nursery spring

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Nursery News (FS1) Spring Term 1 Welcome back after the Christmas holidays and a warm welcome to all our new parents and children. Our topic this term will be ‘People Who Help Us’. We will be exploring the topic through group discussions, non-fiction and story books and through role play. Many of our children already have a keen interest in firemen or policemen so we will

be developing this interest through role play and visitors to nursery. We will also be looking at the cultures and traditions of the ’Chinese New Year’. For Chinese New Year be turning our role play area into a Chinese Restaurant and sampling Chinese Food. We will learn new songs and make music to dance like a dragon.

ICT@home You can access a range of our favourite websites from home!! Go to our home page — http:// and click on ‘Monty’s Place’, our virtual learning environment for Early Years and Key Stage 1 pupils at Monteney. Just pick up a slip from Nursery with our username and password to access the site.

Monteney Primary School

Visitors to Nursery As part of our topic we would like to invite visitors into nursery to talk to the children about the job they do. We have planned visits from a Police Officer and from our School Crossing Patrol Officer but we would love to have some more. For example: fire service, doctor, nurse, paramedic, shop assistant. If you work in a job in which you help people and would be happy to come into Nursery to tell the children about what you do (or you know someone who does!), please talk to a member of the Nursery Team to arrange a time.

‘WOW’ Stickers We will soon be sending home our ’WOW’ letters and sticker sheet in the next few weeks. A big ‘THANK YOU ‘ to all the parents who have begun to contribute to your child’s profile by returning our ’WOW’ stickers. Please continue to post your stickers in our collection box. Your comments on your child's achievements are appreciated. Extra stickers are available—please see nursery staff if you require any more.

January— February 2012 Special points of interest: •

‘WOW’ stickers—Catch those WOW moments at home and share them in nursery by writing a WOW sticker!

ICT @ home— visit Monty’s Place

Keeping Warm— Outdoor play and suitable clothes.

How to help your child at home— Letters and Sounds

Inside this issue: This term


‘WOW’ Stickers


ICT @ home


Visitors to Nursery 1 How you can help your child at home


Keeping warm outdoors


Wellington Boots


Library Visit


Monteney Primary School Monteney Primary School Monteney Crescent Sheffield S5 9DN Phone: 0114 2467916 Fax: 0114 2467965 Email: Website: http://

Keeping Warm Outdoors Please ensure your child brings their winter coat, hat, scarf and gloves to nursery everyday. Once again, please, please, please make sure these are labelled with your child’s name!

Wellington Boots The children love exploring our woodland area out side. However, this area is very muddy and the children need to wear wellington boots to access this area. Lots of children have a pair of wellington boots in nursery but not all. You can help by ensuring your child has a pair of wellington boots in nursery to enable them to explore the woodland. We also welcome wellington boots that your children have grown out of and no longer use to add to our ’wellie’ box.

Library Visit Wednesday 25th January Once again, Mrs Jones will be visiting the library on Wednesday 25th January at 10am and 1pm. If you would like to join us please see our sign up sheet. Each child will need to be accompanied by an adult and places are limited.

How you can help your child at home Letters and sounds To support the teaching of Communication, Language and Literacy development, we use a phonics teaching programme called Letters and Sounds (*1). This is a play based approach where your child will be learning to: • • • • • • • •

have fun with sounds listen carefully develop their vocabulary speak confidently to you, other adults and other children tune into sounds listen and remember sounds talk about sounds understand that spoken words are made up of different sounds.

Below you will find a list of ideas that will support your child at home as they learn to tune into the sounds around them. ♦ Act out nursery rhymes adding sound effects and actions. For example: There was a crooked man (walk bent over), Humpty Dumpty had a great fall (crash, bang, wallop) This little finger on the right (owww!!!!!) ♦ Give your child a pair of chopsticks or a spoon to take outdoors. Encourage them to explore the area and make different sounds by tapping, hitting or stroking different things. What makes the best sound when they hit it? ♦ Change words of familiar songs/rhymes to suit children’s interests. Baa, baa black sheep have you any jam. Humpty Dumpty sat in a car ♦ Sing songs that require your child to stand up and move about. For example: If you’re happy and you know it, Here we go round the mulberry bush, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Grand Old Duke of York, Roly Poly, See the Little Bunnies Sleeping, Dingle Dangle Scarecrow etc. ♦ Listen to and learn songs / rhymes from a CD. Have a sing along together paying attention to volume (singing not shouting). Do actions where appropriate. What is their favourite? Why? (*1) Letters and Sounds: for further information please see:

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