Supporting the effective use of ICT across the primary curriculum
Mathematics Year 4: The Python’s tail Introduction: This lesson is about number grids and problem solving. It is an investigation into the relationship between different numbers on a 10 x 10 number grid. There are 9 different grids which can be selected and some of these can be used in different orientations on the screen. ‘Start’ begins a new game and/or changes the orientation of the grid. Clicking on the ‘Monty’ button will make ‘Monty’ python appear or he will appear automatically after a set time. ‘Monty’ then starts to move around the screen. After a number of seconds or when the mouse is clicked ‘Monty’ will stop and a number clue will be displayed on his back. The children have to determine which numbers are being concealed by the rest of Monty’s body. Resources • One PC and a data projector for whole class work • Children will need paper and pencil to help them note the key features of any grid. Ideally they should have a sheet with several blank 10 x10 grids marked on it that they can use as a notepad. • The lesson uses a program that can be downloaded from: • Click on Teaching Resources and in the menu box on the left hand side of the screen enter Mathematics as the subject (don’t enter anything in the other two choices). After clicking on Go a new page will be displayed. Scroll down until you find Monty and then download the zipped file (this is a one-off operation). When you have unzipped the program click on ‘index’ to run it and/or ‘help’ to get instructions Previous learning • The ability to add and subtract with numbers up to at least 100 • An understanding of different number patterns. Learning Objectives • To understand the relationship between different numbers • To hypothesise where different numbers might lie on the number grid • To perform mental calculations based on their understanding of how the number grid is formed. What to do This is a class lesson that works well when the program is displayed on an interactive whiteboard. The teacher can set a number of parameters; namely choosing which grid to work with and how long (in seconds) to display the grid for before it disappears. The grids vary in difficulty from a conventional 10 x 10 number grid to one where the numbers commence at a central location and then spiral outwards, increasing by either a 1 or a 3. The children should each have a blank 10 x 10 grid in front of them (in fact several of them). When the grid is displayed on the screen, they should copy the key features onto one of their number grids. They will not have time to copy the whole grid so they have to decide what the key information is that they need to note. For example, even with a conventional 10 x 10 grid the number 1 may not appear in the top left hand corner – it may equally be in the bottom right. Once the numbers have disappeared, the snake (Monty) begins to prowl the grid randomly. He will eventually stop (or clicking the mouse button has the same effect). One of the grid numbers that Monty is lying on top of will be displayed. The children have to guess the other 6 numbers. The key to a successful lesson is to ensure that the children articulate the reason for each answer that they give before typing it in. The teacher could ascertain whether there is a consensus view from the rest of the class first. If it is a ‘false’ number it will still be displayed on the grid and will provide the children with a further clue as to how the numbers are distributed. Differentiation There are a number of ways of extending this activity.
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Maths Y4: The Python’s tail June 2008
The program contains 9 different grids, each of which may be displayed in different orientations. There is sufficient challenge to test even the most able Key Stage 2 children. The spiral grids are quite hard, particularly if the teacher leaves Monty parked on the perimeter squares rather than near the centre. It is not an ideal program for children to use on their own; there is too much scope for cheating. However a group of 3 or 4 children working with the classroom assistant would be a very good arrangement. The role of ICT The computer generates different number grids very quickly and displays and hides the grids with ease. The way that Monty slides randomly across the grid could not easily be achieved by any other method. This is a novel and engaging approach to working with number grids; children will work quickly and enthusiastically. It is very easy to increase the difficulty level of the task. It is a dynamic and stimulating program in the hands of a good teacher. Follow-up suggestions As this is a class activity it is not easy to differentiate the task, although if children are working in pairs with the classroom assistant, then they can work on the easier/harder grids and they can study the grids initially for a longer/shorter time (depending on ability). Weaker children will need help in identifying key features of the grid. For example: • What is the smallest number? • Where is it located? • How much bigger is the number above/below it? • How much bigger is the number to the left/right of it? Assessment The children should consider the difference between a random approach and an approach based around a systematic method. If the grid is kept constant does the problem become easier with practice? The children should also be encouraged to explain what strategy they have adopted for solving the problem – can they get all seven numbers without any ‘false’ ones appearing. Can they learn to solve the problem without resorting to making notes on the paper grids in front of them? Weblinks Monty downloadable from the Standards Site
This lesson idea was first published as part of the Becta Direct2U subscription service for teachers, (c) Becta, 2005-2006
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Maths Y4: The Python’s tail June 2008