IGFL Assessment & Levelling Pack

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Introduction CEA@Islington staff and teachers recognise that assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning in all subjects. A group of primary school ICT Co-ordinators and CEA@Islington staff worked hard to develop this ICT assessment portfolio during 2005 and its use in Islington schools has proved invaluable. We believe in sharing good practice and the CEA@Islington assessment and levelling pack may be copied and adapted for non-profit, educational purposes, providing CEA@Islington copyright is acknowledged. It would be helpful if readers outside of Islington could inform us by email when they use this document. The aim of the pack is to allow Headteachers, ICT coordinators familiarise themselves with the level descriptors and expectation in scheme of work. Having a clearer picture of expectations in each help to improve teaching and learning in ‘discrete’ ICT and in curriculum.

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The pack can be used to develop a school portfolio of ICT work. Developing a portfolio can benefit the school in several ways: • • • •

Shows progression through ICT strands and across year groups. To inform future planning and highlight strengths and weaknesses within the school. Inform secondary schools of attainment in ICT. To support staff in familiarising themselves with the ICT standards of the school.

The current requirements for the Assessment of ICT are: • • • •

Each pupil should have an individual record, which is updated at least once a year. Pupils’ progress is assessed and reported to parents every year. There is no requirement to report on levels at present in ICT at KS1 and KS2. There is a requirement to report levels in ICT at end of KS3 Source: NAACE

Using the pack We have provided a top, middle and bottom example of children’s work for each unit. These pieces of work have then been levelled according to the level descriptors in the National Curriculum for ICT. The level descriptors are differentiated by key words Level 1 is characterised by the use of ICT to explore options and make choices to communicate meaning. Pupils develop familiarity with simple ICT tools. Level 2 is characterised by purposeful use of ICT to achieve specific outcomes. Level 3 is characterised by the use of ICT to develop ideas and solve problems. Level 4 is characterised by the ability to combine and refine information from various sources. Level 5 is characterised by combining the use of ICT tools within the overall structure of an ICT solution. Pupils critically evaluate the fitness for purpose of work as it progresses. Source: ncaction.org.uk At the end of each unit of work, teachers can exemplify achievement of the children in the class by selecting a top, middle and bottom example and use the provided examples to help level the work. We have organized the units by both year group and by strand. Teachers should use the strands in order to help develop a deeper understanding of progression within the ICT curriculum. The strands will also enhance the process of tracking pupil progression in ICT throughout KS1 and KS2. Resources, which were of use when developing the portfolio: www.ncaction.org.uk/subjects/ict/progress.htm www.ncaction.org.uk/subjects/ict/judgmnt.htm www.ict.oxon-lea.gov.uk/portfolio.html http://www.kented.org.uk/ngfl/ict/assessment/

Katy Potts Katy.potts.cea@islington.gov.uk

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