Year 2 news summer

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Year 2 News Summer Term 2015 Last term was another huge success for Year 2. From the fabulous work shown at our most recent exhibition, including sewing, story writing, class recounts, not to mention boggarts and den building! This half term we will be gearing up to take our SATS tests in reading, maths and writing. We appreciate all the help and support you are giving your child towards this at home!

Where in the world is Barnaby Bear? This half term our topic will focus on the travels of Barnaby Bear. We will use this character to explore different countries around the world. We are jumpstarting this with our exciting trip to Manchester Airport Visitor’s Park where we get the opportunity to board a real aeroplane!

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Dates for your diary:  22.4.15 – Y2JS Airport Trip  23.4.15 – Y2TG Airport Trip  4.5.15 – May Day Holiday  Shine Assemblies every Thursday  Library times to be announced

PE During the summer term we will be focussing on athletic skills in PE. PE Kits should be in school every day and must contain:  Plain white t-shirt  Plain black/blue shorts  Black pumps

Reading Please read with your child for 10 minutes every night and fill in their reading diary. The children are making fantastic progress with their reading and home reading will help them greatly!

Maths We are currently learning the 10 x table. Please encourage your child to practice at home. In school, we will be learning to solve problems using all four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).

Literacy If you wish, you can also have trainers and a pair of plain tracksuit bottoms for PE outside (you are not able to wear the ones you come to school in). We recommend that all items and the bag are clearly marked with your name. PE days: Y2JS – Tuesdays and Wednesdays 1. Y2TG – Wednesdays and Fridays

Writing is a huge focus this half term. We will be writing a range of texts including recounts, instructions and information texts. You can help your child at home by practicing handwriting and writing in full sentences, punctuated correctly. Please encourage your child to learn their weekly spellings. This really will help!

Home Learning Projects Here are some ideas of creative projects you might wish to try with your child at home.      

Shoebox airport Papier mache globes Recount of a family holiday Painted flag Sunset paintings Holiday collages

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