Welcome to Y5! Autumn term 1 2013
As you will probably be aware, all of our school is using the topic of Narnia for the first 2 weeks back. We will link maths, literacy and creative curriculum time to the topic. It’s only been a few days, but we’ve had fun so far, finding Narnia characters on co-ordinate grids, creating maps and hunting around our school to find and mark Narnia characters on our maps, as well as practising calligraphy Narnia-style writing. We hope you like our Narnia-Monteney school as much as we do!
WWII After Narnia, we will study one of our favourite creative topics. We will be finding out what it was like to live during the war years, both in cities and the countryside. We have a WWII visitor who will come into school, dressed as a WW2 soldier on Monday 7th October. He will work with the children to explore the war in more detail, bringing WW2 artefacts into school. It should be a fun, hands-on experience. More information will be sent home soon.
WW2 WORDS Can you find out what any of these words mean…? Allies Air-raid Blitz Evacuee Rationing Shelter Blackout Propaganda
We will continue to learn how to work out maths operations, as well as making maths interactive, learning both inside and outside the classroom. We will also be encouraging children to continue with the exciting education cities games online to support them in their learning.
P.E. We think ‘writing rocks ‘ and reading is ace. We will work hard this year to improve our grammar and become super spellers! Each week. The children will have a small set of spellings to learn. We will work with the children to develop strategies to remember spellings and promote a love for literacy!
This half term in PE we will be doing: Basketball Benchball
IMPORTANT NOTE… Now we are beginning a new school year please make sure that your child has the correct P.E. kit here everyday. This includes a plain white/blue Tshirt, plain black/blue shorts and black pumps. Children CAN NOT wear the same tshirt/shoes they wear as their school uniform.
Science In science this half term our topic will be ‘Changing Sounds’. We will be investigating how different sounds are made and what goes on inside our ears. We will find out how music is made and understand how to alter pitch and volume. We will use an oscilloscope to measure sound waves and investigate different areas of the school to look at how echoes are made and how we can make rooms sound-proof.
Y5KO’s class assembly Wednesday 2nd October (8.55am) School closes for half term Friday 25th October
Dates for your diary
School reopens for children Monday 4th November