autumn y4 2011

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Year 4 News Autumn Term 2 This half term the children will be undertaking project based work on the author Roald Dahl. In Literacy we are learning about the different features and techniques that can be used to make a story interesting for the reader. This will include looking at writing exciting opening sentences that will immediately engage the reader and how to leave the reader in suspense.

In Numeracy we will be revising the 6x and 7x tables, learning how to tell the time and read timetables, solving money and real-life problems, exploring fractions and looking at calculations using the 4 operations. In PE the pupils will continue their work on expressive movement in Dance and learning Gymnastic skills.

“Keeping Warm” (Exploring different materials and looking at thermal insulators and conductors). In Art & DT we will be concentrating on illustrating and making popup story books, Christmas cards and calendars. In RE we are learning about the meaning of Christmas to Christians and exploring other religious festivals worldwide.

In Science we will be learning about

SEAL news This half-term our SEAL theme is “Getting On and Falling Out”. This theme focuses on empathy, managing

feelings and social skills. Children will learn a range of strategies on how to handle anger and develop self-control.

Monteney Primary School Volume 1, Issue 2 November—December 11

Special points of interest: Praise Assembly—Friday at 8:55am. We will let you know if your child is in Praise Assembly Y4CD Class Assembly— Wednesday 9th November Christmas Performances— week beginning 12th December 2011

Inside this issue: This term


SEAL news


Assembly days Christmas info.


School Information




Contacting the Y4 team


Monteney Primary School

Firstly, a big “Thank you” to parents of all the children that took part in the home topic project on The Romans.

Monteney Primary School Monteney Crescent Sheffield S5 9DN Phone: 0114 2467916 Fax: 0114 2467965 Email: enquiries@monteney.sheffield.sch.u

Please let us know if you would like any more information on the newsletter. If you have any concerns about your child or any issues in the year group please do not hesitate to contact any one of the Y4 team at school.

Website: http://

The Y4 team @ Monteney are Mr Murch, Miss Devey & Mrs Mellor

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We hope you have found this second edition of the Y4 Class News helpful.

Homework this half term Reading. Your child should be reading to you at least 20 minutes per night when they get to Y4. Please make sure they complete their reading record every night.

How else can you support your child’s learning this half term? Working with your child on the following activities will help them in their learning. •

Counting forwards and backwards in 6s and 7s

Finding out more about the author Roald Dahl using books and the Internet.

Maths, Literacy and Science

Maths, literacy and science homework will be on Education City. Please ensure that your child completes at least one task for each of these subjects per week.

Discussing how characters and settings are described in books.

Encouraging your child to read the time on analogue and digital clocks.

Using fractions (half, quarter, three-quarters, whole)

We will check your child’s progress with reading at home and comment in their reading diary every fortnight.

Homework is really important. Please make sure your child does homework set.

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