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First Aid & Medicines Health and safety legislation places duties on all employers to ensure appropriate health & safety polices & equipment are in place & an appropriate person appointed to take charge of firstaid arrangements. Any employee may volunteer for this task but it is not a contractual requirement & appropriate training should be given before an individual takes on this role. Where children need medication regularly a health care plan should be drawn up to ensure the safety and protection of pupils and staff. With the permission of parents, children should be encouraged to self administer e.g. any ointment, sun cream or use of inhalers. If staff are concerned or uncertain about the medication being given to a pupil, discuss with

Useful web links/resources: o First Aid for Schools at: www.teachernet.gov.uk/wholeschool/healthands afety/firstaid/

o Managing Medicines in Schools and Early Years Settings, DfES 2007, at: http://publications.teachernet.gov.uk/default.asp x?PageFunction=productdetails&PageMode=pu blications&ProductId=DFES-1448-2005& o "The Management and Control of

Infectious Diseases Manual for Schools, Nurseries & Youth Services in South Yorkshire" 2006, can be obtained from Health Protection on 0114 2428858.

Version 5, September 2010

All education settings must: • Have effective first aid and administering medicines policies • Ensure staff understand the limitations of their role in basic care and hygiene tasks • Keep up to date details of parents & other nominated emergency contacts for the child • Obtain prior written permission to administer each medicine from parents • Only accept medicines prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist on site • Comply with the necessary reporting requirements • Explain to the child what is happening and always act in the child’s best interests • Have as many trained emergency/first aiders on site as possible at all times • That another adult is present or aware when first aid/medication is given. If the administration of any medicine requires technical/medical knowledge, then individual, child specific training must be provided for staff from a qualified health professional. Where a child or young person requires a serious level of care, including hospital: Inform parents/carers or the nominated emergency contact for the child immediately A member of staff will accompany the child until such time as a parent/carer arrives The staff member should provide information about the injury/illness and the child’s medical background to the nurse/doctor www.safeguardingsheffieldchildren.org.uk

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