Year 1 News Autumn Term 2 Welcome back after the half term break! This half term is going to be busy, busy, busy! Our overall theme is Light and Dark. For the next month we will be focusing upon Space. We will explore the moon, the sun and the different planets! We will also be doing science work and inves-
tigations around light sources, reflection and shiny and dull objects.
create their own versions of the story and be imaginative!
This theme of light will also link in with work we will be doing on Bonfire night and Christmas. The story we will be focussing on this half term will be Cinderella and we will also be learning the oral story of Whatever Next which will allow the children to
Ecclesfield Library visits are scheduled for: Y1EH— 7.11.11 Y1HC—21.11.11
part of Anti-Bullying Week (week beginning 14.11.2011). This year’s national theme is ‘Stop and think—words can hurt’. On Friday 18th November we are encouraging children to come dressed in blue outfits for the day to raise the profile of anti-
Volume 1, Issue 2
November—December 2011
Special points of interest: ☺ Assembly days for Y1 this term are : ☺ Y1EH Class Assembly: Wednesday 16.11.2011 ☺ Praise Assembly—Tuesday at 2.35pm. We will let you know if your child is in Praise Assembly ☺ INSET DAY—8.11.2011. ☺ Christmas parties will take place one afternoon in the last week of this half term. Further details will be given closer to the time. ☺ Christmas plays– 7.12.2011 9.30am. 8.12.2011 2pm.
Inside this issue:
SEAL—Getting On and Falling Out Our SEAL topic this half term is Getting On and Falling Out. We want to encourage children in our school to form positive relationships with each other and think about what makes a good friend. This will link closely with the work that we will be doing as
Monteney Primary School
bullying in school. We are asking for a £1 donation to take part and this will be donated to an online anti-bullying charity called ‘Cybermentors’. There will be some prizes given out for best dressed children.
This term
SEAL theme
Assembly days
Creative project
PE reminder
Monteney Primary School Monteney Primary School Monteney Crescent Sheffield S5 9DN
Please can we remind you that if your child wears earrings then you must ensure that they are removed or that you provide your child with tape/ plasters to cover them.
Phone: 0114 2467916 Fax: 0114 2467965 Email: Website: http://
We have noted that some children have complained that their PE pumps are starting to feel tight, please could you ensure that your child brings pumps that fit.
s nner i D l o . Scho r day e p 8 £1.9
Homework this half term We will continue to send out spelling quiz words each week for a spelling quiz the following Monday. We expect all children to practise learning these words at home in time for the quiz. Please check your child’s blue bag at the end of Friday for their homework sheet. You will receive a paper copy of the results on Monday night! Our Numeracy targets this half term are;
Knowing the doubles of a given number to 5 (or to 10 if possible).
Counting in various steps (2’s to 20, 5’s to 50 and 10’s to 100). Dependant upon ability your child may be able to continue these counting patterns further.
We are also consolidating last half terms target of number bonds to 10. Creative Project!!!!
See if you can build a space rocket at home out of any materials you can find! Bring them into school and we will have time for you to show your models to the rest of the class!!!