Y6 Spring 2015

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Year 6 News Spring Term 2015 What a year we’ve had so far! Exhibitions, seaside trips, Christmas performances and Sumdog Superstars! We are incredibly proud of all your achievements so far and are confident we’ll continue to have a fabulous year. There are lots of new and exciting things coming up this term…

Natural Disasters It’s great to see some of you

We are really excited about our following us on twitter. We really new topic! recommend you do; we post lots of pictures and details about During the spring term, we’ll be what we’re getting up to in class investigating tsunamis, volcanoes and also ideas for home learning! and earthquakes; their causes and @Y6Monteney the impact. Can natural disasters @mrf15sher be predicted? Can their impact be @m1sswildman minimised? Why are some places in the world more affected than others? As part of this topic we’ll be writing persuasive human aid campaigns, creating Monet inspired acrylic paintings, giant collages of the earth and choreographing a tsunami inspired dance! We’ll be working towards another stunning exhibition!

Dates for your diary: Y6JF class assembly: Wednesday 21st January 8:55am Trip to Crucial Crew (details to follow: Thursday 12th February Exhibition of Learning: Wednesday 18th March (pm)

PE During the first half of this term we’ll be doing dance and netball and in the 2nd half term we’ll try our hand at tennis and gymnastics. PE Kits should be in school every day and must contain:  Plain white t-shirt  Plain black/blue shorts  Black pumps If you wish, you can also have trainers and a pair of plain tracksuit bottoms for PE outside (you are not able to wear the ones you come to school in). We recommend that all items and the bag are clearly marked with your name. PE days: 6EW – Tuesday and Thursday 6JF – Wednesday and Friday

Reading This term, we will be reading Michael Morpurgo’s Kensuke’s Kingdom. This fascinating and gripping story will support our topic. We love this book and hope you will too. You might like to find some of Michael Morpurgo’s other stories and read those too. There are lots to choose from!

SATs As you will be aware, you will be sitting your SATs tests later this year. They will take place in the week beginning 11th May. Many children have already signed up to our SAM Learning Breakfast club which will begin on Monday 12th January. Just 10 places are still available; please return the reply slip if you would like your child to join.

Homework in Y6 This term we are making some changes to the way we provide homework in Y6. We want to encourage children to take more ownership of their own learning. All children have access to Google Classroom accounts. We will add resources on here which children can use to practise skills learnt in class and also that will help them prepare for future learning. If children don’t have access to the internet at home, they are welcome to use our class Chromebooks during Monday lunchtimes. In addition to this, children all have their own CGP books to work in and access to Sumdog which is very popular. All children will also have SAM learning passwords very soon. Links to other revision and practise games and activities can be found in the following google classes: Maths: jwbh22 Literacy: 88kt0b There may still be occasions when we feel a more formal piece of homework needs to be sent home to support the children’s learning but this will no longer be on a weekly basis. We will continue to expect children to be regularly reading at home and practising their spellings: Spellings – Handed out on a Friday to be learnt by the following Thursday. Reading – At least 10 minutes reading recorded in reading diaries daily. We would like children to read to an adult at home and have their reading diary commented in once a week.

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