (desirable)
LEADING THE PACK: Wimmera Mallee boundary umpire Jahryn McGrath, centre, leads the umpiring team of Patrick Van Dyk, Andrew Byewater, Jackson Walsgott, Sailor Knorpp and Josh Lloyd onto the ground in the first week of Wimmera football finals. This is the first chance Wimmera Mallee umpires have had to umpire finals in three years, with several making finals debuts this season. Wimmera Mallee umpires will supply three field, four boundary, two goal and one emergency umpire for each final.
Disappointing end for Rebels
BY DAVID BERRY Hellenic Nuggets will be out spoil Phantoms’ finals party when the two clash in the standout game of round six of Volleyball Horsham’s A Grade competition tonight. Hellenic Nuggets are in good form, having made short work of Tsunami last week. Phantoms were right in the con test last week against Rangers but could not seal the deal when it counted most at the business end of each set, eventually going down in straight sets, and dropping to the bottom of the ladder. Hellenic Nuggets have left off where they finished the summer season and have integrated Tory Chapple and Noah Brennan into their team perfectly. Their strong blocking and never-say-die atti tude in defence is the cornerstone of the Nuggets’ play. Phantoms have been in every game they have played so far this season, but are not finishing sets as strong as they are starting, let ting their opposition in at the busi ness end, resulting in close losses. Nuggets are cruising along nice ly and will only get stronger as they unveil a returning big-name recruit next week. The second game sees Heidelberg doing battle againstHeidelbergRangers.comes off a bye, so should be fresh and keen to go, while Rangers found some form last week in their win against Phantoms. Jake Myerscough and James Da vidson are benefitting from Na than Berry’s setting and have set tled in well, while Molly Hobbs is playing well for Heidelberg. Berry’s match-up against big-hitting Jack Exell will be worth watching, while Davidson and Myerscough will need to keep Ryan Spruyt quiet. Undefeated In A Reserve, the battle between the two undefeated teams in Hei delberg and Blockbusters is the must-see match for this grade. Rohan Sanders has his team playing well, with Sam Peachey and Tom Milbourne key contrib utors. Heidelberg will have to use its experience in order to get over their younger opponents. Von Steiger Shadows find them selves in unfamiliar territory at the bottom end of the table, after dropping their last game against Waterhammers by one point. A loss tonight to Mark Block’s Blockparty will send Von Steiger Shadows tumbling out of the four, so this game promises plenty. Adam Harrison and Leigh Crea sey are flying the flag for Von Steiger Shadows each week, with Harrison consistent in defence and on attack, while Creasey keeps the opposition on its toes with his clever placement in attack. Blockparty is slowly hitting its straps and has Maddie McQueen setting well and Daniel Taylor a threat at the net. All it is waiting for is Block to let loose, and it will be a danger team. Members are reminded there is still time to register for the Vipers Junior training camp this week end. The camp is aimed at junior members aged 14 to 18, with three sessions at St Brigid’s College sta dium in Horsham – Saturday from noon to 2pm and 3pm to 5pm with the final session on Sunday between 10am and noon. As an added bonus the Vipers will take on Phantoms premier men’s team in a full-scale practice match on Saturday night from 6pm.Both teams are preparing for bigger things in the next month, with the Vipers getting ready for the start of the National League season while the Phantoms men have the National Club Champi onships in Bendigo as their goal.
A four-point loss has taken Greater Western Victoria Rebels out of NAB League finals contention in 2022. The wildcard round saw the Rebels take on Northern Knights for the chance to progress to the first round of elimination finals. Teams from fourth to 13th faced off in the wildcard round to play finals at Mars Stadi um at the weekend. A highly competitive game had both teams taking the lead at different times, and a goal in the final eight minutes by the Knights saw them win by four points. Horsham Saints’ Joel Freijah had 15 dis posals and kicked one point for the game. Horsham Demons’ Brody Pope had eight disposals. The final score was Rebels 11.8 (74) de feated by Knights 11.12 (78).
• Qualifications in Social Work/Youth Work/Community Living (preferred)

Dellar Medal count livestreamed
Saints junior
BY ABBY WALTER Horsham Saints junior netballers and football ers topped four best-andfairest counts on Monday in the Wimmera Football Netball League. Horsham Saints’ 17-and-un der netballers Rori Marsh man and Jorja Clode, un der-14 footballer Jack Henry, 15-and-under netballer Maddi son Bethune and 13-and-under netballer Lena Marshman are 2022 best-and-fairest winners. Marshman and Clode were joint winners with 17 votes, taking out four best-on-court performances each for the sea son, along with two rounds of two votes and one round of one vote. They snagged the win by one vote over Horsham Demons’ Eva Manserra who came run ner-up with 16 votes. The under-17 football bestand-fairest winner was Horsh am Demons’ Zac Smith with 17 votes. Smith polled five best-ongrounds and received two votes in one other round. Runner-up was Ararat’s Son ny Kettle with 12 votes. Bethune was joint 15-and-un der netball best-and-fairest with Lauren Clyne from War rack Eagles with 30 votes. Both netballers polled eight best-on-court performances, with Bethune adding three rounds of two votes to her tally and Clyne adding two rounds of two votes and two rounds of one vote to take the win. Runner-up was Gemma Frei jah from Horsham Saints with 22Invotes.theunder-14 football Hen ry polled in every round for the season, with 12 best-ongrounds votes. His total tally wasRunner-up42. was Ararat’s Reg gie Jenkins with 36 votes. Marshman won the 13-and-under netball with 32 votes. She polled nine best on court performances and three one vote performances for the season. Runner-up was Sienna Manserra from Horsham De mons with 24 votes.
vote count
ACE Radio Horsham con tent director Adam Roche of 3WM Afternoons and The Shirtfront’s and Local Football Live, Grant Kuchel, will host the event. Mr Roche said people could listen live on 1089 3WM in most parts of the region, or 96.1 3WM FM in Ararat. Peo ple can also livestream the count via The Weekly Advertis er’s YouTube channel. “Given the situation last year, we worked closely with the league to ensure they could still have a vote count, despite not having finals,” he said. “This year, we, just like the clubs, players and supporters, are thrilled that not only have we had a full season; but have had one of such a standard. “We’re delighted to bring the vote count live on air and any where in the world via a digital live stream. “I will have to get the tux out of the wardrobe.”
The full home-and-away season of the senior football and A Grade netball will be counted, along with some addi tional awards. Results of other senior grades will be avail able via the league’s Facebook page.
JorjaandClode Rori Marshman
The Weekly Advertiser and ra dio station 1089 3WM will host the Horsham District league’s Dellar Medal count on Monday night. People can listen to the Del lar Medal count for the senior football best-and-fairest, and the A Grade netball best-andfairest award, via a live radio broadcast or watch via digital stream from 8pm. It is the second year of the revised format – introduced in 2021 due to restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic and group gatherings.
Page 71Wednesday, August 31, 2022 sPortBrought to you by 18-20 Pynsent Street, Horsham • Ph: 03 5382 3823 Need an electrican? See • Sports injuries • Heel pain • Fractures • Children’s feet • Ankle injuries • Dry needling • Foot mobilisation therapy • Shockwave therapy • 3D printed orthotics 22 Pynsent Street Horsham Opposite Horsham Centre Cinema Locally owned & operated • Over 35 yrs combined Contact us today on 5382 0540 Dr Kate Torpey B. Hlth. Sci (Pod) M. APodA (Podiatrist) Dr Loretta Howe B. Pod, M. (Podiatrist)APodA Dr Gemma Morgan B.AppSc & M. (Podiatrist)PodPrac Dr Lachlan Vider B. Pod, M. (Podiatrist)APodA The PODIATRISTSLEADINGfor foot & ankle care in Horsham The Wimmera’s Email:27ADVENTURElargestStoreHamiltonHighway, Buy from the guys who actually shoot & fish Licence 833-520-20FNo.: Ph: 5382 2248 New Freshwater Rods DigicamKingSingleSwags New Infeet Kodachi Lures SAVAGE RASCAL 22RF $380 COMING SOON

Horsham’s Deek Roberts kept his focus in and around the ball during his team’s 37-point victory against Dimboola in a Wimmera league elimination final, despite pressure from Roos opponents, including Scott Polycarpou, above. The Demons are now preparing to face Stawell at Ararat in Sunday’s first semi-final, while the Roos are eliminated from the race. Ararat and Minyip-Murtoa meet on Saturday for a direct chance at a grand final berth. Story, page 66.
Page 72 Wednesday, August 31, sPort Vol. 25 No. 9 Wednesday, August 31, 2022
DemonsDeek’sdeliver Ends 18/10/22. Full terms:

ADVERTISEMENT Vol. 18 No. 27 FREE PUBLICATION Wednesday, January 13, 2016Vol. 25 No. 9 A FREE PUBLICATION FROM YOUR LOCAL RADIO STATIONS 3WM AND MIXXFM Wednesday, August 31, 2022 SPECIALS AVAILABLE FROM 29/08/22 TO 11/09/22 Cellarbrations supports the responsible service and consumption of alcohol. Retail quantities only. No trade supplied. Limits apply. Cash and carry only. Prices include GST where applicable. Tobacco & Alcohol not sold to under 18’s. Images for advertising purpose only. CELLARBRATIONS AT HORSHAM SUPERSTORE 21-23 WILSON STREET, HORSHAM STURQUHARTSTFUIREBRACEOCALLAGHANSPDEPYNSENT ST HWYHENTYWIMMERA HWY HAMILTON ST CheersDadto d Penfolds Bin 389 Cabernet Shiraz PenfoldsRangeMax’s Penfolds Bin 28 Shiraz Penfolds Father 10YO Grand Tawny Starward Two Fold Whisky Glen Grant Arboralis Scotch Whisky Monkey Shoulder Scotch Whisky Aberlour 12YO Scotch Whisky $ 95ea 700ml $ 66ea 700ml $ 55ea 700ml $ 56ea 700ml $ 90ea 700ml Morris Signature Malt Whisky $ 80ea 700ml Jack Daniel’s Bonded Bourbon Whiskey Patrick of Coonawarra Two Blocks Range 2 for $ 50 750ml McWilliam’s Hanwood Grand Tawny $ 25ea 750ml Dadthebestfor D Dadthebestfor D Dadthebestfor D Dadthebestfor D $ 90ea 750ml $ 25ea 750ml $ 35ea 750ml $ 45ea 750ml

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