Year 2 News Spring Term 1... Welcome Back! This half term we are beginning our
In maths we will be working with coins and
creative topic about The Gruffalo. We will be looking at the different story settings and
developing our knowledge of what coins to use and their value. We will also be looking at
subtraction and finding the
In Literacy the pupils will be learning about fictional writing along with looking at a range of narrative texts to support their topic research.
Monteney Primary School Volume 3 Issue 3 January to February 2015
We will also be doing lots of creative work linked to our Gruffalo topic and look forward to receiving a special visitor at the end of January!
Special points of Interest‌ SHINE ASSEMBLY Shine assembly is on Thursday mornings at 8:55am. You will be told if your child is part of this
In PE the pupils will be undertaking
different gymnastic routines and
looking at games skills and strategies.
These will be
PE KITS Please ensure your child has their full PE kit in school at all times.
Home Learning... Please encourage your child to read for 10 minutes each night. If your child has read at home all week and has an updated diary,
they will win a house point.
Monteney web
If you have any queries about ezone please come and see the Y2 team.
activities can also be found on Education City in the ezone2 on our
READING BOOKS: Please encourage your child to change their reading book each morning and fill in their reading diary each evening.
Non Negotiable Targets This year we will be working towards targets called ‘non–negotiables’ that we would like every child to achieve by the end of Y2. Targets we will be particularly focusing on this term are stated below. Reading Can comment on the plot, setting and characters in familiar and unfamiliar stories. Writing Imitate familiar stories by borrowing and adapting structures ; write complete stories with a sustained, logical sequence of events; use past tense and third person consistently; include setting; create characters (include stories from familiar settings, traditional stories and stories by the same author) Maths Recognise coins up to 50p and choose coins to make amounts up to 50p. Understand subtraction as difference.
Creative Projects
Gruffalo Fun!
In line with our development of a more
This half term we have lots of fun packed learning based on our Gruffalo topic.
creative curriculum, the children will be set some homework that they are encouraged to undertake. Time will be set to show the rest of the class their work. Here are some creative activities you may wish to try... *Create a shoe box woodland setting. *leaf collage. *create a woodland maze/ puzzle picture. *Fingerprint woodland animal picture. *woodland poem/story *Powerpoint presentation about favourite woodland animals Home learning can be brought into school for the children to showcase in class during snack-times.
We will be exploring the schools ground and using our Science skills to investigate the environment around us. We will be getting messy with paints, glue and other materials to create some stunning art work we can be proud of. We will also be having a very special vistor in school that will be helping us with our project based learning. Will we be able to help our visitor solve her problem? Monteney Primary School Monteney Crescent Sheffield S5 9DN Phone: 0114 2467916 Fax: 0114 2467965