Year 4 News Spring Term 1 This half term the children will be undertaking project based work on Habitats including Antarctica and The Amazon Rainforest. The children can make a project at home based on these topics to bring in to share with the class. In Literacy we are identifying features of non-fiction texts, learning how to locate and interpret information, writing factual reports and expressing and
justifying opinions.
In Numeracy
subtraction skills. We are also
environmental issues such as destruction of the rainforest, the melting of the ice caps and the impact that it has on the rest of the world.
developing our
In ICT we are
handling data skills, symmetry,
We are focusing on consolidating our addition and
calculating time, mass and area and problem-solving.
word-processing skills, creating musical sounds and using graphs and charts to classify
In Art we are
scientific data.
studying the work of the French artist Henri Rousseau and Alison Lester. In Geography we are
SEAL news Our SEAL topic for this half term is “Going for goals”. This theme focuses on raising self-esteem. The children will think about the things that they are already good at, and targets for improvement.
In PE we will be Focusing on dance, linked to the Amazon. We will also be developing our tennis and Kwik Cricket skills. In Science we will be learning about keeping warm and different creatures and their habitats.
Monteney Primary School Volume 1, Issue 4 January-April 2012
Swimming News This half term Y4SM & CD will begin their swimming lessons. They will be every Thursday until Easter so please can you ensure that your child brings swimming costumes/ trunks and a towel.
Special points of interest: ☺ Praise Assembly—Friday 8:55-9:15am. We will let you know if your child is in Praise Assembly
Inside this issue: This term
SEAL news
School information
Contacting the team
Monteney Primary School Monteney Primary School Monteney Crescent Sheffield S5 9DN Phone: 0114 2467916 Fax: 0114 2467965 Email: Website: http://
inners School d r day £1.92 pe r week £9.60 pe
Thank you once again to parents of all the children that took part in the home topic project on ‘The Romans’. Please encourage your children by working alongside them and maybe even learning together. Please let us know if you would like any more information on the newsletter. If you have any concerns about your child or any issues in the year group please do not hesitate to contact any one of the Y4 team at school.
The Y4 team @ Monteney are Miss Devey, Mr Murch & Mrs Mellor
How can I help with homework? Reading. Your child should be aiming to read 20 minutes per night when they get to Y4. This can include a range of texts from comics to novels to ensure that they are beginning to read for pleasure. Maths Homework will be set and will need to be completed online in educationcity. You can access this through the e zone on Monteney Moodle. Your child should be completing at least one activity a week. There are no time restrictions anymore so educationcity can be accessed anytime!
How else can you support your child’s learning this half term? Working with your child on the following activities will help them in their learning. • Counting forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s • Finding out more about animals and their habitats and also Antarctica and The Amazon Rainforest. • Discussing their reading with them and ensuring they have understood what they have read. • Continue to encourage your child to read the time on analogue and digital clocks.
In Y4 we have been working on conflict resolution - using non-aggressive ways of dealing with conflicts and talking through problems. We have been discussing ways to get along with each other, and how to be a good friend. Where possible, please encourage your child to use the strategies they have been taught . Thank you!