Y3 spring 1 2014

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Monteney Primary School

Year 3 News

Spring Term 1

This half-term our topic is “Flipflops and Wellies” a comparision of the coast and the countryside. 

The children will explore coastal erosion, what it looks like, why it occurs, where it takes place

They will be able to compare localities in the countryside (linked to Whirlow) and the coast (linked to field trip to Flamborough), noting similarities and differences

They will use a range of geographical skills and start to understand the terms “physical” and “human” when describing features of a landscape.

As part of this topic will also be finding out the history of light houses.

We would love your child to have a go at a project at home this half term linked to this topic.

Y3 PE Plea! Please ensure that your child has the full PE kit in school and that pumps fit properly.

Assemblies: Wednesday 12th Feb Y3BC Class Assembly 8.55—9.15 a.m.

Reading Rocks! Please encourage your Here are some ideas: child to change their * Design and make a boat * Make a model light house reading book daily * Make a rock pool * Make a model tractor (shorter texts) and read * Design a sand castle * create a countryside scene for at least 5-10 minutes every evening. * Make a model of part of the coast Regular reading will * Write a description of a coastal town you have visited lead to house points * Write a fact-file about things you are likely to find at the and new reading books beach or in the countryside * Draw a map of a coastal town for your child’s class* Write a poem about the seaside room

Important date: Y3 TRIP TO FLAMBOROUGH 16.01.14


Investigating Rocks and Soil This half terms topic is all about ROCKS, soils and FOSSILS. This will also link with our topic. We will explore these themes:  Movements of continents & rock formations  What the earth is made of  Grouping rocks  Tests for hardness & permeability  Soil samples  What are fossils?  How old are they? If you have any collections already please feel free to share them with us.

Whirlow Hall Farm


The final group will visit on 29th—31st January. As this is half a week the group will be made up of 5 or 6 children from each class. Remember the cost is £35 .

Happy New Year to all!

YOUR SUPPORT A Huge Thank you! Homework and spellings Thank you for your support with homework last half term. Homework and spellings will start to be given out again on Fridays. Please read the homework sheet & check your child's homework bag. If you have any problems, please ask for support. Homework is due in on Wednesdays and spelling tests take place on Friday mornings.

Class workshops Thanks also for your support with the class workshops linked to Ancient Egypt. We will be holding some more this term and will inform you of dates in good time. Attendance We appreciate your efforts in ensuring your child is on time in school every day. Please continue to work with us on this as we are falling behind some of the other year groups . Lateness and absence does impact on your child’s learning.

If you have any concerns remember you can speak to the Y3 staff – Mrs Craig, Mr Owen and Mrs Barnsley between 8.35 and 8.45 Page 2

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