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Nursery News (FS1) Spring Term 2 Welcome back after the half term holiday. We hope you enjoyed the break. This half term our new topic will be - ‘Books and Authors’. Over the next few weeks will be focusing on a popular children’s author each week beginning with Jez Albrough. We will also be reading books from Nick Sharratt, Eric Carle, Jill Murphy and David Mckee. We will be transforming our role play area into a variety of story set-

tings. The children will be encouraged to act out roles and retell stories as this is important part of their early reading development. We have lots of exciting creative activities planned to link in with the stories such as making moving puppets, designing crowns and princess hats, making book marks and dressing up as our favourite story characters.

Monteney Primary School

‘WOW’ Stickers A big ‘THANK YOU ‘ to all the parents who have begun to contribute to your child’s profile by returning our ’WOW’ stickers. Your comments on your child's achievements are appreciated. Extra stickers are available—please see nursery staff if you require any more.

February April 2012

Special points of interest: •

‘WOW’ stickers—Catch those WOW moments at home and share them in nursery by writing a WOW sticker!

World Book Day—Thursday 1st March

How to help your child at home— Early Reading Skills

Wellington Boots The children love exploring our woodland area out side. However, this area is very muddy and the children need to wear wellington boots to access this area. You can help by ensuring your child has a pair of wellington boots in nursery to enable them to explore the woodland.

World Book Day Thursday 1st March will be World Book Day. Each child will receive a £1.00 book token. This can be exchanged in school for one of several specially produced books. On this day we would also like to invite Parents and carers into nursery for the first half an hour of the session to take part in our book related activities. You and your child will have an opportunity to make book marks, share story sacks and some of our big books, tell us about your favourite book and of course dress up as your favourite book character.

Inside this issue: This term


‘WOW’ Stickers


Wellington Boots


World Book Day


How you can help your child at home


Keeping Warm Outdoors


Alphabet Packs


Monteney Website


Monteney Primary School Monteney Primary School Monteney Crescent Sheffield S5 9DN Phone: 0114 2467916 Fax: 0114 2467965 Email: enquiries@monteney.sheffield.sch.uk website:

How you can help your child at home Early Reading Skills In class we are doing lots of work on early reading skills. Words are made up of syllables. We can clap these syllables to increase our awareness of this. For example, we ask your child to clap the syllables in his/her name, in topic words and the days of the week. With practice, your child will quickly learn that ‘elephant’ has ‘more claps’ than ‘dog’. And their increasing awareness of the sounds will ultimately help them when they begin to read. Hear is a quick guide to help you get started.

How To Hear and Clap Syllables in Words Names on Jumpers Please help us limit the number of lost jumpers by writing or sewing your child’s name into their school Jumpers!

Some words are big and some are small. elephant (3)

cat (1)

frog (1)

bus (1)

turtle (2)

apple (2)

banana (3)

alligator (4)

Some small words have only one part. Say the word and clap your hands one time.

Some words have two parts. Say the word and clap your hands two times.

Keeping Warm Outdoors Please ensure your child brings their coat to Nursery every day! It can still be very cold when playing outside for long periods of time.

Some big words have more parts. Say the word slowly and clap your hands for each part.

Alphabet Packs Did you know we also have a selection of alphabet packs for you to borrow? If your child is beginning to show an interest in letter sounds, and what they look and sound like, you might want to borrow one of our alphabet packs. Maybe you could borrow the initial letter sound of their name to begin with and try to find in their story books, on a packet of breakfast cereal or whilst out shopping.

Missed our last newsletter? You can catch up with all our news by visiting the Monteney website. Just click the ‘Class News Online’ link at http://monteneyelearning.org/ website/monteneyprimary/node/2

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