This Half term, we will be linking a lot of our literacy work in with our brand new topic of the Caribbean. We will be looking at stories from the Caribbean culture called Anansi stories.
P.E. We are still encouraging children to bring their full PE kit each lesson. Exciting news!!-If a class has every child bring full PE kit for a week, then they will earn 10 PIP points for their class!! This half term we will be looking at Caribbean dance and developing Hockey skills.
Immersive classrooms! As a way to engage the children with our topic, the Y5 reading corners will be transformed in to a Caribbean beach scene! The children will be able to dress up and relax on beach towels!
Year 5 Class News Spring Term 2 2013
Creative Caribbean! During last term we had lots of fun finding out about WWII and enjoyed all the exciting activities we took part in3. This term we will be looking at the Caribbean in our topic lessons. We will be learning about the culture, traditions, foods and people of the islands South East of the Gulf of Mexico. We will be doing activities such as map reading, cooking and lots of artwork!
We would like to invite parents in to class to see our reading corners and if you have anything that would help to engage the children’s interest any further please let us know!
Can you find out any fascinating facts about the Caribbean? How many famous people are from the Caribbean?
Reading Rocks at
Science In science we are looking at ‘Earth, Sun and moon This is all about learning about how our solar system works. This half term we also have ’Science Week’ when we will be investigating ideas around a ’Desert Island Disaster’ and having lots of learning fun! We will be looking at building our own escape rafts and testing them on water. So be prepared to get wet!!
Dates for your diary Whole School Science Week
w/c 24th March
Exhibition in Y5: To help enhance our learning we are planning to have an exhibition to showcase all the interesting and exciting projects we will take part in. More details will follow...
Monteney! We are really trying hard in Year 5 to get as many 100% readers as we can! As part of the new house system at Monteney, children can gain house points for recording their reading in their reading diaries. If you read and record every night (Monday to Friday) they can win a house point and win a book of choice for their class.