Child Protection Liaison Teacher/Officer Role The Child Protection Liaison Teacher/Officer (CPLT/O) must be a senior member of the leadership team. They have a legal responsibility for dealing with child protection issues, providing advice and support to other staff, liaising with the Local Authority, and working with other agencies. The CPLT/O need not be a teacher but must have the status and authority within the management structure to carry out the duties of the post. A Deputy (or more than one in some educational settings) should be available to act in the CPLT/O’s absence. This person must be in a post with some child assessment duties attached to it, i.e. support worker, teacher etc.
Broad areas of responsibility: o Refer allegations or cases of suspected abuse to the relevant investigating agencies o A source of support, advice & expertise within the educational establishment o Liaise with the Head Teacher to inform of any issues and ongoing investigations and to ensure there is cover for this role Training: o To recognise how to identify signs of abuse and when to make a referral o Have a working knowledge of how local Safeguarding Children Boards operate o Understand the conduct of a child protection conference and be able to attend and contribute effectively o Ensure all staff have access to and understand the school safeguarding policy Version 5, September 2010
o Ensure all staff have safeguarding induction and are able to recognise and report any concerns immediately o Be able to keep detailed and accurate secure written records of referrals/concerns o Obtain access to resources and attend any relevant or refresher training at least every two years Raising awareness: o Ensure your safeguarding policy is updated and reviewed annually (you can refer to the documents on the Safeguarding Sheffield Children website, Education section, as your setting safeguarding policy). For more information go to the Ofsted statement o Ensure parents see copies of the safeguarding policy to avoid potential conflict later o When children or young people move, to ensure their safeguarding file is sent to the new establishment immediately (for more details about recording and moving files, see link below).
Useful links/resources: o Working Together to Safeguard Children, DCSF 2010, p77 at: Function=productdetails&PageMode=publication s&ProductId=DCSF-00305-2010 o Safeguarding Children and Safer
Recruitment in Education, DfES 2006 at: ownload/Final%206836-SafeGuard. Chd%20bkmk.pdf o Record Keeping and the Transfer of Files,
Sept 10