y3 spr 1

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Year 3 News

Spring Term 1

Monteney Primary School This half term we will be starting our new creative curriculum. Our topic will be


Mums, dads, carers, brothers, sisters, aunties, uncles, grandmas and granddads check out the creative homework

sheet for exciting things you can make & do at home with your child. In maths we will be sorting dinosaurs into categories, comparing sizes, costing a dinosaur themed party & using ‘Top Trump’ cards.

Homework bags are our link between home and school. Please ensure your child comes to school with their homework bag every day. Please check it regularly for letters and homework. Please remember to fill in the reading diary at least three times a week.

In Literacy we will make our own fact files, create stories, poems & Assemblies comic strips. ☺ Praise Assembly— Friday at 8:55am. History, geography, music & P.E. will also have links to dinosaurs. We will try to let you know if your Don’t forget our reading and maths mornings, which take place every child is in Praise Tuesday from 8:35 until 9:10. Please come and support your child in a vaAssembly. riety of reading and maths activities.

YOUR SUPPORT Thank you for your

Remember—there is a bell at 8:45 to remind all children that they should be in the classroom and to remind all parents/carers they need to leave school.

support with homework last half term. Homework will start to be given out again in the coming If you have any concerns weeks. remember you can speak to

the Y3 staff– Mrs Bannister, Miss Brammer homework sheet & check and Mrs Crossland your child's homework between 8.35 and 8.45 am Please read the

bag. If you have any problems, please ask for support.

Thank-you for getting your child to school on time.

If you have anything about dinosaurs that you can lend us we would be grateful. We will be doing lots of creative activities and if any parents/carers feel like coming and joining in any of our lessons please let us know.

Please try and join us Next half terms topic will for our start with bones, teeth & Reading/Maths Morn- eating. ing, every Tuesday (see above)

We all had a brilliant time studying the Ancient Egyptians!!! The homework projects and presentations were fantastic—a big thank you!

Whirlow Hall Farm


The final visit is 26.3.12 As this is half a week the group will be made up of 5 or 6 children from each class. Remember the cost is £35. Please let us know if you have any concerns and return the medical and consent form straight away if you haven't already done so.

SCIENCE This half terms topic is all about ROCKS, soils and FOSSILS. This will also link with our main topic on dinosaurs. • Movements of continents & rock formations • What the earth is made of • Grouping rocks • Tests for hardness & permeability • Soil samples • What are fossils? • How old are they? If you have any collections already please feel free to share them with us.

Mining Museum This half term we will be paying a visit to the National Mining Museum to further our knowledge of rocks and soils. This trip will take place on Wednesday the 8th February. A letter will be sent home to inform you more about this. If you have any questions please speak to the Y3 team.

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Happy New Year to all

If it does snow remember to listen to radio Sheffield for information on school closures.

Monteney Primary School Monteney Primary School Monteney Crescent Sheffield S5 9DN Phone: 0114 2467916 Fax: 0114 2467965 Email: enquiries@monteney.sheffield.sch.u Website: http:// monteney.sheffield.sch.uk

We hope you have found this first edition of the Y2 Class News more informative and it has helped you gain a better understanding of what your child is doing this half term. We will send you an updated version of the newsletter each half term. Please let us know if you would like any more information on the newsletter.

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If you have any concerns about your child or any issues in the year group please do not hesitate to contact any one of the Y2 team at school. The Y2 team @ Monteney.

Homework this half term In another change to how we inform you of what is happening at school we will aim to give homework a clearer focus and to try and timetable it a little more formally so you and your child can know what to expect. Spellings. Your child will be given a set of words to learn to spell. We will also let you know when the children will be tested on these new words.


again we will let you know when they are to be tested on the targets.

Your child should be reading to you at least 10 minutes per night when they get to Other HomeY2. Please enwork. courage them to Inline with our complete their development of a reading booklet more creative and it is imporHomework is really important. curriculum, the tant for us that Please make sure your child children will be does homework set. you also sign set some hometheir books. work that they are enMental Maths. courged to undertake. Time The children will be set their will be set to show the rest mental maths target and of the class their work.

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