Year 4 Summer newsletter! Alice in Wonderland.
Homework update.
We are so excited to be starting our new theme ‘Alice in Wonderland.’ We have got lots of exciting projects planned and we are really looking forward to showing you our learning in our final exhibition. We are also really looking forward too seeing some of the creative home l earning projects children will create! We know from some of our USA projects that home learning is something that the children in Y4 really enjoy!
Homework will continue to be posted onto Google Classroom every Friday and will continue to be due in the following Friday. Children who do not have internet access can use paper to complete homework. There is also a homework club after school every Monday for children to attend with a parent, and ICT club every Wednesday lunch time. Google classroom is accessible on tablets and mobile devices as an app.
Reading Reminder. Mornings in Year 4. This half term we will be having a big focus on independence as children prepare to transition into Y5! We are therefore asking parents and carers not to come into class in a morning unless you need to speak to your child’s class teacher. We want the children to be as ready as possible for year 5 and developing their independence and making sure they are ready to learn independently
As well as the weekly literacy and numeracy homework, children should also be reading for 10 minutes daily. Please support your child in doing this by providing a quiet space for them to read and talking to them about their book.
is a key element of this.
Year group Choices. We cannot believe that is already the time of year when we start thinking about moving on to year 5! We would ask that over the next few weeks that you take time to talk to your child about choosing a friend whose class they would like to be in next year as Y4HC and Y4CP will be mixed for their final 2 years at Monteney. If you have anything you would like your child’s class teacher to be aware of in terms of class splits, please speak to your child’s class teacher ASAP.
Look what else is happening... Swimming update! We are now well into our block of swimming sessions at Concord. Through these sessions the children have been developing a number of skills, strokes and techniques. We are so impressed with the progress everyone is making and cannot wait to see the children flourish further. Please remember that your children will require their swimming kit every Wednesday until the end of the summer term!
Communication Rocks! Our skill for learning this half tem is communication. Over the next six weeks both Miss Pindar and Miss Champion will be looking out for those shining stars who are demonstrating effective use of communication.
Follow our class!
Remember that we will be continuing to use Twitter to keep you informed of all of the
Exhibition success! We would like to take the time to thank you for your support with our Spring ‘Born in the USA’ exhibition. The work produced by the children was fabulous and we were thrilled to be able to share it with you all!
exciting things that
your child has been doing during school! Follow us! @monteneyY4
Ready to learn Are your children ready to learn? Please ensure your children are as prepared for the summer term as possible. Be sure to send your child with a full PE kit for our sessions on Mondays and Fridays! We also welcome the children to bring in a small pencil case if they wish containing pencils, a rubber, sharpener, ruler etc.