Year 6 News Autumn Term 2014 Welcome to the start of a brand new, exciting year, your final one at Monteney! It’s going to be a busy one so be ready to work your socks off but to also have lots of fun! We have all sorts planned and can’t wait to get going.
Dracula This term’s creative topic is brand new to year 6 and we are really excited about it. During the topic we’ll read part of the story written by Victorian author Bram Stoker and look at different interpretations of the Dracula character
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in films and TV series. Our topic will begin with an exciting trip to Whitby, the inspiration behind Stoker’s writing. Whilst there, we will take a tour around the town with Harry Collett who is an expert on Dracula and will show us all the places that are mentioned in the story. We will also visit the famous Whitby Abbey. As well as finding out about this gothic horror, we will be researching other famous Victorians; Dr Barnardo, Joseph Lister and of course the great Queen Victoria herself. Keep an eye out for the date of our first exhibition in November where we will be displaying all our Dracula themed learning.
If you wish, you can also have trainers and a pair of plain tracksuit bottoms for PE outside (you are not able to wear the ones you come to school in). We recommend that all items and the bag are clearly marked with your name.
This term, we will be reading Robert Swindells’ Room 13. This story was This term in inspired by Bram PE we will Stoker’s Dracula and is be doing hockey and set in Whitby so we’ll gymnastics. be visiting lots of the landmarks mentioned in the story. We love PE Kits should be in this book and hope you will too. You might school every day and must like to find some of contain: Robert Swindell’s other Plain white t-shirt stories and read those Plain black/blue shorts too! Black pumps
PE days: 6EW – Tuesday and Thursday 6JF – Wednesday and Friday
As you will be aware, you will be sitting your SATs tests later this year. They will take place in the week beginning 11th May 2015. We want to reassure you at this early stage that these tests are nothing to worry about and you cannot fail your SATs, it is an opportunity for you to show just what you can do. We will make sure you are well prepared for the tests with plenty of practise, including our first mock SATs week beginning Monday 22nd September.
Homework in Y6 Alongside this letter, you will be receiving a letter that outlines homework expectations in Y6. Below is a summary of which days of the week homework will be given: Literacy and Numeracy – Handed out on a Thursday to be returned the following Tuesday. Spellings – Handed out on a Monday to be learnt by Friday. Reading – At least 10 minutes reading recorded in reading diaries daily. All children are expected to have a Monteney blue bag in school every day.