Year 4 Class news Autumn Key Skills.
Our key skill this half term will be creativity. Miss Champion and Mr Murch have already been blown away by the level of creativity the children have shown during their first week in school and we are really looking forward to seeing some fantastic creative curriculum projects!
Creative curriculum. This term our new topic is ‘Sheffield now and then.’ Children will be exploring the sometimes gruesome history of the area around them! We are hoping to take the children on 2 trips this term! If you have any older relatives that have experienced key historical events and changes in Sheffield who would like to come and take part in a question and answer session with the children, please come to speak to Miss Champion or Mr Murch. For example, steelworkers, miners, football fans.
P.E Kits.
.Our PE days this year for both classes are a Monday and a Friday, Children can leave their PE kits in school and take them home at weekends. Please make sure your child has the correct PE kit and is ready to take part in their learning.
Swimming We know that lots of the children are really excited to start their swimming lessons in year 4! This year, we have been allocated sessions that will begin in February and further details about this will follow after Christmas.
Look what else is happening...
Y4 Spelling homework!
Target books..
Every Friday, children will be given 10
We are really excited about our new target books!
spellings for their homework. Children will need to write a sentence with each of these words in. We do not expect this homework to take children more than 20 minutes.
Reading at home. All children in year now have a reading record. Please encourage your child to read at home every night and talk to you about what they have read.
All children have been given three targets for numeracy and three for literacy. The children have really enjoyed completing fun activities to help them achieve their target and there will be a special prize for the first child to achieve all six! They can even take them home for extra practice!
Brass in Year 4! Within the next few weeks, children in Y4 will be given an opportunity to learn a brass instrument including euphoniums and cornets. This is a fantastic chance for your child to develop their musical skills and maybe to unearth a new talent! This is completely free and your child will be lent and instrument to use. Places are limited so please talk with your child about whether this is something they would like to do.